
    形考务1Continuous Assessment 1 试题答案
    题目1:_____ is an example of metaphor
    [答案]Her tongue is a sharp knife
    题目2:_____ contains an example of simile
    [答案]Her eyes twinkled like stars
    题目3:_____ is an example of personification
    [答案]Soon night will steal hours from the day
    题目4: _______ contains an example of assonance
    [答案]The best for less
    题目5:_____ is an example of parallelism
    [答案]Least said soonest mended
    题目6:_____ contains two examples of metaphor
    [答案]The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity
    题目7:_____ contains an example of simile
    [答案]Her tongue is like a sharp knife
    题目8:_______ contains an example of assonance
    [答案]United we stand divided we fall
    题目9:_____ contains an example of parallelism
    [答案]United we stand divided we fall
    题目10: _____ is an example of personification
    [答案]The houses are cold closed and unfriendly
    题目11:The proverb Lies have short legs is an example of personification
    题目12:Suspicions amongst thoughts are like bats amongst birds is an example of simile
    题目13: The runner peaked before the end of the race is an example of personification
    题目14:The statement He was my North my South my East and West is a good example of assonance because it contains the repeated m
    题目15:The life of Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation contains examples of metaphor
    题目16:Don’t stand there like a tin of milk is an example of assonance
    题目17:Her story is one of struggle success and sadness is an example of alliteration
    题目18:The flowers nodded in the breeze is an example of personification
    题目19:Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice contains examples of irony
    题目20: Haste makes waste contains examples of alliteration and assonance
    形考务3Continuous Assessment 3 试题答案
    题目1:1 MATCH THE WORKS  with their WRITERS
    1)The Pearl_ > John Steinbeck
    2)A Christmas Carol_ > Charles Dickens
    3)Jane Eyre_ > Charlotte Bront
    4)Lord of the Flies_ > William Golding
    5)Heart of Darkness_ > Joseph Conrad
    题目2:_Heart of Darkness _opens in what physical setting
    [答案]A boat on the Congo river
    题目3:What is the proper word that can be used to describe Scrooge at the beginning of _A Christmas Carol_
    题目4:____ is the evil character in the novel _The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde_
    [答案]Mr Hyde
    题目5:In_ Lord of the Flies_ a group of boys survive _______ during a nuclear war
    [答案]an aircrash
    题目6:___________is a novel about the strength endurance and cunning intelligence of one man pitted against the forces of nature
    [答案]_Old Man and Sea _
    题目7:From which novel is the text taken
    [答案]_ A Christmas Carol _
    题目8:Which of the following summarizes the method of characterisation
    [答案]Through the narrator’s exposition
    题目9:Scrooge is portrayed as _______ in Paragraph 1
    [答案]a cold miser
    题目10:The underlined sentence in paragraph 2 can be paragraphed as _____
    [答案]No beggars would ask him for even a tiny little money   
    题目11:Which of the following statements best summarizes the text
    [答案]The text conveys the antisocial character of Scrooge
    题目12:The text is taken from ______
    [答案]_The Pearl_
    题目13:It is obvious that the three dealers _________
    [答案]conspired together to cheat Kino
    题目14:Which of the following is true of the third dealers
    [答案]He just went through the prearranged plot with other buyers
    题目15:In context the word played is closest in meaning to ______
    [答案]conspired together to cheat
    题目16:The sentences in the last paragraph suggest that _____
    [答案]Kino was angry beyond words and was becoming violent in his anger
    形考务6Continuous Assessment 6 试题答案
    题目2:_The Crucible_ by Arthur Miller concerns a real historical incident involving witchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria
    题目3:Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in his play _The Importance of Being Ernest _
    题目4:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a protest poem against racial discrimination
    题目5:Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost are wellknown American poets
    题目6:In the poem Acquainted with the Night the speaker expressed his distress at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of life
    题目7:_The Old Man and the Sea _is one of Ernest Hemingway’s bestknown short stories
    题目8:Pip is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel _A Christmas Carol_ _ _ 
    题目9:The novel _ The Heart of Darkness_ exposes the corruption cruelty and greed of the colonial system in Africa
    题目10:I Have a Dream is a famous speech made by President Lincoln during the American Civil War
    题目11:Usually ______ works by starting a story at a point in the recent past then switching the action back to an earlier time farther back in the past
    题目12:________ occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical or phonological pattern in close proximity  
    题目13:______ can be established by describing the place where the action takes place or the situation at the start of the story
    题目14:_____ is written to commemorate someone who has died
    [答案]An elegy
    题目15:A writer can show character by giving a physical description through  _________ and through deeds
    题目16:_____ is an example of simile
    [答案]Her eyes twinkled like stars
    题目17:_____ is an example of parallelism
    [答案]Government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth
    题目18:_______ contains an example of alliteration
    [答案]He was secret selfcontained and solitary as an oyster
    题目19:_____ contains examples of metaphor
    [答案]The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material
    题目20:_____ is an example of personification
    [答案]The years have silvered her hair
    题目21:In this text the relationship between the man and the woman is that of _________
    [答案]husband and wife
    题目22:Proctor is not ready to ______
    [答案]testify against Abigail
    题目23:What does Proctor's line Elizabeth your justice would freeze beer__ reveal about his  true feelings
    [答案]Proctor is upset and irritated by Elizabeth’s extreme coldness
    题目24:From the dialogue between Proctor and Elizabeth we can be sure ________
    [答案]there is tension between Proctor and Elizabeth
    题目25:In the text Elizabeth is portrayed as _________
    [答案]insistent and suspicious
    题目26:The relationship between Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen is that of ______
    [答案]mother and daughter
    题目27:In this extract Lady Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on his suitability as a possible ________
    [答案]husband for Gwendolen
    题目28:Why does Lady Bracknell prefer investments to owning land
    [答案]She believes Land involves too many expenses during life and is then taxed heavily after one’s death
    题目29:Which of the following statement is true according to the text
    [答案]Lady Bracknell uses highly exaggerated language and shifts from one topic to another abruptly  
    题目30:Lady Bracknell is portrayed as ______
    [答案]a snobbish woman
    形考务7Continuous Assessment 7 试题答案
    题目1:_Hamlet_ _The Merchant _and _Macbeth Othello _are 4 wellknown tragedies by William Shakespeare
    题目2:The play _The Crucible _concerns a real historical incident involving witchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria
    题目3:Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in his play _The Importance of Being Ernest_
    题目4:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a protest poem against racial discrimination
    题目5:Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are wellknown American poets
    题目6:In the poem Acquainted with the Night the speaker expressed his distress at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of life
    题目7:_The Old Man and the Sea _is one of Ernest Hemmingway’s bestknown works
    题目8:Scrooge is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel _A Christmas Carol_
    题目9:The novel _The Heart of Darkness _exposes the corruption cruelty and greed of the colonial system in Africa
    题目10:I have a dream is a famous speech made by President Lincoln during the American Civil War
    题目11:Usually ______ works by starting a story at a point in the recent past then switching the action back to an earlier time farther back in the past
    题目12:________ occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical or phonological pattern in close proximity
    题目13:___________________ can be established by describing the place where the action takes place or the situation at the start of the story
    题目14:_____ is the point in a play or novel where everything comes to a head where the maximum emotional reaction of the reader is created
    题目15:A writer can show character by giving a physical description through  _________ and through deeds
    题目16:_____ is an example of simile
    [答案]Her eyes twinkled like stars
    题目17:_____ is an example of parallelism
    [答案]Government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth
    题目18:_______ contains an example of alliteration
    [答案]He was secret selfcontained and solitary as an oyster
    题目19:_____ contains examples of metaphor
    [答案]The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity
    题目20:_____ is an example of personification
    [答案]The years have silvered her hair
    题目21:In this text the writer depicts character through _________
    [答案]what the characters say
    题目22:At the beginning of the text Nick says to Marjorie _You know everything_ This line can reveal that __________
    [答案]Nick is irritated that his relationship with Marjorie is not going on well
    题目23:What does Nick’s line _Oh go away Bill Go away for a while_ reveal about Nick’s true feelings
    [答案]Nick is upset by Bill’s insistent question
    题目24:From the dialogue between Nick and Marjorie we can be sure ________
    [答案]there is tension between them
    题目25:In the text we get just the barebones of __________ we rarely get _________
    [答案]what the character says how the words are spoken
    题目26:The text is taken from ______
    [答案]_The Pearl_
    题目27:It is obvious that the three dealers _________
    [答案]conspired together to cheat Kino
    题目28:Which of the following is true of the third dealers
    [答案]He just went through the prearranged plot with other buyers
    题目29:In context the word played is closest in meaning to ______
    [答案]conspired together to cheat
    题目30:The sentences in the last paragraph suggest that _____
    [答案]Kino was angry beyond words and was becoming violent in his anger




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