人教精通版六年级下册英语 Fun Time 1达标检测卷6年级(R-JT版)

    Fun Time 1达标检测卷
    时间:40分钟 满分:100分                                                           


    听力部分 (30分)
    1 2  3

      (  )    (  )    (  )
    4 5

        (  )  (  )
    (  )1 A I went to Disneyland         
    B I will go to Canada
    C I go to Beijing
    (  )2 A Yes it is
    B You can go there by bus
    C It is far from here
    (  )3 A It is beside the supermarket
    B They often go on outings
    C We enjoyed our winter holidays
    (  )4 A Tomorrow morning B Yesterday
    C By bike
    (  )5 A It is great B Yes it is
    C No they aren't
    Kate:Hello Gao Wei How was your 1 ________?
    Gao Wei It was 2 ________exciting I went to Beijing with my 3 ________ My grandpa and grandma live in Beijing
    Kate 4 ________is Beijing
    Gao Wei It is wonderful We 5 ________a good time We went to a lot of interesting 6 ________and we 7 ________Spring Festival with our 8 ________ We watched TV on the eve of Spring Festival We were very 9 ________
    Kate That's 10 ________
    笔试部分 (70分)
    (  )1     (  )2      (  )3

    A Disneyland A turn right A ride a bike
    B CN Tower B turn left B ride a horse
    (  )4 (  )5

    A the Ming Tombs A Tower Bridge
    B the Temple of Heaven B Big Ben
    (  )1 Mike________at home and enjoyed Spring Festival with his parents
    A stayed B stays C is staying
    (  )2 Different people have different________
    A hobby B hobbies C a hobby
    (  )3 Go straight and turn left________the traffic lights
    A in B on C at
    (  )4 They are________to have lessons tomorrow
    A go B to go C going
    (  )5 There________much water in the bottle
    A have B is C are
    (  )6 ________you take the books last week
    A Does B Do C Did
    (  )7 Lily________to go to Beijing________train
    A want on B wants by C wants by the
    (  )8 It________two hours to clean the classroom
    A takes her B take for C took she
    (  )9 —When are you going there
    A Two days ago B Last Sunday C Tomorrow afternoon
    (  )10 We can learn a lot________the history________China
    A on about B about of C of on
    1 My family is________________(go) on a trip to China
    2 Which river is the________________(long) river in the world
    3 The visitors will________________(learn) a lot about Chinese history
    4 How about________________(make) a snowman outside
    5 Lily sits behind________________(I)
    1 We had a good time in Shanghai (改般疑问句)
    ________________you________________a good time in Shanghai
    2 She can go to the library by bus (改否定句)
    She________________ ________________to the library by bus
    3 I am going to visit the Great Wall this weekend (画线部分提问)
    ________________are you going to________________the Great Wall
    4 Gao Wei went to Sanya last summer (last summer改next summer)
    Gao Wei________________ ________________to Sanya next summer
    5 Beside the hotel is a cake shop (改义句)
    ________________is a cake shop________________the hotel
    A What are you going to do this summer vacationYangyang
    B I will go to Shandong with my parents
    A Where is Shandong
    A It's hot
    B It's in the east of China
    C How long will it take to get there
    D No The train is too slow
    E We'll visit Mount Tai
    B 1 ________
    A What's the weather like in Shandong
    B 2 ________
    A Are you going there by train
    B 3 ________We'll go there by plane
    A 4 ________
    B It will only take us one hour
    A What will you do in Shandong
    B 5 ________
    __1__a Sunday morning Jack went to__2__Peter But he didn't__3__Peter's house At last he stopped in__4__of a white house and he saw an__5__man under a tree
    He asked the old man__6__Peter's house was The old man saidI know Peter You want to see him?Yes But I can't find his house Go__7__this street and turn right You will see a house__8__your left It is his house Thank youJack found Peter's house finally Peter was very__9__to see Jack They__10__themselves together
    (  )1 A In B On C At
    (  )2 A look B look to C see
    (  )3 A know B tell C get
    (  )4 A front B behind C beside
    (  )5 A young B short C old
    (  )6 A where B when C what
    (  )7 A up B to C down
    (  )8 A on B in C to
    (  )9 A sad B happy C unhappy
    (  )10 A liked B interested C enjoyed
    十Li Yan计划然博物馆参观手机图导航博物馆路线请根路线信息完成列题(10分)
    About 35 minutes   Walk for 1 2km
    No 62 Bus
    5 stations·2 yuan
    Get on the Tianqiao West Station
    Wait for 3 stations 8 minutes
    About 43 minutes  Walk for 500m
    No 66 Bus
    8 stations·3 yuan
    Get on the Tianqiao East Station
    Wait for 5 stations 15 minutes
    About 30 minutes  Walk for 1 5km
    Line 8 Railway
    4 stations·5 yuan
    Get on the Tiaoqiao Station
    Wait for 1 station 2 minutes
    (  )1 It's about thirty­five minutes to go to the science museum by No 62 Bus
    (  )2 Li Yan needs to walk for five hundred metres to get to the Tiaoqiao West Station
    (  )3 If Li Yan takes No 66 Bus she should get off the bus on the fifth station
    (  )4 Li Yan needs to wait for two minutes if she takes the Line 8 Railway
    (二)果Li Yan 会选择种路线然博物馆呢? 说说理(2分)
    I will take_________________________________to get to the science museum Because___________________________________________________________
    Fun Time 1达标检测卷
    1 I'm going to Canada next week
    2 You can turn left there
    3 I go to the City Library by bike
    4 I want to go to the supermarket
    5 The hospital is in front of the bookshop
    二1 Where did you go on holidays
    2 How can I go to the hotel
    3 Where is the flower shop
    4 When are you going to the Great Wall
    5 Are they playing football
    三  Kate:Hello Gao Wei How was your holiday
    Gao Wei It was very exciting I went to Beijing with my parents My grandpa and grandma live in Beijing
    Kate How is Beijing
    Gao Wei It is wonderful We had a good time We went to a lot of interesting places and we enjoyed Spring Festival with our family We watched TV on the eve of Spring Festival We were very happy
    Kate That's great
    1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F
    二1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 C
    三1 Holiday  2 very 
    3 parents  4 How
    5 had  6 places 
    7 enjoyed  8 family
    9 happy  10 great
    四1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B
    五1 A
    2 B 点拨:different hobbies意爱hobby复数形式
    3 C 点拨:交通灯处at the traffic lights
    4 C 点拨:be going to do sth 表示算做某事
    5 B 点拨:water数名词be动词is
    6 C 点拨:last week般时标志词do式did
    7 B 点拨:Lily 第三称单数句中动词第三称单数形式wants by train固定搭配意火车
    8 A 9 C 10 B
    六1 going
    2 longest 点拨: the longest意长
    3 learn 点拨:will 面加动词原形
    4 making 点拨:how about 面加动词­ing形式
    5 me 点拨:behind 介词 称代词宾格
    七1 Didhave
    2 can't go 点拨:can否定形式can't
    3 When visit 点拨:this weekend表达时间when提问
    4 will go 点拨:next summer般时标志词填will go
    5 Therebeside 点拨:there be句型表示某处某物
    八1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 E
    九1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C
    6 A 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 C
    十()1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T
    (二)No 62 Busit's cheap
    No 66 BusI just need to walk for 500 metres
    the Line 8 Railwayit only takes 30 minutes





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