
    Unit 3 Faster higher stronger
    Michael Jordan—Head and Shoulders Above the Rest

      During the 1990s Michael Jordan was probably the bestknown athlete in the world He was the top scorer in the NBA and played for the Chicago Bulls from 1984 to 1993He was named their most valuable player five times Wearing his famous number 23 shirt Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game
    Jordan was born in New York and grew up in North Carolina He attended the University of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls He finished his first season(1984—1985)as one of the top scorers in the league with an average of 282 points per game
    In 1987 Jordan became only the second player to score more than 3000 points in a season He was the top scorer in the NBA for seven consecutive seasons(1987—1993) During this time the average number of points he scored was more than 30 points per game With him the Bulls won their first NBA championship in 1991During this successful period they won the title again in 1992 and 1993 Jordan was also in the United States Olympics Basketball Team known as the Dream Team which won the gold medal at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona Spain
    Jordan surprised everyone when he retired before the 1993—1994 season but he rejoined the Chicago Bulls and won three more championships with them from 1996 to 1998 He played again for the Washington Wizards before finally retiring from sport in 2003 at the age of 40 Millions of fans admire his athletic ability motivation and confidence They have fantastic stories to tell about Michael Jordan such as the time when he rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie He stepped to the line and made two free throws Each time he threw the ball straight through the basket—and each time he had his eyes closed
    There is only one word to describe the best player in the world—awesome
    Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas

    backboard footstep philosophy shiny teammate
    ①shinysmooth and bright reflecting the light
    ②philosophythe study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life
    ③backboardthe board behind the basket in the game of basketball
    ④footstepthe mark made each time your foot touches the ground when you are walking or running
    ⑤teammatea fellow member of a team
    1the most athletic player 运动天赋运动员
    2get a point 分
    3a far cry from ……相
    4attachto ……固定……附……
    5in all directions 四处四面八方
    6day in and day out 日复日
    7give way 倒塌垮
    8be thought to be 认(作)……
    9carry on 继续
    10end up doing sth 终做某事
    11continuous efforts 断努力
    12the Most Valuable Player 价值球员
    13in a row 连续
    14set out to do sth 开始做某事
    15put in 花费投入(时间精力)
    16living proof 活生生例证
    17determination to succeed 取成功决心
    18develop one's own playing style 形成球风格
    19achieve one's dream 实现梦想
    20supporting details 支撑性细节
    it was along this road that Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole
    Knowing where the ball would go wasn't easy
    Only shots perfectly aimed at its centre went into the heavy thick basket

    Step 1 Reading for the main idea
    What is the main idea of the text
    AStephen Curry's childhood
    BStephen Curry's achievements
    CStephen Curry's road to success
    DStephen Curry's philosophy
    答案 C
    Step 2 Reading for the structure
      Fill in the following blanks with proper words
    Stephen Curry
    ·Stephen's 1grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole
    ·His father used to be a basketball 2star
    3Efforts he made
    ·Stephen spent many 4childhood hours playing on this muddy basketball court
    ·He had to 5adjust his own playing style to shooting accurately
    ·Practising day in and day out helped Stephen sharpen his skills
    ·being selected for the NBA in 62009
    ·winning his first NBA 7championship in 2015
    ·receiving the Most Valuable Player award for two years in a row
    His 8philosophy
    ·What I wanted to do was just be 9myself
    ·Value the 10skill of basketballvalue the fact that you can work every single day to get better
    ·You've got to be able to put in the time and the work
    Step 3 Reading for the details
      Choose the best answer according to the text
    1When was the simple basket built
    AWhen Stephen was young
    BWhen Stephen went to college
    CWhen Stephen's father was young
    DWhen Stephen's grandfather retired
    答案 A

    2What made the ball go in uncertain directions
    AStephen's poor skill
    BThe muddy road
    CThe weak plastic backboard
    DThe bumps and rocks under the basket
    答案 D
    3What do we know about Stephen Curry
    AHe joined the NBA in 2015
    BHe won his first NBA championship in 2015
    CHe was elected the Most Valuable Player in 2009
    DHe won the Most Valuable Player for 3 times
    答案 B
    4What can we learn from the last paragraph
    AIt's never too old to learn
    BRome was not built in one day
    CGod helps those who help themselves
    DNothing is impossible for a willing heart
    答案 D

    [分析]句系表结构动名词短语Shooting with great accuracy作语with great accuracy介词短语作定语he learnt定语句修饰先行词thing

    [分析]句复合句I know句省略that宾语句定式短语to value the skill of it作宾语补足语who引导定语句修饰先行词peoplethe factthat引导位语句

    [分析]句复合句Inspiring others现分词短语作状语Stephen Curry is living proof 句that whatyou become位语句作proof位语位语句中第what引导语句what句中作宾语补足语第二what引导宾语句what句中作表语
    Step 1 Question Answering
    1Where did Stephen practise basketball when he was young
    On a muddy basketball court 
    2What did the bad conditions contribute to
    His developing his own playing style 
    3Why did many people think that Stephen couldn't make a famous basketball star
    Because he was too short thin and weak 
    4How did Stephen achieve his dream
    Through selfbelief hard work and perseverance 

    Step 2 Text Retelling
      句子连成篇语言流畅词准确逻辑严密 60 词左右短文
    Stephen Curry spent his childhood hours practising basketball on a muddy basketball court However the poor conditions helped him develop his own playing style Despite this it seemed unlikely to many people that Stephen would be a great basketball player as he was too short thin and weak Nonetheless Stephen refused to give up and ended up being one of the greatest basketball players It was through selfbelief hard work and perseverance that Stephen achieved his dream 

    板块 语言知识
    1A far cry from the bright lights and shiny courts of the National Basketball Association(NBA) 美国男子职业篮球联赛(NBA)赛场明亮灯光闪亮球场相甚远……(教材P26)
    a far cry from (……)相径庭相甚远 (……)相距远
    ①New York is a far cry from Los Angeles 纽约离洛杉矶远
    ②Curling hair styles are all the cry this year 年卷发发型流行
    ③As the saying goes it's no use crying over spilt milk 常言道覆水难收
    all the cry流行时尚
    cry over spilt milk作益悔覆水难收
    ①Though Dick has tried hard it is still a far cry from what his father expects of him(……)相径庭相甚远
    ②While watching this movie I just couldn't help thinking about a friend who's a far cry from me(……)相距远

    ③His poor performance today is a far cry from that of last year
    ④There is no regret medicine in the world Don't cry over spilt milk
    association n协会联盟 社团交联合合伙联想联系
    ①We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless
    ②I feel honored to have the chance to live work and associate with them
    ③Scientists have drawn a conclusion that smoking is greatly associated with lung cancer
    (1)associate vt联想联系 vi交
    associate with sb某交
    (2)associated adj联系相关关联
    be associated with……联系
    (3)in association with……联合
    ①Health is frequently thought to be associated(associate) with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise
    ②Many serious health problems are associated with smoking
    ③China is in association(associate)with many countries in business
    2it was along this road that Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole……着条路斯蒂芬祖父根电线杆绑块塑料造简易篮筐(教材P26)
    attach vt& vi系贴连接……固定附属重视
    ①The country will not attach itself to any big power
    ②The old man is very attached to old customs and habits
    ③Many of us teenagers attach much more importance to our phones than to our friends
    attach oneself to附参
    attach great importancesignificance to sth认……非常重意义
    (2)attached adj恋附属
    be attached to附属恋
    (3)attachment n附属(电子邮件)附件
    ①He attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it
    ②The boy is now studying in the middle school attached(attach) to the normal university
    He is so attached to the network games that he often plays truant(逃课)
    →③Attached to the network gameshe often plays truant(分词短语作状语) 
    →④Attaching himself to the network games so muchhe often plays truant(现分词短语作状语) 
    3He had to adjust his own playing style as a result调整球方式(教材P26)
    adjust vt调整调节整理 vt& vi适应惯
    ①You can adjust the belt to the size that you want
    ②It took her a while to adjust to living alone
    ③They adjusted themselves to the city life quickly
    ④As a teacher you have to make adjustments to the needs of your students
    adjust to (doing) sth惯适应(做)某事
    adjust oneself to sth适应某事
    (2)adjustment n调整适应
    make adjustmentsan adjustment (to)(……)作出调整
    ①Living in the village was also tougher than he had thought It took him a long time to adjust to the life there
    ②My parents had trouble adjusting to living(live) in an apartment
    ③Considering the surroundings we made a few adjustments(adjust) to the plan
    ④Actuallyonly by getting moving and constantly adjusting the plan can we achieve our final goal(adjust) 
    ⑤Actuallyonly by getting moving and constantly making adjustments to the plan can we achieve our final goal(adjustment) 
    4Only shots perfectly aimed at its centre went into the heavythick basket完全瞄准篮筐中心投篮会进入重厚篮筐(教材P26)
    aim n目标目 v准算
    ①(鲜活例句)Uganda announced a 14day suspension of public transport aiming at stopping the spread of COVID19乌干达宣布暂停公交通14天旨阻止新型冠状病毒肺炎传播
    ②These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime
    ③Jane moved aimlessly down the treelined streetnot knowing where she was heading简着两旁树街道漫目前走知道里
    (1)aim to do sth力求做某事
    aim at doing sthbe aimed at目旨
    (2)take aim at瞄准……
    with the aim of……目标意……
    (3)aimless adj目
    aimlessly adv目
    ①Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims(aim)
    ②He trained hard with the aim of passing the driving test
    ③A halfdozen or so men were seated at tables talking aimlessly(aimless)
    →④This activity is aimed at improving the students' ability of listening and speaking(be aimed at) 
    →⑤This activity aims at improving the students' ability of listening and speaking(aim at) 
    5Despite his father's successful career Stephen was thought by many people父亲职业生涯成功认斯蒂芬……(教材P26)
    Paraphrase Although his father was a successful basketball player many people thought that Stephen
    despite prep
    ①Despite the previous rounds of talksno agreement has been reached so far by the two sides前进行轮会谈目前止双方尚未达成协议
    ②In spite of ups and downsshe never takes her fate lying down起起落落甘心接受命运摆布
    ③Our club is open to everyone regardless of agesex or the educational background俱乐部开放分年龄性教育背景
    ④She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest
    (1)despitein spite of意regardless of强调认……重加重视考虑
    (2)regardless ofwhetherwhat引导句in spite ofdespite接句加the fact that(that引导位语句)
    ①Despite applying(apply) for hundreds of jobshe is still out of work
    ②The difference is important regardless of the industry and company size
    ③Although the weather was badthe plane took off
    →The plane took offdespitein spite of the fact thatthe weather was bad 
    6But Stephen carried on斯蒂芬坚持(教材P26)
    carry on 继续坚持进行

    ①If you carry on working like thatyou will break down sooner or later
    ②He gave himself a new name to hide his identity when he went to carry out the secret task
    ③He carried the work through in a month
    carry on(doing) sth继续(做)某事
    carry out完成(务)实施落实执行履行
    carry sth through成功完成利实现
    carry sb through帮助某渡难关
    ①I hate it when she calls me at work—I am always too busy to carry on a conversation with her
    ②The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see it carried(carry) out the next year
    ③She ignored him and carried on with her work
    →She ignored him carrying on with her work(现分词作状语) 
    7His creativity and perseverance made him Davidson's star player创造力毅力成戴维森学院明星球员(教材P27)
    Paraphrase He became Davidson's star player because of his creativity and perseverance
    ①The Internet makes our lives easy and convenient
    ②What he said made all of us laugh
    ③I'm not very good at German but I can make myself understood
    ①The joke the naughty boy played on the old man made many people angry(anger)
    ②There were so many people in the hospital that I was made to wait(wait) four hours before I was examined by a doctor 
    ③He made his planknown(know) to the whole class
    ④The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows so it was unnecessary to use air conditioning
    →The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows making air conditioning unnecessary(make+宾语+宾补) 
    8He performed beyond everyone's expectations with his accurate shooting and continuous efforts准确投篮断努力表现超出预期(教材P27)
    effort n努力
    ①(鲜活例句)ChineseAmerican communities across the US are making hard efforts to help fight against COVID19
    ②Food safety is very importantso the government spares no effort to prevent food pollution
    ③He won first prize in the speech contest without effort

    (1)make effortsan effortevery effort to do sth切努力做某事
    spare no effort (to do)遗余力(做)
    (2)with effort努力艰难
    without effort容易费力
    答案trydo one's best to do sthdo all that sb can to do sthdo what sb can to do sth
    ①You have to make efforts(effort) if you want to make progress in English
    ②I think you'd better spare no effort to work(work) hard to pass the exam next time 
    To be admitted to a key university all the students are doing their best to study
    →③To be admitted to a key university all the students aremaking great efforts to study(effort) 
    →④To be admitted to a key university all the students are doing what they can to study(what句) 
    9After receiving the Most Valuable Player award for two years in a row Stephen explained his philosophy连续两年获价值球员奖斯蒂芬阐述生哲学……(教材P27)
    ParaphraseAfter he had been awarded the Most Valuable Player for two years in a row Stephen explained his philosophy
    award n奖奖品 vt授予予判定
    ①He received an award from the government for his contribution to agriculture
    ②They awarded the first prize to JohnThey awarded John the first prize
    (1)award sth to sbaward sb sth某物颁发某
    (2)winreceiveget an award for……赢获奖项
    MVP(Most Valuable Player)价值球员意思NBA年度该赛季发挥突出球员颁发奖项MVP四种常规赛MVP总决赛MVP全明星赛MVP新秀挑战赛MVP
    ①He received an award for his high academic achievement
    ②The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor
    ③The student was awarded the first prize so he worked harder than before
    →Awarded the first prize the student worked harder than before(分词作状语) 
    板块二 课文译

    The Road To Success
      Near the small town of Grottoes Virginia a narrow dirt road goes from the house of Stephen Curry's grandfather to the woods nearby A far cry from① the bright lights and shiny② courts of the National Basketball Association③(NBA) it was along this road that④ Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole⑤ 
    [文解读] 段介绍公前先祖父建造简易球篮进行渲染铺垫文公艰苦环境取成功埋伏笔第句话中goes(……)通延伸属熟词生义词意词精准生动句强调句型表面强调公训练条件艰苦实突出公坚强毅力决心
      Like his father basketball star Dell Curry Stephen spent many childhood hours playing on this muddy⑥ basketball court He probably didn't realise it at the time but it was where he learnt to be creative and flexible as a player⑦ You see with every shot⑧ the weak plastic backboard gave way⑨ The bumps⑩ and rocks that lined the road under the basket ⑪caused the ball to bounce  ⑫in all directions Knowing where the ball would go wasn't easy ⑬ He had to adjust his own playing style as a result Shooting with great accuracy ⑭ was another thing he learnt Only shots perfectly aimed at its centre ⑮ went into the heavy thick basket In this way practising day in and day out ⑯ helped Stephen sharpen ⑰ his skills 
    [文解读] 段介绍斯蒂芬·库里爷爷制作简易篮球场训练时遇困难克服困难提升篮球投篮技巧运高级表达方式where引导表语句that引导定语句动名词短语Knowing where the ball would goShooting with great accuracypractising day in and day out作语分词短语aimed at its centre作定语等外词汇精准运probablycreativeflexiblegive wayin all directionsday in and day out值学模仿
      父亲篮球明星戴尔·库里样斯蒂芬时候许时光泥泞⑥篮球场度时没意识点正里学会作名球员创造力灵活性⑦次投篮⑧脆弱塑料篮板击垮⑨篮道路两旁 ⑪坑坑洼洼⑩石块球四面八方反弹 ⑫知道球飞里容易 ⑬调整球风格精准投篮 ⑭学技巧完全瞄准篮筐中心 ⑮投篮会进入重厚篮筐样日复日练 ⑯帮助斯蒂芬提高 ⑰技
      Despite his father's successful career Stephen was thought by many people including his high school teammates ⑱ and coaches to be too short too thin and too weak to follow in his father's footsteps ⑲ But Stephen carried on ⑳ Playing basketball was his dream He would not give up He finally ended up playing ㉑ college ball at a small littleknown school Davidson College not too far from where he lived His creativity and perseverance made him Davidson's star player ㉒ 
    [文解读] 段讲斯蒂芬·库里身体条件许包括队友教练认会父亲样成成功篮球运动员库里追逐梦想没放弃终成戴维森学院明星球员段中despitebutfinally等词运文章逻辑严密说服力更强外短语follow in one's footstepscarry onend up doing词汇littleknowncreativityperseverance运where引导宾语句句语+谓语+宾语+宾补(名词)结构值学模仿学
      父亲职业生涯成功包括高中队友 ⑱教练认斯蒂芬太矮太瘦太虚弱法追父亲脚步 ⑲斯蒂芬坚持 ⑳篮球梦想会放弃终离家远戴维森学院球 ㉑规模出名学校创造力毅力成戴维森学院明星球员 ㉒
      Selected for ㉓ the NBA in 2009 Stephen joined the Golden State Warriors ㉔ He performed beyond everyone's expectations ㉕ with his accurate shooting and continuous efforts ㉖ In 2015 Stephen won his first NBA championship and he led the Warriors to their first championship since 1975 
    [文解读] 段介绍库里加盟金州勇士队赢第NBA总冠军带领勇士队1975年首度夺冠分词短语Selected for the NBA in 2009作状语介词短语with his accurate shooting and continuous efforts表示原表达更简洁道beyond everyone's expectations运凸显库里艰苦付出毅力
      2009年斯蒂芬入选 ㉓NBA加入金州勇士队 ㉔准确投篮断努力 ㉖表现超出预期 ㉕2015年斯蒂芬赢第NBA总冠军带领勇士队获1975年第总冠军
      After receiving the Most Valuable Player award for two years in a row ㉗ Stephen explained his philosophy ㉘I never really set out to change the gameWhat I wanted to do was just be myself ㉙ I know it inspires a lot of the next generation a lot of people who love the game of basketball to value ㉚ the skill of it value the fact that you can work every single day to get better ㉛You've got to be able to put in the time and the work That's how I got here ㉜ That's how I continue to get better every single day Inspiring others to believe in themselves ㉝ Stephen Curry is living proof that what other people think of you does not have to influence what you become ㉞ Through selfbelief ㉟ hard work perseverance and some help from an old hoop ㊱ he has shown that anything is possible ㊲ 
    [文解读] 段通库里说话讲述生哲学样更说服力更起鼓舞激励青年作文末句总结库里取成功原起概括全文作段中语句What I wanted to dohow引导表语句 who引导定语句the factliving proof两位语句特第二位语句中包含两what引导语句宾语句复合句运彰显作者扎实语言功底学赏析模仿
      连续 ㉗两年获价值球员奖斯蒂芬阐述生哲学 ㉘未真正想改变赛……想做 ㉙……知道激励代激励热爱篮球运动重视 ㉚技巧重视样事实天努力变更 ㉛必须够投入时间精力样做 ㉜天进步原激励相信 ㉝斯蒂芬·库里活生生例子法定会影响成什样 ㉞通信 ㉟勤奋毅力破旧篮圈 ㊱帮助证明切皆 ㊲

    1But something made her look closer and she noticed a shiny(闪光) object
    2He joined an association(社团)and took part in lots of activities in his spare time
    3They left the car and struck out along the muddy(泥泞) track
    4The ball bounced(弹起) twice before he could reach it
    5This exercise will help students sharpen(改进) up their reading skills
    6I played the games with my teammates(队友) and we always won
    7Although his father was a famous musician the young man didn't follow his father's footsteps(足迹)
    8They have adopted the measure contributing to realizing the expectation(预期) aim
    9She gained a master's degree in philosophy(哲学) in 1993
    10A basketball hoop(圈)is the ring that players try to throw the ball into in order to score points for their team
    a far cry from give way in all directions follow in one's footsteps beyond one's expectation carry on end up in a row
    1When he lost three races in a row some observers began to complain 
    2He ended up his speech with the word Thank you 
    3Then we had tea with a huge Christmas cake covered with snowmen It didn't seem possible but we carried on eating 
    4He visited Hangzhou last week and the beauty of West Lake in spring was beyond his expectation 
    5What he did was a far cry from what he promised at the meeting 
    6The pillars(立柱) gave way and a section of the roof collapsed 
    7Tom's father was a great doctor and expected him to follow in his footsteps but Tom didn't follow his advice 
    8When the police arrived the crowd scattered(分散)in all directions 

    He was the youngestbut they decided to make him captain 
    We must attach importance to environmental protection 
    This is how I adjusted myself to the new environment 
    They went home happily talking and laughing 
    What the students do in their spare time is of great importance 
    Stephen Curry 1whose father was a basketball star spent many childhood hours 2playing(play) on the muddy basketball court where he learnt to be 3creative(create) and flexible as a player and 4developed(develop) his own playing style and shot 5accurately(accurate) Although Stephen was thought to be too short too thin and too weak to follow 6in his father's footsteps he carried on and would not give up because playing basketball was his dream As a result Stephen ended up playing basketball at Davidson College 7Selected(select) for the NBA in 2009 Stephen joined the Golden State Warriors In 2015 he won his first NBA championship and led his team to win their first championship since 1975
    All his 8achievements(achievement) were made through his selfbelief perseverance and continuous efforts 9What we learn from him is that anything is possible if you believe in 10yourselves(you) and work hard

    1The Irish traditionally wear something green on St Patrick's Day as the color is associated with Ireland
    2He was awarded(award) a prize for his contribution to world peace 
    3You have to make efforts(effort) if you want to make progress in English
    4She spoke loudly to make herself heard(hear) clearly
    5I've carried out a survey among us students on whether students should take parttime jobs
    6It is unbelievable that Mr Lucas leads a simple life despite his great wealth
    7The local government has taken some effective measures aiming(aim) at cutting down the cost during the tough economy
    8Wherever he goeshe can adjust himself to new circumstances
    9The boy is now studying in the middle school attached(attach) to the normal university
    10I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectation(expect)
    carry on sharpen beyond one's expectation award adjust follow one's footsteps despite a far cry from
    1Our village is very different from what it was before(a far cry from) 
    2He has greatly improved his spoken English by this means(sharpened)
    3He is a science teacher and expects his daughter to do the same job as he does(follow his footsteps) 
    4They went on doing their research in spite of the difficult conditions(carried on) 
    5The beauty of Guilin in autumn was more than what she had expected(beyond her expectation) 
    6She remained optimistic in spite of so much hardship she had experienced(despite) 
    7It took her a while to adapt to living alone(adjust)
    8Sue and John were especially thrilled with this prize(award)
    It was along this road that Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole 
    Only shots perfectly aimed at its centre went into the heavythick basket 
    His creativity and perseverance made him Davidson's star player 
    After receiving the Most Valuable Player award for two years in a row Stephen explained his philosophy 
    What I wanted to do was just be myself 

    If you love basketball you must know Stephen Curry an excellent basketball player in the NBA
    Curry was born on March 14th 1988 in Ohio the US His father and brother were both basketball players In his childhood his father often took him and his brother to watch the games and practise basketball after competitions Influenced by his father Curry showed the talents for playing basketball when he was young And he had a perfect balance between athletic skills and performances However due to a lack of size and strength at that time many school didn't believe in his abilities or skills and refused to make him join their school basketball teams
    Curry never gave up but removed the doubts with hard training All his devotion and persistence paid off He was enrolled at Davidson College where he became a national star He always got the most points in a game and people could hardly forget his fantastic performances In 2009 Curry became a member of the GSW(Golden State Warriors)
    Curry is famous especially for his threepoint shot He made more than 400 threepoint shots in the 2016 season Many fans call him the greatest shooter in NBA history He has won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award twice and led the GSW to their first championship
    He is like a great actor on a Broadway stage said coach Steve Kerr He sings his best notes and dances his best steps Curry is still young and has a long way to go in NBAWe believe that he will bring us more surprises in the future
    1Why was Curry rejected by some school teams before he became famous
    ABecause he lacked athletic skills BBecause he was thought to be weak and short
    CBecause he was too young DBecause he lacked game experience

    2Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly tell us that     
    ACurry has been very successful BCurry is facing many questions
    CCurry works very hard DCurry devotes much to the career
    3What is the author's attitude towards Curry
    APity   BDisappointment CConcern   DAdmiration
    [语篇解读] 文篇记叙文文章介绍NBA球星斯蒂芬·库里
    1B 细节理解题根文章第二段中However due to a lack of size and strength at that time many school didn't believe in his abilities or skills and refused to make him join their school basketball teams知身材矮没力气球队拒绝
    2A 旨意题根第三四段容出第三段介绍库里努力回报学时进入戴维森学院2009年加入金州勇士队第四段介绍NBA取成绩答案选A
    3D 推理判断题根文章段中He sings his best notes and dances his best stepsWe believe that he will bring us more surprises in the future知作者赞扬D正确
    Much of the work in today's world is accomplished(完成) in teams Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals  1  Companies spend millions hiring top business people Is their money well spent 
     2  They focused on football basketball and baseball The results are mixed For football and basketball adding talented players to a team proves a good method but only up to the point where 70 of the players are top talent above that level the team's performance begins to decline Interestingly this trend isn't evident in baseball where additional individual talent keeps improving the team's performance 
    To explain this phenomenon the researchers explored the degree to which a good performance by a team requires its members to coordinate(协调) their actions  3  In baseball the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates They conclude that when task interdependence is high team performance will suffer when there is too much talent while individual talent will have positive effects on team performance when task interdependence is lower If a basketball star is for example trying to gain a high personal point total he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate affecting the team's performance Young children learning to play team sports are often told There is no I in TEAM
    Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a team some players may make less effort Just as in a game of tugofwar(拔河赛) whenever a person is added everyone else pulls the rope with less force
     5  An Ateam may require a balance—not just A players but a few generous B players as well 
    AIt's not a simple matter to determine the nature of talent
    BSports team owners spend millions of dollars attracting top talent
    CThe group interaction and its effect drew the researchers' attention
    DStars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship
    ESeveral recent studies examined the role of talent in the sports world
    FBuilding up a dream team is more complex than simply hiring the best talent
    GThis task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball
    1    2    3    4    5    
    [语篇解读] 篇夹叙夹议文章文章讲建立支佳团队简单雇优秀复杂支流球队需种衡——仅仅球员需雅量普通球员
    1B 考查段中承启句文说数相信建立伟团队方法聚集群天赋文说公司花费数百万雇顶级商业士该空承启举例选B
    2E 考查段首句逻辑关系文说注意力集中足球篮球棒球结果复杂属体育方面该空引出文E选项项研究调查体育世界中作切题选E
    3G 考查段中承启句文说解释现象研究员探索场表现求队员协调行动程度文说明研究结果该空承启选G
    4D 考查段尾句逻辑关系文说球星分影响团队表现该空承接文D选项球星显然没遵守运动员精神基原切题选D
    5F 考查段首题句文说支流球队需种衡——仅仅球员需雅量普通球员该空引出文F选项建立支理想团队简单雇优秀复杂切题选F
      In 2009 a group of parents in an English town started sharing worries about their children's money management skills Shopping was done online the children  1  saw their parents handling cash They were  2  money online too Money had become intangible(形) How then were children to learn its  3  
    The answer they put  4  was GoHenry an app now available in Britain It is designed to help young people learn good  5  habits through realworld money management Parents sign up with their own bank account(账户) and pay a monthly  6  of 299 for each child aged six or over Adults and children  7  separate versions At the end of last year 379000 children had active accounts 
    Parents can schedule pocket money and  8  tasks When those tasks are marked as  9  the child is paid some money back as a reward Parents can see what child has  10  and where And children choose  11  to use the card in shops online or at ATMs 
    Children get debit cards(记卡) with their names They can  12  their spending and set savings targets They can decide to  13  for someone's birthday or set a goal at 12 to  14  2000 to buy a car at age 18The app tells them how much to save each week to meet their  15  
    1Aseldom   Bregularly    Csuddenly   Donly
    2Aplaying   Bwriting     Cspending   Dtalking
    3Abooks    Bmaterial     Chistory    Dvalue
    4Aup    Bforward    Coff    Ddown
    5Aphysical   Bfinancial    Csocial    Dcultural
    6Afee    Bfine    Cbonus    Dsalary
    7Aoveruse   Bcreate     Cdownload   Dshow
    8Ause     Bset     Cenjoy    Dchange
    9Adone    Blost    Cgone    Dused
    10Abought   Bread    Ceaten    Dworn
    11Awho    Bwhere    Cwhy    Dwhether
    12Ause    Bcontinue   Cincrease   Dview
    13Acomplete  Breturn    Csave    Dwait
    14Adonate    Bhave    Cwaste    Dborrow
    15Amoney   Brule    Cgoal    Ddeadline
    [语篇解读] 篇说明文介绍孩子解金钱价值英国款名GoHenry应程序家长通设置零花钱务教导孩子钱孩子查支出设定储蓄目标
    1A 结合文Shopping was done online知网购物孩子现少(seldom)父母现金选A
    2C 结合文online too知孩子网消费(spending)选C
    3D 结合文Money had become intangible(形)知网购物金钱成形孩子解金钱价值(value)选D
    4B put up张贴搭建put forward提出put off推迟put down写镇压结合文How then were children to learn its value提出孩子解金钱价值问题处文问题回答想出答案应软件GoHenry选B
    5B physical身体financial金融social社会cultural文化结合文through realworld money management知帮助年轻通现实世界理财学良理财惯选B
    6A fee费fine罚款bonus奖金salary工资结合文of 299 for each child aged six or over知应软件支付299美元费选A
    7C overuse度create创造download载show展示结合文GoHenry an app now available in Britain知GoHenry款应软件童分载版选C
    8B 结合文When those tasks are marked知父母软件孩子设置(set)零花钱务选B
    9A 结合文the child is paid some money back as a reward知务完成(done)时孩子奖励选A
    10A 句意父母孩子买什里买选A
    11B 结合文in shops online or at ATMs点知选择里选B
    12D 结合文their spending and set savings targets知软件查(view)支出设定储蓄目标选D
    13C 结合文for someone's birthday知某生日存钱选C
    14B 结合文2000 to buy a car at age 18知18岁时拥2000美元买辆车选B
    15C money金钱rule规goal目标deadline截止日期结合文set a goal知应会告诉达目标周应该存少钱选C





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