
    Unit 1
    1Westerners use _________(刀) and forks to eat
    2He usually goes to school on f__________
    3Little kids can't be in ________(限制) of their life
    4Those great mountain ________(攀登者) come from America
    5What’s the m_______ I have a stomachache
    6Jack got h_____________ on the head by a soccer ball
    7Between classes the students usually take a b_______ on the playground
    8Don't work too late or you'll fall s_______
    9Susan took her temperature and found she had a high f______
    10Most animals have four _______________(脚).
    11He fell down and hurt his _______(膝盖)
    12Lisa didn’t go to school because she had a _______(头痛)
    13He is a mountain climber He likes taking r______
    14You can _______()the sides of your nose
    15Peter cut his leg Please put a b_______ on it
    16I ate too much just now and now I have a_______(胃痛)
    17I think you should take your ________ (体温)first
    18How did you work in such a bad _______________(处境)
    19She is old enough to look after h_______
    20Let’s stop to have a rest We’d better not make o_____ too tired

    Unit 2
    1After three months of t_________ the workers are good at doing this work
    2They found a wallet on the way to school and waited to find its __________(物)
    3Mike’s brother is d______ He can’t hear anything
    4Liu Wei is a ____________(残疾)boy But he learned the piano by himself
    5He is the_______() of the new house He is going to have a housewarming party
    6Look at the n_____ on the board It says "There’s a fashion show in our school next week"
    7I want to travel a__________
    8I want to learn more about how to__________(关心)for animals
    9The dog can understand me when I give him_______(命令)
    10Can you tell me the way to the hospital ____________ (女士)
    11Because there are so many bicyclescars and buses on the roadswe must learn traffic ___________(标志)and obey all the rules
    12My car doesn't work I need to ask someone to r_______________ it
    13Mr Wang has no family and he is very l________ We often go to see him
    14Can you really mend a b_______________ heart
    15You can't i______________how happy I was when I heard of the good news
    16Does he c__________up with any way of getting money
    17He said he would write __________(干)books about Chinese culture
    18Kate’s hairstyle is ____________ (相似) to Anna’s
    19When Thomas Edison was young he showed great _______________(兴趣) in everything
    20You can use road ____ to help find the place

    Unit 3
    1I don`t think it`s ____________(公)
    2It's u________ that I'm working while the others are relaxing under the tree
    3He is badly i____ but he doesn’t have enough money to see a doctor
    4Mother certainly won’t let him stay with them and ________() he wouldn’t
    5W________ I’m listening to music my brother is playing the violin
    6—Dave d________on his sister too much —Yes He always asks his sister to do this or to do that
    7A l________ room is a place where people watch TV and talk with friends and family members
    8Could you please help me with my English Yes s_________
    9She put her f______ to her lips as a sign to be quiet
    10I need some salt Could you_______(传递)it to me
    11We are here to o________a service for the public
    12Doing chores helps to develop children’s_______ (独立)
    13They looked at me in s_________ What's wrong with me
    14Nowadays students have too much s________ from their parents
    15The room is very dirty Could you c_________ it now
    16John often helps his mother do c__________l ike folding the clothes
    17Please f__________ your clothes Don't put them everywhere
    18My mother often cooks delicious food in the k__________
    19There is no n_____ for kids to do housework now
    20Would you like some coffee or milk E_______ is OK I'm thirty

    Unit 4
    1Anna is a ____(成员)of the swimming club
    2Mr Miller is a ______ (典型) good teacher He loves us very much
    3He works hard in order to_______(提供) a better life for his son
    4We should learn how to____well with others(相处)
    5—What’s w________with you? —I hurt my left foot.
    6Are you a ______ (足球) fan
    7The movie star _______(拒绝) to answer any question about his personal life
    8I’m very sad because I a______ with my best friend last night
    9Her ____________ (兄长) likes Jeremy ShuHow Lin(林书豪)
    10They are busy _________(准备) for the picnic on Sunday
    11Reading is an important _______(技) for study
    12The teacher asked his students to share their ________ (法) in class
    13He got a lot of money from the____________ (交易)
    14Don't ________ (抄袭) other students' homework It's wrong to do that
    15Ann can’t ____the math problem(解决)
    16She is always_______  (紧张)when she makes a speech in public
    17My parents don't ________ me to play computer games for a long time
    18Education is the most important to a country's ________ (发展)
    19Could you please e______ more clearly I can’t understand it well
    20P_____ Kate will come to visit me this afternoon I guess

    Unit 5
    1Our teacher always b______ his lesson with an interesting story
    2We are raising money for the children in that poor________(区)
    3When Rose ________(认识) her mistakes she started to hate herself
    4The room is very ________ (明亮)
    5All of us were _____ (震惊) when we heard the news
    6The sun ______(升起)in the east and goes down in the west
    7Be polite Henry It’s rude to ______ (指) at others like that
    8—Who b______ the window —Sorry Ms Clark I did it
    9Students should answer questions loudly and _____ (清楚) in class
    10I overslept because my alarm clock didn’t ________(发出响声)
    11It is w____ now I’m afraid it is going to rain soon
    12The house is made of ________(木头)
    13When the class beganI was still ________to school(前)
    14________he didn’t like to communicate with others(起初)
    15I don’t understand the word can you tell me the m______of the word
    16What was the ________(日期) yesterday
    17I was cutting my hair when the s_______(奇怪) man passed the door
    18The rain was b_____heavily against the windows
    19The ______ (塔) stands over 10 meters high
    20Be careful The roads were ___________(覆盖着冰)because of the heavy snow

    Unit 1
    1knives 2foot 3control 4climbers 5matter
    6hit 7break 8sick 9fever 10feet
    11knee 12headache 13risks 14press 15bandage
    16stomachache 17temperature 18situation 19herself 20ourselves

    Unit 2
    1training 2owner 3deaf 4disabled 5owner
    6notice 7alone 8care 9orders 10Madam
    11signs 12repair 13lonely 14broken 15imagine
    16come 17several 18similar 19interest 20sign(s)

    Unit 3
    1fair 2unfair 3ill 4anyway 5while
    6depends 7living 8sure 9finger 10pass
    11offer 12independence 13surprise 14stress 15clean
    16chores 17fold 18kitchen 19need 20Either

    Unit 4
    1member 2typical 3provide 4get onalong 5wrong
    6football 7refusesrefused 8argued 9elder brother 10preparing
    11skill 12opinions 13deal 14copy 15work out
    16nervous 17allow 18development 19explain 20Perhaps

    Unit 5
    1begins 2area 3realized 4bright 5shocked
    6rises 7point 8broke 9clearly 10go off
    11windy 12wood 13making my way 14At first 15meaning
    16date 17strange 18beating 19tower 20icy





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