
    Chapter 1
    1 People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country (F)
    2 The Severn River is the longest river of Britain which originates in Wales and flows through western England(T)
    3 Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh language (F)
    4 In terms of population and area Northern Ireland is the second largest part of Britain(F)
    5 Although the climate in Britain is generally mild the temperature in northern Scotland often falls below 10℃ in January (F)
    6 The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the AngloSaxons(T)
    7 The Celtic people were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain(T)
    8 English evolved into what is now described as Modern English from the late 16th century(F)
    Chapter 2
    1 British history before 55BC is basically undocumented(T)
    2 The AngloSaxons came to Britain in the 5th century(T)
    3 The chief or king of the AngloSaxons tribes exercised power at their own will (F)
    4 The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century(T)
    5 HenryⅡ built up a large empire which included England and most of France(T)
    6 The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople(F)
    7 The Hundred Years’War (13371453) was a series of wars fought between the British and the Vikings for trade and territory(F)
    8 In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions Queen ElizabethⅠactually defended the fruit of the Reformation(T)
    Chapter 3
    1 Conventions are regarded less important than the statutory law in the working of the British government(T)
    2 The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history(F)
    3 In reality the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers(F)
    4 The British Parliament is the lawmaking body of the Commonwealth of Nations(F)
    5 The members of the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected(F)
    6 The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament(T)
    7 Cabinet members are chosen by the Prime Minister from various political parties in Parliament(F)
    8 The legal systems in England Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland are much similar in terms of law organization and practice(T)
    Chapter 4
    1 British was the first industrialized nation in the world(T)
    2 The British economy experienced a relative decline during the postwar period(T)
    3 Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic development in Britain after World WarⅡ(F)
    4 Thatcher’s revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British economic and social problems(F)
    5 The economic approach adopted by Tony Blair was different from that of the old Labor Party and the Conservative Party(T)
    6 Blair made the Bank of England independent in order to separate politics from economic policy(T)
    7 Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry has a long history(F)
    8 Nuclear power is one of the major energy source in Britain(T)
    Chapter 5
    1 The British government has been responsible for education since the early 1800s(F)
    2 Education in Britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 15(F)
    3 The National Curriculum is compulsory in both the state system and the independent system(F)
    4 When children finish their schooling at 16 they are required to take a national GCSE examination(T)
    5 Graduates from state schools in Britain have a less favorable chance to enter famous universities than those from independent schools(T)
    6 The Times is the world’s oldest Sunday newspapers(F)
    7 The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world(F)
    8 Some British holidays are celebrated to mark important events in the Christian calendar and some others are related to local customs and traditions(T)
    Chapter 8  
    1 The eastern highlands formed by the Appalachians hold one third of the country's continental territory(F) 
    2 The climate in the United States can be classified as temperatewith some mild subtropical and tropical zones(T)  
    3 Almost through the middle of the United States north to southruns a wellknown 50centimeter rainfall line(T)  
    4 New York is the commercial and financial center of the United States  and it is composed of five boroughs including Manhattan Brooklyn the Bronx Staten Island and Queens(T)  
    5 San Francisco is the second largest city after New York and the world famous Hollywood and Disneyland are located here(F) 
    6 During the 1830s and 1840s many northern Europeans and Irish immigrants came to America(T) 
    7 Almost half of the immigrants coming to the United States in the 1980s were Asians(T)  
    8 Basic American cultural values are freedom equality and desire to work hard for a higher standard of living(T)  
    Chapter 9  
    1 America was named after Amerigo Vespucci who arrived on the new continent after Columbus(T)  
    2 The second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia and the Continental Army and Navy were founded under the command of Thomas Jefferson(F)  
    3 The Civil War not only put an end to slavery but also decided that America was a single indivisible nation(T)  
    4 Most American people approved of the Vietnam War(F) 
    5 In 1990 American troops and the troops from allied nations launched Operation Desert Storm in order to drive Iraqi troops out of Kuwait(T)  
    6 According to the American administration Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were responsible for the terrorist event on September112001(F) 
    7 The America government regarded Iraq a nation among the axis of evil(T)  
    8 On March 192003American and United Nation's troops supported by several other countries began an invasion of Iraq(F)   
    Chapter 10  
    1 The Bill of Rights was written into the Constitution in 1787(F)  
    2 The form of American government is based on three main principles federalism the separation of powers and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law(T) 
    3 The US Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses the House of Commons and the House of Lords(F) 
    4 The judicial branch of the federal government consists of a series of courts the Supreme Court the courts of appeals and the district courts(T)  
    5 The Democratic Party is conservative in terms of its ideology(F)  
    6 The American presidential campaign adheres to the winnertakeall practice(T) 
    7 The American foreign policy throughout the World War II was neutrality(F)  
    8 The American foreign policy during the Cold War period was containment and intervention(T)   
    Chapter 11  
    1 America is the world's largest industrial nation(T)  
    2 In the US Constitution the recognition of the importance of intellectual property could be identified(T)  
    3 Although slavery was abolished as a result of the Civil War the owners of plantation in the South made more profits from selling their agriculture products(F)  
    4 President Roosevelt's New Deal had little effect in dealing with the economic crisis in the early 1930s(F)  
    5 The 1960s was a period of consolidation for the American businesses(F)  
    6 American agricultural exports outweigh imports leaving a surplus in the agricultural balance of trade(T)  
    7 Auto production is one of the important sectors in American manufacturing industry(T)  
    8 The world economy has little to do with the growth and decline of the American foreign trade(F)  
    Chapter 12  
    1 Education is governed by state and local governments instead of the national government in America(T)  
    2 All American children are offered 12 years of compulsory public education(T) 
    3  After 12 years of schooling American students receive a bachelor's degree at graduation(F) 
    4 When selecting a college or university undergraduate students have a great concern for its size location and academic quality(T)  
    5 Usually an undergraduate student has to earn 120 credits to receive a degree(T) 
    6 Yale university is the second eldest institution of higher learning in the United States(F)  
    7 It is The New York Times that first uncovered the Watergate Scandal in 1972 through the efforts of two reporters(F)   
    8 Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November(F) 
    Chapter 1 ABDC DACC
    1 The two main islands of the British Isles are
    A Great Britain and Ireland B Great Britain and Scotland
    C Great Britain and Wales D Great Britain and England
    2 is the capital city of Scotland
    A Belfast B Edinburgh C Aberdeen D Cardiff
    3 Among the four parts of the United Kingdom is the smallest
    A England B Scotland C Wales D Northern Ireland
    4 English belongs to the group of IndoEuropean family of languages
    A Celtic B IndoIranian C Germanic D Roman
    5 The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words to English
    A Danish and Finnish B Dutch and German
    C French and Italian D Latin and Greek
    6 The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence
    A Norman B Dutch C German D Danish
    7 Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of
    A grammar B handwriting C spelling D pronunciation
    8 At present nearly of the world’s population communicate in English
    A half B a quarter C one third D one fifth
    Chapter 2 DDCC ABAC
    1 The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410
    A Norman B Danish C Celtic D Germanic
    2 By the late 7th century became the dominant religion in England
    A Celtic Christianity B AngloSaxon Christianity
    C Germanic Christianity D Roman Christianity
    3 The marked the establishment of feudalism in England
    A Viking invasion B signing of the Magna Carta
    C Norman Conquest D Adoption of common law
    4 The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of
    A the House of Valois B the House of York
    C the House of Tudor D the House of Lancaster
    5 The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to
    A divorce his wife B break with Rome
    C support the Protestants D declare his supreme power over the church
    6 The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between
    A Protestants and Puritans B Royalists and Parliamentarians
    C nobles and peasants D aristocrats and Christians
    7 was passed after the Glorious Revolution
    A Bill of Rights B Act of Supremacy
    C Provisions of Oxford D Magna Carta
    8 The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the century
    A 17th B 18th C 19th D 20th
    Chapter 3 CDBA BBDC
    1 The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the following branches with the exception of the
    A judiciary B legislature C monarchy D executive
    2 The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on
    A passing the bills B advising the government
    C political parties D public attitude
    3 As a revising chamber the House of Lords is expected to the House of Commons
    A rival B complement C criticize D inspect
    4 is at the center of the British political system
    A The Cabinet B The House of Lords
    C The House of Commons D The Privy Council
    5 The main duty of the British Privy Council is to
    A make decisions B give advice C pass bills D supervise the Cabinet
    6 Generally speaking the British Parliament operates on a system
    A singleparty B twoparty C threeparty D multiparty
    7 The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and
    A government intervention B nationalization of enterprises
    C social reform D a belief in individualism
    8 In Britain the parliamentary general election is held every years
    A three B four C five D six
    Chapter 4 ACDC DBAC
    1 The in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain
    A oil crisis B high inflation rates
    C large imports D unemployment problem
    2 Of the following practices does not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform
    A reducing child benefits B shortening the unemployment benefits period
    C reducing the unemployment D lowering old age pensions
    3 The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except
    A limiting government spending B keeping inflation under control
    C reducing unemployment D reducing inequality
    4 Britain has devoted of its land area to agriculture
    A 54 B 64 C 74 D84
    5 Britain’s important fishing areas include all the following except
    A the North Sea B the English Channel
    C The sea area around Ireland D The sea area between Britain and Ireland
    6 Coal mining industry in Britain provides of the energy consumed in the country
    A 13 B 14 C 15 D 23
    7 The car industry in Britain in mostly
    A foreignowned B stateowned C jointventure D privatelyowned
    8 Of the following sectors in Britain has experienced spectacular growth since the end of Word War II
    A agriculture B energy industry C service industry D manufacturing industry
    Chapter 5 DCBB CCDA
    1 In Britain the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the
    A 1930s B 1940s C 1950s D 1960s
    2 About of British children receive primary and secondary education through the independent system
    A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8
    3 Partially funded by central government grants the British universities receive their remaining funds from all the following sources except
    A tuition fees B loans C donations D corporate contributions
    4 To be admitted to the Open University one need
    A some educational qualifications B no educational qualifications
    C General Certificate of EducationAdvanced D General National Vocational Qualifications
    5 Among Britain’s quality press the following newspapers are regarded as the Big Three with the exception of
    A The Times B The Guardian C The Observer D The Daily Telegraph
    6 Life on Earth is a kind of program produced by the BBC and is popular among 500 million viewers worldwide
    A feature B drama C documentary D soap opera
    7 is Britain’s top pay television provider
    8 The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except
    A Trooping the Color B Queen’s Christmas message
    C Boxing Day D Christmas pantomime
    Chapter 8 BCAB CDAD
    1 The U S lies in North America with Canada to the north Mexico to the south the Atlantic to its and the Pacific to its
    A northern east west B central east west
    C southern west east D western east west
    2 The continental United States has states
    A 50 B 49 C 48 D 35
    3 The state of is the largest in area of all the states
    A Alaska B Hawaii C Texas D Florida
    4 The largest river in the U S is
    A the Missouri River B the Mississippi River
    C the Ohio River D the Colorado River
    5 Some of the world famous universities like Harvard Yale and MIT are located in
    A the South B the West
    C New England D the Midwest
    6 San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego all belong to
    A Montana B Utah C Maine DCalifornia
    7 The Immigrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the United States particularly from
    A Europe B Asia C Africa D South America
    8 The characteristic of the dominant American culture is
    A Englishspeaking northern European Roman Catholic and middleclass
    B Englishspeaking western European Roman Catholic and upperclass
    C Englishspeaking northern European Protestant and upperclass
    D Englishspeaking western European Protestant and middleclass
    Chapter 9 CCDB CACD
    1 The first successful English colony in North America was founded at in
    A Jamestown Louisiana B Boston Massachusetts
    C Jamestown Virginia D Plymouth Georgia
    2 The Seven Years’ War occurred between the
    A French and American Indians B French and Spaniards
    C French and British D British and American Indians
    3 No taxation without representation was the rallying slogan of
    A the settlers of Virginia B the people of Pennsylvania
    C the colonists in New England D the people of the 13 colonies
    4 In May 1775 was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government
    A the First Continental Congress B the Second Continental Congress
    C the Boston Tea Party D the Congress of Confederation
    5 Abraham Lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves
    A Declaration of Independence B Constitution
    C Emancipation Proclamation D Bill of Rights
    6 The policy of the United States was at the beginning of the two world wars
    A neutrality B full involvement C partial involvement D appeasement
    7 President applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression
    A Wilson B Truman C Roosevelt D Kennedy
    8 The Vietnam War was a longtime suffering for Americans and it continued throughout the terms of Presidents
    A Johnson Nixon and Ford B Truman Eisenhower and Kennedy
    C Kennedy Johnson and Nixon D Eisenhower Kennedy and Johnson
    Chapter 10 BCBD CCDC
    1 The U S Constitution came into effect in
    A 1787 B 1789 C 1791 D 1793
    2 The Constitution of the United States
    A gives the most power to Congress
    B gives the most power to the President
    C tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others
    D gives the most power to the Supreme Court
    3 The Bill of Rights
    A defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the President
    B guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedoms
    C is part of the Declaration of Independence
    D has no relationship with the Constitution
    4 The terms for a Senator and Representative are and years respectively
    A two four B two three C two six D six two
    5 All the following except cannot make legislative proposal
    A the Senator B the Representative
    C the Secretary of State D the President
    6 The following except are all powers of the President
    A vetoing any bills passed by Congress
    B appointing federal judges when vacancies occur
    C making laws
    D issuing executive orders
    7 The Supreme Court is composed of justices
    A six B seven C eight D nine
    8 The President is directly voted into office by
    A all citizens of America B the citizens over 18 years old
    C electors elected by the voters D the senators and representatives
    Chapter 11 BCBD CCDC
    1 America produces a major portion of the world’s products in the following fields except
    A machinery B automobiles C ore D chemicals
    2 The modern American economy progressed from to and eventually to
    A colonial economy handcraft economy industrial economy
    B farming economy handcraft economy industrial economy
    C colonial economy farming economy industrial economy
    D handcraft economy farming economy industrial economy
    3 Chartered companies were NOT granted the by the British King or Queen
    A political authority B economic rights
    C judicial authority D diplomatic authority
    4 urged the federal government to establish a national bank
    A George Washington B President Roosevelt
    C Abraham Lincoln D Alexander Hamilton
    5 The following inventions took place during the second industrial revolution except
    A typewriter B telephone C electric light D refrigerator
    6 President Johnson tried to build a Great Society by introducing various programs like the following except
    A Medicare B Food Stamps
    C Education Initiatives D Unemployment Pension
    7 The following statements are all true except
    A Agribusinesses reflect the big corporate nature of many farm enterprises
    B Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural imports and exports
    C Agribusinesses range from onefamily corporations to multinational firms
    D Agribusinesses include a variety of farm businesses and structures
    8 Employment in the sector has been increasing in the US since the 1970s
    A service B agriculture C manufacturing D hightect
    Chapter 12 CBBB CBBB
    1 Formal education in the United States consists of secondary and higher education
    A kindergarten B public C elementary D private
    2 Of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students
    A mathematics and languages B politics and business education
    C science and social studies D music and physical education
    3 Higher education in the United States began with the founding of
    A Yale University B Harvard University
    C Princeton University D New York University
    4 Of the following are NOT among the categories of American higher education
    A universities and colleges B research institutions
    C technical institutions D community colleges
    5 To get a bachelor’s degree all undergraduate students are required to do the following except
    A attending lectures and completing assignments
    B passing examinations
    C working for communities
    D earning a certain number of credits
    6 is sold especially to the upper or uppermiddle class and it has a reputation for its serious attitude and great bulk
    A The Washington Post B The New York Times
    C Los Angeles Times D New York Daily News
    7 Of the following is NOT among the three major radio and TV networks in America
    A the National Broadcasting System (NBS) B the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
    C the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) D the American Broadcasting System (ABS)
    8 The National Day of the United States falls on
    A June 4th B July 4th C June 14th D July 14th

    Chapter 1
    1 Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland√
    They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes
    2How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they√√
    The development of the English language can be divided into three periods Old English Middle English and Modern English
    3 Why did English become more important after Black Death
    The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death so English also grew in importance compared to French
    Chapter 2
    1 What were Queen Victoria’s major achievements
    Queen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect She promoted further industrialization the building of railways and the growth of trade and commerce During her reign Britain developed into an empire including about a quarter of the global population and a quarter of the world’s landmass
    2 What were the two camps in World WarⅠ√
    In WorldⅠthe two camps were the Central Powersmainly Germany AustriaHungary Turkey and the Alliesmainly France Great Britain Russia Italy and from 1917the United States
    3 Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World WarⅡ
    Britain cooperated closely with the United States after World WarⅡsince they were allied during World WarⅡand shared the same concerns about the Soviet Union
    Chapter 5
    1 What used to be the major functions of grammar schools and vocational schools in Britain
    Grammar schools were to train the most academically capable students and prepare them for university whereas vocational schools were to help the less successful students to learn a trade
    2 What kind of subjects do British comprehensive schools provide
    British comprehensive schools provide a general education offering both academic subjects like literature and science and more practical subjects like cooking and carpentry
    3 In what ways do British universities enjoy complete academic freedom
    British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff decide which students to admit provide their own courses and award their own degrees

    4 What role does the media play in British leisure culture
    The media plays an essential role in Britain leisure culture since it helps to shape the public’s opinion determine people’s moral and political orientation and consolidate or undermine the rule of a government
    Chapter 8  
    1 How is the American population distributed 
    The distribution of the American population is rather uneven  the most densely populated region is the northeastern part of the country The great plains have a comparatively small population the south also has a population of almost 575million the west is not densely populated except for some metropolitan centers like los Angeles and san Francisco  it has about 20 of the nation’s population  

    2 Why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted  
    The new immigrants in the united states  being poor and accustomed to poverty  were willing to work for very low wages this made other workers afraid that the immigrants would ls and take jobs away from them  this opposition led to the immigration act of 1942 
    Chapter 9 
    1 Why did American change its policy and enter world  war II  √√
    Because of the formation of the axis  the American government feared that the axis countries were wining the war and it might threaten America’s  security and interests  it began to provide war equipment to the foreign nations resisting the aggression of the axis power  the Japanese air raid on pearl harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into the war  
    2 What were Nixon’s wellknown contributions during his presidency  
    a) brought the Vietnam war to a close 
    b)reestablishing US relations with china
    c) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with the former soviet union  
    3 What were the contents of Reagan’s economic program   
    Reagan’s economic program called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in order to encourage investment  and it also requested that many government regulations be eliminated so as to reduce the federal government’s role in the daytoday operation of business
    Chapter 10
    1 What are the two characteristics of the US constitution  
    One is checks and balances the other is that the power of the federal government and of the state governments are specified in the Constitution  
    2 What are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively  
    A senator must be over 30 years olda US citizen for at least nine years and a resident in the state which they represent  A representative should be at least 25 years old and a US citizen for no less than seven years  

    3 What are the major powers of the Supreme Court in the USA?√√
    a) to interpret laws
    b)  to hear appeals from any federal court cases 
    c) to hear appeals from state court cases that involve the constitution or national laws  
    d) may declare a law unconstitutional  
    e)  may declare a presidential act unconstitutional  
    4 What is the difference between the democrats and the republicans in terms of political opinions
    Generally speaking the Democrats Party has a liberal ideology while the Republicans Party is more conservative The democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter of national concern  they favor civil rights laws  a strong social security  system which gives enterprises a greater freedom and demand that the government control inflation They stress the need for law and order and oppose complete government social programs and free choice of abortion  they also favor a  strong  military posture and assertive stand in international relations 
    Chapter 11 
    1 What industry developments took place during the colonial period of America 
    During the colonial period the secondary industries developed as the colonies grew  a variety of specialized sawmills and gristmills appeared Colonists established shipyards to build fishing fleets and trading vessels  they also built small iron forges  by the 18th century  regional patterns of development in America had become clear  
    2 How did the civil war affect the American economy √√ 
    After the civil war  the large southern cotton plantations became much less profitable  northern industries  which had expanded rapidly because of the demands of the war surged ahead  
    3 Why does America try to reduce trade barriers  
    Because the united states has increasingly realized that open bilateral trade will not only advance its own economic interests but also enhance domestic stability and its peaceful relationship with other nations 
    Chapter 12  
    1 How does an American university choose its applicants  
    a)their high school records 
    b) recommendations from their high school teachers 
    c) the impression they make during interviews at the university
    d) their scores on the SAT   
    2 What functions do American higher education institutions perform  
    Higher education institutions in the united states have three functions teaching  research and public service  and each has its own emphasis with regard to its function 
    3 What similarities do four famous university share  
    They all have a long history  they all have an excellent faculty  a large number of students and have made extensive academic achievements Some of their graduates are very successful or influential in some areas such as politics arts and business 
    4 What are the origins of thanksgiving day  
    Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to the new world  in 1620the mayflower arrived and brought about 150 pilgrims Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food  so many of them died During the following summer the native America helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest So they held a big celebration to thank god and the native Americans   
    Chapter 1
    2 What is Standard English√√
    Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England It is widely used in media and taught at schools It is preferred by the educated middleclass people It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct Britain English It is also the norm carried overseas Today Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used
    Chapter 2
    1 What were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain
    The Industrial Revolution changed Britain in many ways First its industrial productivity increased dramatically Britain became the most advanced industrial country in the world Second urbanization took place Many new cities sprang up Third it caused great changes in the social class structure The capitalist class became the most important force in the country and the proletariat class emerged
    2 Explain the rise and fall of the British Empire
    Colonization of Newfoundland in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire By 1837 Britain had been an empire which include the colonies in Canada India and many small states in the West Indies During the mid19th century the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government By the end of the 19th century the British Empire included about a quarter of the global population and a quarter of the world’s landmass Before World WarⅠ Britain was the largest colonial empire in the world However Britain suffered a great loss of its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold dollars and overseas investment Most of Britain’s colonies gained independence as a result of World WarⅡwhich inevitably led to fall of the British Empire

    Chapter 5
    1 What are the general features of Britain’s independent schools
    Britain’s independent schools require fees from students Although the National Curriculum is optional in the independent system most independent schools teach what the curriculum demands Independent schools get their funding through the private sector as well as tuition fees with minimal government assistance Since the are generally better funded than most state schools they are likely to recruit the best teachers and provide superior facilities However the high tuition fees have become an obstacle for many students to enroll although graduates of independent schools are more likely to be accepted by famous universities
    2 What are the quality press and the tabloids in Britain
    Among the 10daily national newspapers in Britain about half of them are regarded as the quality press since they carry indepth articles of political and social importance reviews and feature articles about high culture and they are generally read by welleducated people The Times The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph are good examples The tabloids with color photos and striking headlines usually cover scandals and gossip about celebrities A typical example is The Sun on Sunday
     Chapter 8 
    1. Why is the United States regarded as amelting pot and a salad bowl  
    The United States is not merely a nationbut a nation of nationsThe immigrants came in wavesincluding the Europeansthe  Africans and the AsiansThereforeAmerica is described as amelting potwhere various racial and ethnic groups are assimilate into American cultureRecentlyAmerica has been called asalad bowlin that people of difference races and ethnic groups mix harmoniouslybut at the same time keep their distinct culture and customs 
    2. What do you think is the best way to help assimilation in a multicultural society  
    The best possible way to help assimilation in a multicultural society is to be open and tolerant toward different culturesPeople from different racial and ethnic backgrounds should respect each otherSociety should create opportunities to help immigrants become assimilatedAt the same time the immigrants should keep their own languagecustoms and religioncontributing to the diversity of a multicultural society  
    Chapter 9 
    1 What was the cause of the American Civil War  
    The Southern planters of America needed a large number of black African slaves to manage their plantations and they regarded the slaves as their propertyIn the Northwith the development of industrythere was a growing demand for free laborWhat’s morethe Northerners demanded a law to protect tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roadsBut the Southerners were against it and advocated free trade so as to purchase cheaper goods from foreign countriesThe accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the American Civil War 

    2 What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II  
    During the two World WarsAmerica remained neutral in the early stageHowever Americans continued their profitable trade with the warring countriesThereforethey not only retained their military forcesbut also accumulated great wealthWhen America entered the warsit was almost at the end of the warsBy sharing the fruit of victory with other allies America  greatly strengthened its power and became a powerful country by the end of World War II  

    Chapter 10 
    1 How is the American President voted into office What are your ideas about the American election  
    Each party holds its national convention every four years to choose a candidate for presidencyTo win a presidential electiona candidate has to spend millions of dollarstravel all over the country to make speeches and debate on television with the rivalThe general election is technically divided into two stagesDuring the first stagepresidential electors for each state will be chosenIn the second stage the electors meet and vote a PresidentSince the second stage is only a kind of formalityeveryone knows who will be the next President an soon as the first stage is over  
    I think the candidates spend too much money on the electoral campaignsAnd the election cannot solve the social and economic problems of the US as some candidates do not keep their word after they become President  
    2 What was President Eisenhowers foreign policy and what were the consequences  
    President Eisenhower made vigorous efforts to wage the Cold WarHe placed new emphasis on developing nuclear strength to prevent the outbreak of warHe also frequently authorized the CIA to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anticommunist leaders whose power was threatenedThe CIA helped topple the governments of Iran and Guatemalabut it suffered an embarrassing failure in IndonesiaIn additionEisenhower used USpower and prestige to help create a noncommunist government in South Vietnamwhich brought disastrous longterm consequences to the United States 
    Chapter 11 
    1 How did the US constitution lay the groundwork for American’s economic development  
    The USConstitutionas an economic charterestablished that the entire nation was a unified or commonmarketThere were no tariffs or taxes on interstate commerceIt provided that the federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the statesestablish uniform bankruptcy lawscreate money and regulate its valuefix standards of weights and measuresestablish post office and roadsand fix rules governing patents and copyrightsThe lastmentioned clause was an early recognition of the importance of intellectual propertya matter that began assuming great importance in trade negotiations since the late 20thcentury 

    2 Cite examples to illustrate the role of government intervention in America's economic development  
    The government has always played an active and important role in America’s economic developmentIn the early 1930sthr United States suffered the worst economic depression in American historyPresident Roosevelt introduced the New Deal to tackle the financial crisisBesideshe set up the New York State Emergency Relief Commission to help those in desperate need and tried to relieve the serious problems of the joblessAt the end of 1970s the American economy again suffered a recessionThe Reagan administration combated inflation by controlling government spending deficitcutting taxes and raising interest ratesBoth policies mentioned above helped to set the country’s economic development on its right courseIn allthe intervention of the government has ensured that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the peopleIt has prevented flagrant abuses of the systemdampened the effects of inflation and stimulated economic growth 
    Chapter 12 
    1 What are the ideals that guide the American educational system 
    The first ideal is that as many people as possible should receive as much education as possible The second ideal is that of ptoducing a society that is totally literate and of local control  The third ideal is that scholars and students should work to discover new information or conceive new ways to understand what is already known  
    2 How does America carry out multicultural education  
    American schools routinely teach the experiences and values of many ethnic culturesCurrent textbooks incorporate a variety of ethnic individuals who have achieved successStruggle for equality are vividly depictedand past racism is bluntly acknowledgedCultural pluralism is now generally recognized as the organizing principle of educationSchools at all levels offer students opportunities to learn about different cultures 




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