
    Section Ⅶ Expanding your world

    ①shot n投球射球击球
    ②bounce v()弹起()反弹
    ③warrior n武士战士
    ④bump n隆起处
    ⑤hoop n(篮球中)篮圈
    ⑥backboard n篮板
    ⑦footstep n足迹
    ⑧philosophy n哲学
    ⑨shiny adj闪光
    ⑩teammate n队友
    cheat v作弊
    yoga n瑜伽
    remarkable adj非非寻常
    net n网球网
    burst v突然出现
    surgery n外科手术
    comeback n复出东山起
    defeat v击败战胜
    steely adj钢铁般坚强
    tournament n锦标赛
    seize v夺取
    opponent n(赛中)手
    ①association n协会社团联想联系→associate v联系联想→associated adj关联相关联系
    ②muddy adj泥泥泞→mud n泥泥浆
    ③sharpen v提高改进()变锋利→sharpadj锋利
    ④expectation n预料预期期→expect v预料预期期
    ⑤assign v分配(某物)分派→assignment n(分派)工作务
    ⑥vivid adj生动逼真→vividly adv生动逼真
    ⑦cooperation n合作协作→cooperate v合作协作
    ⑧intense adj紧张激烈→intensely adv强烈紧张→intensity n强烈紧张
    1a far cry from……相 
    2in all directions四处四面八方 
    3day in and day out日复日 
    4give way倒塌垮 
    5carry on继续 
    6end up doing终做…… 
    7in a row连续 
    8put in花费投入(时间精力) 
    9achieve one's dream实现梦想 
    10come off掉()成功 
    11more importantly更重 
    12be based on……基础…… 
    13act out……表演出 
    14participate in参加参 
    15go wild兴奋发疯  
    16once more次 
    17pay off取成功回报 
    18a close match场势均力敌赛 
    19contribute to促成利 
    20take sides表示支持方表明立场 

    ①1996年追父亲脚步(follow one's footsteps)18岁科高中毕业直接进入NBA
    Following his father's footsteps in 1996 18yearold Kobe directly joined the NBA after high school 
    He was not the most gifted basketball player It was his steely will that made him one of the most remarkable basketball players 
    ③总非常努力练回报(pay off)
    He always practised extremely hard and it paid off 
    He scored 81 points with the help of his teammates in a game and defeated their opponents 
    What made everyone sad was that Kobe died in a plane crash 
    Following his father's footsteps in 1996 18yearold Kobe directly joined the NBA after high school Although he was not the most gifted basketball player it was his steely will that made him one of the most remarkable basketball players He always practised extremely hard and finally it paid off He even scored 81 points with the help of his teammates in a game and defeated their opponents However what made everyone sad was that Kobe died in a plane crash 

      学知道 white lie白色谎言善意谎言实英文中white关表达理解起直译面起吧
    1a white night指夜晚月光笼罩呈现白色指眠夜失眠晚 外a white night 指护花者
    2a white day然a white night肯定a white day显然白天意思a white day 通常指吉利日子黄道吉日情节等
    3a white hat白色帽子意思外a white hat意思美国早期电影中坏戴黑色帽子戴白色帽子久久a white hat 指代
    white关表达white elephant白色象 指华实东西昂贵东西white coffee 指白色咖啡指牛奶咖啡样家记住

    Taijiquan has its original nicknames such as changquan mianquan and bamenwubu etc After the publishing of the book On Taijiquan by Wang Zongyue in the years of Qianjia in the Qing dynasty it gains the name Taijiquan

    Taiji is a term in the Chinese traditional philosophy It comes from The Book of Changes In the time of the Song dynasty Zhou Dunyi wrote the book Theory of the Taiji Pictures and drew Taiji into a shape of a circle in his Taiji Picture
    The inventors of Taiji are enlightened by this picture and invent taijiquan with the continuous movement of drawing circles in the air as the constant movements absorbing the skills of guiding the breath with the wills using the stillness to control the motion in the traditional qigong and Taoist breathing exercises and combining the sets of other kinds of wushu
    The most typical characteristic of taijiquan is to restrain hardness with softness When taijiquan is being practiced the movements are smooth and gently slow It seems that it is of no aggression
    But when the taiji masters are in actual combats they will defeat the opponents cleverly with the gently slow movements and then strike with the borrowing of the opponents' power and the sudden hardness
    It is proved by the modern medical science that longtime practice of taijiquan can improve the functions of people's heart and lung build up people's physique and even make people live longer
    Now taijiquan is practiced and loved deeply by people all over the world

    第部分 听力(两节满分30分)
    第节 (5题题15分满分75分)
    1What did the woman try to quit drinking
    ATea   BCoffee   CJuice
    2How much more does Lucas need for the cellphone
    A300   B500   C800
    3What are the speakers mainly talking about
    AEnvironmental protection
    BGreenhouse effect
    CGardening skills
    4What seemed to be Sarah's problem
    AShe couldn't finish the task as required
    BShe failed in a job interview again
    CShe always went to work late
    5How might the woman feel
    第二节 (15题题15分满分225分)

    6What is the man doing
    AWatching TV
    BHaving a party
    CReading a book
    7What is the man going to do
    AGo out with the woman
    BPick up the children
    CMake a phone call
    8Where is the woman's company
    AIn Japan
    BIn Britain
    CIn Australia
    9Why does the man talk to the woman
    ATo look for a travel agent
    BTo ask about a tour
    CTo seek cooperation
    10What are the speakers going to do next
    ADo the market research
    BGo to a restaurant
    CHave a discussion
    11Where are the speakers
    AIn a hotel
    BIn a restaurant
    COn a plane
    12What kind of coffee does the man want
    ACoffee with sugar
    BCoffee with cream
    CQuite black coffee
    13How much does the man pay
    A9   B12   C15
    14What's Brett just doing
    ADownloading ebooks
    BReading an ebook
    CBuying an ebook reader
    15What advantage of the ebook reader does Brett mention
    AThe large storage capacity
    BThe low cost in the long term
    CThe decrease in the use of paper
    16Why does Fiona refuse to buy an ebook reader
    AShe doesn't read much
    BShe likes printed books better
    CShe has enough books to read
    17Where does the conversation take place
    AIn a store
    BIn a classroom
    CIn a library
    18What percentage of the Indian youth are hopeful about the future
    A53   B49   C20
    19What do most Chinese young people worry about
    AEnergy   BTechnology   CEnvironment
    20What is the speaker doing
    AGiving a lesson
    BHosting a show
    CBroadcasting news
    1B 2A 3C 4A 5B 6A 7C 8B 9C 10C
    11A 12C 13C 14A 15A 16B 17B 18B
    19C 20A
    Text 1
    MDidn't you say you wanted to stop drinking coffee for a while
    WI did I was trying to drink tea or juice each morning instead of coffee But it didn't go so well
    Text 2
    WLucas have you bought the cellphone you always want
    MNo I have 500 now but the phone costs 800 My boss said he would give me a rise next month
    Text 3
    WIs September really a good month to take cuttings from roses
    MWell it's the best month because you don't need to protect them at all You don't need a greenhouse All you need is a bit of reasonably worked soil
    Text 4
    MSarah has worked as a journalist for a month but she couldn't handle it successfully
    MShe wasn't able to finish her stories on time for the strict deadlines
    Text 5
    WWe are trying to start a club
    MHow is it going
    WWe hoped for at least fifteen people but only two signed up
    Text 6
    MWhy are you walking up and down in the room Why not sit down just like me and watch the talk show about reading on TV
    WWell I'm worrying about the children After all this is the first time that they have been out without us
    MDon't worry They are grownups What's more they are just having a party in their friend Mike's house
    WI know But I couldn't help thinking George please call them up and tell them to be careful and come back earlier
    MAll right I'll do that
    Text 7
    MExcuse me are you Anita Handley
    WYes that's me How can I help you
    MI represent Comfort Tour We're looking for a British company to help us with marketing in Britain
    WAh so you are looking for a British agent to represent you here Is that right
    MYes exactly
    WWell that's perfect We have already represented a number of companies so I'm certainly interested in discussing a partnership of some kind
    MOh what other partnerships do you have
    WWell we represent a large Japanese company and we have agreements with agents in Australia and Greece We handle all their marketing in Britain
    MThat sounds great Why don't we sit down and talk a bit more about it
    WFine Let's get a coffee at the same time
    Text 8
    WGood afternoon Can I help you
    MGood afternoon My name is Dupont I'm in Room 1206I'd like to order two sandwiches and a large pot of coffee And would you please bring them to my room as soon as possible
    WYes sir no problem
    MWait a minute You can forget the sugar and the cream Just plain coffee will do And please make it very strong
    WOK no sugar no cream straight coffee and very black I'll bring them to you right away

    WRoom service May I come in
    MCome in Just put them on the table over there
    WAll right Here are your sandwiches and your coffee The sandwiches are 6 each and the coffee is 3 And here is your bill
    MThank you Can I have it charged to my account please
    WOf course Just sign here Enjoy your meal
    Text 9
    WWhat's that Brett
    MIt's my new ebook reader I'm just downloading some new books onto it
    WI haven't bought one yet I still prefer a printed book
    MBut if you haven't tried it yet how do you know you wouldn't like it better Fiona This ebook reader can store over 10000 digital books Imagine trying to carry an entire library from place to place
    WI don't usually read 10000 books all at once and I like the look of text on a printed page
    MYou mean that faded text on that yellowed page On an ebook reader you can adjust the text size and even line spacing
    WCan I get all of the outofprint books on my shelves in the digital format
    MWell I'm not sure
    WUntil I can I'll stick to my lowtech books Let's take our seats The class is about to begin
    Text 10
    As you are learning Chinese social problems now I would like to share the result of a recent survey with you
    The researchers asked 20000 young people in 20 countries including China the US and the UK how they thought and felt about the world They found that 53 percent of those questioned in China thought the world was becoming a better place That's the highest percentage among the countries in the survey followed by India with 49 percent
    When asked why they felt hopeful about the future 93 percent of those Chinese youth said it was because the advances of technology like medicine new energy and the Internet might make life in the future easier
    However Chinese young people seemed to worry about something else As much as 82 percent of them worried about climate change That's a lot more than the number of people who cared about the environmental problems in other countries We can see that Chinese young people are quite different from their previous generations I hope each of you can write a report on this problem after class
    第二部分 阅读(两节满分50分)
    第节 (15题题25分满分375分)
      阅读列短文题 ABCD 四选项中选出佳选项

    Yinqixing Indoor Skiing Site formerly known as Hokkaido Indoor Ski Resort is the first indoor skiing site in Asia which covers an area of 1008 thousand square meters and the ski track is 380 meters in length and 80 meters in width with the maximum drop of 42 meters There are three sections of snow runs and a huge platform for practicing which are suitable for skiing enthusiasts of various skiing degrees The temperature in the skiing site maintains below2℃ all the year round Snow thickness ranges from 30 cm to 50 cm
    Solo Adventure Tips
    LocationNo 1835 Qishen Road Qibao Town Shanghai
    How to Get There
    Public Bus9192803953
    Free Scheduled Bus
    LocationNorth Square Xinzhuang Station Subway Line Ⅰ
    Departure time from 900 to 2100 operating every half an hour
    Ticket Price
    Adults138 Children80 (Ordinary time)
    Adults158 Children 100 (On weekends)
    Opening Hours
    930 to 2230 from Monday to Thursday and Sunday 930 to 2400 on Friday and Saturday
    It will stop selling tickets after 2100
    More Tips
    Bathing fees6 per person
    Stay overnight20 per person
    Private room of 2 people58 per person
    Private room of 3 people68 per person
    Meal50 per person
    For more information you can click here Yinqixing Indoor Skiing Site or directly call at 0216478866602163816698
    21Who is the Yinqixing Indoor Skiing Site suitable for
    APeople who are good at climbing
    BPeople of high skiing degrees only
    CPeople of different levels of skiing skills
    DPeople who are enthusiastic about outdoor sports
    22How much will a couple with their kid spend on Wednesday lunch included
    A506   B566   C356   D456
    23Where does this passage probably come from
    AA newspaper
    BA website for travel
    CAn entertainment magazine
    DA travel guide
    [语篇解读] 篇应文文章介绍海银七星室滑雪场规模场景滑雪相关事项
    21C 细节理解题文章第段中There are three sections of snow runs and a huge platform for practicing which are suitable for skiing enthusiasts of various skiing degrees知银七星室滑雪场三段坡道练台供程度滑雪爱者水滑雪爱者银七星室滑雪场玩选C
    22A 细节理解题Ticket Price边容知工作日滑雪成票价138元童票价80元Meal 50 per person知顿饭50元题干中夫妻孩周三滑雪包含午餐应该列出算式138×2(两成票价)+80(名孩票价)+150(三午餐钱)合计506元选A
    23B 推理判断题文章段中you can click here知篇应文源网站网页click获取更信息选项B中website句话呼应AA newspaper(份报纸)CAn entertainment magazine(娱乐杂志)DA travel guide(旅游指南)三项纸质click获取更信息选B
    In October 2013 Davion Only made an appeal on the Internet He learned that his biological mother had died not long beforeMy name is Davion and I've been in foster care (寄养) since I was born he said but I'm not giving up hope
    The heartbreaking appeal spread quickly and Only's foster agency received calls from more than 10000 people Only ended up travelling to Ohio to live with a family But after Only got into a physical fight with one of his elder wouldbe brothers the family changed their minds
    Back in Florida Only passed through four different temporary homes over the following year until he called Connie Going his adoption case worker to make a special request Only had known Going for nearly ten years and had asked every year if she would adopt him but she always hesitated I always believed there was a better family than us out there Going said in an interview But last July when Only called and asked again if she might adopt him Going said something different When he asked me my heart felt this ache and I just knew he was my son she said
    So Going 52 invited Only to start spending time with the rest of her family—her two daughters Sydney 21 and Carly 17 and a son Taylor 14 who she also adopted out of foster care Eventually after seeing how well the arrangement was working Going who had rented a bigger home started adopting Only Only moved in with her family last DecemberHe officially joined Going's family on April 22 2015 when the adoption papers went through
    Today I feel blessed and honored to have been chosen to be the parent of all my children Going said
    24By making the appeal Davion Only hoped that     
    Aservice in his foster agency would improve
    Bhis biological mother would come to him
    Ca foster agency would accept him
    Dhe would be adopted by a family
    25Davion Only didn't live with the family in Ohio because     
    Ahe hated living with them
    Bthey finally refused to accept him
    Che has received another invitation
    Dhe often fought with his wouldbe brothers
    26What do we know from Paragraph 3
    ADavion Only had fun living in different homes
    BConnie Going had cared about Davion Only for over ten years
    CDavion Only had a strong desire to be adopted by Connie Going
    DConnie Going believed she would give Davion Only what he wanted
    27After Davion Only joined Connie Going's family    
    AConnie Going bought a bigger house
    Bthe four kids often had physical fights
    CConnie Going didn't regret her decision
    Danother three kids were later adopted as well
    [语篇解读] 文篇记叙文文章讲述渴安定家庭孤Davion Only网发布请求信息希家庭收养善良Connie收养事
    24D 推理判断题根文章第段Davion Only网发布请求信息推断出希家庭收养选D
    25B 细节理解题根第二段句子Only ended up travelling to Ohio to live with a family But after Only got into a physical fight with one of his elder wouldbe brothers the family changed their minds知俄亥俄州家庭Only家子架想收养选B
    26C 推理判断题根文章第三段句子Only had known Going for nearly ten years and had asked every year if she would adopt him but she always hesitated知Only年会问Going否收养选C
    27C 推理判断题根段Today I feel blessed and honored to have been chosen to be the parent of all my children Going said知Connie Going感幸福荣幸推断出悔收养孩子判断选C
    Sand sun fitness and fun were popular at the LeapFrog's Fit Made Fun Day event on September 6With LeapFrog's new LeapBand activity tracker the event that took place at Santa Monica Beach in California was to educate kids about staying active
    The LeapBand is LeapFrog's newest product It is strapped (带子系) on the wrist like a watch and features a virtual (虚拟) pet that kids can care for Kids do activities such as walking like a penguin and popping like popcorn to earn points and powerups which unlock new pets and rewards
    We want to make sure kids understand that getting up getting active having fun and getting healthy tips can all be part of their daily lives says Greg Ahearn who works for LeapFrog Our goal with the LeapBand is to get kids up and active and having fun
    The event included creative illness activities for kids and parents Artie Green and Easy AD who are a part of an organization called Hip Hop Public Health performed songs and taught dances There were photo opportunities healthy snacks and goodie bags too
    Mia Hamm a former member of the United States national women's soccer team is the official spokesperson for the LeapBand Hamm took part in Women's World Cups and the Olympics When she was about 15 she knew that her sport was soccer I loved the way it challenged me every single day she said Hamm says exercising should be fun whether it's playing soccer with your friends or hopping on one foot or dancing She advises aspiring athletes to go for it It's a lot of hard work but it's meaningful
    Later in the afternoon the crowd came together to try to break three Guinness World Records the most people making sand angels the most people hopping on one foot and the most people doing the swim dance Participants enjoyed exercising together dancing hopping and flapping along to music Better yet they broke all three records Hamm hopes these families and many more continue to take part in fitness activities Fun is the most important thing she says
    28The event LeapFrog's Fit Made Fun Day is to     
    Aencourage participants to break Guinness World Records
    Bintroduce LeapFrog's newest product—the LeapBand
    Cinstruct people especially kids to keep an active lifestyle
    Dfind suitable volunteers to care for virtual pets
    29According to the passage what can we know
    AKids don't understand the value of active life
    BThe activities of the event are concerned with fitness
    CSoccer doesn't mean a lot to Hamm
    DAhearn thinks breaking all the three records is the most important thing
    30The fifth paragraph mainly intends to tell us Mia Hamm    
    Ais active in sports activities
    Bis a famous woman soccer player
    Cacts as the spokesperson for the LeapBand
    Dcalls on people to do sports activities
    31What's the main purpose of the passage
    ATo sell a product
    BTo provide information about an activity
    CTo promote an activity
    DTo describe an experience
    [语篇解读] 篇新闻报道报道许参项旨运动快乐活动项活动运动带快乐
    28C 推理判断题根第段中to educate kids about staying active第三段知项活动目尤孩子保持种积极生活方式选C
    29B 推理判断题孩子活动面破吉尼斯世界纪录健康关选B
    30D 推理判断题通读第五段知段告诉 Mia Hamm认运动带快乐意义推断想呼吁做体育运动题选D
    31B 旨意题观全文知文章讲述许参项旨运动快乐活动项活动运动带快乐推断全文意图提供项活动信息选B
    Skateboarding has become one of several nontraditional activities that PE teachers around America are introducing to inspire kids to exercise regularly Some PE classes feature inline skating yoga and even rock climbing Experts have called those types of activities the new PE
    Such activities are part of a larger effort to help kids develop lifelong fitness habits and to keep them from becoming overweight Now 9 million US children and teens are overweight Obesity (肥胖) can lead to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease later in life
    Our children and youths are becoming unhealthy and obese says Lindsey Johnson Skateboarding is a great activity that keeps kids doing physical movements and gives them new skills and interests
    Some schools don't allow skateboarding because they say it is dangerous Cendali however argues that regular practice eliminates a great deal of the danger We teach students how to do it and how to do it safely he says
    Some people say skateboarding teaches life lessons Skateboarding teaches kids to believe that if they stick with something they will finally succeed says education expert Richard Sagor of Lewis & Clark College in Portland Oregon
    Skateboarding inspires kids not to give up in learning difficult skills It's natural for kids to want to learn and get better at things adds Sagor When it comes to skateboarding they'll try a trick hundreds of times before they succeed That same effort could be made in schoolwork
    Eric Klassen agrees that skateboarding requires kids to stop saying a task is too hard for them A baby will attempt to walk 600 to 900 times before he or she is successful says Klassen We tell students that they shouldn't say I can't do it’ unless they've tried 600 to 900 times
    32Skateboarding is introduced into American schools to     
    Aencourage students to compete bravely in competitions
    Bteach students how to deal with risks
    Cprevent students suffering from heart disease later in life
    Dhelp students form the habit of doing sports
    33The underlined word eliminates in Paragraph 4 probably means     
    Areduces   Bincreases   Cadds   Dbrings
    34What life lesson do kids learn from skateboarding
    ATo succeed in life you have to learn skateboarding
    BYou will succeed in life if you don't give up
    COnly after failing 600 to 900 times can you succeed
    DThere is no hard work after learning skateboarding well
    35What would be the best title for the passage
    AThe dangerous PE
    BSkills of skateboarding
    CThe new PE
    DThe change of PE
    [语篇解读] 文议文文章介绍学校里开展新体育项目滑板运动瑜伽等观点
    32D 细节理解题根第二段中Such activities are part of a larger effort to help kids develop lifelong fitness habits and to keep them from becoming overweight知答案D
    33A 词义猜测题根第四段两句知Cendali观点学校样认滑板运动危险常练减少危险教学生做安全做A正确
    34B 推理判断题根文章倒数第三段中Skateboarding teaches kids to believe that if they stick with something they will finally succeed知滑板运动孩子相信果坚持终会成功B项容相符B正确
    35C 旨意题根文章第段全文容知文写学校里开展新体育项目滑板运动瑜伽等观点C正确
    第二节 (5题题25分满分125分)
    In the future people will work fewer hours a week than today right 36 Too much work takes up almost all of their time They are busy and feel very tired Many people are askingWhen will I get some free time 
     37  One reason is the increase in the cost of living In order to support a family today many people have to work longer hours or work at a second job  38  She works in New Jersey as a social worker from 830 am until 1230 pm In the late afternoon and in the evening she sees private customers On weekends she works as a caterer(宴会承办者) It costs so much to support her family she says that working less is not impossible 
    But there is a second reason for people's overwork 39  Employees feel that they have no choice If they don't agree to work overtime they are afraid that they will be fired by their companies Changes in technology make it easier for people to be working all the time With faxes cellphones and email people can work even when they are on holiday 
     40  If things continue this way into the future we may never get to leave the office at least not for long Or people may begin to say This is enough I need my relaxing time 
    ATake the example of Lily
    BMost of people's work will be replaced by robots
    CPeople working longer hours will be much better paid
    DMore people are working long hours for two reasons
    EWhere will technology and the demands of the workweek take us
    FToday many companies are trying to do more work with fewer workers
    GActually more people nowadays are working 10 to 12 hours a day six days a week than ever before
    [语篇解读] 文篇说明文介绍越越工作时间长现象分析原
    36G 空前提周工作时间会现少空说太工作占部分时间说明现周工作时间长G选项(事实前相现越越天工作1012时周工作6天)符合语境
    37D 文提工作时间长问题根空One reason段第句But there is a second reason for people's overwork知处说工作时间长两原D项(越越长时间工作两原)符合语境
    38A 空说早830中午1230做社工午晚时候晚私顾客服务周末承办宴会空She表明处会位女性例空前说养家糊口许延长工作时间事第二份工作进行举例说明A项(莉莉例)符合语境
    39F 空说员工觉选择果意加班担心会公司解雇说明公司强制求员工加班干更活说公司想更少做更工作F项(许公司试图更少员工做更工作)符合语境
    40E 段两句说技术发展更容易直工作传真手机电子邮件甚度假时工作空说果种情况持续永远法离开工作少会太久处应该说技术发展常规工作(办公室车间工作)会影响E项(技术工作周需求会带里呢)符合语境
    第三部分 语言运(两节满分30分)
    第节 (15题题1分满分15分)
    It was 7 in the morning I was on a train to another city when I started a(n)  41  with a young man sitting next to me From what he said I  42  that he came from a farming family and was now doing very well in the IT industry He was  43  enough to give me a window seat help a copassenger when he dropped his coffee etc These small  44  showed what a good person he was 
    I was lost in reading a biography(传) on Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger has played a huge role in my life  45  I haven't met him Reading a  46  about him is great fun 
    Now my copassenger  47  to see the book so I handed it to him Minutes passed into hours From the train window I  48  him reading the book carefully Towards the end of the trip I even saw him  49  everything about the book including the publishing house and code number He turned to me and asked where he could buy this book 
    You can  50  it I said This is the second time that I've read it anyway 
    I was lying Actually it was last weekend that I bought it I loved it so much and how I  51  to hold on to it myself  52  when I thought of his kindness I thought I should do something too Wow the man said to me This is really  53  Thank you so much 
    No problem Don't worry about it
    I got off the train and walked into the new city  54 a sense of joy I did not regret giving the book to him as I believed  55  each other is really a good thing 
    41Aquarrel   Bdiscussion    Cinterview    Dconversation
    42Awished   Bknew    Cremembered    Dwondered
    43Aproud    Bclever   Ckind    Dbrave
    44Aacts     Bwords    Ctricks    Dgifts
    45Auntil    Bbecause   Cthough   Dif
    46Atext    Bbook    Cnote    Dmagazine
    47Aagreed   Bcontinued  Cstopped     Dasked
    48Asaw    Bfelt   Cguessed    Dimagined
    49Acrossing out   Bpicking up    Cthinking about    Dwriting down
    50Aread    Bkeep    Cbuy    Dreturn
    51Ahoped    Bdecided    Crefused    Dmanaged
    52AStill    BTherefore   CHowever   DFinally
    53Aunbelievable   Bfunny    Ccommon    Dimpossible
    54Ain    Bon    Cwith    Dat
    55Ameeting    Bhelping    Cadmiring   Dpraising
    41D quarrel争吵 discussion讨 interview面试 conversation交谈根空From what he said知火车坐旁边开始交谈D项正确
    42B 文说俩聊起处通聊天解关情况B项正确
    43C 根空give me a window seat help a copassenger when he dropped his coffee etc知窗座位位客咖啡掉时动帮忙等行说明善良C项正确
    44A act行 word话语 trick花招 gift礼物处指文提窗座位位客咖啡掉时动帮忙等行A项正确
    45C 句意阿诺德·施瓦辛格生活中扮演重角色没见根句意知前步关系C项正确
    46B 文说读阿诺德·施瓦辛格传处指关阿诺德·施瓦辛格书B项正确
    47D 根空so I handed it to him知年轻想阿诺德·施瓦辛格传D项正确
    48A 根空前From the train window知处车窗里情景A项正确
    49D 根空including the publishing house and code number知记书出版社编码等信息D项正确
    50B 喜欢读书留B项正确
    51A 根空前I loved it so much知非常喜欢书希留着A项正确
    52C 希留着书想心想应该做点什转折关系C项正确
    53A unbelievable难置信 funny趣 common通常 impossible没想会书说难置信A项正确
    54C 书留心年轻心情愉悦with带具C项正确
    55B 文说年轻心帮助(窗座位位客咖啡掉时动帮忙等)书留算种帮助处说相信互相帮助件事B项正确
    第二节 (10题题15分满分15分)
    Marty is a disabled boy who  56  (suffer) from a muscle disease Sometimes he is too weak  57 (run) or climb stairs as quickly as other people The doctors don't know  58 (exact) what is wrong with him Luckily Marty has learned to adapt  59  his disability In order to make his life happy and  60 (satisfy) Marty keeps busy doing things that do not require physical strength He has friends with  61  he can go to the movies and football matches and he has lots of pets He used to dream of one day being a famous football player and  62 (represent) his country in the World Cup Even when he is made fun of he doesn't get  63 (annoy) Disabled  64  he is Marty has become stronger and more independent He never feels sorry for himself and he enjoys as rich and full a life as everyone else 
    He suggests that we normal people should give the disabled  65 (encourage) rather than laugh at them 
    56suffers 考查动词时态谓致根句时态知般现时定语句中语who指代boy答案suffers
    57to run 考查非谓语动词tooto太…………处动词定式作结果状语答案to run
    58exactly 考查副词处副词修饰动词exactly确切
    59to 考查介词adapt to适应……答案to
    60satisfyingsatisfactory 考查形容词处表示生活快乐令满意应形容词作宾语补足语答案satisfyingsatisfactory
    61whom 考查定语句friends先行词指设空处定语句中作介词with宾语答案whom
    62representing 考查动名词句意梦想天成名著名足球运动员代表国家参加世界杯设空处being列作介词of宾语答案representing
    63annoyed 考查形容词get annoyed变生气答案annoyed
    64asthough 考查步状语句句意残疾马蒂已变更强更独立处asthough ()引导步状语句句部分倒装答案asthough
    65encouragement 考查名词处应该名词作宾语答案encouragement
    第四部分 写作(两节满分40分)
    第节 应文写作(满分15分)
    One possible version
    A sports meeting was held in my school on September 15th What impressed me most is the relay races for the boys Fighting for their classes every one of them had to cooperate intensively and performed the best Their classmates cheered for them 
    The sports meeting was successfully completed We students not only have fun but we learn to take pride in our partners cheer for them and help them if they are in need The most important is that we have to work together to achieve our dreams 

    第二节 读续写(满分25分)
    If Mum finds out that I'm going to the beach I'll be in big trouble I said to myself softly in a low voice
    I went downstairs slowly and tried to walk casually into the kitchen As I was walking towards the back door Mum asked without looking up from her dish washing Where are you going I answered back without hesitation I am going to the garden to play After I got out of the kitchen I breathed a sigh of relief My plan had worked out fine so far I climbed the fence and jumped onto the muddy field next to my house and started running towards the bus stop at top speed
    After half an hour I was at the beach scanning the crowd for my friends Jimmy and Bobby Two young men were racing in the canoes (独木舟) After a while I saw them near a coconut tree I ran towards them and got into my swimming trunks (泳裤) For about an hour we played volleyball happily
    Suddenly Bobby hit the ball too hard and the ball fell into the sea Just as Bobby was going to pick up the ball the tide came in and carried the ball further and further away from the shore I wanted to show off my swimming skills so I declared that I would help get the ball for them
    I dived into the water and started swimming at a steady pace After swimming for about ten minutes I became tired but when I saw that the ball was only a few feet away from me I put in an extra burst of speed However just as I was going to get the ball a very strong current swept the ball further away from me At that moment a string of weeds (海草) tangled (缠绕) up with my feet and I could not swim properly
    I struggled to keep a float but it was no use If I had listened to my parents this would never have happened I thought silently

    One possible version
    Paragraph 1
    Finally after struggling for a minute or two I still got pulled underwater I told myself I should never give up Then I pulled the weed again with great effort The weed finally broke I swam back to the surface I saw two young men in canoes racing I shouted for help They saw me and raced towards me By the time they reached me I had been already unconscious 
    Paragraph 2
    When I woke up I was in an empty room lying on a bed Jimmy and Bobby told me the two young men brought me to the shore and sent me to the hospital After a few minutes my parents with half angry and half worried faces walked in My parents scolded me for running out of the house secretly but were also glad that I was not seriously injured I will never forget that terrifying experience Neither will I want to show off again 
    Five years ago my wife said she'd found us a tiny but adorable house It was close to the historic Abbot Kinney However there was a bus depot(公汽车站)across the street Hundreds of buses noisily parked there every night and noisily left every morning It was awful
    But I was determined to make the best of it It is noisy but it offers us a good way to think about what is required to make a city workI kept telling our 6yearold daughter
    Then one morning I woke up to find that the buses were gone I allowed myself to get excited My daughter however was unhappy It took me a minute to understand she had got used to the idea of us having a role in city life
    Shortly afterward a homeless encampment(时营)was built there Then I found out what was planned for the bus depot—a place to deal with the homeless
    When I told my daughter about thebridge housing a big smile spread across her face Her first reaction wasn't fear or selfishness She understood instantly how special it was that the bus depot would become a place for people who needed just that to live in
    What story about city life could I tell her thenI tried to keep fruit in the car so that at traffic lights we could hand out a banana or an apple When a woman put up a tent on the sidewalk in front of our stairs I filled all her water bottles
    Now we have a couple hundred new neighbours and I'll be telling anyone who will listen what an honour it is to live among the homeless Without my daughter I might not have come to the same conclusion
    1What was wrong with the author's new house in the beginning
    AIt was too small for family use
    BThere was too much noise around
    CIt was too close to a tourist attraction
    DThere were too many neighbours around
    2Why was the author's daughter unhappy when she found the buses were gone
    AShe thought she lost the role in city life
    BShe didn't like the idea of bridge housing
    CShe had been used to the presence of buses
    DShe couldn't go out of town without buses
    3What was the author's purpose of keeping fruit in his car
    ATo meet his family's needs
    BTo make his daughter happy
    CTo help the homeless when possible
    DTo thank those who had helped them
    [语篇解读] 篇记叙文文章讲述作者家搬新家新家附初公汽车站变成家收容作者针事角度女做解释欣然接受变化
    1B 细节理解题根文章第段中However there was a bus depot across the street Hundreds of buses noisily parked there every night and noisily left every morning It was awful知答案B项
    2A 细节理解题根文章第三段中My daughter however was unhappy It took me a minute to understand she had got used to the idea of us having a role in city life知答案A项
    3C 推理判断题根文章第六段中I tried to keep fruit in the car so that at traffic lights we could hand out a banana or an apple知作者会交通灯位置家分发水果答案C项
    A dog is known as man's best friend because it can enrich its owner's life in many ways
     1 Many teenagers suffer from periods of no selfconfidence as they try to deal with adolescence (青春期)A teenager without selfconfidence may be unable to tell his parents about problems With a dog around it can be a huge comfort A dog offers its unconditional love  2  
    All dogs need exercise so taking his dog for a walk is the perfect opportunity for a teenager to get outdoors and enjoy fresh air and physical activities Exercise allows people to take control of their bodies which is good for their life 3 Exercise releases chemicals which improve selfconfidence 
    Dogs can help teenagers make new friends 4  A dog is a great icebreaker making the teenager feel comfortable with people he meets The more confident the teen becomes when out and about with his dogthe more his selfconfidence will improve 
     5  If a teenager is developing dangerous habits such as drinking more action may be required In these cases professional help should be sought Parents should ask a health professional (专业士) for advice if they believe there's a sign of a far more serious problem 
    APets offer unconditional love that can be very helpful
    BYou don't have to worry about hurting your pet's feelings
    CIt simply accepts its owner for who he is and doesn't judge or question its owner
    DParticularly someone without selfconfidence may find a pet dog helpful
    EA teen may meet someone of the same age while walking his dog in the park
    FIn some cases having a dog will not help improve a teenager's selfconfidence
    GMany forms of exercise besides walking can be enjoyed with a dog such as cycling
    1    2    3    4    5    
    [语篇解读] 篇说明文文章介绍狗缺乏信心孩子处狗陪伴帮助交朋友健康处果孩子养成坏惯时求助专业士
    1D 考查段首句文Many teenagers suffer from periods of no selfconfidence as they try to deal with adolescenceD项承接然符合语境前句selfconfidence原词复现选D项
    2C 考查段尾句前文A dog offers its unconditional love(狗提供条件爱)C项承接然前文中unconditionalC项中doesn't judge or question its owner指狗条件信接受选C项
    3G 考查段中句G项前文Exercise allows people to take control of their bodies which is good for their life文Exercise releases chemicals which improve selfconfidence逻辑严密符合语境三处谈锻炼选G项
    4E 考查段中句E项前文Dogs can help teenagers make new friends承接然符合语境遇龄交朋友属相话题选E项
    5F 考查段首句段讲果青少年养成非常危险惯家长应该找专业士寻求帮助F项作段落题句放段首选F项
      I used to hate running It seemed too hard and pushing outside my comfort was not something I was raised to do
    In fact I wouldn't have become a(n) 1  if it weren't for my husband Charles He had been a serious competitive runner for many years After our marriage he wouldn't stop talking about how much he  2  it 
    So he picked it up again and after about a year I started to join him at the 3  Just a few weeks later Charles signed us both up for a fivekilometer race I  4  about doing it It was too soon 
    But on race day there I was
    The gun went off and thousands of runners 5  
    The first kilometer was tough I was already breathing 6  and painfully aware of the group of runners running past me 
    After another minute I saw the threekilometer 7 All I could think of was that I was
    I rounded a corner and saw both sides of the street 9  with people watching the race all cheering the runners on I willed my legs to keep going 
    Then I looked up and saw the clock The 10  ticking away gave me an incentive(鼓励) I knew that if I had  11  finished this race I would have achieved something So I straightened up and kicked it 
    I had my arms 12  higher when I passed through the finish line A volunteer put a(n)
     13  around my neck 
    You did great I'm so proud of you Charles was thrilled that I'd 14  
    That was amazing I want to do another race I proudly hugged my medal as we started to walk to the postrace festivities My lungs and my comfort zone both 15  
    1Awife    Bcoach Cexpert    Drunner
    2Ahated    Bmissed Cadmired   Dtrained
    3Arace    Bdepartment Ctrack    Dceremony
    4Ahesitated  Bpuzzled Ccared   Dbrought
    5Aslipped away   Bbacked off Cpushed forward   Dcame over
    6Amildly   Bshallowly Cgently    Dheavily
    7Asymbol   Bmark Cpattern    Dcampaign
    8Ahopeful   Bspeechless Cdying    Dmoving
    9Astuck    Bcrowded Cprovided   Ddirected
    10Aseconds  Btitles Ccriteria    Dcompetitors
    11Aalso    Bactually Cjust    Dunfortunately
    12Akept   Bcrossed Cheld    Dtied
    13Arope   Bmedal Cnecklace   Daward
    14Agot it   Bmeant it Cmade it    Ddefeated it
    15Atrembled  Bexpanded Cached    Derupted
    [语篇解读] 篇记叙文文章讲述作者丈夫影响带领通参加跑步赛走出舒适区事
    1D 根文He had been a serious competitive runner for many years知作者丈夫跑步者推测作者带动成跑步者选D项
    2B 句意结婚时刻说想念跑步根文So he picked it up again知作者丈夫结婚次开始跑步处想念符合语境选B项
    3C race赛department部门科系track跑道ceremony仪式根前文I started to join him知作者丈夫起跑处跑道符合语境选C项
    4A 结合文Just a few weeks later文It was too soon知作者刚练跑步没长时间觉参加赛太快推测犹豫(hesitated)参加选A项
    5C 句意枪响成千万跑步者前slip away溜走back off退push forward前come over结合实际枪响参加赛应该前选C项
    6D mildly温shallowly浅gently绅士轻柔heavily猛烈根前文The first kilometer was tough知开始千米作者说困难喘着粗气符合语境选D项
    7B symbol象征mark标记pattern模式campaign游行战役结合实际赛跑道会定距离处设置标记提醒参赛者距离选B项
    8C 句意够想快死 hopeful希speechless说出话dying快死moving感动结合前文I was already breathing  6  and painfully aware of the group of runners running past me知作者已气接气推测累处快死符合语境选C项 
    9B 根文all cheering the runners on知跑步者加油推测街道两边处挤满符合语境选B项
    10A 句意流逝分秒种动力second秒title标题criteria 标准competitor参赛者根前文Then I looked up and saw the clock知作者时钟处秒符合逻辑选A项
    11B 句意知道果真完成赛会成选B项
    12C 结合实际赛达终点时般高举双手表达完成喜悦选C项
    13B 根文I proudly hugged my medal知作者获奖牌处奖牌符合语境选B项
    14C 查尔斯成功感激动get it 明白mean it认真make it成功defeat it败根文I proudly hugged my medal知作者获奖牌成功完成赛程处成功符合语境选C项
    15B tremble颤抖expand扩ache痛erupt喷发联系文知处指作者走出原舒适圈扩符合语境选B项
    As everyone knows it is Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province  1  the local porcelain (瓷器 ) is highly desirable that is the center of world porcelain Last year my school 2 (hold) a twoday research activity guided by the slogan Exploring ceramic(陶瓷)culture traveling through ancient and modern times The aim was to build students' 3 (aware) of traditional culture 
    On our way to Jingdezhen our guide introduced the basics of porcelain production to us Our first stop was the Museum of Chinese Ceramics which has 4  unique and exquisite collection of porcelain made from materials such as clay(陶土)and stone 
    The guide told us the great achievements in ceramics from ancient times until today I listened carefully to everything  5 (date) back to the Neolithic period(新石器时代) clay was used  6 (make) pottery(陶器) which people used to carry water and food Today we still use porcelain but our pottery is far more beautiful than the products of those times 
    On the second day the team leader took us to a small DIY porcelain factory Under the  7 (guide) of the teacher we  8 (give) some clay and the chance to design a piece of pottery Although our efforts were not as beautiful as the articles in the museum they were our own work The twoday activity was very  9 (enjoy) and meaningful I learned a lot about porcelain and made an item  10  my own It meant a lot to me 
    1    2    3    4    5    
    6    7    8    9    10    
    [语篇解读] 篇记叙文记叙年作者学校举办期两天研究活动活动口号探索陶瓷文化穿越古目培养学生传统文化意识
    1where 考查定语句处引导定语句修饰先行词Jingdezhen关系词句中作点状语填where
    2held 考查动词时态根时间状语Last year知应般时填held
    3awareness 考查名词根文students'名词格填名词awareness意识
    4a 考查冠词collection数名词处表示泛指unique首字母发音辅音音素填定冠词a
    5Dating 考查非谓语动词句date逻辑语动关系填Dating
    6to make 考查固定短语短语be used to do做……填to make
    7guidance 考查名词根文the知应填名词guidance指导
    8were given 考查动词时态语态事情发生应般时语谓语构成动关系语we填were given
    9enjoyable 考查形容词根文was知应填形容词作表语填enjoyable
    10on 考查介词on one's own独填on
    Last year at Christmas time my wife three children and I were on our way from Paris to Nice Somehow everything went wrong Our hotels were tourist traps and our rented car broke down On Christmas Eve when we checked into a dirty hotel in Nice there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts
    It was raining and cold when we went out to eat We found a small restaurant poorly decorated for the holiday Only five tables in the restaurant were taken There were two German couples two French families and an American sailor by himself They were eating in stony silence except the sailor He was writing a letter and a halfsmile lit up his face In the corner a piano player was listlessly (精采) playing Christmas music
    All of us were interrupted by an old French flower woman through the front door She had a worn overcoat and her old shoes were wet Carrying her basket of flowers she went from one table to another No one bought any Exhausted and frustrated she sat down at a table
    The sailor finished his meal and got up to leave Putting on his coat he walked over to the flower woman's table
    Merry Christmas he said smiling and picking out a handful of flowers How much are they
    Two francs sir
    The sailor put a twentyfranc note in the woman's hand
    I don't have change sir she said I'll get some from the waiter
    No ma'am said the sailor leaning over and kissing the ancient cheek This is my Christmas present for you
    [语篇解读] 文篇记叙文记述圣诞前夕饭店里顾客没节日心情位慷慨美国水手沉浸节日快乐中
    [续写线索](1)根第段首句Then the sailor headed for our table with the flowers in his hand知文应该讲述水手着花送餐馆里吃饭融化沮丧心驱散愉快情绪
    (2)根第二段首句The piano player came alive and pleasant music filled the whole room知段应该写节日气氛淹没切功位年轻美国水手善良慷慨
    Paragraph 1
    Then the sailor headed for our table with the flowers in his hand He handed me a red flower and greeted us in a cheerful voice Merry Christmas Before we could say Thank you he had gone to other tables In an instant everyone in the room was presented with flowers including the waiter and the piano player These magical flowers melted our frustrated hearts and blew away all the unpleasant moods 
    Paragraph 2
    The piano player came alive and pleasant music filled the whole room A festival atmosphere drowned all of us We merrily danced to the joyful music singing laughing and wishing each other good luck The old flower woman also joined us The spirit of Christmas came back to us again All this was due to the young American sailor who through his kindness and generosity brightened our paths 





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    1.As tourism develops, people are becoming increasingly concerned about the environment.随着旅游业的发展,...

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    Ⅰ.单词分层默写1.单词拼写①splendid adj.壮丽的②leisure n.空闲,闲暇③radiation n.辐射④mirror-like adj.如镜面般的⑤wander v.徘徊⑥...

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    Ⅰ.课标单词1.单词拼写①companionship /kəmˈpænjənʃɪp/n.友谊;友好交往②fingertip /ˈfɪŋɡəˌtɪp/n.指尖③outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/...

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    Ⅰ.单词分层默写1.单词拼写①debt n.债务,欠款②pace n.速度,进度③dread v.畏惧,惧怕④overnight adv.突然,一下子⑤nevertheless adv.然而,不过

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    Ⅰ.课标单词1.单词拼写①root /ruːt/n.根②link /lɪŋk/v.把……联系起来;连接③centimetre /ˈsentɪˌmiːtə/n.厘米④fungal /ˈfʌŋɡ(ə...

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    主题听说专练Ⅰ.词汇翻译1.biodiversity 生物多样性 2.species 物种3.bacteria 细菌    4.whale 鲸鱼5.animal 动物    6.virus 病毒...

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    主题听说专练Ⅰ.词汇翻译1.conserve the environment 保护环境2.responsible travellers 尽责的游客3.an important part of t...

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    Ⅰ.课标单词1.单词拼写①candidate /ˈkændɪdɪt/n.申请者②favour /ˈfeɪvə/n.支持,赞同③genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn/adj.真的,真正的④sala...

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     在生活中,在工作上,不管你是多么成功,成功都不会赋予你免受生活带来的苦难的能力。不管是在工作上还是感情上,当我们感觉我们生活的目的不明确,想要放弃的时候会怎样呢?  Go Back To “W...

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    Ⅰ.单词分层默写1.单词拼写①quote n.引文,引语②Dutch adj.荷兰的③float v.浮,漂④folk adj.民间的,民俗的⑤tale n.故事

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    主题听说专练Ⅰ.词汇翻译1.not lift a finger袖手旁观2.a wet blanket扫兴的人3.an eager beaver做事非常卖力气的人4.drag one's feet...

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    1.Gregor Mendel chose to study pea plants because their characteristics were easy to control.格雷戈尔...

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    单句语法填空1.(教材P2)I walk through the doors into the waiting area, where there's a familiar atmosphere...

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