
    What's thisBen is playing the role of Mr Zuckerman
    My 1____burned at hearing my name It was my classmate Lily talking to her friends
    What 2____does it make said one of her friends You'll be playing the leading character not Mrs Zuckerman
    I know she said 3_____ what if he destroys the whole play He's never acted before
    She was right I'd 4_____ been in a play At lunch I told Trevor my best friend that I'd changed 5_____mind I'd join the technical crew(技术组)6_____
    Trevor didn't say anything Everything started and it was fun to watch the actors from backstage (台) I'd 7____everyone's lines by the third week
    Everything goes well 8_____Josh a week before fell off his bike and broke his leg He was supposed to 9____Mr Zuckerman Mrs Stevens called everyone together Unless we can get 10_____ else ready by next week we will have to put off the play
    For once everyone was 11_____
    Then I heard Trevor's voice Ben can do it He knows all the lines
    Mrs Stevens asked Is that 12____
    I nodded
    That following week I 13_____ late almost every night practicing my voice
    And then it was opening night Before the play my hands turned cold and sweaty( 汗) Then I heard the audience clap The lights came up I took a deep breath and 14____on
    It seemed like just a minute later that the play was over As we all walked off the stage Mrs Stevens hugged me and said You turn out to be some______
    I smiled Maybe next year I will try out for the lead
    1 A mouth B ears C eyes D nose
    2 A difference B decision C choice D result
    3 A or B and C so D but
    4 A never B hardly C sometimes D always
    5 A their Bmy C our D his
    6Ayet B too C instead D already
    7 A practiced B read C memorize D heard
    8 A if B after C when D until
    9 A know B play C meet D help
    10Aeveryone B no one C anyone D someone
    11A in silence B in surprise C in excitement D in danger
    12Ahelpful B right C necessary D important
    13Agot up B showed up C stayed up D woke up
    14 A went B ran C walked D waited
    15A actress B actor C singer D director
    15 BADAB 610 CCDBD 1115 ABCCB

    第节 完形填空 ( 15 题题 1 分 满分 15 分)
    通读面短文掌握意然题四选项 (ABC D)中选出佳选项
    I was in Mrs Black’s third grade class and one day I brought home an invitation I’m not 36 I said She’s a new girl named Ruth and Bernie and Pat aren’t going She asked the 37 class all 36 of us Mom studied the handmade invitation then she said Well you are going I’ll 38 a present tomorrow When Saturday arrived Momma rushed me out of 39 and made me wrap (包装) the pretty pink mirrorbrushandcomb set she’d bought Then she drove me over to Ruth’s home in her car
    The biggest cake I ever saw 40 on one table It had 41 pink candles and a messily printed Happy Birthday Ruth Thirtysix cups filled with homemade candy were near the cake — each one with a 42 on it
    Where’s your mom I asked Ruth
    Looking down at the floor she said Well she’s sick
    Oh 43 your dad
    He’s gone
    Then there was a 44 except for a few coughs from behind a closed door Some 15 minutes passed…then 10 more No one else was coming Looking up I saw Ruth’s face with tears All 45 my eightyearold heart was filled with very sorry for Ruth and anger at my 35 classmates I said Who needs 46 Ruth’s sad look changed to excited 47 There we were — two small girls and a big cake 36 named cups and games to play In a flash it was noon Mom drove to pick me up Mom Ruth just loved the mirror set I was the only one there — out of Mrs Black’s whole class And I can’t wait to tell 48 of them what a great party they missed Mom stopped the car and 49 me tight With tears in her eyes she said I’m so 50 of you That was the day I learned that one person could really make a difference I had made a big difference in Ruth’s ninth birthday and Mom had made a big difference in my life
    36 A taking B coming C going D driving
    37 A whole B half C quarter D third
    38 A give up B pick up C take up D come up
    39 A school B bed C home D shop
    40 A put B fell C sat D showed
    41 A seven B eight C nine D ten
    42 A name B sign C cake D candle
    43 A What’s B Where’s C How’s D Who’s
    44 A happiness B excitement C sadness D silence
    45 A at once B in the end C right now D soon after
    46 A you B them C us D me
    47 A introduction B performance C discussion D agreement
    48 A any one B no one C someone D every one
    49 A held B caught C brought D touched
    50 A kind B proud C polite D nice
    3640 CABBC 4145 CABDA4650 BDDAB

    Shawn and Pat were brothersTwelve­year­old Shawn didn't always do his homework on timeand sometimes he __36__ to wash the dishesHowevernine­year­old Patalways did his chores __37__ complaining
    Pat didn't think much about how wonderful he was __38__ one day he watched Mostly Martin on TVOne of Martin's neighbors saidMartin is too perfectHe must be a robot
    Pat thought hardHe knew that robots were __39__ that looked like peoplebut were not really __40__They always followed orders and did __41__ rightHe wondered how he could know if he was a robot
    Pat asked his __42__Am I a robot? His father laughedSureand it's time to change your batteries
    Dad's just __43__ said his motherOf course you aren'tYou're our son
    Pat felt __44__ but still worried
    That nighthe went to ask Shawn__45__ can I know for certain that I am not a robot?
    What makes you think you could be a robot? Shawn could __46__ that his little brother was really worried
    People always say I'm perfect said Pat__47__ nobody is perfectOnly robots are Shawn smiled to himselfHe had a perfect __48__ for his brother

    The next morninghis mother calledPattime for __49__ Pat tried hard to throw a temper to his mom—he didn't get up early as usual
    Pat felt __50__but he was happyNo robot would act this wayNow he knew for sure that he was a real person
    旨意 男孩Pat电视时知道机器完美想常说完美机器?Pat开始探究究竟机器
    36Aremembered B.forgot C.expected D.offered
    37Athrough B.with C.without D.by
    38Auntil B.before C.when D.unless
    39Achildren B.toys C.machines D.computers
    40Aalive B.awake C.asleep D.alone
    41Asomething B.anything C.everything D.nothing
    42Aclassmates B.parents C.friends D.neighbors
    43Ashouting B.nodding C.smiling D.kidding
    44Aworse B.quieter C.better D.sadder
    45AWhy B.How C.When D.What
    46Afind out B.work out C.call out D.hold out
    47ASo B.But C.Because D.And
    48Aquestion B.suggestion C.opinion D.reason
    49Adinner B.work C.sleep D.school
    50Asad B.surprised C.excited D.silly

    36 [解析:考查动词根However容推测出处表示Shawn总忘记洗碗选B]
    37 [解析:考查介词文Pat完美男孩推测出处表示总会毫抱怨家务做完选C]
    38 [解析:考查连词处表示没考虑完美直天关机器电视选A]
    39 [解析:考查名词根常识知机器机器选C]
    40. [解析:考查形容词alive活着awake醒着asleep睡着alone孤单处表示机器类真实选A]
    41 [解析:考查代词根前半句总遵循指令做事知处表示机器做事会错选C]
    42 [解析:考查名词根文中fathermother知询问父母选B]
    43. [解析:考查非谓语动词根文妈妈说然子知爸爸开玩笑选D]
    44 [解析:考查形容词根转折连词butstill worried知处表示感觉选C]
    45 [解析:考查特殊疑问词根文知Shawn帮Pat想办法证明机器推测出处表示样知道机器呢?选B]
    46 [解析:考查动词短语find out发现work out解决call out呼hold out坚持根Shawn说话知处表示发现弟弟真担心选A]
    47 [解析:考查连词空格前两部分间转折关系选B]
    48 [解析:考查名词根文中Pat赖床推测出处表示Shawn弟弟完美建议知道究竟机器选B]
    49 [解析:考查名词根前文中The next morning…知Pat该学选D]
    50 [解析:考查形容词处表示Pat觉傻开心选D]





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