
    Research on Children's Growth in Children's Literature
    ——Take Peter Pan and Wendy as an example

    Summary Children's literature has always been linked to children's growth education and
    has played an irreplaceable role in shaping children's character cultivating imagination and creativity and broadening their horizons Peter Pan and Wendy inspired us to think about growing up by telling the story of a boy who didn't want to grow up
    Keywords Children's Education Children's Literature Peter Pan
    1 Research background and significance
    What we cannot deny is that many children in China are silent in class not good at asking questions and lacking in imagination Many Chinese students are afraid of making mistakes and dare not try Children lack innocence and confidence From the perspective of literature this is also related to our humanities education especially the education of children's literature
    Qin Wenjun said The reduction and loss of literary reading has caused a certain lack of language in contemporary children (Xiao2007) which will affect children's expression of inner demands and affect emotional communication Children's literature guides children to broaden their horizons through inspiring stories and promote the thinking of life philosophy Therefore we should strengthen the reading of children's literature so as to shape children's character
    2 Peter Pan and Wendy on the growth of children
    Peter Pan is a child who does not want to grow up and will never grow up When he was born he fled home because of fear of growing up He lives on an island This is a bizarre and lively place It is also the home of the lost children They have no mother but they live happily (yang2010) Peter met Wendy who was good at telling stories and took her and her brothers to the island and since then the children had the happiness of their mother After a big battle with Pirate Hook the lost children decided to follow Wendy home but Peter didn't want to grow up so only he stayed alone So Wendy grew up Wendy's daughter grew up but Peter was always the little boy
    21The impact of family
    The plot of the movie tells Peter that he heard his parents' expectations about his future When he grows up to find a job he might also sit in the office so he fled in fear But even Peter is eager to have a family in his heart The lost child treats Wendy as a mother and Peter as a father which is implicit in the novel about the impact of family on the growth of a child
    In the novel the behavior of the Darling couple also reflects the education and love of their parents It is the nightly custom of every good mother after her children are asleep to rummage in their minds and put things straight for next morning repacking into their proper places the many articles that have wandered during the day (Barrie1987) This is actually about Mrs Darling's way of educating children She will correct the children's behavior and inspire their thoughts Even as small bank clerk Mr Darling showed his concern anxiety and love when the children were missing
    I think the family is like a night light a guardian As Mrs Darling said they are the eyes a mother leaves behind her to guard her children (Barrie1987)
    22Children's literature can shape children's character
    Through Peter Pan and Wendy's novel we can know that children's growth experience plays a key role in shaping children's personal character
    221 Imagination and creativity
    Every child laughed for the first time and a little fairy was born and when the child said she no longer believed in the little fairy a little fairy died (yang1989) There are many such childlike words in children's works Therefore reading children's literature will not make children's thinking fixed
    222 Brave adventure
    Many of the protagonist images of children's works are very brave and adventurous In Peter Pan and Wendy Peter fights with the pirate Hook to save Wendy  Peter deceives the pirates by faithfully imitating the voice of Hook such a thrilling storyline helps to cultivate the brave spirit of children (Valentova2018)
    233 selfawareness
    Selfawareness is not selfcentered Many children become selfish by reading a lot of princess fairy tales This is actually the wrong direction Authentic children's works should help children understand reality not all stories are the perfect ending As the result of the novel Wendy chose to grow up and the lost child chose to return to the family but Peter is still a child who does not want to grow up
    3 Conclusion
    Excellent children's cultural works should not only have fantasy storylines but also emphasize reality The children are not perfect they are lively naughty cute but naive and ruthless Therefore we should help them grow By reading children's literary works help children shape excellent character The novel mentions Why can't you fly mother Because I am grown up dearest When people grow up they forget the way (Barrie1987) And I hope that Chinese children will not forget how to fly even when they grow up They still have rich imagination and creativity and have a brave spirit of adventure
    [1]Eva Valentova The Betwixt‐and‐Between Peter Pan as a Trickster Figure[J] The Journal of Popular Culture201851(3)
    [3]肖红 童文学教学审美素养培养[D]四川师范学2007
    [6]J M Barrie(作者)Alison Lurie (记).Peter Pan(英语)简装—1987年5月5日:Signet Classics Reissue1987年5月5日





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