
    1This is the hotel _______last month
    A which they stayed B at that they stayed
    C where they stayed at D where they stayed
    2This is one of the best films _______
    A that have been shown this year B that have shown
    C that has been shown this year D that you talked
    3The pen ______he is writing is mine
    A with which B in which C on which D by which
    4 Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day
    A that B where C in which D the one
    5 Is this factory __________ some foreign friends visited last Friday
    A that B where C which D the one
    6I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing
    A as B that C which D what
    7 Those __________ not only from books but also through practice will succeed
    A learn B who C that learns D who learn
    Didn’t you see the man __________
    A I nodded just now B whom I nodded just now
    C I nodded to him just now D I nodded to just now
    8 Is there anything __________ to you
    A that is belonged B that belongs
    C that belong D which belongs
    9The train __________ she was travelling was late
    A which B where C on which D in that
    10It’s the third time __________ late this month
    A that you arrived B when you arrived
    C that you’ve arrived D when you’ve arrived
    11 May the fourth is the day __________ we Chinese people will never forget
    A which B when C on which D about which
    12 The hotel __________ during our holidays stands by the seaside
    A we stayed at B where we stayed at
    C we stayed D in that we stayed
    13it is in that factory __________ Red Flag cars are produced
    A in which B where C which D that
    14Under the bridge however almost directly below __________ was a small canoe with a boy in it
    A there B where C it D which
    15 He is not __________ a fool __________
    A such as he is looked B such as he looks
    C as as he is looked D so as he looks
    16I __________ your good friend will try my best to help you out
    A who is B who am C that is D what is
    17 Do you know the town at all
    No this is the first time I __________ here
    A was B have been C came D am coming
    18 The dinner was the most expensive meal we __________
    A would have B have had
    C had never had D had ever had
    19 I don’t like __________ you speak to her
    A the way B the way in that
    C the way which D the way of which
    20The dinner was the most expensive meal we __________
    A would have B have had
    C had never had D had ever had
    21Who can think of a situation __________ this idiom can be used
    A which B that C where D in that
    22There’s hardly___ milk in the bottle _____there
    A no isn’t B some is C little isn’t D any is
    23—He seldom came here _____ —Yes sir
    A didn’t he B does he C doesn’t he D did he
    24 No one failed in the exam _____
    A was he B did one C did they D didn’t he
    25They have no time to visit the museum _____
    A do they B haven’t they C don’t they D will they
    26 Let’s go there by bus ___
    A will you B shall we C don’t you D will you
    27I don’t believe you are right _____
    A are you B do you C won’t you D do
    28 —Let’s go shopping this afternoon _____
    —All right
    A will we B shall we C don’t we D are we
    29These tools are useless now _____
    A are they B aren’t they C is it D isn’t it
    30 You dare not do that _____ you
    A don’t B do C dare D daren’t
     You will meet a man in the theatre foyer K explained He will have left before the play ends and will be 1 for you He'll be wearing a dark suit and carrying a theatre 2 upside down although I doubt if you could miss him There shouldn't be many people waiting in the foyer at that time of night 3 he asks you to do whatever instructions you’re given cooperate Understood I nodded I knew of course that we were planning to have discussions with the other side and that we intended to 4 back one of our own men but all this seemed a bit ridiculous I had been told at the training school that I would be likely to get some simple but rather strange 5 to begin with They had been 6

      The curtain had 7 come down on the last act of the play when I was out of my 8 and walking from the dark of the theatre into the bright lights of the foyer He was there But the moment I saw him I had the 9 that something unpleasant was about to happen He seemed to be 10 at a spot on the floor and looked as if he was just about to pick something up when 11 was a single gun shot and he was thrown 12 the wall The warning signs had obviously got to me 13 I realized consciously what was going to happen because I had 14 in a cold sweat on seeing the expression on his 15 The moment the shot rang out I automatically fell back on my training and threw myself to the 16

      When no more shots followed I looked 17 and was just in time to see two masked men 18 my contact out of the front door of the theatre I didn't know 19 he was dead or badly injured but I intended to find out I got up slowly and carefully and 20 for the door

      1 A looking B waiting C asking D sending

      2 A post B advertisement C programme D newspaper

      3 A Whatever B Whoever C However D Whichever

      4 A give B pay C keep D buy

      5 A assignments B arrangements C movements D developments

      6 A wrong B right C foolish D clever

      7 A just B almost C hardly D nearly

      8 A room B door C box D seat

      9 A idea B feeling C opinion D thought

      10 A staring B glaring C knocking D kicking

      11 A it B there C here D this

      12 A around B against C on D into

      13 A when B until C before D after

      14 A given out B burst out C set out D broken out

      15 A face B eyes C mind D head

      16 A ground B wall C air D corner

      17 A in B round C up D down

      18 A bringing B throwing C dragging D pushing

      19 A where B if C either D whether
      20 A ran B set C walked D made
    When we read books we seem to enter a new world This new world can be similar to the one we are living in or it can be very 1 Some stories are told 2 they were true Real people who live in a 3 world do real things in other words the stories are about people just like us doing what we do Other stories such as the Harry Potter books are not 4 They are characters and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would be 5 for us
      But there is more to books and writing than this If we think about it even realistic writing is only 6 How can we tell the difference between what is real and what is not real For example when we read about Harry Potter we 7 seem to learn something about the real world And when Harry studies magic at Hogwarts he also learns more about his real life than 8 Reading like writing is an action It is a way of 9 When we read or write something we do much more than simple look at words on a page We use our 10 which is real—and our imagination—which is real in a different way to make the words come to life in our minds
      Both realism and fantasy(幻想) 11 the imagination and the magic of reading and writing to make us think When we read 12 realistic we have to imagine that the people we are reading about are just like us even though we 13 that we are real and they are 14 It sounds 15 but it works When we read we fill in missing information and 16 about the causes and effects of what a character does We help the writer by 17 that what we read is like real life In a way we are writing the book too
      Most of us probably don’t think about what is going on in our 18 when we are reading We pick up a book and lose 19 in a good story eager to find out what will happen next Knowing how we feel 20 we read can help us become better readers and it will help us discover more about the real magic of books
      1 A possible B easy C new D different
      2 A that B what C whether D as if
      3 A usual B normal C certain D common
      4 A realistic B reasonable C moral D instructive
      5 A difficult B impossible C important D necessary
      6 A thinkable B designed C imagined D planned
      7 A do B make C have D are
      8 A lessons B dreams C experience D magic
      9 A working B thinking C living D understanding
      10 A knowledge B skill C words D grammar
      11 A make B get C use D have
      12 A a newspaper B something C everything D a story
      13 A find B learn C know D hope
      14 A too B not C all D so
      15 A dangerous B serious C strange D terrible
      16 A talk B learn C read D think
      17 A telling B pretending C promising D guessing
      18 A mind B life C world D society
      19 A heart B time C money D ourselves
      20 A what B how C when D why





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