
    1What can we do for the case
    AWe could consult our lawyer
    BThe case is difficult
    CI don’t care about it

    2You knowsometimes clients may not turn up for their appointments
    AYesbut as far as I am concernedbuilding healthy relationships may help
    BOhI think they are doctors
    CWellwe have to come earlier

    3This apple pie is too sweetdon’t you think so
    ________I think it’s just rightactually
    ANot really
    BI hope so
    CSounds good

    4Do you eat porridge every day
    APorridge is my favorite
    BNosometimes I’d have a cup of soybean milk
    CI seldom eat fast food because it’s rich in fat

    5Let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us
    AYou are such a great fan
    BI am more interested in the film director
    CCan’t wait to watch it


    1I don’t know the parkbut it’s________to be quite beautiful

    2The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial________

    3Educators need proper teaching resources________students to achieve
    Ain order to
    Bin order for
    Cin order that

    4Howeverin too many countries and societieswomen’s social________is still low

    5With these suggestionsyour child can grow up to be a________and successful adult that you can be proud of

    6It’s a good idea But who’s is going to________the plan
    Acarry out
    Bget through
    Ctake in

    7Tomwhat did you do with my documents I have never seen such a________and disorder

    8What he said________correct

    9I feel really terrible because I________at my paper until now
    Ahave been working
    Bhave worked
    Cwas working

    10He studied hard at school when he was young________contributed a lot to his success

    11Two thousand dollars________enough for the car

    12Did the medicine make you feel better
    NoThe more________________I feel
    Amedicine I take and the worse
    Bmedicine I take the worse
    CI take medicine the worse

    13________tomorrow’s lessonsFrank has no time to go out with his friends
    ANot preparing
    BNot having prepared
    CNot to prepare

    14When we were students we________often stay up all night

    15If it________go to trialI’m afraid the prosecution will have a field day criticizing our company in the press

    1Since its founding in 1948McDonald’s has grown from a family burger(汉堡包)stand to a global fastfood chainwith more than 30000 locations in 118 countries

    With 58 million daily customers worldwideMcDonald’s is now so ubiquitous around the globe that The Economist publishes a global ranking of currencies’ purchasing power based on the prices charged at the local McDonald’scalled the Big Mac Index(巨霸指数)That’s not to say that every nation carries the same menu itemschoices vary widely depending on locationSome Asian locations serve fried shrimp in a Big Mac rollwhile McDonald’s in India doesn’t serve beef at allrelying instead on burgers made from vegetablesrice and beans

    Not everyone in the world has been happy to greet Ronald McDonald when he moves to townMany see McDonald’s as a symbol of American economic and cultural chauvinism(沙文义)and European nations in particular have viewed Americanstyle fast food as an insult to their national foodA French farmerJose Bovebecame something of a national hero in 1999 after he and a group of people destroyed a McDonald’s under construction to protest globalization and bad foodThe next yeara bomb exploded in a French McDonald’skilling a 27yearold employeeNo one claimed responsibility

    But regardless of whether you like their food or their policiesMcDonald’s is still widely seen as one of the true pioneers of peaceful globalization

    [单选题]◆According to the passagewhich of the following statements is NOT TRUE
    AMcDonald’s was founded in 1948
    BMcDonald’s has opened its restaurants in every city of the world
    CMcDonald’s has over 30000 locations in the world now

    [单选题]◆The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean______
    Avery crowded
    Bvery clean
    Cexisting everywhere

    [单选题]◆From Paragraph 2we can conclude that______
    AMcDonald’s designs its menu to suit the local people
    Bmillions of young adults got their first job with McDonald’s
    Cthe McDonald’s menu sticks to oldfashioned favorites such as the Big Mac

    [单选题]◆What did Jose Bove and his people do in 1999 to protest against McDonald’s
    AThey destroyed a McDonald’s under construction
    BThey protested outside a McDonald’s
    CThey refused to go to a newlybuilt McDonald’s

    [单选题]◆In______an employee died in a fatal bomb attack on a McDonald’s restaurant in France

    1The National Union of Students (NUS) welcomes the news that greater numbers of black and disabled students are studying at UK universitiesbut there is still a lot of work to be done on widening accesswrites the union’s presidentGemma Tumelty

    A recent Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) equalities review showed that significant numbers of potential students felt their disability was a major barrier to accessing higher education (HE)This is simply unacceptable

    Equality and diversity is not entirely anumbers game and before too much praise is given we need to hear more from nontraditional studentsnot just about their experience of accessing higher education but also going through the system

    Equality in society is absolutelyand fundamentallylinked to equality in access to education

    For many studentsuniversity is the place where they will be first exposed to different cultures and different peopleAs well as fighting for better accessthe NUS wants to see diversity properly valued and promoted within the student experienceMany pay lip service to the value of diversitybut is this recognized and promoted as a core asset to those who go through the HE system

    Equality in society can be promoted by equality and diversity at universityBut the benefits of university as a positivediverse environment must be seen by students as adding value as much as any other factors before the numbers game is really won by the champions of diversity

    [判断题]◆We need to hear more from nontraditional students about their experience of accessing higher education

    [判断题]◆Greater numbers of black and disabled students are studying at Chinese universities

    [判断题]◆Equality in society is linked to equality in access to education

    [判断题]◆For many studentsuniversity is the last place where they will get to know different cultures and different people

    [判断题]◆Students can see the benefits of university as a positivediverse environment

    1Write a passage on the job I likeThe passage should be about 120 wordsYour passage may be based on the following information
    (1)What job do you like
    (2)Why do you like the job
    (3)What do you plan to do to get the job

    1What can we do for the case (红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AWe could consult our lawyer
    BThe case is difficult
    CI don’t care about it

    2You knowsometimes clients may not turn up for their appointments(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AYesbut as far as I am concernedbuilding healthy relationships may help
    BOhI think they are doctors
    CWellwe have to come earlier

    3This apple pie is too sweetdon’t you think so(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    ________I think it’s just rightactually
    ANot really
    BI hope so
    CSounds good

    4Do you eat porridge every day(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    APorridge is my favorite
    BNosometimes I’d have a cup of soybean milk
    CI seldom eat fast food because it’s rich in fat

    5Let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AYou are such a great fan
    BI am more interested in the film director
    CCan’t wait to watch it

    1I don’t know the parkbut it’s________to be quite beautiful(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    2The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial________(红色字体题正确答案选项)


    3Educators need proper teaching resources________students to achieve(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ain order to
    Bin order for
    Cin order that

    4Howeverin too many countries and societieswomen’s social________is still low(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    5With these suggestionsyour child can grow up to be a________and successful adult that you can be proud of(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    6It’s a good idea But who’s is going to________the plan(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Acarry out
    Bget through
    Ctake in

    7Tomwhat did you do with my documents I have never seen such a________and disorder(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    8What he said________correct(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    9I feel really terrible because I________at my paper until now(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ahave been working
    Bhave worked
    Cwas working

    10He studied hard at school when he was young________contributed a lot to his success(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    11Two thousand dollars________enough for the car(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    12Did the medicine make you feel better(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    NoThe more________________I feel
    Amedicine I take and the worse
    Bmedicine I take the worse
    CI take medicine the worse

    13________tomorrow’s lessonsFrank has no time to go out with his friends(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    ANot preparing
    BNot having prepared
    CNot to prepare

    14When we were students we________often stay up all night(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    15If it________go to trialI’m afraid the prosecution will have a field day criticizing our company in the press(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    1Since its founding in 1948McDonald’s has grown from a family burger(汉堡包)stand to a global fastfood chainwith more than 30000 locations in 118 countries

    With 58 million daily customers worldwideMcDonald’s is now so ubiquitous around the globe that The Economist publishes a global ranking of currencies’ purchasing power based on the prices charged at the local McDonald’scalled the Big Mac Index(巨霸指数)That’s not to say that every nation carries the same menu itemschoices vary widely depending on locationSome Asian locations serve fried shrimp in a Big Mac rollwhile McDonald’s in India doesn’t serve beef at allrelying instead on burgers made from vegetablesrice and beans

    Not everyone in the world has been happy to greet Ronald McDonald when he moves to townMany see McDonald’s as a symbol of American economic and cultural chauvinism(沙文义)and European nations in particular have viewed Americanstyle fast food as an insult to their national foodA French farmerJose Bovebecame something of a national hero in 1999 after he and a group of people destroyed a McDonald’s under construction to protest globalization and bad foodThe next yeara bomb exploded in a French McDonald’skilling a 27yearold employeeNo one claimed responsibility

    But regardless of whether you like their food or their policiesMcDonald’s is still widely seen as one of the true pioneers of peaceful globalization
    [单选题]◆According to the passagewhich of the following statements is NOT TRUE(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AMcDonald’s was founded in 1948

    BMcDonald’s has opened its restaurants in every city of the world
    CMcDonald’s has over 30000 locations in the world now

    [单选题]◆The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Avery crowded
    Bvery clean
    Cexisting everywhere

    [单选题]◆From Paragraph 2we can conclude that______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AMcDonald’s designs its menu to suit the local people
    Bmillions of young adults got their first job with McDonald’s
    Cthe McDonald’s menu sticks to oldfashioned favorites such as the Big Mac

    [单选题]◆What did Jose Bove and his people do in 1999 to protest against McDonald’s(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AThey destroyed a McDonald’s under construction
    BThey protested outside a McDonald’s
    CThey refused to go to a newlybuilt McDonald’s

    [单选题]◆In______an employee died in a fatal bomb attack on a McDonald’s restaurant in France(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    1The National Union of Students (NUS) welcomes the news that greater numbers of black and disabled students are studying at UK universitiesbut there is still a lot of work to be done on widening accesswrites the union’s presidentGemma Tumelty

    A recent Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) equalities review showed that significant numbers of potential students felt their disability was a major barrier to accessing higher education (HE)This is simply unacceptable

    Equality and diversity is not entirely anumbers game and before too much praise is given we need to hear more from nontraditional studentsnot just about their experience of accessing higher education but also going through the system

    Equality in society is absolutelyand fundamentallylinked to equality in access to education

    For many studentsuniversity is the place where they will be first exposed to different cultures and different peopleAs well as fighting for better accessthe NUS wants to see diversity properly valued and promoted within the student experienceMany pay lip service to the value of diversitybut is this recognized and promoted as a core asset to those who go through the HE system

    Equality in society can be promoted by equality and diversity at universityBut the benefits of university as a positivediverse environment must be seen by students as adding value as much as any other factors before the numbers game is really won by the champions of diversity

    [判断题]◆We need to hear more from nontraditional students about their experience of accessing higher education(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    [判断题]◆Greater numbers of black and disabled students are studying at Chinese universities(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    [判断题]◆Equality in society is linked to equality in access to education(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    [判断题]◆For many studentsuniversity is the last place where they will get to know different cultures and different people(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    [判断题]◆Students can see the benefits of university as a positivediverse environment(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    1Write a passage on the job I likeThe passage should be about 120 wordsYour passage may be based on the following information
    (1)What job do you like
    (2)Why do you like the job
    (3)What do you plan to do to get the job

    The job I like best
    In the past three years of my college life i have never ceased to think what kind of work i shall take up upon graduationalthough my ideas are not consistenti have decided on a college teacher as my lifelong careera variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative onesfirstteaching is learning make my lectures more constructive and stimulatingi have to read more booksexplore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world the very thing i enjoy in my lifesecondteaching means freedom and independence a teacherI’m free to use my own ideas and make my own decisionsa privilege not everyone can haveeven those with highlypaid positionsfinallyi like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind more rushing to catch a morning busno more anxiety to please a bossno more worries about your paycheck which is steadyif not handsomenothingnot even a big salarycan equal for the opportunity to continue learningthe satisfaction of being your own bossand a gentle peace of lifeThe Job I Like to be a teacher best because both of my parents are teachersTheir students all love them and respect them which in fluent me a lotBesidesbeing a teacherI can always stay with the students and I will always stay young no matter how old I amI will feel proud because I can teach the students right from wrong and I can also learn a lot from my studentsWhat’s moreI can have lots of chance to go on my training and there will be lots of holidays so that I can do whatever I want

    Although the pay is not very highI will feel happy to be with my studentsThe job I like When I grow up I want to be an English teacherEnglish is my favorite subject and I am quite good at it so I think that being an English teacher would be a great opportunity for me to keep studying and learning about this international languageEnglish is important all over the worldso I would like to help other people understand more about English and Englishspeaking countriesA teacher should help students to improve themselves and get a good job in the futureI would be very happy to help other people to study this very useful languageI’m looking forward to becoming a friendly and helpful teacher


    The job I like
    WellI’d like to find an interesting job as a foreigh language teacherAs we all knowEnglish become more and more useful all over the worldso I want to teach EnglishAs a teacherI always love education and studentsI will let them remember what we learn and become outstandingOf courseyou don’t need to worry about the homework at all You will finish it happily with meAnd I will be my students’ good friendstooI believe it’ll be very nice

    To be a teacher is a noble jobAs we knowteacher is a job which will spend us a lot of energy to do well in this jobAt the same timeit also be a chanllenge for meI like to do something which is full of chanllengeSOI think it will be a good job for me to do




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    第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-The red dress fits me very...

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    第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Do you mind if I close the...

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    1.—Don’t keep water running when you wash hands.―_________________ A.I hope so.B.I’m afraid not.C...

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    第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-_______________.-Can you t...

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    1.-Her father is very rich.-________.She wouldn’t accept his help even if it were offered.A.What ...

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    1.-Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women?-_______________.A.Yes,women are more...

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    1.-What can we do for the case?-_______________.A.We could consult our lawyer.B.The case is diffi...

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    1.-_______________.-Because there are many geographical and social problems.A.What causes the pro...

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    1.-Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer?-_______________.A.No,a portable 3D printer is...

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    1.-Let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us.-_______________.A...

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    1.-Do you know the youngest professor of our university? He died last week.-Oh.__________.A.it’s ...

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    1.-Let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us.-_________________...

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    1.-How can you prove that your client is innocent?-_______________.A.That’s the police’s job.B.My...

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    第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Nice weather, isn’t it? ...

    160    0


    1.-How often do you go dancing?-_______________.A.I will go dancing tomorrow.B.Yesterday.C.Every ...

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    第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-The red dress fits me very...

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    1.-I am Paul.Can I have your name?-_____________.A.I am new hereB.I am30 years oldC.My name is Linda

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    1.-Igot a promotion in my company.-_______________A.Pretty well, I guess.B.That’s fine.C. Congrat...

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    第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Try motivating Tony to coo...

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    第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.- Did you enjoy your colleg...

    165    0




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