
    An artist had made many beautiful pictures But he thought he had not yet painted a real beautiful thing in the world
    On his way of searching it he met an old priest(牧师) The artist told him that he wanted to paint the most beautiful thing in the world but he didn’t know where to find it How simple replied the priest It must be faith(信仰)
    The artist traveled on Later he met a young girl She told him that the most beautiful thing in the world was love Without it there would be no beauty
    Still the artist continued his search and met a soldier who looked tired The artist asked him the same question and the soldier answered I think it should be peace
    But now can I paint faith love and peace thought the artist as he was going on Then he suddenly found that he had reached his house As he walked in his eyes lit up In the eyes of his wife and children he saw faith and love
    How we miss you dear We wished every day that you would return to us safely his wife said as she hugged him He sat on his favourite chair and his heart was at peace
    Later the artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world—home
    53 What did the artist want to paint(超15词)
    54 How many answers did the artist get before he reached his house(超5词)
    55 What was the most beautiful thing the artist painted(超10词)
    答案53 The most beautiful thing in the worldThe artist wanted to paint the most beautiful thing in the worldHe wanted to paint the most beautiful thing in the world
    54 Three3 answersThree3 He got three3 answers The artist got three3 answers
    55 HomeThe most beautiful thing the artist painted was home
    根The artist told him that he wanted to paint the most beautiful thing in the world知位画家想画世界美东西填The most beautiful thing in the worldThe artist wanted to paint the most beautiful thing in the worldHe wanted to paint the most beautiful thing in the world
    根It must be faiththe most beautiful thing in the world was loveI think it should be peace知画家回家前信仰爱三答案填Three3 answersThree3 He got three3 answers The artist got three3 answers
    根Later the artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world—home知画家终画世界美东西家填HomeThe most beautiful thing the artist painted was home
    A young fish named Mimo loved collecting pebbles(鹅卵石)and those little shiny stones could be found at the bottom of the ocean He spent all of his time looking for them
    One day an old fish said to him You cannot spend your whole day searching for little pebbles There is a whole world out there for you to learn about
    But Mimo didn’t listen at all
    Early one morning while the other fish were still sleeping Mimo went for a swim He came upon a pile(堆)of pebbles
    Excited about his find he started bringing the pebbles back to his home one by one
    Just as he was making his last trip he saw a shadow(影子) It was a big ugly lion fishthe most dangerous fish that he had ever met
    Suddenly the lion fish started catching the young fish Very quickly Mimo realized that the only way he could escape was to drop the pebble and swim away as fast as he could
    From then on he always remembered what the wise fish had told him Too many little things may make you lose sight of the big picture
    53 Where could pebbles be found(超10词)
    54 What did Mimo do after he came upon a pile of pebbles(超15词)
    55 What could Mimo learn from the words of the old fish(超15词)
    答案53 TheyPebbles could be found at the bottom of the ocean
    54 HeMimo started bringing the pebbles back to his home one by one
    55 Too many little things may make youus lose sight of the big picture
    根those little shiny stones could be found at the bottom of the ocean知闪闪发光石头海底找填TheyPebbles could be found at the bottom of the ocean
    根he started bringing the pebbles back to his home one by one知开始颗颗鹅卵石带回家填HeMimo started bringing the pebbles back to his home one by one
    根From then on he always remembered what the wise fish had told him Too many little things may make you lose sight of the big picture知总记住条聪明鱼告诉话:事太会见局填Too many little things may make youus lose sight of the big picture
    Li Ziqi won Person of the Year in the category of cultural influence (年度文化传播物) in 2019 She is famous for her videos in which she does the work of a farmer She owns a great number of fans on social media platforms (社交媒体台) all over the world
    Li grew up with her grandparents in the countryside of Sichuan Province When she was 14 she went to the city in search of work but she decided to return to the countryside in 2012 to take care of her grandmother Four years later she began to film her life there
    When I worked in the city it was about survival Li said Now when I work in the countryside I feel like I’m truly living
    Li’s videos record her and her grandmother’s daily lives in their simple home She is often seen preparing delicious meals for her grandmother using basic materials and traditional skills
    I simply want people in the city to know where their food comes from Li explained I also want people to relax and experience something nice by watching my videos after a busy day
    Li’s videos show her fans a wonderful world Many of the skills she shows are based on realworld knowledge and those skills come from real wish for the pastoral ideal (田园式理想)
    My videos can be so popular among people because they love Chinese culture very much Li said
    50 Where did Li Ziqi grow up (超10词)
    51 What do Li’s videos record (超10词)
    52 In Li’s opinion why do people like her videos (超10词)
    答案50 She grew up in the countryside of Sichuan Province
    51 They record her and her grandmother’s daily lives
    52 Because they love Chinese culture very much
    根Li grew up with her grandparents in the countryside of Sichuan Province知李子柒祖父母四川省农村长填She grew up in the countryside of Sichuan Province
    根Li’s videos record her and her grandmother’s daily lives in their simple home知李子柒视频记录祖母简单家庭日常生活填They record her and her grandmother’s daily lives
    根 My videos can be so popular among people because they love Chinese culture very much Li said知李子柒认视频受欢迎非常喜欢中国文化填Because they love Chinese culture very much
    A little stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests Then it reached a desert I went through so many difficulties I should have no problem crossing the desert she thought As she started she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand After many tries she still failed Maybe I can't reach the ocean she said sadly to herself
    At this time a deep voice said If a wind can cross the desert so can a river It was the voiceof the desert But the little stream answered That's because a wind can fly but I cannot
    That's because you can't give up what you are Let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the wind it
    can take you across me said the desert Give up what I am now No No The little stream could not accept this idea The wind can carry the vapor (蒸汽) across the desert and let it leave
    as rain The rain will form a river again said the desert And whether you're a river or vapor your nature never changes After hearing this the little stream went into the open arms of the wind It carried her to the next stage of her life
    The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success you should also change the way you are
    73What did the stream think after she reached a desert at first(超 10 词)

    74What did the stream do after hearing the desert's words(超 10 词)

    75What can you realize from the experience of the little stream in this passage( 超 15 词)
    73(She thought) She should have no problem crossing the desert She could cross the desert
    74She went into the open arms of the wind
    75If we want to succeed we should change the way we are
    Early on morning people in neighbourhood in Miami Florida in the US heard a loud sound A truck ran into something and turned over on a bridge
    The truck was carrying lots of money The doors of the truck opened suddenly and bags of money fell out Money flew here and there Hundreds of people ran over to pick up the money Money is raining from the sky they shouted At last about 500000 went into people’s bags
    Later that day the police announced(宣告)on TV If you took the money please give it back in 48 hours They waited at the police station but in the end only two people came—a woman and a boy The woman gave back 1953 and the boy Herbert Tarvin 11 gave back 162
    The news went around Although the money they gave back was little they got back much more When the Disney World in Florida learned about Herbert they invited him and his friends to take a free trip there to reward(奖赏) him for his honesty Herbert and his friends had a great time
    73 What happened to the truck that morning(超10词)
    74 Who returned the money in the end(超5词)
    75 Why did the Disney World in Florida provide a free trip for Herbert(超10词)
    73 It ran into something and turned over on a bridge
    74 A woman and a boy
    75 To reward him for his honesty





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