
    第部分 听力
    15 CABBC 610 BABAC
    1115 ABCCA 1620 ACACB
    第二部分 阅读理解
    (A) ADCA (B) DCDA (C) DADA (D) BBD
    3640 ACFDB
    第三部分 语言知识运
    4145 DADAC 4650 CBBCA
    5155 ABCDD 5660 BACDB
    61 are faced 62 increasingly
    63 is 64 popularity
    65 checking 66 themselves
    67 recognizedrecognised 68 suggestions
    69 whether  70 an
    第三节 词汇运
    71 slightly 72 measuring
    73 impression 74 inspiring
    75 failure 76 To my satisfaction
    77 referring to 78 on the spot
    79 Brought up 80 Tasting
    第四部分 写作
    第节 短文改错
    I will share one experience with you With the College Entrance Examination draw near I
    was filled with great anxiety However I couldn’t be absorbed in study resulting from my failing
    Therefore in
    in the examination I got very discouraging Just then my teacher Miss Zhang approach me and
    discouraged approached
    said In life we all have moment when we can’t achieve what we want it It is natural Don’t
    allow those moments to weaken you and turn them into motivation to inspire you Her words
    were a reminder which provided myself with constant encouragement to smile at life
    Consequently I gained what I deserved
    So it is an optimistic attitude which matters most of all It gives you the confidence to deal
    with difficulties and to achieve what you want in your life
    第二节 书面表达
    Dear John
    I am Li Hua chairman of the Student Union of Hengshui High School I am writing this letter on behalf of our school that we are more than glad to donate to your school some books on Chinese traditional culture
    After discussion we plan to donate about a hundred books whose topics vary from Chinese ancient philosophy Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy to Chinese classical literature
    We plan to wrap them in a big parcel and post to your school So I hope you can offer me the accurate address of your school as well as the name of the person in charge of receiving the parcel
    Looking forward to your reply
    Yours faithfully
    Li Hua
    Text 1
    M Does this bus go to the beach (1)
    W No You’re going the wrong way You want the Number 11 bus It stops in front of the post office
    Text 2
    M You look sleepy this morning Beverly Did you go to bed late last night
    W No I slept through my alarm this morning (2) so l didn’t get a chance to shower
    Text 3
    W Bread milk eggs I think that’s all we need So do you want to come with me
    M Sure I’ll drive Don’t forget to write down sugar and chocolate though (3) They are the most important materials
    Text 4
    W It’s so nice to see the animals in large open spaces closer to their natural environment I wasn’t expecting this (4)
    M I know Some zoos can be disappointing At least these animals seem happy
    Text 5
    M It was the third time Roger had phoned me to say he had a new job It was so surprising
    W It’s difficult to keep a young man in one job for life nowadays (5) Well times are changing
    Text 6
    W Congratulations on your new job (6) I know you worked hard for it Cheers
    M Cheers It has been a pleasure working with you all these years I’ll make sure to come back and visit next month
    W You’d better Work won’t be the same without you So when do you start
    M I went in today to fill out some paperwork but I won’t start until the following Monday (6)
    W That’s great Let me pay for your lunch (7) It’s my turn anyway
    M No it’s all right I owe you for everything you have done for me (7)
    W Thanks So I’ll see you tomorrow then
    M Of course Bye
    Text 7
    M Great job on your chemistry test Anna (8) This is your second B in a row
    W Bplus actually (8) So there is a small improvement Dad (10)
    M So what have you been doing You used to be a D student before
    W I’ve joined a study group (9) Our members discuss all the difficult stuff and we test each other all the time
    M Great idea Maybe you will have more time on the weekends to go out with your friends How did you find the study group
    W I saw a notice on the message board at lunch one day I decided to check it out and now we meet once a week after our last class of the day (9)
    M So that’s why you’ve been coming home late Good for you So you’re not nervous about your chemistry tests anymore
    W Not at all I am more prepared than ever
    Text 8
    W Jonathan Look at all these dirty clothes Grab your laundry basket It’s time to teach you how to use the washing machine
    M Oh Mom Do I have to
    W Yes You’re sixteen now I was doing laundry when I was half your age (11) Your sister has been doing it since she was ten So it’s your turn to learn
    M Fine It’s just that there are so many buttons and settings
    W It’s easy once you know how to do it This is the load setting Choose small medium or large based on how many clothes you’re washing I’m sure you can figure that out for yourself
    M I can do that
    W Good Next you choose the temperature Cold warm or hot Just use cold for now (12) and I’ll deal with anything that needs to be washed in warmer temperatures
    M And the spin cycle
    W That is for how fast the machine turns Normal is what you will be using for most of your clothes Heavy is for your jeans and towels Light is for your sheets and pillow cases (13) but I’ll do those for you
    M You know what Mom Washing clothes is actually pretty easy
    W Everything is once you know how to do it
    Text 9 (第16题推断题)
    W Why are we down here again
    M We’re looking for a box marked Christmas decorations What’s the matter
    W I don’t like cold dark places I feel like I’m in a scary movie Also I hate rats
    M What’s wrong with rats
    W They are dirty creatures that spread disease
    M I don’t see them that way They’re like us I think They are very social and they get sad when they’re alone
    W You’re strange Hey is that the box on the shelf
    M No those are the Halloween decorations
    W Ah I just walked right into a spider web
    M Did you know that even though almost all spiders have poison less than one percent are harmful to humans
    W Whatever There are the Thanksgiving decorations on that sofa (14)
    M There it is under that bench Can you hand me that pole by the ladder I can use it to drag the box out (15)
    W Here you are I’m going to stand on this chair until you’re ready to go back up to the living room
    M Stop worrying There are hardly any spiders down here Trust me
    Text 10
    Have you heard of the Golden Rule (17) The great Chinese philosopher Confucius taught this principle It is a very important and wellknown idea The rule says not to do anything to other people that you would not want them to do to you (17) It is a very simple yet deep truth Confucius possessed a lot of important wisdom like this He encouraged many values like children respecting elders people respecting their ancestors and wives respecting husbands He desired for these moral principles in people’s lives and in the government of the country (18) He believed that people should develop their own personal rules instead of simply memorizing rules of behavior to follow He also had a thoughtful way of teaching Instead of presenting his ideas through arguments and reasoning he taught his rules through personal examples (19) He himself studied hard and sought truth dreams and a perfect personality In short Confucius aimed to establish a world of great harmony For over two thousand years his teachings and beliefs still have a great effect on Chinese culture Many other cultures around the world have also been influenced to this day by these important moral teachings (20)





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