人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.-SectionA教案(共5课时)

    教版八年级Unit 2 I’ll help clean up the city parks
    The First Period(Section A 1a1c)
    1 To learn to understand and use phrasal verbs
    2 To listen and speak using phrasal verbs
       1 Learn key words and expressions
       2 Learn to offer help
    The new expressions for offering help
    Step 1:Revision复检查
    Revise old knowledge by making up the conversation in pairs according to pictures
    A What’s the matter with himher
    B HeShe has a
    A What should heshe do
    B HeShe should…
    Step 2 Warmup and leadin(课堂热身导入)
    First Let's play a guessing game What word can be formed Yes help Today We’ll learn how to help others
    Step 3 Learn some new words and phrases according to the pictures
    1 help help sb to do sth help sb with sth
    with the help of… with one’s help
    2 clean up ( v+ adv )
    3 volunteer n v volunteer to do sth
    4 cheer sb up
    5 give out
    Step 4 1a T Look at the ways you could help people in the picture Then list other ways
    S Other ways you could help people
    help children with their schoolwork
    visit the old in an old people’s home
    give our old books to Hope School
    pick up rubbish in the park
    Help old people cross the road
    Step 5 Work on 1b
    Listen and number the ways the boy and girl could help others
    T Turn to page 97 and read the tapescripts  together
    Step 6 Work on 1c
    Practice the conversation in the picture aboveThen make other conversations using the information in 1b
    A I hope to work outside
    B You could help to clean up the city parks
    A I hope to help homeless people
    B You could give out food at the food bank
    A I hope toI’d like to cheer up…
    B You could
    Step 6 Exercise
    Ⅰ 根句意汉语提示写出相应单词短语
    1 The boy could _______(分发)food at the food bank
    2 The girl could _________(义务做)in an afterschool study program to teach kids
    Ⅱ 列句子补充完整
    1 ——希外面工作
    —I hope __ _____ outside
    —You _____ help __ _____ ___ the city parks
    2 女孩医院生病孩子 高兴起

    The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital __ _____
    _____ ___
    3 推迟制订计划
    We can’t ___ ___ _______ a plan
    Step 7 Homework
    1 Memorize the new words and phrases
    2 Do exercise
    Step 8板书设计
    Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks
    Section A 1a—1c
    1 help help sb to do sth help sb with sth
    with the help of… with one’s help
    2 clean up ( v+ adv )
    3 volunteer n v volunteer to do sth
    4 cheer sb up
    5 give out

    Teaching plan for Grade 8 BookⅡ Unit 2
    Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks
    Section A ( 1a 1c)
    Teaching aims
    Knowledge aims
    Learn the new vocabularies and verbal phrases volunteer cheer clean up cheer up give out
    Learn to use the sentences to offer help and give suggestions
    I hope to …
    I’d like to …
    I want to…
    You could…
    Ability aims
    Train Ss’ listening and speaking skill
    Train Ss’ communicative skill
    Emotion aims
    Try to be a person who has a warm heart and helps others often
    Teaching Importance and Difficulty
    Use the useful expressions and sentences to offer help
    Get Ss to come up with more ways to help people in English through their cooperation
    Teaching Methods
    Taskbased teaching approach
    Teaching Aids
    The Multimedia
    Teaching Procedures
    Step 1 Warm up and Lead in
    1Show the sign of volunteer Ask Ss the questions What can you see in the sign(hand heart dove letter Y) Can you say the meaning of each part
    2Read a passage about volunteering in the US and the UK
    3Look at some pictures of volunteering in China
    Step 2 Presentation
    1Learn the new vocabulary and the verbal phrases volunteer clean up the city parks cheer cheer up the sick people give out the food at the food bank volunteer in the afterschool study program
    2 Introduce the picture of 1aand present the key sentences
    I’d like to… I hope to… I want to…
    You could…
    Step 3 Practice
    Ss work in groups list other ways they could help people The more the better
    List the ways Ss add on the Bb
    Step 4 Listening
    1 Listen and number the ways the boy and girl could help others
    2 Listen and fill in the blanks
    3 Listen and role play B give suggestions
    Step 5 Pair work
    Ss work in pairs practice making the conversations using the information in the lists on the Bb and the sentence patterns
    Step 6 Group work
    TThere will be a Volunteer Day in our school next week Do you want to be volunteers Choose one volunteer activity work in groups tell what you could do and make a poster for your Volunteer Day
    Divide the whole class into five groups Volunteer at school Volunteer in the community Volunteer for the environment Volunteer for the old people and Volunteer for the children And choose a leader in each group
    Go to each group to help them and make sure every student can take part in the activity
    Each group shows their posters and report their volunteer plans using the language they learn
    Step 7 Summery
    Sum up the ways we could help people and the sentences we offer help
    Encourage Ss to be volunteers and help people in need
    Use the posters to introduce your volunteer plans and find more volunteers in our school

    Bb writing

    Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks
    Section A (1a1c)

    I hope to clean up the city parks
    I’d like to cheer up the sick people in the hospital
    I want to give out food at the food bank
    You could volunteer in an afterschool study program to teach kids
    (students’ report)

    Unit2 Section A(1a2d)
    课型 Listening and Speaking (Section A 1a2d)
    Teaching Objectives 教学目标
    Language goals 语言目标
    Key words and phrases cheer sb up give out clean up come up with put off sign notice make some notices volunteer in an afterschool study program visit sick kids make a plan
    Sentence Structures
    1) You could help to clean up the city parks
    2) The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up
    3) We need to come up with a plan for the City Park CleanUp Day
    Ability goals 力目标
    Emotional goals 情感目标
    Important and difficult teaching points教学重难点
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Greeting the students and leadingin
    THello Everyone Are you happy today
    Ss yes
    T I can see the smile on your faces You are happy because you are studying in such a beautiful school you have enough food to eat and you have family and friends to love But I am a little sad because I visited some people and places last weekend
    Ask the school to look at the screen There are three pictures the homeless people the sick kid and the dirty park
    Do you want to help the people in need
    What could you do for them
    Step 2 Check the phrases
    1clean up the city parks 6 an afterschool study program
    2visit the sick kids 7come up with a plan
    3cheer them up 8put off making a plan
    4give out food 9put up signs
    5make some notices 10 call up students
    Ask the students speak out the phrases in Englishthen read together
    Give students one minute to remember all the phrases
    Check the phrases Speak out the phrases according to the words cards
    Step 3 According to the pictures answer the questions You can use the phrases you've learnt
    1AWhat could you do for the homeless people
    BI could give out food to them
    2AWhat could you do for the sick kids
    BI could visit the sick kids and cheer them up
    3AWhat could you do for the dirty parks
    BI hope to clean up the city parks
    4AWhat could you do for the kids
    BI would like to volunteer in an afterschool program
    Step4 Pair work
    A What could you do for
    B I could
    I hope to
    I would like to
    [could it is not past tense but giving advise politely]
    Step 5 Listen and number the ways the boy and girl could help others(before listening find out the key words of each sentence so that you catch the main idea easily )
    Step 6 Watch a short video about Andrey Hepburn
    She is the most popular film star She flew to Africa to care for the hunger children As teenagerswe should learn from her and she set a good example for the people around the world
    Step 7 Group work Do a survey about things you could do for the City Park CleanUp Day in your groups
    In our group we come up with many ideas A wants to B could C would like to D hopes to
    Step 8Listen again and fill in the blanks
    1 We need to _____ ____ ______ a plan to tell people about the city park cleanup
    2 Cleanup Day is only two weeks from now We can’t ______ _______ making a plan
    3 We could _____ ______ signs
    4 Let’s make some notices too Then I’ll _____ them ________ after school
    5 We could each _____ _____ 10 students and ask them to come
    Step 9 Watch a video ( Encourage the students to try their best to help the people who suffer from the disaster the flood the earthquake hunger and so on )
    I gave my all 奉献切
    did my best 倾全力
    brought someone to happiness
    left this world a little better
    just because I was here
    Step10 Homework
    How could we help with the following things
    old people lonely weak
    blind kids want to learn Chinese
    disabled people no leg or arm
    sick animals got hurt
    terrible environment dirty river air pollution

    Unit2 Section A(1a2d)
    课型 Listening and Speaking (Section A 1a2d)
    Teaching Objectives 教学目标
    Language goals 语言目标
    Key words and phrases cheer sb up give out clean up come up with put off sign notice make some notices volunteer in an afterschool study program visit sick kids make a plan
    Sentence Structures
    4) You could help to clean up the city parks
    5) The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up
    6) We need to come up with a plan for the City Park CleanUp Day
    Ability goals 力目标
    Emotional goals 情感目标
    Important and difficult teaching points教学重难点
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Greeting the students and leadingin
    THello Everyone Are you happy today
    Ss yes
    T I can see the smile on your faces You are happy because you are studying in such a beautiful school you have enough food to eat and you have family and friends to love But I am a little sad because I visited some people and places last weekend
    Ask the school to look at the screen There are three pictures the homeless people the sick kid and the dirty park
    Do you want to help the people in need
    What could you do for them
    Step 2 Check the phrases
    1clean up the city parks 6 an afterschool study program
    2visit the sick kids 7come up with a plan
    3cheer them up 8put off making a plan
    4give out food 9put up signs
    5make some notices 10 call up students
    Ask the students speak out the phrases in Englishthen read together
    Give students one minute to remember all the phrases
    Check the phrases Speak out the phrases according to the words cards
    Step 3 According to the pictures answer the questions You can use the phrases you've learnt
    1AWhat could you do for the homeless people
    BI could give out food to them
    2AWhat could you do for the sick kids
    BI could visit the sick kids and cheer them up
    3AWhat could you do for the dirty parks
    BI hope to clean up the city parks
    4AWhat could you do for the kids
    BI would like to volunteer in an afterschool program
    Step4 Pair work
    A What could you do for
    B I could
    I hope to
    I would like to
    [could it is not past tense but giving advise politely]
    Step 5 Listen and number the ways the boy and girl could help others(before listening find out the key words of each sentence so that you catch the main idea easily )
    Step 6 Watch a short video about Andrey Hepburn
    She is the most popular film star She flew to Africa to care for the hunger children As teenagerswe should learn from her and she set a good example for the people around the world
    Step 7 Group work Do a survey about things you could do for the City Park CleanUp Day in your groups
    In our group we come up with many ideas A wants to B could C would like to D hopes to
    Step 8Listen again and fill in the blanks
    1 We need to _____ ____ ______ a plan to tell people about the city park cleanup
    2 Cleanup Day is only two weeks from now We can’t ______ _______ making a plan
    3 We could _____ ______ signs
    4 Let’s make some notices too Then I’ll _____ them ________ after school
    5 We could each _____ _____ 10 students and ask them to come
    Step 9 Watch a video ( Encourage the students to try their best to help the people who suffer from the disaster the flood the earthquake hunger and so on )
    I gave my all 奉献切
    did my best 倾全力
    brought someone to happiness
    left this world a little better
    just because I was here
    Step10 Homework
    How could we help with the following things
    old people lonely weak
    blind kids want to learn Chinese
    disabled people no leg or arm
    sick animals got hurt
    terrible environment dirty river air pollution

    Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks

    1) 学掌握列词汇:several feeling satisfaction joy owner journey
    2) 阅读短文求找相应信息
    3) 学生正确阅读理解篇文章

    1) 掌握部分出现生词词组达熟练运目标
    2) 阅读短文获相关信息通阅读练训练阅读方法
    1) 阅读短文获相关信息力
    2) 利关键词汇复述篇文章

    讲授法 组合作法
    Stage 1 warming –up
    1 Greeting
    2 let students recite the conversation
    Stage 2 Revision
    1 read the new words
    2 let students think about these questions
    (1) What do you want to be in the future
    (2) If you are given a chance what job will you volunteer to do
    Stage 3prereading
    1 Tell Ss to read the article in 3a quickly and try to find the answers to these questions
    (1) What does Mario want to be
    (2)What dose Mary love
    (3) what do Mario and Mary volunteer to do
    1 He wants to be an animal doctor
    2 She loves reading book
    3 Mario volunteers at animal hospital and Mary helps kids learn to read
    Stage 4whilereading
    1Read the article again and answer the questions
    (1) Why does Mario volunteer to help others
    (2) Why does Mary volunteer to help others
    (3) What does Mario say about volunteering
    (4) What does Mary say about volunteering
    Answers (1) Because he believes it can help him to get his future dream job
    (2) Because she can do what she loves to do and help others
    (3) He gets such a strong feeling of satisfaction when he sees the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ face
    (4) Volunteering is a dream come true for her
    Stage 5postreading
    1 Retell the article according to the given words
    Mario Green and Mary Brown from … give up … to …
    Mario loves and wants to be …
    He volunteers at … every …
    He believes it can … to …
    It’s hard work … but he wants to …
    He gets such a … of … when he sees the
    animals … and the … on their owner’s faces
    Mary is a … She could … at the age of four
    Last year she decided to … for a volunteer … program She still works there … to help kids …
    The kids are … but you can see … that …
    they are … with each new book Volunteering here is … I can do … and … at the same time
    2 告诉学生学活动求:定式完成列句子学生读3d中容理解句子体意思根短文容恰定式完成句子果直接填阅读短文相关容处仔细进行阅读找相关信息完成句子
    1 Mario would like _____ an animal doctor
    2 Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants ________ about how _______ for animals
    3 Mary decided ________ for a job at an afterschool reading program last year She still works there now _______ kids learn to read
    4 Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves ____________
    5 Check the answers ( 1 to be 2 to know to care 3 to try to help 4 to do)
    Stage 6Assigning homework
    1 Finish the exercise book
    2 recite the new words





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