
    Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Section A3a
    Last monthour dog 1 (welcome) me when I 2 (come) home from school He wanted a walk but I was too 3 (tire) I threw down my bag and went to the living room The minute I sat down in front of the TVmy mom came over Could you please 4 (take) the dog for a walk she askedCould I watch one show 5 (one) I askedNoshe replied 6 (angry) You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house I can't work all day and do housework all evening WellI work all day at schooltoo I'm just as tired7 you are I shouted backMy mom did not say anything and walked away For one weekshe did not do any housework and 8 did I Finally I could not find a clean dish 9 (and) a clean shirt The next day my mom came home from work to find the house clean and tidy What happened she asked in surprise I'm so sorryMomI finally understand that we need 10 (share) the housework to have a clean and comfortable homeI replied
    1 The things Nancy did when she got home
    2The reason why Nancy's mom was angry with her
    3The way Nancy solved the problem at first:
    4The result when neither Nancy nor her mother did any housework for a week
    5At last Nancy finally understood:
    6Did Nancy want to take her dog for a walk Why
    7Did her mother and Nancy do their housework for a week
    8Did Nancy realize her mistakeWhat did she do at last
    I don’t understand why some parents make their kids help housework and chores at home Kids these days already have enough stress from school They don’t have time (study) and do housework too Housework is a waste of their time Could we just let them (do) their job as students They should spend their time schoolwork in order to get good (grade) and get into a good university Also when they get older they will have to do housework so there’s no need for them (do) it now It is the parents’ job (provide) a clean and comfortable environment at home their children And anyway I think (do) chores is not so difficult I don’t mind (do) them
    I think it is important for children___31____( learn) how to do chores and help their parents with housework It’s not enough to just get good grades at school Children these days depend on their parents too much They’re always ___32____(ask) Could you get this for me or Could you help me with that ___33_____(do) chores helps to develop children’s independence and _34____ (teach)them how to look after___35____ (they) It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness Since they live in one house with their parents they should know that everyone should do their part in ___36____(keep) it clean and tidy Our neighbor’s son got into a good college but during his _37__(one) year he had no idea how__38___ ( take) care of himself As a result he often fell ill and his grades dropped The__39___(early) kids learn to be independent the _40__ (good) it is for their future
    1 The two letters discuss whether(否)kids should ____________________
    2.Who doesn’t mind doing chores______________________________________
    3 Why doesn’t Ms Miller think young people should do chores at home according to the passage (List at least one reason)______________________________
    4 Does MrSmith agree kids should help with housework at home
    5 List(列举)at least two reasons that MrSmith thinks children should do chores
    6 The general idea of the passage is
    7 The reason of the neighbor’s son’s grade dropped
    8 Children these days depend on
    9 Ms Miller thinks doing housework is
    10 There is no need for children to do housework now because
    11 Ms Miller thinks students should study hard so that_____________________
    12 Ms Miller thinks doing chores is________and she don't mind _______them(空填词)
    意总结:Ms Miller thinks housework is a waste of time Kids should spend their time on schoolwork to enter a good university When they grow up they will be able to do it Doing chores is the parents’ job But Mr Smith thinks doing chores can help kids to develop their independence and teach them to take care of themselves It can help them understand the meaning of fairness They should know their duty at home

    八U4课文填空 Section A
    My problem is I can’t _____________(相处)my family _________(relation) between my parents have become difficult They fight a lot and I really don’t like ______ It’s the only ____________(communicate) they have I don’t know if I should say ___________(something) to them about this When they argue it’s like a big black cloud __________(hang) over our home _______ my elder brother is not very nice to me He always refuses ______(let) me watch my favorite TV show ________(相反代) he watches _________(什) he wants until late at night I don’t think this is fair At home I always feel lonely and nervous Is that normal What can I do
    It’s not easy _________(be) your age and it’s normal to have these feelings Why don’t you talk about these feelings with your family If your parents are having problems you should offer________( help) Maybe you could do more jobs a______ the house _________(便)they have more time for proper communication Secondly why don’t you sit down and communicate with your brother You should explain that you don’t mind him ________(watch) TV all the time ________ he should let you watch your favorite show I hope you’ll feel______(good) about yourself in future
    课文改写 A teenager can't get on 41 his family His parents often fight and it makes him very sad He doesn't know if he should say anything to 42 about this When they argue it's like a big black cloud 43 (hang) over his home Also his 44(old) brother is not very nice to him and always refuses 45 (Let)him watch his favorite TV show Instead he 46 (watch) whatever he wants until late at night He always feels 47 (lone) and nervous Robert Hunt advises him (talk) 48 about these feelings with his family and he should offer 49 (help) Maybe he could do more housework so that his parents have more time for proper (communicate) 50 Secondly he should communicate with his brother He could watch his favorite TV shows

    1The writer’s main problem
    2The relation between the writer and his elder brother
    3The writer’s feeling at home
    4The advice that Mr Hunt gives the writer about his problem with his family
    5He doesn’t always allow me to watch the TV program I like best(义句)
    6What does the writer’s brother do about watching TV
    Section B1课文填空
    These days Chinese children are sometimes (busy) on weekends than weekdays because they to take so many afterschool (class) Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university (other) are practicing sports so that they can compete and win However this doesn’t only happen in China The Taylors are a typical American family Life for Cathy Taylor’s three children (be) very busy On most days after school Cathy says I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons Maybe I could cut out a few of their (activity) but I believe these activities are important for my children’s future I really want them to be (success) However the tired children don’t get home after 700 pm They have quick dinner and then it’s time homework Linda Miller a mother of three knows all about such stress In some families competition (start) very young and continues until the kids get older she says Mothers send their small kids to all (kind) of classes And they are always (compare) them other children It’s crazy I don’t think that’s fair Why don’t they just let their kids be kids People shouldn’t push their kids so hard Doctors say too much pressure (be)not good for a child’s development Dr Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children Kids should have time to relax and think for (them) too Although it’s normal to want successful children it’s even (important)to have happy children
    Section B2课文填空
    These days Chinese children are sometimes1 _______ (busy) on weekends than weekdays 2______ they have to take so many afterschool classes Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win However this doesn’t only happen in ChinaThe Taylors are a typical American family Life for Cathy Taylor’s three children 3_____ (be) very busy On most days after school Cathy says I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons Maybe I could cut out a 4 ______ (little)of their activities but I believe these activities are important for my children’s future I really want them to be successful However the 5 _______ (tiring) children don’t get home until after 700 pm They have a quick dinner and then it’s time 6_____homeworkLinda miller a mother of three knows all about such stress In some families competition starts very young and continues 7________ the kids get older she says Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes And they are always comparing them 8_______ other children It’s crazy I don’t think that’s fair Why don’t they just let their kids 9______ (are)kids People shouldn’t push their kids so hard Doctors say too 10_______ (many) pressure is not good for a child’s development Dr Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves too Although it’s normal to want successful children it’s even more important to have happy children
    1 The general idea about the article is about______________________________
    2 What does Cathy Taylor think of her children’s afterschool activities____________________________
    3 Linda’s opinion is_________________________________________
    4Alice Greens idea is ______________________________________
    5 The writer’s opinion
    意总结 (2b) Children are busy on weekends because they have to take so many after school classesCathy Taylor thinks it's important for kids to join afterschool activities because they are important for her children's future But Linda Miller thinks people shouldn 't push their kids so hard Dr Green says the activities can cause much stress for children Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves it's more important to have happy children(71 words)




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