
    Thank you I must say I have a great staff
    AI'd like you to meet Joe Stevens He' s our sales team head The Sales Depar tment has more han 50 employees
    BPlease allow me to introduce my colleague to you She is the Purchas ing Manager
    CIt' s a pleasure to meet you Ben So you’re the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures I' ve seen
    2 What can I do for you Madam_500 yuan in cash to my son in Beijing University
    A You’d better remit
    BI'd like to remit
    C I'd rather remit
    3_ Yes I will try my best
    ADo you know about value added tax
    BCan you give me a brief introduction about value added tax
    C What do you think about value added tax
    4 What are theyIt' s a secretBut I'll give you some hints anyway
    AIs it a secret
    B Can I have an idea about them
    C Why do you keep it a secret
    5For individual income taxit is within the first 7 days
    A What is the deadline for tax declaration
    B What do you mean by taxable services
    C What do you think of the deadline for tax dec laration
    6 I can' t attend the meeting in Washington next week so I you as the most able substitute
    A had proposed
    B proposed
    C have proposed
    7 The relationship you have with a person_the kind of language you use
    A determines
    B decides
    C arranges
    8 When people in your team know where they fit in the big picturethey' re more likely__to
    complete the task
    A to be motivated
    B being motivated
    C to motivate
    9 This is Benthe one responsible for those_sales figures you have seen
    A outgoing
    B out shining
    C outstanding
    10 Please just fill in this form with your name and address__capital letters
    A with
    B in
    C at
    11 0nline banking refers to banking activities that over the Internet on a secure website
    A are carried out
    B carryout
    Cwill be carried out
    12 With the RMB account you can_and deposit RMIB cash directly
    A extend
    B withdraw
    C complete
    13you go to visit a new customer to negotiate a sale you should find out as much as you can about them
    A Soon after
    B While
    C Before
    14 In my opinionif we__some new products for young people we' 11 have a bigger market share
    A come across with
    B come up with
    C come down with
    15 Usuallythe simi lar contracts__with other consignees are based on 12months
    A signed
    B being signed
    C signing
    16 Firms hold regular sales conferences__ their entire sales force can meet receive
    information and ask questions about new products and receive training
    A where
    B that
    C when
    17 Modern logistics is more about effective and__flow of materials and information
    A sufficient
    B efficient
    C superficial
    18 Wi thout information a manager will not know what consumers want how much inventory is_and when more pro duets should be produced and shipped
    A in stock
    B at stock
    C on stock
    19 According to lawthey refer to transportat ionconstruction finance insurance and_
    A others
    B the things
    C the like
    20 Some of your products are_They might find a ready market in my country
    A special to style
    B unique in design
    C famous as color
    Passage 1
    In business people have to deal in person with all kinds of people When talking to people
    within your company who don' t speak your language you may have to use English these people
    maybe colleagues or co workers who may work with you in your own depar tment in another part of the building or in another branch And you may also have to deal with people from outside the organization clients suppliersvisitors and members of the publ ic Moreoverthese people maybe friends or strangers people of your own age or people who are younger or older than you
    The relat ionship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use For exampleit' s not appropriate to sayHi how are you' when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to sayGood morningit' s a great pleasure to meet you when be ing introduced to a person you' 11 be working closely within the same team
    People usually for man impression of you from the way you speak and be have not just from the way you do your work People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly polite or sincere and of what sounds rude or unfr iendlyGood manners in your cul ture maybe considered bad manners in another Somet imes your body language gestures and expressions may tell people more about you than the words you use
    21 The topic of the passage is_
    A selfimage in business situation
    B the importance of appropriate choice of language
    C dealing with people in business
    22 The language you use when talking with people in business is decided by
    A your relationship with the particular person
    B yourself
    C your boss
    23 People usually for man impression of you from_
    A your way of doing jobs
    B your language and manners
    C your facial express ions
    24 Good manners in your cul ture maybe cons i dered bad manners in another Good manners in this statement mean_
    A to be have politely
    B to be have lovely
    C to be have aggressively
    25 The message of the article is that_
    A dealing with people successfully in business is not easy
    B clients with different cultural background is most chall enging
    C language plays a very important role in setting up business relat ionship
    Passage 2
    Accounting errors will happen from time to timebut many common accounting mi stakes can e avoided with proper planning and preparation Here are the top seven accounting mi stakes that should be paid more attention to
    (1) Not knowing your true cash balance Due to things like automatic payments and bank charges money that appears in your cash drawer and your checking account may already be spent
    (2) Mistaking profits for cash When you have alot of credit sales your company can post big profits without seeing any cash
    (3) Paying bills too soon If your vendors give you thirty days to pay them take it Unless you get a discount for paying early paying your bills only when they' re due improves your company' s cash flow
    (4) Avoiding book keeping tasks Not recording and posting transactions regularly leaves you with a mountain of book keeping to deal within the end
    (5)Paying accidental dividends Every time a corporation owner takes money out of his business it counts as a dividend That can lead to a bigger personal income tax bill
    (6)Not keeping personal finances separate from business Mixing up business and personal money can cause bookkeeping and 1 egal prob I ems
    (7)Setting prices too low Know your costs before you set product or service prices or you run the risk of losing money on every saleA simple break reven analysis can help you set prices at a profitable level
    26 Accounting mistakes are inevitable even with careful handl ingF
    27With a lot of credit sales your company may have no cash at handT
    28It is recommended not to pay bills too soonT
    29 Business money and personal money can be mixed upF
    30 Try your best to understand your costs before you set prices for your products or servicesT
    [试题]Suppose you are Henry Last monthyou bought a Canon digital camera from JD com and found that the lens didn' t work properly You asked for a new one and found that there were some scratches on the screen when the new camera arrived You are writing to complain about
    describe the problems clearly
    ask for a replacement of the camera
    ask for compensation or a 10di scount
    end the complaint letter
    Suppose You are Henry月京东家发现镜头正常工作新发现新
    答Dear Sales Manager
    This is Henry Last month I bought a Canon digital camera on JD com When the new camera arrived I found that the lens was not working properly and there were some scratches on the screen I strongly request the company to replace my camera and compensate me according to the contract or give me a 10 discount
    I hope my complaint can get the company's attention and be resolved as soon as possible Complainant Henry
    June 30 2020




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