
    Is this your pencil 说课稿

      1教学容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语七年级册第二单元Is this your pencil第课时P7P8

      2教材中位:课教材中忽视起承启作预备单元已学What’s this in English回答现进步What’s that in English回答接着句型介绍出课中量词汇通词汇进学Is this that your pencil肯定否定回答程中充分复运my your his her 等形容词性物代词指示代词this that句型第三单元学般疑问句基础课时教材原基础学生更明白英语学相互交流中趣进行听说读写学程学生学容坚实心理方法知识基础



      通演示情景教学法句型What’s this that in English It’s a book 学生掌握重点词汇:pen pencil pencil case pencil sharpener book eraserruler backpack dictionary等学会物品属进行提问回答问答中会熟练运my your his her等形容词性物代词:Is thisthat myyourhisher pen Yes it is No it isn’t


      a 通情景话游戏题目训练学生学会根场景学品询问物正确运应英语表达方式

      b 通听力文培养学生基逻辑思维力听音辨词基功


      a 教学程老师学生学生学生交互动发展程参表演运程中培养学生学英语兴趣

      b 结合物体学单词句型时培养学生视觉美感

      c 通询问辨认物倡导学生保学品



      a 重点词汇:pen pencil pencil case pencil sharpener book eraser ruler backpack dictionary that等

      b 重点句型:

      What’s this that in English

      It’s a pencil It’s an eraser

      Is thisthat myyourhisher pen

      Yes it is No it isn’t

      难点:进步运my your his her等形容词性物代词明确thisthat 两指示代词法







    step 1 warmingup

      a 姓名熟悉学会说首先通问答姓名学生复中运my your his her等形容词性物代词首先学进行提问:What’s your English name please

      该学回答:My name’s Gina

      转问名学:What’s her English name

      该学回答:Her name is Gina

      然样方法引出:His name is Tom

      接着问答进行教师组间组组间教师全体学间样学敢开口机会开口然运my your his her等词

      b 通单元学学生26字母熟悉复第二项运字母卡新容作准备具体:

      举起字母卡放胸前问某学:What’s this in English

      学回答:It’s A


      What’s that in English

      学回答:It’s B

      然举胸前举远处两动作继续组全体学问:What’s thisthat in English学生初步理解thisthat区问完势学提议老师唱ABC Song样单复旧知活跃课堂气氛


    Step 2 presentation


      What’s this that in English It’s a book

      注意this时物体举胸前that时物体举远处放远处背包体积干脆挂墙手指着背包What’s that in English时学生明白

      样方法直教授完重点词汇注意定冠词连边教边读 (a) pen (a) pencil (a) pencil case (a) pencil sharpener (a) book (a) ruler (an) eraser (a) backpack (a) dictionary然单词投影出重点教读练



      手物品介绍:This is my book

      然问学:Is this my book

      引导学生回答:Yes it is

      手指某男生接着问:Is this his book

      引导学生回答:No it isn’t It’s your book

      然介绍物品:This is his dictionary

      That is her pencil

      进行问答:Is this my dictionary

      No it isn’t It’s his dictionary

      Is this his dictionary

      Yes it is

      Is that his pencil

      No it isn’t It’s her pencil

      Is that her pencil

      Yes it is



      4运巩固新知识 step 3 practice and consolidation



      5游戏 step 4 use



      问题:Is this that your his her pen

      回答:Yes it is No it isn’t






      7结束 step 5 summery and homework

      学生愉悦气氛中Good morning to you歌声欢送老师结束课

    二 This is my sister说课稿

      天说课容教版七年级Unit 3 This is my sister 单元学学生生活息息相关家庭成员谈单元第课时教学面方面阐述说课容


      教材编排说单元第二单元认知物体学英语认知学生熟悉家庭成员Is this your eraser 然度Is this your sister 前学What’s this转变Who is this单元生词较出现第课时十五六时认识语法现象复数课时务较艰巨



      1知识目标 帮助学生四会掌握单词:grandfather grandmother grandparents father mother parents son daughter sister brother aunt uncle cousin friend these those复数形式初步解

      2力目标 通节课学学生家庭成员相互间应该英语介绍询问交流英语脑子里家庭成员关系进行思考例见father’s mother反应出指grandmother时基辨什时候单数什时候复数

      3情感目标 通家庭成员学学生家庭成员会更清晰印象激发起家热爱



      难点:复数认识正确运汉语表达中完全没复数概念书三书数字没变化英语必须样说This is a book These are books单词相应发生变化中国学生学复数时候特难语言没惯




      课堂整体设计遵循循环记忆反复操练思路运情景法交际法分五步骤进行:导入呈现 巩固操练 拓展5分钟检测包括组赛布置作业
    . Pretask
    Step 1 warmingup
    I want to be your friend Do you want to know more about me Do you to know about my family

    二. Taskcycle
    step 2 presentation

    1learn the new words
    a家认知son father mother parents wife husband单词马回顾重新呈现家学生说出关系




    e回顾家帮助学生罗列出family tree

    Task 1guessing game 老师出片学生猜测什家

    2 learn the new structure
    a 认识this is these are 区
    Task 2:match the correct word 老师黑板出单复数单词学生连线
    Task 3 make sentence this is these are造句

    b 学 :is this your… are these … Yes he she is no shehe isn’t yes they areno they aren’t
    Task 4 pair work 学生着家庭片伴询问身份

    Step 3 practice and consolidation
    Task 5listen and circle 读书单词听录音圈出听单词
    Task 6 make a dialogue 表演话讲台指着屏幕认识David家
    Task 7 role play 组表演假设朋友家介绍认识全家爷爷奶奶叔叔姑姑父母兄弟姐妹堂兄妹等

    三. Post task
    Step 4 use

    Step 5 summery and homework

    三 where is my backpack (Section A) 说课稿





      1)Knowledge objectives

      (1)Ss can read write and master the words about furniture and school things

      (2)Ss can use the prepositions in on under

      (3)Ss can talk about where the things are

      2)Ability objectives

      Ss can talk about where the things are

      3)Moral objectives

      Ss will learn to keep their rooms clean and tidy


      Important points



      Difficult points







      整教学程中Section A容进行变化整合分解精心设计系列务中通学生完成务学知识掌握技培养学生分析解决问题力激发维持学生学积极性等着独特优势求学生掌握容通务完成易难简繁学生积极参完成务程中学知识


    () pre task

    Step 1 Warming up (创设情境导入新课)
    1 通互相问候增强彼感情
    2 复已学物体单词

    (二)while task

    Step 2 presentation
      1learn the new words
    2采直观教学介词in on under通断变换实物方位形象直观引出三介词
    3learn the new structure
    Task 1 Pair work:幻灯片出示图片桌间会话

    Step 3 practice and consolidation
    Task 2 Have a listening 创设情境听话运听关键词推测词意进行组竞赛抢答

    (三) post task
    Step 4 use
      Task 3 Play a guessing game 投影出实物学生猜里教师提问:Where is are 学生组单位进行讨选派代表猜:Is itAre they 猜组获胜

    (四)summery and homework

    四 When is your birthday 说 课 稿
    . 学情分析
      单元题询问谈日期围绕题进行系列交际活动学生掌握日期表达法正确 when 引导特殊疑问句日期进行询问学日期表达法时先学序数词构成学生前课程里已学基数词两种数词间区定会令学生感头痛教师引导学生运方法找出构成规律总结特殊变化强化记忆

    二. 教材分析
      1 单元旨创造轻松愉快学交流环境通听说读写培养学生综合运学知识力学生做中学(learning by doing)通限课堂实践活动学生根实际情景做出正确反应准确表达
    单元教版新目标英语七年级( )第八单元围绕When is your birthday题展开种教学活动单元重点部分核心教学学日期表达承Unit 7 数字教学包含相关日期英语教学日期运基础单元前知识载体单元英语学中占重位

      ① 词汇:掌握 January-December表达 序数词1st-31st
      ② 日常交际语: When is your birthday My birthday is …
      ③ 语法:日期表达法
      (2) 力目标:
    系列听说读写活动中训练学生逻辑思维快速反应力实践力学生熟练应:When is your birthday 句型回答
    (3) 情感目标:
    通谈学父母家生日理解生日更含义情感态度价值观 Section A 学容贴学生生活谈话题生日通互相询问生日日期增进学间解友情学会英语交流中注意情感

    3 教学重点难点

    单元教学法建议:语音教学——学生进行模仿操练词汇教学——采取情景介绍演示方式进行教学学生情境中操练理解含义.学会运口语教学——采取 pairwork 问答式口语交际活动游戏等组活动互相操练听力教学——采取图文配话选择方式写作教学——填表造句语法教学——总结规律抓住特征模仿操练

    Step :Warming up
      1 教师黑板挂幅制反映出月份挂历边指着月份边介绍播放课件学生边边听介绍: This is January . This is February …带领学生读遍然播放 1a 部分录音 学生进行模仿
      2 . ( 学生基掌握月份单词读音 ) 教师指着挂历说: My birthday is on May
    3. When is your birthday 引出单元重点目标语言日期询问表达

    Step 二:Presentation
      1 .播放 lb 部分录音学生听引导学生根听容选出话序完成 lb 部分教学务
      2 .播放 lb 部分录音引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动完成 lc 部分口语交际教学务学会运 when 引导特殊疑问句询问日期谈日期
      3 .出示单词图片幻灯片播放 2a 部分录音学生听引导学生读模仿完成 2a 部分教学务
      4 .播放 2b 部分录音引导学生圈出听数字完成 2b 部分中听力训练务
      5 .播放 2b 部分录音引导学生填写表格姓名月份日期应起完成 2c 部分教学务
    6 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动完成 2d 部分口语交际教学务学生先阅读话进行问答练运 When is your / his / her birthday My / His / Her birthday is …
    7 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动完成 3a 部分口语交际教学务学生选身份证进行话练运 When is your birthday My birthday is
      … How old are you I ' m fifteen .等目标语言完成 3a 部分教学务
      8 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动完成 3b 部分口语交际教学务求学生姓名年龄出生日期进行话练学会运学目标句型完成 3b 部分教学务 born I Was born in …等目标语言完成 2d 部分学务
      7 .展开 Pairwork 活动完成 3a 部分口语交际教学务选身份证进行话练运 When is your birthday My birthday is … How old are you I ' m fifteen .等目标语言完成 3a 部分学务
      8 .展开 Pairwork 活动完成 3b 部分口语交际教学务姓名年龄出生日期进行话练学会运学目标句型完成 3b 部分学务

       引导学生进行 Brithday Game 游戏活动学生互相询问生日然年龄排列序通种方式练运学目标语言完成第 4 部分教学务 Birthday Game 游戏活动互相询问生日然年龄排列序通种方式练运学目标语言完成第 4 部分教学务

    Step 四:summery and homework
      课采 Classifying Contrasting Role—playing 学策略利教学图片幻灯片实物 ( 挂历 ) 制作课件 ( 反映月份特征 ) 等展开课堂教学 Pairwork 问答式口语交际活动游戏活动学日期询问表达通询问谈学父母家生日理解生日更含义增进学间解

    五 Do you Want to go to movie 说 课 稿 七unit9


    1 知识目标
    Do you want to go to a movie Yes I do No I don’t
    What kind of movies do you like


      3 情感目标:节课通介绍电影学谈喜学容学生非常感兴趣话题贴学生生活通互相介绍喜偏爱增进学间解友情帮助学生找彼点加深沟通




    采DiscussingConcluding教学策略利课件展开课堂教学Pair work问答口语交际活动组活动进行询问谈喜课堂教学练

    Step 1:Warmingup
    采播放课件复电影种类:action movie thriller comedy documentary Beijing Opera询问:Do you want to go to a movie What kind of movies do you like

    Step 2 presentation  
    1通复What kind of movies do you like I like…等句型引导学生阅读3a 部分句子然选择适连词andbut填空练I like…and I like…she likes…but she doesn’t like……等谈喜目标举行完成3a部分教学务

      2引导学生展开Pairwork活动完成3b部分口语交际教学务学生根部分图画文字说明次谈物喜复巩固学I like……and I like…she likes…but she doesn’t like……等目标语言

    Step 3 practice and consolidation
    学生进行游戏活动学生互相询问谈喜通种方式练运学目标语言What kind of movies do you like I like…Do you like…… Yes I do No I don’t 完成第4部分教学务

    Step 4 use :make a survey about other students’ birthday

      Step 5 summery and homework


    六 How much are these pants 说课稿

      Hello My name is Rao Sheng liang I’m from Deng fang Middle School Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas The topic of this unit is How much are these pants students learn to ask about prices talk about clothing and thank someone
      First I will talk about my understanding of this unit This Unit is talking about shopping Many students are interested in shopping but they know little about shopping This lesson is the first period of Unit 7 It’s very important
    .Teaching aims
      1 Knowledge aims the vocabularies of the clothes describe clothes using how much to ask and talk about the prices of the clothes
      2 Ability aims training the ability of talking about the clothes and the prices To develop students’ability of communication with other people in English
      3 Emotional aims To encourage students to be brave to speak English Training the competition and cooperation Build up the correct opinion
      4 Strategy aims prereading listening writing and speaking
      5 Culture aims The difference between dollars and RMB
    二.Teaching important and difficult points
    Important points
      1 New language stuctures
      How much are these socks They are two dollars
      How much is the blue Tshirt It is ten dollars
    2 Items of clothing colors (black white green red blue )
    Difficult points
    To ask about the prices of a item and clothes
    三.Teaching methods
      Second I will talk about my teaching theories methods and toolsWhile dealing with this lesson I will do my best to carry out the following opinion Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as a director Combine the language structures with the language functions students will receive some moral education while they are learning the English language
      Double activities teaching method
      Free discussion method
      Pair work or individual work method(Learning by using learning for using)
      TaskBased Language teaching
    四.Teaching tools
      1 a projector
      2 a tape recorder
      3 the blackboard
    4 some clothes
    五.Teaching procedures
      Third I will talk about my teaching steps Now let me introduce my teaching procedure briefly As we all know Well begun is half done A good beginning will not only warm the class up at once but also give good preparation for presentation As language is learnt gradually but not immediately we will do some revision to strengthen students’ memory As a memory activator I’ll try to find out the link between the old and the new We can lead students by things such as songs games competitions simple pictures or other media In this lesson I’ll provide an English song
    Step 1 Warming up
      Listen to an English song Let the students do the action while they are listening
    Step 2 Presentation
      1 Learning new words
    Task 1After listening to the song Show different colors things Let students guess What’s this It’s a backpack What color is it It’s red (After warming the students are excited at the same time they have learned the names of fruits and they also know colors so we can show pictures and students can guess everyone should be active)
      b T I like shopping so I have many nice clothes Using the CAI teach Tshirt sweater skirt bag socks shorts pants and so on We can also teach smallbig long short
    eg This is a red Tshirt These are black pants
    2 learning new structures
    How much is …\are these…
    It is … they are…
    Task 2 pair work 老师先学生起回答话问题然求学生俩俩进行话练巩固新学句型

    Step3 Practice and consolidation
    Task 3 Guessing game
      Show a new Tshirt students guess its price And then show them the labels practice how much is the Tshirt 1 dollar75 Yuan
    Talk about students’ own prices of the clothes (In this step students may know the relation of the dollars and RMB)

    Task 4:Listen to the conversation fill in the price tags
      This activity provides practice in listening for prices
      Tell the students that all the items in each group are the same price They are going to listen to the six conversations and write down the prices on the price tags
      (This step will train the ability of the students’ listening)
    Step4 use
    Task 5 Make a survey
      We divide the class into many groups Each group write down their friends’information Then report
      This activity can improve the ability of communication
    Step5 summery and homework
      In order to extend students’ability of using English it’s necessary to give students good and proper homework
      1 copy new words
      2Make a list for own clothes then write down in your exercises book Introduce your clothes
      3searching information
      Give students some websites Students will find some more information about clothes on the Internet Then talk about in pairs(Students can accord to their ability to choose the exercises as their homework because the students are different)

    七 Do you like bananas 说课稿

    尊敬位评委老师家说课课题新目标英语七年级册第6单元Do you like bananas

    . 学情分析:
    单元题询问谈喜围绕题进行系列交际活动学生掌握喜表达法正确 do you like does he like喜进行询问通种务进行进步提高学生学英语兴趣信心激发学生学热情调动学生参积极性学基础

    1 知识目标:认读食物类词汇正确节课基句型
    2 力目标:够利老师提供学网站进行学灵活运学知识解决实际生活中遇问题达英语进行交流询问喜目

    食物单词掌握do you like句型掌握

    三. 教法学法
    运Communicative teaching method交际教学法Taskbased teaching method务型教学法学生通参合作探究调查采访游戏等种途径学词汇句子表达

    四. 教具

    Step 1 Warmup
    1 Review the words of ball and the sentence structure Do you have a football Yes I do No I don’t
    2 enjoy a songLet’s have a picnic today

    Step 2 presentation
    1 learn the new words
    task1 listing
    task2 pair work
    (利Flash课件食品类单词直观呈现学生引导学生听读新单词区分食物单复数练Do you like…句型)
      Task3 oral practice(谈喜爱食物)    
    2 learn the new structure
    task 4 pairwork ( find out what Bill and Bob like and doesn’t like)
    (媒体表格展示学生引导学生根表格容编话句型Does he like …第称转换第三称学谈喜句话陈述表格容Bob likes bananas but he doesn’t like apples )
    Step 3 practice and consolidation
    task 5 listen (get students to listen the tape and finish the exercises of on the book)
    task 6 Match the words with the pictures (practice the new structure Do you like … Does he like … I like … and I don’t like… he likes… he doesn’t like…)
    Step 4 use
    Task 7 interview others about their likes and dislikes
    Step 5 summery
    Step 6 homework
    1 ask parents about their likes and dislikes
    2 make a survey about healthy food and unhealthy food

    八 Do you have a soccer ball 说课稿

    The analysis of teaching material
      My speech is Section a Unit 5 This is an important lesson in Book One And it is the first lesson of this unit it talks about recognizing objects (mainly about balls) and the simple question The students have already known to answer it Yes or No in Unit 2 but in this unit it's different We know simple question is a kind of important structure If the students can learn it well it will be helpful to make the students to learn the special question And it's related to our daily life closely so it's very useful
      New words basketball soccer ball volleyball pingpong ball pingpong bat tennis tennis racket
      Structure Do you have Does he she have
    二.Teaching aims
      1 Aims on the knowledge
      To study the words about balls by showing the pictures
      To make the students know how to ask whether others have something or not and how to answer it
      2 Aims on the abilities
      To develop the students' ability of listening speaking reading and writing
      To train the students' ability of communication
      3. Aims on the emotion
      ⑴To make the students be interested in good cooperation and competition
    ⑵To make the students love sports love life

    三.Teaching key points and difficult points
    Key points
    How to make the students understand the new language items naturally
    How to make dialogues and act them out
    Difficult points
      How to make the students work well with their partners
      How to arouse their interest in learning English
    四 Teaching methods
      1Communicative teaching method
      2 Taskbased teaching method
    (Everyone knows that the main aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate the students' basic abilities of listening speaking reading and writing and their good sense of the English language)

    五 Learning methods
      Firstly Look listen and say to gain language competence
      Secondly Teamwork exploration and participation to reach the goal
      Thirdly Cultivate skills in listening speaking reading and expressing
    Fourthly Studentscentered and teacherguided learning strategies I'm not a teacher but a guider I'm ready to give them help whenever they need and recorrect the mistakes while talking

    六 Teaching procedure design

    Step1 Warmup
    Ask the students some easy questions to check if they have remembered the contents they had learned before For example What's this Spell it please What color is it Is this your pen Is that your backpack and so on

    Step2 Presentation
    1 Take out a pingpong ball and ask the students What’s this? Why I take out a pingpong ball here ?I think it's the easiest and the most popular in our country

    2 Leading in new words here I will play some short plays they are soccer game volleyball game pingpong competition and an advertisement there is a basketball in it

    Task 1 Listening and circle the words you hear (Activity 1a)

    3 Learning the dialogue
      Make a sample dialogue with a student Show him or her pingpong ball and do it like this
      T I have a pingpong ball Do you have a pingpong ball (Here you may help him answer Yes I do or No I don't)
    S Yes I do

    Task 2 Make the dialogue with some more students
    Does he have a pingpong ball Yes he does Or No he doesn't

    Step 3 Practice and consolidation
    Task 3:Read the dialogue by role play But you must tell them how to do it clearly make them to ask their partners what kind of balls they have Use the sentence Do you have a …

    Task 4 Group work and competition
      A Do you have a basketball
      B Yes I do
      A Does he have a basketball
      C Yes he does
      (Divide the students into groups of three and make a similar dialogue and compete each other after they act it out you will choose a best group at the end it can encourage them to try their best and cooperate with their group members well)
    Step4 Posttask use
    Task 5 Starting a ball club
    In this club there are four teams a basketball team a soccer ball team a pingpong ball team and a tennis team I will ask four students to be the captain of each team They should ask their classmates to be their team members If he has a basketball he should join the basketball team

    Step 5 summery and homework
    九.Can you play the guitar 说课稿
    单元题谈力围绕题进行系列交际活动学生掌握力表达法正确can youheshe …yes I can no I can’t句型力进行询问通种务进行进步提高学生学英语兴趣信心激发学生学热情调动学生参积极性学基础
    二. 教材分析
    1 知识目标:
    掌握关活动系列动词情态动词can 法
    2 力目标:
    3 情感目标:

    1 重点: 生词掌握 I she he can …句型掌握
    2 难点: can you …引导般疑问句
    三. 教法分析
    运Communicative teaching method交际教学法Taskbased teaching method务型教学法学生通听读 说参合作探究调查采访游戏等种途径学词汇句子表达
    四. 教学工具

    五. 教学程:
    Step 1 warming up
    1 enjoy a flash(about a lot of people joining their favorite club on the beginning of the term)
    2 review the words about sports and use the do you want to …to ask ss about their likes and then ask them whether or not they can do all the sports they like

    Step 2 presentation
    1 learn the new words
    task 1 memory challenge
    task 2 guess game猜测课件中出现种体育运动引出生词读巩固新词
    2.Learn the new structure
    Can you …yes I can no I can’t
    Can he … Yes he can no he can’t
    Can she… Yes she can no she can’t
    Task 3 pair work(学生俩俩进行话组说出话)
    Task 4 老师问中组学中can he she…

    Step 3 practice and consolidation
    task 5 listen and complete the conversation
    task 6 read after the tape

    step 4 use
    task 7 make a survey (调查学会活动)
    task 8 job interview (阅读广告轮流面试学谁适合份工作 )

    step 5 summery
    step 6 homework
    1 read aloud the conversation
    2 make sentence with the newlylearnt sentence structure

    七年级 Unit 11 说课稿
    . 学情分析
    初中学生抽象思维力较低形象思维力强注意力容易分散课拟种形式展示配丰富色彩增强学生兴趣注意力初学期学生半学期学定英语基础知识听说力时学生英语学保持着较浓厚兴趣初步合作探究实验力单元题谈时间围绕题进行系列交际活动学生掌握时间表达法正确what time do you …does heshe…句型时间进行询问通种务进行进步提高学生学英语兴趣信心激发学生学热情调动学生参积极性学基础
    二. 教材分析
    掌握关时间表达法what time 引导问句

    1重点: 生词掌握 时间表达
    2难点: what time …引导特殊疑问句
    三. 教法分析
    运Communicative teaching method交际教学法Taskbased teaching method务型教学法学生通听读 说参合作探究调查采访游戏等种途径学词汇句子表达
    四. 教学工具
    五. 教学程:
    Step 1 warming up
    1 Enjoy a song
    2 Review the number 130 and transportation means

    Step 2 Presentation
    1 learn the new words
    Task 1 memory challenge (about daily life words)
    Task 2 match the words with the time

    2 learn the new structure
    what time is it It’s…
    what time do you … I …
    What time does heshe …

    Task 3:Pair work
    Step 3 practice and consolidation
    task 4 listening

    Step 4Use
    Task 6 listing your daily routines
    Task 7 make a survey about other classmates’ routines
    Step 5 summery
    Step 6 homework

    七年级 unit 12说课稿
    初中学生抽象思维力较低形象思维力强注意力容易分散课拟种形式展示配丰富色彩增强学生兴趣注意力初学期学生半学期学定英语基础知识听说力时学生英语学保持着较浓厚兴趣初步合作探究实验力单元题谈喜爱学科围绕题进行系列交际活动学生掌握学科表达法正确what’s your favorite subject句型喜爱学科进行询问通种务进行进步提高学生学英语兴趣信心激发学生学热情调动学生参积极性学基础
    二. 教材分析
    掌握关学科表达法what’s your favorite subject 引导问句

    1重点: 生词掌握学科表达
    2难点: 喜爱学科理阐述
    三. 教法分析
    运Communicative teaching method交际教学法Taskbased teaching method务型教学法学生通听读 说参合作探究调查采访游戏等种途径学词汇句子表达
    四. 教学工具
    五. 教学程:
    Step 1 warming up
    1 review the structure do you like…
    2 use the picture to review the words interesting fun difficult boring etc

    Step 2 Presentation
    3 learn the new words
    Task 1 memory challenge (about subjects)
    Task 2 guessing game (point out a student and ask other students to guess his or her favorite subject)

    4 learn the new structure
    What’s your favorite subject
    My favorite subject is…
    Why do you like …
    Because it is …

    Task 3:Pair work
    Step 3 practice and consolidation
    task 4 listening

    Step 4Use
    Task 6 listing your favorite subjects
    Task 7 make a survey about other classmates’ favorite subjects
    Step 5 summery
    Step 6 homework write a short passage My Favorite Subject

    七年级册Unit 9第二课时说课稿
    天说课容选新目标英语(GO for it) 七年级册Unit 9第二课时课时学生学时第三称单复数句子法单元中起承启作
    (1) 知识目标
    课时求学生掌握语言目标词汇test stay practice短语have a party do some reading时掌握语法目标时第三称单复数句子法
    (2) 力目标
    (3) 情感目标
    1. 复(1)动词式
    2. 听力 Section A 2a2b
    3. 呈现
    4. Pair work
    5. Group work
    6. 练
    7. 总结
    8. 作业






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