
    i 根句意面题ABC三选项中选出划线部分意思接选项字母代号写题前括号中
    ( )1 This machine works with the power of wind
    Wow that’s amazing
    A dream B energy C practice
    ( ) 2 Why didn’t you attend the meeting yesterday Linda
    Because I was ill and I had to see a doctor
    A think of B look for C take part in
    ( ) 3 I feel surprised at David’s plan
    So do I He is always very quiet and never gives any good advice
    A interested B amazed C bored
    ( ) 4 If you want to learn about something about Chinese history you can borrow some
    history books from the library
    That’s a good idea
    A study B teach C visit
    ( ) 5 Is Eric your best friend
    Yes He helps me with my problems all the way
    A by the way B all the time C in the way
    ( ) 6 If you don’t know the way to the city library you can follow me
    Thank you
    A go after B come to C look after
    ( )7 I looked for my keys everywhere but I couldn’t find them anywhere
    Don’t worry I will help you
    A over there B here and there C just here
    ( ) 8 Oh your family name is very unusual
    Yes it is Few people know it
    A useful B popular C special
    ( ) 9 Dad smoking is bad for your health
    Oh dear I know it And I try to stop it now
    A not good for B not friendly to C not important to
    ( )10 Anna was interested in singing when she was only three years old
    I see and she is a famous singer now
    A was harmful to B was bored with C was fond of

    ii 根句子意思面题ABC三选项中选出恰词语完成句子字母代号写题前括号中
    ( )11 The film is_________ I don’t like it at all
    I don’t think so We can learn a lot from it
    A interesting B exciting C boring
    ( )12 What do you think of the Solar Power Club
    It’s _________ It’s friendly to the environment
    A excited B terrible C amazing
    ( )13 I like reading historical stories because I can _________ things in the past
    Oh really But sometimes they are boring
    A learn of B learn about C learn with
    ( )14 Many people have to _________ the meaning of this word in the dictionary
    You are right I don’t know either
    A look over B look for C look up
    ( )15 What would you like to have meat or fish? —
    A Either will do  
    B Yes I like meat
    C No they are not my favorite
    ( )16 If you do something _________ you do it in a short time
    I want to be more efficient
    A slowly B often C soon
    ( )17 The bus is so crowded that there is hardly any _________ for us
    Yes I think we should wait for another one
    A field B floor C space
    ( )18 I thought he might _________ Paula’s advice
    Sure he is He is going to discuss it with her again
    A be interested in B disagree with C be happy with
    ( )19 Eating too much junk food _________ our health
    OK I won’t
    A is good with B is bad for C is afraid of
    ( )20 Must I be home before seven? —
    A No you needn’t   B No you mustn’t  C No you won’t

    ( )21 This summer holiday many foreign students _________ to China for a holiday and
    had a good time 
    A come     B.have come  C.came
    ( )22 Mary will not attend the party tonight 
    But she _________ she would
    A.promises     B.promised  C.will promise    
    ( )23 The moment I saw my friend Leo I _________ something was wrong
    A. realize  B.realizes C.realized
    ( )24 You know quite a lot about the fashion show 
    Well Cathy _________ it to me during lunch 
    A. tells     B.told C.will tell
    ( )25 I _________ a letter once a week to my family when I was in my first college 
    A.wrote     B.was writing  C.write
    ( )26 Tom and Jack are brothers This is _________ room
    A. they     B.their  C.them
    ( )27 That’s a lovely cat _________ is Wicky
    A Its     B.It’s  C.It
    ( )28 Could you help _________ with _________ English
    A I my     B me me C.me my
    ( )29 Who’s singing over there   — 
    _________ is Sandy’s sister 
    A That    B It                    C She 
    ( )30 My uncle bought a new bike for _________      
    A theirs                B they           C them

    二 仔细阅读面句子空白处填入单词括号单词正确形式
    31 There is much __________ (inform) on learning English in my teacher's blog
    32 I feel __________ (bore) this weekend Do you have any plans
    33 The ending of this film is so __________ (surprise) that we all guess wrong
    34 Ships __________ (appear) on sea We couldn't see them on the beach
    35 It is dangerous for a child to use a knife __________ (cut) something
    36 It is time __________ (tell) a story I am going to bed
    37 Did you know the __________ (recently) news about the poor man in our town
    38 He knows how ________ (make) a ship
    39 He wants to become a _________ (power) man
    40 He gave me some ______ (use) advice before _____ (leave) for Beijing
    41 There will be an _________ (usual) book fair in our school next week
    42 We should help each _________ (another)
    43 I have something important ________ (tell) you
    44 It’s easy _________ (get) postcards
    45 I learn a lot ________ our country and ________ (it) culture
    46 I feel a little nervous in front of the _________ (interview)
    47 It’s a waste _______ money to buy such an expensive coat
    48 He didn’t study hard As ______ result he failed the exam
    49 Tom is good at everything I am sure I can learn something _____ him
    50 Reading books ________ (be) helpful to our study

    of course remote control look them up leave for go on an adventure
    51 I want to watch TV but I can’t find the ____________
    52 Alan likes swimming very much He ____________ will join the Swimming Club this term
    53 If you want to know the meaning of these words you should ____________ in the dictionary
    54 Jim and John ____________ to a big island last week and they found many interesting things
    55 The Blacks ____________ Britain this morning and they will arrive there at 9 pm

    living room work of art a waste of time start crying be interested in
    56 John is silly It is ____________ talking with him
    57 There are six people in my family so I want to buy a house with a big ____________
    58 Many artists like visiting this museum because there are many great ____________ in it
    59 When I was in the middle school I ____________ science and history
    60 The little baby ____________ when he couldn’t see his mother

    三 句子翻译
    78 邮票幅图画画座中国古石桥

    What’s a typical(典型)day like in Buenos Aires(布宜诺斯艾利斯) For Diego who lives with his parents in a house in Buenos Aires a school day starts 81 If his mother doesn’t wake him up at 600 am his dog Luna will Diego 82 himself quickly and takes Luna for a walk
    Then it’s time to get ready for school Diego puts on his school clothes and eats a quick 83 He slings(抛)his heavy schoolbag over his shoulder and gets onto the city bus for the 25 minutes’ 84 to school
    Diego is in the seventh year of primary school Classes start at 800 am with math followed 85 history and music At 100 pm Diego and his friends have their lunch After lunch Diego heads to English class This is one of his favorites 86 the students practise English by writing emails to students in 87 countries
    When the last class ends Diego and his friends 88 the bus to a city park to play football Then he’s 89 home to start on homework If he finishes in time Diego will cook dinner His parents come home from work at about 800 pm and then they 90 to dinner After dinner Diego does some reading or watches TV before getting ready for bed
    81 A quickly B early C late
    82 A dresses B wears C puts on
    83 A lunch B breakfast C supper
    84 A walk B way C ride
    85 A at B for C by
    86 A because B since C unless
    87 A other B another C the others
    88 A fetch B bring C take
    89 A along B next C back
    90 A turn on B climb forward C sit down

    Are all your photographs good Be honest with yourself Aren’t some of your pictures too dark and others too light How many times have you thrown away a photo We the Fine Photograph Club can help you We meet every Wednesday in our comfortable club room in Bridge Street At 730 pm a member of the club or a visitor would give a talk and then we have coffee Our members will advise you on all the latest cameras and films They will help you to develop your films or enlarge your pictures What does it all cost Only 5 pounds a year
    Photography is now a big business Do you know for instance that there are 15 million cameras in our country And that 700 million photographs are taken a year more than onethird of them in color Think of the amount of photography in television the cinema newspapers books advertisements and so on In modern life people learn a lot from pictures so photography is more and more important It is also more complicated and more expensive than it used to be You may only want to take good photographs of faces and places If so we can help you to get better results You needn’t waste any more money If you want to learn more about photography and how it is used join the club please You won’t be disappointed Write now to the Secretary Fine Photograph Club Bridge Street
    91 The purpose of passage is to _____
    A show people how to take fine pictures
    B tell people photography is now a big business
    C tell people the club can do many things for you
    D encourage people to join the photograph club
    92 If you want to join the club you _____
    A must be good at photography
    B must know about the latest cameras and films
    C must pay a little money a year
    D must be honest with yourself
    93 You are able to be honest so that you can_____
    A say if your photos are good or bad
    B tell how much money you waste
    C help the Fine Photograph Club
    D know the latest development in cameras
    94 The club can give the following service except _____
    A coffee B amusement C advice D information
    95Which statement of the following is true
    A If you are a member of Fine Photograph Club it will cost you only 5 pounds to buy a
    B All the members of Fine Photograph Club can take free photographs of faces and places
    C More than a third of 700 million color photographs are taken a year
    D If you write to the photograph club you will be very good at photographing
      I often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy I read about the famous building called the Leaning Tower of Pisa But when I read the word Pisa I was thinking of pizza I thought this tower was a place to buy pizza It must be the best place to buy pizza in the world I thought
      Many years later I finally saw the Leaning Tower I knew then that it was Pisa and no pizza But there was still something special about it for me The tower got its name because it really did lean to one side Some people want to try to fix it They are afraid it may fall over and they don’t like it leans over the city
      I do not think it’s a good idea to try to fix it The tower probably will not fall down It is 600 years old Why should anything happen to it now And if you ask me I like what it looks like To me it is a very human kind of leaning Nothing is perfect It seems to say
      And who cares Why do people want things to be perfect Imperfect things may be more interesting Let’s take the tower in Pisa for example Why is it so famous There are many other older more beautiful towers in Italy But Pisa tower is the most famous People come from all over the world to see it
    96What does the writer of this passage mainly want to tell us
    A Why Italian pizzas are famous B the problems of the Leaning Tower
    C How the Leaning Tower of Pisa got its name D Why the writer likes pizzas
    97The writer used to think Pisa was ______
      Ain Spain B not very famous  C not the same as pizza D the same as pizza
    98The Leaning Tower of Pisa is _______
      A modern B falling down C 600 years old D 60 years old
    99What can we know about the writer according to the article
      A He doesn’t like what the tower looks like B He likes what the tower looks like
      C He thinks it’s the most beautiful tower in Italy D He doesn’t like towers
    100 The writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa because ________
      A it’s old B it’s perfect C it sells pizza D it’s imperfect

    I like music very much (101)________ I was young I studied music at university I (102)________(choose) to study in Vienna Austria because of its musical culture Vienna is a city (103)________ a long history and it is also a place where many great musicians (104)________ (born)
    By (105)________(study) there for about one term I was able (106)________(understand) music on a high level I took part in some of the most famous teachers’ (107)________(class) to learn from them and the teachers all taught me (108)________ (patient) I toured many places of interest in Austria when I was free There I learnt different culture and experienced different lifestyles
    All in all studying abroad is (109)________ wonderful cultural experience for me so I will never forget it Now I know that my college experience is perfect I have learnt so much about (110)________ (me) who I am and what I should pay attention to


    Dear Daniel
    I'm Li Ming I'm a student in Grade 7

    15 BCBAB 610 ABCAC
    1115 CCBCA 1620 CCABA
    2125 CBCBA 2630 BACBC

    31 information 32 bored 33 surprising 34 disappeared 35 to cut
    36 to tell 37 recent 38 to make 39 powerful 40 usefulleaving
    41 unusual 42 other 43 to tell 44 to get 45 aboutits
    46 interviewer(s) 47 of 48 a 49 from 50 is

    51 remote control 52 of course
    52 look them up 54 went on an adventure
    55 left for 56 a waste of time
    56 living room 58 works of art
    59 was interested in 60 started crying

    61Last month they attended the Clubs Fair
    62Our club will teach you how to build rockets
    63Will it go all the way into space
    64She used a remote control to drive the toy car
    65I want to join all the clubs
    66They learned about many clubs
    67Last Sunday my friend and I went on an adventure with the Hiking Club
    68The night before I was so excited that I could not sleep
    69I hurried to school and met the other students
    70Finally it was time to go home
    71There was eight doorbells on their front door
    72Let’s have some tea
    73They went inside and saw newspapers everywhere
    74There was hardly any space for the children to sit down
    75You shouldn’t spend too much time collecting things
    76The children followed her into the living room
    77Daniel was the first student to speak yesterday
    78It has a picture of an old Chinese stone bridge on the stamp
    79This made me more interested in Chinese culture
    80Collecting stamps is really educational

    8185 BABCC 8690 AACBC
    9195 DCABC 96100 CDCBD

    101 When 102 chose 103 with 104 were born 105 studying
    106 to understand 107 classes 108 patiently 109 a 110 myself

    Dear Daniel
    I'm Li Ming I'm a student in Grade 7
    My school life is interesting I like it very much I have 5 classes in the morning and 3 classes in the afternoon I study English Chinese math and some other subjects I like English best because it's easy and interesting I don't like Math because I always meet difficulties in studying math Though I try hard it doesn't work well
    After class I often play basketball with my classmates I go to the school library for some reading twice a week I like my school life
    What is your school life like Can you tell me something about it I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon
    Li Ming





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