
    Get 短语
    get about
    To be out of bed and beginning to walk again as after an illness 走动:离开床开始走动通常指病 处处旅游
    eg She didn’t go about much after the operation
    eg It’s easy in this city to get about by bus
    eg Now that they have sold their car they don’t go about a lot
    get across
    1) To make understandable or clear 解:变清楚令置信:
    eg I have tried to get my point across 已力观点清晰明
    eg How can I get across to the students 样学生心服口服
    2) 越渡
    eg A ferryboat got us across
    get after
    1) To urge or scold 催促责骂:
    eg You should get after them to mow the lawn 应催促割草坪
    eg She is always getting after the children for one thing or another 老责骂孩子
    2) 追记追捕
    eg It is the job of the police to go after criminals
    get along
    1) To be or continue to be on harmonious terms 相处融洽:
    eg gets along with the inlaws 姻亲相处融洽
    2) o manage or fare with reasonable success 活生活:合理成功维持活:
    eg can't get along on those wages 法赖薪水生活
    eg We can get along without your help
    3) To make progress 进展
    eg How are you getting along with your job
    4) To advance especially in years 增加:增加尤指年龄增加
    eg My father is getting along (in years) and doesn’t see too well any more
    5) To go away leave 走开离开
    eg I think I’ll be getting along now
    get around To circumvent or evade 规避逃避:
    eg managed to get around the real issues 试图逃避真正问题
    get around to sth do something despite obstacles such as lack of time开始考虑|抽时间做……|
    get at
    1) To touch or reach successfully 达:成功接触达:
    eg The cat hid where we couldn't get at it 猫藏找方
    eg Put the food where the cat can’t get at it
    2) To try to make understandable hint at or suggest 暗示:试图成解暗示表明:
    eg I don't know what you're getting at 知道暗示什
    eg What are you getting at when you look at me like that
    3) To discover or understand 发现明白:
    eg If we could only get at the cause of the problem 知道问题原该啊
    eg This book is very hard to get at
    get away
    1) To break free escape 脱身逃脱
    eg The thief got away in the dark
    2) To leave or go away 离开走开:
    eg I wanted to come along but couldn't get away 想起走走开
    get by
    1) To pass or outstrip 通越
    2) To succeed at a level of minimal acceptibility or with the minimal amount of effort 勉强通:少努力获胜:
    eg just got by in high school 中学勉强毕业
    eg Your work get by but try to improve it 工作努力改进
    3) To succeed in managing survive 设法:成功安排幸存:
    eg We'll get by if we economize 果节省花费会熬难关
    eg She can’t get by on such a small income 法点收入活
    4) To be unnoticed or ignored by 疏忽:发现忽视:
    eg His mistake got by the editor but was caught by the proofreader 错误编辑忽视校员发现
    eg The proofreader did his best not to let any mistakes get by
    get down
    1) To descend 降
    2) To give one's attention Often used with to 认真:予注意常to 连:
    eg Let's get down to work 认真工作吧
    3) To exhaust discourage or depress疲惫泄气压抑:
    eg The heat was getting me down炎热精疲力竭
    4) To swallow吞服:
    eg got the pill down on the first try次药吞
    5) To describe in writing记:写描绘
    get in
    1) To enter进入
    2) To arrive达:
    eg We got in late last night昨天晚迟
    3) To become or cause to become involved陷入陷入:
    eg She got in with the wrong crowd 法分子瓜葛
    eg Repeated loans from the finance company got me in deeper and deeper信贷公司三款令越陷越深
    4) 收进收割庄稼
    get into
    1) To become involved in卷入:
    eg got into trouble by stealing cars偷车麻烦缠身
    2) Informal To be interested in非正式语 …兴趣:
    eg got into gourmet cooking烹饪兴趣
    eg What sort of things are you getting into musically now音乐方面目前感兴趣什
    3) 形成…惯
    eg His influence got me into bad habits
    get off
    1) To start as on a trip leave起程:动身旅程离开
    eg We must be getting off now 现走
    2) To fire (a round of ammunition for example)开火:射出(发子弹):
    eg got off two shots before the deer disappeared鹿消失前开两枪
    3) To write and send as a letter寄信:写送出封信
    4) To escape as from punishment or danger逃避处罚危险:
    got off scotfree逍遥法外
    5) To obtain a release or lesser penalty for获释减轻处罚:
    eg The attorney got her client off with a slap on the wrist位律师委托仅受轻罚获释
    get on
    1) To be or continue on harmonious terms相处谐:连续处睦关系中:
    eg She gets on well with the neighbors邻居关系睦
    2) To make progress continue进步:取进步继续:
    eg get on with a performance继续保持样表现
    eg Get on with you homework继续做作业
    3) To acquire understanding or knowledge解认清:
    eg got on to the con game认清骗术
    eg The children didn’t get on to the what the teacher was saying
    get out
    1) To leave or escape离开逃走
    eg They could not find a way to get themselves out 法找条逃生路
    2) To become known泄露:
    eg Somehow the secret got out总秘密泄露
    3) To publish as a newspaper 出版报纸
    get over
    1) To prevail against overcome胜超越
    eg You’ll soon get over your shyness
    2) o recover from痊愈:
    eg finally got over the divorce终离婚创伤中恢复
    eg Have you got over your cold yet
    3) to get across解
    eg She got her meaning over to me at the third time of trying 讲三次意思说清楚
    eg Did your speech got over to your listeners 讲话听众接受?
    get through
    1) To arrive at the end of finish or complete结束:达终点结束完成
    eg The road was dangerous but we finally get through 路险终目
    eg He got through the book in one evening 晚书完
    To succeed in making contact 成功…联络
    eg I couldn’t got through to my mother yesterday 昨天母亲电话没接通
    2) To make oneself understood理解
    eg It’s difficult to get through to the students who don’t want to learn 愿学学生听懂事困难
    get to
    1) To start to deal with开始处理:
    eg She didn't get to the housework until Sunday直星期日着手处理家务
    2) To influence or affect especially adversely影响:影响尤指相反:
    eg The noise really gets to me噪音真令心烦
    eg The song got to me 首歌感动起
    get up
    1) To arise from bed or rise to one's feet起床:起床起立
    2) To climb爬
    3) To act as the creator or organizer of组织:作创作者组织者行动:
    eg got up a petition against rezoning组织次反重新分区请愿
    4) To dress or adorn穿着佩戴:
    She got herself up in a bizarre outfit穿套古怪套装
    5) To find within oneself鼓起:
    eg She is trying to get up the nerve to quit设法鼓起勇气辞职
    eg I cannot get up the courage to tell her
    get around to
    To find the time or occasion for…找时间机会
    eg I only got around to doing it this a few days ago
    eg The committee will get around to your suggestion after they’ve done urgent business
    get away with
    To escape the consequences of (a blameworthy act for example)做成某坏事未发觉处罚
    eg got away with cheating but was later caught欺骗手段逃避抓住
    eg The thief got away with 3000
    get back at sb
    To take revenge进行报复…
    ● get even with:……报复   Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day

    ● get a grip on oneself:控制情绪   Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself

    ● getnowhere:……会进展   What is the use of such nonsense It gets us nowhere

    ● getoff the ground:……开始进行   Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground

    ● get on someone's nerves:厌烦  She is used to complaining some other people in my presence this really gets on my nerves

    ● getstraight:……弄清楚   Let us get this straight David needs a car and I lend it to him not you

    ● get the better of:胜……   David is a bilingual No wonder he got the better of Kate in handling some tricky problems

    ● get a feel of:尝试   In this country it is good for you to get a feel of living among various races

    ● get the hang of:懂……窍门   You have to have some practical experience before you get the hang of managing this kind of office work

    ● get the picture clear:准确解情况   To get the picture clear you must read the annual report in detail

    ● get the message:解家说   As no one asked any question I assume all got the message

    ● get to grips with:努力付……   One has to get to grips with new technology the sooner the better

    ● get to the bottom of:弄清……真相   Something seems to have gone wrong with Nancy let's get to the bottom of it

    ● get wind of:密报   Please keep the plan secret no one is supposed to get wind of it prematurely

    ● getwrong:误解……   I don't object to your idea but I doubt it is practicable This is my position so don't get me wrong The newspaper apologised that it had got the fact wrong

    ● get down to business:认真办事   Time is running short let's get down to business now

    ● get a move on:赶快   We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert

    ● get one's head down:静静工作   His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam

    ● get one's hands on:……   They all want to get their hands on the old man's money

    ● get someone's back up:……讨厌   You will just get your friend's back up if you keep on being nasty





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