
      A long time ago there lived a wise man named ZunNun in Egypt A young man came to visit him and asked Teacher why do you dress in 36 a way Nowadays it’s necessary to dress neatly(整洁) isn’t it Or how will people know you’re really a 37 and wise man
      ZunNun smiled took a ring from his finger and said Young friend I’ll answer your question 38 first do one thing for me Take this ring to the market Can you sell it for one chip of gold
      When the young man looked at ZunNun’s dirty ring he thought to 39 How will I sell it at that price
      He 40 the ring to the vegetable meat and fish traders and others in the market But 41 was willing to pay a chip of gold
      He returned and told this to ZunNun ZunNun said Now go to the gold shop and show the ring to the owner Don’t give a 42 just see how much he will pay
      One hour 43 the young man was back Teacher people in the market really didn’t know the value of this ring The gold shop owner 44 me 1000 chips of gold
      ZunNun smiled That’s the answer to your question my friend Someone can’t be valued only from his 45 The ring was a gift from the emperor he said
      36 A so B such C this D that
      37 A special B strange C common D stupid
      38 A until B however C though D but
      39 A him B it C himself D itself
      40 A gave B showed C sold D provided
      41 A nobody B neither C anyone D everyone
      42 A ring B idea C price D reason
      43 A after B before C ago D later
      44 A cost B offered C spent D lent
      45 A words B thoughts C knowledge D dress
      第三部分 阅读理解(15题:题2分满分30分)
      Once a very rich man and his son collected valuable paintings by famous artists like Picasso Van Gogh and Monet
      Later the son left to join the army After a few weeks the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to a hospital The old man became very lonely and sad
      One day a soldier visited the old man and gave him a painting—it was a portrait(肖)of his son The painting of his son became the old man’s most valuable item He told his neighbors it was the greatest gift he had ever received The following spring the old man died
      All of the old man’s paintings would be sold at an auction(拍卖会) The auction began with the painting of the old man’s son
      Who will open the price at 100 the auctioneer asked Moments passed and no one spoke or raised their hands Someone said Who cares about that painting Let’s get on to the good ones More voices followed in agreement No we must sell this one first replied the auctioneer Now who will take the portrait of the son
      Finally a good friend of the old man spoke Ten dollars Will anyone go higher called the auctioneer After more silence he said Going once… going twice…Sold The auctioneer then announced that the whole auction was over According to the father’s will whoever takes the son’s portrait gets the whole collection The auctioneer said
      Because of the father’s love whoever took the son got it all
      46 How did the old man’s son die
      A He died of a serious heart disease
      B He died while taking another soldier to a hospital
      CA car hit him when he went home
      D He was killed by a doctor
      47 What was the first painting to be sold at the auction
      A The paintings by famous artists
      B The gift given by the old man’s neighbors
      C The portrait of the old man’s son
      D The most expensive collection of the old man
      48 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
      A At the beginning of the auction everyone realized the importance of the painting of the son
      B The painting of the old man’s son was as popular as the other paintings
      C The old man’s will was to give away the whole collection to charity
      D The old man’s good friend got the whole collection for only ten dollars
      49 What’s the best title of the passage
      A Love is Sharing B An Expensive Painting
      C A Hot Auction D Caring About the Person You Love
      The Big Wheel
      New ride opens 5 May
      At Adventure Park
      See all the city from it
      Tickets on sale at park entrance
      Adults 350
      Under 16s 250Future World
      The amazing new computer game
      On sale
      From next week in
      Computer shops and supermarkets
      For 24 players
      Only 35
      Jeep Rides
      In the desert
      2 pm till 6 pm
      1750 per person
      Children must be over 12 years old
      Call 321703Competition
      Young singer of the Year
      York Concert Hall
      May 29
      Win a guitar
      Singers must be under 16
      Want to know more Call or text 998456
      Teen Voice
      The new magazine for teenagers
      Interesting stories and pages of fashion and music
      On sale every week
      Go to wwwteenvoice comTop Two Books
      This month
      Forest Street by Alan Banks
      Best Bike Ride by Kim Jams
      Order before 10th April for
      Special price for both books 20
      50 If you want to know more information about the singing competition you can _______
      A go to www teenvoice B go to wwbooksalot
      C call them at 321703 D call or text 998456
      51 Tom wants to play computer games with his friends what should he buy
      A Teen Voice B Future World C Best Bike Ride D Forest Street
      52 Which of the following is NOT true
      A Best Bike Ride is written by Kim Jams
      B The new magazine for teenagers is on sale every week
      C Elevenyearold David is allowed to drive a jeep in the desert on Tuesday
      D Paul and Tina are going to the Big Wheel with their 4yearold son they should pay 95 for the tickets





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