
    According to lawthey refer to transportat ion construct ionfinanceinsurance and the like
    ADo you know taxable services
    B How do you like taxable services
    C What do you mean by taxable services
    2Good morning Far East Logistics Company
    Good morning This is Maggie Bonner I would like to know your frei ght forwarding bus iness
    A May I help you
    B What do you want
    CWho is that calling
    3We would like to place an order for some of your C& Z desk units
    A Certainlywe keep a large supply in stock
    B Delivery dates depend on your locat ion
    C We recommend payment by letter of credit
    4I think a bus stop advertisement is a very wise chance to promote our products
    A0ur products are popular
    B You said it
    CI don' t like advert i sement
    5 Thenwhat kind of music are you going to have in the background
    A This is obviously too heavy People won't be able to carry it
    B We' d better use light ones They make the audience feel comfor table
    C Our main goal is to establish our brand name among our target audience
    6I' 11_the exchange rate and service charge and then type up the check for you
    A makeup
    B figure out
    C carryout
    7 You can inform your embassy of your account number so that your money can be_directly
    A transferred
    B transported
    C transformed
    8 Before I came to BeijingI as an executive secretary with a trading company for one year in Britain
    A am working
    B had worked
    C has worked
    9 Headhunters orsearch firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job
    A excessive
    B perspective
    C executive
    10 Too many debts in a company easily_bankruptcy
    A result from
    B lead from
    C result in
    11A marketer __buyers’needs and desires in order to decide what products to make available
    A focuses or
    B carries out
    C pays back
    12 With the RMB account you can__and deposit RMB cash directly
    A extend
    B wi thdraw
    C complete
    13 The total in_logistics in China is still higher than that in many other industrialized countries
    A fee
    C cost
    14 The_you have with a person determines the kind of language you use
    A relat ionship
    B decision
    C arrangement
    15 Ideally a__should be a winwin situation so both you and your customer will probably
    have to give in on some points
    A completion
    B negotiation
    C negation
    16bearing the uncertainties that are part of the marketing process
    A initiates
    B innovates
    C involves
    17 The management style you select will your people skills and knowledge and available
    A depend on
    B deal with
    C superficial
    18 Accounting errors will happen from time to time but many common accounting mistakes_
    _with proper planning and preparation
    A can avoid
    B can be avoi ded
    C can avoid being
    19 Trading globally allows us to expand our markets for both goods and services that otherwise
    may not have been_ to us
    A negotiable
    B capable
    C available
    20An example of soft sell is to_free samples to which cus tomers often respond favorably
    A distribute
    B distinguish
    C disturb
    Passage 1
    It takes a lot of time and effort to develop and maintain a marketing campaign that resonates (鸣) wi th your potential cl ients However you should think more about how to develop 1 marketing campaign After allwe' re always looking for ways to increase our competitiveness Here are some marketing strategies for you to checkout
    Partner(结伴) with allies Marketing partnerships have many benefits to push a marketing campaign For starterswhen you stand side by side wi th someone elseyou can del iver better contentIf you are at the top of your businessmarket ing partnerships are cheaper to maintain your success and expose your brand
    Embrace user generated content According to a survey of 839 millennials (千万富翁) they spend 5 4hoursaday comunicat ing with their peersabout 30 percent of their total media time Similarly you can also make this by sharing personal stories and exchanging ideas with your customers This is a good way of carrying out adverti sement
    Help customers solve a probl em As perfectly stated on Hub SpotYou' re in business because you provide solutionsSome of the ways you can help customers solve a problem is by creating how to content offering exclusives that make their lives easier listening to them or answering their questions or creating APPs or tools
    Let customers interact No matter what product or service you' re offering your customers want to interact with your company or at least other customers AMCfor examplecreated an online tool that allowed you to write down your imaginations American Express connects smallbusiness owners to each other and helpful resources through its open forum
    21 This article mainly talks about_
    A some marketing strategies
    B your potential clients
    C communicative skills
    22 You are suggested in the second paragraph to_
    A fight against your opponent
    B find allies with someone el se
    C always focus on yourself
    23 To embrace user generated content does good at_
    A making friends with strangers
    B choosing capable employees
    C carrying out advert i sement
    24 Which of the following is NOT away of helping customers solve a problem
    A Creat ing how tocontent
    B Listening to customers
    C Having dinner with customers
    25 AMC created an online tools o that_
    A one can write down what he imagines
    B your dreams and thoughts will come true
    C they can gather information from customers
    2630题根短文容判断出语句否正确正确写T 错误写F答案写答题纸
    Passage 2
    There are eight traditional functions of marketing
    (1) Buy ing Amarketerfocusesonbuyers' needsanddesires inordertodec idewhat products to make avai lable Unders tanding buyers’behavior is of great importance
    (2) Selling Marketers usually view selling as a persuasive activity that is completed through promot ion Selling includes personal selling advertising and other selling methods It is probably the function of marketing that we most often see in our daily life
    (3) Transporting Transporting is physically moving the product from the seller to the buyer Marketers focus on transporting costs and services
    (4) Storing Like transporting
    storing is an aspect of the physical distribution of products Storing inc ludes warehousing activities Warehouses hold products for long per iods sometimes in order to create time utility
    (5) Grading Grading involves sorting products according to size and quality This makes buying and selling easier because it reduces the need for inspection and sampl ing
    (6) Financing For many products such as automobiles fridges and new homes the purchase is facilitated when the marketer provides credit that makes the purchasing of the product possible
    (7) Marketing research Through researchmarketers may find out the need for new products and services By gathering information on a regular basisthey can better plancarryout and control marketing activities
    (8) Risk taking It involves bearing the uncertainties that are part of the marketing process Most marketing decisions result in either successor failure that is associated with risk
    26 It is very important to understand buyers’ behaviorT
    27 Marketers usually use different selling methodsT
    28 Marketers ignore transporting costs and servicesF
    29 Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of productsT
    30 Marketers provide credit that makes the purchasing of automobilesfridges and new homes possibleT
    [试题]Suppose you are the manager and write a recommendation letter for Miss Helen Miller according to the fol lowing information
    Candidate Miss Helen Miller
    Working experience worked in the Export Department of a large firm for over 8years from July 2006 to December 2014
    Her character and advantages hardworking honest and reliable excellent communicat ion skills work independently and efficiently excellent rapport with people of all ages Reason for leav ing personal reasons
    工作历 2006年7 月2014年12月某公司出口部工作8年
    答Dear Sir or Madam
    Ms Helen Miller is an employee of our company From July 2006 to December 2014 I worked n the export department of our company for more than 8 years and now I have resigned due to personal reasons
    Her character and strengths hardworking honest and reliable excellent communicat ion skills and independent and efficient work efficiency able to get along well with people of all ages
    If you can consider my suggestion to interview and hire her I would be very grateful
    Tianna Company Manager Wang
    December 302017




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