
      that if you confess with your mouth jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved 口里认耶稣心里信神死里复活必救
      if we turn to christ his death becomes our day of salvation 果基督成天死救恩happy easter复活节快乐
      the loveliest day comes when you wake up one morning and discover the truth that love colors our world 世界爱天天早醒发现真相喜欢颜色世界how lovely to be loved by jesus 爱爱耶稣happy easter复活节快乐
      i go to east i go to west i found so many good things but god is the best东部走西发现事情帝
      u may not know where life's road will lead you 知道里生道路会引导but keep moving 继续前进god is walking with you神正行走
      therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has gone the new has come 基督里新造旧事已变成新(2 corinthians 517) happy easter(哥林书2章17)复活节快乐
      falling in love with the lord is the greatest romance searching him the greatest adventure finding him the greatest achievement and being with him the greatest source of happiness 爱历史伟浪漫搜索伟险找伟成相处幸福源泉happy easter复活节快乐
      the resurrection of jesus offers us a message of hope love and grace 耶稣复活提供信息希爱优雅happy easter复活节快乐
      as the dawn breaks into a beautiful sunrise may god shower you his blessings of love and lead you always to the right path 晨光断裂成美丽日出愿帝爱祝福洗澡引导总正确道路happy easter复活节快乐
      jesus conquered death so that through him we can conquer life 耶稣征服死亡藉著征服生happy easter复活节快乐
      sunrise makes our mornings beautiful but the words of god strengthen us and make our lives more meaningful 早晨日出漂亮神话提醒生活更意义smile and have a blessed life happy easter微笑祝福life复活节快乐
      happy moments praise god 快乐时光—赞美神difficult moments seek god 艰难时刻——寻求神没busy moments bless god 繁忙时刻——感谢神quiet moments worship god 安静时刻——崇拜帝waiting moments trust god 相信帝时刻——等painful moments touch god 悲伤时刻触神lovely moments thank god爱时刻—感谢神
      the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our god stands forever 草必枯干花必凋残惟神话必永远立定(isaiah 408) happy easter(赛亚书408)复活节快乐
      the lord came to earth with a life to give so each one of us may continue to live 耶华降球生活继续活happy easter复活节快乐
      may the love of god always shine in your life as you become a light for others 愿神爱永远闪耀生活中成光着想have a pleasant day 愉快天god bless帝保佑
      just as man is destined to die once and after that to face judgment so christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people and he will appear a second time not to bear sin but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him 正死死审判面基督然次献担罪必第二次显现罪关承担拯救等候(hebrews 927)(希伯书927)
      live life w a joyful heart & keep ur spirit young & free 生活w 心中快乐&守住精神年轻免费stay true & firm to jesus christ 保持色坚定耶稣基督and b d best that u can b bb happy easter复活节快乐
      the spirit of easter is all about hope love and new beginning 复活节精神关希爱新开端happy easter复活节快乐
      only a fish knows the splendor of the sea 鱼知道辉煌壮丽海only a christian knows the glory of god基督徒知道神荣耀
      like the rain can't be stopped from falling god's love and blessing keep on pouring 象雨水法阻止跌神爱祝福继续倒出i hope you woke up renewed and refreshed and comforted by his company希醒时候更新精神焕发安慰公司
      god created mornings so that we can say how great d previous day has bin & how wonderful d next 24hrs would be帝创造早晨便说等d前天已料仓24hrs &美妙d
      it's not the presence of someone that brings meaning to life 场带生意义but the way someone touches your heart gives life a beautiful meaning触摸心赐生命美丽意义
      jesus asked me how much i love him so i spread my arms and said this much 耶稣问爱张开手臂说i asked god how much he loves me 问帝爱he spread his arms and said this is how i died for you胳膊说死
      i've known you before you knew me 已认识前认识i tried to get your attention but you're so busy 试着注意太忙i want you to give all and make you mine 想成i proved my love when i gave you my life [jesus]证明爱生活(耶稣)
      prayer is the key that opens your day to every blessing 祷告钥匙开天祝福it also is a lock that closes the night to keep you safe while sleeping 种锁关闭晚睡觉时候保护安全so what you have to do is use your key all the time做钥匙时间
      no mater how softly you whisper a prayer god surely listens understands and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart 轻柔低语祷告神必定听理解知道希恐惧保持心中位for when you trust in his love miracles happen信爱奇迹会发生
      morning prayer i'll walk this day in faith dear lord 早晨祈祷走天信心亲爱no foe no storm i'll fear 没敌没暴风雨会害怕trusting in your precious word i'm safe for you are near相信宝贵词感安全附




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    复活节英文资料  Easter is a convergence of three traditions. Pagan, Hebrew and Christian. Although the ...

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    复活节的英文概述  对复活节你了解多少呢,看看下文吧,相信你会有所收获的!  a sunday between march 22 and april 25  the meaning of ma...

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    复活节英文介绍  Easter is the Christian commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus as a religious holid...

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    复活节的来历英文版  Jesus crucified upon a cross, the third day Easter holiday was born. Easter Festival ...

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    关于复活节的由来(英文)  对关于复活节的由来你了解多少呢,看看下文吧!  复活节(easter sunday)在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日,是信奉基督教的宗教纪念日,目的是为了纪念耶稣基督...

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    复活节的由来英文版  复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,以下是xx小编为大家整理的复活节的由来英文版,我们一起来了解下...

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    复活节英文祝福语分享  i beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful...

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    关于复活节彩蛋的英文介绍  The Easter we celebrate today is a combination1 of different traditions. Partly, i...

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    2013复活节短信,复活节祝福语  周末转瞬到眼前,我用真心许个愿:愿你天天赚大钱,时时刻刻喜开颜,分分秒秒好运来,下月工资翻几番,事事顺利!  短短简单几个字,情意表达比海深,尽管各自奔天涯...

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    复活节的祝福语  复活节不是用来过的,其实当我们悔改信主之时,基督的生命就已经复活在我们的身上了,所以经上说“活着的不再是我,乃是主在我里面活着”,何等经典奥秘的话啊!愿主祝福我们亲爱的付姊妹...

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    复活节短信:复活节祝福短信祝福语  ・活着每一天,重要的是珍惜主恩,享受神赐予你的生命激情,杯中的份;在主里彼此互相关爱,对神心存感激,过每一日,因主看你为宝贵,要珍惜噢!!  ・双耳同听神话...

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    新年祝福语 英文

    新年祝福语 英文  一、一年之计在于春,祝福融在新春里。金虎隐去玉兔来,传递短信送祝福。祝你在新的一年里,好运已经联通,真情永不移动,烦恼不在服务区,背运永远停机。one, in the sp...

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    英文新年祝福语  一、娘家是女儿永远的家,娘家是女儿坚强的后盾。娘家的故事,充满甜蜜温馨。娘家的关怀,充满浓浓亲情。娘家的大门,永远为你敞开。正月初二,回娘家哟!   a daughter, ...

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    新年祝福语(英文)  Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.  祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年...

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    英文毕业祝福语  1.graduation is not only an end to a period, also a commencement of a new period and i ...

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