


    One day a young man a student in one of the very famous universities was taking a walk with his professor who was commonly called the students friend He was kind and wise to students who always waited on his instructions
    It was almost noon As they were walking along they saw a pair of old shoes lying on the path which were supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in working in a field close by Apparently this poor man seemed to have nearly finished his days’ work
    Suddenly an idea occurred to the student He turned to the professor saying Let us play a trick on the man: we will hide his shoes conceal(隐藏) ourselves behind those bushes and wait to see his perplexity(困惑) when he cannot find them The student gave a wink (眨眼示意) and smiled
    My young friend answered the professor we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of(……代价) the poor But you are rich and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of the poor man Put a coin into each shoe and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the discovery affects him
    After hearing this the student blushed as red as a cherry with shame and followed the professors instruction Later on they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by waiting for the poor man’s arrival
    Within a short time having finished his work the poor man out of breath came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes All of a sudden he gave out a surprised cry when he felt something hard He stooped (弯腰)  down to feel what it was and found one coin
    1 續写短文词数应150左右
    2 续写部分分两段段开头语已写
    Paragraph 1:
    To his great astonishment he gazed at the coin turned it round and looked at it again and again
    Paragraph 2:
    Watching how their small action had helped the poor man the student stood there deeply affected and his eyes filled with tears
    Ⅰ Sorting the elements
    Ⅱ Analyzing the characters personalities
    Ⅲ Exploring the theme
    What is the text about? And what does the author want to tell us by telling this story?
    Ⅳ Discovering language features
    1 Analyzing language features
    One day a young man a student in one of the very famous universities was taking a walk with his professor who was commonly called the students friend (Para 1)
    One day a young man a student in one of the very famous universities was taking a walk with his professor who was commonly called the students friend (Para 1)
    He was kind and wise to students who always waited on his instructions (Para 1)
    As they were walking along they saw a pair of old shoes lying on the path which were supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in working in a field close by (Para 2)
    After hearing this the student blushed as red as a cherry with shame and followed the professors instruction (Para 5)
    2 Discovering useful structures
    give a wink 眨眨眼
    amuse sb at the expense of ……代价某获消遣
    give sb a greater pleasure by means of 通……方式某获更乐趣
    blush as red as a cherry with shame 羞愧满脸通红
    give out a surprised cry 发出惊讶声
    Ⅴ Conceiving new plots
    1 根事段知男田里劳作正午气喘吁吁回脱鞋子方穿第鞋子时候意外发现枚硬币发出惊讶声推测出般努力工作应该家里较穷非常需钱段中两枚突硬币应该感非常惊喜推荐表达be excited with joybe wild with delightones face beamed
    2 根续写第段段首句To his great astonishment he gazed at the coin turned it round and looked at it again and again知男硬币非常惊喜根问题链进行推测:
    (1)Why was he so astonished to get one coin?
    (2)How would he react when he found the second coin?
    (3)How would he feel when he found the second coin?
    3 续写第二段段首句Watching how their small action had helped the poor man the student stood there deeply affected and his eyes filled with tears暗示续写第段应该交代男生活处境困难两枚硬币刚帮助
    1 结合续写第二段段首句根问题进行推测:
    (1)What would the student do after seeing how the two coins helped the poor man?
    (2)Would the poor man know who helped him or not? If yes how would he react? If not then how?
    2 观察事开始情节根首尾呼应原预测段容
    How would the professor instruct his student kindly and wisely in the end?
    3 根第四段教授话推断出作者写作目——It is better to give than to get推测事走保持前文题致性推测事结尾——学生深受感触男提供更帮助教授学生总结历体会呼应题意义表示感动相关表达:Touched deeplyimmensely Tears filling his eyes he offered his heartfelt gratitude With tears streaming down his face he

    赠玫瑰手留余香 答案
    Reading Check
    Ⅰ Sorting the elements
    1 Narration   2 a professor
    3 a poor man 4 field   5 shoes
    6 trick 7 coin   8 surprised
    Ⅱ Analyzing the characters personalities
    1 ashamed   2 poor   3 kind
    4 hardworking
    Ⅲ Exploring the theme
    It tells about a professor who instructed his student to be kind to the poor by asking him to put a coin into each shoe of the poor man
    The author may want to tell us it is better to give than to get

    Paragraph 1:
    To his great astonishment he gazed at the coin turned it round and looked at it again and again He couldn’t believe his eyes He raised his head and looked around but no person was there He put the money into his pocket and continued to put on the other shoe His surprise doubled when he found the second coin He fell upon his knees looking up to the sky and crying Thank goodness With these two coins my poor sick wife could go to see a doctor at last He was so touched that tears rolled down his cheeks
    Paragraph 2:
    Watching how their small action had
    helped the poor man the student stood there deeply affected and his eyes filled with tears Without hesitation he went straight to the moved man and helped him up He took out all the money he had and gave it to the man I am the one who put the coins into your shoes And I hope the money can help your family out of trouble Hearing this the man bowed to the student with heartfelt gratitude Seeing this the professor patted gently on his students shoulder saying My friend now you get it It is better to give than to get





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