
    考试时间:90分钟 分值:120分
    ( ) 1 Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
    A increase B ready C deal D lead
    ( ) 2 On January 20th Joseph Robinette Biden became oldest president in American history It was important moment for him
    A an an B the the C an the D the an
    ( ) 3 Over sixty years ago the Red Army walked many forests and went lots of bridges
    A across across B through through C through across D across through
    ( ) 4 With the development of mobile phones we unlock it with our fingerprints
    A can B should C might D must
    ( ) 5 is it from Guanyun to Nanjing
    About two hours by highspeed train
    A How long B How often C How far D How much
    ( ) 6 More travel vouchers(优惠券) to attract more visitors to come to the Garden of Eden next month
    A will send B will be sent C send D are sent
    ( ) 7 terrible news Ten people lost their lives in the gold mine accident early this year
    A How B How a C What a D What
    ( ) 8 The interpreter Zhang Jing is so that she pays attention to every detail
    A careful B honest C polite D friendly
    ( ) 9The National People’s Congress in Beijing on 5th March 2021
    A took away B took place C took off D took up
    ( ) 10 Sadly many junior middle school students don’t have every night Nine hours should be needed to make them to carry on with their study
    A enough sleep healthy enough B sleep enough healthy enough C enough sleep enough healthy D sleep enough enough healthy
    ( ) 11 Though Yuan Longping is 91 years old he makes great to the rice plant research
    A conversation B celebration C collection D contribution
    ( ) 12 The population in Jiangsu is larger than in Shanxi
    A one B this C that D it
    ( ) 13 Alibaba’s Alipay announced that have been planted in the country’s deserts(沙漠)
    A 100 millions B 100 million C 100 millions of D million of
    ( ) 14 I can’t find my ticket to the cinema Do you know
    I’m not sure Maybe your brother threw it away
    A why did he take it B how long did you take it away
    C if is it taken away by anyone D who might take it away
    ( ) 15 To my joy after twomonth speaking training I finally managed to improve it
    Well just like the saying goes
    A Practice makes perfect B Don’t burn the candle at both ends
    CThe early bird catches the worm D All roads lead to Rome
    A boy named Reggie was wellknown in his hometown because he couldn’t hear anything He was born deaf Although people 16 him a lot they also treated him very differently than 17 people Some children 18 that they might hurt him while playing together Adults acted like he was not able to understand them as if he was a baby
    19 this year people got to understand Reggie a little 20 On Reggie’s birthday everyone in town would wear earplugs (耳塞) so that they couldn’t hear anything 21 This day came to be known as the Day of Silence People became aware of how 22 life could be when you can’t hear 23 They also learned that Reggie had some amazing skills
    On that day no one thought of Reggie as just a 24 person People saw a whole new side of him They paid more attention to the things he 25 They were also surprised by his intelligence creativity and his ability to find a solution to nearly any problem or challenge that he faced They 26 that he had always been like that and that he 27 needed to communicate with others in a different way In the end he was really just like any other little 28
    On the Day of Silence people came to know Reggie’s true nature They learned that 29 _ most of us are different from each other-sometimes in big ways-we are still mostly the 30 _ in our hearts and minds
    ( ) 16 A hated B disliked C liked D kicked
    ( ) 17 A other B others C the others D another
    ( ) 18 A doubted B worried C sure D wondered
    ( ) 19 A Otherwise B Therefore C So D However
    ( ) 20 A good B better C badly D worse
    ( ) 21 A also B too C either D as well
    ( ) 22 A difficult B easy C happy D healthy
    ( ) 23 A everything B something C anything D nothing
    ( ) 24 A rich B kind C blind D deaf
    ( ) 25 A spoke B said C talked D had
    ( ) 26 A realized B provided C promised D punished
    ( ) 27 A widely B likely C simply D easily
    ( ) 28 A girls B girl C boys D boy
    ( ) 29 A but B although C still D since
    ( ) 30 A same B different C tired D similar

    ( ) 31 What kind of waste does paper belong to
    A Household food waste B Hazardous waste
    C Recyclable waste D Residual waste
    ( ) 32 What can’t you throw into the last rubbish bin
    A Big Bones B Bamboo products C Cat litter D Glass
    ( ) 33 Which kind of waste is the most harmful to public health and the soil
    A Hazardous waste B Household food waste
    C Recyclable waste D Residual waste
    With her eyes feeling increasingly tired and her vision blurry (模糊) 16yearold Sun Run went to the hospital with her parents in January She was shocked when she found out that her eyesight dropped from 50 to 46 in only a term A few of my friends have had the same experience lately Sun said
    In fact poor eyesight among Chinese primary and high school students rose from 592 percent to 706 percent in the first six months of 2020 according to the Ministry of Education 
    To protect students’ eyesight the Chinese government has worked out new requirements for school supplies and equipment that will take effect on March 1 2022 For example according to the requirements the size of text in students’ textbooks should be no smaller than ninepoint (五号)
    Teachers should also avoid using projectors (投影仪) or other multimedia equipment (媒体设备) that are too bright Beijing Daily reported
    There are also requirements for desk and classroom lights For example these lights should give off as little blue light as possible
    Blue light is bad for our eyes as it can kill the photoreceptor cells (感光细胞) we need for vision according to Harvard Medical School Many of the electronic devices we use every day including our phones and computer screens give off blue light   
    The Chinese government has also taken other steps to protect students’ eyesight in China In May 2020 the National Health Commission urged asked schools to make sure that students have at least two hours of outdoor activities a day 
    Why is this happening
    By 2050 half of the world’s population (nearly 5 billion) will be nearsighted (视) according to a study published in the journal Ophthalmology The main reason for this is that people’s lifestyles have changed They spend less time outdoors and more time looking at screens 
    ( ) 34 Through Sun’s experience what does the writer wants to tell us
    A Many students got sick in January 
    B She should have gone to the hospital earlier
    C Many Chinese students have bad eyesight
    D Most Chinese students wear glasses
    ( ) 35 Over the first half of 2020 _____ more Chinese students experienced vision loss
    A 04 percent B 706 percent C 592 percent D 114 percent
    ( ) 36 To protect students’ eyes which doesn’t the Chinese government ask teachers and schools to do
    A Schools need to use textbooks with larger text
    B Teachers need to avoid using overlybright multimedia equipment
    C Schools cannot use blue light bulbs in classrooms
    D Schools need to use lights that give off less blue light
    ( ) 37 What is Paragraph 6 mainly about
    A It is about how to reduce the use of blue light
    B It is about how blue light influences us and where it’s from
    C It is about how to use blue light correctly
    D It is about why the government is protecting students’ eyes
    As we came close to Africawe were attacked by pirates(海盗) Three of our men were killed and the rest of us were taken to Sallee in Morocco The pirate captain made me his personal slave(奴隶) I hoped that he would take me to sea with him but he didn’t He left me at his house to look after his garden and do the usual work of slaves I dreamed about escaping but I could not see how I could do it
    Two years later I finally had a chance to escape The captain stayed at home for a longer time than usual During this time he often took me out in a small boat to go fishing with him I had to row the boat He usually took a young boy with him too and we would catch fish for him Sometimeshe was too busy and he would send a relative called Ishmael out with us to catch his dinner Once the sea was very calm but it was very foggy We could not see where we were going We were not far from the shore but we could not see it We went the wrong way and spent a whole day and night going out to sea Finally we saw the shore and rowed back again The captain put some food and other things in the boat in case we got lost again
    One day he told me to go and catch some fish Ishmael would go with us I arranged to get extra food and water onto the boat by making up an excuse I also got some other things like guns and axes We went out to fish When we were far enough from the shore I pushed Ishmael off the boat into the water I knew he could swim very well and I told him to swim to the shore The boy whose name was Xury was afraid that I might push him into the sea too and promised to go with me
    We sailed a long way south before we went back to shore to get more water I did not know where we were We put down the anchor near a small river and waited for night before going to get water However there were a lot of strange noises at night and we were too frightened to go on shore so we waited again until morningWe saw some huge animals that we did not know
    When we went on shore we killed a strange animal and found some water We did not see any wild people who might kill us We sailed further south along the coast We passed wild lands The savages who lived here were probably cannibals so we tried to stay away from them Once we killed a huge animal We could not eat it but we took its skin I dried it in the sun and it made a good blanket to lie on
    Selected from Robinson Crusoe
    ( ) 38 How long was Robinson held as a slave in Morocco
    A For two months B For two days
    C For two years D For two weeks
    ( ) 39 What does the underlined phrase in case in Paragraph Two mean
    A B 防 C D 然
    ( ) 40 Why did the pirate captain send Robinson out in a boat
    A He did not like to fish for dinner himself
    B He was too busy to fish for his own dinner
    C It was too foggy
    D He wanted Robinson to catch more slaves
    ( ) 41 Which is the correct order of the following things
    a They went the wrong way
    b Robinson Crusoe was attacked by pirates
    c The captain often took Robinson out to go fishing with him
    d They sailed further south along the coast
    e Robinson pushed Ishmael off the boat into the water
    A ceadb B caedb C bceda D bcaed
    When Wang Haiyan was young her favorite toys weren’t Barbie dolls Instead she started learning to make shadow puppets (皮影) from her father at 13 Now 43 Wang has spent 30 years practicing and spreading the art
    Shadow puppetry is a form of theater that uses puppets made from leather or paper accompanied by music and singing Invented during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BCAD 24) it tells us about folk stories and historical stories passing down culture and customs over thousands of years
    Shadow puppetry is all about creating the puppets and performing with them Wang’s hometown of Hua county Shaanxi is known as the birthplace of the folk art
    Puppetmakers must follow 24 steps to make the puppets including washing the leather carving (雕刻) and painting according to Wang Carving is the most difficult part 
    We have a special carving technique (技巧) - moving the leather under the knife Wang said You have to hold the knife still in your right hand and only move the leather in your left hand
    It took Wang three years to master this skill She used a brick (砖块) to strengthen her left hand while practicing It takes about 3000 carves to make a shadow puppet The complicated (复杂) steps make it hard to hand down (……传)the folk art she said
    But Wang has found a way to do so In 2016 she made shadow puppets based on the cartoon series Huyao Xiaohongniang (狐妖红娘) and gave a livestreaming(直播) performance She used colors like blue and purple that are seldom seen in shadow puppetry and added more sticks to the puppets to make the performance more vivid(生动)
    College student Huang Meiqi 22 visited Wang’s studio in 2020 in an activity organized by the art platform LOFTER She learned to carve and perform with shadow puppets Inspired by this Huang designed a lamp that features shadow puppet elements She put 3D printed shadow puppets on the lamp cover When the lamp is turned on you can see the shadows of the puppets 
    ( ) 42What does Paragraph 2 explain
    A Why Wang is interested in shadow puppetry 
    B What shadow puppetry is
    C How shadow puppetry is performed
    D When shadow puppetry became popular 
    ( ) 43 Which is the hardest step in making a puppet
    A Carving the leather B Painting the leather 
    C Washing the leather  D Folding the leather 
    ( ) 44 According to Wang why is it difficult to spread shadow puppetry
    A It’s difficult to learn to make puppets 
    B This art is only known in a small county 
    C It requires people of great strength to perform the art 
    D The stories it tells are too oldfashioned for modern people
    ( ) 45 What do we know from the story
    A Wang spent 13 years learning to carve puppets 
    B Wang has set up a company to make and sell shadow puppets 
    C Wang is working on a cartoon series about making shadow puppets
    D Wang enjoys getting young people interested in this art 
    阅读面短文 短文选项中选出填入空白处佳选项选项中两项余选项
    If you give money to a stranger on the street does that make you a nice person Do you always offer to help someone with heavy bags 46
    You may consider yourself to be a nice person but you’re probably not as nice as you think
    This is according to a new study carried out by professors from the University of London 47 During the study participants (参者) were given a list of nice activities and asked which ones they often do 48 98 percent of us consider ourselves to be among the nicest 50 percent of the population
    The most common practices were giving directions to strangers holding doors open and giving up seats on public transport However three fourths said that they seldom helped people carry heavy shopping bags 49 Just a quarter donated blood often or helped someone cross the road
    Though our thoughts of ourselves didn’t match up with scientific research this nicerthanothers thought may do good to us In the study led by Freeman those who thought themselves as nice were likely to be richer healthier and happier 50
    Our study shows that participants who report that they arenice’ scored (分) higher on emotional intelligence (智商) It can help them deal better with stress and troubles in their lives
    A I want to help more and more people
    B Do you often donate blood
    C The study looked into whether there is a link between nice people and their levels of health wealth and happiness
    D Nice people are almost three times more satisfied with their lives and make more money
    E The result was surprising
    F Only one sixth often gave money to strangers
    G Stop daydreaming every day to realize your dream
    46 47 48 49 50
    A 根句意中文提示写出句中缺单词
    51 The Mogao Grottoes show us many ancient caves in different (形状)    
    52 For (进步) information about Detective Chinatown 3 please visit our website or see the film for yourselves
    53You can buy (切事物) you need at Mart Suguo
    54 5G Internet is (特) developed to increase the speed of uploading and downloading
    55 (……相) with the life ten years ago people in Wenchuan are richer and happier
    B 根短文容首字母提示填空
    Many people have been out of poverty(贫困) since 2020 Jiang Xiuwang is one of them Born in Jiangyong Country Hunan Province His hometown was u 56 to most people in the past Now many people have known it very well He is a farmer who sells tangerines (沃柑) By posting short videos online and live streaming(直播) the sale of tangerines have increased 57 Although it is very t 58 and hard to make short videos he is happy to sell more tangerines Customers are satisfied with his high level of s 59 If a person o 60 tangerines online he will send them those tangerines as soon as possible
    56 57 58 59 60
    五选词填空 (10题题1分满分10分)
    no longer think about leave…for die of tidy up
    carry out in one’s eighties have a gift for nine try on
    61 Where is your brother Andy
    He his bedroom at present
    62 Xia Ling is humorous and acting She brings a lot of laughter to my life
    63 Why didn’t you answer my question
    Sorry I whether to go on a trip to Cangwu Green Park
    64 Simon can look after himself well so he depends on his parents
    65 You Lianyungang Hangzhou in the coming summer holiday won’t you
    66 Sadly the famous comedy actor Wu Mengda cancer on February 27th 2021
    67 In the past few months we our study plans successfully
    68 When is Mother’s Day this year
    It’s on the of May
    69 To get ready for the fashion show they spent lots of time different kinds of clothes
    70 Zhong Nanshan is but he looks younger and healthier
    六完成句子(题5题题2分10 分)
    71 The Chinese government is (推动……) COVID19 vaccines now
    72 The Peach Blossom Broolet (值游) Many people go there on sunny spring days
    73 He was angry with his son when he found his living room was (团糟)
    74 If we don’t protect the Earth it will become (越越污染)
    75 Gu Ailing won two golds at the free skiing world championship She is
    (……骄傲) of the whole world

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    Dear SirMadam
    I am writing to recommend Daniel for the Allaround Teenager Award

    I think he is the right person to get the award I hope that you agree with me
    Yours sincerely




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