
    What is HR business partnering 
    The concept of business partnering emerged in the mid 1990s It was one of a number of key HR roles proposed by Dave Ulrich necessary for HR to transform itself into a value adding’ function In his initial work Human resource champions Ulrich referred to the role as that of Strategic Partner’ In essence the role involves working closely with senior business leaders on strategy execution in particular designing HR systems and processes that address strategic business issues a big departure then for HR from the responsive approach adopted in the past Most commentators agree that today’s HR function needs to be much more businessfocused In practice this means being more customerfocused cost efficient innovative and structured in such a way that it can quickly respond to changing priorities

    The business partner role however cannot work in isolation In his original work Ulrich suggested three other complementary roles as indicated in the table below

    Strategic Partner
    Aligning HR and business strategy organizational diagnosis’
    Administrative Expert
    Reengineering organization processes shared services’
    Employee Champion
    Listening and responding to employees providing resources to employees’
    Change Agent
    Managing transformation and change ensuring capacity for change’

     In practice there is often overlap across some of these roles Strategic Partners for example may also take on the role of Change Agent Equally HR practitioners in roles other than Strategic Partner adopt a more strategic focus Practitioners operating as Administrative Experts can play a strategic role an example would be putting together a business case for implementing a shared service something which if not implemented effectively can damage the employee relationship 

    Not surprisingly HR structures and HR roles are not static They need to evolve to reflect changing business priorities Despite the popularity of Ulrich’s model not all organisations have implemented it in its purest’ form Research by CIPD into the changing HR function indicates that although Ulrich’s model appears to be a popular structure adopted for the HR function in the UK in practice less than 30 of survey respondents had introduced the model in full A further 30 indicated that they had partially introduced the Ulrich model 

    The research identified that a variation of Ulrich’s model referred to as the threelegged stool’ model has been adopted by several larger organisations when restructuring their HR function Broadly these three functional areas include
    • Shared services – a single often relatively large unit that handles all the routine transactional’ services across the business Shared services typically provide resourcing payroll absence monitoring and advice on the simpler employee relations issues Shared services’ remit is to provide lowcost effective HR administration For further information see our factsheet on HR shared service centres 

    • Centres of excellence – usually small teams of HR experts with specialist knowledge of leadingedge HR solutions The role of centres of excellence is to deliver competitive business advantages through HR innovations in areas such as reward learning engagement and talent management Some major multinationals have centres of expertise’ focused purely on developing the HR talent pipeline 

    • Strategic business partners – senior HR professionals working closely with business leaders influencing and steering strategy and strategy implementation The role can vary enormously depending on organisational size and business priorities Some activities that strategic partners are likely to be involved in include 

       • organisational and people capability building
       • longer term resource and talent management planning
       • using business insights to drive change in people management practices
       • intelligence gathering of good people management practices internally and externally so they can raise issues that executives may not be aware of

    Few organisations create clear boundaries between these different functional areas and here is often a degree of overlap For example although complex employee relations issues might be handled by a centre of excellence strategic partners can find themselves entangled in local employee relations issues particularly if they do not have the relevant skills or support from other functional areas For business partnering to work successfully there needs to be good working relationships between HR practitioners in different functional teams If not the reputation of the whole HR function will be in jeopardy As business partners work more closely with seniors they are the ones that will have to deal with negative feedback about the HR function overall

    Why are organisations embracing business partnering Business partners (or Strategic Partners) have been introduced as part of a broader HR transformation agenda The key drivers are
    • Cost efficiency Whilst the introduction of shared services is seen as being particularly important to achieving savings these cannot be realised without other roles operating effectively In the US partnering appears driven not by cost pressures but by the need for HR to support a smarter stronger organisation HR services that are distributed across a number of businesses or geographical locations may be likely candidates for restructuring Relatively large HR functions are also probable targets where large’ is often interpreted as more than one HR professional per 100 employees HR functions that can’t show bottomline business benefits will sooner or later be cut back
    • Accelerating competition HR has become central to business competitiveness Organisations need HR functions that can deliver skilled creative motivated flexible and committed employees Innovative worldclass HR has become a commercial necessity hence the growth of centres of excellence especially in knowledgebased sectors where the expertise and energy of employees is critical 

    • Rising expectations of HR Organisations are beginning to expect more from HR Business leaders see HR in other organisations contributing to strategy enabling the execution of business plans and delivering tangible commercial benefits Inevitably they go on to ask how their own HR functions need to change to make real differences to their businesses The popular answer is the appointment of strategic HR partners who become engaged with and accountable to the business yet are the eyes and ears of HR Strategic partners shape both what the business does and what HR does they exist to ensure HR meets the new expectations of business leaders

    Implementing business partnering

    Whilst business partnering can bring significant business benefits organisations often experience a number of issues implementing the role as part of a broader HR transformation agenda

    Organisations thinking about introducing business partners as part of a broader HR transformation agenda need to consider
    • Ensure that there is a clear rationale for the proposed changes and that this is a joint decision between the business and HR not one that HR tries to foist on the business Without a clear rationale and clear vision the expected cost efficiencies may not be realised 

    • Assess and prepare the ground for change Success of the business partner role is very much dependent on the organisation’s receptiveness to HR practitioners adopting new roles Sufficient time needs to be allowed to ensure that there is a common understanding of what the role is and what it is not 

    • Ensure sufficient time to openly discuss partnering what it means and what adjustments are needed both within HR and across the wider business As line managers will be most affected by the changes it is important that they are consulted and adequately prepared for the changes 

    • Assess the skills needed to perform the business partner role It is important to avoid making the assumption that existing HR managers have the necessary skills and behaviours to move into business partner roles

    Think through the likely barriers to achieving a smooth transition to the new structures

       • Line managers’ reluctance to take on more people management responsibilities or lack of skills to do so
       • Poor or slow transactional HR services and intranets
       • The absence of a consistent business strategy with which HR can work

    Strengthening partnering Very few organisations get partnering right first time It is important that the relationship is reviewed on a regular basis both informally and formally HR functions can strengthen partnering through the following
    • Taking an interest in the key business performance measures for example sales costs production utilisation 

    • Making sure that business partners are involved in the business planning process at the outset and that they are well prepared for planning meetings This requires spending time reading up on broader economic social and political trends affecting the business 

    • Setting the personal objectives of strategic HR partners (and perhaps those in centres of excellence) so that they are aligned to those of managers in the business areas that they are assigned to Maintaining an ongoing debate about how HR is performing Ask the organisation’s leaders line managers HR professionals and other functions All of HR should be listening to and responding to its stakeholders Use tools like 360 degree feedback and customer satisfaction surveys to obtain a broad range of views on how well the HR function including business partners are fulfilling their role See our factsheet on 360 feedback for more information on that topic 

    • Building teamwork within HR through joint projects knowledge sharing awaydays peer coaching and celebrating successes Where partnering seems to be faltering get all the HR professionals involved in addressing the problem • Making HR a role model for other functions by benchmarking HR team performance against HR teams in competitor organisations 

    Implications for HR careers
    Partnering implies big changes in HR careers

    • Whilst there will always be jobs for HR generalists in the future there may be fewer of them An increasing number of HR professionals will have to choose which specialist role is right for them HR professionals will need to actively manage their own careers Career paths may not be as clear as in the past and individuals may need to pursue zigzag’ careers to progress In addition more attention may be needed to create pathways by which individuals can acquire the experience to perform senior HR roles 

    • HR directors and line managers will want HR professionals who have added significant value to organisations Qualifications years of experience and leadingedge projects may count for little unless practitioners can demonstrate how they have added value 

    • Branding is crucial HR functions that shape and implement business strategy will attract the most able HR professionals whereas those that tinker with a strategy largely decided by managers will struggle to get good people 

    • Ulrich has commented on the importance of ensuring the right HR leadership to lead the HR function a role that involves 

       • leading the HR function
       • collaborating with other functions
       • setting and enhancing the standards for strategic thinking as well as ensuring corporate governance

    • In addition the HR leader will need to ensure that there is a robust talent management programme for the HR function ensuring a future supply of skilled and agile HR professionals 





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