「无听力」五年级下册英语模块测试卷-Module 1 外研三起(word,含答案)

    学英语外研版五年级册Module 1单元测试(含答案)
    ( )1Afar Bfarm Cfarmer
    ( )2Astrong Blong Cthen
    ( )3Awatched Bcooked Ctalk
    ( )4Awere Bwas Cbe
    ( )5Acook Btook Clook
    二 单词正确形式填空
    1Life _________(be)very different in many years ago
    2Thank you for ________(talk)to us
    3China is_______(change)
    4There _______(be)a small house four years ago[源学科网]
    5An old lady ________( talk ) about her life many years ago
    of from in on about
    1 It’s a program_________China
    2 We’ve lots ________food
    3 She worked _______the fields
    4 She cooked _______ a fire
    5 Many things are different ________the past
    ( )1Where_______you______ten years ago
    Adidlive Bdidlived Cdolive
    ( )2They didn’t have _______books then
    Asome Bany Can
    ( )3He_______you are well[源学*科*网Z*X*X*K]
    Ahopes Bhope Choped
    ( )4_________did you do there I cooked fish
    AWhat BWho CWhere
    ( )5He can _________really far
    Ajumped Bjumps Cjump
    五 列句子找相应答语
    A Because she was a dancer
    B Yesit is
    C They are my parents
    D She cleaned the room
    E Nohe didn’t

    ( )1Who are they
    ( )2Did he learn English[源学科网][源学#科#网]
    ( )3Is this your mother
    ( )4What did she do yesterday
    ( )5Why is she wearing the clothes
    六 求写句子
    1 There were some food(改否定句)
    2 There was a small village many years ago(改般疑问句)
    3 Are there any buses(做肯定回答)[源学|科|网Z|X|X|K]
    4 Were there any cars ten years ago(做否定回答)
    5 There were some apples on the desk yesterday(改般疑问句)
    七 改错
    1 There are no cars or buses then ______________
    A B C
    2 They live in a small village eight years ago ______________
    A B C
    3 She worked in the field ______________
    A B C
    4 She didn’t has a television ______________
    A B C
    5 There weren’t any television ______________
    A B C
    八 阅读短文回答问题
    I’m Li MingI’m twelve years oldNow I live in a tall building with my parentsThere are some flowers and trees around itMy school is far from my homeI go to school by busThree years agoI lived in a small and old houseThere weren’t any buses I went to school on footI’m very happy now
    1 How old is Li Ming
    2 Where did Li Ming live three years ago
    3 Where does Li Ming live now
    4 How does Li Ming go to school now
    5 How did Li Ming go to school

    1 5 A C C C B

    二 单词正确形式填空
    1 was 2talking 3changing 4was 5talked

    三 选词填空
    1 about 2of 3in 4on 5from

    四 单项选择题
    1 5 A B A A C

    五 列句子找相应答语
    C E B D A

    六 求写句子
    1 There weren’t any food
    2 Was there a small village many years ago
    3 Yesthere are
    4 Nothere weren’t
    5 Were there any apples on the desk yesterday

    七 改错
    1 A改were
    2 A改lived
    3 C改field
    4 B改have
    5 C改televisions

    1He is twelve
    2He lived in a small and old house
    3He lives in a tall building with his parents
    4He goes to school by bus
    5He went to school on foot




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