
    1 To help the project team function more efficiently on complex and interrelated tasks the project manager decides to use a war room What does this mean
    A All the project records are kept in many locations
    B The tools needed to accomplish the work are kept in one place with easy access by the team from various locations
    C The entire team is located in one area
    D The projects entire senior management team is located in one area

    a 项目记录保存位置
    b 完成工作需工具保存方团队位置方便
    c 整团队位方
    d 项目整高层理团队位方

    2 You are the project manager on a project that has a total slack of 20 What should you do FIRST
    A Use less experienced team members
    B Request an extension of the project due date
    C Acquire more resources for critical path tasks
    D Fast track the project if overall project risk is already too high

    项目项目理 项目总时差20 应该首先做什
    a 验太丰富团队成员
    b 求延长项目完工日期
    c 关键路径获更资源
    d 果整体项目风险已明显 快速进项目

    3 A project manager has just found out that a major subcontractor for her project is consistently late delivering work The project team member responsible for this part of the project does not get along with the subcontractor To resolve the problem the project manager says You both will have to give up something to solve this problem What conflict resolution mode is she using
    A Confrontation
    B Compromise
    C Smoothing
    D Communicating

    项目理刚刚发现项目分包商交活时总延误负责项目部分项目团队成员分包商关系解决问题项目理说:解决问题双方做步 项目理种形式突解决方案?
    a 抗
    b 妥协
    c 安抚
    d 沟通

    4 A manager has been given responsibility for a project that has the support of senior management From the beginning you have disagreed with the manager as to how the project should proceed and what the deliverables should be You and she have disagreed over many issues in the past Your department has been tasked with providing some key tasks for the project What should you do
    A Provide the manager with what she needs
    B Inform your manager of your concerns to get their support
    C Sit down with the manager at the beginning of the project and attempt to describe with you object to the project and discover a way to solve the
    D Ask to be removed from the project

    a 提供项目理需
    b 担心告诉理获支持
    c 项目开始项目理坐详细说明项目反意见努力找出解决问题方法
    d 请求离开项目

    5 Which of the following risk events is MOST likely to interfere with attaining a projects schedule objective
    A Delays in obtaining required approvals
    B Substantial increases in the cost of purchased materials
    C Contract disputes that generate claims for increased payments
    D Slippage of the planned postimplementation review meeting

    a 获批准时延误
    b 购买材料成增加
    c 导致求增加付款合纠纷
    d 计划成执行审核会议滑移

    6 An obstacle to team building in a matrix organization is that the
    A Team organization is technically focused
    B Team members are borrowed resources and hard to motivate
    C Teams are too centralized
    D Teams are too large and therefore very hard to handle
    a 团队组织集中技术
    b 团队成员难激励
    c 团队太集权
    d 团队太难理

    7 Which motivational theory uses the concepts of esteem and selfactualization
    A Maslow
    B Deming
    C McGregor
    D Herzberg

    a 马斯洛理
    b 戴明理
    c 麦克格雷格理
    d 赫兹伯格理

    8 Your project team is spending so much time reviewing potential changes to a project that you do not have time to complete project work Which of the following is the LEAST likely reason for this problem
    A No change control board
    B Not enough of an effort to determine who the stakeholders are
    C A poor communication management plan
    D Unclear project charter

    项目团队量时间讨项目潜变更 没时间完成项目列项问题原?
    a 没变更控制委员会
    b 没力确定谁项目干系
    c 完善沟通理计划
    d 清楚项目规章

    9 Formal written correspondence with the customer is required when
    A Defects are detected
    B A customer requests additional work not covered under contract
    C The project has a schedule slippage that includes changes to the critical path
    D A project has cost overruns

    a 发现缺陷
    b 客户求增加合未包括额外工作
    c 项目项进度滑移包括关键路径变更
    d 项目成超支

    10 You are performing administrative closure for the project execution phase of the project Upon completion of this step you will have project archives formal acceptance and
    A Project reports
    B Lessons learned
    C Performance measurement documentation
    D Statement of work updates

    a 项目报告
    b 教训
    c 绩效测量文件
    d 工作更新综述

    11 You are managing a project in a justintime environment This will require more attention because the amount of inventory in such an environment is
    A 45
    B 10
    C 12
    D 0

    a 45
    b 10
    c 12
    d 0

    12 The software development project is not going well There are over 30 stakeholders and no one can agree on the project objectives One stakeholder believes the project can achieve a 30 improvement while another believes a 50 improvement is possible The project manager thinks a 10 improvement is more realistic What is the BEST course of action
    A Move forward with the project and hope more information comes to light later to settle the issue
    B Average the numbers and use that as the goal
    C Perform a feasibility analysis
    D Ask the sponsor to make the final decision

    a 项目继续进展 希获更信息解决问题
    b 数字进行均 结果作目标
    c 进行项行性分析
    d 请项目投资做终决定

    13 Two team members are having a big disagreement over the type of computer hardware to use on the project Who should resolve the dispute
    A Two members and their project manager
    B Project manager
    C Management
    D System supervisor

    a 两名团队成员项目理
    b 项目理
    c 理层
    d 系统总监

    14 Although your company is not the lowest bidder for a project the client has come to expect good performance from your company and wants to award the contract to you To win the contract the client asks you to eliminate your project management costs The client says that your company has good project processes and project controls unnecessarily inflate your costs What should you do under these circumstances
    A Eliminate you project management costs and rely on experience
    B Remove costs associated with project team communications meetings and customer reviews
    C Remove meeting costs but not the project manager’s salary
    D Describe the costs incurred on past projects that did not use project management

    a 项目理费赖验
    b 项目团队沟通会议户审核费
    c 会议费项目理工资
    d 详细说明项目理项目中发生费

    15 A major concern about a time and material contract is that
    A The scope of work needs to be complete
    B There is profit in every hour worked
    C The cost is known
    D The seller has the cost risk

    a 需完成工作范围
    b 工时中利益
    c 解成
    d 卖方成风险

    16 Product verification is different than scope verification in that product verification:
    A. Occurs during the execution phase
    B. Verifies that the correct product has been used
    C. Obtains customer signoff
    D. Makes sure all works is completed

    产品确认范围确认 中 产品确认
    a 发生实施阶段
    b 确认产品正确
    c 获户签收
    d 确认工作已完成

    17 A multiyear construction project experienced weatherrelated schedule delays during the first winter of the project that all the local parties involved described as typical for this area What should the project manager do to integrate this information into the project schedule
    A Lengthen the estimated activity duration for all activities scheduled to occur the following winter
    B Reevaluate the revised schedule to determine the potential impact
    C Leave the current project schedule unchanged and work the issues as they arise next year
    D Make changes to the project plan in order to maintain the current project schedule

    历时年建筑项目项目第冬季天气原造成进度延误 参方说 区典型情况信息集成进项目进度计划项目理应该做什?
    a 年冬季发生活动估算历时加长
    b 重新评估修改进度计划确定潜影响
    c 现行项目进度计划保持变等年问题发生时解决
    d 保持现行项目进度计划修改项目计划

    18 A report that is focused on prediction future project status is called a
    A Trend report
    B Forecasting report
    C Status report
    D Variance report

    a 趋势报告
    b 预测报告
    c 状态报告
    d 偏差报告

    19 With a clear scope of work a seller completes work as specified but the buyer is not pleased with the results The contract is considered to be
    A Null and void
    B Incomplete
    C Complete
    D Waived

    根清晰工作范围卖方完成规定工作买方结果满意 合认:
    a 效
    b 完善
    c 完善
    d 放弃

    20 Extensive use of communication is most likely to aid in solving complex problems
    A Verbal
    B Written
    C Formal
    D Nonverbal

    a 口头
    b 书面
    c 正式
    d 非口头

    21 The sponsor wants the project completed in 40 days The CPI is 11 the project critical path duration is 38 days with a standard deviation of two days What is the maximum project float
    A Zero days
    B Two days
    C Four days
    D Six days

    项目发起想项目40天完成CPI11 项目关键路径历时38天标准偏差2天项目浮动时间少?
    a 0天
    b 2天
    c 4天
    d 6天

    22 Which type of organizations BEST for managing complex projects involving crossdisciplinary efforts
    A Projectized
    B Functional
    C Line
    D Matrix
    理涉专业交叉作业务复杂项目 列种组织形式佳
    a 项目型
    b 职型
    c 直线型
    d 矩阵型

    23 While completing a project a project manager realizes he needs to decrease projects After researching his options he comes up with the following choices Which choice would DECREASE project costs
    A Change to component A from component B component A costs more to purchase but has a lower lifecycle cost than B
    B Change task A to be completed by resource B instead of resource C Resource B is a more experienced worker
    C Move tasks B and H to occur concurrently and take the risk of a 30 increase in the need for five more resources later
    D Delete an acceptance test from the project plan
    a 成分B转变成分A成分A采购费成分B高生命周期费成分B低
    b 负责完成务A资源C改资源B资源B名验更丰富工
    c 移动务BH时发生承担增加30需外5资源风险
    d 项目计划中删验收检验

    24 During the execution of a project the project manager determines that a change is needed to material purchased for the project The project manager calls a team meeting to plan how to make the change This action is an example of
    A Management by objectives
    B Lack of a change control system
    C Good team relations
    D Lack of a clear work breakdown structure
    a 通目标进行理
    b 缺乏变更控制系统
    c 良团队关系
    d 缺乏清晰工作分解结构

    25 You just completed a cost estimate on the project and you’re assuming there’s a 15 chance you will exceed this estimate You are
    A Below the mean
    B Above the mean
    C Above the median
    D Below the median

    a 低均值
    b 高均值
    c 高中间值
    d 低中间值

    26 The project team is working on an important and complex project that requires a lot of coordination Under these circumstances the BEST strategy is to
    A Have a war room
    B Hire a contractor
    C Hold more meetings to get the word out
    D Gain extra assistance from management

    a 作战室
    b 雇承包商
    c 召开更会议广泛听取意见
    d 理层获帮助

    27 A difference between the requirements is BEST resolved in favor of the
    A Sponsor
    B Project manager’s boss
    C Stakeholder
    D Customer

    a 项目发起
    b 项目理司
    c 项目干系
    d 客户

    28 A major negotiation with a potential subcontractor is scheduled for tomorrow when you discover there is a good chance the project will be canceled What should you do
    A Do not spend too much time preparing for the negotiations
    B Cut the negotiations short
    C Only negotiate major items
    D Postpone the negotiations

    A. 花少时间准备明天谈判
    B. 缩短谈判时间
    C. 事项进行谈判
    D. 推迟谈判

    29 The scope of work is completed on a project However the customer is not happy because they want additional work to be completed In light of this what should be done
    A Begin closure on the contract and sign a new one for the additional work
    B Change to a cost reimbursable contract
    C Tell the customer it is too late to make a change
    D Add to scope of work and proceed with additional work after obtaining management’s agreement

    项目工作范围已完成 然 客户满意 求完成额外工作应该样做?
    a 根合开始收尾额外工作签订新合
    b 变更成回收合
    c 告诉客户太晚做变更
    d 理层意额外工作加入工作范围开始实施

    30 To control the schedule a project manager is reanalyzing the project to predict project duration She does this by analyzing the sequence of activities with the least amount of scheduling flexibility What technique is she using?
    A Critical path
    B Flow chart
    C Precedence diagramming
    D Work breakdown structure

    a 关键路径
    b 流程图
    c 优先图表
    d 工作分解结构

    31 Documents that serve as historical records for future projects are archived
    A Throughout the project
    B Before the end of planning
    C Before the end of execution
    D During closure
    a 项目全程
    b 计划编制结束前
    c 执行阶段结束前
    d 项目收尾程中

    32 The project manager has a project that is three months behind but surprisingly markedly under budget She has decided to try to make up time but wants to avoid rework What should she do
    A Crash
    B Fast track
    C Redefine the scope
    D Resource level

    a 赶工
    b 快速进
    c 重新定义范围
    d 衡资源

    33 You’ve been assigned to take over managing a project that should be halfcomplete according to the schedule You discover that the project is running far behind schedule and that the project will probably take double the time originally estimated by the previous project manager However upper management has been bold that the project is on schedule What is the BEST course of action
    A Try to restructure the schedule to meet the project deadline
    B Report your assessment to upper management
    C Turn the project back to the previous project manager
    D Move forward with the schedule as planned by the previous project manager and report at the first missed milestone

    a 争取调整进度计划便满足项目终期限
    b 级理层提交评估报告
    c 项目交回前项目理
    d 根前项目理计划进度进行第里程碑失败时报告

    34 If EV is US 300000 AC is US 350000 and PV is US 375000 what does the schedule performance index indicate
    A You are only progressing at 86 of the rate originally planned
    B You are progressing at 125 of the rate originally planned
    C You are progressing at 116 of the rate originally planned
    D You are only progressing at 80 of the rate originally planned

    a 进展速度仅仅原始计划速度86
    b 进展速度原始计划速度125
    c 进展速度原始计划速度116
    d 进展速度仅仅原始计划速度80

    35 A routine audit of a cost reimbursable contract determines that overcharges are being made to the contract If the contract does not specify corrective action the buyer should
    A Continue to make project payments
    B Halt payments until the problem is corrected
    C Void the contract and start legal action to recover overpayments
    D Change the contract to require more frequent audits

    a 继续支付项目付款
    b 问题纠正前停止付款
    c 合失效开始诉讼便收回付款项
    d 变更合求更频繁审计

    36 Nonrandom data points that are grouped together on one side of the mean of a control chart are called
    A Specification limits
    B In control
    C Rule of seven
    D 6sigma

    a 规格范围
    b 控制
    c 七点原
    d 6s

    37 Your company has a policy that only a certain hotel chain may be used for business travel You discover that a more expensive hotel is offering a discount on the days you need to be in town What should you do
    A Ask your manager for permission to use the other hotel chain
    B Contact the hotel chain to negotiate a better rate
    C Use the company’s hotel chain
    D Provide justification on your expense report for using the other hotel chain

    a 请理批准连锁饭店
    b 饭店联系争取更价格
    c 公司规定连锁饭店
    d 根费报告提供连锁饭店正确理

    38 During the source selection process of procurement your objective is to obtain the best price possible The tool that you will MOST heavily rely upon will be a(n)
    A Weighting system
    B Screening system
    C Independent estimate
    D Part performance history

    a 加权系统
    b 筛选系统
    c 独立估算
    d 部分绩效历史

    39 A project manager has a problem with a team member’s performance What is BEST form of communication for addressing this problem
    A Formal written communication
    B Formal verbal communication
    C Informal written communication
    D Informal verbal communication

    a 正式书面沟通
    b 正式口头沟通
    c 非正式书面沟通
    d 非正式口头沟通

    40 A project is considered closed when the
    A Client accepts the product
    B Lessons learned are completed
    C Archives are completed
    D Contract is finished

    时候 项目认收尾
    a 客户接受产品
    b 总结教训
    c 文件存档完成
    d 合结束

    41 Company A hires Company B to work on a project Company B then subcontracts part of the project to Company C One day the project manager from Company A sees someone from Company C doing work heshe feels is wrong If the project manager from Company A tells the person from Company C to stop that work what is the person from Company C required by law to do
    A Stop work immediately
    B Ask him to sign a change order requesting the stop
    C Process the earned value
    D Continue work and ignore you

    a 立停止工作
    b 请公司A项目理签署份停止工作变更单
    c 进行挣值分析
    d 理继续工作

    42 A project may be selected based on all of the following EXCEPT
    A Benefit measurement
    B Net present value
    C The number of resources used
    D Value analysis

    a 利益测量
    b 净现值
    c 资源数量
    d 价值分析

    43 What is the BEST report to use when reporting to senior management
    A Gantt chart
    B Milestone chart
    C Project plan
    D Network diagram

    a 甘特图
    b 里程碑图表
    c 项目计划
    d 网络图

    44 While testing the strength of concrete poured on your project you discover that over 35 of the concrete does not meet your company’s quality standards You feel certain the concrete will function as it is and you don’t think the concrete needs to meet the quality level specified What should you do
    A Change the quality standards to meet the level achieved
    B List in your reports that the concrete simply meets our quality needs
    C Ensure the remaining concrete meets the standard
    D Report the lesser quality level and try to find a solution

    a 更改质量标准符合达质量等级
    b 报告中列出混凝土达质量标准
    c 确保剩混凝土工程达标准
    d 报告实际情况努力找出解决方案

    45 Which motivational theory uses the concept of theory Y
    A Maslow
    B Deming
    C McGregor
    D Herzberg

    a 马斯洛理
    b 戴明理
    c 麦克格雷格理
    d 赫兹伯格理

    46 Identifying project performance criteria defining project strategy and determining product description are all part of WHICH project management phase
    A Initiation
    B Planning
    C Execution
    D Control

    a 启动阶段
    b 计划编制阶段
    c 项目实施阶段
    d 控制阶段

    47A large complex construction project in a foreign country requires coordination to move the required equipment through crowded city streets To ensure the equipment is transported successful your contact in that country informs you that you will have to pay the police a fee for coordinating traffic What should you do
    A Do not pay the fee because it a bribe
    B Eliminate the task
    C Pay the fee
    D Do not may the fee if it is not part of the project estimate

    a 支付该费贿赂
    b 取消项务
    c 支付该费
    d 果项目估算支付该费

    48A project manager has increased project costs by US 100000 but completed the project four weeks earlier than planned What tool is BEST described here
    A Resource leveling
    B Duration compression
    C Crashing
    D Fast tracking
    a 资源衡
    b 历时压缩
    c 赶工
    d 快速进

    49 Another project manager has a family emergency and must leave He has asked you to fill in for him during a team meeting to discuss a minor problem with the project He has already distributed a detailed agenda and provided you with a copy When you attend the meeting several members of the team are laughing about the absent project manager’s habits Your company does not have a formal diversity policy What should you do
    A Because your company does not have a written diversity policy there is nothing you can do
    B Report the incident to the other project manager
    C Hold the meeting as if nothing happened
    D Begin the meeting with a discussion of diversity and professional behavior

    a 公司没书面差异政策力
    b 件事报告项目理
    c 什没发生样继续开会
    d 应先讨差异职业行

    50 A project is facing the following risks 20 chance a part is not available creating an additional fee of US 30000 10 chance the team requires additional training for a cost of US 12000 25 chance the second planned quality test costing US 8000 is unnecessary What is the expected value of these risks
    A 50000
    B 5200
    C 42000
    D 7200

    a 50000
    b 5200
    c 42000
    d 7200

    51 Which of the following CANNOT be used as a quality control tool
    A Pareto diagram
    B Sampling
    C Work breakdown structure
    D Lifecycle costing

    a 帕累托图
    b 取样
    c 工作分解结构
    d 生命周期成计算

    52 You are trying to help project managers in your organization understand the project management process groups and the project management lifecycle Many of them are confusing the project lifecycle with the project management lifecycle Which of the following identifies the DIFFERENCE between these two lifecycles
    A The project lifecycle is created based on the top level of the work breakdown structure
    B The project management lifecycle is longer
    C The project management lifecycle only applies to some projects
    D The project lifecycle describes what you need to do to do complete the work

    a 项目生命周期根工作分解结构高层次建立
    b 项目理生命周期较长
    c 项目理生命周期适某项目
    d 项目生命周期描述完成工作需做

    53You have a project with four tasks as follows Task 1 can start immediately and has an estimated duration of one Task 2 can start after Task 1 is completed and has an estimated duration of four Task 3 can start after Task 2 is completed and has an estimated duration of five Task 4 has an estimated duration of eight It can start after Task 1 is completed Both Task 3 and Task 4 must be completed before the project is complete What is the critical path of the project
    A Task 1 task 2 task 3
    B Task 1 task 4 task 3
    C Task 1 task 4
    D Task 1 task 2 task 3 task 4

    a 务1务2务3
    b 务1务4务3
    c 务1务4
    d 务1务2务3务4

    54 A team member wants to make a technical change to her task that will add time to the task estimate What is the FIRST thing the project manager should do
    A See if there is any time available from another task
    B See if there is enough reserve to handle the change
    C Notify management
    D Determine if the task is on the critical path

    团队成员项务做项技术变更 该项变更需务估算增加时间项目理首先做什?
    a 项务否时间
    b 否足够储备处理项变更
    c 通知理层
    d 确定该项务否关键路径

    55 You have designed an improved system for a consumer product that could decrease repair cost for the consumer Management has been impressed with your idea but has decided to wait until next year to implement it What is the BEST thing to do
    A Advise government officials that there is a better alternative that could save the public money
    B Wait until next year
    C Go to one of your competitors with the idea in order to save consumers cost
    D Tell everyone you come in contact with that you have a better design

    已消费产品设计改进系统 户减少维修费理层已想法深印象决定等明年实施佳做法什?
    a 通知政府官员项更选方案节省公款
    b 等明年
    c 消费者节省开支带着想法找竞争手
    d 告诉联系项更设计

    56 The project plan is LEAST useful for which of the following
    E Guiding project execution
    F Documenting planning assumptions
    G Facilitating communication among stakeholders
    H Developing the project charter

    a 指导项目实施
    b 文件证明计划编制中假设
    c 项目干系间沟通提供方便
    d 建立项目规章

    57 The acceptable range of variation of a process is the _______ on a control chart
    A Mean
    B Specification limit
    C Rule of seven
    D Upper and lower control limit

    控制图 程差异接受范围
    a 均值
    b 规范限定
    c 七点原
    d 控制限

    58 A project manager has received activity duration estimates and is about to start schedule development Which of the following is needed to adequately develop a schedule
    A Corrective action
    B Schedule change control system
    C Change requests
    D Risk management plan

    a 修正措施
    b 进度变更控制系统
    c 变更申请
    d 风险理计划

    59 All the following are cost estimating tools EXCEPT
    A Lag
    B Analogous
    C Bottom up
    D Parametric

    a 滞法
    b 拟法
    c 法
    d 参数估算法

    60 You are a project manager for a small construction project Your project was budgeted for US 72000 over a six week period As of today you’ve spent US 22000 of your budget to complete work that you originally expected would cost US 24000 According to your schedule you should have spent US 30000 by this point Based on there circumstances your project could be BEST described as
    A Under budget
    B Over budget
    C On budget
    D Not having enough information provided

    a 低预算
    b 超出预算
    c 预算
    d 没提供足够信息

    61 A project manager’s main riskhanding strategy is to accept risks The project manager is therefore
    A A risk assumption tester
    B Risk averse
    C Risk seeking
    D Risk deflector

    a 承担风险试验者
    b 喜欢风险
    c 寻找风险
    d 转嫁风险者

    62 Which chart helps a project manager determine possible causes of potential problems and actual problems
    A The 5050 rule
    B A fishbone diagram
    C A control chart
    D A Pareto chart

    a 5050规
    b 鱼骨图
    c 控制图
    d 帕累托图

    63 A responsibility assignment matrix shows all of the following EXCEPT
    A Time
    B Resources
    C Names
    D Tasks

    a 时间
    b 资源
    c 姓名
    d 务

    64 A project is seriously delayed Earned value analysis shows that the project needs to be completed 10 faster than the work has been going To get the project back on track management wants to add 10 people to a task currently assigned to one person The project manager disagrees nothing that such an increase will not produce an increase in speed This is an example of
    A Law of diminishing returns
    B Fast tracking
    C Earned value
    D Lifecycle costing

    a 收益递减法
    b 快速进
    c 挣值
    d 生命周期成计算

    65 A project is in progress and the project manager is working with the quality assurance department to improve stakeholders’ confidence that the project will satisfy the quality standards Before they can begin this process which of the following do they need to have
    A Quality problems
    B Results of quality control measurements
    C Quality management plan
    D Quality audits

    项目正进程中 项目理正质量保证部门合作便项目干系相信项目会满足质量标准开始程前需具备列项?
    a 质量问题
    b 质量控制测量结果
    c 质量测量计划
    d 质量审计

    66 The carpeting subcontractor has without prior approval installed carpet that is a slightly different pattern from the pattern selected for the project The difference in cost per square yard saves approximately US 10000 Upon learning of the change the BEST course of action for the project manager is to
    A Demand that the original carpeting be installed
    B Meet with the customer to explain what happened and celebrate the US 10000 windfall
    C Document the change in the change control plan
    D Determine the overall impact on the project

    a 求铺装原选定毯
    b 会见客户 解释做发生变更 庆祝笔10000美元横财
    c 变更控制计划中加入该项变更文件
    d 确定该项变更项目整体影响

    67 All of the following are inputs to resource planning EXCEPT
    A Risk response plan
    B Activity duration estimates
    C Work breakdown structure
    D Historical information

    a 风险应计划
    b 活动历时估算
    c 工作分解结构
    d 历时信息

    68 The project manager on a large software installation project is working with her team on a critical set or tasks They are working late on Saturday night Circumstances create the situation wherein the project manager must decide to change the schedule that will push the end date of the project out two weeks What has MOST likely happened
    A An emergency project change has taken place
    B Scope creep has occurred
    C A status change to the implementation has taken place
    D Risk assessment failure has taken place

    a 发生项紧急项目变更
    b 发生范围蔓延
    c 发生执行状态变更
    d 发生风险评估失误

    69 A resource Gantt chart includes which two data points
    A Resource and time estimate
    B Resource and calendar date
    C Task and resource
    D Resource and usage each month

    a 资源时间估算
    b 资源日历日期
    c 务资源
    d 资源月量

    70 A resource histogram includes which two data points
    A Resource and time estimate
    B Resource and calendar date
    C Task and resource
    D Resource and usage each month

    a 资源时间估算
    b 资源日历日期
    c 务资源
    d 资源月量

    71 A Monte Carlo analysis is used to
    A Get an indication of the overall risk involved in the project
    B Estimate a task’s length
    C Simulate the order in which tasks occur
    D Prove to management that extra staff is needed

    a 获存项目中综合风险迹象
    b 估算项务时间长短
    c 模拟务发生序
    d 项理层证明需额外员

    72 What leadership style should you employ during the first two weeks of project planning
    A Coaching
    B Directing
    C Supporting
    D Facilitating

    a 指导
    b 指挥
    c 支持
    d 提供便利

    73 Which estimating method tends to be MOST costly for creating a project cost estimate
    A Bottom up
    B Analogous
    C Parametric
    D 5050 rule

    b 类
    c 参数
    d 5050规

    74 Which motivational theory says that working conditions salary and relationships at work do not improve motivation
    A Maslow
    B Deming
    C McGregor
    D Herzberg

    a 马斯洛
    b 戴明
    c 迈克格雷格
    d 赫兹伯格

    75 All of the following are part of the team’s stakeholder management effort EXCEPT
    A Giving stakeholders extras
    B Identifying stakeholders
    C Determining stakeholder needs and expectations
    D Managing stakeholder expectations

    a 干系额外
    b 确定干系
    c 确定干系需期
    d 干系期进行理

    76 Which of the following BEST describes the project manager’s role during project planning
    A Creating a Gantt chart and getting management to approve it
    B Coordinate the creation of a document that can be used to guide the project
    C Making a list of tasks the team members are required to perform
    D Following the plan set by management

    a 建立甘特图理层批准
    b 建立指导项目文件进行协调
    c 做份需团队成员执行务清单
    d 执行理层制定计划

    77 The control points in the work breakdown structure that are used for assignments to work centers are referred to as
    A Work packages
    B Subtasks
    C Tasks
    D Integration points

    a 工作包
    b 子务
    c 务
    d 整合点

    78 An advantage of a fixed price contract is
    A Cost risk is lower
    B Cost risk is higher
    C There is little risk
    D Risk is share by all parties

    a 成风险较低
    b 成风险较高
    c 没风险
    d 方分担风险

    79 During planning you estimate the time needed for each task and then add the estimates to create the project estimate You commit to completing the project by this date What is wrong with this scenario
    A The team did not create the estimate and estimating takes too long using that method
    B The team did not create the estimate and a network diagram was not used
    C The estimate is too long and should be created by management
    D The estimate should be the same as the customer’s required completion date

    a 团队没做出估算种方法进行估算时长
    b 团队没做出估算没网络图
    c 估算太长应该理层做估算
    d 估算应该客户求完工日期相

    80 During execution a functional manager asks you to use a model C generator instead of model B on your project The functional manager says that model C will solve the needs of the project and provide some benefits to the manufacturing department You look at the cost associated with model C and discover that it is substantially higher than model B if you are not sure you can justify the more expensive model what do you do
    A Review the specification of each to validate the manager’s claims
    B Measure the differences in using each model and present them to the sponsor
    C Use model C and cut other tasks to make up for the added cost
    D Do a lifecycle analysis and present the results to your boss

    a 审核两种模型技术规格验证理求
    b 种模型中进行测量报告项目发起
    c 模型C削减务便补增加费
    d 进行项生命周期分析结果汇报老板

    81 A project manager says to a team member If you cannot complete this task according to the quality standards you set in place I will remove you from the team that is going to
    Venezuela for the milestone party with the customer What form of power is the project manager is using
    A Reward power
    B Formal power
    C Penalty power
    D Referent power

    a 奖励权
    b 正式权力
    c 惩罚权
    d 象权

    82 You are a public executive working on your fourth project to order new buses for a transportation route between two cities You include a government official as a stakeholder and plan to include meetings with him in the WBS Your manager objects to such activities as unnecessary The BEST response is to inform your manager that
    A The government official can negatively impact the project
    B The government official knows the endusers better than either of us
    C The government official is a stakeholder since the buses will be used in his city
    D The government official is a stakeholder because he will be using the buses

    a 政府官员项目产生负面影响
    b 政府官员更解终户
    c 政府官员项目干系巴士城市中
    d 政府官员项目干系应巴士

    83 You are a project manager for a new product development project that has four levels in the work breakdown structure and has been sequenced using the arrow diagramming technique The activity duration estimates have been received What is the NEXT time management activity you would do
    A Duration compression
    B Collect historical records
    C Create an activity list
    D Update the work breakdown structure

    a 历时压缩
    b 收集历史记录
    c 建立活动表
    d 更新工作分解结构

    84 A project manager is concentrating on ensuring that project includes all the work required and only the work required to complete the project successfully This is
    A Time management
    B Scope management
    C Cost management
    D Quality management

    项目理正集中精力确保项目包括成功完成项目求工作 求工作∶
    a 时间理
    b 范围理
    c 成理
    d 质量理

    85 A system development project is nearing closure when an unplanned risk is identified This could potentially affect the project’s overall ability to deliver What should be done NEXT
    A Alert the project sponsor of potential impacts to cost scope or schedule
    B Qualify the risk
    C Mitigate this risk by developing a risk response plan
    D Develop a workaround

    a 警告项目发起该风险成范围进度潜影响
    b 限定项风险
    c 通建立风险应计划减轻该风险
    d 建立全变措施

    86 A plan for managing schedule variances and identifying schedule change control procedures and performance measures is part of
    A Schedule management plan
    B Communication plan
    C Project management information system
    D Scope management plan

    a 进度理计划
    b 沟通计划
    c 项目理信息系统
    d 范围理计划

    87 Which of the following MUST be an agenda item at all team meetings
    A Discussion of project risks
    B Status of current tasks
    C Identification of new tasks
    D Review of project problems

    a 项目风险讨
    b 现行工作状态
    c 新务确定
    d 项目问题检查

    88 You are in the middle of executing a major modification to an existing product when you learn that the resources promised at the beginning of the project are not available The BEST thing to do is to
    A Show how the resources were originally promised to your project and request that they be moved back to your project
    B Replan the project without the resources
    C Explain what will happen if the resources are not made available
    D Crash the project

    a 说明初项目承诺种资源求回项目
    b 没资源前提重新计划项目
    c 解释果没资源会发生什?
    d 项目进行赶工

    89 Which of the following is a form of double declining balance
    A Decelerated depreciation
    B Straight line depreciation
    C Accelerated depreciation
    D Lifecycle costing

    a 减速折旧
    b 直线折旧
    c 加速折旧
    d 生命周期成计算

    90 Your project team has identified a major project risk After talking to management they determine that a reserve on the project is not necessary What is the NEXT step
    A List the time or cost overrun expected on the project in your project plan
    B Develop risk transference strategies
    C Create a risk response plan that includes the risk
    D Ignore the risk until it happens

    a 项目计划中列出预计超出时间成
    b 建立风险转移策略
    c 建立包括该项风险风险应计划
    d 该项风险发生前忽视项风险

    91 Testing the entire population would
    A Take too long
    B Provide more information than wanted
    C Be mutually exclusive
    D Show many defects

    a 时长
    b 提供需更信息
    c 相互排斥
    d 显示许缺陷

    92 All of the following are inputs to quality planning EXCEPT
    A Quality policy
    B Scope statement
    C Project charter
    D Project work results

    a 质量政策
    b 范围陈述
    c 项目规章
    d 项目工作结果

    93 People from the business development department are the only ones completing a project Whenever questions arise they are passed to the department heads of other departments next to the people in there departments and then back to the business development department This is causing delays on the project Why might this method of communicating be happening
    A The communication plan is not clear
    B There is no project charter
    C The project is being managed in a functional organization
    D The work breakdown structure did not show responsibilities

    a 沟通计划清楚
    b 没项目规章
    c 该项目理职组织中进行
    d 工作分解结构没显示职责

    94 During planning you discover that the time needed to complete the project is longer than the time available What do you do
    A Tell the customer that the required date cannot be met
    B Tell management that the required date cannot be met
    C Spend time determining what work can be done for the length of time available and accomplish only that work
    D Determine options for crashing andor fast tracking the project and present management with your recommended option

    a 告诉客户求完工日期法满足
    b 告诉理层求完工日期法满足
    c 花点时间确定什工作时间长度做完成该项工作
    d 确定赶工快速进项目选项理层成交建议选项

    95 During each project team meeting the project manager asks the team member to describe the work he or she is doing and the project manager assigns new tasks to team members The length of these meetings has increased because there are many different tasks to assign This could be happening for all the following reasons EXCEPT
    A Lack of a WBS
    B Lack of a responsibility matrix
    C Lack of resource leveling
    D Lack of team involvement in project planning

    a 缺少工作分解结构
    b 缺少职责矩阵
    c 缺少资源衡
    d 项目计划编制中缺少团队参

    96 What is the MOST correct statement about conflict
    A The primary source of conflict is personalities
    B Conflict can be beneficial
    C Conflict is best resolved by smoothing
    D The best way to prevent conflict in the procurement process is to make sure the project manager is not involved with negotiations

    a 突源性
    b 突益
    c 通安抚方法突解决
    d 采购程中防止突佳方法项目理参谈判

    97 The project manager is allocating overall cost estimates to individual activities or work packages to establish a baseline for measuring project performance What step is this
    A Cost management
    B Cost estimating
    C Cost budgeting
    D Cost control

    a 成理
    b 成估算
    c 成预算
    d 成控制

    98 Which of the following is an example of a parametric estimate
    A Regression analysis
    B Learning bend
    C Bottom up
    D CPM

    a 回分析
    b 学曲线
    d 关键路径法(CPM)

    99 A new project manager has just been assigned a project that is in progress and two weeks behind the scheduled time Your team members are about to be distributed to another project based on the original time estimates by the functional manager What type of organization is the new project manager in
    A It is a projectized organization
    B It is a tight matrix organization
    C It is a balanced matrix organization
    D It is a functional organization

    a 项目型组织
    b 紧矩阵型组织
    c 衡矩阵型组织
    d 职型组织

    100 Total slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying the
    A Project
    B Completion date required by the customer
    C Early start of its successor
    D Project completion date

    a 项目
    b 客户求完工日期
    c 气续务提前开始
    d 项目完工日期
    e 文档香网(httpswwwxiangdangnet)户传




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