
      2020 年长宁区初三英语线学效果评估试卷

      2020 5

      1卷 7题 94题

      2试卷满分 150分考试时间 100分钟


      Part1 Listening(第部分 听力)

      IListening comprehension (听力理解) ( 30分)

      AListen andchoosethe rightpicture(根听容选出相应图片) (6分)

      A B C D

      E F G H

      1 2 3 4 5 6

      BListentothedialogueandchoosethebestanswertothequestionyouhear(根听话问题选出恰答案) (8分)

      ( ) 7 A) Inthe library B) In a booking office C)Athome D) In a shop ( ) 8A) Coins B)Stamps C)Kites D)Stones

      ( ) 9 A) Once aday B) Twiceaday C) Onceaweek D) Twice a week ( ) 10 A)Bybus B)Byunderground C)Bytaxi D) By bike

      ( ) 11A) Sad B)Cheerful C)Embarrassed D) Nervous

      ( ) 12 A) Teacher andstudent

      B) Host and guest

      C) Husband and wife

      D) Waiter and customer

      ( ) 13 A) Look at atimetable

      B) Give a lecture

      C) Prepare for a notice


      D) Talk about school life

      ( ) 14 A) The woman knows nothing aboutthepainting B) The man likes the painting verymuch

      C) The woman thinks the paintingiswonderful D) The man has a talent forpainting

      CListen tothe passageand tellwhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse(判断列句子否符合听短文容符合T表示符合F表示) (6 分)

      ( ) 15 The story happened on the writer’s way to the concert last Saturday

      ( ) 16 A womanhitthe writer when sherushedoutof oneof the boutiqueshops(精品店) ( ) 17 The writerwaslucky notto bebadlyhurtbecauseofwearinga crash helmet(头盔) ( ) 18 The woman immediately said sorry to the writer instead of shouting athim

      ( ) 19 The woman didn’t pay for the damage to the writer’s bicycle but went away ( ) 20 It took the writer several hours to enjoy the saxophone played by hisfriends

      DListentothe passageandcompletethe followingsentences(听短文完成列容空格限填词) (10分)

      21Macy’s small house isonlyabout meters insize

      22The small house iscomfortableand for Macy’s family to livein

      23The small house iseasy to with one ceiling fan in the middle of the longroom

      24The bed is built above a full set of cupboardsandthis and looksattractive

      25Another big advantage of this small houseisthat electricity and water arecheap

      Part2 Phonetics Grammar andVocabulary

      (第二部分 语音语法词汇)

      IIChoosethebestanswer(选择恰答案) (20分)

      ( ) 26 Which of the following underlined parts is different inpronunciation

      A)touch B)rough C)double D) soup ( ) 27 Myfatheris university teacher in Shanghai He always workshard

      A)a B)an C)the D)

      ( ) 28 People always send greetings to each otherthroughWechat New Year’sDay

      A)in B)on C)at D) of

      ( ) 29 We make grapes into wine It also means that wineismade grapes

      A) into B) of C)for D)with

      ( ) 30 Stella is going to move into a new flat next month so she plans tobuysome

      A)chair B)flower C)furniture D) picture ( ) 31 Nowadays when I go out shopping I don’t need to carry awalletwith

      A)my B)me C)mine D) myself ( ) 32 Chinese people have been using the skill of printing forover two years

      A)thousand B)thousands C) thousandof D) thousands of ( ) 33 The Smiths went to see several houses lastweekbut of them wassuitable

      A) none B)neither C)all D) both

      ( ) 34 Many students go tothatbookstore it has lots of reference books they can choosefrom

      A)and B)so C) for D) but

      ( ) 35 Clark likes to work in a room withthewindows to let the fresh airin

      A)opens B)opening C)opened D) open

      ( ) 36 After a year’s study in Sydney Sally’s spokenEnglishis better than before

      A)more B)much C)quite D) rather

      ( ) 37 It’s a rulethatvisitors bring in his camera to take pictures inside themuseum

      A)mightnot B)needn’t C)mustn’t D) wouldn’t ( ) 38 Studentsare required well prepared before the final examcomes

      A)getting B)get C)togetting D) toget

      ( ) 39 important life skill students should learn in order to live onthemselves

      A)Whatan B)What C)How an D)How

      ( ) 40 Since early this year theterribledisease a lot of people all over theworld

      A)killed B)kills C)willkill D) has killed

      ( ) 41 The electricity went offwhile I with my mother in the sittingroom last night

      A)talked B)havetalked C)wastalking D) had talked ( ) 42 Mr Wangisbusy his report so he won’t come to our party thisafternoon

      A)write B)wrote C)towrite D) writing

      ( ) 43 I wasn’t able to memorize the names of thehistoricalevents I had triedhard

      A)though B)if C)when D) because

      ( ) 44 – Would you mind my using your dictionary I want to know how to pronounce theword


      A)Nevermind B) Youarewelcome C) Notatall D) I’d like to ( ) 45 – The weather report says it is going to rain thisweekend

      – We have just decided to go for a picnic in the park thisweekend

      A) I’mafraid not B) Ihopenot C) Sodo I D) I thinkso

      IIIComplete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box Each can be used only once (列单词词组填入空格空格限填词词填次) ( 8分)

      Goldfish have pretty boring lives so maybe it’s a good thing they can only concentrate (集中注意力) for nine seconds But according to new research humans are becoming like goldfish Our attention span (持续时间 ) is getting shorter and it’s all because of46

      We move quickly from one site to another on the web says Doctor Ted a computer scientist and we are losing the ability to concentrate With millions of websites to choose from the attention span of the

      47internet user is just seconds

      Some people are worried about the effect on young people You need time to understand and48what you read says secondary school teacher Julia Young people move from one website to another all the timeandtheirbrainsbecomefullofuselessinformationbutthereisnotimetomakesenseofitIamtryingto

      49my pupils to read more books so that they concentrate on one subject for longer

      Other teachers are trying more unusual50 to improve students’ concentration Welsh secondary school teacher Anne was so worried about one class of fifteenyearold boys that she started playing Mozart during her Science lessons She says that it had an amazing effect The music made them 51 and their concentration was muchbetter

      But not everyone believes that there is a problem Professor Ray Cole an educational psychologist says On the web young people learn to make quick decisions about what is and isn’t52 reading They mightlookatfiveunhelpfulwebsitesveryquicklybeforestoppingandreadingasixthusefulwebsitemore

      53 In a world with so much information available this is an importantskill

      IVCompletethesentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirproperforms(括号中单词适形式完成列句子空格限填词) (8分)

      54Billy worked hard and found a solution totheproblem (he)

      55Dickwillbe next Sunday We’re going to hold a party for him (ninth)

      56Kate boughtlotsof from the market yesterday morning(strawberry)

      57We all know that the breaking of a glass bottleisa change(physics)

      58Onemajor of that machine is that it’s too big for us to carry(advantage)

      59I ought to read the instructionsbeforeI this robot sweeper(operation)

      60Because of the traffic jams Imissedthe of the performance(begin)

      61It is amazing that the young kid is able to recite thelongpassage (correct)

      VCompletethefollowingsentencesasrequired (根求完成句子第 6267题空格限填词) ( 14分)

      62Alicehadagood sleeponthefirstdayofherlongjourney(改否定句) Alice a good sleep on the first day of her longjourney

      63Charlesliked toeathotdogswithtomatosaucewhenhe wasyoung (划线部分提问)

       of hot dogs did Charles like to eat when he wasyoung

      64Theheadmasterawardedoneofthestudentsthetopprizeinthecontest(改动语态) One ofthe students the top prize in the contest by theheadmaster

      65HowcanIgettoShanghaiBotanicalGardenfromtheBund(保持句意基变) Could youtellme to Shanghai Botanical Garden from theBund

      66John asked his teacher Sandy What do you think of our suggestions totheschool (改宾语句) John asked histeacherSandy she of their suggestions to theschool

      67Idon’tthinkthattheHotovenisasexpensiveastheSuperoven(保持句意基变) I think that theHotovenis theSuperoven

      68ona project protectthe environment isworking thesedaystheyoung man to help (连词成句)


      Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)

      VIReading comprehension (阅读理解) ( 50分)

      AChoosethebestanswer(根短文容选择恰答案) (12分)

      Changes and progress

      Let me take you on a journey to an imaginary land called Puristan a faraway mountainous country and until recently its culture had been unchanged for centuries There was no real industry most of the people had small farms There were no schools no electricity and hardly any cars By the standards ( 标 准 ) of other countries the people were quite poor but they had enough to live and everyone had more or less the same standard of living They lived in peace in their beautiful scenery

      And then the tourists came There were only small groups at first but then word of this beautiful unspoilt land spread Thetouristscouldnot beexpectedtoliveinprimitive(原始) conditionssothefirsthotelswere built in Purura the capital The hotels were followed by bars and shops Electricity was needed for these touristfacilities(设施) sopower stationswerebuilt Allkinds ofgoodswereneededforthesenewfacilitiesso the government built roads so that trucks could deliver these goods Some of the Puristani people had good business ideas for tourism and became quite rich The government needed to educate people for these new industries so schools were built and the decision was taken to educate children in English the language of industry and tourism rather than the locallanguage

      The families who still work on the farms have been left behind Sometimes the tourists travel out of the capital Purura to see these primitive people in their strange costumes

      The tourists take photos of them or film them with video cameras as if they were making a wildlife documentary (纪录片) Some of these Puristani farmers feel sorry about their rural (农村) culture and move to the capital to find work in the tourism industry But there isn’t enough work or housing for everyone in Purura so you find homeless people on the streets begging or charging tourists to have photos taken next to a real Puristani’ There have been a lot of changes in Puristan and you can’t turn the clock back But has there been any progress

      ( ) 69 If you went to Puristan many years ago you would findthere were

      A)no mountains orriversaround B) no small farms or privatecars

      C) no enough food for peopleto eat D) no schools real industry or electricity ( ) 70 The underlined word unspoilt (in Para 2 line 1) most probablymeans

      A)independent B)unpolluted C)convenient D) limited

      ( ) 71 Which of the following changes is NOT taking place in Puristan after the tourismbegan

      A) Hotels were built inthecapital B) Bars and shopsappeared

      C) Some Puristani people becameveryrich D) People stopped learning the local language ( ) 72 Some Puristani farmers move toPururabecause

      A) they hope to have a better life inthecity B) they help make a wildlifedocumentary

      C) they want to keep theirownculture D) their country is progressing successfully ( ) 73 When some Puristani farmers become homeless theyhaveto

      A) take photos for arealPuristani B) beg on thestreet

      C) turn theclock back D) start to learn English ( ) 74 The author thinks that the changes in Puristan inthispassage

      A) makehimsatisfied B) help them return to oldtimes

      C) have somebadeffects D) damage the tourismindustry

      BChoosethebestanswerand completethepassage(选择恰选项完成短文) (12分)

      As July approached the school term was coming to an end The next morning arrived no school today tomorrow or for weeks But what to do with all this new found freedom I always 75 my friends whoseparentswantedthem todosomething constructive (建设性) tolearn somethingnew I’m learning to relax and enjoy life a little I thought to myself

      And I would go out with the dog for a walk in the morning sunshine 76 the woods was always a good start—what strange and wonderful insects would I find Which ones should I bring home to show my sister The dog would usually run off leading me further into the unfamiliar woods I got lost a few times and 77 but the dog always knew the wayhome

      After lunch I’d run down to the park to play football with my friends We’d play until the sun was coming down 78 it was time to go home I was covered in scratches and mud That was always a good sign of a good day My parents would ask me what I had achieved that day I’ve discovered new animals and improved my skill of playing football I would explain And maybe I didn’t learn a new instrument or practice my French but it had been a brilliantday

      There is always time for learning next year The true79 of a summer vacation is the freedom it provides a freedom you never have as an adult So make full use of your summer vacation Go out and do something80 get lost and challenge yourself and if you get a little dirty in the process well in my book that’s a constructiveday

      ( ) 75 A) pointedout

      B) had pity on

      C) learnt from

      D) competed with

      ( ) 76 A)Releasing

      B) Selecting

      C) Ignoring

      D) Exploring

      ( ) 77 A)frightened

      B) surprised

      C) pleased

      D) excited

      ( ) 78 A)Luckily

      B) Suddenly

      C) Finally

      D) Especially

      ( ) 79 A)wisdom

      B) figure

      C) system

      D) value

      ( ) 80 A)different

      B) powerful

      C) useless

      D) strange

      CFillintheblankswithproperwords(短文空格填入适词容通空格限填词首字母已) (14分)

      Sadly over 86 of North Atlantic right whales become entangled (缠住) in fishing nets in their lifetime Cathy in charge of Nat Geo Kids caught up with Moira Senior Scientist with the Canadian Whale Institute to find out more…

      Cathy Hi Moira You’ve been studying North Atlantic right whales for 35 years why are they in danger Moira Hi Nat Geo Kids Many North Atlantic right whales s 81their summers feeding here in the

      Bay of Fundy for decades But since around 2010 lots of them started travelling further north to find food Their journey takes them through busy shipping areas Sadly this makes them h 82easily because of being struck by boats or caught up in fishingnets

      Cathy What’s being done to help the whales

      Moira The Canadian Government the shipping and fishing industries and scientists are all workingtogether

      – we’ve suggested lower s 83limits for boats and are figuring out how we can stop whale entanglements Here in the Bay of Fundy I helped set up a rescue t 84 made up of local fishermen They learned about whale behavior and received special training in how to free whales

      from fishing nets s 85

      Cathy What happens on a whale rescue

      Moira We jump in our rescue boat and head out to sea Every entanglement is different depending on the kind of whale the type of fishing net it’s tangled in and w 86 it’s caught on the whale’s body We use special tools to cut the ropes which can take several hours sometimes even days to cut loose It’s d 87 to work with animals in water – just imagine trying to cut a rope off a 60ton whale

      Cathy Amazing What can Nat Geo Kids readers do to help

      Moira The best thing you can do is to care for our oceans Most importantly learn about our oceans and inspire your friends and family to learn and care about them too

      Cathy Thanks Moira Keep up the great work








      DAnswer thequestions (根容回答问题) (12分)

      Dear Judy

      Sister how are you

      I woke up this morning It’s nearly Easter Whenever it is Easter I think of you I’ll never forget seeing you for the first time when you were born You were the sweetest little baby wrapped in a soft white blanket How I loved kissing and holding you I was a teenager and loved carrying you around Sometimes people asked if you were my baby I must have looked like a very young mother but how proud I was in those moments

      However things started to change for me as I never felt quite wanted How sad when it was that I felt so

      jealous(嫉妒) ofyou

      Before your arrival Mum was in no hurry to buy the things that I needed But later I always had to wait and wait for her to pay my school fees or buy books and clothes Everything was always late How much more upsetting thatmybirthdayandChristmaspresentswereonlyeverthingsthatIurgently(急迫) needed such as nightdress andbooks

      Your situation was different and Mum always made sure that you had the best of everything quickly

      When you got a horse for your 6th birthday and started riding lessons how jealous I was

      I slowly turned cold towards you and never gave you the warm hugs that you expected from me or showed an interest in your horse or your medals I remember your sad face probably wondering why I didn’t seem to care aboutyou

      Today I considered that as I woke up I have never spoken about this or why that is so Today I must say that I am very sorry for hurting your feelings It was never your fault (错) You were too young to even realize it All these years you might have wondered what you did wrong that I didn’t often speak with you

      Please forgive me I want to be a real big sister to you again If you can forgive me we can start over and spend time together You have turned into a beautiful young woman who I am so proud of I would love to be close again

      Much love Helen

      88When did Helen write thisletter

      89What did Helen do for her newborn baby sisterJudy

      90How did Helen feel when she got nightdress and books as her birthday and Christmaspresents

      91What caused Helen’s cold attitude towards her youngersister

      92Why did Helen write this letter toJudy

      93If you were Judy what would you say to your sister after you received her letter (At least twosentences)

      VIIWriting(作文) (20分)

      94Writeatleast60wordsaboutthetopicOnlinestudymakesme (请 网学

      _ 题写篇少 60词短文标点符号占格)

      抗疫期间(during the antiepidemic period)家网课(have online classes)特殊历培养独立性信心……等方面收获请结合具体事例谈谈某方面收获




      Part 1 Listening (第部分 听力)

      I Listening comprehension(听力理解)

      A Listen and choose the right picture(根听容选出相应图片)

      1 Hainan Island is a goodplace to visit in Spring Festival in China (C)

      2 Both Peter and Mary enjoy working as community volunteers (H)

      3 The manager asked Tom some questions during the job interview (B)

      4 People must fasten their safety belts while taking a taxi (E)

      5 It’s a bad habit to throw rubbish everywhere on the ground (A)

      6 Lily goes to the club to play volleyball once a week (D)

      B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根听话问题选出恰答案)

      7 W Can I help you sir

      M Yes please I’m looking for a silk scarf for my mother

      W How about this one It is very nice

      Q Where does the dialogue probably take place (D)

      8 W Mike I hear that you collect different sizes and shapes of stones

      M I used to but now I’m interested in coins Do you want to have a look at my new collections

      Q What does Mike collect now (A)

      9 W Does your school newspaper come out weekly or daily

      M It appears every Tuesday

      Q How often does the school newspaper come out (C)

      10 W How will you get to the airport

      M I have no idea Taking a bus is much cheaper I may go there on a bus

      W You’d better not Today is Monday Buses are crowded and taxis are hard to call You can take the underground

      M OK I’ll take your advice

      Q How will the man probably go to the airport (B)

      11 W What’s wrong with you Jack Are you nervous about your exam You look so sad

      M I’ve lost my new iphone on my way to school today It was given by my parents

      W I’m sorry to hear that Cheer up Be careful next time

      Q How did Jack feel today (A)

      12 W How do you like the dishes in our restaurant

      M Well The food is very delicious I think I’ll come here again

      Q What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers (D)

      13 W Do you know when the famous reporter will give us a lecture on science and development

      M I’m sorry I have no idea You can have a look at that notice There is a timetable in it

      Q What will the reporter do (B)

      14 W Gary I bought a painting just now Isn’t it wonderful

      M Well I can’t tell what it is about I am not a fan of these funny images like you

      Q What information can you get from the dialogue (C)

      C Listen to the passageand tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断列句子否符合听短文容符合T表示符合F表示)

      Something really terriblehappened when I was going to the concert last SaturdayI was riding my bicycle along the street when I saw a womanstanding outside one of the boutique shopsShe was carrying lots of shopping bags

      I had just passed the crossing when she suddenly stepped into the road without lookingI didn’thit herbut I fell off my bicycleI was really scared because I banged my head and hurt my arm when I fellIt’s a good thing I was wearing a crash helmetso I wasn’tbadly hurtThe woman came over to me while I was sitting on the roadI expected her to apologize but she began shouting at me

      I felt extremely angryShe had caused the accidentShe didn’teven apologizeIn the endher friend told her to calm downand she went awayTo be honestI think she should pay for the damage to my bicycle

      My bicycle wheel was broken so I had to catch the bus to the concertIt seemed to take hoursFinallyI got to the Arts CentreMeanwhilemy friends were all very worried about mebut luckilyI wasn’tbadly hurt and I was still able to play my saxophone

      15T 16 F 17 T 18 F 19 T 20 F

      D Listen to the passageand complete the following sentences(听短文完成列容空格限填词)

      American architect Macy did not want to borrow money from the bank for her house She decided to build a small home for herself her daughter and her dog To save money she did most of the hard work herself The small house is only about 18 square metres in size It only cost her 11400 to complete And it has everything she needs in a home It is comfortable and large enough for her family The house is connected to electricity and has unusual hanging lights This small house is easy to keep cool with one ceiling fan in the middle of the long room It also has fully equipped kitchen The pots and pans hang on the wall Macy and her partners easily cook many dinners in this space She has managed to put a washing machine too The kingsize bed is built above a full set of cupboards This saves space and looks attractive There is a special ladder to climb onto the bed This makes it safe and easy to use Two comfortable chairs fit closely in an area next to the bed Visitors can enjoy time here Another big advantage of this small house is that bills for electricity and water are cheap Macy can save money every month

      21 18eighteen square 22 large enough 23 keepcool 24 savesspace 25 billsfor

      Part 2 PhoneticsGrammar and Vocabulary

      (50分26 61题1分)

      Ⅱ26 D 27 A 28 B 29 B 30 C 31 B 32 A 33 A 34 C 35 D

      36B 37 C 38 D 39 A 40 D 41 C 42 D 43 A 44 C 45 B

      Ⅲ46 C 47 D 48 A 49 B 50 E 51 A 52 D 53 C

      Ⅳ 54 himself 55 nine 56 strawberries 57 physical 58 disadvantage 59 operate 60 beginning 61 correctly

      V62 didn’t have 63 What kind 64 wasawarded 65 theway 66 what thought

      67 cheaper than 68The young man is working on a project to help protect the environment these days

      Part3 Reading and Writing


      A 69 D 70 B 71 D 72 A 73 B 74 C

      B75 B 76 D 77 A 78 C 79 D 80 A

      C 81 spent 82hurt 83speed 84 team 85 safely86 where 87 dangerousdifficult

      D (88题1分8992题题2分93题3分)

      88 One morning before Easter Nearly Easter Before Easter A few days before Easter

      89 She kissed and held Judy and she also carried her around

      90 She felt upset sad unhappy…

      91 Her mother’s preferencefor Judy Helen’s jealousy Her mother’s too much care for Judy …

      92 Because she wanted to apologize to Judy and wanted her younger sister to forgive her

       Because she expected to get on well on her sister again …

      93 I am happy to hear from you Let’s forget the past and look forward to the beautiful future

      (any reasonable answer can be accepted)


      VII 作文(略)(20分)






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    上海市闵行区2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷精选汇编完形填空专题上海市闵行区2021年中考二模语英语试题B. Choose the words or expressions and c...

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     2021年初三英语个人年度工作总结【二】撰写人:___________日 期:___________2021年初三英语个人年度工作总结【二】本学期我担任初三级(1)班、(2)班的英语教学。...

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    如何进行初三英语复习  根据一轮复习的特点,以基础知识和课本中出现的语言点为线索,以课本中出现的主要词汇、短语和句型为框架,精心设计,引导学生由浅入深,启发学生多方位进行思维。讲练结合,师生互...

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    初三英语复习提纲  为了更加方便的为广大同学提供初三备考复习,爱学家园为进入初三的同学准备了学习提纲,大家可以简单的了解看看,或许对大家的备考有所帮助。  1.名词,中考要求:名词的数和名词的...

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