The prefect ice-blue man

    The prefect iceblue man
    Rhett Butler’s colour is the iceblue which is the outer colour of flame and the junction of fire and ice I like his persistent even his left in the saying to your guns He has done the prefect for people to talk about
         Rhett Butler’s charm goes far beyond the law awllows The slightly mocking smile beside his mouth is his flagship He seemed to be always watching the people who is lost themselves in the maze with the eyes sitted on the sidelines So his sarcasm has his good seasons He did not mind the constraints of societythe standaras of moral he just lived for himself just focus on the results but not the process So he loved the Yankees’ clever but contempted their greed and shallow from his heart He ridiculed those patriots who enthusiastically joined the army but after the fall of Atlanta he casted aside his love and joined the army resolutely
    He was always kind of rational and calm When all of them immersed in the victory of the Yankees he clearly realized that this was a war without doubt the enemy’s weapons were too powerful but the Yankees were blindly arrogant After the war began he maked money from the national crisis When the community in the south was destroyed everyone was impoverished heexplained his swagger in his gentleman apparel which was very particular When gamblinging with the Yankees he still did it ferrly and was humor as before though he may be to be killed by them
    He loved Scarlett but he did’t let her know that because he knowed that Scarlett was a woman who would wave the whip on the head of her suitors He knowed Scarlett more than herself and he was the only person who still loved her after knowed her clearly They were so similar to each other both of them were mule not lady or gentleman But they could live freely because they were the real people live in the real world I’d like to see his making Scarlett to be angry and could say anything just with some casuistic words but this was just his love to her He loved Scarlett with the way he could think about but she could’t see He holp that Scarlett could understand that he was the man she really needed he waited patiently but was helpless with her stubborn He poured all his love as a father because in his eyes Bonnie was just Scarlett another Scarlett did’t be destroyed by war and poverty He gained love from his daughter but his daughter’s death was a disaster to him It nearly made him to be mad But Scarlett was still not understand his love which made him despaired completely Then he decided to end his wandering soul and got back to the place that really belonged to him
    I appreciate his love of left in the saying to your guns his love could not to realize in the way of second best He always standed on the way which standed for dignity and pride his totem of life was always freecould not be bounded by secular When he decided to leave her he was so close with her in distance but so far away from her soul He had to recognize that he was beated by a nothingness soul when he hugged the whole world But he would never appear as a loser his charm had been showed completely before and after his disappearance




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