
    1There are too many children ____( 咳嗽)in her class today
    2Ben is ___(躺)on the grass and enjoying the sunshine
    3Everyone has two ____(脚)
    4If you have a _____(胃疼)you should not eat anything
    5A few ____(客)got on the bus just now
    6The traffic lights are ____(控制)by a central computer
    7My sister is a ____(护士)She works in a hospital
    8Lucy often plays tennis to relax ____()after school
    9Do you take _________(you ) temperature
    10 If you cut yourself you should _________(put ) some medicine on it
    11He ______(get ) off and helped the blind man cross the road
    12_____(thank ) to Mr Wang and the passengers the doctors saved the man in time
    13Did Mary cut ________(she) Yes she did
    14 To ________(he) surprise great changes have taken place in China three years
    15—Do I need ________(see) a doctor—No You needn’t ________(see)a doctor
    16 Mr Green _______(leave)here a moment ago
    17Some teenagers are afraid of ______(take) risks which is not good for their future
    18 Doctors often tell us___________(drink) more water every day
    19 Could you give me some _____________ ( advice ) about my math
    20 ________(not eat)too much tofu
    21 It’s important for us _____________ ( keep ) in good health
    22 After that Aron climbed down the mountain ______(find ) help
    23 I have a _____________ ( tooth ) I have to see the dentist
    24 He was not ready _______(die) that day
    25 I brush my _____________ ( tooth ) every morning and night
    26 I don’t feel _____________ ( good ) I think I have a cold
    27 Jack hurt his back ________(play) football
    28__________ (make ) good decisions is extremely important when we are in danger
    29We are ________ (surprise) at the news
    30The old man lived in the house _________ (die ) on a cold night
    31He used to be a good doctor He saved many _________(life)
    32He kept on ______ (work) though his leg hurt
    33No one can be successful ___________ (with) hard work
    1 I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed __________ at the dancing party
    A myself B himself C herself D themselves
    2 I’m feeling much better now so you ____________ call the doctor
    A needn’t B shouldn’t C can’t D wouldn’t
    3 Linda bought a house___________ a swimming pool
    A on B in C with D from
    4 Emma failed her exams I think she should work harder
    I agree _________she does she’ll get good grades
    A If B Because C Before D Though
    5 It’s too cold today
    Yes why don’t you __________ your coat
    A put on B put up C take off D get on
    6 I got up too late this morning so I went to school _________ breakfast
    A without B through C by D for
    7 Were you at home at 900 last night I called you but nobody answered
    Sorry I _________ a shower at that time
    A take B took C was taking D am taking
    8 You have to leave now_________ so that you can catch the early bus
    A so that B as soon as C because D although
    9 I’ m really ______________ all the time and I don’t have enough time to rest
    A happy B busy C excited D relaxed
    10 She’ outgoing She never minds ______ to a boy
    A speak B spoke C speaking D to open
    11 Mr Li asks the students ____________ in the river because it’s too dangerous
    A swim B to swim C not to swim D to not swim
    12 Lisa is a little poor at Chinese I think she needs ___________ it every day
    A practice to speak B to practice to speak C practice speaking D to practice speaking
    13 What’s __________
    He has a headache
    A the wrong B the matter C trouble D happened
    14 I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because something is wrong with his ________
    A eyes B ears C hands D legs
    15 The story is________ and all of us are ______ in it
    A interest interesting B interesting interest C interested interesting D interesting interested
    16 Would you mind __________ the window It’s very hot
    A open B opens C opening D opened
    17 The people in Ya’an have met lots of difficulties but they haven’t _______ hope
    A picked up B given up C looked for D waited for
    18 Mr Green speaks very loudly _________ all the people can hear him clearly
    A when B so that C because D For
    19 My uncle isn’t _____ at the moment Afeel well Bfeeling well C feeling good
    20 What’s the matter _____ you Awith B on C in
    21 How is the young man __ A He is twenty B He is a doctor C He’s very well
    22 Bob _____a cold And Mary and Sue _____ colds too They shouldn’t exercise A has has B has have C have has D have have
    23As a student Nacy _____ with her new classmates A used to studying
    B is used to study C is used to studying D used to study
    24 My mother is ill_____ A OK B Too bad C I’m sorry to hear that
    25 It’s important _____ in good health Akeep B keeping C to keep
    26Bill __money after three months A run out B r an out of C was run out of
    27Bob used to ______in the countryside But now he is used to _____ in the big city
    A live live B live living C living living D living live
    28 Bamboo can _paper A used to make B be used to make C be used to making
    29 You look tired you should have a good rest for _____ days A a few B few C a little
    30 He worked late __eleven o’clock yesterday A after B until C since
    31Tony studies very ______He often does his homework until 1030pmbut his brother Tom______ does homework A hardly hardly B hardhardly C hardlyhard
    32If you are hungry you can eat some___ A water B bread C apple
    33You eat _______ junk food I think you need________vegetables
    Atoo muchmuch B too many many C too much lots of
    34_____did you live in Shenyang For about eight years
    A How far B How long C How often
    35There_____ some water in the bottles A has B are Cis 36_____Daming’s help the problems are solved successfully
    A As for B Thanks for C Thanks to D According to
    37 When did your stomachache start ____________________
    A About two days B Two days later C About two days ago
    38The driver saw an old man _______ on the side of the road
    A lie Blay C lying D to lie

    1 What’s the matter with Jim (义句)What’s _________ __________ Jim
    2 I have a headache(划线部分提问)__________ is _____ ___________ with you
    3 Reading in bed is bad for your eyes(义句)
    __________ bad for your eyes __________ __________ in bed
    4 You should have a good rest(划线部分提问)__________ __________ I __________
    5 You should drink some tea and coffer(变否定句)
    You __________ drink __________ tea __________ coffer
    6 You don’t need to clean the classroom now (义句)
    You __________ clean the classroom __________ __________ __________
    7 Mr Black bought a lot of beef last week 划线部分提问)
    __________ __________ __________ did Mr Black __________ last week
    8 He is hardly ever late for class(划线部分提问)_____ ____ is he late for class
    9 I like the book very much(划线部分提问)______ do you __________ the book
    10 She had a cold three days ago (划线提问)_____ ________ she ________ a cold
    11 Lie down and rest (改提建议句型)________ ________ lie down and rest




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