牛津上海版(试用本)英语一年级上册 M4 Unit 3 In the park 课时练习(含答案,无听力音频)

    Unit 3 In the park
    I Vocabulary
    1 Basic words and expressions
    red blue yellow green big small
    2 Extending words and expressions
    park colour orange brown in the park
    II Sentence patterns
    1 Basic sentences
    What colour is it It's green
    1) red 2) blue 3)yellow 4) orange
    2 Extending sentences
    (1)What colour is the pen It's red
    1)bear brown 2) tiger yellow 3)pencil blue 4) apple green
    (2)Colour the book red
    1)pencil green 2)rubber yellow 3) ruler blue 4) bear brown
    III Dialogues
    1 What's this
    It's a pear
    What colour is it
    It's yellow I love to eat pears
    2 Alice Draw a tiger please
    OK Look this is a tiger
    Colour the tiger yellow
    All right
    IV Functions
    1 Asking whquestions to find out the colours of objects
    2 Using imperatives to give simple instructions
    Period 1
    I Look and say(图 说单词)
    II Look and read(正确朗读单词)
    1 zoo 2 red 3 horse 4 eight 5 big 6 bear
    III Look and answer(图 回答问题):
    What colour is it It's …

    IV Sing a song(唱首英语歌曲):
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词):
    1 A blue B lemon 2 A yellow B hello
    3 A big B pig 4 A red B head
    5 A orange B banana 6 A small B soup
    VI Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号):
    VII Listen and match(听录音 容正确连线):
    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子):
    ( ) l A What can you see B What colour is it
    ( ) 2 A Good evening B Good afternoon
    ( ) 3 A Colour the rubber yellow B Colour the ruler blue
    ( ) 4 A What's this B What's that
    ( ) 5 A It's a big chick B It's a small chick
    II Look and match (图片单词正确连线)

    yellow orange green blue red
    X Read and choose(问句 选择正确应答句)
    ( ) l What's this
    A Yes it is B It's a chick
    ( ) 2 Is this a duck
    A No it's a duck B No it's a pig
    ( ) 3 How many pens
    A Eight pens B This is a pen
    ( ) 4 What can you draw
    A I can draw a tiger B I love tigers
    XI Read and circle( 圈出例词相词):
    1 blue n b 1 u e e a r u y
    2 red f d s t i r e d o p
    Period 2
    I Look and say(图 说单词):
    II Look and read(正确朗读单词):
    1 tiger 2 blue 3 small 4 farm 5 pear 6 park
    III Look and say(图 句型说话):
    There is a … in the zoo It's…(颜色)
    IV Read and say(读读句子 猜猜什动物)
    1 It's yellow It's small It goes peep…peep… What is it
    2 It's yellow It's big It goes quack…quack…What is it
    3 It's brown It's big It goes moo…moo…What is it
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词):
    1 A brown B blue 2 A read B red
    3 A peep B oink 4 A yellow B flower
    5 A green B three 6 A rubber B ruler
    VI Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号)
    VII Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)

    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子):
    ( ) 1 A It's a yellow chick B It's a yellow duck
    ( ) 2 A Colour the ruler red B Colour the ruler green
    ( ) 3 A What is this B What colour is it
    ( ) 4 A I can make a mask B I can cut the mask
    ( ) 5 A I love to eat pears B I love to eat peaches
    IX Look and match (图片单词正确连线)

    red orange green yellow blue
    X Read and choose(问句 选择正确应答句)
    ( ) 1 What's that
    A Yes it is B It's a pig
    ( ) 2 Is this a cow
    A No it's a horse B No it's a cow
    ( ) 3 How many horses
    A Eight horses B It's brown
    ( ) 4 What colour is it
    A I can draw a tiger B It's yellow
    XI Read and circle( 圈出例词相词):
    1 brown m b r o w n a r u y
    2 small f d s m a 1 1 m o p
    Period 3
    I Look and say(图 说单词)
    II Look and read(正确朗读单词):
    1 chick 2 zoo 3 tiger 4 brown 5 blue 6 yellow
    III Look and read正确朗读句子):
    1 There's a panda in the zoo
    2 There's a cow on the farm
    3 There's a kite in the sky
    4 There's a tree in the park
    5 I love to eat pizzas
    IV Recite a rhyme(背诵首歌):
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片):
    VI Listen and number(听录音 单词正确编号):
    two pig small big cow short
    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    VII Listen and judge (听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)

    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    ( ) 1 A It's a pig B It's big
    ( ) 2 A Is this a bear B Is this a pear
    ( ) 3 A What can you do B Can I help you
    ( ) 4 A How many books B How many boys
    ( ) 5 A This is your mouth B This is your nose
    IX Read and choose(图 选择正确单词)

    ( ) 1 A blue B brown

    ( ) 2 A orange B red

    ( ) 3 A pig B cow

    ( ) 4 A pear B peach

    ( ) 5 A hamburger B pie

    X Read and choose(问句 选择正确应答句)
    ( ) 1 What can you do
    A I can dance B I am a boy
    ( ) 2 What colour is it
    A It's green B It's tall
    ( ) 3 How many pencils
    A It's short B Nine pencils
    ( ) 4 Is this a book
    A Yes it's a book B Yes it's a bag
    ( ) 5 Is it red
    A No it's orange B No it's an orange
    XI Read and circle( 圈出例词相词):
    1 father m o t h f a t h e r
    2 park s o u p a r k z s l
    Revision for Module 4 Unit 3
    I Look and say(图 说单词)10
    II Look and read(正确朗读单词) 10
    1 big 2 small 3 park 4 zoo 5 farm
    III Look and read(正确朗读句子)10
    1 This is a duck
    2 There is a tiger in the zoo
    3 What colour is it
    4 I'm a cow
    5 What's that
    IV Answer the questions(根提示 回答问题)10
    1 What's this (horse)
    2 How many peaches(three)
    3 Who's he (Danny)
    4 How are you
    5 Can I help you(pear)
    V Look and say(图 句型说话)5
    There is a … on the farm It's …(颜色)

    VI Recite a rhyme(背诵首歌:5
    I Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片):8

    II Listen and number(听录音 听容正确编号):8
    2 tiger bear cow horse
    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    III Listen and match(听录音 物物品正确连线)10
    IV Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)8
    1 A morning B evening 2 A tall B small
    3 A sing B dance 4 A mouth B mother
    5 A mother B father 6 A pen B pencil
    7 A two B three 8 A bag B big
    V Listen and choose(听录音 选择正确应答句)6
    ( ) 1 A Good afternoon B Goodbye
    ( ) 2 A It's a pen B It's green
    ( ) 3 A Here you are B Thank you
    ( ) 4 A Two apples B Apples please
    ( ) 5 A She's my mother B He's my father
    ( ) 6 A It's big B It's blue
    I Read and tick(图 正确单词前√) 6
    ( ) pie ( ) tall
    t` 'f} ( ) pizza ( ) short
    3 廓 黔()

    P ncil ( ) pencil ( ) duck
    () ( ) ruler ( ) panda

    ( ) cow ( ) five
    ( ) bear ( ) four

    II Read and circle( 圈出例词相词):4
    l mother w o t h e r m o t h e r
    2 nose d r n n o s e e u o s e
    3 house h o u s e n o u s e s e
    4 short s h o f t s h s h o r t

    Unit 3 In the park
    Period 1
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    1 lemon (B) 2 yellow (A) 3 pig (B) 4 red (A) 5 orange (A) 6 soup (B)
    VI Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号)
    brown orange yellow red blue(41 2 5 3)
    VII Listen and match(听录音 容正确连线)
    1 Colour the pen blue (B) 2 Colour the book green (C) 3 Colour the banana yellow
    (A) 4 Colour the apple red (E) 5 Colour the orange orange (D)
    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    1 What colour is it (B) 2 Good evening (A) 3 Colour the ruler blue (B)
    4 What's that (B) 5 It's a small chick (B)
    IX 略
    X 1B 2B 3A 4A
    XI 略
    Period 2
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    1 blue (B) 2 red (B) 3 oink (B) 4 yellow (A) 5 green (A) 6 rubber (A)
    VI Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号)
    orange tiger red bear yellow(1 42 5 3)
    VII Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)
    1 There is a pig on the farm(×)2 It is yellow(√)3 May I have some bread(×)4 I love to eat lemons(×)5 There is a bear in the zoo(×)
    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    1 It's a yellow duck (B) 2 Colour the ruler red (A) 3 What colour is it (B)
    4 I can cut the mask (B) 5 I love to eat pears (A)
    IX 略
    X 1B 2A 3A 4B
    XI 略
    Period 3
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片)
    1 brown (B) 2 panda (A) 3 orange (B) 4 soup (A) 5 duck (B) 6 blue (A)
    VI Listen and number(听录音 单词正确编号)
    small cow pig short two big(5 3 1 624)
    VII Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)
    1 There's a bear in the zoo (×)2 1 love to eat chips (√) 3 What colour is it It's green(×)4 I can sing a song(×)5 May I have a peach(√)
    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    l It's a pig (A) 2 Is this a bear (A) 3 Can I help you (B) 4 How many boys (B)
    5 This is your nose (B)
    IX 1A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B
    X l A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A
    XI 略
    Revision for Module 4 Unit 3
    I Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片)
    1 lemon(B) 2 grandmother(B) 3 eye(A) 4 duck(B) 5 bear(B) 6 fat(A)
    7 hamburger(B) 8 five(A)
    II Listen and number(听录音 听容正确编号)
    1 draw sing dance read(3 1 4 2)
    2 bear cow tiger horse (3 124)
    III Listen and match(听录音 物物品正确连线)
    l This is my mother This is my mother's cake
    2 Hello I'm Danny My pencil is blue
    3 Kitty this is your orange Thank you
    4 What can your father see He can see a knife
    5 Alice touch your books OK
    IV Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    1 evening (B) 2 tall (A) 3 dance (B) 4 mother (B) 5 father (B) 6 pencil (B)
    7 two (A) 8 bag (A)
    V Listen and choose(听录音 选择正确应答句)
    1 Good afternoon (A) 2 What colour is it (B) 3 May I have a pie please (A)
    4 How many apples (A) 5 Who's he (B) 6 What colour is it (B)
    I 略
    II 略





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