
    Soccer Club
    Do you like to play soccer Do you want to play soccer well Mr Smith can teach you You can come here every Saturday afternoon
    Tel 368­5778
    Add Room 212 in School's P E Building
    Teachers Wanted
    Are you a teacher Do you like children Can you help them with English on weekends Come to join us Call John at 378­5788 for more information
    Chinese Character (汉字)Club
    Can you write Chinese characters Do you want to write Chinese characters well Please join the Chinese Character Club now Call Jane at 345­1238
    Time 8:30 a m 11:00 a m (from Monday to Friday)
    Musicians Wanted
    Do you like music Can you sing or dance Can you play any instruments (乐器) Welcome to our Star Rock Band Please call Tina at 898­3443 or send an e­mail to music@163 com
    ( )26 Lucy is a good teacher and she wants to find a job She can call________ for the job
    A Tina B John C Jane D Mr Smith
    ( )27 You can be in the Chinese Character Club for ________everyday to learn Chinese characters from Monday to Friday
    A 2 5 hours B 3 5 hours C 4 hours D 5 hours
    ( )28 If you look for a job as a musician you can________
    A go to Room 212 in School's P E Building B send an e­mail to music@163 com
    C call Mr Smith at 368­5778 D call Jane
    ( )29 Who can teach you to play soccer
    A Tina B John C Jane D Mr Smith
    ( )30 If you want to be a musician you must________
    A write Chinese characters well B speak English well
    C play an instrument D like children very much

    Visit Swansea Zoo
    Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America The bears are waiting to meet you and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you
    Tickets Opening Time
    Grown ups 200 Monday~Friday
    Children Over 12 100 1000 a m~300 pm
    Under 12Free Saturday & Sunday
    Keep the zoo clean 900 a m~400 p m
    Do not touch give food or go near the animals

    ( )31 How many kinds of animals are talked about in this passage(短文)
    A Five B Six C Seven D Eight
    ( )32 Now Mrs Smith is in the zoo with her two sons one is 14 years old the other is 10 How much are the tickets together()
    A 400 B 300 C 200 D 100
    ( )33 Which of the following is the visiting time
    A 300 p m Saturday B330 p m Tuesday
    C 930 a m Monday D830 a m Sunday
    ( )34 From the passage we can guess the animal giraffe must be very _____
    A strong B long C tall D fat
    ( )35 Which of the following can we do in the zoo
    A To give some food to the dogs B To touch the monkeys on the heads
    C To watch the animals outside of the cages D To get close to the bears

    It is very cold outside There comes a black car and it stops in front of a supermarket A young woman is in the car She is very hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat but she doesn’t want to go out on a so cold morning At that time she finds a little boy playing in the street
    Come on boy she says to the boy Do you know how much a hamburger is in the supermarket
    Two dollars each the boy answers
    She gives the boy four dollars and asks him to buy two hamburgers One is for you and the other is for me she says
    Some minutes later the boy comes back He is eating a hamburger He gives the young woman two dollars and says Sorry there is only one hamburger left
    ( ) 36The car stops because_______
    A the woman wants to buy a hamburger B the woman finds a boy playing in the street
    C the boy wants to get on the car D the woman wants to look for a person
    ( ) 37 The boy is ______when he comes back
    A playing in the street B buying hamburgers in the supermarket
    C eating a hamburger D getting the dollars from the young woman
    ( ) 38 The young woman has_____
    A no hamburger B one hamburger C two hamburgers D three hamburgers
    ( ) 39 The meaning of the word left is _____ in the article(文章)
    A 左边 B 难吃 C 口 D剩余
    ( ) 40From the article we know the story happens(发生)______
    A on a cool day B on a hot day C in the winter D in the summer

    Dear Linda
    Thank you for your letter and photosDo you want to know about my first school in America Let me tell youMy first school was not bigThere were twentysix classrooms in itOur classroom was very smallThere were fifteen students in itThree of the girls were from AustraliaFive of the girls were EnglishSeven boys were AmericansMy English teacher was from EnglandHis name was Peter GreenHe was very kind
    Helen was my friendShe was not in my classShe was in Class SevenOhmy brother Mike was in her classHelen was good at singingShe wanted to be a musicianHelen was an American girlHer home was opposite our schoolAfter school I often had dinner at her homeHer parents liked me very muchOKPlease write and tell me about your first school in Canada
    ( ) 41What was Alice’s first school like
    A It was very big B It was beautiful C It was small D It was in America
    ( )42    first school was in Canada 
    A Alice’s B Mike’s C Helen’s D Linda’s
    ( )43 How many girls were there in Alice’s class
    AFive BEight C Three D Fifteen
    ( )44 Where was Peter Green from  
    AEngland BAmerica C Canada DAustralia
    ( ) 45Which of the following is TRUE
    AAlice’s classroom was big BHelen and Alice were in the same class
    CMike was Linda’s friend DHelen’s home was opposite Alice’s school
    2630 B A B D C 3135 BBACC 3640 ACADC 4145 C D B A D

    二阅读理解 (20题题25分计50分)
    I’m going to have a great weekend I’ll go to travel across Canada with my parents by car We’ll drive seven or eight hours a day In Toronto we’ll stay in a big hotel The food is very delicious There’s a big swimming pool and a lot of game rooms I think I’ll play there happily But it is too crowded in the hotel Lots of people live in the hotel so I think we’ll sleep in one room And it’s expensive
    Then we are going to stay in a small cabin(木屋) in the mountains I really love it The cabin is clean and quiet We’ll have two rooms so I can get up late in the morning But we have to get up early because we want to go swimming There is a beautiful lake near the cabin We also can go fishing and cook food outside
    26How are they going to travel across Canada?
    ABy boat B By bus CBy car DBy train
    27 Where’re they going to stay in Toronto
    A In a small hotel B In a big hotel
    C In a small cabin D In a room
    28 What does the underlined word crowded mean in Chinese?
    A 肮脏 B余 C清新 D拥挤
    29 Where is the lake?
    A It’s in the hotel B It’s in the mountain
    C It’s behind the game room D It’s near the swimming pool
    30What is the best title of the passage
    A Delicious food in a Hotel B A beautiful Cabin
    C A great weekend plan D Visiting Canada
    Good morning Today is Tuesday and the weather is fine Here is some good news for you

    Yummy Restaurant
    Free Drinks
    Cola is free every afternoon on weekdays Two bottles for everyone Come to the Yummy Restaurant and have a good meal
    Fruit Market
    Money Back
    Big news If you spend 10 yuan in the Fruit Market after 2000 this Wednesday we will give you 1 yuan back Come on
    Beauty Shop
    Big Sale
    We are having a big sale to celebrate the 10th birthday of our shop Look at the prices a scarf (16) a hat (5) a Tshirt (20) a pair of gloves (10) Come to the Beauty Shop next Tuesday
    Peter’s Computer
    Closing Down Sale
    Everything is half price from Friday to Sunday Our computer shop will move to a big place Come to Peter’s Computer Shop You can’t miss it

    31 What day was it yesterday

    A Sunday
    B Tuesday
    C Monday
    D Wednesday
    32 Tom is going to have a meal with his parents this afternoon Where can he go
    A Yummy Restaurant
    B Fruit Market
    C Beauty Shop
    D Peter’s Computer Shop
    33 If you spend 120 yuan in the Fruit Market according to the time they will give you ____ yuan back
    A 1
    B 10
    C 12
    D 20
    34 Why is Peter's Computer Shop on sale
    A Because it is Tuesday
    B Because they will move to a big shop
    C Because they want to close the shop
    D Because their prices are too high
    35 You may see the news in the _____ part of newspaper
    A Travelling
    B Science
    C Life
    D Art
    What will life be like in the future Some people say life in the future will be better There will be a plane in every family It will not be expensive to travel around the world People can fly from China to America in an hour Others think we will only do light and easy work and robots will do all the heavy jobs Will these come true
    The first robot shop worker in a supermarket in Edinburgh is going to get fired The robot’s job is to tell people how to find things in the supermarket but it is only able to give very simple advice* such as It’s on your left which is not very helpful Also the robot can’t walk around or talk with people like shop workers Our customers(顾客)love asking questions about things with the shop workers Luisa Margiotta the supermarket owner says That's why the robot will leave the supermarket soon
    Maybe robots can help people do some jobs well in the future but not now
    36 In the future it will take people ____ to fly from China to the US
    A half an hour
    B an hour
    C two hours
    D three hours
    37 What does the underlined word fired mean in Chinese
    A 着火
    B 聘请
    C 受欢迎
    D 解雇
    38 What does the robot do in the supermarket
    A It helps people find things
    B It answers all the questions
    C It talks with customers like a man
    D It walks around the supermarket
    39 What do people think of the robot in the supermarket
    A It's helpful
    B It's helpless
    C It's safe
    D It's beautiful
    40 According to the passage the writer thinks ______
    A Robots will take all the jobs away from men
    B Robots can help people do hard jobs now
    C Robots can't do things very well now
    D Robots can't do heavy work well in the future
    Hiphop dancing (街舞) is popular with many young people today They like it because they can invent their own moves They use this dance to show their love for life It also shows that they feel good about life that they just want to be themselves and enjoy life and that they are not afraid of problems
    Hiphop dancing has a history of more than 20 years It first began in the 1980s in the USA In early times in New York and Los Angles many young black people often danced to the music in the streets They used their legs arms heads and even shoulders to dance Many young people still use most of these moves today
    Hiphop dancing became popular all over the world because of the 1983 film Flashdance Some people performed (表演) Hiphop dancing in the movie People enjoyed their performance They began to dance like them Then it became popular There are two kinds of Hiphop dancing new school and old school More and more young people are learning Hiphop dancing People believe that it is a good way to exercise their bodies and that it is good for their health
    41 Young people like Hiphop dancing because ________
    A it has a story of more than 20 years
    B it first began in the USA
    C they can invent their own moves
    D many young black people often dance it
    42 At first people can see Hiphop dancing ________
    A in movies B in streets  C in old schools D in new schools
    43 The young black people used their ________ to dance
    A legs    B heads    C arms and shoulders D A B and C
    44 Hiphop dancing became popular all over the world ________
    A in the 1970s  B in 1983   C50 years ago  D in early times
    45 Which of the following is TRUE about Hiphop dancing
    A It’s not a good way to exercise
    B It shows that young people feel bad about life
    C Young people use their dance to show their love for life
    D It shows that young people are afraid of problems
    2630 CBDBC 3135 CACBC 3640 BDABC 4145 CBDBC

    阅读列短文然题ABCD 中选出回答提问题完成
    Guitar Player Wanted
    Are you a lover of music Can you play the guitar Can you sing or dance?Join our Sunshine Rock Band Please call Mike at 57833598 or send an email to sunshine @ yahoo com

    Sports Club
    Do you like to play table tennis Do you want to play it well?Mr Zhang is a good teacher You can come here every weekday from 530 pm to 730 pm On the weekend it is open from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm
    Telephone 8662—4865
    Address Room 15 Lantian Hotel

    Swimmer Coach Wanted
    Can you swim Do you like children Can you teach them to swim on Sundays Come and join us
    Call Joe at 8475591 for more information

    Summer Job
    Do you like to talk with people Do you like to write stories Would you like to work for a magazine Then come and work as a correspondent Please call Karen at 55631815

    46 The members of Sunshine Rock Band all love ______
    A ball games B drawing C swimming D music
    47 If Linda can swim and likes children very much she can call ______ for the job
    A Mike B Karen C Joe D Mr Zhang
    48 What does the underlined word correspondent mean in Chinese
    A 记者 B 医生 C 理 D 律师
    49Which of the following is NOT true about Sports Club?
    A The teacher of the club teaches very well
    B On the weekend it is open for a long time
    C You can’t send an email to Sports Club
    D You can play table tennis for three hours on weekdays
    50 Where can we most probably see the table
    A In a movie B In a newspaper C In a story D In a music poster

    Lisa loves reading so her mum takes her to the library to get her a card Lisa is so happy Lisa’ s favorite books are about travelling so she always borrows()books about travelling
    One day Lisa wants to return books and borrow some new ones However when she gets to the library she doesn’t have her cardOh no Lisa says to the worker at the desk I can’t find my library card Lisa feels sad(感伤心)
    Then a boy goes to them and says I found a library card Is it yours Lisa looks at the card and says happily Yes it is mine Thank you for finding my card
    You should be careful says the boy
    I will keep it in my wallet says Lisa
    Lisa returns her books and then they look for books about travelling Lisa has her books her card and a new friend too
    51 What kind of books does Lisa like
    A Books about animals
    B Books about movies
    C Books about stories
    D Books about travelling
    52 The underlined word return means ________ in Chinese
    A 保留 B 阅 C D 收购
    53 What does the underlined word it refer to(指代) in the passage
    A The book B The library card
    C The desk D The student card
    54 Which of the following is TRUE
    A The boy lent his library card to Lisa
    B Lisa lost her mum’s library card
    C Lisa will put her library card at home
    D Lisa and the boy like the same kind of books
    55 What’s the best title for the passage
    A The Lost Library Card
    B A New Library at School
    C Lisa and Her New Friend
    D The Worker in the Library
    Mineral City is an interesting place to visit It is a beautiful small town with many old buildings
    Take a walk through the centre of the town on Main Street First look at the Mineral City Hotel It is on the corner of Main Street and Glenn Avenue It is about 150 years old and many people stay there There is an interesting old building across the street from the hotel This was a post office Now it is a store for books and videos
    There are many places to eat on Main Street You can get lunch or dinner in one of these places There is a park between Main Street and Oak Street You can sit on a bench (长凳) in the park It is nice and quiet and you can enjoy the trees and flowers
    You can also take a walk down Glenn Avenue Look at the old buildings and interesting stores on this street
    56 Mineral City is ______  
    A a big city B a busy city
    C a beautiful town D an old building
    57 The store for books and videos is ______  
    A across the street from the hotel B on Oak Street
    C on Glenn Avenue D behind the park
    58 There is a ______ between Main Street and Oak Street  
    A hotel B park C post office D store
    59 There are some ______ on Glenn Avenue according to the passage  
    A hotels and bookstores B restaurants and a post office
    C new buildings and quiet parks D old buildings and interesting stores
    60Which is NOT referred to(提) in the passage
    A The Mineral City Hotel is on the corner of Main Street and Glenn Avenue
    B The Mineral City Hotel is about 150 years old
    C There are many places to eat on Main Street
    D You can sit on the grass in the park

    Will you remember to water the plants If the plants are in space will watering be difficult NASA (美国宇航局) has plans to plant the first garden on the moon in 2051and it might mean that we are closer to live in space
    The garden will have many vegetables such as carrots People will keep the seeds in a special box with a supply(供装置)of air and water to get them started Robert Bowman a scientist working on the project talked to a news reporter about the meaning of the garden
    The plants will feed astronauts and moon colonists(移民) We’ve chosen many important plants because people are going to live there As we all know many years ago the astronauts only walked on the moon they stopped for a while and then came home In the future people will go to moon go to Mars go to other places in outer space and live there
    But will the carrots still be delicious
    61 When will NASA plant the first garden
    A In 2015 B In 2051 C Next year D This year
    62 What will NASA do in the garden
    A Plant vegetables B Have meals
    C Plant flowers D Have a party
    63 What’s not in the special box
    A Seeds B Air C Water D Money
    64 What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word astronauts
    A 科学家 B 农民 C 宇航员 D 外星
    65 Why will they plant there
    A Because they like gardens and plants
    B Because they find water on the moon
    C Because it is good for the moon
    D Because plants will feed astronauts and moon colonists
    46D 47C 48A 49 50B 51D 52C 53B 54D 55C 56C 57A 58B 59D 60D 61B 62A 63D 64C 65D

    二 阅读理解 (20题题25分满分50分)
    As we know there are many kinds of clubs in the US middle school such as
    the music club the sports club the swimming club But do you know the homework club It is a popular club in many US middle schools More and more students spend their afternoons in the homework clubs
    The US middle school students need a quiet place to study But games computers and TVs are all around kids at home So the homework club is just for them to do their homework The club is quiet and it’s good for students to study Some teachers are there too They can answer students’ questions and help with their homework If students finish their homework they will get a snack It’s always students’ favorite food Then they can go home and play games or watch TV happily
    26.What is the best title of the passage______
    A.Clubs in the US middle school B.Students and homework
    C.The homework club D.Study and hobbies
    27.The students in US middle school can go to the homework club ______
    A.in the morning B.at noon C.in the afternoon D.at night
    28.The underline work snack means ______ in Chinese
    A.交通 B.零食 C.箱子 D.蛇
    29.What can the students do in the homework club______
    A.Learn to swim B.Play the guitar C.Watch TV D.Do their homework
    30.Which is NOT true about the homework club______
    A.The homework club is popular in the US middle school
    B.It’s good for students to study in the homework club
    C.The teachers in the homework club can help the students study
    D.All the US middle school students like the homework club

    Shanghai Disneyland is a very interesting place Many people go there to play Lisa and her parents are also going to visit it next week What is Lisa going to do there
    Lisa is going to meet Mickey Mouse and take photos with it Mickey Mouse is very popular and lots of children like it It looks very cute because of its big mouth and big ears Lisa’s favourite is the little train She is going to take it because she can see Snow White and her friends on the way It runs very fast and it’s fun for children to take it But you can’t take it if you’re under 97cm
    Do you like watching the old movies about Mickey Mouse Lisa loves them very much so she is going to Mickey’s Film Festival There you can watch many short movies You can’t miss it
    31 Lisa is going to Shanghai Disneyland with her ______
    A friends B parents C brother D sister
    32 Lisa is going to ______ with Mickey Mouse
    A play games B have dinner C make fends D take photos
    33 Children can’t take the little train if they are too ______
    A short B tall C fat D strong
    34 Lisa loves the old ______ about Mickey Mouse very much
    A books B games C movies D songs
    35 What can we learn from the passage______
    A Lisa thinks Snow White is very cute
    B Lisa’s favourite is Mickey’s Film Festival
    C Lisa thinks it’s great to take the little train
    D Lisa is going to Shanghai Disneyland next month
    There will be a kind of new cars in the future.People will like this kind of small cars better than the big ones.The car is as small as a bike.But it can carry two people in it.Everybody can drive it easilyjust like riding a bike.Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.
    If everyone drives such cars in the futurethere will be less pollution in the air.There will be more space for all the cars in citiesand there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets.
    The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to drive.These little cars can go only 65kilometers an hourso driving will be safer.The cars of
    the future will be fine for going around the citybut they will not be useful for a long trip.
    This kind of cars can save a lot of gas(汽油).They will go450kilometersand then they have to stop for more gas.They are nice carsaren't they?
    36 What will this kind of new cars in the future be like? ______
    A Much more expensive. B Much smaller.
    C Much bigger. D Much faster.
    37 If you drive this kind of new cars for four hoursyou can probably go ______ at most().
    A 450kilometers B 260kilometers C 130kilometers D 65kilometers
    38 The little cars are ______ the big cars.
    A cheaper than B more expensive than
    C as cheap as D as expensive as
    39 Why do these little cars have to stop after going 450kilometers? ______
    A To get more water. B To get more gas.
    C To have a rest. D To get more oil.
    40 Which of the following is Not true? ______
    A This kind of new cars can save much gas.
    B Driving little cars will be less polluting.
    C These little cars will be useful for a long trip.
    D These little cars can make more space for other cars and people.
    A farmer's dog Dolly has puppies(狗) and the farmer needs to sell themHe paints a sign and put it in his yardAs he is putting up the sign a little boy walks up to him
    Sirhe says I want to buy one of your dogs
    Wellsays the farmer these dogs are very expensive
    Can I just have a look asks the boy
    Sure says the farmer and he whistled(吹口哨) Here Dolly he calls
    Dolly run out from the doghouse and four little dogs follow herThe boy becomes excitedThen the little boy notices another dog That one is smaller It moves slowly and tries to catch up with the others
    l want that onethe boy says pointing to the little dog
    The farmer says You'd better not choose that dogHe will never be able to run and play with you like these four dogs
    The little boy bends from the waist(腰) and rolls up (卷起) one leg of his trousers He shows a cast(石膏) on his leg and a special shoe He says You see sir I don't run too well myself and he will need someone who understands him
    The world is full of people who need someone that understands them
    41 How many puppies does Dolly have
    ATwo B Three C Five D One
    42 How does the boy feel when the dogs run out
    A Excited B Disappointed C Sad D Upset
    43 How does the farmer respond(回答) to the boy's choice
    A He sells the dog to the boy
    B He advises the boy not to choose that dog
    C He tells the boy the dog was ill
    DHe asks the boy to leave at once
    44 What do the underlined word bends mean
    A 跪 B起身 C 跳跃 D弯腰
    45 Which of the following statements is true
    A Dolly is badly ill
    B One of the dogs moves slowly probably because its legs are weak
    CNothing is wrong with the boy's leg
    DThe boy doesn't understand the little dog
    2630 CCBDD 3135 BDACC 3640 BBABC 4145 CABDB

    二阅读理解( 20 题 题 2 5 分 计 50 分)
    阅读列短文 然题 ABCD中选出回答提问题完成句子佳答案
    Welcome to our school Here we have three clubs Food Club Book Club and Sports Club They are really interesting and you can find what you want here Do you want to join them Now let me introduce them to you one by one
    Food Club
    Do you like bread salad or chicken If you want to learn cooking you should join us
    Meet us on Sunday mornings from 930 to 1200
    If you have any question please call 6589047
    Book Club
    Do you like reading If your answer is yes please come to our club We usually meet from 200 to 400 in the afternoon Telephone number 8254322
    Sports Club
    You want to play basketball but you don't have one Don't worry We have many basketballs volleyballs soccer balls tennis balls and all kinds of bats So if you love sports just come and practice with us
    We meet from 900 a m to 400 p m on Saturdays and Sundays If you want to learn more please call Mr Lee at 7369269
    26 If Alan is free from 300 to 400 on Friday afternoon he can join __
    A Food Club B Book Club C Sports Club D Dance Club
    27 If Bill wants to learn Chinese history he should call ____
    A 7356422 B 8254322 C 7369269 D 6589047
    28 You can't get a ____at Sports Club
    A Basketball B pingpong ball C soccer ball D tennis ball
    29 Which is RIGHT according to the passage
    A You can learn cooking fish at Food Club
    B You can come to Food Club at 830 on Sunday morning
    C If you don't take your volleyball to Sports Club you can't play it there
    D Mr Lee can tell you more about Sports Club
    30 What's the best title of the passage
    A Cooking Skills(技)B Reading Time
    C Sports Activities D Interesting Clubs
    Billy has a dream He wants to fly(飞)like a bird His mother tells him You can't fly like a bird because you are too big Why can't I Some birds are big but they can fly The boy doesn't understand
    Cathy is crippled—she can't walk or run like other kids She wants to play with other kids very much
    One day the two children meet in a park Do you want to fly like a birdBilly asks Cathy No Cathy says I only want to walk and run like you
    Then Billy walks to Cathy's father He says something to him That's OK says the father
    Billy goes to Cathy and says Get onto my back(爬背) Let's run Then Billy runs with Cathy on his back Cathy is very happy and says We can fly Billy We can fly
    31 Why does Billy's mother tell him that he can't fly
    A He is too young B He is too big C He is too short D He is too sad
    32 The underlined wordcrippledmeans_____in Chinese
    A 跛B 哑C 聋D 秃
    33 Where do Billy and Cathy meet one day
    A In the street B In a park C At school D At home
    34 What do you think Billy says to Cathy's father
    A Can I fly with Cathy B Why can't Cathy run
    C Why do you run with Cathy D Can I run with Cathy on my back
    35 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
    A Billy wants to fly like a bird B Cathy can't run like Billy
    C Cathy can walk like other kids at last D Cathy is very happy that day
    In the UK people are making a fridge(冰箱)of the future The fridge of the future is really great and it can do many things by itself Let's take a look
    The first thing is that it can clean itself You don't need to open the fridge and clean it Press a button(钮) and the fridge can clean itself
    The second thing is that it can give recipes(食谱) It gives you different recipes You can choose the recipe you like
    The third thing is that it can arrange(安排)food It can move the older(时间久) food to the front of the shelves
    The last thing is that it can shop When the fridge is empty(空) it can give orders to the nearest supermarket The supermarket will send the food to your home
    36 How many things can the fridge in the future do
    A two B three C third D four
    37 We don't need to worry about forgetting(忘记)to eat the older food because
    A We can throw away(扔掉)the older food
    B The older food is better than the newer food
    C The fridge can move the older food to the front of shelves
    D The fridge can make the older food become newer
    38 What can we infer(推断)from the last paragraph(段)
    A In the future people don't have to go out to buy food
    B The fridge can itself go out to get food
    C People can get anything in the fridge
    D The supermarket is close to the fridge
    39 What is the meaning of the underlined word orders
    A 菜单B 订购C 方D 架子
    40 Which of the following is TRUE
    A We must clean the fridge after using it
    B We can't choose the recipe
    C It is difficult to use the fridge
    D It is very intelligent(智)and makes our life easier and better
    Online shopping is very popular among most Inter net users Almost 85 of web users in the United States like to shop online Korea with 99 is one of the most popular countries for Internet users to shop online
    Internet shopping is easy fast and convenient be
    cause people can do their shopping from a computer at home When a person visits an online shop he chooses something he needs and then pays with his wechat or alipay(支付宝) Several days later his goods will be sent to his home
    There are some other advantages of shopping online Online shopping is popular during the Christmas shopping season because people can buy things online at any time of the day and they don't need to wait in long lines in big supermarkets That is to say online shopping can save time
    Shopping online allows(允许)a person to shop with enough(足够)time without being rushed You have the chance(机会)to save the thing that you want and come back later to decide(决定)whether or not to get it
    But for ladies you must be careful when you buy clothes online Sometimes the col our doesn't look the same as on your screen And you can't decide whether the dress fits you or not without trying it on
    41 In which country do almost 99of web users like to shop online
    A China B The United States C Korea D England
    42 Why is online shopping easy fast and convenient
    A Because people can do their shopping from a computer at home
    B Because people don't need to pay money
    C Because people don't need to take time
    D Because people can buy anything at any time
    43 The meaning of the underlined wordwechatis ____ in Chinese
    A 聊天B 微信 C 现金D 邮政
    44 Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage
    A Almost 85of web users in the United states like to shop online
    B The colour of the clothes looks the same as on the screen
    C Shopping online allows a person to shop with enough time
    D Online shopping is popular during the Christmas shopping season
    45 What's the best title for the passage
    A Online shopping B The advantages of shopping online
    C The disadvantages of shopping online D How to shop online
    2630 BBBDD 3135 BABDC 3640 DCABD 4145 CABBA





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