
    I 词汇结构:选项中选出佳答案答题卷相应字母涂黑 (40%)

    1 The price of this TV set is much higher than ____________of other TV sets
    A this B that C these D those
    2 The little girl is quite __________ in drawing and she draws well
    A interested B good C fond D tired
    3 I ________ you a happy birthday
    A hope B want C expect D wish
    4 The doctor said If you don’t_________ smoking excessively you’ll never come back to health
    A give up B give off C give in D give out
    5 It __________ him almost 2 hours to go to his office yesterday because of the traffic jam
    A spent B cost C took D put
    6 The teacher asked us to __________ our lessons after class
    A go on B go over C go away D go back
    7 Japan lies __________ the east of China they’re neighbors
    A at B in C on D to
    8 I usually _________ my office at nine o’clock in the morning
    A go B arrive C get to D reached
    9 Did David give you anything _________ the letter
    A except B but C besides D beside
    10 The worldwide organization was __________ ten years ago
    A set up B make up C take up D got up
    11 Jane _______ down and soon felt asleep
    A lied B lay C laid D lain
    12 She racked her brain trying to __________ the math problem
    A work up B work out C work down D work off
    13 I have been quite busy recently I’ve had little __________ time
    A spare B precious C spacious D empty
    14 Though we know it isn’t right we sometimes tend to ________ people by their appearance

    A see B look C know D judge
    15 The report of the traffic accident proved __________
    A true B truth C truly D truthfully
    16 I learned how to ___________ a bicycle when I was in the elementary school
    A draw B drive C ride D pull
    17 We all agree his suggestions are _________ of consideration
    A worth B worthless C worthy D worthwhile
    18 Something must be wrong with the post office—Sam didn’t _______ my package sent two months ago
    A accept B receive C arrive D take
    19 I wrote to Jim three days ago and ___________ his reply
    A look over B look after C look for D look forward to
    20 It’s a very popular concert and you’d better __________ your tickets in advance
    A buy B take C book D create
    21 The speaker’s explanation will be more understandable if he __________ more clearly next time
    A spoke B will speak C has spoken D speaks
    22 It is reported that the film __________ this Saturday in some large cities
    A is to show B is to be shown C is showing D shows
    23 Jim told me that the book the teacher recommended was worth _________
    A read B to read C reading D to be read
    24 Our aim is to make the electricity ___________ the people better
    A serve B serves C to serve D serving
    25 __________the coffee Mr Johnson washed the cup and put it away
    A Having drank B Drinking C After drank D Having drunk
    26 Hurry up _________ you will be late for the meeting
    A and B or C but D so
    27 The reason I plan to go is __________ she’ll be disappointed if I don’t
    A because B for C that D how

    28 Only in this way __________ English well
    A we can learn B we will learn C can we learn D can learn we
    29 The lab _________ the chemist often does experiments is not far from here
    A what B that C which D where
    30 My car is in _______ bad condition ________ I can’t drive it any longer
    A such…that B too…to C so…that D so…as to
    31 She thought I was talking about her son _________ in fact I was talking about my son
    A whom B where C which D while
    32 Some birds will fly away to the south in winter while __________ will stay with you
    A another B the others C others D other ones
    33 __________ the end of this month I will have taught in our school for 20 years
    A at B for C In D By
    34 Whenever we visited them they _________ television
    A have watched B watch C had watched D were watching
    35 I thought you __________ like something to red so I have brought you some magazine
    A must B could C may D might
    36 __________ the room temperature she kept the heater on
    A Kept up B Keeping up C To keep up D Keeps up
    37 You should know that spoken English is sometimes different from _________ English
    A write B writing C written D to write
    38 I couldn’t do the ironing yesterday because the iron __________
    A repaired B was being repaired C was repairing D is repaired
    39 If I __________ the king you would be my queen
    A was B were C had been D will be
    40 Raw material is __________ we are badly in need of
    A what B whether C that D how

    II 阅读理解:选项中选出佳答案答题卷相应字母涂黑 (30%)
    Passage 1
    It was a cold spring morning in London People walking in the street were wearing heavy clothes The weather had been very bad for the past week and now many people were ill Today there were quite a few people in the doctor’s waiting room There were still a few minutes before the doctor started seeing the patients A woman of about sixty years old was at the front of the queue (排队) She didn’t live in this city She came from a farm north of London She was here to visit her daughter who was a secretary in a big company She wanted to see the doctor because of her back problem
    Soon an Indian (印安) came into the waiting room and walked straight to the doctor’s door When she saw this the old woman stood up and took hold of his arm She said We were all here before you You must wait for your turn Do…you…understand
    The Indian answered No madam YOU don’t understand You’re all after me I am the doctor
    41 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage
    A The hospital was the best one in London
    B The change of weather made a lot of people sick
    C People took off heavy clothes because it was spring
    D Many patients were waiting because the doctor was late
    42 Why did the old woman come to London
    A To see the doctor B To visit London
    C To visit her daughter D To be a secretary
    43 What was wrong with the old woman
    A She had caught a bad cold
    B Her back was injured in an accident
    C She had a back problem
    D She had mental problems
    44 What does the underlined word this in paragraph 3 refer to (指……)

    A The Indian
    B Many patients waiting in a queue
    C The Indian coming into the waiting room
    D The Indian walking straight to the doctor’s door
    45 The old woman thought the Indian was ____________
    A a patient B a cleaner
    C a doctor D a visitor

    Passage 2
    There is another division in the British Press—that between national papers covering national foreign and political matters and regional or local papers serving a particular community Regional papers can cater for a large area—The Scotsman for example is a regional paper for Scotland and the Yorkshire Post is a regional for the country of Yorkshire in the north of England
    The nationals are more popular than the regional papers the total readership of all the regional and local dailies only amounts to about half the total readership of all the national dailies
    Local papers cover a much smaller area and deal with community issues For example there are many papers in London each serving a small section of the city The Hampstead and Highgate Express (Ham and High) is only concerned with events relating to a part of north London These are papers delivered free to houses in a particular area The production and distribution costs are met by the sale of advertisements
    46 This passage is mainly about ____________
    A all the British newspaper B local newspaper
    C regional newspaper D local and regional papers
    47 Regional papers are _____________
    A as popular as locals B more popular than locals
    C as popular as nationals D more popular than nationals
    48 Local papers are mostly ___________
    A daily B weekly C monthly D fortnightly

    49 Locals are mainly concerned with ___________
    A foreign matters B national matters
    C political matters D community issues
    50 Free is the last paragraph means ___________
    A at any time B by any means
    C without payment of any kind D without work or duty

    Passage 3
    Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Singapore especially in places where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is dangerous
    The purpose of these bridges is to enable pedestrians (行) to cross roads safely Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossing (行横道) They are more efficient although less convenient because people have to climb up a long flight of steps This is inconvenient especially to older people When pedestrians use an overhead bridge they do not hold up traffic However when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing traffic is held up This is why the government has built many overhead bridges to help pedestrians and to keep traffic moving at the same time
    The government of Singapore has spent large sums of money building these bridges For their own safety pedestrians should be encouraged to use them instead of risking their lives by dashing across the road Old people however find it a little difficult climbing up and down the steps but it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the danger of moving traffic
    Overhead bridges serve a very useful purpose Pedestrians both old and young should make it a habit to use them This will prevent unnecessary accidents and loss of life
    51 The advantage of overhead bridge is that ___________
    A they are higher
    B they do not hold up traffic and are safer for pedestrians
    C pedestrians can see traffic better
    D they are more convenient to use

    52 Overhead bridges are built ____________
    A for heavy traffic
    B for the safety and convenience of drivers
    C for the safety of pedestrians
    D to help traffic
    53 In heavy traffic _____________
    A roads are difficult and dangerous to cross
    B it is quite safe to cross roads
    C pedestrians are not permitted to cross roads
    D pedestrians expect it to stop for them when crossing roads
    54 Old people ______________
    A like the idea of building overhead bridges
    B have no difficulty using overhead bridges
    C find overhead bridges somewhat inconvenient to use
    D think overhead bridges are too expensive to use
    55 People are encouraged to use overhead bridges _____________
    A so that they will be more popular
    B in order to save money for the government
    C to prevent accidents and loss of life
    D in order that traffic may flow smoothly

    III完形填空:选项中选出佳答案答题卷相应字母涂黑 (10%)
    How does it happen that children learn their mother 56 so well Let us compare them 57 adults learning a foreign language for the comparison is both interesting and instructive Here we have a little 58 without knowledge or experience there a 59 person with fully developed mental powers Here a method of teaching without planning there the whole task laid out in a system Here no professional teachers 60 parents brothers and sisters playmates there teachers specially trained to 61 languages Here only 62 instruction there not only that but textbooks dictionaries and visual 63 And yet this is the result here a complete mystery of the 64 however stupid the children there in most cases even with people otherwise highly gifted a faulty and inexact command Why is there such a 65

    56 A speech B words C tongue D language
    57 A to B with C by D as
    58 A girl B thing C boy D child
    59 A grownup B old C man D adult
    60 A except B but C for D however
    61 A give B teach C learn D use
    62 A written B formal C some D oral
    63 A means B help C aids D advice
    64 A result B learning C study D language
    65 A difference B result C change D effect

    IV 翻译:列句子译成英文写答题卷 (20%)
    66 迟受批评
    67 电影院电影开始
    68 介意抽烟?
    69 药片应该饭服
    70 找份工作消息高兴

    1 10 B A D A C B D C C A 11—20 B B A D A C C B D C
    21—30 D B C A D B C C D A 31—40 D C D D D C C B B A
    41—50 B C C D A D B B D C B C A C C
    56—65 C B D A B B D C D A
    66 He was criticized for being late
    67 The movie started as soon as we arrive at the cinema
    68 Do you mind me smoking here
    69 This pill should be taken after the meal70 The news that she had found a good job made us happy




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