
    What is the school uniform It’s a kind of clothes for students only Do students have to wear their school uniforms at school every day In many schools it’s an important rule The students must follow it But not every student likes the school uniform
    Li Jia a 13yearold girl from No9 Middle School says I don’t like my school uniform at all It is too ugly I think young girls should wear some beautiful and colorful clothes But I have to wear it every day
    When students wear school uniforms sometimes it’s not easy for teachers to tell who he or she is But most of the teachers still think it’s a good idea for students to wear school uniforms They think it is a symbol of the school Why is it good for students to wear school uniforms Let’s have a look
    Students can look tidy when they wear school uniforms Teachers like tidy students
    Students don’t need to think about what to wear to school School uniforms are OK
    School uniforms usually have good quality (质量) They are easy to wash and hard to wear out (穿破) They aren’t so expensive and students don’t need too much money to buy them
    With school uniforms students don’t need so many clothes That can help to save much money for their parents
    Not all students like to wear the same clothes every day but it’s a good habit to wear school uniforms
    In a word like it or dislike it school uniform is a part of growing up for children so you should enjoy your school uniform and your school life
    40 Why is it good for students to wear school uniforms
    A Because it helps students with their subjects
    B Because it helps students keep healthy
    C Because it helps parents save money for students’ clothes
    41Which of the following is wrong (错误) according to the passage
    A Wearing school uniforms can make students look tidy
    B Wearing school uniforms is an important rule in many schools
    C All teachers think students must wear school uniforms to school
    42 The underlined word ugly means ________
    A 怕  B 难  C 陈旧 
    43 The writer mainly wants to tell us that ________
    A it’s good for students to wear school uniforms
    B parents should let students wear school uniforms
    C students should have many clothes for school days
    40—43 CCBA

    Now it's easy for some students in the city to get to school They can take the subway or ride bikes And many schools have the school buses And the roads in the city are wide and clean But do you know how the students in a village in Sichuan get to school They have to pass two mountains (山) to get to school The road is narrow(窄) and muddy(泥泞) It's dangerous to walk on the mountain slope
     Mr Li is the only teacher in the village He goes to school with some of his students He loves all his students and the students love him too He tries his best to teach the students well He also wants a better road one day It is his dream
    32 The students in the village in Sichuan may go to school________
    A on foot B by car C by plane
    33 The roads are _______ in the city
    A wide and clean B muddy CI don't know
    34 The underlined (划线) word It refers to (指) ______
    A students B a better road C teacher
    35 Which sentence is true
    A It's difficult for students to get to school in the city
    B It's not dangerous to walk on the mountain slope
    C The road in the village is not good
    Dear Dad and Mom
        How’s it going there I miss you very much It's Saturday today I don't have classes I am writing an email to you in the computer room now There are many students in the school Some students are talking with their friends on QQ Some students are playing computer games Some students are watching movies on computers My new friends Jack and Paul are here with me Jack is buying a Tshirt on the Internet And what is Paul doing Oh he is reading a book on the computer They're friendly and they often help me with my study and life When you come to Beijing I want you to meet them I'm OK in Beijing Please don't worry (担心) about me I hope you are happy and well
    36 Where is Jenny now
    A In the library B In the supermarket C In the computer room
    37 What's Jack buying
    A A Tshirt B A sweater C A book
    38 What does Jenny think of her two new friends
    A They are friendly B They are funny C They are smart
    39 What can we know from the email
    A Jenny doesn't have fun at school B Jenny is in China now
    C Jenny can speak Chinese well
    3235 AABC 3639CAAB
    Tom and Mike are good friends Sometimes they are good to each other Sometimes they are not But some of their classmates say they are like brothers
    One day they go out for a walk together At noon they are very hungry and they go into a restaurant(饭馆)to have lunch The waiter come up to them and asks What can I do for you Please bring us two apples first said Tom When the waiter puts the two apples on the table Mike takes the big one at once Tom gets angry You are impolite(没礼貌) Why don't you take the small one Tom asks
    But I am right says Mike with a smile If I let you take first which one will you choose
    Of course I'll take the small one says Tom Yes Mike says If you take the small one the big one will be mine Don't you think so Oh Tom can't answer
    40 Tom and Mike are__________
    A not always good to each other
    B not students in the same class
    C brothers
    41 One day they go out __________
    A to have lunch B to take a walk C to buy apples
    42 The waiter brings them__________ before the meal
    A two eggs B two oranges C two apples
    43 Who eats the big apple finally() __________
    A Mike B Tom C Both Tom and Mike

    At this moment (刻)in different places(方) of the world people are doing different things
    In Beijing it's early morning People are sleeping
    In London people are leaving work to go home They are waiting for buses or running for trains Some people are driving their cars Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to the pubs (酒馆)to have a drink
    In Moscow it's evening and people are having dinner at home or outside Some are going to watch a ballet (芭蕾舞) Some are drinking in the pubs
    In Los Angeles it's morning People are working in their offices Children are starting their lessons
    New York is midday now People aren't working but having lunch They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or coke Some are seeing friends or shopping
    36 When people in Beijing are sleeping people in Los Angeles are ________
    A having dinner B working in their offices C having lunch
    37 In Moscow some people like to________ at night
    A watch a ballet B see friends C drink coffee
    38 In New York it is about ________ when people in London are leaving work to go home
    A600am B900am C1200am
    39 This passage mainly talks about ________
    A science B history C time and activities(活动)
    36—39 BACC

    Hello boys and girls Welcome to our museum Our museum is free You don’t have to pay any money But we have some important rules for you Please remember them and do as what I say You shouldn’t break the rules
    Firstly don’t have food or drink here You may make our museum dirty
    Secondly you can take some photos in our museum but don’t touch (触摸)the things here
    Thirdly keep quiet in the museum Don’t talk loudly
    Fourthly the museum is not open after five o’clock in the afternoon Please leave before five
    Have a good time here Thank you for your listening
    32 These are some rules for the _____
    A park B school C museum
    33 What’s the Chinese meaning of the word free in the article
    A B 免费 C 迅速
    34 Students can _____in the museum
    A take photos B have food and drink C talk loudly
    35 We can learn from the article that _______
    A the museum has five rules for the students
    B the speaker who tells the rules is a teacher
    C the speaker hopes(希) the students have a good time
    On weekends Molly usually gets up at half past seven After having breakfast she needs to go to the violin center She's learning to play the violin there Molly is happy to go there because she can see her best friend Amy Amy studies in the center too
    The violin center is kind of far from Molly's home so she always takes the subway there It takes her about thirty minutes Amy's home is only one kilometer from the violin center so she rides there It takes her about ten minutes
    Miss Jones is Molly and Amy's teacherShe plays the violin really well All the students in the center like her Molly dreams of being a violin teacher like her Can her dream come true
    36 When does Molly usually get up on weekends
    A At 630 am B At 700 am C At 730 am
    37 Who is Amy
    A Molly's cousin B Molly's friend C Molly's teacher
    38 How does Amy go to the violin center
    A By bike B By bus C By car
    39 Molly wants to be a _____ one day
    A musician B teacher C movie star
    31—35BCBAC 36—39 CBAB





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