
    1 Can you show me the schedule
    A Don' t worryI can help you with that
    B You won' t miss the plane
    C Surea tight schedule as usual
    2 Does modern logistics mean transportation and delivery_ Modern logistics is more about effective and efficient flow of materials and informat ion
    A Yes you' re right
    BNoit' s not the whole story
    CNoyou' re wrong
    3 Good morning_
    Good morningI need a check to send to my publisher in New York
    A What can I do for youMadam
    B What do you want to buy Madam
    C Why do you come hereMadam
    4 Good morning Far East Logist ics Company Good morning This is Maggie Bonner I would like to know your frei ght forwarding bus iness
    A Who is that calling
    B What do you want
    C May I help you
    5 Hellothis is Steven SmithNice to hear your voice again
    Hi Mr Smith the coverage of your freight forwarding bus iness
    A Do you know
    B Please tell me
    CI would like to know about
    6 Somet imes your body languagegestures and expressions may tell people__about you than the words you use
    A more
    B most
    C much
    7 Products are graded according to size and
    A quantity
    B quality
    C qualification
    8 The following hints may help you stay energized or at least until you can make the time for rest
    Aget you going
    Bget you go
    C get you went
    9 When talking to people wi thin your company_don' t speak your 1 anguage you may have to use Engl ish
    A who
    B which
    C whose
    10 You can send them gifts your_best clients
    A in reply to
    Bwith regard to
    C in honor ol
    11 In short without information a manager can only make__bl indly
    A management s
    B decisions
    C agendas
    12 The bank__grand door faces south is Bank of China
    A that
    B which
    C whose
    13 What we do if the company cut down on ads
    A could
    B will
    C shall
    14 They have signed the to export textiles
    A content
    B contract
    C contact
    15It does in the_of transfer of intangible assets or immovable property
    A circums tances
    B operation
    C case
    16With the rapid economic growth in China the logistics industry is_greatly
    A expanding
    B exploring
    C exploding
    17 Most banks have a section_you setup payees
    A that
    B which
    C in which
    18 We are engaged in the development of real
    A establish
    B state
    C estate
    19 After having seen the and_samplesJenny makes the specific inquiry
    A category
    B catalog
    C calculation
    20All the prices on the list are subject__our final confirmation
    A to
    B at
    Passage 1
    Hard sell and soft sell are important business terms and useful strategies for sales staff to know and understand Both of them can work The effect depends on the type of customers and the type of products
    A hard sell is a kind of more direct and forceful sales tactics The salesperson just keeps explaining how good the product is why people should buy it and even how the prices mi ght increase if the consumer walks off
    A soft sell is a different approach The salesperson tries to build trust wi th consumers He doesn' t put pressure on them to buy thingsjust recommending a pro duet and letting the consumers make their own decisions
    An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples to which customers often respond favorably Businesses can use free samples to build rapport and engage customers in products or services Recommending products between friends is a little bit like doing soft selling People don't really care if someone else buys the product They are just giving their honest opinions and trying to be helpful
    Hunor in advertising is also used to attract the consumer' s attention and get them interested in the products or serv ices Customers often resist hard sales tactics thus mak ing soft selling much more effective for success
    21 What' s the topic and main idea of the passage
    A Selling Strategy Sales Staff
    B Sales StaffWhat Sales Staff Should Know
    C Selling StrategyHard Sell and Soft Sell Strategies
    22 Cus tomers often__hard sales tacticsthus making soft selling more effective for success
    A resist
    B oppose
    C object
    23 Examples of soft sell mentioned in the passage inc lude_
    A distributing free samples to customer
    B recomending products among fr iends
    Call the above
    24 Making humorous advertisements is one of the approaches companies use to
    A reduce selling costs
    B attract people' s interests
    C avoid the shortage of sales staff
    25 According to the passage the author indicates that_
    A soft sell is preferred by business companies
    B hard sell is rarely resisted by customers
    C soft sell is expensive
    Passage 2
    There are eight traditional functions of market ing
    (1) Buying A marketer focusesonbuyers ' needsanddesires inordertodec i dewhat products to ake avai lable Understanding buyers’ behavior is of great importance
    (2) Selling Marketers usually view selling as a persuasive activity that is completed through promot ion Selling inc ludes personal selling advertising and other selling methods It is probably the function of marketing that we most often see in our daily life
    (3) Transporting Transporting is physically moving the product from the seller to the buyer Marketers focus on transporting costs and services
    (4) Storing Like transporting storing is an aspect of the physical distribution of products Storing inc ludes warehousing activities Warehouses hold products for long periods sometimes in order to create time utility
    (5) Grading Grading involves sorting products according to size and quality This makes buying and selling easier because it reduces the need for inspection and sampl ing
    (6) Financing For many products such as automobiles fridges and new homes the purchase is facilitated when the marketer provides credit that makes the purchasing of the product possible
    (7) Market ing research Through research marketers may find out the need for new products and services By gathering information on a regular basis they can better plan carryout and control marketing activities
    (8) Risk taking It involves bearing the uncertainties that are part of the market ing process Most marketing decisions result in either successor failure that is associated with risk
    26 It is very important to understand buyers ’behaviorT
    27 Marketers usually use different selling methodsT
    28 Marketers ignore transporting costs and servicesF
    29 Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of productsT
    30 Marketers provide credit that makes the purchasing of automobilesbridgesand new homes possibleF
    [试题]Suppose you are Simon You purchased a Sony digital camera from Amazon com and found
    that there were scratches on the screen You are writing to complain about it
    答Dear Sales
    My name is Simon A few days ago I bought a Sony digital camera from Amazon com After receiving the camera I found scratches on the screen and it could not be used normallyI strongly requested the company to replace me with a new camera
    I hope my complaint can get the company's attention and be resolved as soon as possible Complainant SimonDecember 30 2019





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