
    2022高中英语外刊阅读语法填空February 9

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    Face masks make people look more attractive study finds 

    There have been precious few positives during the Covid pandemic but British academics may have unearthed one people look more 1_____(attract) in protective masks
    Researchers at Cardiff University were surprised 2_____(find) that both men and women were judged to look 3_____(good) with a face covering obscuring (遮住)the lower half of their faces
    Dr Michael Lewis a reader from Cardiff University’s school of psychology and 4_____expert in faces said research 5_____(carry) out before the pandemic had found that medical face masks reduced attractiveness because they were associated 6_____ disease or illness
    We wanted to test whether this had changed since face coverings became ubiquitous(处) and understand whether the type of mask had any effect he said
    Our study suggests faces 7_____(consider) most attractive when covered by medical face masks This may be because we’re used to healthcare workers 8_____(wear) blue masks and now we associate these with people in caring or medical professions At a time when we feel vulnerable(脆弱) we may find the wearing of medical masks reassuring(令安心) and so feel more positive towards the wearer
    The first part of the research was carried out in February 2021 by 9_____ time the British population had become used to wearing masks in some circumstances Fortythree women were asked to rate on a scale of one to 10 the attractiveness of images of male faces without a mask wearing a plain cloth mask a blue medical face mask and holding a plain black book covering the area a face mask would hide
    The participants said those wearing a cloth mask were 10______(significant) more attractive than the ones with no masks or whose faces were partly obscured by the book But the surgical mask – which was just a normal disposable kind – made the wearer look even better
    1 attractive 2 to find 3 better 4 an 5 carried
    6 with 7 are considered 8 wearing 9 which 10 significantly

    Climate change may cause additional kidney stones

    Climate change in the coming decades could lead 1_____ an increase in cases of kidney stones(肾结石) that would bring huge costs to healthcare systems according to research by scientists in the United States
    A study 2______(publish) this week in Scientific Reports found that even if measures are put in place 3_____(reduce) greenhouse gas emissions there would still be a rise in cases of the painful condition
    A research team from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia knew from previous studies that high temperatures and dehydration(脱水) increase the risk of 4______(develop) kidney stones
    With this 5_____(late) study the scientists sought to project how climate change will impact the burden of kidney stone disease on healthcare systems in the future reported The Independent newspaper
    Kidney stone disease 6_____(cause) by hard deposits(沉积物) of minerals that develop in concentrated urine and cause pain when passing through the urinary tract(尿路) The researchers said incidence(发病率) of the condition 7_____(increase) in the last 20 years
    The scientists created a model to estimate the impact of heat on future kidney stone presentations in the southeastern US state of South Carolina 8_____ has a higher incidence of kidney stone disease
    The model predicted that the number of cases will increase between 22 percent and 39 percent by the year 2089 depending on projected daily temperatures under two climate change scenarios(情景)
    In comments with a news release Gregory E Tasian a urologist(泌尿科医生) at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and senior author of the study said While it is 9____(possible) to predict with certainty how future policies will slow or hasten greenhouse gas emission and anthropogenic climate change and to know 10_____(exact) what future daily temperatures will be our analysis suggests that a warming planet will likely cause an increased burden of kidney stone disease on healthcare systems
    1 to 2 published 3 to reduce 4 developing
    5 latest 6 is caused 7 has increased
    8 which 9 impossible 10 exactly

    3 14年外国记者背08年奥运会媒体包参北京冬奥:质量非常Foreign media workers carry backpacks received at Beijing 2008 all the way to Beijing 2022

    Foreign reporters have been seen 1_____(carry) around bags from the 2008 Summer Olympics as they work inside the media center for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games
    An Iranian journalist said he would carry the bag from Beijing 2008 every time he covered sports 2_____(competition) A backpack is a very important item for a photography journalist and this bag is 3____high quality and 4____(it) design is userfriendly said the journalist
    Fernando a Spanish journalist said that he carried the bag with him during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
    Apart from the bags 5____(supply) to media workers the gold medals awarded during the 2008 Summer Olympics also demonstrated (证明) a high level of quality
    After a fire destroyed the apartment of Russian rhythmic gymnast Daria Shkurikhina She found that the gold medal she 6_____(earn) from the 2008 Summer Olympics 7_____ was inlaid with jade remained undamaged
    For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games media workers from around the world will receive a new media package that contains items such as 8____insulated cup (保温杯)and 9_____(culture) souvenirs 10_____(depict) papercut window grilles (窗花) or Chinese knots among other gifts
    1 carrying 2 competitions 3 of 4 its 5 supplied
    6 had earned 7 which 8 an 9 cultural 10 depicting





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