

      英 语 试 卷



      Part 1 Listening (第部分听力)

      I Listening Comprehension (听力理解)(30分)

      A Listen and choose the right picture (根听容选出相应图片)(6分)









      1 ________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ 6________

      BListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根听话问题选出恰答案)(8分)

      ( )7A) To have a break B) To cut the vegetables

      C) To wash the dishes D) To clean the table

      ( )8A) Geography B) Physics C) English D) Science

      ( )9A) At home B) At school C)At the supermarket D) At the restaurant

      ( )10A) By undergroundB) By light rail C)By bike D) By bus

      ( ) 11A) 10 minutes B) 15minutes C) 30 minutes D) 8minutes

      ( ) 12A) The restaurant was quite near B) The restaurant was worthless

      C) They often drive very far for lunch D)They really enjoyed the meal

      ( ) 13A)She can buy a cup of coffee for freeB) She can use a freelaptop

      C) She can surfthe internet for freeD)She can provide free Wifi

      ( ) 14A) The one with short darkhair B) The tall one with blond hair

      C)The one with long curly hairD)The short one with brownhair

      C Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断列句子否符合听话容 符合T表示符合F表示) (6分)

      ( ) 15 Van Gogh sold a lot of paintings in low priceswhen he was alive

      ( ) 16 Although Vincent van Goghwas deaf he still enjoyed painting

      ( ) 17 The bright colorsin his paintings show the warmth of life

      ( ) 18 Van Gogh was often in the hospital but he still created his best paintings

      ( ) 19 Finally in 1890 Vincentvan Gogh became a successful artist

      ( ) 20 Known as a great artist today Van Gogh lived a short and sad life

      D Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文完成句子空格填词) (10分)

      15Johnny is _________ _________ the entrance exam these days

      16A few years ago the city __________ _________after eleven o’clock

      17Thepeople often leave the club at ________ _______ in the morning

      18Johnny closes the bedroom window to _________ ________ the noise

      19Since his way is of _______ _______ Johnny writes the letter for help

      Part 2 Phonetics Grammar and Vocabulary


      Ⅱ Choose the best answer(选择恰答案)(20分)

      ( ) 26Which of the following underline parts is different in pronunciation

      A)My uncleworkedin a factory last year

      B) He painteda lot when he was a kid

      C)Tim jumpedhighest in his school

      D)Mary askedif she could go home

      ( ) 27 Which of the following sentences uses a rising tone(升调)at the end

      A) Would you like to go with us B)He hadfinished all the exercises

      C) Where can tourists go in Shanghai D)Please take your book with you

      ( ) 28 Madam Ididn’tmake it May I have __________ second try

      A) a B)an C) the D)

      ( ) 29We didn’texpect that the virus would spread so fast ______ the beginning of this year

      A)in B) on C) at D) from

      ( ) 30 While walking along the river you can see many big trees on ___________ side

      A)both B) none C) either D) all

      ( ) 31The flats near the city centerare________more expensivethan those in the other places

      A)a little B)little C) a few D) few

      ( ) 32 After the earthquake _____________ medical workers were sent to the disaster area

      A) thousands B) thousand C) thousands of D) thousandof

      ( ) 33 Throw the fish into the rubbish bin How terrible it ________

      A) lives B) swims C) jumps D)smells

      ( ) 34 Don’t jump the queue _________ other people will not be pleased

      A)or B)and C) but D) so

      ( ) 35– Guess who Isaw in the street this morning It’s Peter

      – No it______ be him He is still in the US

      A) wouldn’t B) mustn’t C) can’t D) needn’t

      ( ) 36 The discussion__________ for nearly twenty minuteswhen Iarrived at the meeting

      A) will last B) islasting C) has lasted D) had lasted

      ( ) 37 The customersaid that he __________to the managerabout their bad service

      A) will complain B) would complain C) has complained D) is complaining

      ( ) 38You’d better __________patient with your parents when they talk toyou

      A)be B) to be C) been D) being

      ( ) 39 The little girlkept _______ to her grandpauntil he was out of sight

      A)wave B) waving C) to wave D) waved

      ( ) 40Doctor Zhang leader of the medicalteam of experts ________ by CCTV last week

      A)interviewed B) was interviewed C) interviews D) isinterviewed

      ( ) 41 ______ great fun it is to gather with close friends chatting and laughing

      A) Howa B) Whata C)How D)What

      ( ) 42The twinshave never been to any other city since they were born ___________

      A)haven’tthey B)have they C)don’t they D) do they

      ( ) 43 ___________ it was a hard journey the young men didn’t give up halfway

      A) Since B)When C) Unless D) Although

      ( ) 44 – Thanks for sharing yourmasks with us


      A) That’s right B) Never mind C) My pleasure D) I’d like to

      ( ) 45– Have you heard the news about him He won a lottery(彩票)


      A) What a lucky dog B) It’s hard to say

      C) It’s lovely D) That’s a good idea

      Ⅲ Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box Each can only be used once(列单词词组填入空格空格限填词词填次)(8分)

      A) except

      B)the ground



      E)in different colors

      Bamboo is one of the nature’s most surprising plants Many people call this plant a tree but it is a kind of grass

      Like other kinds of grass a bamboo plant may be cut very low to 46 but it will grow back very quickly A Japanese scientist recorded one bamboo plant that grew almost 15 meters in 24 hours Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world 47 Europe There are more than 1000 kinds of bamboo that grow around the world on both mountains and plains(原)

      Not all bamboo looks the same Some bamboo plants are very thin They may only grow to be a few centimeters 48 while others may grow to more than 30 centimeters across This plant also comes 49 from yellow to black to green

      A)thirstyB)memory C)AsianD)die from E)made of

      Many 50 countries have been using bamboo for many centuries They often use bamboo for building new buildings As a matter of fact the cables(绳索) that hold up the hanging bridge across the Min River in Sichuan are 51 bamboo The bridge has been in use for more than 1000 years and is still holding strong

      In Africa engineers are teaching poor farmers how to find water using bamboo These African countries need cheap ways to find water because they have no money and their fields often52 no rain and no water It seems that bamboo is one of the best things they can use Bamboo pipes and drills(钻) can help to make the poor 53 fields to be watered

      Ⅳ Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(括号中单词适形式完成列句子空格限填词)(8分)

      The doctor told Windy to exercise at least ________a week if she wanted to keep healthy (two)

      To reduce the spread of virus(病毒) many countries stop ________from entering (foreign)

      Simon didn’t say anything about the case because hewanted to keep the secret to ________ (him)

      Last night I had a cup of coffee in Starbucksand thenI found it hard to fall ________(sleep)

      Before the sun rose the old ________went to the sea to look for the lost boatagain (fish)

      Theparents werethankfulto see that their children came back home ________ (safe)

      Allof the trousers are well designed and I don’t know which one to ________ (choice)

      Do you know what makes so many planes and ships ________in Bermuda Triangle(百慕三角) (appear)

      Ⅴ Rewrite the following sentences as required(根求改写句子6267题空格限填词) (14分)

      62 Thomas has already finished his report on fighting against pollution (改否定句)

      Thomas ________ finishedhisreport on fighting against pollution ________

      63To leave us a good impression Kitty put on her prettiest dress for the party(划线部分提问)

      ________ ________ Kitty put on her prettiest dress for the party

      64Alex wasproud of his father He wrote many articles about him (合句)

      Alex was ________proud of his father ________ he wrote many articles about him

      65As we all know many travellersvisit the Great Wall every year(改动语态)

      As we all know the Great Wall ________ ________by many travellersevery year

      66Linda didn’t have supper and went to the concert in a hurry yesterday(保持句意基变)

       Linda________ to the concert ________ supper yesterday

      67 Howdid theancient people build that stone bridge asksTom(改间接引语)

      Tom wantsto know ________ theancient people________ that stone bridge

      68to an important keep calm it in emergencyis(连词成句)


      Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)

      Ⅵ Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(50分)

      A Choose the best answer(根容选择恰答案)(12分)

      Do you hate dirty beaches We can’t pay you but here is a chance to meet other volunteers and have fun We need people who are strong and can help clean up Blue Water Beach We don’t want to put off this job until summer We need your help to collect and carry garbage

      If you are available for six hours on Saturday call Mr Wang at 5586660

      Are you interested in repairing things We have set up a group Home Love to help old people who need to fix up their homes If you have repair skills join us for eight hours a month You can learn more about house building and get experience and training

      Call Home Love at 5554663

      EFSL Club is looking for native speakers of English to join in an experiment This experiment iscarried out over the Internet You don't need any specific knowledge other than understandingand speaking English at a native level The first task will take you around 15 minutes After thistask you can decide whether you want to continue the experiment The tasks involve readingtexts and designing questions and answers



      Are you good at working with children We need two persons to volunteer at Sunshine Children’s Hospital You need to be friendly andoptimistic—the children are sick and you need to make them happy Your job is to set up a play group for the children with funny games that you can play in their rooms If you can spare an hour three times a week come and join us

      It’s a great chance to learn about hospitals and teaching

      Email us sunshinech@sinacom

      ( ) 69 If you want to be a volunteer ________ you need to work six hours on Saturday

      A)in the EFSL Club B) at Sunshine Children’s Hospital

      C) on theBlue Water Beach D) of Home Love

      ( ) 70 If you have repair skills and want to learn more about it you can ________

      A) emailtoclub3864@hotmailcom B) email to sunshinech@sinacom

      C) call Mr Wang at 5586660 D) call Home Love at 5554663

      ( ) 71 EFSL Club needs people who _________ to join in the experiment

      A) have some specific knowledge B) understand and speak English very well

      C) are good at doing experiments D) can read and design questions and answers

      ( ) 72 Which of the following is notsuitable for the children at Sunshine Children’s Hospital

      A) Paper cuttings B) Flying kites C) Singing D)Drawing

      ( ) 73 The underlined wordoptimisticmeans_________

      A) successful B) helpful C) thoughtful D) cheerful

      ( ) 74 We can probably read the material above on the ________ page of a newspaper.

      A) advertisement B) entertainment C) fashion D) business

      BChoose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择恰单词完成短文)(12分)

      Studies prove that there are many differences between people who own kittens and those who own puppies

      1 Cat lovers are not afraid to be alone

      Wonder why so many 75 girls own cats Cat people love to spend time and live alone They prefer to stay at home rather than party all night long Dog lovers 76 enjoy the company and they have trouble living alone

      2 Dog lovers seek companionship(伙伴关系)

      Many people adopt or buy dogs One of the 77 is that they look for longterm companionship Dogs love the company and tend to spend more time with people than just sleep the whole day on the couch Dog owners are the same My friend who is a big dog lover says The best thing about owning a dog is companionship When I come home my puppy comes to 78 me as if he has not seen me for ages

      3 Cat lovers tend to ignore rules

      Dogs are more obedient than cats While it is extremely hard to make a cat to walk with you in the park or teach them to sit orlie down when needed dogs do those things easily The same goes for dog lovers – they 79 the rules and obey when needed Cat people often ignore the rules they do not like

      4 Cat lovers are more 80

      Cats lovers do not bother about a single life They have enough strength to survive the hard times all alone and deal with any problem without any help Without someone else’s help Dog people have trouble solving their problems

      ( ) 75 A) lovely B) likely C) lonely D) friendly

      ( ) 76 A) indeed B) instead C) in fact D) for example

      ( ) 77 A) reasons B) secrets C) results D) choices

      ( ) 78 A) notice B) catch C) greet D) cheer

      ( ) 79 A) follow B) explain C) protect D) break

      ( ) 80 A) responsible B) powerful C)confident D)independent

      CRead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (短文空格填入适单词容通空格限填词首字母已) (14分)

      A Welcoming Wayto Show China to the World

      Modern lifeis not easy and full of stress It will be nicer to get away from all the noise and congestion (拥挤) and live a simpler life in the countryside This is what popular vlogger(网络视频录制者)Li Ziqi did

      Li was raised on a farm by her grandparents but at the age of 14 she left the farm to work in the city However she found that city life was d81 and decided to move back to the countryside When I worked in the city it was only about survivalshe said In the countryside I am t82 living

      When Li was back shebegan making videos about her daily life and posting them on the Internet She now has more than 20 million followers on Sina Weiboand over 75 million subscribers on YouTubeHer fans admire the way she makes e83 by herself growing food and preparing traditional Chinese dishes cutting down bamboo and making furniture dyeing (染色) cloth and making her own clothes The videos are beautifully made but Li says she hopes her videos can provide people with e 84 as well as fun I want people in the city to know where their food comes from Some children b85 rice grows on trees

      The idyllic (田园诗般) countryside life Li shows has the magical power of making people feel comfortable and relaxed When we talk about Chineseculture the first things that come to many people might be bullet trains 5G technology and fastdeveloping cities However it is actually the more traditionalside of China that is much more a86 to people from other cultures Through her videos Li lets the world know that Chinese people are good at making works of a87 out of even the simplest materials— this is definitely a way to show China to the world

      81 d82 t83 e84 e85 b86 a87 a

      DAnswer the questions(根短文容回答列问题)(12分)

      Stephen Glenn is a famous American scientist who has made several very important medical breakthroughs(突破) Many people were dying to know the secrets to his fantastic achievements To solvethe mystery a reporter interviewed him asking why he was able to be so much more creative than the average person

      Stephen Glenn said that it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about four years old He tried to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and it fell spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor—a real sea of milk

      Instead of shouting at him giving him a lecture or punishing him his mother said Steve what a great and wonderful mess you have made Well the damage has already been done Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up

      Indeed he did After a few minutes his mother said You know Steve whenever you make a mess like this eventually you have to clean it up and restore all the thingsto its proper order So we should clean it upHe used the sponge(海绵) and together they cleaned up the spilled milk

      His mother then said You have a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands Let's go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping itThe little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands he could carry it without dropping it What a wonderful lesson

      This famous scientist said that it was at that moment that he knew ________________________ Instead he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something newwhich is after all what scientific experiments are all about Even if the experimentdoesn't work we usually learn something valuable from it

      88 Stephen Glennis more creative than an ordinary person isn’the

      89How old was Stephen when the experience with his mother happened

      90 What did his mother ask him to do when Stephen spilled the milk all over the floor

      91 How can a little boycarry a bigbottle without droppingit

      92 What can be filled in the blank to complete the sentence in the last paragraph

      It was at that moment that he knew __________________________________________

      93 What do you think of Stephen’s mother Give two reasons

      I think she is a _________ mother because _______________________________________

      Ⅶ Writing(作文)(20分)

      94.Write a passageof at least 60 words according to the given situation(请根情景写段话少60词标点符号占格)



      Expressions for references

      take online courses watch video lectures organize Wechat groups

      share the experience follow the advice the selflearning ability





      英语听力文字参考答案 Q 202004

      A Listen and choose the right picture (根听容选出相应图片) (6分)

      1 Jennyand her parents used to go out for a picnic at weekends (B)

      2 Alice tells us that she often helps her mother with the housework after school (G)

      3 Chinese people have dragon boat races to celebrate the traditional festival (H)

      4 Look at the sign We are not allowed to take pictures in the museum (A)

      5 To save water we should take a shower instead of having a bath (F)

      6 Long time ago the castles were the places where the kings and princes lived (D)

      BListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根听话问题选出恰答案)(8分)

      7 W Michael since you have come back help me cut the vegetables into pieces

      M Give me a break mom… And I can wash the dishes and clean the table after dinner

      Q What does Michael’s mother ask him to do (B)

      8 W Max what are you doing It’s dinner time Haven’t you finished your homework

      M No I’ve already done my English but there’s still a lot to do I will label this map for geography next

      W Is that all

      M No I’ve got some physics and science homework to do after dinner

      Q Which piece of homework did the boy do first (C)

      9 W Your bedroom looks quite good now Carl

      M Thanks Mum I like it But I’m not sure the lamp is right for my desk — it’s too big

      W Maybe we could see if there’s anything you like better when we go shopping

      Q Where does the dialogue probably take place (A)

      10 WShanghai is a very modern city isn’t it

      M Yes it is There’s very convenient public transport You can travel around by bus coach underground and light rail Besides shared bikes are everywhere

      W I see By the way how can I get to the Shanghai Museum

      M Well the bus stop is over there It will take us right there Let’s go

      Q How will they go to the Shanghai Museum (D)

      11 M What time will the film start this evening Mum

      W Not until a quarter to eight Anyway we need to be at the cinema by half past seven because there’s always a queue to collect the tickets and get drinks

      M So we won’t need to leave home until seven fifteen then

      Q How long will it take them to get to the cinema (B)

      12 M I’m glad we came here This is really delicious

      W I was worried you would think it was too far to drive

      M Well it’s true I’ve never driven two hours just to get lunch But really I think it’s worth it

      Q What can we learn from the dialogue (D)

      13 M Is this the new laptop you bought last week It looks nice

      W Yes it is Thanks I’m using it to surf the Internet

      M Here In this Café How can you do that

      W The café provides free WiFi Of course I have to buy a cup of coffee

      Q What does the woman mean in the dialogue (C)

      14 W Who do you think will win the singing competition I think the one with short dark hair is best

      M Do you I think the tall one with blond hair has a much better voice

      W But she sang a really boring song — and she can’t dance

      M That’s true I expect you’re right The others weren’t very good were they

      W I agree Especially the one with long curly hair and the short one with brown hair They are really annoying

      Q Who do the speakers think will win the singing competition (A)

      C Listen to the passageand tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断列句子否符合听容 符合T表示符合F表示) (6分)

      The paintings of Vincent van Gogh sell for a lot of money today But before his death in 1890 van Gogh had only been able to sell one painting

      Vincent was born in the Netherlands in 1853 He studied to be a member of the church But he always had a serious problem with his mind and he felt everything too deeply At the age of 27 he went to study art in Belgium He thought that he could bring people happiness by creating something beautiful He started painting

      In 1886 Vincent moved to Paris He began to paint in a new style there He used bright colors to create a feeling of light and movement because he loved how it could light up the world in different waysHis paintings usually show a warmth of life In early 1888 he moved to the south of France Soon Vincent’s illness became worse Although he was often in the hospital Vincent painted his best works in the next few years including The Starry Night and Sunflowers

      But people didn’t buy his paintings and he always saw himself as a failureVincent died on July 29 1890 He was just thirtyseven years old

      ( 15 F 16 F 17 T 18 T 19 F 20 T )

      D Listen to thepassage and complete the following sentences (听短文完成句子空格限填词)


      Dear Editor

      I’m a Grade Nine student and will leave middle school in June These days I am preparing for the entrance exam But I have some trouble A few years ago I had no sleeping problem at night After eleven o’clock the city was quiet and everybody went to sleep Now things are completely different There is noise twentyfour hours a day seven days a week It’s nonstop In my street it’s not just buses taxis and planes It’s people There is a nightclub near my flat It stays open all night People often leave the club at three o’clock in the morning They always shout goodnight very loudly get in their cars and drive away very fast

      I can’t sleep well at night I have to close my bedroom window It’s the only way to keep off the noise But it’s of little use Can you help me



      21preparingfor 22 was quiet23 three3 o’clock 24 keep off 25 little use


      Part 2

      II26B 27 A 28 A 29C 30 C 31 A 32 C 33 D 34 A 35C

      36 D 37 B 38 A 39 B 40 B 41 D 42 B 43 D 44 C 45 A

      III 46 B47 A 48 C 49 E 50 C 51 E 52 D 53 A

      IV 54 twice 55 foreigners 56 himself 57 asleep

      58 fishermanfishermen 59 safely 60 choose 61 disappear

      V 62 hasn’tyet 63 Why did 64 sothat 65 is visited 66 hurriedwithout

      67 howbuilt 68 It is important to keep calm in an emergency

      Part 3 (6987题题2分)

      VI A 69 C70 D71 B72 B 73 D 74 A

      B 75 C76 B77 A 78 C 79 A 80 D

      C81 difficult82 truly 83 everything 84 education85 believe86attractive87 art

      D (88题1分8992题题2分容占1分语言占1分93题3分容占2分语言表达占1分)

      88Yes he is

      89 He was four

      90 She asked him to play in the milk for a few minutes and then clean it up (Afterthat she asked him to discover a way to carry the bottle without dropping it )

      91 Hecan grasp the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands In this way he can carry it without dropping it By grasping the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands

      92 It was at that moment thathe knewthat he didn’t need to be afraid of making mistakes

      (Any reasonable answer is acceptable)

      93 She is a wise mother because she knew how to protect the boy’s curiosity and guided him to learn something from the mistakes She is a clever mother because she didn’t shout at the boy give him a lesson or punish him Instead she guided him to solve the problem by himself

      (Any reasonable answer is acceptable)


      VII 94 Writing (略)


      分档: A2018 B1715 C 1412 D116 E50

      A 思路清晰容充实结构严密语法错误少3(含)

      B 审题准确容基充实逻辑性基合理清晰语法错少6(含)

      C 审题偏差容尚清晰逻辑性太合理语法错少8(含)

      D 审题偏差严重容清晰少逻辑性词达意错误超10(含)

      E 独立写作题关2句话般少1分纯抄写阅读分





      02分 题明确基文题容单薄表达清抄袭阅读文章分



      ②语法: ① 句子中语言错误扣1分



















      1太阳 ______ 2月亮______ 3星星 _______ 4河流_____

      5参观_______ 6知道______ 7单词________ 8学科_____

      9learn _____ 10yesterday________ 11between ________

      12minute ______ 13tomorrow_________ 14favorite________


      1is _______ 2 are _______ 3go _________

      4do _______ 5 have _______



      learn from each other A着条街走

      go down this street B互相学

      across the road C马路面

      in front of D右转

      turn right E前面


      the Ming Tombs A长城

      the Great Wall B颐园

      the Summer Palace C迪士尼乐园

      Disneyland D伦敦塔桥

      Tower Bridge E明十三陵


      1What did you do ____ your holidays

      A in B on Cduring

      2We are very interested _____ English

      Ain B on Cfor

      3There ___ a park near my home

      A am B is C are

      4How long does it take to go there ____ foot

      Ain B on Cfor

      5Where is the bookshop

      The bookshop is ____ your left

      Ain B on C for

      6We’re going ____ Hangzhou by plane

      Ato Bat Cwith

      7Harbin is in the ____ of China

      Awest Beast Cnorth

      8Beijing is the capital of _______

      AEngland BAmerica CChina

      9There ____ two bookshops behind the park

      Ais Bam C are

      10How can I get to the park _________

      AThe hospital is far from us BLet’s go

      CYou can go there by bus


      1Sanya south in is the of China


      2by We going Xi’an are to train


      3going When you to are the Great Wall visit


      4go did How you Beijing to


      5learned a English lot words of have We



      ( ) 1How did you learn English

      ( ) 2How long does it take to go there by bike

      ( ) 3When are you going to visit the Great Wall

      ( ) 4What did you do during your holidays

      ( ) 5Did you write English diaries(英语日记)yesterday

      A NoI didn’t BOnly a few minutes

      CI went to Sanya DNext month

      EWe learned English by watching TV


      My name is Jim My favorite day is October l8th because it's my birthday I am very happy on that day I eat eggs for breakfast Then my friends come to my home and play with me We sing and dance Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar Lunch is very nice After lunch my parents take me to see a film My favorite movies are comedies and action movies After supper my parents my sister and I watch TV Then I go to bed at ten thirty I don't do my homework on that day I am very tired but happy on my birthday

      ( ) 1 Jim’s birthday is _____

      A October 8th B October 18th C December 8th D December 18th

      ( ) 2 Jim's favorite movies are_____

      A comedies B action movies C thrillers D A and B

      ( ) 3 Jim goes to bed at _______

      A 1030 B 1013 C 1000 D 310

      ( ) 4 Does Jim do his homework on his birthday

      A Yes he does B No he doesn't C No he isn't D I don't know

      ( ) 5 How is Jim on his birthday

      ATired BHappy but not tired CTired but happy DHappy




      1 sun 2 moon 3 star 4 river 5 visit 6 know

      7 word 8 subject 9 学 10 昨天 11 中间

      12 分钟 13 明天 14 喜欢

      二1 was 2 were 3 went 4 did 5 had



      四15 CABBB 610 ACCCC

      五1 Sanya is in the south of China

      2 We are going to Xi’an by train

      3 When are you going to visit the Great Wall

      4 How did you go to Beijing

      5 We have learned a lot of English words

      六15 EBDCA

      七15 BDABC





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      哂 囂 編 壌  £¨扮寂100蛍嶝£¬諾蛍150蛍£©Q2020.05  深伏廣吭£º云壌嗤7寄籾£¬慌94弌籾。編籾譲寡喘銭偬園催£¬侭嗤基宛暦駅梓孚号協壓基籾触貧頼撹£¬恂壓編壌貧音...

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      匯、哂査札咎。  1.湊剩 ______ ?2.埖疏______ ?3.佛佛 _______ 4.采送_____  5.歌鉱_______ ?6.岑祇______ ?7.汽簡_______...

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    人教精通版五年级下册英语 期中检测卷

    期中检测卷时间:60分钟 满分:100分听力(30分)笔试(70分)总分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一得分第一部分 听力(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)(  )1. A. t...

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    初二英语下册 期中模拟试卷

    初二英语下册期中模拟试卷 一.请听句子,选出你听到的单词。 (5分)( ) 1. A. programmer B. engineer C .manager D...

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    人教精通版小学英语六年级下册期末专项复习(五)注意:根据汉语意思;在四线格中规范书写单词。 姓名: 班级: 学校: 成绩: ...

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    人教精通版英语五年级上册书写试卷学校: 姓名: 得分: 注意:一律用钢笔、蓝色钢笔水将正确答案书写在四线三...

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    人教精通英语四年级下册书写试卷学校: 姓名: 得分: 注意:一律用钢笔、蓝色钢笔水将正确答案书写在四线三格...

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    课题Lesson 13授课时间周次课时总课时教学目标1、通过Lisa 邀请朋友参加她的生日聚会,引导学生从整体上感知、模仿、学习和体验语言,学会如何邀请他人参加自己的生日聚会。2、引导学生运用...

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    小学英语六年级下册期中测试题姓名 班级 评分:______________一、 听音,选择。(10分)( )1. A. 15kg ...

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    六年级上学期英语期中测试卷(一)时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分听力(30 分)笔试(70 分)总分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三得分第一部分 听力 (30 分) 一、听录音,选择正确...

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      2020 年长宁区初三英语在线学习效果评估试卷  2020. 5  1.?本卷有 7?大题,共 94?小题。  2.?试卷满分 150?分。考试时间 100?分钟。  3.?全部试题均采用...

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      (满分150分,考试时间100分钟)  考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。  Part 1 ?Liste...

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    人教精通版六年级下册英语 Unit 3主题提分卷 6年级(R-JT版)

    Unit 3主题提分卷 时间:40分钟 满分:100分                                                           题号一二三四五六七八...

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    本课时重点单词apple, mango, banana, bread,在之前的学习中都略有了解,重难点句型是I like… I don’t like…,要让学生在真实的语言环境中灵活运用,特别是...

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    课题 Unit 4 Do you like candy? Lesson 19一、教学分析内容分析 本课旨在学习字母A a 、Bb和包含这两个字母的单词apple,mango,banana,bre...

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    课题 Unit4 Do you like candy? 课时 Lesson 19 授课人 周宏丽学习目标 1.能够听、说、认读生词:mango,apple,banana,bread,并能在真实的...

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    一、教学目标:1. 能听说,认读字母Aa, Bb, 并且能够在单词中辨认出来 能听说,认读apple, mango, banana, bread, 并能在真实的语境中灵活运用。 2.能理解有关表...

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    内容分析 本课旨在学习字母A a 、Bb和包含这两个字母的单词apple,mango,banana,bread及使用I like/don’t like ……句型。学情分析 三年级的学生对英语的学...

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    人教精通版五年级下册英语 期末检测卷(1)

    期末检测卷 时间:60分钟 满分:100分                                                 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分听力部分 (...

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    一、 教学目标1.知识目标:(1) 会听说认读单词cake, candy, doughnut, hot dog。(2) 巩固句型I like……/I don’t like……,并能在实际情境中表...

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