
    专题 代词
    专题二 名词
    专题三 冠词
    专题四 数词
    专题五 形容词
    专题六 副词
    专题七 介词
    专题八 情态动词
    专题九 动词
    专题十 般现时
    专题十 现进行时
    专题十二 般时
    专题十三 般时
    专题十四 简单句
    专题十五 列句
    专题十六 There be 句型

    参考答案 附文件夹

    专题 代词
    2.掌握形容词性物代词名词性物代词基法形容词性物代词作定语名词 性物代词作语宾语
    5.掌握常见定代词复合定代词含义法部分难点应结合具体语境练重点握bothalleitherneithereacheverythe otheranothernoneno one 区

    定代词 称代词
    关系代词 物代词
    疑问代词 指示代词
    相互代词 反身代词






    I am a teacher You are a student He is a student too
    WeYouThey are students//学生
    Give it to me
    Let's (let's let us)go走吧





    ( myyourhisheritsourtheir)面接名词名词性物词相形容词性物代词十名词必加名词:
    Is this your book 书?
    Noit isn't It's hers(her book)
    This pen is mine支钢笔


    myself yourself himself herself itself
    ourselves yourselves themselves

    2固定搭配中:come to oneself恢复知觉teach oneself学

    I did my homework myself完成作业
    1 want to see the manager himself见理
    1 who whom whose
    2 what who (1)what 询问事物某职业
    3 which(1)what指定数目中没定选择范围

    1.(l)Who runs faster谁跑更快?
    Who did you speak to 谁说话?
    (2)With whom did you go to school 谁学校?
    (3)Whose pen is this 谁钢笔?
    2.(1)What is your father父亲干什?
    (2)Who is the man 男谁?
    Who is your best friend 朋友谁
    3.(1)What colour do you like喜欢什颜色?(2)Which colour do you like better red or green 喜欢种颜色红色绿色?

    :1.(l)Would you like some soup想喝汤?
    (2)1 don't have any friend here没朋友
    2.(1) Many of my classmates like pop songs许学喜欢流行音乐
    (2)Much of the homework has been done部分家庭作业做完
    外manymuch表示程度副词sotoo ashow连:
    There are so many mistakes in your composition作文中错误真
    There was too much rain this summer夏季雨太
    3.eitherneither常构成固定搭配eitherneither of+名词代词复数十动词单数
    (l) Either of my parents is a teacher.父母中老师
    (2)Neither of them can come today没天
    4.(1) Both Lucy and Mary are Americans露西玛丽美国
    (2)AII the students are waiting for the English teacher
    5.(1) I write to Lily each week周莉莉写信
    Each of us likes watching TV喜欢电视

    (2)Every student needs to be careful when crossing the street
    6.(1) Lily is taller than any other student莉莉位学高
    (2)I want another apple苹果
    (3)I have some story books Some are in Chinese others are in English
    (4)There are two apples One is for me the other is for you
    (5)These four books are minethe others are yours
    7.(1)There is little time left没少时间
    There is only a little milk in the glass杯子里点牛奶
    (2)There are few bananas in the basket篮子里没香蕉
    A few of us agree with him赞


    some类 someone somebody something
    any类: anyone anybody anything
    every类:everyone everybody everything
    no类: none nobody nothing

    There is someone who wants to speak to you想说话
    Would you like something to eat 想吃什?
    Is anybody here?
    Anyone of you can give me a hand谁帮
    anyone anybody someonesomebody everyoneeverybody

    1I saw a movie yesterday It was interesting 昨天场电影趣
    2Is that Lucy speaking 露西?
    Yes it is.(Yes this is Lucy speaking)
    3.The baby is crying It might be hungry婴正哭饿
    Someone is knocking at the door Who might it be敲门谁呢?
    4It is rainy today天雨天
    It's about 20 minutes' walk from here to the theatre
    5 (l) It's hard for me to sing an English song说唱英语歌难
    (2)It's time to go to school It's time for school该学
    (3)It seems that he has been ill for a long time似病段时间
    (4)It's clear that you are doing wrong明显做错
    (5)It's your turn to answer my question.轮回答问题
    6 I feel it necessary to practise speaking English every day

    I 选出括号中正确词
    l This is _________ (myl) mother
    2 Nice to meet _________ (youryou)
    3________ (HeHis) name is Mark
    4 What's___________ (sheher) name
    5 Excuse___________ (memy'l)
    6 Are___________ (youryou) Miss Li
    7 __________ (IMy) am Ben
    8 ___________ (SheHer) is my sister
    9 Fine thank _________ (youryou)
    10 How old is __________ (hehis)
    Ⅱ 词正确形式填空
    l These are__________ (he) brothers
    2That is __________ (she) sister
    3 Lily is ________ (Lucy) sister
    4 Tom this is_______ (me) cousin Mary
    5 Now ________ (she parent) are in America
    6 Do you know ________ (it) name
    7 Thanks for helping ___________ (I)
    8 _________ (Ann)mother is _______ (we) teacher
    Ⅲ 选出括号中正确词句子补充完整
    l (He Him His) mother is waiting for_______outside (he him his himself)
    2 _______ love country (we our us)
    3 (She Her Hers) is a good writer but I don't read any books of (she her hers)
    4 Who is it
    It's _________ (I me)
    5 Mr Brown is a friend of (my mine me)
    6 This is dictionary ( my mine me) where is ________ (your yours)
    It's over there on the table
    7 The little boy is too young to look after_______ (him his himself)
    8 I hope all of you can enjoy __________ at the party (yourself yourselves)
    9 The children did the washing________ (himself themselves)
    10 These pens are ______ (you your yours) Where are_______ (us our ours)
    11 Think for and you'll get the answer (you your yours yourself)
    12 I want the manager not his secretary (him her himself herself)
    13 Look at the photo The girl beside _______is Nancy (I my memine)
    14 Yesterday was Dad's birthday I gave _____ a scarf as a present (his him he)
    15 Please remember Where there is a will there is a way (this that)
    16 He is ill________ was why he was absent at the meeting (This That)
    17 Who is (this that you)
    ______ is Jim speaking (It This)
    18 The flowers inside are more beautiful than outside (ones that those these)
    19 With do you want to go (who whom)
    20 _______ are you (Who What)
    I am a student
    21 is that man (What Who)
    He is my teacher Mr Green
    22 is more interesting this book or that(What Which)
    23 There aren't students in classroom ( some any)
    24 Look boys are playing football (Some Any)
    25 –Would you like coffee (some any)
    Yes please
    26 He has too work to do (many much)
    27 How bottles of orange do you want to buy (many much)
    28 Lily Lucy and Kate want to stay here (both all)
    29 _____of us hopes to have free weekends (Every Each)
    30 Hold it in this hand not _________ hand (other another the other)
    IV 根句意适代词填空
    l Help _______ to __________ fish Li Lei
    2 You are smoking too _________ You'll have to give up
    3 There aren't ________ people near here who can help me
    4 Why don't you ask your parents for________ money
    5 I have got_______ important to tell you
    6 The twins went to the movie so________ of them was at home
    7 No one helped Mary She did it all by _________
    8 I can't find the pen I was given Have _______ you seen________
    9 We have to be quick The train starts at 10:35
    Don't worry There is________ time to go
    10 is in the classroom Where are the students
    They have all gone to the library
    11 I asked him for some oil but he didn't have_________
    12 Kate and her sister went on holiday with a friend of ________ .
    13 is her husband
    The man on the bike
    14 What's the weather like today
    ________ is sunny

    疑难点:称代词列作语时序:单数形式( youhe and I)复数形式(weyou and they)果承担责受责备时序:单数形式(Ihe and you)复数形式(wethey and you):
    Youhe and I are of the same age年龄样
    I and Han Mei broke the window韩梅窗户破
    You are supposed to help Jim.应该帮助吉姆
    Why me 什呢?
    WhoWhom are you looking for 找谁?
    With whom did you go to the concert 谁音乐会?
    疑难点四:someany of+ ……作语时谓语动词单复数取决of名词:
    Some of the food is bread中食物面包
    Some of them agreebut some of them don't
    疑难点五:some表示时修饰数名词复数数名词some修饰数名词单数时表示某相a certain:
    Some person is downstairs waiting to see you楼等着见
    疑难点六 eitherany作讲时either表示两者中any表示三者三者中:
    We plant trees on either side of the street街道两边种树
    You can choose any person in the room选择房间里面
    疑难点七 each作位语时谓语动词应真正语保持致:
    We each have a gift from our teachers.
    疑难点八 another作形容词表示外构成another+数词十名词结构:
    You'll have to go another two miles before you get there
    达前 走两英里 路
    疑难点九:表示两者中…………one…the other…表示三者三者中…………one ……another…… :
    I have two good friends One is a doctor the other is an English teacher
    疑难点十 quite a little相muchquite a few相many:
    We needn't hurry There's quite a little time left必着急剩余时间呢
    There are quite a few vegetables in the fridge冰箱里蔬菜

    There's nothing important in today's newspaper
    You have got one I'II give this one to somebody else

    疑难点十二:no one指代提问whoof结构none指代物提问how manymuchof结构:
    None of them believed his story中没相信事
    Who knows the answer to the question 谁知道道题答案?
    No one没(知道)

    ( )l Your bag is quite nice Where did you buy
    In Beijing Do you want to have________ like this
    A it one B it it C one it D one one
    ( ) 2 _________ does your cousin look like
    He's tall and thin
    A What B Where C Who D Which
    ( )3 pencilbox is beautiful But_______ is more beautiful than__________
    A Tom my he B Tom's mine is C Tom's mine him D Tom's my his
    ( )4 Don't you let help you
    A I and my friend B my friend and I
    C my friend and me D me and my friend
    ( )5 Are these books yours
    Yes are
    A They ours B They our C My them D Them I
    ( ) 6 Don't worry There's _______ wrong with you said the doctor
    A nothing B everything C something D anything
    ( )7 I can't repair the model ship
    Can you help _
    A me me B myself myself C myself me D me myself
    ( ) 8 Hainan is really a beautiful city and there're many places of interest
    So it is Why not stay here for two days
    A other B others C the other D another
    ( )9 Look There are many tall buildings on side of the street
    A both B either C all D neither
    ( )10 Is ready for the sports meeting
    No We haven't got a pair of sports shoes
    A everything B something C nothing D anything
    ( ) 11 Which tie is more suitable for me the blue one or the colourful one
    I have no idea You'd better take them_________
    A all B each C every D both
    ( )12 Five cakes please
    Only one cake left Would you
    like to have _______ little girl
    A one B it C this D that
    ( )13 Have you sent your parents an email telling them you arrived safely
    No_______ of them can use a computer
    A None B Both C Neither D All
    ( )14 _did Mr Wang leave in a hurry
    Perhaps to meet a friend Who knows
    A How B Where C For what D With whom
    ( )15 Mr Li has two children_________ is a driver and _ is a teacher
    A One another B ()ne the other C One other D ()ne others
    ( ) 16 Be quiet I have ________ to tell you
    A important anything B anything important
    C important something D something important
    ( ) 17 I don’t think we've met before You're taking me for__________
    A some other B someone else C other person D else someone
    ( )18 Lucy go and clean the floor
    Why __________
    A I B myself C me D my
    ( )19 1 saw Jim in the club But he didn't speak to me _________ evening
    Maybe he didn't see you
    A all B.every C.either D.another
    1 Don't leave little Tom at home by him
    误:___________ 正:_____________
    2 Whom do you think is the tallest in your class7
    误__________ 正:______________
    3 He covered his eyes with hands
    误:___________ 正:____________
    4 A friend of me has gone abroad
    误:___________ 正:_______________
    5 None of the two boys are good at English
    误:___________ 正:______________
    6 Here are three apples You can take either of them
    误:______________ 正:_____________
    7 What do you like better this one or that one7
    误:____________ 正:________________
    8 Please pass me the boxes the one under the table
    误:_____________ 正:________________
    9 Little of them have been to America
    误:____________ 正:_______________
    10 There are too much mistakes in your diary
    误__________________ 正:______________
    11 Many of my friends lives abroad
    误:_________________ 正:_______________
    12May I keep the book little longer
    误:__________________ 正:______________
    13 We needn't hurry We have little time left
    误:_________________ 正:___________________
    14 The books on the table are newer than ones in my schoolbag
    误:____________ 正: __________________
    15 Neither of the films we saw last night are good
    误:_____________ 正 ______________________

    1The Smiths are at home The children are with __________
    2 I want to have a hamburger Can you show ________ the way to the McDonald's
    3 Jack come here Dad wants to talk to _________
    4 Mummy is tired Please help ________ clean the kitchen
    5 We are having a party Come to join__________

    Ⅰ 适代词填空完成短文
    1 name is Tom 2 live with my grandparents and parents in a small town My grandfather has no hair 3 head is bald(秃头) My grandmother likes to tie(系扎) 4 hair at the back as a tuft(发髻) 5 both retired(退休)
    6 only son is my father _______ got married with my mother ten years ago
    8 used to be()a teacher but now she is a housewife and looks after my sister and 9 Sometimes 10___ are naughty(淘气)but she never gets angry with 11 My sister Yan is two years younger than 12 and she cannot do homework by 13 So I always help her
    There is one temporary(时)member in 14 family 15 is a rabbit called Kitty The pet is not 16 It belongs to 17 neighbour Mr Black 18___ has gone to()Shanghai for a meeting and cannot take care of Kitty We are glad to help because 19 funny movements(动作)always make 20 laugh

    ( )1Which do you prefer tea or coffee
    _________ is OK I don't care
    A Either B Neither C Both
    ( ) 2Look that's Mike your classmate
    Yes Let's go and say hello to __________
    A him B he C Her D hers
    ( ) 3 Look Do you know _______man under the tree
    Sorry It's too far to see ___________ clearly
    A this him B that his C this her D that him
    ( )4 Which of the caps will you take
    I'll take one for my father the other for my brother
    A neither B both C all
    ( )5Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday
    _________ I cleaned it all by myself
    A Somebody B Nobody C Everybody
    ( )6Can I have some more ice cream Mum
    Sorry There is left in the fridge
    A none B nothing C no one D anything
    ( )7 Excuse me I want to buy some stamps Where can I find a post office
    I know not far from here You can easily find___________
    A that it B it one C one it
    ( )8 of the hats suited him so Jack had to try on the third one
    A Neither B Either C Both
    ( ) 9Is the woman a teacher
    Yes She teaches _______ English
    A you B us C our D your
    ( ) 10 Have you got ______ ready for the sports meeting
    Not yet We still have _________ to do
    A anything nothing B something everything C everything something
    ( ) 11 Don't wear jeans or ____ won't be allowed to go to the concert
    A I B you C they
    ( ) 12 How many students are there in the classroom
    _________ They are all in the lab
    A Some B None C All D Neither
    ( ) 13I don't know______ to do next
    It's easy Press the red button in 2 minutes
    A what B how C where D when
    ( )14 Excuse me is this ________ new camera
    Yes it's_________
    A your my B your mine C yours my D yours mine
    ( )15 Emma can you introduce to Alice I want to meet her
    A him B his C me D my

    专题二 名词
    3.掌握名词格表达方法特注意双重格法特代词格时修饰名词时双重格:any friend of Tom's汤姆位朋友 some houses of my father’s父亲房子等等
    4.理解专名词概念法注意通常冠词连.表示某姓家加 冠词:The Smiths are coming to our party tonight史密斯家参加聚会表示……加冠词aan’:a Smith表示史密斯等等
    5.掌握名词语法功尤名词作定语法:dress shop服装店war story战争事等等



    专名词:表示具体事物国家方机构组织等实词首字母必须写:Beijing the WTO SARS Mr Green等

    1 般情况名词词尾加s
    2 辅音字母s x ch sh结尾名词词尾加es
    3 o结尾名词般词尾加s
    4 辅音字母加y结尾名词般先y变i加es
    5 ffe结尾名词先ffe变v加es
    6 辅音字母加y结尾专名词加s

    l清辅音发s:cats 浊辅音发/z/:bags
    4.读作z:cities babies
    5.读/vz类词:thief偷self身knife刀shelf架子loaf 条面包wolf狼.sheaf捆calf牛half半.wife妻子life生命leaf叶子等类词ffe变成ves


    中日变( ChineseChineseJapanese Japanese)英法变(EnglishmanEnglishmenFrenchmanFrenchmen).余边加s:American AmericansGermanGermans Australian Australians
    2.单复数形:fish fish sheep sheep deerdeer
    3.元音发生变化:man menfoot feet
    4.词尾加cnren:childchildren oxoxen(牛)
    (l)词改复数:boy studentboy studentsfatherinlawfathersinlaw
    :man doctormen doctors woman teacher women teachers
    6字母数字引语缩略词变复数.般词加 –s.加s
    :three a’s(三a) 1990s1990's(20世纪90年代)
    7.情况:medium media媒体
    量词单数.复数of数名词原形:a glass of water 两杯水two glasses of water两杯水
    4.物质名词表示份数时视数名词.复数形式.a coffee杯咖啡two coffees两杯咖啡
    5 抽象名词固定词组中做数名词:catch a cold感.have a rest休息
    l 般名词词尾加’s:Lily's bag
    2.名词s结尾直接词尾加’:Teachers' Day
    (二)of格表示生命名词格结构the+名词+of+ the /物代词十名词
    :the window of the room房间窗户
    1.of+名词格:a friend of Lucy's露西位朋友
    2.of+名词性物代词:a friend of mine位朋友
    1. 作名词 :the car will sit six people车坐六
    2 作宾语 :we love our country 热爱祖国
    3 作表语 :he is a good doctor 位医生
    4 作宾语补足语 :Mike is considered a good monitor
    5 作定语 :blood type血型 dress shop服装店
    6 作状语 :The meeting lasted two hours 回忆持续两时
    7 作位语 : Mr Chen our manager has gone to Beijing
    1 名词单数变复数规
    t∫ ∫s结尾es离
    末位字母o 加s
    两(negro hero)两菜(potato tomato) es离口
    词尾f fe s前ve
    1 名词格
    词尾s 仅逗号择列名词
    1 写出列名词复数形式
    1 pencilbox_______ 2leaf_________ 3Sunday________ 4.city__________
    5 dress_________6 match_________ 7.zoo_________ 8.exam____________
    9German_______ 10 foot_______11.Englishman________12Japanese_______
    1.八杯水________________________ 2三筐橘子____________________
    3.房问三扇窗户________________ 4 男孩名字_________________
    5.十分钟步行路程 ___________________6.四名美国女教师_____________
    7.吉姆凯特妈妈____________________ 8.五份咖啡__________________

    l I have a lot of____________ (homework) to do every day
    2 Some____(child) are flying ________ ( kite) near the river
    3 It is the best one of the___________ (photo) in my family
    4 Are they building any_______ (library) in the city
    5 Can you cut this big pear into two _________(half)
    6 After three_________(month) study the scientists worked out the physics problem
    7__________ (tree) are planted in most of the mountain villages
    81 like a_________ It's neither hot nor cold
    9 T________ comes after Monday
    10 Here is a card for you with our best________ (wish)
    11 There're different________ (fish) in the sea
    12 Thousands of people lost their _________ (life) in the disaster
    13 Could you tell me how many_______________ (boy student) were at the party
    14 Jim's drawing is much better than any of his __________( classmate)
    15 This is a __________(visitor) car Mine is over there

    The new term is coming Jack needs to buy a lot of 1 (thing) for the new school year First he needs some 2 (notebook) a few 3 (pencil) some 4 (clip) a 5 (box) of colour pencils an 6 (eraser) some 7 (tape) for the English class and a 8 (ruler) 13esides he has to buy two 9 (dictionary) and two 10 (sharpener) Why does he have to buy two because his twin brother also needs a dictionary and a sharpener

    疑难点: 专名词第字母必须写巾虚词冠词介词等第字母般写:the United States of America
    疑难点二:集体名词作语时谓语动词单数强调集体成员时.谓语动词复数形式:My family is very happy家庭幸福
    My family are watching TV家电视
    疑难点三:某s结尾学科书剧报纸杂志等名词s结尾单数:politics the United States等
    疑难点四: 两部分构成名词表示具体数日助量词pair表示:a pair of shoes two pairs of glasses
    I ate two fish last night昨晚吃两条鱼
    There are many fishes in the lake湖里种鱼
    There are many peoples in the world 世界许民族
    疑难点七:people表示时复数形式表示说a person两两personspeople表示
    疑难点八:数名词表达含义时数名词表示具体物:danger危险a danger危险件危险事
    疑难点九:名词通常差熬形式作定语’:名词复数形式作定语:two bookstores a clothes shop
    疑难点十:数词+名词十形容词构成复合形容词作定语时中间名词单数形式:a fiveyearold girl 五岁女孩
    the girl's name—the name of the girl
    疑难点十二:生命名词般of格表示时间距离国家点长度重量价格等生命名词’s格:five minutes' ridetoday's newspaperBeijing's bridges等
    Lily's and John's fathers莉莉父亲约翰父亲
    Mary and Lucy's room玛丽露西房间
    1.避免重复果第名词格修饰词文中已提两名词格修饰词相省略第二格名词: It's not Jane's mistakebut Jack's.
    2.表示店铺医院诊学校住宅公建筑时名词格常常出现修饰名词:at the barber's 理发店
    疑难点十五 : else常定代词疑问代词疑问副词表示外格 else's:Who else's book is this
    疑难点十六:双重格中带’s格名词必须明确限定指名词of前面名词前通常aanthisthatany等词名词进行限定:a friend of my father'sany friend of Li Ming's
    of格:a photo of Jack杰克张片(片杰克)
    双重格:a photo of Jack's杰克拥片中张(片定杰克)

    ( )1 Can you imagine what life will be like in ________ time
    A 20 years' B 20 year's C 20years' D 20years
    ( )2Hurry up Jane
    Just give me five minutes to put my desk in________
    A time B line C order D shape
    ( )3 Hey If you want to know something about new cartoons have a look at this________ It's great
    A time B website C photo D rock
    ( )4 I bought_______ China Daily from a news stand this morning________
    A a page of B a piece of C a copy of D a book of
    ( )5 This is________ bedroom The twin sisters like it very much
    A Anne and Jane B Anne's and Jane's
    C Anne's and Jane D Anne and Jane's
    ( )6 Two bags are on the table They're ___________
    A the twins' B the twin’ C twins D twin's
    ( )7 Can I help you
    I'd like_______ for my twin daughters
    A two pair of shoes B two pairs of shoe
    C two pair of shoe D two pairs of shoes
    ( )8 Swimming is ________in summer
    A a great fun B great fun C great funs D great a fun
    ( )9What do you have for breakfast
    I often have _________ or_________
    A breads noodles B bread noodles
    C breads noodle D bread noodle
    ( )10 They got much ___ on the Internet
    A photo B ideas C message D information
    ( )11 Excuse me is the supermarket far from here
    No it's about _ _
    A 7minutes walk B 7 minute walk
    C 7 minutes' walk D 7 minute's walk
    ( )12 He had something to write down and asked me for _________
    A a paper B some papers C some pieces of papers D a piece of paper
    ( )13 There are two ______ in the city
    A car's factory B car's factories
    C factories of car's D car factories
    ( ) 14 His sister's English is better than ________ in her class
    A anyone else B anyone's
    C anyone's else D anyone else's
    ( )15Are those ___________
    No they aren't They're ____________
    A sheep cows B sheep cow C sheeps cows D sheeps cow
    ( )16 Lots of things are made of ___________
    We must protect ____________
    A woods woods B wood wood C wood woods D woods wood
    ( )17 I'm sorry I am late I hope I didn't cause you___________
    A too much trouble B so many troubles
    C much too trouble D so more troubles
    ( )18 Would you like _______
    Thank you but I'm not thirsty
    A some sandwiches B some moon cakes
    C some bread D some orange
    ( )19 He dropped the ______ and broke it
    A cup of coffee B coffee's cup
    C cup for coffee D coffee cup
    ( )20_________ is nice and clean
    A The air today B The today air
    C The air of the today D The today of air
    ( )21 What's in the _________
    There are some_______ and in them
    A photos potatoes radios B photos potatoes radioes
    C photoes potatos radios D photos potatos radios
    ( )22 Where do you come from
    I come from _______ I'm an _________
    A Japan Japanese B America American
    C England English D Australian Australian
    ( )23 This computer is___________
    A my brother B my brothers C my brother's D my
    ( )24 Put on your ________ quickly
    A a cloth B the clothes C cloth D clothes
    ( )25 Our teacher gave me
    A many advices B much advices
    C many advice D much advice
    ( )26 At the end of the match our school________ won by 3 2
    A members B group C team D fans
    ( ) 27 Jim is ill Do you know what’s wrong with him
    Poor boy His illness is the_______ of eating unhealthy food
    A result B cause C reason D end
    ( ) 28 The music made me think of the _________ of a running stream
    A shout B noise C voice D sound
    ( )29 As there were not enough chairs in the park they had to sit on the
    A ground B earth C land D field
    ( )30Is it an animal
    Right it's a ________ of the cat family
    A kind B number C member D piece
    ( )31 There was ________ on show in the museum
    A a quite nice cup B quite nice a cup
    C quite a nice cup D quite nice cup
    ( )32 The now is that I have lots of to ask
    A problem questions B question problems
    C question problem D problem question
    ( ) 33 You'd better do morning________ every day It's good to have lots of
    A exerciseexercise B exercises exercise
    C exercise exercises D exercises exercises
    ( )34 He told me______ would come to his birthday party
    A many Jack friends B.Jack 's many friends
    C.many Jack's friend D many friends of Jack's
    ( )35 ________ is an industrious nation(勤劳民族)
    A The Chinese B The Chineses C Chinese D Chinescs
    1 The Sam are going to Beijing with my family
    误:______________ 正:_____________
    2 The young should make rooms for the old in crowded buses
    误:_______________ 正: _______________
    3 We study quite a few subject such as Chinese maths and English
    误:_______________ 正: __________________
    4 This book isn't his It belongs to Kates’
    误:______________ 正:_____________________
    5 Few man workers are still demanding a rise in their pay
    误:_____________ 正:______________________
    6 Han Mei's and Mary's English teacher is a girl from Hongkong
    误:______________ 正:_____________________
    7 Both my father and my brother are police
    误________________ 正:______________________
    8 There are two deers in the kindergarten
    误 ________________ 正_______________________
    9 Help yourself to some fishes please
    误:_______________ 正:______________________
    10 English is spoken as the first language in Canadian
    误_______________ 正:______________________

    III 词正确形式填空
    l These are five___________ (pencilbox) on the desk
    2 Three ____________ (German) are walking on the People's Square
    3 We will have several (exam) this term
    4 These workers are going abroad to work for three years Their (wife) will have to stay at home alone
    5 Our city has been built a few____________(zoo)
    6 The tiger's _________ (tooth) are bigger than the monkey's
    7 There are two new (shelf) in my reading room
    8 Jim and Mike are good friends of ___________
    9 Quite a few (foreigner) have visited Guangzhou the year before last
    10 Are there (animal) on the hill
    Yes there are some

    ( )1 The restaurant is so popular here Look there are so many____ here
    A food B dish C people D waiter
    ( )2 I don’t think looking after children is just ________ work
    A woman B woman’s C women D women’s
    ( )3Would you like some drinks boys
    Yes _________ please
    A some oranges B two boxes of chocolate
    C some cakes D two boxes ofcola
    ( )4 I saw many ______ eating grass on the hill
    A horse B cow C rabbit D sheep
    ( )5 _____ mothers can't come to the meeting because they have gone to Dalian
    A Sally's and Jane B Sally and Jane's C Sally’s and Jane’s
    ( )6 I like______ a lot and my mother usually cooks it in different ways
    A fish B potatoes C noodles
    ( )7You can get much ___about the World Expo on the Internet
    A map B picture C ticket D information
    ( ) 8 Good morning madam Can I help you
    Sure I'd like ________ for cooking vegetables
    A two cups of tea B three pieces of bread C five kilos of oil
    ( )9 Mr Black gave us _____ on how to learn n English well
    A an advice B many advices C some advice D some advices
    ( ) 10 You look very tired this morning What did you do yesterday afternoon
    I did________ Christmas shopping
    A a lot of B a few of C a number of D a piece of
    ( )11 The letter from my uncle was short There wasn't ______news
    A many B a few C much D Few
    ( ) 12 All the _______ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday
    A man B men C woman D women
    ( ) 13 _____ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are teachers
    A A number of women B A number of woman
    C The number of women D The number of woman
    ( ) 14 I'd like_________ grapes and pears
    Oh I only need _______ orange juice
    Asome a few B a few some
    C a little few D a little a few
    ( )10 This is not my dictionary It's ______ She lent it to me this morning
    Amy sister B my sisters C my sister's D my sisters’

    专题三 冠词
    1 理解定冠词基法注意元音字母发音开始词前定冠词时应该an:an hour注意元音字母发音元音字母开始词
    2 专名词定冠词连表示物:A MrJones came to see you this morning天早位琼斯先生见
    3 熟记定冠词基法尤the+姓氏复数表示全家中考重点
    4 零冠词难点尤初学者记住书出记忆口缺希学者帮助
    5 记忆掌握固定法词组搭配学重
    二定冠词( aan)基法
    5某物质名词抽象名词(coffeefoodteatrypleasure)前表示 阵份类场杯
    11某固定词组中:have a lookwalkbreaktryrestbath in a hurry for a while等

    1.I have a pen
    2A dog is an honest animal
    3An old man is looking for you Mr Green
    4 We have a music class once a week
    5I am not sure I’ll have a try
    6.a knife and fork副刀叉
    7I have a good friend朋友
    8They were nearly of an age岁
    9.They came on a Sunday某周日
    10This is a Van Gogh幅·高厕
    三定冠词( the)法
    Is the book yours
    The girl in the car is my sister
    Man is now studying and using the sun
    He is the first to come here
    Of the twins1 like the taller one
    The Browns are all living in China
    Do you know who invented the computer'
    The Yellow River is the second longest one in China
    The rich should help the poor
    Can you play the guitar
    There is a park in the east of the town
    That is the very thing I've been looking for
    They are the teachers of this school
    in the daytimein the end at the moment at the foot ofthe number of等
    Cats have sharp eyes at night
    Money is not everything
    Philip has lived in China for years
    Thiss my address Let's keep in touch
    Spring is the best season of the year
    The winter of the year 2009 was very cold
    Li Lei was made monitor for this month
    What do you usually have for lunch
    Do you like playing football or baseball
    His company is located in Beijing Road
    Iusually go to school by bike
    9.公假日节日名称前零冠词festival 起构成传统节日前加the:
    We had an evening party on New Year's Day
    The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China
    Many old people take exercise in Beihai Park every morning
    11某固定词组惯语中零冠词at night day and nightwatch TVon footin time等
    1 冠词基法
    冠词秃子 常戴帽子
    数名词单 需aan
    辅音前a 元音前an
    特指时 须定冠词
    复数数 泛指the
    碰代词时 冠词均见

    2. 零冠词记忆口诀


    1__________ book 2__________computer 3_________orange 4_________volleyball
    5________hour 6_________language 7________ island 8_________singer
    9.__________apple 10___________eraser
    1Rome was not built in________day
    2 Jim is ________honest boy We all like him
    3Can_________child finish the job
    No at least two children can
    4 We have a music class once________week
    5It's______ pleasure to talk with you
    6_______hundred and twenty people at tended the meeting
    7 I'd like_________ coffee and two beers
    8 Come in or you'll catch_________bad cold
    9 Li Lei take__________ medicine three _________ times _________ day
    10 He bought _______ new house I have been to ________ house
    11This is ___________ umbrella that I lost yesterday
    12________ rich are not always happier than __________ poor
    13________ manMan is __________ only animal who can talk
    14Autumn is ___________ best season in Beijing Many people from all over the world come here in autumn
    15Do you know ___________ girl in red
    16________ fifth lesson is very easy
    17Lucy is __________ taller of the two girls
    18I like playing __________ violin while he likes playing ___________ football
    19Look all ___________ books are here now
    20June 1st is ____________ Children’s Day
    21Tom works as __________ worker in the restaurant and he is paid by ____________ hour
    22__________ Greens live next the door
    23__________ musicMusic can bring people___________ pleasure
    24I have visited many cities since__________ September 2007
    25She is not so smart ___________ girl as I thought
    26Could you tell me __________ answer to the question I can’t work it out myself
    27In the United States __________ Father’s Day falls on _________ third Sunday in _________ June
    28I like________chemistry though it's a bit difficult
    29 Wendy was made __________ monitor for this month
    30___________ doctorDoctor I’m not feeling myself today
    Tom is__________ ____________ as__________ but he is ________ ___________ as a son
    Do you know__________ ____________
    Our family get together___________ ____________ _____________
    4. 桌书书
    __________ _________ on ________ _____________ is _______________ useful one
    5. 格林家外出度假
    __________ _______________ are out on holiday
    6. 父亲生病住院现医院
    My father is __________ ___________ I am going to _________ __________ to see him
    7. 总第离开
    He is always _________ __________ _________ __________ and _____________ ____________ __________ __________
    8. 太阳月亮更?
    Which is __________ __________ __________ _____________ _________ __________
    There is ________ _________ tree _________ ___________ ___________ the house
    1I want to ask you________ __________
    2Tom never wears___________ .
    3I can’t ride __________
    4.My brother is ____________
    5Barbara works in_____________.
    6 Ann wants to learn_______________
    7.Jim lives in_______________
    8.This evening I'm going to_________

    old house artist party question bookshop foreign language hat bicycle

    疑难点 a辅音音素前辅音字母前an元音音素前元音字母前
    :a university an hour
    There is anhin the wordthink
    疑难点二 表示种类三种形式:
    A dog is an honest animalThe dog is an honest animal.=Dogs are honest animals.
    疑难点三 the+序数词表示第……a十序数词:’表示:
    I have failed twice.I’ll try a third time失败两次试次
    疑难点四 a number of意许相many作语时谓语动词复数the number of 意……数目作语时谓语动词单数:
    A number of people are' playing on the ground.
    The number of the people on the ground is about l000
    疑难点五 动词++介词+the+身体部位类短语中the物代词:
    The man hit me on the head头
    疑难点六 固定词组中定冠词含义完全定牢记:
    go to school学(学生):go to the school学校(定学生)
    in hospital 病住院 in the hospital医院里(定病)
    at table吃饭 in the table桌边(定吃饭)
    by day白天 by the day日计算
    in future in the future
    疑难点七 名词suchhalf what many 修饰时定冠词(aan)放词:such a beautiful househalf an hour
    Many a person is playing basketball.许篮球
    疑难点八 名词前面形容词前sohowtoo等词时定冠词(a/an)应放形容词:so beautiful a househow useful a booktoyoung a girl等
    疑难点九 名词前面形容词quiterathervery时定冠词(a/an)置quite置very前置rather前:quite a fast traina very fast trainrather a fast train a rather fast train等
    疑难点十 定冠词allhalfbothdoublethree timesonethird等词连修饰名词时定冠词应放词:all the booksboth the gamestwice the size of his house等
    The hole is onethird the depth of that one
    疑难点十 表示兼种身份时第名词前加冠词aanthe:a doctor and writer医生兼作家the reponeand editor记者兼编辑
    疑难点十二 系动词turn接名词时通常零冠词:
    I had hoped to become a pianistbut I turned artist.原想钢琴家成美术家
    疑难点十三 固定结构中what a/an十单数数名词such a/an十单数数名词结构表示惊叹:
    What a 1ovely day天啊
    How did you make such a mistake会犯种错误?
    疑难点十四 定冠词表示疾病名词连:a co1d感a headache头痛

    疑难点十五 表示方位名词前表示时间词定冠词:on the right右边 in the morning早

    ( ) 1 France is___________European country India is __________Asian country
    A an the B the an C.a an D an an
    ( ) 2 There's__________h in the wordhour
    A a B the C an D
    ( )3 The boy will certainly become ____________ of their country
    A headmaster B King Cthe king D a king
    ( )4Put waste bag in the dustbinIt's not ________ waste bag It's my shopping bag
    A a the B thea C a D
    ( ) 5 The fourth _________ of ________is Thanksgiving Day every year
    A Thursday November B Thursday the November
    C the Thursday the November D the Thursday November
    ( )6 The car is running aboutsixty miles__________hour
    A one B the Can D a
    ( ) 7Do you know_______ lady in blueYes She is a teacher of a university
    A the B a C an D
    ( )8__________ books are useful
    A All the B The all CA DAn
    ( )9I hear there'll be_________ talk on teenage problems next Monday
    Do you mean________ talk our teacher asked us to listen to
    A a the B a a C the the D the a
    ( )10 I looked under________ bed and found_________ pen I lost yesterday
    A the a B the the C the D the
    ( )11Tina do you know __________new club in your school
    Of courseI'm one of its members
    A a B an C the D
    ( )12It is said that________ umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago by Chinese people
    Aa Ban Cthe D
    ( )13 _________ number of students have gone to Shanghai
    A B The C A D An
    ( )14_______long the bridges Let me drive you over it
    A What B What a C How D How a
    ( )151 don't think_______ is a better car than our makes
    A a Ford B Ford C Ford's D the Ford
    ( )16No pains no__________(劳获)
    A gains B a gain Cgain Dthe gain
    ( )17 I used to go to _________ No1 Middle School every Sunday by_________bus to play ______ basketball with my friends
    A the the the B C the D a a a
    ( )18Tian'anmen Square and Great Wall are very famous in_________ People's Republic of China
    A the the B the C D the
    ( )19 Jane is ______ girl She always answers the teachers' questions in_________ class
    A quite a smart the B a quite smart the
    C quite a smart D a quite smart
    ( )20 Mr Li __________ will give a talk to the students about how to learn English tomorrow
    A a teacher and a writer B a teacher and writer
    C the teacher and the writer D the teacher and writer
    1 Our city government has paid~great attention to the environmental problem
    误:___________ 正:_____________
    2 Will Jim leave for Xi'an the next week
    误:___________ 正:_____________
    3 One of the three foreign visitors is a Japanese other two are Australians
    误:____________ 正:______________
    4There is public library in every county in China
    误:_____________ 正:____________
    5 What good news you've brought us
    误:___________ 正:___________
    6Light travels faster than the sound doesn’t it
    误:__________ 正:____________
    7 Most of students in my class come from the countryside
    误:__________ 正:____________
    8I want to be soldier when I leave school
    误:____________ 正:__________
    9 I was an university student of English two years ago 误:___________ 正:____________
    10I used to work in a same shop as the did
    误:___________ 正:_____________
    We had_____1_____special lesson______2______ last Friday Our geography teacher Mr Hung took us to_____3_____ Ocean Park
    We visited ____4____ park in _____5_____ afternoon Mr Hung asked us to take_____6____ good look at _____7______ animals there especially(尤) _____8______ big pandas Luckily we saw _____9____ big panda playing_____10_____ ball on ____11____ ground when we got there
    We stayed there for half _____12_____ hour and took ____13____ lot of pictures because it was___14_____exciting experience to see it in____15_____real life

    ( )1.Cindy is_________amazing singer She has lots of fans
    Aa B.an C.the D/
    ( )2.Why do you like Mary Because she is __________ honest girl
    Aa B.an C.the
    ( )3.Jenny is__________American She works in___________company in China now
    A ana Ban the Caan
    ( )4.What would you like for___________breakfast Mr Green
    Two pieces of bread and ____________cup of tea please
    Aathe Ba C the
    ( )5 Avatar(阿达)is such________ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it second time
    A a a B a the C the D/ a
    ( )6There is___________ local shop for people to buy daily things in the small village
    Aa Ban Cthe D
    ( )7 Many people think that 2012 is one of_________ most successful films
    A a B an C the D
    ( )8 If you go by train you can have quite____________ comfortable journey but make sure you take__________ fast one
    A a a B the a C the the D a
    ( )9It's reported that able rainstorm hit ________ south of our country
    A a B the C D an
    ( )10 My sister can play ___________ violin very well
    A the B a C
    ( )11Look What's that moving high up in _________ sky
    It must be _______ plane
    A a the B the C the a Da
    ( )12How was_________ dinner at Mike's house
    It ~as great Mike's mum is wonderful cook
    A a the B the a C the the D a an
    ( )13 What shall we have for supper
    I bought ________ big fish at _________only market near my office
    A a a B a the C the
    ( ) 14May I have a look at the MP4 sir Which one _________ black one
    AA B An CThe D
    ( )15Shall we pay________ visit to Expo 2010Shanghai
    NoI'd rather stay at home and play __________ football
    A a the B thea C the D a
    ( )16 Lingling Do you know____________ woman in white
    Yes She is________ nurse in Liaocheng People's Hospital
    A a a B the the C a the D the a'
    ( )17Lily is coming by_________ plane tomorrow
    Let's go to____________ airport to meet her
    A a a B a C the the D the
    ( ) 18 What do you want to be when you grow up
    __________ actor like Jet Li
    A An BA C The D
    ( )19 Bob you look so happy todayWell I got ________A On my English test
    Athe Ba Can D
    ( ) 20 May I have a look at_________ book tonight Of course you can I have______old one at home
    A the a B a the Cthe an D the the
    ( )21Have you found_________address that you wantedYes It's Mr Wang 268@163 com
    A a B an C the D
    ( ) 22 If you work hard you'll get ________ A in the exam
    A a B an C the
    ( )23They often take_______walk after dinner
    A a B C the D an
    ( ) 24 Lily's mother is__________ teacher in a school
    A a Ban C the D
    ( ) 25 ____________ Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang
    AA 'B An C The D

    专题四 数词
    1 1~12独立单词需逐记忆
    2 13~19位数词词干加teen构成中thirteenfifteeneighteen规变化
    3 20~90ty结尾:twentythirtyninety等
    4 2199十位数词面加位数词构成中间加连字符:twentyonethirtytwoninetynine等
    53位基数词百位十位间般连词and:l135读作one thousandone hundred and thirtyfive
    6 英语中没万亿表示万亿时十进位法蓬≥:15678读作fifteen thousandsix hundred and seventyeight
    7 1000数字前数三位加第前thousand第二前million第三前billion然节百十序表示
    9.tenscorehundredthousandmillionbillion词前面表示具体数目词加sof反须加sof:one hundred people 百hundreds of people数百
    10.基数词合成复合定语中名词单数:a threemonthold baby三月婴a fiveyear plan 五年计划
    11法运算表示法单复数均:3* 515 Three multiplied by five is are fifteen


    1. 十序数词中十位数百位数千位数等基数词位数序数词
    128th one hundred and twentyeighth
    752nd seven hundred and fiftysecond

    1倍数形容词原级第as前面:I have twice as many books as you do书书两倍
    The earth is 49 times the size of the moon球月球49倍
    This building is twice higher than that one建筑物建筑物高两倍
    六 约数表示法
    2less than under belowor lessalmostnearlyup to等表示接某数目
    3more than over abovebeyondor more等表示某数目
    4oror so aboutaroundsomemore or less等表示某数目左右

    1.I bought dozens of pencils last year年买十支铅笔
    2 How can you finish your homework in less than half an hour半时完成作业呢?
    3.Our school has a history of more than sixty years学校60年历史
    4.The doctor spent four or five hours performing the operation医生花四五时做手术
    5 I will be back in two tthree weeks两三周回
    二三特殊记(first second third)
    八加h( eighth)九e(ninth)vef(fifth twelfth)
    y结尾变ieth莫忘记(:thirtieth fiftieth)
    想表示十变位:twentyfirst fortyninth)


    1 11___________ 215_____________ 3 19_______________ 428________________
    5 40____________ 667 ________________ 7100 _____________ 81000___________________
    9 1000000____________ 10 9th________________1110th____________ 12 12th_________________
    13 13th______________ 14 14th______________15 20th _____________ 16 23rd_______________
    17 31st__________18 52nd___________________
    1 Summer is the___________season of a year
    2 Wednesday is the___________day of a week
    3.Thirty is__________of sixty
    4 Children's Day is on June____________ each year
    5 Letter I is ___________ letter in the alphabet(字母表).
    6 There are__________ months in a year
    7.My sister is just 20 Today is her ____________ birthday
    8 Thirty plus ninetythree is____________
    1. 十二伞__________________
    3. 十四辆公交车___________________
    7 60亿8000万口___________________________
    9. 第课_____________________
    11 百零五点三二______________________________
    1320世纪80年代 ___________________
    14 2009年3月18日____________________________

    1I think the___________lesson is the most interesting one in the book (twelve)
    2 My father is now in his_________but he is still taking some computer courses ( fifty)
    3 There are___________of people who are losing jobs and they are wondering what to do (thousand)
    4I have tried_________(两次)but I'll try_____________(次).
    5.I live on______(第六街)but work far from it.
    6 Harry has just finished writing an______________(八百字)composition
    7 It is said that the gravity on the Mars is only about______________(三分)of the gravity on the earth
    8 China is almost___________(two) the size of Mexico in area

    疑难点 序数词前加定冠词时表示序意第:
    I was the first to come here第
    I have failed twicebut l want to have a third try失败两次想试次
    疑难点二 of+the+基数词表示范围:two thirds of the ten十中三分二
    疑难点三 表示年代in+the+数词复数形式:
    in the 1990sin the 1990's20世纪90年代
    in his 20s二十岁时in her 30s三十岁时
    疑难点四 数词十名词十形容词作定语时中间连字符中间名词单数形式
    :a fiveyearold girl五岁女孩a 15minutelong walk 段十五分钟步行路程
    疑难点五 数词+ hundredthousandmillionbillion+名词复数表示具体数量: two thousand students four hundred girls等
    tensdozensscoreshundredsthousandsmillionsbillions+ of+名词复数表示许
    :thousands of trees tens of hundreds of horses等
    疑难点六 表示时刻时果30分钟past8:15读作fifteen past eighta quarter past eight果超30分钟to8:40读作twenty to nine
    ( )1____________of the warm water already been used up
    A Twothird has B Twothird have C Twothirds has D Twothirds have
    ( )2 __________ the students in the primary school is about three thousand and_________ of them are girls
    A A number of two third B The number of two thirds
    C A number of two thirds D The number of two third
    ( )3 Come and see me in_______________
    With pleasure That's what I'm expecting
    A two or three days B two or three day's time Ctwo or three days' time D two or three day's
    ( )4 Dick it is the_________time in________ days that you've made the same mistake
    A two three B second three C two third D second third
    ( ) 5How many teachers are there in your school
    ______________ but I'm not sure
    A Hundreds B Hundred C Hundreds of D One hundred
    ( )6 It took me_________ to find out the key to the drawer
    A one and half hours B one and a half hours
    C one and a half hour D one and half hour
    ( )7 We can see____________ stars in the sky at night
    A ten of thousand of B tens of thousand of
    C ten of thousands of D tens of thousands of
    ( )8 One day on the moon is____________
    A two earth week long B two earth weeks long
    C two earth weeks longer D two earth weeks length
    ( )9 She went to the countryside _________
    A in the morning at nine on June first 1968
    B on June first 1968 in the morning at nine
    C at nine in the morning on June first 1968
    D on June first 1968 at nine in the morning
    ( ) 10John was __________to get to school and I was
    A first ninth B a first a ninth C the first the ninth D the second the nineth
    ( )11 Ten and five is_____________
    A five B fifty C fifteen D two
    ( )12 The Olympic Games are held___________
    A every four years B every four year
    C every fourth years D every fouryears
    ( )13 Tom is six and he is__________his sister Jane How old is JaneThree
    A twice as old as B two years older than
    C three years younger than D as old as
    ( )14 He is ________ in our class
    A the fourth tallest B fourth tallest C four tallest D the four tallest
    II 列句子中均处错误 请指出改正
    1 Is Sunday first day of a week
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    2The Yellow River is second longest river in China
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    3 He left his grandmother when he was in thirties
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    4 The nineth programme is that two young lovers dance together
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    5 They used to live in the Room 345
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    6 After a long walk we had a few minute's rest
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    7 There are two scores people waiting outside in the rain for the tickets
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    8 It's only twohours time from here to London by train
    误:_____________ 正:______________
    Miss Li lives on_________ ___________ floor
    Women's Day is on___________ __________.
    It took her__________ _____________ to do the homework
    My mother bought___________ __________ ________ __________ today
    He paid only________ __________ for this pen
    I get up at_____________ ___________ _____________ on Sunday
    She got_________points and came___________.
    We do__________ ___________today
    Christmas is on___________ the___________each year
    Mary was born on___________ __________.

    ( )1Nearly ________of the earth__________ covered by sea
    A three fourth is B three fourths is C three fourth are D three fourths are
    ( )2____________of the land in that district __________ covered with treesand grass
    A Two fifths is B Two fifth are C Two fifthis D Two fifths are
    ( )3I think_________of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam________easy
    A three fourths is B third four are C three fourths are D three fourth are
    ( )4 Do you know the boy_________is sitting next to Peter
    Yes He is Peter's friend They are celebrating his birthday
    A who ninth B that nineth C nineth D which ninth
    ( )5I got a good present on my____________ birthday
    A nine B ninth C the nine D the ninth
    ( )6I got a beautiful bike on___________ birthday I like it very much
    A fifteenth B fifteen C my fifteen D my fifteenth
    ( ) 7Here we areWhere does your cousin live Tom
    Oh he lives on the__________ floor
    A two B twice C second D twos
    ( )8The number of the students in our school is about nine _________ of them are boys
    A hundred Two thirds B hundred Two third
    C hundreds Two thirds D hundreds Two third
    ( )9 Although I failed four times my father encouraged me to have a________try
    A third B fourth C fifth
    ( )10Have you seen the CCTV news on TV
    Yes __________children had a good festival on the Children's Day
    A millions of sixty B ten millions sixtieth C millions of sixtieth
    ( )11 ________trees have been planted near here so the air is very fresh
    A Two hundreds B Hundred of C Hundreds of D Hundreds
    ( ) 12About_________of the workers in the factory were born in the _________
    A twothirds 1970 B twothirds 1970s
    C twothird1970 D twothird 1970s
    ( ) 13Each of us has to write a___________ report every two weeks
    A twohundredword B twohundredsword
    C twohundredswords D twohundredwords
    ( ) 14 Today is my mother's________ birthday I will buy her a gift
    A fourteen B fourteenth C forty D fortieth
    ( )15 There is a wrong word in line___________
    In the________line
    A two two B two second C second two D second second
    ( ) 16There are sixty students in our class And _________of us are boys
    Wow You have forty girls
    A one fourth B one third C two fifths D two thirds
    ( ) 17 Good newsBill won__________medal in the long jump just now
    Really That's his _________ on eat our sports meeting
    A afour B an fourth C a fourth
    ( ) 18A new study proves a __________ walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat
    A30minute B30 minute's C 30minutes
    ( )19 More than two__________ years ago people knew little about the universe
    A thousands B thousand C thousand of D thousands of
    ( ) 20 English is becoming a tourist city ____________ people come here during the holidays every year
    A Thousand of B Thousands of C Five thousands of D Five thousands
    ( ) 21 Father's Day is on __________ Sunday of June
    A three B third C the third
    ( ) 22Shanghai has opened its __________ TV channel (频道) that sends programs in foreign languages
    Great I can improve my English over it
    A first B a first C the first
    ( ) 23 The man also wrote_________ of beautiful pieces of music for the orchestra
    A hundred B six hundred C a hundred D hundreds
    ( )24All the teachers live on _______ floor
    A the second B two C second
    ( )25Basketball is so popular a game in the world that__________ people play it for fun and exercise
    A million of B millions of C millions D two millions of

    专题五 形容词
    2.注意形容词+ly意义发生变化:late迟lately现 中考重点
    3.重点掌握形容词较级高级构成规年中考必然涉重点尤规变化:①goodwellbetterbest②many/muchmore'most③bad/ill worseworst④littlelessleast

    The sweater is very beautiful件毛衣非常漂亮(作表语)
    we will try our best to make our class more interesting 力课堂更加趣(作宾语补足语)
    2. 叙述形容词
    The baby is asleep.婴睡着
    The book is well worth reading书值读
    : a big applean old mananything
    : asleepafraidalivealone
    :The story made me excited
    :Many people were buried alive in the earthquake
    5 放定冠词变成名词表示类类事物概念
    :the poor the rich the beautiful
    四 形容词位置
    1 表语形容词alive afraid awake alone等作定语时常置
    2 形容词修饰定代词时置:something important anybody else
    3 两意义相反形容词中间andor连接作定语时常置
    4 形容词面接介词短语时置
    5 表示数量词组连时置
    6 away long wide high deep old等词附数词短语说明时需置
    7 形容词修饰名词时

    1 The baby still awake is playing with a doll醒着婴正玩洋娃娃
    2.All the people on the islandyoung and oldare fond of music该岛老幼喜欢音乐
    3.He is a man greedy for knowledge 渴求知识
    4.The river is 5 meters wide条河五米宽
    a nice big new round black French writing desk 张漂亮新圆形黑色法式写字台
    限定描绘长高 形状年龄新老
    颜色国籍材料 作类

    五 较等级
    ①般加erest口:fastfasterfastest oldolderoldest
    ④辅音字母结尾重读闭音节词应双写辅音字母加erest:big big
    ⑤音节词部分双音节词词前加moremost:beautifulmore beautifulmost
    beautiful carefulmore carefulmost careful
    ⑥分词形容词般词前加moremost:tiringmore tiringmost tiring
    ⑤farfarther(指距离:更远)farthest(指距离:远)further(指距离:更远指程度:更深入)furthest (指距离:远指程度:深入)
    :Li Ming is as tall as me.李明样高
    :I am not asso busy as I used to be.前忙
    :My school is twicehalf as large as yours找校校两倍半
    :I don’t have as much money as you do钱


    1 My father is younger than my uncle爸爸伯伯年轻
    2This street is there times wider than that one条街条宽三倍
    3The car is running faster and faster汽车跑越越快
    4The more careful you are the fewer mistakes you’ll make越仔细越少犯错误
    5John is the taller of the two约翰两者中较高
    6We couldn’t get a better result更效果
    7I have never been to a farther place than this未更远方
    8Who is olderLi ming or Jack谁更李明杰克?
    Which is fastera train or a plane火车飞机更快?
    He is the tallest in his class班里高
    2WhichWho is+the+高级AB or C结构表示三者三者物中进行选择……:
    Who is the tallestJackTom or Li Lei谁高杰克汤姆李雷?
    3one of the+高级结构表示…………:
    Our English teacher is one of the most popular teachers英语老师受欢迎老

    The Yellow River is the second longest river ln China荑河中国第二长河
    Today is my happiest day in Beijing天北京开心日子

    1 interest 2 relax
    3 excite 4height
    5 beauty 6 difficulty
    7 health 8 sun
    9 danger 10 friend
    1 nice 2 tall
    3 little 4 cheap
    5 bad 6colourful __________ _____________
    7 well 8important
    9 few 10many
    lWhat a day it is Let’s go for a picnic (pleasure)
    2 Kate works even than before (hard)
    3I live far from my school Meimei lives much but Li Ning lives the (far)
    4The picture on the wall is from the one on the desk (difference)
    5 As spring is coming days are becoming and (long)
    6When I came back from school I felt (sleep)
    7 My brother is four years than me ( old)
    8 He felt so that he almost jumped for joy (exciting)
    9 The old woman lives in a house but never feels( alonelonely)
    10 The you arethe fewer mistakes you'll make (careful)

    疑难点 the+形容词作语时果指类谓语动词复数形式果指物表示某概念事物时谓语动词单数:
    The poor are living a hard life穷着艰难生活
    The beautiful is loved by everyone美东西喜爱
    疑难点二 most前果没定冠词the没高级意思加强语气表示非常意:
    This is a most interesting story篇趣事
    疑难点三 表示三者三者程度高果定域空间范围较介词in果类事物范围进行较介词of:
    Li Ming is the tallest student in his class
    Jack is the tallest of the three boys
    疑难点四 形容词高级果身情况时the:
    I am busiest on Sundays星期天忙
    疑难点五 较级前a little修饰时表示更……a lotmuchevenfar等词修饰时表示更……:
    He is only a little taller than I高点He is much taller than I高
    高级前much theby far thethe very等词修饰时表示……:
    The hat is by far the largest in the world顶帽子世
    疑难点六 ing形容词表示动意义指事物身特点强调种特点影响
    I'm very interested in the interesting book趣书感兴趣
    疑难点七 许形容词加ly构成副词ly结尾词副词形容词:
    daily lonelylively likely motherly friendlylovely等
    疑难点八 范围较时必须体排较范围外范围较时中意象进行较:
    China is larger than any other country in Asia中国亚洲国家
    China is larger than any country in Africa申国非洲国家
    疑难点九 ill 表示生病作表语作定语时意思坏sick表示生病作表语定语:
    He has been ill for weeks(ill表示生病)
    较:These days I usually have ill luck(ill表示坏)
    This is a sick man位病
    较:The old man is sick位老生病
    疑难点十 goodnicefinewell较
    He is a good boy
    2nice形容词作表语定语表示令喜悦讨入喜爱味道言语 天气等Today is a nice day The bread tastes nice
    3fine形容词作表语定语表示天气气质发育等:a fine daya fine girl
    I don't feel well today天感舒服
    疑难点十 present作前置定语时表示目前现作表语置定语时表示场:the present problem前难题people present at the meeting出席会议
    疑难点十二 alone独表语形容词lonely(心)孤独(方)荒凉:
    The old man lives alone but he doesn't feel lonely老独处感孤独

    ( )1My sister is a workerShe is two years than me
    A older elder B elder elder C elderolder D olderolder
    ( ) 2 The dish is delicious
    Well at least it's the one I cooked yesterday
    A as good as B worse than C as well as D as bad as
    ( ) 3 Harry Potter is interesting story I have read it several times
    Amost B the most C a most D very
    ( ) 41s chemistry more difficult than physics
    No chemistry isn’t as as physics
    A easy B difficult C easier D more difficult
    ( )5China has a population and long history
    A many B large C much D big
    ( )6 What do you think of the lecture(演) of Li Yang's Crazy English
    I think it's but someone thinks it's much too
    A wonderful enough bored
    B enough wonderful boring
    C wonderful enough boring
    D enough wonderful bored
    ( )7Our teacher wasn’t yesterday
    A please B pleased C pleasing D pleasure
    ( ) 8Supermarkets are necessary People usually spend time finding things they wantbut they usually spend money than they want
    A lessless B lessmore C fewerless D fewermore
    ( ) 9 You must keep in the library the librarian said to me in a low voice
    A quite quiet B quietly quite C quiet quite D quite quietly
    ( )10The experiment was________easier than we had expected
    A more B much more C much D more much
    ( )11 Jim how are you feeling now
    Much I don't want to eat anything
    A better Bbad C worse D healthier
    ( )12 Why didn't you enjoy the film
    It was film that I had ever saw
    A the most interesting
    B the least interesting
    C more interesting
    D less interesting
    ( )13My little brother Xinxin is getting
    A taller and taller B more and more tall
    C tall and taller D more taller and taller
    ( )14 If you want to be you have to eat food and take exercise
    A thinner less more B thinnerlittle more
    C thin fewless D thinner fewer less
    ( )15 We offered him a house for 50500 it was worth
    A as much as twice
    B as much twice as
    C as twice much as
    D twice as much as
    ( )16Han Mei you have to keep your own room
    A to tidy B tidying C tidy D tidied
    ( )17August the eighth was one of _____ days in the year 2008 The Olympic Games was held in Beijing successfully
    A exciting B more exciting C the most exciting D much exciting
    ( )18 Are you feeling
    Yes I'm fine now
    A any well B any better C quite good D quite better
    ( )19Spider Man is an_________film for children but he don’t seem ____ in it at all
    A interesting interesting B interested interested
    C interesting interested D interested interesting
    ( )20 I want to go to college to have a study
    Afarthest Bfurther Cfarther D.furthest
    1 You look more younger than I
    误 正:
    2The weather of Xi'an is colder than Haikou
    误 正:
    3 China is larger than any other country in Africa
    误 正
    4She is the tallest in the four girls
    误 正:
    5 When you learn the piano you'll find it not difficulty if you practise it a lot
    误 正:
    6 The birthday cake tasted so well that it was eaten up quickly
    误 正:
    7 The more careful you arethe few mistakes you will make
    误 正:
    8 Which jacket do you prefer better the red one or the blue one
    误 正:
    9 I'm sure you will have a wonderful time
    误 正:
    10 Greg is taller of the two
    误 正:

    1We are in different teams but they are in the team
    2 Be quick Don’t be too
    3 Her brother is rude but she is very
    4 This question is easy to answer That one is too
    5 I think you are happy In fact you are
    6 The windows are open But the door is
    7 Don’t be careless We should be
    8 You will be if you stay at homeBut if you go out it will be dangerous
    9 He isn't afraid of any animalWe say that he is a _______man

    ( )1Our monitor takes more exercise every day for he believes he does he'll be
    A the less the stronger Bthe morethe thinner
    C the morethe stronger D more stronger
    ( )2 Though his grandmother lives she never feels
    A alonealone B lonely lonely C alone lonely D lonely alone
    ( )3 Julia is very cleverIn factl doubt whether anyone in the class has IQ
    A a high B a higher C the higher D the highest
    ( )4 Dear students please read every sentence carefully you are mistakes you'll make
    A The more carefully the fewer
    B The more careful the less
    C The more carefully the less
    D The more careful the fewer
    ( )5 Many Chinese students think science subjects are foreign languages
    A more difficult as Bless difficult than
    C much difficult than D than so difficult as
    ( )6Beijing the capital of China is one of cities in the world

    ( )7I think Bob is the suitable person to take the job because he can do the work well with money and people
    A less less B less more C more fewer D less fewer
    ( )8 The boy doesn't speak ____ his sister but his written work is very good
    A as well as B so good as C more better than D more worse than
    ( )9 Taking buses in Beijing is_________ than taking taxies
    A more cheaper B much cheaper C less cheaper
    ( )10Look at that model ship
    I know but it looks like a real one It's just _____
    A small B very small C smaller D smallest
    ( )11 Who did English homework better Leo or Nick
    Leo was more careful I think Leo did Nick
    A as good as B as well as C better than D worse than
    ( )12 I don't have enough money This watch is too expensive
    Look there are some more over there They're and nice
    A big Bold C small D cheap
    ( )13Which province is the one in winter
    It should be Hainan Province I think
    A coldest Bhotter C warmest D Cooler
    ( )14Let's buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers' Day
    Why not make some by hand It's much
    A nteresting B more interesting C the most interesting
    ( )15 Did you have a wonderful time at the party
    Yes it's one I've ever been to before
    A a more excited B a more exciting C the most excited D the most exciting
    ( )16 Now the air in our city is than it used to beSomething must be done to stop it
    A very good B much better C rather bad D even worse
    ( )17Mum could you buy me a dress like that
    Certainly we can buy _______one than this but _______ this
    A a better better than B a worse as good as
    C a cheaper as good as D a more important not as good as
    ( )18 Oh I'm hungry
    Mum can I have the hamburger on the plate
    No It tastes
    A terribly B terrible C good D well
    ( )19What do you think of your English teacher
    I love her She is really She always has a smile on her face
    A outgoing B funny C friendly D serious
    ( )20Tim do you think time is money
    Yes but I think it is money
    A more important than B very important as
    C the same as D not important as
    ( )21Where did you go on holiday this summer England
    You are We went on a10day tour to Paris
    A funny Bright C cool D close
    ( )22l am really serious for I can't find my backpack
    A worried B angry C disappointed
    ( )23 We are not certain if it will be fine tomorrow
    A exact B convincing C sure
    ( )24It is not so as yesterday so there are people sitting in the square
    A cold fewer B warm more C cold more
    ( )25How about the dishes
    Fantastic Nothing tastes
    A nice B better C terrible D worse

    专题六 副词

    1掌握副词词义辨析尤相似词意义差异需重点握中考 重点
    2掌握副词构成:般情况形容词+ ly词+ly意义发生变化
    :wellbetterbest badlyworseworst littlelessleast


    1 We often watch TV after dinner
    2 He went homeupstairs quietly
    3 How is he doing his homework He is doing(his homework) carefully
    4 I have only a little money
    5 How do you go to school Why don't you go by bus
    6 How often do you go to see your grandparents
    7 The reason why he was late was that he got up late
    8 I was away when you were here
    I want to know how he finished the work
    He runs fast
    I have been very busy these days
    When the meeting is over give me a phone call
    Did you see anybody in
    The boy was seen upstairs
    All the students here are my classmates
    1.副词作状语时通常放谓语动词.果谓语动词带宾语.放宾语 :
    He speaks English fluently.英语说流利
    2.频度副词作状语时放be动词助动词情态动词行动词前助动词 置第助动词:
    He always goes to school by bus
    He is always happy
    He's tall enough to get the book down.足够高书驭
    4.表示位置副词果宾语称代词该副词应放称代词:put on your
    Hat中your hatit代时说成put it on
    They went swimming in the river yesterday.昨天河里游泳
    I’m very sad to hear that听消息难
    badly worseworst
    little lessleast

    1 early
    2 Well
    3 hard
    4 little
    5 slowly
    6 badly
    7 fast
    1English is the most (wide) language in the world
    2He arrived at the bus station an hour ( early)
    than yesterday
    3 Look at the sun It always shines
    (bright) at this time of year
    4 It's best to say ( little) and do
    5His mother came into the room ( quiet)
    6Li Ming jumps (high)in his school
    7Jane looks (bad)ill today
    8My father does everything more
    (care) than my mother
    1In fact what you said just now is right( )
    2 Why did she crash the dishes with anger
    on the ground ( )
    3 He won the first place at last ( )
    4 The old woman lives in a wooden house
    without any other person ( )
    51 can climb the wall without any difficulty( )
    6 All of a sudden the car ran into a tall
    tree ( )
    7 He always does his homework without
    any care ( )
    8I'd better start at once ( )

    Tom works harder than the other two
    Tom works __ of the three boy
    2 Jane went to the park yesterday and Jack
    went there too
    Jane went to the park yesterday and
    Jack went there
    3 I prefer science to any other subject
    I like science other subject
    4 Why are you late for a second time
    Why are you late
    5 The snow was very heavy last night
    It last night

    疑难点 原形形容词副词时存加ly构成副词两种形式副词
    疑难点二 much tootoo much法辨析
    much too意实太非常修饰形容词副词原级:much too difficult
    too much意太修饰数名词too many相(too many修饰数名词复数)
    :too much raintoo many words
    疑难点三 alreadyyet法辨析
    1.already常肯定句:I have finished already
    2.yet常否定句疑问句句尾:They haven't been there yet
    疑难点四 tooas wellalsoeither法辨析
    1.tooas well肯定句常放句尾:
    He likes Englishl like ittoo
    She can dance and she can sing as well
    She can dance and she can also sing
    I don't go to school today He doesn't either
    疑难点五 ratherfairly意相rather修饰褒义词贬义词皆fairly修饰褒义词
    The question is rather too difficult for me
    疑难点六 agobefore法辨析
    I arrived here a few minutes ago
    2 before表示某时间点算起前常完成时态句子中 单独:
    I have never read such a moving story before
    Do it before you forget
    before构成词组before longs久:
    He will come here before long
    long before久前:
    I had seen the film long before
    疑难点七 nearlyalmost法辨析
    more than等词连nearly:
    This is almost more than we thought
    She looks like her mother very nearly
    疑难点八 tooenoughso法辨析
    1t oo意太too…to…结构表示太…………:
    The boy is too young to go to school
    2.enough意足够形容词/副词原级+ enough to…结构表示足够…… ……:The boy is old enough to go to school
    It is so cold that you'd better put on your coat
    疑难点九 not+较级+thanno+较级+than法辨析
    Helen does not work harder than any other students in her class海伦学班
    Lily speaks English no better than Lucy莉莉英语说露西样
    疑难点十verymuchvery much法辨析
    The story is very interesting
    He runs much faster than Li Lei
    3very much修饰动词:
    Thanks very much
    疑难点十 sometimessome timessometime相some time法辨析
    Sometimes we are busy but sometimes we are not
    2.some times意数次:
    l have been to Beijing some times
    We will meet sometime next week
    4.some time意段时间:
    I have been here for some time
    疑难点十二 部分形容词加ly构成副词friendly友lovely爱lonely孤独ugly丑陋身ly结尾形容词词误认副词
    疑难点十三 every day副词短语意天作状语everyday形容词意常日常作定语:
    The classroom must be cleaned every day必须天扫教室
    These are everyday English.日常英语
    1 Daniel plays chess if not better thanDavid
    A as well B as well as C so well D so well as
    2 Daniel is a careful driver but he drives of my friends
    A more carefully B the most carefully
    C less carefully D the least carefully
    3 Traveling by air may be _______but not so ______
    A quicker cheaper B more quickly cheap
    Cquicker cheap Dmore quickly cheaper
    4Though he has studied at Russian for ten monthshe can still speak the language
    A hard hard B hardly hardly
    C hard hardly D hardly hard

    5 They all looked at the teacher when he told them the good news
    A sadly B happily C sad Dhappy
    6 Remember to email me All of us hope to hear from you
    A quickly B soon Cfast D quick
    7 Mum I think I'm to get back to school
    Not really my dear You'd better stay at home for another day or two
    A so well B so good
    C well enough D Good enough
    8 I don't think this shirt fits her It's small for her
    A much too Bvery much C too much Dso much
    9 Look This is a pair of new shoes for you Please try
    Ait on B on it Cthem on D on them
    10 do you like the film
    Very interesting
    A How B Who C What D When
    11 I am too tired to walk any
    A farther Bfarthest C further D furthest
    12 Beijing has many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours
    Aso Bvery Ctoo Dmuch
    13It’s a beautiful stamp
    Aquite Btoo Cvery Dso
    14Have you found your pen
    A already B yet C ever D still
    15 This kind of cellphone sells
    A good B well C.nice Dfine
    1 I'm working deeply into the night these days for a report
    误: 正:
    2Jim doesn't study as careful as the other students do
    误: 正:
    3 Many young Chinese don't hardly know about the history of their country well
    误: 正:
    4 He told his parents that nearly nothing in the shop was worth buying
    误: 正:
    5 He went to the beach by train two months before
    6 Though the big man pushed the door as hardly as he could he didn't open it
    误: 正:
    7 It seems that the warm weather started more earlier this year than it did last year
    误: 正:
    8 The earth is very smaller than the sun
    误: 正:
    9 Tom is the shortest of his three brothers
    误: 正:
    10 Though Jim plays football best in his class he plays no better than I
    误: 正:
    lIt snowed (heavy) last night and now everything gets white
    2What do you think of the football match
    WonderfulThey played the (good) this time
    3 The wind is blowing (strong)
    4After the long walk he can’t walk any_____________(far)
    5 You must be more JimLookyou wrote______________ ( careful)
    you have to answer my questions_____________
    Can you speak
    Walk The station is still three hundred meters
    He goes to school by bus by bike
    the plane at the airport
    1 all the students in his class Xiao Ming writes
    A Of most carefully BIn the most carefully
    C Of very carefully DIn much more carefully
    2Our monitor takes more exercise every day for he believes he doeshe'll be
    Athe less the stronger B the more the thinner
    C the more the stronger D more stronger
    3 Did you find the small village yesterday
    Yeswithout any difficulty for it has changed over years
    A hardly B greatly C clearly D nearly
    41t seems that Alice never wants to do anything except draw pictures
    Right That's what she likes to do
    A more Bless C most Dleast
    5I can be a nurse I'm not a very patient person
    A seldom B ever C never D always
    6 The Internet is very useful for usWe can find information
    A easy B easily C hard D hardly
    7 Would you like some coffee
    NothanksI drink coffee
    Coffee is bad for my stomach
    A almost B already C hardly D still
    8I often laugh when I see my grandma learning pop songs
    she saysOne is never old to learn
    A too B so C very D quite
    9 China is developing of all the countries in the world.
    A fast B faster C fastest D the most fast
    10 I ride a bike to school But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late
    A never B sometimes C Seldom D usually
    11 We haven't decided we'll go to Shanghai next week
    A where Bwhen C.why Dwho
    12Which color do you like blue or green
    A good B better C best D the best
    13 At the sports meeting Simon jumped as as Daniel
    A high B higher C slow D slower
    14 Mr SmithWould you please speak a little more
    Sorry I thought you would follow me
    A slowly B politely C seriously D clearly
    15 Some students spend time on the Internet They forget to study eat and
    sleep They can't even communicate with people in real life
    A too many C too much B many too D much too
    16 I saw you come to school by bus this morning
    Oh I come to school by bus but it is raining today
    A Hardly B always C sometimes D usually
    17As we all knowsmoking is bad for us_______for children
    A especially B recently C probably D nearly
    18 She always does her homework than her brother
    A more careful B careful C more carefully D carefully
    19I didn’t know you take a bus to school
    Oh I take a bus but it is snowing today
    A hardly B never C sometimes D usually
    20 Can you hear me
    No I can't Would you pleasespeak
    A clearly enough B clear enough C enough clear D enough clearly
    21Can you understand what I meant
    Sorry I can follow you
    A always B almost C nearly D hardly_
    22 How often do you go to a concert
    ever I'm not interested in that at all
    A Usually B Hardly C Almost
    23Let's do it .There is only five minutes left
    A hardly B slowly C quickly D politely
    24 Would you please drive My plane is taking off
    I’d like tobut safety comes first
    A faster B better C more carefully D more slowly
    25Miss Gao is very popular with her students
    Yes Her classes are lively and interesting
    A seldom B never C sometimes D always

    专题七 介词
    1.熟练掌握介词inonattofrom bywithforaboutafterbefore等般法
    2 理解介词十时间词区:at应时间点in时间段等
    3 理解介词十名词作状语法




    1.at表示具体时刻(at 5 0'clockat 7:30)固定搭配(at noonnightthe end)中
    2.on表示具体某天某天午午晚(on Monday morningafternoon
    evening)节日前(on Christmas Eve)
    3in表示月季节年泛指午午晚(in the eveningin Mayin 1994in spring)接段时间表示现算起段时间时中:We'll meet
    in two weeks during+ 段时间/项活动程指某期间动作:during the war战争
    I have lived here since two years ago
    I have been learning English for 3 years
    We arrived in Beijing last Friday and after 3 dayswe left for Shanghai
    2 after+具体时间点指某时间谓语时时:
    He will go to London after 700
    3 in+段时间.指现算起段时间谓语时in接表示具体 时间点词:
    He'll be back in two days
    Supper will be ready by 600
    2 by+具体时间点指动作延续具体时间点止谓语完成时:
    I had learned more than 2000 English words by the end of last year
    The work won’t be finished until tomorrow
    I will work here until 600
    He will be back before 1100
    四 表示点方介词
    Shanghai lies in the east of China.海位中国东部
    2 on表示某区接壤某方位属该范围:
    North Korea lies on the northeast of China鲜位中国东北部
    3 to表示某区外某方位属该范围:
    Japan lies to the east of China.日位中国东部
    1.over表示某物体正方接触:a bridge over the river
    2.above表示某物体方定垂直指温度海拔等刻度:the clouds
    above my house
    3.on表示某物体面两物体接触:a book on the desk
    l under表示某物体正方over相:a cat under the table
    :Your temperature is below 37摄氏度
    (四)in front ofin the front ofbeforebehindopposite
    1.in front of表示……前范围外:
    There is a tree in front of my house
    2 in the front of表示……前部范围:
    There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom
    3.before表示……前范围外表示位置关系in front of通:
    He stands before mebefore更指时间
    4behind表示……面in front ofbefore相:
    The cat is behind the door
    5.opposite表示……面:He sat opposite me on the train
    (五) at inon
    1.at表示较点:at homeat a shop at school
    2.in表示较方:in Beijingin New York
    3 on表示面:a picture on the wall
    (六)nearnearby bybeside
    1.nearnearby表示……附段距离:nearnearby my home
    2 bybeside表示……旁边甚触摸:Don't stand bybeside the fire
    (七)between among roundaroundabout
    Between表示两者间:between the two farms
    She is the best student among a11 of us
    There isn't much difference between the three of them三(两者)间没太差异
    about the school学校周围roundaroundabout six o'clock约6点钟
    (八)across throughpastoveralongdown
    1.across强调穿某面:go across the street
    2.through强调某空间穿:go through the forest
    3 past强调某事物旁:The car drove past my house
    4.over强调面边边越某高度:fly over the hi11
    5.alongdown表示着(街道河流等):go alongdown the river
    (九)into out of onto off
    1 into表示进入:go into the hill
    2.our of表示出:run out of the room
    3.onto表示面:Don't jump onto the desk
    4.off表示脱离某方:get off the car
    1.with指工具身体某部位器官:Wc see things with eyes
    2.by指方法手段.常接动名词:He improved his English by reading
    3.in指某种语言工具具体类型等:in English
    :I have nothing to do today but wash my clothes
    Everyone is here except Jack
    3besides表示外指原基础加 besides 带物Besides reading I love listening to music
    (三)表示属性介词 of
    of表示属 a book of mine书
    a girl from America位美国女孩
    (五)like without against about towards
    1 without表示没:
    I can’t succeed without your help
    2 like表示as表示担作 Don’t do like this
    3 against表示反for相(for表示意) Less than half of my classmates are against me
    4 about表示关 What do you talk about
    5 towards表示 He went towards west
    1 表示时间短语中果next last one this every each some any all等单词时介词:
    I will see you next week周
    You can come any day you like天行
    2 定冠词aan短语中介词:
    three times a day天三次 an apple a day天苹果
    3含height length size shape age colour等量词短语句中作表语短语前介词:
    What colour is her dress裙子什颜色?
    She is the same age as me龄
    早午晚in at黎明午点分
    on 年月季节周 阳光灯影衣帽in

    I 介词中选择适词填空
    1 at on in
    a ______ MidAutumn Day
    b _______ a quarter to ten
    c _______ the 21st century
    d _______ a cold morning
    2 since for from
    a I have been learning English ________ over 20 years
    b He has studied English ________ 2008
    c ______ now on I will learn English in the mornings
    3 in after
    a We’ll meet again ________ two weeks
    b We started out for the United States on July the first an ________ 20 hours we arrived at Los Angeles Airport
    c _________ supper I usually take a short walk
    4 by until during
    a We had learned 5000 English words ________ the end of last year
    b I waited for my mother _______ she came home
    c he lives with us _______ the three years
    5 in on to
    a Korea is ________ the east of China
    b Japan is ________ the east of China
    c Shanghai is _________ the east of China
    6 over above under below
    a The average temperature in summer in Qingdao is ________ 30 It is very cool
    b The dog lay ________ the bed
    c The plane flew _________ the clouds
    d The bridge _________ the river has a long history
    7 with in by
    a You can see it _________ your own eyes
    b Why don’t we go there ________ car instead
    c He made the speech _________ English
    8 across through over
    a Be careful while walking _______ the street
    b Walk ________ the gate and you’ll see the rest room
    c The plane flew ________ a line of mountains in the southeast
    1 秋季天___________________
    2 ________________________
    3 起初__________________________
    4 问题答案____________________
    5 独立________________________
    6 格林家______________________
    7 时__________________________
    8 寻找__________________________
    1. on the tree表示枝叶果实等长树:
    There are many apples on the tree
    2. in the tree表示物体树:
    There is a kite in the tree
    3. on the wall表示物体挂粘贴墙in the wall表示门窗等嵌墙:
    There is a hole in the wall
    We are leaving for Shanghai this afternoon
    2to常go come move return等词to接目:
    I won’t go to the park this weekend
    3 towards意强调运动方没达目意:
    He went away towards the sea
    疑难点三at某动词连表示攻击目标含恶意:he shouted at me Go out
    to表示方恶意 He said to me Bring your raincoat with you
    1 表示旅行方式by接表示交通工具名词时名词单数形式带冠词修饰语
    He goes to school by bus
    2 onin接表示交通工具名词时名词前应冠词物代词指示代词等修饰开放型半开放型交通工具前on封闭型交通工具前in
    3 外by seaairland等表示旅行方式
    1 in the past表示谓语动词时:I went to school by bike in the past
    2 in the past + 时间段表示中谓语动词常现完成时表示现算起时间段包括时刻:I have studied there in the past three years
    1 of sb It is +adj +of sb +to do sth句型号中形容词kind clever helpful等描述物性格特征词It is kind of you to help me
    2 for sbIt is +adj+for sb +to do sth句型中形容词easy hard important等描述物特征词It is difficult for me to make great progress
    1 to作介词面接名词代词动名词I look forward to going to Nanjing
    2 含介词to词组定牢记pay attention to look forward to(盼期) get used to prefer…to…
    动词+介词短语中宾语放介词:look after her 动词+副词短语中宾语名词时放副词前宾语代词时放动词副词间turn down the TVturn the TV downturn it down
    1 be made of 制成接见原材料 Our desks are made of wood
    2 be made from制成接见原材料This kind of wine is made from wheat
    3 be made in方制造These clothes are make in China
    4 be made into制成The piece of paper can be made into a paper plane
    5 be made up of 组成 Our group is make up of four members
    1 be used to do sth做 This wood is used to make chairs
    2 be used for sth做 This can also be used for food作食物
    3 be used as做 The stone is used as a chair
    4 be used by the armchair is used by my grandpa
    5 beget used to sthdoing sth惯做 I get used to getting up early in the morning
    6 used to do sth常常做:I used to go to school by bus
    1be famous for闻名:Lu Xun was famous for his works
    2 be famous as作闻名:Lu Xun was famous as a writer
    表示时间介词at on in next last this these today yesterday tomorrow one any every eachall等词前省略this morning every week等
    I 单项选择
    ( ) 1 The new railway station is about five kilometers _______ the village
    A away B away from C far from D far away from
    ( ) 2 Dad look at the building It is on fire
    Call 119 __________ mobile phone right now
    A in B by C on D with
    ( ) 3 Do you know the young lady ________ your mother is talking
    A who B whom C with D with who
    ( ) 4 –What do you often do ________ classes to relax yourself
    Listen to music
    A over B among C between D through
    ( ) 5 I hope all of you can hand _________ your homework ______ time every day
    A out in B in in C in on D in at
    ( ) 6 Mr Li said he would show the students ________ the New York City which is famous ________ the world
    A about at B around in C through in D towards around
    ( ) 7 Let’s go _______ the road The shop is ________ the other side
    A across on B cross on C through in D between on
    ( ) 8 –Are you going to school _______ bus
    A by by B from by C by in D in at
    ( ) 9 The little boy tripped _________ a stone and one of his feet was badly hurt ________ a rainy day
    A over in B over on C at in D at on
    ( ) 10 ________ fine mornings old people get together and do exercises by the lake
    A On B At C To D In
    ( ) 11 Sanya is in the south of the island and it is famous ________ Tianya Haijiao
    A as B for C in D at
    ( ) 12 –What do you call this in English
    It’s a stamp It is used _________ sending lettlers
    A for B to C with D by
    ( ) 13 Here are some flowers _______ you _______our best wishes
    A to for B for with C of to D from to
    ( ) 14 These coats are different _______ size
    A from B of C to D in
    ( ) 15 –Your coat looks nice What is it ________
    A made of B made in C made from D made by
    ( ) 16 The teacher ______ his book ________ hand come over to the blackboard
    A with in B in C on on D with
    ( ) 17 She gave the students a lesson _________ Mr Wang
    A instead B instead of C instead on D instead in
    ( ) 18 It’s very nice ________ you to get me two tickets _________ the World Cup
    A by by B from by C by in D in at
    ( ) 19 My parents are pleased _______ my school work this term
    A on B to C in D with
    ( ) 20 Today some newlyproduced mobile phones can take pictures ________ a camera
    A as B for C like D of
    1 The red basket is full ________ strawberries
    2 How are you getting on _______ your physics
    3 _________ the end of last week he had finished onethird of the work
    4 His mother is never worried ______ him
    5 The square is covered _________ colourful flowers
    6 You have to send _______ a doctor at once
    7 Don’t play _________ fire It’s very dangerous
    8 I often go out _______ a walk after supper
    9 It kept raining ______ a whole week
    10 __________ my great surprise he failed in the exam
    11 Congratulations ______ you ________ your great success
    12 Don’t laugh _____ others It’s impolite
    13 The girl made money _______ selling flowers
    14 All these things will be talked ________ next week
    ( ) 1Sally is very happy There is a big smile _______ her face
    A on B to C in D at
    ( ) 2It’s very important _______ us to make a plan before a new term
    Yes You must try to make it carefully
    A of B for C to D on
    ( ) 3It’s very kind _______ you Thank you for your help
    A of B for C to D on
    ( ) 4All of us went to the park ______ Bob He had to look after his sister
    A besides B with C except
    ( ) 5We’ll have a hiking trip but when shall we meet
    Let’s make it _______ half past eight ________ the morning of June 21
    A at in B on C in D at
    ( ) 6The little elephant is afraid to go alone He always walks ________ his mother
    A beside B behind C below D under
    ( ) 7Marie Curie the first woman to win the Nobel Prize was born ________ November 1867 in the city of Warsaw in Poland
    A at B on C in D to
    ( ) 8 The famous actor often plays ______ his children in the park
    A about B in C at D with
    ( ) 9–Peter can you tell me the differences ______ the four words
    Sorry I don’t know
    A between B among C for
    ( ) 10–Frank when will the short meeting begin
    You should come ________ 230 If you come 10 minutes _____ that time the meeting will be over
    A at before B at after C after before
    ( ) 11–I joined the League _______ May 2008 What about you
    I’ve been a League member _________ three years
    A in for B on in C on for D in since
    ( ) 12Mr Black is strongly _______ keeping animals in the zoo because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom
    A up B for C against D down
    ( ) 13My uncle has gone to Singapore He will be ______ in a week
    A out B off C back
    ( ) 14 This kind of dress is _________ this year and I really want to get one
    A in danger B in trouble C in style
    ( ) 15 If you try to sit on two chairs you will fall _________ them For life you must choose one chair
    A between B under C among D into
    ( ) 16 While I was standing ________ the window I saw several boys running _______ the street
    A at along B on at C in on D to in
    ( ) 17 The Olympic Games was held _________ August 8 2008 in Beijing
    A on B in C at D to
    ( ) 18The weather here is very hot ________ summer
    A at B on C in D of
    ( ) 19 When did the Shanghai Expo open
    ________ May 1st 2010
    A In B On C At D By
    ( ) 20 –Guess how much does it cost
    I think it costs ________ 15 and 20 dollars
    A from B between C among D with
    ( ) 21When did your uncle arrive _______ China
    He got to Guangzhou _______ the morning of the 16th of April
    A at in B in in C to on D in on
    ( ) 22Tom told me his parents had arrived _________ Beijing
    A at B on C in D to
    ( ) 23Let’s play table tennis _______ Tuesday morning shall we
    A on B in C to D at
    ( ) 24__________ the heavy rain we didn’t go camping last Sunday
    What a pity
    A Thanks to B Because of C Instead of D As for
    ( ) 25Can you see some people are waiting ______ the library
    Yes They are standing in a queue in front of its gate
    A around B inside C outside
    ( ) 26It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town
    I’m _______ it Zoos are terrible for animals
    A through B besides C against D except
    ( ) 27Nanjing is a beautiful city It won China Human Habitat Environment Prize ________ 2008
    A at B on C in D by
    ( ) 28How do you travel to school every day
    I go _______ bus
    A on B at C in D by
    ( ) 29The police man helped the old woman _______ the road
    A above B across C through D over
    ( ) 30We will never forget what happened _______ the afternoon of May 12 2008
    A in B by C at D on

    专题八 情态动词
    注意区分表示力时情态动词canbe able to法
    掌握表示必须时musthave to法区
    掌握canmay表示性时否定句中may notcan’t法意义
    情态动词身定意义单独作谓语动词起构成谓语动词表示说话语气情态情态动词没称数变化(have to外第三称单词时has to)情态动词面应接动词原形接分词接定式(ought to外)情态动词具助动词作构成否定句疑问句作简单答语英语中常情态动词:

    She can speak English very well说英语说
    I could catch the bus but I didn’t want to时赶车没想赶
    Can I use your bike行车?
    Could I come here again tomorrow明天?
    cancould表示怀疑猜测时意 can’tcouldn’t意:
    He can’t couldn’t be only thirty三十岁
    This can’t be done by her做
    Running fast can be very dangerous 跑太快时会危险
    Could I use your pen钢笔?
    Yes of course you can 然
    表示请求许意般can互换表示请求允许做某事时两者might语气较委婉表示允许做某事时般maymightmay表示请求时否定回答mustn’t意许禁止may not:
    May I come in 进?
    Yes you may No you mustn’t
    表示推测许mightmay语气更肯定may not意
    It may rain this afternoon天午会雨
    It may not be the key to the door许扇门钥匙
    He might be doing his lesson now正做功课
    May you succeed祝成功
    You must get up early必须早起
    I must go home now回家
    There must be a mistake定弄错
    Someone is knocking at the door It must be Tom敲门肯定汤姆
    It can’t be Jim He hasn’t returned from work吉姆没班回
    3. 否定句中mustn’t表示禁止许must开头般疑问句肯定回答must否定回答needn’t don’t have to表示必:
    Must I come back before 500 必须5点前回?
    No you needn’t don’t have to没必
    作情态动词时表示需必须否定句疑问句中need提问肯定回答must否定回答needn’thad better not:
    He needn’t do anything必做事
    Need I go now 现必须走?
    Yes you must No you needn’t 必须走必走
    (五)had better基法
    had better+动词原形意权表示劝告建议否定式had better not提问时had提语前:
    You’d better get there early 早点里
    You had better not watch TV too much 太电视
    Shall we go by train 火车?
    Shall she come right now 马?
    You shall finish your homework first先完成家庭作业
    He shall pay for this定付出代价
    Jim asked if she should bring her friend here吉姆问否该带朋友
    You should listen to your teacher应该听老师话
    We should be more careful应该更仔细
    It should be ten o’clock now道理说现应该10点
    It should be ten o’clock now 令惊奇玛丽意然喜欢杰克样
    (八)ought to基法
    You ought to make an apology to me 应该道歉
    The seats ought to be enough for all the guests 道理说座位客足够
    I will try my best to help you 会全力帮
    I will come to see you tomorrow 明天会
    2 表示请求建议方做某事般疑问句中常接第二称时wouldwill语气更委婉:
    Will you go with us 起?
    Would you open the window please 帮窗户开?
    3 表示规律惯常性倾性意惯总总会终注定会:
    Fish will die out of water 鱼离开水活
    He would work all day without rest 总天干晚休息
    (十)used to基法
    1.used to表示惯动作状态现意常常没称数变化常时间状语连:
    He used to walk to school 常步行学校(现步行学校)
    My father used to be a teacher 父亲教师(现教师)
    2.否定形式usedn’t todidn’t use to般疑问句形式used提语前Did … use to形式:
    He usedn’t to be so forgetful 健忘(现健忘)
    Did Tom use to get up early 汤姆早起床?
    (十)have to基法
    have to通常指客观原做某事意have to否定句疑问句构成助助动词do适形式助动词will:
    It was raining He had to stay at home 天正雨家里
    情态动词两点 动词原形面
    说话语气较委婉 can表力may许
    must责义务 否定回答换needn’t
    should应该 would愿 have to迫表客观
    1Could I take this seat sir
    Yes you __________ (can could)
    2 It ________ be very hot in north China in summer (can may should)
    3 I have just met him on the street He ________ be in Beijing now (can’t may not mustn’t)
    4 Peter ________ phone If he does could you ask him to ring later (can must may)
    5 __________ you Merry Christmas (May Will)
    6You _________ spit in public (needn'tmustn't)
    7You _________ come to school so early(needn't mustn't)
    8Tell Jerry that he_________ get a gift if he is nice (will shall)
    9I think today's children_________ really learn to respect their elders ( need should)
    10People _________ die without air or water(shallwill)
    can could have to may need would like

    1 ADo you have enough money
    B No I still _________ ten yuan
    2 AWhat's the time now
    B It's nearly ten o'clock
    A Oh my God I ________ ________go now
    3 A ________ you drive a car
    B No I can't I think it's too difficult
    4A ________ you________to come to my birthday party tomorrow
    BI ________ ________ toBut I _______ _______ look after my grandmother because she is ill in hospital
    5 A_______ you give me a hand The box is too heavy
    BOKI’m coming
    Li Lei ________ _________ when he was eight years old.
    She said that she ________ _________ here in the afternoon.
    3必须天完成家庭作业? 必
    ________ ________ _________ my home work today
    No________ ________
    You ________ ________ _________ to Meimei
    You________ ________ _________ _________him this
    _________I ________you
    Yes.I _______ ________ a coat
    The post office is a bit far from here__________take a bus.
    8 Can I you find the map(作肯定回答)
    ________I _________

    疑难点 can表示具体场合已成功做成某事力时需waswere able to强调努终成功做成某事:We were able to finish the task on time时完成务
    疑难点二 canmay表示性时.否定句中may not语气肯定can’t
    :Mary may come or may not come today.玛丽天
    疑难点三 wouldshouldcouldmight等式时表示表示更委婉客气语气:Could you help me帮
    疑难点四 表示必须时must指做某事愿发心表示观必性:I must go to Jack's birthday party必须杰克生日聚会have to指做某事动
    受某种压力表示客观需have to称数时态变化:He has to go to school every day except Saturdays and Sundays周六周日天学She didn't have to come so early没必早
    疑难点五 must肯定句中表示推测意肯定表示否定推测时应can't意mustn't意禁止允许表示推测:You must be tired定累It can’t be our English teacher He has gone to Beijing星英语老师已北京
    疑难点六 may be中may情态动词动词原形be.句中maybe副词意概.许相perhaps句首:It may be usefulMaybe you are right this time许次
    疑难点七 表示征求列方意见请求时will第二称中shall第第三称中:Will you please help me帮?Shall I come againJ

    ( ) 1 Mum ___________ I play computer games
    Yes you can But you have to finish your homework first
    A must B may C will D need
    ( ) 2 I_isten1 Is that Kate playing the piano in the room?
    No It ______be KateShe has gone to London
    A may not B needn’t C mustn't D can't
    ( ) 3 The baby is too young You give her big pieces of food
    A may B must C may not D mustn't
    ( ) 4We hope that as many people as possible __________ join us for the charity show tomorrow
    A need C must D should
    ( ) 5 I'm sorry I _______ go now My father told me on the phone that my mother was ill
    A can B may C have to D need
    ( ) 6Who is the girl standing over there
    Well if you _______ knowher name is Joe
    A must B may C can D shall
    ( )7 Where is my umbrella
    It's fine today You ___ take an umbrella with you
    A can't B needn't C mustn't D shouldn't
    ( )8_______the exam paper be handed in right now
    No it doesn't have to You may hand it in before ll 30
    A Can B Must C Should D May
    ( )9______ some more people to do the work
    Yes I think we do
    A Need we ask for B Do we need to ask for
    C Need we to ask for D Do we need ask for
    ( )10 Henry _______ be at home because he telephoned me from Beijing just a moment ago
    A needn't B isn't able to C can't D does not
    ( )11 ______ you like to come to my party
    A Shall B Would CShould D Will
    ( )12 _______you play football with us
    SorryI _______I ______ tidy my room '
    A Will won't must B Could couldn’t could
    C Can can't have to D May mayn't must
    ( )13 The villagers ______ to fetch water from dirty pool before liberation
    A could B must C had D might
    ( )14 Why ______ he have a talk with her _______ he do it tomorrow
    A may May B must May C can Must D can Need
    ( )15 Tom _______ he in Shanghai because l saw him just now
    A mustn't B isn't C may not D can't
    ( )16 How______ he so busy
    A must you B need you C will you D can you
    ( )17 These shoes _______ Jim's I think
    A maybe Bmay be C may are Dmay is
    ( )18 Peter ____come with us tonight but he isn't very sure yet
    A must B may C can D will
    ( )19 I hit a tree on the way to meet my friend at the railway station
    I am sure that you _______ have been driving too fast
    A need B should C will Dmust
    ( )20Look It _______ be the new woman manager
    It _______ be herShe has just left for Shanghai
    A can mustn’t B must can't C must mustn't D can't mustn't
    1 Can I open the window sir
    Yes you ________ (can could)
    2 The thief was caught by the police so he_______(had to must) hand in all the money
    3 Smoking is bad for my health and I________ (have to must) give up
    4 Bendon't drive too fast You________(may can might) hit the other's car
    5May I take it out I'm sorry You_________ (couldn't mustn't)
    1It's nearly six o'clock Jim ____ be here at any moment
    2A computer________ think for itself it must be told what to do
    3Jim you_______ play with the knifeyou ______hurt yourself
    4Jane said she________ not go with Tomfor she didn't like him
    5________ we go out for a walk
    6He is feeling much better You ________ worry about him
    7 _______ you play games with us
    1 He can sing in Japanese and so do I _______________
    2 I’ll take part in some social activities so that I can knew more about the society ___________
    3 Look out The knife is very sharpYou should cut your finger _______________
    4 You mustn't repair the computerfor it works quite well _______________
    5 You won't forget what I told you It's________ very important
    ( )1 It doesn't look like rainso you ______bring your umbrella with you
    A shouldn't B mustn’t C can't D needn't
    ( )2 The desk is not dirtyYou ______clean it
    A mustn't B shouldn’t C needn't D can’t
    ( )3 What is your mother going to do this Saturday
    I'm not sure She _______ go to see my grandmother
    A can B must Cmay
    ( )4 It's the library So you _____ know shouting is not allowed here
    A can B must C need D may
    ( )5 Mr Smith must have_______been to your home this morning
    Nohe __________because he didn't know my address
    A couldn’t B can't C mustn't D may not
    ( )6Everyone_______ go through the security check (安检)when entering the World Expo Park
    A Yes you must B No you needn't C Yes I can
    ( )7Must I finish my homework at school
    ________You can do it at home and hand it in next week
    AYes you must BNoyou needn’t CYes I can
    ( )8 I don't care what my teachers think
    Acould Bwould C should D might
    ( )9 Whose shirt is this
    It______ be Li Lei's It is too big for him
    Acould B must C can’t D might
    ( )10Do we have to finish our homework this afternoon
    Yesyou ________
    A must B can C may Dneed
    ( ) 11 Must I be in hospital for a weekDoctor
    No you _________You can go back home tomorrow
    A mustn't B needn't C must
    ( ) 12 The lake is said to be dry Is that true
    It_______ Look some kids are swimming in it
    A must be true B can't be true C may not be true
    ( ) 13Is the man over there Mr Brown
    It _____ be him He's much shorter
    A must B can't C needn't D may
    ( ) 14 ______ your American friend eat with chopsticks
    Yes but he can't use them well
    A Can B Should C Must
    ( ) 15Look at that girl Is it Susan
    No it _____he her She has gone back to her hometown
    A mustn't B can't C needn't D wouldn't
    ( ) 16It's such a long wayWhat shall do
    You _______ take my car if you want
    A will B must C may D shall
    ( )17Look The man at the gate ______be our headmaster He is always standing there every morning
    No it_____be himHe is holding a meeting in the office now
    A must can't Bmust must C can't can't D can't mustn't
    ( )18 What would you send to your sister as the Christmas gift
    I haven t decided yet I _______send her a handbag
    A shall B may C must
    ( )19 ______ you swim
    Yes but I'm not a good swimmer
    A Can B May C Need D Must
    ( )20 ______ I borrow these magazines
    Sorry only the magazines over there can be borrowed
    A Must B Would C May D Need

    专题九 动词
    3初步掌握becomegetlook turn等系动词般法


    I bought a computer yesterday昨天买台电脑
    She is called Li Li by mistake错认莉莉
    The car stop辆汽车停
    The sun rises in the east.太阳东方升起
    3 兼作物动词物动词动词
    英语中物动词物动词分类绝数动词场合作物动词物动词时动词意义发生变化作物动时需宾语 作物动词时直接接宾语:
    The policeman stopped the car警察辆车停(物动词)
    The car stopped汽车停(物动词)
    We began the meeting two minutes ago 2分钟前开始开会(物动词)
    May I begin now找现开始?(物动词)
    类连系动词常见:befeel感觉keep保持.lookseem .appear显 smellsound听起stand站lie躺sit坐stay保持taste尝起类系动词表示事物存特征状态中looksound等词接名词作表语时加like:
    He is tall and thin高瘦
    She always keeps silent whenever I see her什时候见总保持沉默
    This film looks very interesting场电影起非常意思
    He looks like an actor.起演员
    The weather is becoming warmer and warmer天气变越越暖
    The trees turn green in spring春天树变绿
    Children fall asleep easily孩子睡快
    态语态加强语气助动词必须语保持称数致常助动词bedohave will shallshouldwould等
    He is drawing a picture正画画
    We are playing football正踢足球
    The work will be finished in 6 days工作6天完成
    His homework was done by his father作业父亲做
    They are to finish the task next week周完成务
    (2) 助动词do法
    I don't want t come here.想
    She didn't go to school没学
    Do you think you are right认
    Did they finish their homework完成家庭作业?
    Don't make noise in the class教室里制造噪音
    Don't be worried担心
    I do go to your home定家
    They do help you.肯定帮
    Do you want to go there真想?
    YesI do想
    Have you been there before
    He has never been to Hong Kong没香港
    He had been to England before he came here.前已英国
    ③havehas been+分词:构成现完成时态动语态否定疑问形式:
    Many cars have been made in his factory家工厂生产许汽车
    This kindtoy had not be produced before you bought it种玩具前没生产出
    (4)助动词shall will法
    We shall go to school tomorrow 明天学
    Will you doit tonight晚会做
    ②shouldwould+动词原形:shall 式shouldwill式would构成
    He didn't know whether or not I should go home yesterday evening知道昨晚否该回家
    I didn't know what would happen at that time时知道会发生什
    语气情态情态动词称数变化常情态动词:ca couldmaymightwill would shall should ought to must have to need had better等
    2 情态动词法(略)(见第八章容)
    havedo作助动词时帮助实义动词构成种时态语态作实义动词身意思:have拥 do做干:
    I have a computer 台电脑
    I did my homework just now刚刚做家庭作业

    注意y结尾动词变现分词y变直接加ing:playplaying study
    1 copy________ ________ ________ ________
    2write________ ________ ________ ________
    3stop________ ________ ________ ________
    4 lie(躺)________ ________ ________ ________
    5 watch________ ________ ________ ________
    6 pay________ ________ ________ ________
    7 run________ ________ ________ ________
    8come________ ________ ________ ________
    9feel ________ ________ ________ ________
    10be________ ________ ________ ________
    1 writer________ ________ 2visitor________ ________
    3teacher________ ________ 4runner________ ________
    5discussion________ ________ 6 worker________ ________
    7description________ ________8building________ ________
    9 decision________ ________ 10 talk________ ________
    pay spend

    1 Tina________yuan for this bag yesterday
    2 Larry________ two days reading this book last week
    talk speak say tell

    3 Let's _________ about this question together
    4 My grandma often ______ me her stories
    5 She can ______ a little Chinese
    6 Mr King _________ that China is a great country
    wear put on in dress

    7 The woman ________ red is my aunt
    8 Tom isn't old enough to ________ himself
    9 Many students____________glasses
    10______ your hat when you go out It's cold outside
    read see look watch

    11 The old man is _______ a piece of newspaper at the desk
    12 Would you like to _______ the soccer match with me
    13 I don’t know this word I have to_______ it up in the dictionary
    14 Can you _______some pictures on the wall
    arrive get

    15 Please give me a call when you in Paris
    16 After I _____ home I began to do my homework
    1 Don't _______ (laugh) at others when they are in trouble
    2In Chinathe number of the Internet users___________(be) 55 million in 2002
    3 There ______ ( be) some fruit juice in the bottle Pass it to meplease
    4 You should not_______ (make) a noise in class
    5 You _______(take) a train trip to Beijing last week didn't you
    6 Someone called me yesterday evening
    7 Your mother _______ (look) young
    8 His face_______(turn) red after finding the truth
    9Who sings best in your class
    10 I didn’ t go to see the film because I ___________(see) it
    ( )1 Let me look at your model plane
    A see B have a look at C find D watch
    ( )21 didn't remember to bring my homework
    A forget B don't forget
    C didn't forget D forgot
    ( ) 3 My mother enjoyed the TV programme very much
    A liked B watched Csaw D hated
    ( )4 She had a look at the beautiful flower
    A looked at B took C saw D watch
    ( )5 Who will take care of the sick children
    A look for B look after C look at D look up
    ( )6 Let's start to study now
    A begin B sell C take D set
    ( )7 The girl is in a blue skirt
    A put on B has C have D wears
    ( ) 8 The tourist went across the road when the traffic light was green
    A went along B went through C crossed D walked over
    ( ) 9 When someone is in trouble give him a hand
    A help him B put up your hand
    C borrow your hand D take away your hand
    ( )10 We’ll have a meeting to talk about an important thing
    A speak B discuss C tell D say

    疑难点 系动词面表语形容词名词动名词定式介词短语副词.:
    Th orange tastes well(误)
    The orange tastes good(正)
    疑难点二 助动词don’t放句首构成否定祈句doesn'tdidn't法:
    Don’t be late again
    What do you do on Sundays?(第do助动词第二do实义动词)
    2 实义动词have讲时否定形式疑问形式两种方法进行变化助动词dodoesdid直接havehashad Have you time to play with us Do you have
    time to play with us
    1根动作状态否延续动词分延续性动词终止性动词延续性动词表示种持续行程状态表示段时间状语连果延续性动词表示时动作时该动词前加getbegincome:When did you get to know him什时候候认识?
    The snow hasn't stopped since three hours ago雪三时没停
    颜色变化般turn:turn green天变黑般getgrow:get/grow darker 天气变暖变冷becomeget:become warmer天变长变短般get:
    The day is getting longer in summer情绪变化般get:get angry表示长高变老等般grow:grow older表示方面变般come:come true表示坏方面变般go:go mad go wrong
    疑难点六 come+a+单数名词turn十单数名词表示成什样become a doctorturn doctor等

    1speak 说话强调动作作物动词接语言(speak English)作物词意思……说:He spoke to me just now
    2 say 说强调容作物动词接说话容:He saidYou’re wrong
    3 tell 告诉强调讲听作物动词常词组tell sb sth
    4 talk 交谈强调交流作物动词常towith连意思……交谈:I talked with my friendabout连意思谈……:They are talking about a film
    1bring带意思说话者现处点点带:Bring a gift to me
    2 take带走意思说话者现处点走:Take your when you leave
    3 carry带扛搬强涮移动没固定方性carry a bottle
    4fetch取强调处取某物回返物:Fetch the cup of tea for meplease
    1 borrow终止性动词表示语某物常短语borrow sth from sb:I borrowed a book from Li Ming yesterday
    2 lend终止性动词表示语出某物常短语lend sth to sb:Kate lent a pen to me
    3 keep保存延续性动词表示长时问段时间连口:I have kept the book for a month书已月
    1 arrive达物动词单独作谓语构成arrive in+方arrive at+点 arrive in Beijing arrive at the station
    2 reach达物动词单独作谓语需接点名词:reach Japan
    3 get达物动词接点副词get home接介词to+名词:get to school
    1listen 积极倾听强调动作祈句进行时接宾语时面to:Listen to me carefullyplease
    2hear然听强调结果祈句进行时中:I hear someone singing in the room
    1 see(意中)强调结果:I saw a little girl cry
    2 look(意)强调动作面at:Look at the mapplease
    3 watch指欣赏某特定目注意观侧重程常构成短语watch TV match等
    4.read阅读read a booknewspaper
    1 dress穿接作宾语常见词组:dress某穿衣服dress sb up 扮某get dressed 穿衣服
    2 put on穿戴接衣物强调动作:He put on his coatthen went out
    3 wear穿着戴着留(胡须头发等)接衣物等强调状态be in义:we wear a pair a glasses
    1死短暂性动词强调动作He died in the earthquake
    2dead死形容词强调状态The poor man has been dead for years
    3 dying垂死死形容词:The old man is dying.
    4 death死名词The death of the poor man was sudden怜死突然
    1pend指花费时间金钱作语接on sth(in) doing sthMy mother spends
    one hour cleaning the house every Sunday
    2cost指值少钱物作语动语态:The house cost me a lot
    3take指花费时间金钱结构It takes+ 时间金钱to do sth:It takes an hour to get there
    4pay花钱作语介词for连:I have paid for the book
    疑难点十六 look for找强调寻找程find找强调找结果:I am looking for my watchbut I can't find it
    疑难点十七 hunghangedhang 分词hung意悬挂hanged意绞死:A murder was hanged las week
    1 lose意输某固定搭配lose sb:Our team lost to theirs
    2 fail意失败未做成某事结构fail to do sthfail in sth:
    I failed to finish the work last night I failed in the exam
    3 beat意败接sb某支队伍:We beat our enemies
    I won the first prize in the contest赛中等奖
    1join 参加接派组织等名词:I joined the club last year
    2 take part in参加接聚会活动赛等名词强调动参起积极作:
    I always take part in all kinds of activities
    3 attend 出席强调动出席接会议活动等名词:
    We have to attend meeting today
    l turn on开(水电煤气开关):Please turn on the light
    2 turn off关掉(水电煤气开关):Please turn off the TV when you go to bed.
    3 turn down调低turn up调高:I can’t hear it clearlyplease turn up the TV.

    1 happen发生强调偶然发生物动词动语态常见结构:sth happen to sb某发生某事happen to do sth 碰巧做某事:What happened to him He is so angry
    2take place发生强调预料中发生物动词动语态:
    A sports meeting took place last week
    3break out发生指战争爆发火灾突然爆发:A big fire broke out last night
    1lose 丢失般指失易找回:I lost my watch on my way home
    2miss 未觉察错…… miss思念想念意思:
    I missed the 730 train
    I missed my parents very much when l was away from home
    3 sth is loststh is missing某物丢sb is lost某迷路sb is missing某失踪
    I was lost in the fog
    My little brother was missing
    1 spent half an hour __________(finish) the work yesterday
    2 He will go to the park if it________ (not rain) tomorrow
    3We __________(learn) 2000 English words so far
    4The baby stopped___________(cry) when he found his mother
    5 Last night my friend invited me_________(go) to his birthday party
    6I think I should ___________ (ask) what I was supposed to wear
    7In Switzerland it’s important _________(be) on time
    8We'd better not visit relative's house without __________(call) first
    9 On weekends kids usually plan________ (do) something interestingor go somewhere together
    10 The film __________(make) me sad last night
    11 Did you have fun ___________ (play) near the sea
    12I’d rather_________ (walk) than take a bus
    13 He prefers _________ (give) to receiving
    14 My friend Carmen pretended___________(like) the gift
    15 Yesterday I forgot ___________(lock) the windows and it rained all night
    1 Bob goes to school on foot(改否定句)
    Bob ______ to school on_____foot
    2I like to play with my friends(画线部分提问)
    ______ do you like ______ _______
    3 Li Ming wants to be a teacher in the future(画线部分提问)
    ______ _______ Li Ming ______ to______ in the future
    4 Miss Wei often helps us learn our English(画线部分提问)
    ______ _______Miss Wei often_______ you_______?
    5 He takes the number 17 bus to the hotel(改般疑问句)
    ______ he ______the number 17 bus to the hotel
    Li Ming often l up at six o’clock 2 breakfast at home He _3_____ to school at seven fortyClasses 4_________ at eight o'clock There 5________ four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon Li Ming 6_______ hard He likes English very much He7 English every morningLi Ming 8 his homework in the evening He likes 9 TV But he only 10 it on Saturday and Sunday He is a good student
    ( )1 Please ___ the TV We'd like to watch the football game
    A open B move C turn off D turn on
    ( )2 The book still ______where I ______ it a moment ago
    A lies laid B lied lay C laid lied D lies lay
    ( )3 The teacher told the class to ____their hooks
    A put away B put by Cput on D put up
    ( )4 The manager again______the workers for advice
    A turned over B turned to C turned away D turn off
    ( )5Plastics(塑料)are used to ______wood in many ways
    Atake place B take his place C take place of D take the place of
    ( )6 I______ the good news yesterday evening
    A listened B sounded C listened to D heard
    ( )7_______come in please
    A Will B Do C Won't D Did
    ( )8 She forgot to tell me which bus to _______
    A travel B take Cride Dhave
    ( )9 Never buy shoes without ______them ______first
    A getting on B taking on C having on D trying on
    ( )10 The doctor says that a few day's rest in a quiet countryside will _____you a lot of good
    A make B do C get D have
    ( )11 We_____ each other the best of luck in the examination
    A hoped B wanted C asked D wished
    ( )12 ______ this book and tell me what you think of it
    A Look through BLook on CLook into D Look up
    ( )13 Lily ________ a book about China last month but I don't know whether she has finished it
    A wrote B had written C is writing D was writing
    ( )14 Who told you to clean the windows
    Father _______He said they were too dirty
    A told B did C has told D had told
    ( )15 Well let's go to visit the museum this Saturday
    A feels B looks C sounds D tastes
    ( )16 Look She's skiing so fast f
    Hard to_____ her legs were once broken
    A know B realize C imagine D find
    ( )17 He ____less time reading stories about film stars than before
    A takes B spends Ccosts D pays
    ( )18 Oh Danny It's raining outsideyou'd better ______ your raincoat
    A put on B put up C dress Dwear
    ( )19 Little Jenny wants to _______teacher when she grows up
    A become B be C turn D is
    ( )20 How long may I ______ the book
    For two weeks
    A borrow B lend C keep D buy
    ( )2l The tour guide ____autumn is the best season to visit Jiuzhaigou
    A talked B told C said D spoke
    ( )22 What's the matter
    I am having trouble _______who has taken my book
    A finding B looking for C finding out D looking up
    ( )23 Our team_____ the matchWe've got the first place
    Well done Congratulations
    A hit B beat C won D watched
    ( )24 Would you please _____ the TV a little Little Tom is sleeping
    Sorry I will
    A turn down B turn up C turn on D turn off
    ( ) 25 With the help of the computernews can______every corner of the world quickly
    A get B arrive C reach D return
    ( )26 We must ____the truth of the matter
    A look at B look for
    C find out D find
    ( )27 This TV was made ______ China
    A in B at C off D down
    ( )28Those foreign visitors ______ our city the day before yesterday
    A arrived B reached C reached to D got in
    ( )29 If you want to know the meaning of that word you'd better________in the dictionary
    A look it up 13 look up it
    C look it for D look for it
    ( )30 The nurse _______but found it was right
    A took some medicines
    B took some exercise
    C took my temperature
    D took care of me
    1I knew Jim when we were still children
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    2 I was about to start out for exercise it started to rain
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    3 She must know you well but I'm about it
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    4 You can borrow this book for 14 days
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    5 She looked angry at the broken vase
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    6 May I try out the Tshirt
    Sure the dressing room is over there
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    7 The Second World War happened in 1939
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    8 Turn left at the end of the street The post office is on the right and you can't lose it
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    9 Does he his homework after school every day
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    10 The chicken you cooked was tasted delicious
    误:_____________ 正:_____________
    December 8th 2010
    Dear Jimmy
    I__1__________ (be) in Yantai for half a year Yantai 2 (he) in the north of China so it's quite cold in winterIt has just 3 (snow)twice hereI think I 4 (have) the first White Christmas in my lifeIt's so warm in Australia and so cold hereIt’s hard 5_______ (believe) isn’t it
    Thank you for the wonderful stampsI ___6________ (get) over three hundred Chinese stamps since I ___7_________ (come) here I ___8________(send) some panda stamps to you soonI think you ___9________ (like) themI hop e you can also come to China when your parents __10________(come) in AugustWe will have a good time together
    1________________ 2________________ 3________________ 4________________
    5________________ 6________________ 7________________ 8________________
    9________________ 10________________

    ( )1What do you think of the cake
    I like it very muchIt tastes _______
    A good B terrible C Well
    ( )2 The cookies ________ good Could I have some more
    A taste B smell C feel D sound
    ( )3 Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Saturday
    Oh that ___ good
    A feels B looks C tastes D sounds
    ( )4 Which Tshirt do you prefer
    The red one it ________ more comfortable
    A tastes B smells C feels D sounds
    ( )5 Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work
    No thanks My father said he would _______ on his way home
    A look for me B pick me up C let me down D take after me
    ( )6 )This type of MP4 is my favorite but I can't ______it
    A spend B cost C pay D afford
    ( ) 7 The boys arrived late at the cinema and ______the start of the film
    A caught B missed C got D lost
    ( )8Sally______ your sunglasses The sun is so bright
    A put on B put up
    C put away D put down
    ( ) 9 I never thought she would_______ my invitation to the concert
    She would feel sorry for missing the concert some day
    A refuse B suppose
    C return D remind
    ( ) 10 Don't do any other things while you are doing your homework So please________ your MP3
    A turn up B turn down
    C turn on D turn off
    ( )11 Tom______ your Tshirt right now It looks so dirty
    Sorry Mum I was playing football the whole afternoon
    A take off B take on C put off D put on
    ( )12 Are your shoes expensive
    No I only_______ five dollars on them
    A used B cost C spent
    ( ) 13 Go along the streetThe museum is just on your rightYou can't _______ it
    A make B find C miss D fail
    ( )14 Have you _______ your new classmates yet
    A had friends with
    B made friend with
    C got friend to
    D made friends with
    ( )15 How long could I _____ your EnglishChinese
    Only one day please
    A keep B borrow
    C lend D get

    专题十 般现时

    5掌握动词come.go runstart等表示规定计划安排发生动作时般现时表示法
    6掌握动词wanthope wonderthink intend情态动渊could.would等时

    般现时.语第三称单数时动词加ses外动词原形般现时连时问状语always usuallyoftensometime seldom never every day every month on Sundays once year等

    1 We often play football after school
    My father goes to Beijing once a week
    2 The earth goes around the sun
    All roads lead to Rome条条路通罗马
    3You look tired today天起疲劳
    She can speak English very well讲口流利英语
    He is German德国
    4The final exam takes place next month期末考试周进行
    The next bus leaves at 1100辆公汽车1100 离开
    5 Jack throws the basketball to Mark and Mark catches it杰克球传马克马克接住球
    6What is your hobbyhe asked me问:兴趣爱什
    7 He won't come if it rains果天雨会
    I'll let you know as soon as I hear from him接情告诉
    8 There comes the bus汽车
    There goes the bell铃响

    1 work ___________ 2 clean___________
    3.guide ___________ 4 check___________
    5 drive ___________ 6wash___________
    7.watch ___________ 8 fly___________
    9.print ___________ 10 spell___________
    Ⅱ.be 动词适形式填空
    1I _______ a student You ___________a teacher
    2She_______my friend
    3________ you Li Fen
    NoI _______ not
    4Mr Green very busy
    Yes he________
    5 He must _______ at home
    6 Comedy_________ very interesting
    7 ___________ thrillers very scary
    8You and I ________ good friends
    9His friends _________ very funny
    10 The twins ________ very happy because they want to go to see a movie
    11 The girl in red clothes _____ my sister
    12________ _math interestingJenny
    11 often ________ (go) to school by bike
    2If it _________ (rain) tomorrow we won't go to the park
    3 Tim usually _____ (get) up at six o'clock
    4______ you______ (brush) your teeth every morning
    5 What_______ Sam usually ________ (do) after school
    6 ____ you ______ (read) English every day
    7 How many lessons _____ Peter_______ (have) on Monday
    8 My brother sometimes ________ (go) to the park with my uncle
    9I_________ (study) Chinese math English science and art at school
    I0 There_________ ( go) the bell The students are going into the classroom
    11 When I___________ (grow) up I will travel around the world
    12 The football match _________(start) at 8 0'clock The players are getting ready
    for it
    13 Pride________(go) before a fall(骄者必败)
    14 Daniel throws the ball to John and John________(catch) it
    10 Amy_____ (write) good English but ______ (not speak) English well
    1 I ______ have lunch at school(doesn't don't)
    2 All my friends ________ happy to meet you here (have are)
    3 Why____ he like bananas (does do)
    Because they're very delicious
    4It seldom ______ here in December( snows snow)
    is watch play studies doesn't are goes swimming does
    Emily ____1___a studentShe____2___ in No 6 Middle school She ____3___to school for five days a week She and her Friends sometimes 4 games on Sun days Emily 5 like 6 7 she 8 TV in the evening Certainly she 9 Emily's parents 10 teachers They are very kind
    1________________ 2________________ 3________________ 4________________
    5________________ 6________________ 7________________ 8________________
    9________________ 10________________

    疑难点 宾语句表示客观事实者真理时句时宾语句中谓语动词般现时:
    My teacher told me that light travels faster than sound
    疑难点二 动词bebelieveforgethatehavehearknowlikemeanremember
    wantthinktaste smell seem等通常进行时时般现时表示说话时状态正发生动作:
    1 want to leave right now
    疑难点三 时现进行时代般现时描述常重复惯性动作表示说话者某种情感(厌烦赞叹埋怨等)常时间状语always.forever等词连:
    He is always thinking highly of himself重重
    疑难点四 时时表示现表示种委婉请求样动词wanthope
    I wondered if you could give me a hand
    Could you tell me the way to the park

    I _____ ______ ______the piano
    How _____ ______ ______ ______ in a year do you know Li Lei
    I hope everything _______ _______
    A journey always _______ _______ the first step
    _____ ______ ______ an EnglishChinese dictionary
    He_____ ______ ______ the same mistake
    I _____ ______ you if you_____ ______ problem
    The twins_____ ______ Prance
    1These red socks are Kate's.(改般疑问句)
    ______ these red socks Kate's
    2 He wants to buy a big green bag.(画线部分提问)
    _______ ______he want to _______
    3Mary does not have any books(改肯定句)
    Mary _____ ______books
    4He often has rice for dinner(改般疑问句)
    ______he often ______ rice for dinner
    5I think Avantar is really interesting (画线部分提问)
    _______ ______ you_______ of Avantar
    6 I pay only 45 yuan for the trousers(she改写)
    _______ ______ only 45 yuan for the trousers
    7Ann and her mum live in the same city(改般疑问句)
    ______ Ann and her mum ______the same city
    8Li Xing goes home late on Friday evening(改否定句)
    Li Xin_______ ______ home late on Friday evening
    9 My mother usually has lunch at 12(画线部分提问)
    _______ _____________ your mother usually ______ lunch
    10She usually watches TV on Saturday evening(画线部分提问)
    _______ ______ she usually on Saturday evening

    ( )lCan your father drive
    Yes and he usually ____ to school
    A drove B is driving C drives D has driven
    ( )2 Happiness _______ in her grandfather's eyes every time he hears her voice
    A shines B is shone C shone D was shone
    ( ) 3 Lucy is always busy she_______ only five hours every day
    A is sleeping B will sleep C would sleep D sleeps
    ( )4Don't forget to ask him to write to me
    I won't As soon as he _______ I'11 ask him to write to you
    A will come B come C comes D is coming
    ( ) 5 Jean wants to go to China but she_______ money
    A didn't have B doesn’t have no C had D has no
    ( ) 6 The teacher told the students that the earth ______ round not flat
    A was B is C has been D is being
    ( ) 7Is your father a doctor
    Yes he is He ______ in Town Hospital
    A has worked B is working C works D worked
    ( ) 8 Physics _________ much harder than English I think
    A are B is C was D were
    ( )9 Every summer the Greens _______fishing in their hometown
    A go B have gone C went D goes
    ( )10 Now I _________some tea in the cup
    A am putting B put Cputs Dam putting
    ( )11 The final exam_____ next Thursday
    A will take place B take place C is taking place D takes place
    ( )12How much ________ the socks
    Twenty dollars ______enough
    A is is B are is C are are D is are
    ( )13 Tom wants to know if _______ picnic next Sunday
    Yes But if it _______ we'll visit the museum instead
    A you will have will rain Byou will have rains
    C you will have rains Dyou have will rain
    ( )141'd like to borrow a bookThe name is Harry Potter
    Let me check it on the computerHere it isIt ______Han Meimei has got it
    Asays Bis said Chas said Dsaid
    ( )15Here ______ a busBe quick or you can’t catch up with it
    Acome Bis coming Ccomes Dcame
    1 This is my pencil(变般疑问句)
    2 Mary does not have any books.(变肯定句)
    31 want to buy a big red bag(画线部分提问)
    4 The clothing shop is on sale.(变否定句)
    5 He likes the black bag very much (变否定句)
    6 I buy the trousers for only 45 yuan(she 改写句子)
    7 It’s an EnglishChinese dictionary.(划线部分提问)
    8 She lives in small town near Beijing(改般疑问句作肯定回答)
    ( )1Do you know if Cindy will drive to Italy this weekend
    Cindy Never She ______ driving
    A has hated B hated
    C will hate D hates
    ( )2 Mike is from America He _______English
    A spoke B.will speak
    C speaks D had spoken
    ( )3Do you like watching TV
    YesI ___ But only after I finish any homework
    A am B.Do C does D did
    ( )4 How time fliesThree years ______really a short time
    A is B are Cwas D were
    ( )5 Alice please tell Eric to call me when he_____back
    No problem
    A come B comes Ccame Dwill come
    ( )6What are you going to do this afternoon
    Weare going to have a football match if it_______
    A will rain Brained C doesn't rain
    ( )7Tom will call me as soon he ______home
    A gets Bhas got Cgot Dwill get
    ( )8David often_____ to the movies on weekends He likes action movies on weekendsHe likes action movies
    A will go B goes C went D was going
    ( )9If you ______ to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next month I will go with you
    A go B has gone C will go D are going
    ( )10 If you ______ carefully you _____ the report well
    A will listen will be understood
    B will listen understand
    C listenwill understand
    D listen understand
    ( )11 What does your sister like doing in her spare time
    She_____watching TV
    A likes B liked C has likes D had liked
    ( )12 Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as he
    A will arrive B was arriving C arrives D arrived
    ( )13 Can I help you
    I bought this watch here yesterday but it ______work
    A won't B didn't C doesn't D wouldn’t
    ( )14 We ______ our classroom every day
    A clean B is clean C is cleaning D has cleaned

    专题十 现进行时

    2.掌握少量动{司(gocomerunleave begin等)现进行时表法
    see hear smelllove like believe understand forget ownbelong等
    现进行时表示现阶段正发生进行动作存状态现进行时am/isare+现分词构成常时问状语nowat this momentthese days等

    1 Look someone is dancing跳舞
    We are watching TV now正电视
    2I am writing my report these days天写报告
    They are working in factory this week周正工厂工作
    3He is coming io see you next Sunday星期
    They are leaving for Beijing tomorrow明天北京
    4 Why are you always coming late for class什总课迟
    He is always watching TV when I go to see him时电视
    5 The flower is turning red花逐渐变红
    The weather is getting warmer and warmer天气变越越暖
    1 go ____________ 2 stay____________
    3 skate ____________ 4 draw____________
    5 tell ____________ 6 ring____________
    7 wear____________ 8 get____________
    9 put ____________ 10 stop____________
    11 know____________ 12 begin____________
    13 close ____________ 14 see____________
    15 carry____________
    1 Look The children _________ (play) football on the playground They _________(play) football every Sunday afternoon
    2 Please be quiet We __________(listen ) to the song You and Me
    3 Mrs Green likes children very muchdoesn’t she
    Yes that’s trueShe _________(write) a children’s book these days
    4It’s fine todayThe sun _________(shine)
    5Tom and Tim _________(do) their homework at the moment
    6Be quickLi Lei _________(wait) for us at the school gate
    7John's father ______ (run) 5 miles everyday to keep fit
    8 Han Meimei _____ (like) watching TV She________ (watch) TV every evening But now she ________ (not watch)TV She_______ (get) ready for her final exam
    9 It's six o'clock My teacher________ (work) in his office
    10 Listen who ___________ ( read) in the classroom
    Maybe Kate ______ (be)
    11 The little girl ______ (look) like her father Now she ________ (look) at the photos of her family
    12I_______(like) drawing pictures very much Look I______ (draw) a big tree

    13 Look The man _______ (save) a child in che river
    14What are you_________(do)
    I'm ________ (eat) a banana
    The telephone_______ _______ Could you answer itplease
    She_______ ______________ _______ others instead of herself
    The weather_______ _______ warmer and warmer
    Premier Wen _______ _______ _______this week
    I _______ _______to Beijing this Sunday
    She_______ _______ _______ her homework She _______ _______ a letter

    _______ _______ _______ with Lisa on the phone
    NoI _______ _______
    8 孩子干什呢?
    _______ _______ the children _______
    The boys _______ _______ ______ and the girls_______ _______ _______
    难点 时间状语nothese days等句子中含looklistenbe quiet can you
    see can’t you see类暗示词时句子现进行时:
    The little girl playing over there now女孩现正边玩耍
    We are listening to an English song正听首英文歌
    疑难点二 表示感觉感情存属思考理解等动词进行时类词:
    1表示感觉动词:seehear smell tasteappearlookfeelnotice等:
    These apples taste good.苹果尝起错
    This flower smells nice花闻香
    2表示感情动词:hatelovefearlikewant wishprefer refuse等:
    How I wish I were a bird希鸟啊
    Your clothes need washing.衣服需洗
    3 表示存状态动词:be.existremainstay等:
    She remains in poor health身体差
    This backpack belongs to me背包
    I have two sisters两姐姐
    Do you know his name知道名字’
    I don't remember my first day at school记第天学情形
    Here comes a busA bus is coming公交车
    There goes the bell The belt is going铃响
    while引导状语句通常进行时(现进行时进行时等): .
    While you are restingI’ll read today’s news for you.体息时候会读天报纸
    While l was having my breakfast the morning post came.正吃早饭时候早班邮件送

    1The girl is sitting on the blue box(改般疑问句作否定回答)
    2He is doing his homework(改复数句)
    3 iswhat the girl over therein reddoing(连词成句)
    4 She is going on a trip Beijing now(I作语改写句子)
    5 We have a music class on Thursday(right now改写句子)
    6Do you often take exercise(now改写句子)
    7 They are having lunch at school at the moment(画线部分提问)
    8 Everyone is enjoying themselves(改义句)
    二. 根汉语意思完成英语句子空词
    Nike ______ _______ the ladder with his brother now
    My grandfather is________ and with his friends now
    I _______ _______my mother in the kitchen
    He is _______ _______ ________ to his uncle
    5 唱歌跳舞
    We _______ _______ ________ ________now
    ( )1Excuse me where is Jim?
    Oh he ______ dumplings in the kitchen
    A makes B will make Cis making D made
    ( )2Hurry up It's time to leave
    AI come BI've come C I'll come D I'm coming
    ( )3Who ______over there now'
    A dancing B is dancing C are dance D dance
    ( )4It's eight o'clock The students _____an English class
    Ahave Bhaving C is having D are having
    ( )5 Look The children ____ their mother do the housework
    A want B help Care helping Dare looking
    ( )6 My mother __________ TV
    A looking at B is seeing C watching Dis watching
    ( )7_____you_____a book
    Yesl am
    ADoread BAreread C Arereading D Arelooking
    ( )8Kate ____the others_____
    A sing listen Bis singing is listening
    C singare listening D is singing are listening
    ( ) 9 Tom ______ the piano in the roomPlease ask him to come here
    A play B play C played D is playing
    ( ) 10 Marycould you help me
    Wait a moment I_______
    A read a hook B did my homework C was watching TV D am cooking dinner
    ( )11 Never trouble me while I______ in my room
    A will sleep B asleep C am sleeping D slept
    ( )12 What a clean classroom
    It ______ every day
    Ais sweeping B has swept Cis swept D sweeps
    ( )13 I ______ my eraser but I can't______ it
    Alook for finding B am finding look for
    C am looking for find D find look for
    ( )14 Now watch carefully and see what_________
    A happened B happening Cis happened Dis happening
    ( )15Why______you always late for class
    A do come Bare coming C was come D are come
    ( ) 16What_____ your brother ______under the table
    He is looking for his pen
    A does do B did do
    C is doing D do did
    ( )17 Look What are you______ You should _____more clothes It's too cold
    A putting on put off B wearing put off
    C having on wear D wearing put on
    ( )18 The boy isn't _____ the teacher instead he is______ his homework
    Alistening making B listen making
    C listening to doing D listen to doing
    ( )19 Listen to the two girls by the window What language_______
    A did they speak B are they speaking
    C they are speaking D have they been speaking
    ( )20 Mr Smith _____ short storiesbut he _____ a TV play these days
    A is writing is writing
    B is writing writes
    C writes is writing
    D writes writes
    ( )2l _____the students English
    Yes they are
    AArereading B Do reading
    C Is reading D Are read
    ( )22 _____the students English
    He's listening to music
    A What does he do
    B What is he doing
    C How is he doing
    D Who is he
    ( )23Don't make so much noise The students _____ an English class
    A are having B have
    C had D were having
    ( ) 24Now I _____who he is
    A are knowing B know C knew D was known
    ( ) 25 In her letter she saidI ______ on the 8th
    A was arriving B would arrive C was going to arrive D am arriving
    ( )26_____you ____ tomorrow
    ADoleave B Have left CAre leaving DDidleave
    ( )27Is this raincoat yours
    Nomine ____ there behind the door
    Ais hanging Bhangs Chung Dwill hung
    ( )28Sarah ______singingbut she likes dancingLookShe ______there
    Adoesn’t like is dancing Bdoesn’t like dances
    Cisn’t like is dancing Ddon’t like is dancing
    ( )1Don’t make so much noiseThe students_____ an English class
    A are having Bhave Chad Dwere having
    ( )2Where is Peter
    He _____ volleyball with his friends in the school gym
    A plays Bplayed Cis playing
    ( )3Shall we go out for a walk
    SorryI can’tI_____my homework
    A.do B.Did C.am doing D.was doing
    ( )4What’s your father doing now
    He________ the room.
    A.cleaned B.cleans C.has cleaned D.is cleaning
    ( )5What are you doingSimon
    I have finished my homeworkand now I ______ the computer games
    A.played B.was playing C.am playing D.play
    ( )6Jack is busy packing luggage(行李).
    YesHe_____ for American vacation.
    Aleaves B.1eft Cis leaving D.has been away
    ( )7I______the Great Wall next week.
    Have a good trip.
    A.visit B.visited C.am visiting Dhave visited
    ( )8Today is Father’s Day.My mother a special dinner for my grandpa now.
    A.prepare B.prepared C.is preparing D.will prepare
    ( )9Shushbe quietThe baby_______in the next room
    A.sleep Bslept C.sleeps D.is sleeping
    ( )10The population of the world still now.
    Ahasgrown Bisgrowing Cwillgrow Disgrown
    ( )11My friend me.I have to leave now.
    A.waits for B.waited for C.is waiting for D.was waiting for
    ( )12It outsideYou'd better take an umbrella with you.
    A.rains B is raining C.rained D.has rained
    ( )13The zookeeper is worried because the number of visitors smaller and smaller.
    A.become Bbecame Cis becoming D.have become
    ( )14MrGreen to the manager nowYou’d better call him later.
    A.talk B.talked C.is talking D.was talking
    ( )15Aliceturn down the TVplease.I on the phone.
    A.have talked B.talked C.am talking D.talk
    ( )16It’s time for dinner.Where is your fatherEmma
    He _____his bike in the yard.
    A.clean B.cleaned C.is cleaning D.will clean

    专题十二 般时
    6. 理解wouldshouldcouldmight’等式时表示表示更加委婉客气语气

    加ed构成常时间状语yesterdaythe day before yesterdaythree day agoin
    1949last week/month/yearjust nowat that time等
    二 般时构成

    三 般时法

    1.I was a student two years ago.两年前学生
    we saw her in a shop this morning.天早见家商店里
    2.He usually went to sch001 by bike last year.年通常骑行车学校
    My brother was often late for schoo1 last week.星期弟弟学常迟
    3.The teacher said we would go out for a picnic if it was fine next Sunday
    He said he would phone me when he arrived there 说时会电话
    4.What did you say说什
    What did you see见什

    1.be 2.Die
    3. pick 4.talk
    5.put 6.make
    7.report 8.do
    9.chat 10.use
    11.Send 12.shine
    13.keep 14.hate

    1Susan (be) ill last week.
    2Betty often (help)me out when we were middle school students.
    3Tom was lateHe________(open)the door quietly________(move)in and______(walk)carefully to his seat
    4I never (think)you arrived here on time.
    5. (can)you help me out
    6 they (play)chess in the classroom just now
    7She (not visit)her aunt last Wednesday.She (stay)at home and (do)some cleaning
    8.When you (buy) the jacket
    I (buy)it two days ago
    1 you at home last Sunday
    NoI I in the park with my family.(werewas)
    2 the tickets expensive yesterday evening
    Nothey .And there _______ many things to see.(wereweren’t)
    3 your brother come to school just now
    Yeshe (diddoes)
    4 Mr.Smith at sch001 this morning
    Nohe .(wasdid)
    5My sister and my brother at home last month.They went on a school trip.(arewere)
    6Did you fashion at school
    Yes I I fashion at the age of eighteen.(didstudied)
    7Where did Toby go on vacation
    He to the mountains.(gowent)
    8 I a small boy crying in the corner He lost and I helped him his father at last.(findwas)
    1 Lucy did her homework at home (改否定句)
    Lucy her homework at home
    2 He found some meat in the fridge(改般疑问句)
    he meat in the fridge
    3 She stayed there for a week(划线部分提问)
    she there
    4 There was some orange in the cup(改般疑问句)
    there orange in the cup
    5 Amy took some photos at the zoo last Saturday(改否定句)
    Amy photos at the zoo
    6 He is writing a song on the computer now(last night改写句子)
    He on the computer last night
    7 I arrived just a few minutes ago(画线部分提问)
    you arrive
    8 Robert was a taxidriver(改义句)
    Robert a taxidriver
    arrive cost go to bed late have a nice time win

    1 A I was late this morning
    B What time
    A Half past nine
    2 A I played tennis this afternoon
    A No I lost
    3 A We came home by taxi
    B How much
    A Eighty dollars
    4 A I was tired this morning
    C No but I didn’t sleep very well
    5 A We went to the beach yesterday
    C Yes it was great

    疑难点 描述特定时问次完成先序动作时常出现表示时间状语需通情景断定:
    Tom got up quicklytook his bag and rushed out of his room.迅速起床背书包
    疑难点二 追述逝事常时:
    Thomas Edison was a great inventor.托马斯·爱迪生位伟发明家
    疑难点三 wishwonderthinkhope.know等动词般时中表示动作状态
    I didn’t know you were coming.知道(说话前知道现知道)
    I never thought you arrived there early.没想会早(说话前没想
    疑难点四 果强调惯现已终止常used to+动词原形表达法体现般时间状语连意常常:
    He used to go to the park.常常公园(现)
    My mother used to be a teacher.妈妈位老师(现)
    疑难点五 表述书说报纸说信说等事情时般现时代般时:
    What does the notice say 通知说什
    What does Tom’s letter say 汤姆信说什
    疑难点六 wouldshouldcouldmight等式时表示表示更委婉客气语气:
    Would/Could you help meplease 请问帮
    1 wondered if you could help me.想知道否帮

    1Who ______ (wash) the plates on the table
    Jenny did.
    2.The students ______ (stop) talking when their teacher came in.
    3.Betty never ______ (come) to school late when she was in middle schoo1.
    4.My mother ______ (buy) vegetables on her way home yesterday.
    5.Somebody ______ (knock) at the door just now.
    6.LookA little girl ______ (swim) in the river.
    7.Li Lei ______ (join) the League in 2001.
    8.Do you like (watch)TV
    9.My brother will call me as soon as he ______ (reach)there.
    1 0.It’S eight o’clock.The student (have)an English lesson.
    11. (be)the girls from the United States
    12.What he (do)every evening
    He ______ (watch)TV every evening.
    13.It's time to play games.The students (jump)and (run).
    14.Don’t ______ (read)your books.Please (1isten) to me now.
    15.He is (drive)a car
    1 6. he (study) English very well?
    17.I don’t have any pens.I think she (have)some.
    18. the man (open)the window
    NO.he isn’t.He (close) the window.
    19.If it (not rain)next Sunday we’ll have a football match.
    20.I’m sorry (wake) you up.
    21.Would you please (not play) with the chalk
    22.My parents are busy (get) ready for the visitors.
    23 I think you’ d better (not go)out alone at night


    Last Tuesday Lisa l (fly)from London to Madrid.She 2 (get)up at six o’clock in the morning and 3 (have)a cup of coffee.At 6:30 she 4 (1eave)home and 5 (drive)to the airport.When she 6 (arrive)she parked the car and then7 (go)to the airport caffe where she 8 (have)breakfast.Then she 9 (go)through the passport control and 1 0 (wait)for her flight.The plane departed on time and 11 (arrive)in Madrid two hours 1ater.Finally she 12 (take)a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.
    1. 2. 3.
    4. 5. 6.
    7. 8. 9.
    10. 11. 12

    ( )1When you your old friend
    The day before yesterday.
    A.willvisit B.didvisit C.havevisited D.arevisit
    ( )2.How was your day off'
    Pretty goodWe the history museum
    A.visit B.visited C.are visiting D.will visit
    ( )3.He turned off the light and then the classroom.
    A.1eaves B.will leave C.is leaving D.1eft
    ( )4What does Linda often do in the evening
    She often her homeworkbut on the evening of April12 she TV.
    A.doeswatches B.is doing:watches C.doeswatched D.is doingwas watching
    ( )5What beautiful flowers in the garden
    YeahThey______ here last year.
    A.planted B.were planted C.are planted D.will be planted
    ( )6.1 hear that two children’s fun parks last year in our city
    I knowbut I think two are not enough.
    A.built B.was built C.were built D is build
    ( )7.The two good friends until Miss Wu came into the classroom.
    A.chated B.chat C.are chatting D.chatted
    ( )8.Where is the bird
    It______away a moment ago.
    A.is flying B.flyed C flew D.flies
    ( )9I’m sorry you have missed the bus.It five minutes ago.
    What a pity
    A.was leaving B.has left C.1eft D.1eaves
    ( )10All the students and their class teacher interested in the film they saw yesterday evening.
    A.is B.will be C.was D.were
    ( )11.David said he would stay here until his mother back.
    A.comes B.will come C.came D.would come
    ( )12.The hero’s story in Youth Daily.
    A.was reported B.was reporting C.reports D.reported
    ( )13When your mother you that blue dress.Mary
    SorryI really can’t remember.
    A.doesbuy B.hasbought C.hadbought D.didbuy
    ( )14HiJim Nice to meet you
    Hiit’s one year since I last you
    A.saw B.see C.seeing D.have seen
    ( )15.He asked me .
    A.if she will come B.how many books 1 want to have
    C.they would help us do it D.What was wrong with me
    ( )1 6.My father smoke and drink a lot.
    A.used to B.is used to C.was used to D.used
    ( )17.HelloJim.
    HelloTom.I you would come a little later
    A.think B.thought C.have thought D.will think
    ( )18.He be a hard worker.But now he playing computer games at home a11 day and all night.
    A.was used to:is used to B.used toused to
    C.was used to:used to D.used tois used to
    ( )1 9. You take a bus to school
    Yes.but now 1 usually go to school on foot.
    A.Did:use to Bwere used to C.Douse to DDid leave
    ( )20.I to meet youbut I you.
    A.wenthadn’t seen B.did go:didn’t see
    C.had gonedidn’t see D was goinghadn’t seen

    1.LookThe boys play football on the playground.
    2.The time passes quickly.Evening came.So all of us went home.
    3.Last Sundaypolice cars hurry to the tallest building in New York.
    4.Today it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past.

    My friendDavid Smithkept birds.One day he phoned and 1 me he would be away for a week.He asked me to feed the bird 2 him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox.
    UnfortunatelyI did not remember to feed the birds 3 the night before David was going to return.I rushed out of my house and it was already dark when I arrived at 4 house.I soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front door 5 the back doorI kept 6 of what David would say when came back.
    Then I noticed 7 one bedroom window was open.1 found a big stone and pushed it under the window 8 the stone was very heavy.I made a lot of noise.But in the endI managed to climb up I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone 9 a torch(电筒) up at me.I looked down and saw 10 policeman and an old ladyone of David’s neighbours.What ard you doing up theresaid the policeman.Feeling like a foolI replied1 was just going to feed Mr.Smith’S birds
    ( )1.A.tell B.tells C.told D.had told
    ( )2.A.with B.to C.for D.at
    ( )3.A.until B.before Cas Dsince
    ( )4.A.her B.his C.their D.our
    ( )5.A.and B.But C.or D.nor
    ( )6.A.to think B.think C.thinking D.thought
    ( )7.A.how B.that C.what D.why
    ( )8.A.if B.because C.when D.whether
    ( )9.A.is shinning B.was shone C.shines D.was shining
    ( )10.A.a B.The C.an D./

    ( )1.What do you think of the film Avatar
    It’S fantastic.The only pity is that I the beginning of it.
    A.missed B.was missing C.miss D.will miss
    ( )2.How did the accident happen
    You know It difficult to see the road clearly because it________
    A.waswas raining B.ishas rained
    C.isis raining D.will be:will rain
    ( )3.I a mistake.Please don’t be angry with me.
    A.make B.made C.will make D.had made
    ( )4.Tommy is looking for the watch his uncle him 1ast month.
    Agives B.gave C.to give D.has given
    ( )5.Last Sunday my aunt at home with meWe were watching TV all day.
    A.was B.were C.is D.are
    ( )6.There a big cake and many candies at the party yesterday.
    A.was B.were C.is D.are
    ( )7.Tina and her parents to England for sightseeing last summer.
    A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone
    ( )8.How was your day off
    Pretty good I the science museum with my classmates.
    A.visit B.visited C.am visiting D.will visit
    ( )9.When Jessy to New York
    A.doesget B.didget C.hasgot D.hadgot
    ( )10.I the wrong thing Can I use your eraser
    A.write B.wrote C.am writing D.will write
    ( )11.How was your trip to the ancient village
    FantasticWe to a museum of strange stones.
    A.go B.went C.are going D.will go
    ( )12.They her to the partySo she was very happy.
    A.invite B.invited C.will invite D.are inviting

    专题十三 般时
    3.区分will/shallbe going to表示法前者单纯强调动作状态者强调现已汁划算事情迹象表明必然发生事然现象.表明马发生动作
    4.掌握be about to+动词原形表示法注意表示确切时问状语连

    般时表示某时候发生动作存状态will/shallbe going tobe to加动词原形表示常般时连时间状语tomorrow.next week
    Soonin the futurebefore long等

    二 般时构成

    三 般时法

    1We will go to work on the farm next week.周农场劳动
    Shall we come here again next week周会里
    2I’m going to wash the clothes.洗衣服
    There is going to be a film this evening.天晚电影
    3My mother is to go to see my teacher.妈妈见老师
    We are to be back by nine o’clock.9点前返回
    4I was about to go to school when you came.时正学校
    He is about to leave.离开
    5My parents will take me to the park if it is fine next Sunday.果星期天晴天父母
    Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.车停车

    1 I (finish)all the housework in half an hour
    2 They (not move)away until tomorrow.
    3 Mr.Brown (give)us a talk tomorrow
    4 When Lucy (graduate)next year
    She (graduate) next July.
    5 Sean is (take up) modern art next term.
    6 they (1eave) for Australia next week
    Nothey aren’t.
    7 When we (start) off
    At six O’clock.
    8 Look at the clouds.There (be) a storm.
    9 He (1eave) when someone calls him.
    10 How do you like our city
    Wonderful.I (stay) here or another two days.
    11 Tom (be)back in a few days.
    12 He (write)an email to his friend tomorrow evening.
    13 The rain (stop)soon.You don’t need to worry about the weather.

    Mother:Aunt Susie 1 going to have dinner with US tonight.Will you 2 buy
    something from the supermarket 3 me
    Nelson:Sure.What 4 I buy
    Mother:She likes fruits very 5 .Maybe you can get some fresh strawberries and grapes.
    The bananas 6 also be good
    Nelson:I 7 buy a watermelon(西瓜)as well.By the way8 Linda and Steve come
    Mother:Yesthey 9 .They 10 going to play video games with you.
    Nelson:Wonderful 11 I buy some potato chips and candies for them
    Mother:I guess they 12 like them.They 1 3 arrive at about six.You’d better go
    Nelson:Okay.Let me 14 an umbrella first.The radio says it is 15 to rain

    Ⅲ willbe going to 适形式完成列句成完整话空词
    例: John Why are you reading these advertisements(广告)?
    Alex I am going to buy a secondhand car
    A) Ann How about going to the fashion show
    Kate That’s a great idea I go with you
    B) Pam see Mike tomorrow
    Andy No not tomorrow but I think I see him on Saturday
    C) Sam What do next weekend Andy
    Andy We have a family picnic in Wales with my cousins from Cardiff
    D) Joan Jack and I sell our books and toys at the sale
    Mum That’s a good idea I help you pack everything up
    E) Lisa I forgot the keys and I left my wallet in my green jacket
    Mum It’s the third time this week
    Lisa I know Mum I promise I never do it again

    1.Daniel will meet you at the airport this evening.(改般疑问句作否定回答)
    Daniel at the airport this evening

    2.I am going to come to the get together tomorrow.(改般疑问句)
    to the get together tomorrow
    3.It is going to be a fine day tomorrow.(改否定句)
    It _______ ________ a fine day tomorrow.
    4.I’m going to listen to music next Sunday(画线部分提问)
    next Sunday
    5.We’11 be back in about an hour.(画线部分提问)
    6. There are two libraries in that town.( next year改写句子)

    7. He came back just now.(in two days改写句子)

    8. Do you often stay at home on weekends(next weekend改写句子)

    9.Tony is going to play football with US.(画线部分提问)

    10.Will the twins buy the red T—shirt (作肯定回答)
    1 1.Mr Brown will visit the Great Wall next summer.(画线部分提问)
    Mr Brown next Summer

    疑难点 will/shall单纯强调动作状态:They will go to see their English teacher.英语老师be going to强调现已计划算事情迹象表明必然发生事然现象表明动作马发生:We are
    going to have dinner.吃晚饭
    疑难点二 表示礼貌询问方否愿意表示客气邀请命令时willshall:
    Will you go there with me tomorrow明天起
    Shall we go shopping after work班起购物样
    疑难点三 表示意愿时will/shall表示含义:
    I will go shopping with you next Sunday.周三起购物
    疑难点四 指规定时间表预计发生动作时般现时表示常动词comegoarriveleavestartbeginreturn等:
    The train leaves for France at 7:15.法国火车7:15离开
    疑难点五 句般时时as soon aswhenuntilif.unless等引导时间条件状语句中般现时表示:
    I will come back if he comes here.果会回
    I will write to you as soon as I get there.会写信
    疑难点六 语时表示语意图算安排等现进行时表示常动词comegoarriveleavestartstay等:
    My friend is coming to see us.She will be here soon.朋友快
    The train is leaving at 8:30.火车8点半离开
    疑难点七 谓语动词表示渐变动作时现进行时表示常动词getrungrowbecomebegindie等:
    It’s getting warmer in spring.春天天气变暖
    The old man is dying.位老死
    疑难点八 be to表示客观安排受指做某事be going to表示观算计划:
    I am to attend a meeting this afternoon.天午参加会议
    疑难点九 般时表示固特性必然趋势:
    Fish will die without water.鱼离开水

    What tomorrow
    I a bicycle
    The poor man
    Walk along the road a post office on the right.
    Tomorrow he ________ _________ on the playgroundand then he in the park.
    Hurry upThe bus
    6. 请周州电话
    Please call me next week

    ( )1Mr.Smith ___ a talk on country music next Monday.
    A.give B.gave C.has given D.will give
    ( )2What a hard life my parents live
    So do nay parents.When l grow upI to make them live more happily.
    A.try B.tried C.will try D.have tried
    ( )3The summer vacation will begin next week.David to stay with US.
    A.will be coming B.comes C.came D.is coming
    ( )4Jimcan you help me to wash the dishes
    Sorry.DadI to the shop.
    A.go B.went C.am going D.have been
    ( )5.The TV show Home With Kids is so wonderful.You shouldn’t miss it.
    If 1 have timeI it
    A.watch B.watched C.will watch D.have watched
    ( )6.The car doesn’t work.What we
    A.dodo B.aredoing
    C.shalldo D.diddo
    ( )7Have you gone to see the doctor
    No.but I
    A.didln’t B.am going to C.haven’t D.am not going to
    ( )8.He very busy this week.He free next week.
    A.will beis B.isis C.will be:will be D.iswill be
    ( )9.It the Year of the Rabbit next year.
    A.is going to be B.is going to C.will D.will is
    ( )10.Who we the museum with tomorrow
    A.wouldvisit B.dovisit C.willvisiting D.shallvisit
    ( )1 1There a football match tomorrow evening.
    A.is B.are going to be C.is to be D.is going to have
    ( )12Shall I make tea for you
    A.you won’t. B.you arern’t C.please don’t D.mustn’t
    ( )13Could you tell me tomorrow morning
    —Wellit will start at 9 o’clock.
    A.when the film will start B.where will the film starts
    C.when will the film start D.where the film will start
    ( )14.I don’t think rain this afternoon.
    A.it won’t B.It’s going to C.if it's going to D.whether it’s to
    ( )15.Please don’t forget to take part in the sports meeting next Monday.

    A.I don’t B.I won’t C.I can’t D.I haven’t
    ( )16.If you don’t go swimming this afternoon
    A.he will go B.he won’t either C.he does too D.he doesn’t either
    ( )17.I want to know if there an English speech contest next monthIf our school itI must get ready for it.
    A.will beholds B.will behold C.will be:will hold D.will havehold
    ( )18.Would you please turn down the TV a little Jack is doing his homework.
    Terribly sorry.I
    A.will B.am going to C.won’t D.do
    ( )19Let’s go out to fly kitesshall we
    A.will come B.am going to come C.come D.am coming
    ( )20. Li Ming and Li Hua going to join the Swimming Club this Sunday
    A Will BAre C Is D Do

    Ⅲ根短文容 选择方框中单词(短语)适形式填空
    get up read watch TV have dinner buy play volleyball do meet live test

    My name is Sandy I have lots of things this weekend On Saturday I’m going to visit my grandparents by bus Then I plan my two pen friends They with me for a week It is a good chance(机会)for them to their oral(口语)English I
    a new book And I’m going to go home and the new book In the evening I’m going to with my parents
    On Sunday I’m going to be very busy I at 730 After breakfast I’m going to at 1030 I am going to do my homework at 200 pm When I finish my homework I am going to with my friends

    ( )1.This term over.The summer vacation is coming in two weeks.
    A.is B.was C.has been D.will be
    ( )2.Tom the USA.He back in two months.
    A.has gone tocomes B.has gone towill be
    C.has been tocomes D.has been towill be
    ( )3A1iceplease tell Eric to call me when he back.
    No problem.
    A.come B.comes C.came D.will come
    ( )4 a big party in our school in two weeks.
    A.It is B.It will be C.There was D.There is going to be
    ( )5.A momentplease I’m checking if Mr.Smith free tomorrow.
    A.is B.being C.to be D.will be
    ( )6.Another flew railway station in Changsha in 2011.
    A.was built B.build C.will be built
    ( )7.I’m sorry I left the book at home.I it here tomorrowI promise.
    A.bring B.will bring C.brought D.have brought
    ( )8.I bet Mrs.Black will come to help US with the celebration if she too busy tomorrow.
    A.is B.will be C.won’t be D.isn’t
    ( )9.If you really hold on to your dreamsthey true one day.
    A.came B.comes Chas come Dwill come
    ( )10 I’m waiting for my friend If he I swimming alone
    A doesn’t come will go Bwon’t come will go
    Cwill come won’t go D Don’t come will go
    ( )11 I don’t know if jack If he I call me please
    Awill come will comes Bcomes come Ccomes will come Dwill come comes
    ( )12 Attention please There a football game between China and Korea this evening
    Ais going to be B has been Chas Dwill have
    ( )13 Why not come over at the weekend My family seeing you again
    Aenjoyed Bwould enjoy Cwill enjoy Dhave enjoyed
    1 The Great Wall as well as the Palace Museum (attract) lots of tourists from abroad every year
    2 If those wild animal can’t find enough food they (die)or have to leave their habitat soon
    3 The law of gravity (discover)by Isaac Newton about 350 years ago
    4 You must try your best to stop him (make)the same mistake again
    5 As soon as he came into the office he (shake)hands with every one of us
    6 Since last August the old lady (have)bad headaches three to four times a month
    7 By 530 yesterday afternoon he (finish)writing the laboratory report
    8 Bangkok the capital of Thailand (know)as the City of Angels
    9 We should do everything we can (protect)the environment
    10 Jack said he (return) the two books to the library in a week

    专题十四 简单句


    1.The rain has stopped.雨停
    I get up at 7:30 every morning.天早晨7点半起床
    2.I’m a student.名学生
    You look fine.气色
    3.I closed the window.窗户关
    They wanted to go there.想里
    4.The teacher told them a story.老师讲事
    He read the letter to his mother.信读妈妈听
    5.He found the film interesting.发现部电影趣
    They made him their monitor.推选班长

    二 简单句种类

    She arrived early.早
    (2)语+连系动词+表语 :
    My father is a teacher.爸爸位老师
    This book is not his.书
    He Won't come again.会
    I like it. I don’t like it.
    果动词单数形式.动词加doesn’t .动词单数形式变成动词原形:
    He speak s English He doesn’t speak English.
    He went there.He didn’t go there.
    There is no water.里没水
    He is coming. Is he coming
    Do you have a pen支钢笔
    Does he go to school by us坐公汽车学
    Did they know each other相互认识
    Don’t you like music喜欢音乐

    Who has an English dictionary谁字典
    Where does he go
    (3)特殊疑问词法:what询问名字职业广义干什how意样how soon意快howtong意久how often意久次how far意远where询问点when询问时间who意谁whose意谁whom意谁(作宾语)

    Are you a teacher or a student位老师位学生
    which do you like better.coffee or tea更喜欢咖啡茶

    Today is a fine dayisn’t it 天天气
    YOU won’t do it againwill you 会做
    Your elder sister wants to see a filmdoesn’t she姐姐想电影

    Come here.
    (Don’t/Never)动词原形+成分: .
    Don’t go out of the room.走出房间
    Let me do it.做IIEo
    Do come on time next time.次准时
    No photos许相
    None of your nonsense胡说
    Think hard and you’ll find a way.努力思考会找方法
    Hurry up or you’11 miss the train.快点否会错火车

    Don’t be latewill you迟

    How I miss you想念啊
    How clever a boy he is聪明男孩啊
    What a beautiful park it is公园真漂亮啊

    1 反意疑问句法:
    反意疑问句三点 前谓语正相反
    短语not出现 必须缩写惯
    点应注意 短句语代词填

    2 感叹句法:
    感叹句难 what how放句前
    强调名词what 余how简单


    1 The city lies in a valley ( )
    2 My recent book sells very well ( )
    3 Farmers in our area grow lots of vegetables ( )
    4 All my hair turns grey ( )
    5 I will find you a good chance ( )
    6 My brother and I study in the same school ( )
    7 The food tastes good ( )
    8 We call him Li Ming ( )

    1 Please give the book to Bill ( )
    2 Can you tell me the way to the Summer Palace ( )
    3 We often clean the windows ( )
    4 We keep our classroom clean and tidy( )
    5 What you said made me happy ( )
    6 Whom did you see playing football on the playground just now ( )
    7 I think it difficult to finish the work this morning ( )

    Why when what which how where what time how much who how many

    1. are you waiting for
    My best friend.
    2 do you usually go to bed
    At about 9 O’clock.
    3.—— one would you like of the three apples
    The biggest one
    4.— were you late for school this morning
    Because I got up too late and missed
    the bus.
    5.— milk is there in the bottle
    —There is a 1ittle.
    6. books are there Oil the shell
    There are nearly ten.
    7. did you begin to learn French
    At the age of ten.
    8.— ___ is this in English
    It’s a CD.
    9.— do you learn the spoken English
    —I learn it by joining an English club.
    10. were you ten days ago
    —I was in Beijing with my parents.

    1.Lily has lunch at school every day.(改否定句)
    Lily lunch at school every day.
    2.They do eye exercises every day.(改否定句)
    They eye exercise every day.
    3. They were busy watching the football match at that time(改般疑问句)
    they the football match at that time
    4.He’s put the letter in the hole.(改般疑问句)
    he the letter in the hole
    5.The boys are making a model bike in the classroom now.(画线部分提问)
    the boys in the classroom now
    6. The flowers are very beautiful.(改感叹句)
    the flowers are
    they are
    7.Does he come to school by bikeDoes become to school Oil foot(改选择疑问句)
    he to school
    8. The boy could swim when he was four years old (补全反意疑问句)
    9.You mustn’t make noises in the reading room.(改祈句)
    in the reading room
    10.Jill writes to her parents once a week.(画线部分提问)
    her parents once a week

    疑难点 判断句子简单句完整谓结构果简单句:She likes English.果两两列句复合句:She says she likes English.
    疑难点二 语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语句型转化语+谓语+直接宾语+to/
    He gave me a bookHe gave a book for me(表示动作象)
    He bought me a book—He bought a book for me(表示买动作目)
    疑难点三 感官动词役动词接带to定式作宾语补足语Let us go
    help接带to带to动词定式作宾语补足语:He help me(to)carry the box
    疑难点四 感官动词役动词五三二听感觉(感feel二听listen tohear三have let/make五see/notice/observe/watch/look at)接带to定式作宾语补足语变动语态时to原:
    My mother made me wash dishes —I was made to wash dishes
    疑难点五 感官动词接带to定式作宾语补足时强调动作整程动作常发生感官动词接现分词作宾语补足语时强调动作正进行感官动词接分词作宾语补足语强调动作动承受:
    I see him go to school by bike every day
    I hear somebody singing outside
    疑难点六 役动词接带to定式作宾语补足语时表示某做某事役动词接分词作宾语补足语时表示…·直做某事役动词接分词作宾语补足语时表示 承受某行动作
    Let me do it myself
    Our teacher made me sitting there
    疑难点七 so neithernor引导倒装句属简单句
    I went there yesterday So did she
    Tom doesn't like apples Neither/Nor do I
    疑难点八 have/has作实义动词表示时否定形式两种.种加not 种助助动词do否定形式完成否定语气:
    He hasn't a penHe doesn't have a pen
    疑难点九 肯定句改成否定句时果句中somesomethingsomebodytooallbothalready等词时须分改anyanythinganybodyeithernoneneitheryet等:
    There's something wrong with the carThere isn’t anything wrong with car
    疑难点十 回答否定性般疑问句时.根事实回答肯定Yes.否定No注意说法正汉语惯相反:
    Isn't it sunny天晴天?
    Yesit is.天晴天
    Noit isn't.天晴天
    Haven't you been to the Great Wall没长城吧
    NoI haven’tBut I want to go there没想
    疑难点十 why开头特殊疑问句否定形式常表示建议请求等:
    why don't you have a try/Why not have a try
    疑难点十二 陈述部分带that句作宾语时.附加问句谓般句保持致第称语+think (expectguess suppose imaginehopefeel)+宾语句结构中附加问句谓般句谓保持致果think等词否定形式.附加问句谓语应肯定形式:
    I don't think he will comewill he认会
    疑难点十三 陈述部分语somebody.everyone等指定代词时附加部分语they代强调体时heshe代:
    Everyone is herearen’t they/Somebody is outisn’t he
    Everything is ready.isn’t it
    Doing morning exercise every day is a good habit.isn't it
    One can get a good result through one's hard workcan't one/you
    疑难点十四 陈述部分there be句型时附加问句部分there
    There is a bus stationisn’t there
    疑难点十五 陈述部分般祈句时附加疑问部分will you/won't you陈述部分let’s开头祈句时附加疑问部分shall we陈述部分let me1et us 开头祈句时附加疑问部分will you:
    Don’t be late again.will you
    Let’s go to the park.shall we
    Let me/us go out for a walkwill you
    疑难点十六 陈述部分感叹句时附加疑问部分般现时否定形式:
    What an interesting book isn't it
    疑难点十七 陈述部分fewseldomneverhardly not rarely nobody等表示否定含义词时附加疑问部分肯定结构陈述部分前缀构成否定词时附加疑问部分否定结构:
    It is never usefulis it
    It is useless isn't it
    疑难点十八 陈述部分实义动词have时.附加疑问部分助动词dodoesdid:
    You have a pendon’t you
    She hasn't been to Englandhas she
    陈述部分have/has/had to时附加疑问部分分助动词do/does/did否定形式:
    He had to go there on foot.didn’t he
    陈述部分had better附加疑问部分hadn't:
    疑难点十九 You had better finish it tomorrowhadn't you
    疑难点二十 must作定必须解时附加疑问部分mustn'tneedn't
    You must go nowmustn't/needn't you
    疑难点二十 陈述部分used toought to时附加疑部分usedn't/didntshouldn't:
    She used to study in Beijing.usedn’t/didn’t she
    She ought to studyshouldn't she
    疑难点二十二 反意疑问句中判'shasis缩略形式'd would连had缩略形式:She's finished the job.hasn't she
    疑难点二十三 意思感叹句how引导what引导结构:What a beautiful flower it is How beautiful a flower it is

    ( )1She told us a story Her voice sounded_______
    A sweet B small C clearly D sadly
    ( )2In recent years more and more Americans like traveling during
    A So do we Chinese B So will wc Chinese
    C So we Chinese do D So we Chinese will
    ( )3 Jane likes singing We often hear her_______ after class
    A sing B to sing C sings D singing
    ( )4 Which of the twin brothers is a scientist
    ________ are
    A All B Both C Either D Neither
    ( )5 My uncle gave _______ a nice bike for my birthday
    A I B me C my D mine
    ( )6 The food on the plate smells You can't eat it
    A delicious B bad C badly D well
    ( )7 1f anyone happens to drop in while I am out_________him or her leave a message
    A have B get C ask D tell
    ( )8 Listen Can you hear someone___________ in the next room
    A sings B to sing C singing D sung
    ( )9 I had my bike _______ at the concert of the the street just now
    A repairs B repaired C repairing D to repair
    ( )10 I often hear this song______ by young people
    A sing B singling C sung D singed
    ( )11 He is often late for school isn't he
    He always goes to school earlier than others
    A Yeshe is B Nohe isn't C Yes.of course D No.sometimes
    ( )12Is it not your jacket ___________
    A Yes it is not B Yes it is C No it is D Yes it is not my jacket
    13The film is on at the movies Let's go to see it
    OK Let's go
    A will you B shall we C won't we D don't you
    ( )14______did Mr Wang leave in a hurry
    Perhaps to meet a friend Who knows
    A How B Where C For what D With whom
    ( )15____________ you have bought me
    I got it at the market
    A What a big fish B Haw a big fish
    C What big fish D How big fish
    ( )16______ late for school next time
    SorryI won't
    A Don’t be B Don’t C Be D Not be
    ( )17________you __________TV at the moment
    Noyou can turn it off
    A Didwatch B.Arewatching C Dowatch D Have watched
    ( )18 If you don't go tomorrow _________
    A I don't go either B either will I C neither do I go D neither will
    ( )19 The boy ___________ in the teacher's office was found ______ yesterday
    A standingsmoke B standingsmoking C stoodsmoke D stoodsmoking
    ( )20 Jim does well in Chinese in our class
    __________No one does better than him
    A So do I B So he does
    C So I do D So does he
    1 He can play the piano I can play the pianotoo(改义句)
    He can play the piano _________________________
    __________he____________ I can play the piano
    2 I help my younger brother with his English every Sunday(改义句)
    l help my younger brother ______ ______ English every Sunday
    3 Miss Gao passed the students the books(改义句)
    Miss Gao passed ______ ______ ________ _______ ________
    4 Will you sing a song for us(改义句)
    Will you _____ ______ _______ ______
    5 If you use your head you'll find a way out(改祈句)
    ______ ______ ______ ________ you will find a way out
    6 Let us help you out ________ ________(补全反意疑问句)
    7 He does very well in maths and physics (改否定句)
    He________ ________ very well in maths and physics
    8 Many people dislike speaking English here _____ _____(补全反意疑问句)
    Do you know______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______earth
    2 什早点消息告诉呢?
    ______ ______ tell him the good news a little earlier
    He looks sad ______ ______ ______ ______
    What______ ______ movies______ you like
    We______ ______ ______our motherland
    6 告诉家路吧
    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
    I ______ ______ your answer is right
    ( )l_____beautiful day It is Let's go and have picnic in the park
    Good idea
    A How B How a C What D What a
    ( )2______wide the streets are
    A What B.How C.What a
    ( )3 Let's go skating ______?
    OK Let's go
    A do you B don't you C wiil you D shall we
    ( )4 There are always many volunteers in great events______
    Yes Many hands make light work
    A aren't there B are there C aren't they
    ( )5Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three years ago______
    No he couldn't But now he is quite good at it
    A couldn't he B could he C didn't he
    ( )6 The waiter hardly has a day off______
    A hasn't he Bdoesn't he
    C.will he Ddoes he
    ( )7 ______do you study for a test
    I study by working with a group
    A Where B How CWhen D Why
    ( )8______schoolbag is this
    I guess it's Lily's
    A What B.Who C.Whose D.Which
    ( )9 ______meeting it is
    A What a important B What important
    C How an important D What an important
    ( )1O You didn’t go to school yesterday did you
    ______though there was a heavy rain
    A YesI did B NoI didn’t C YesI didn't D NoI did
    ( )11 _____will you be away
    In a couple of weeks
    A What time B How soon
    C How often D How long
    ( )12 Xiao Wang______will it take to fly to Guangzhou
    SorryI don't know
    A how far B how soon C how many D how long
    ( )13Let's search the internet for some information about famous people______
    A will you B won't you C shall we
    ( )14______do you visit your uncle
    Once a weekat least
    A How long B How many
    C How often D How soon
    ( )15 Did you enjoy the concert last night
    Very much______wonderful concert it was
    A What a BWhat C How a DHow
    ( )16There is little juice in the glass______
    A is there B isn't there C is it

    1 He did some work this morning(改成否定句)
    He____________do____________work this morning
    2 Peter often helps in the house at the weekend(改般疑问句)
    ____________Peter often____________in the house at the weekend
    3 Your mother has never tried shopping on the Internet(改反意疑问句)
    Your mother has never tried shopping on the Internet_______ _______
    4 Sometimes you're supposed to come early(改否定句)
    Sometimes you _______ _______supposed to come early
    5 Tom visits his grandparents once a week(画线部分提问)
    _______ _______ does Tom visits his grandparents
    6My pen pal is from America(Japan改选择疑问句)
    Is your pen pal from America_______ _______
    7 It is about four and a half hours from Fukang to Ununqi by bus(画线部分提问)
    _______ _______ _______ _______from Fukang to Ununqi by bus
    8 The kid is playing the piano at the school music club(画线部分提问)
    _______is the kid_______the piano
    9 We used to stay in a hotel by the sea on family holidays (画线部分提问)
    _______ _______ you use to stay on family holidays

    专题十五 列句
    2 掌握列句中and法仅表示列增补动作先表示条件
    3 注意not only…but also重点强调部分not only置句首句子倒装neither…nor…neithernor置句首时句子倒装
    4 掌握however法句中逗号句子成分隔开
    5 掌握for表示果关系法
    6 掌握but表示时yet互换

    列句基结构简单句十列连词十简单句中两简单句意义等重相互间没属关系行列关系常见列连词andnot only…but also…neither norneither…nor…oreither…or… butyethoweverwhile when for sothusthereforehence等表示列转折选择果等关系

    1(l)I like English and math喜欢英语数学
    I am a teacher and my brother is a student名教师弟弟名学生
    (2) My father is a teacher and he teaches well父亲位老师教书教
    He is a lovely boy and he likes dancing爱男孩喜欢跳舞
    (3)He put on his coat and went out.穿外套出
    She came in and closed the door进门关
    (4)Study hard and you will make progress努力学会取进步
    Go ahead and you will find the post office in front of you前走会见邮局前面
    2 Not only is he himself interested in the subjectbut also his students show interest in it仅门学科感兴趣学生感兴趣
    3 Neither do I know his addressnor do my parents知道址父母知道
    4 (1) You can stay hereor you can leave离开
    (2) You must work hardor you'll lose your job必须努力工作否会丢掉工作
    (3)The workers are happyor at least they appear to be happy
    5 (l)He was ill yesterdaybut he still went to school昨天病然学
    (2)Everyone likes a person with good mannersbut no one likes a person with bad manners喜欢修养没喜欢没修养
    6 Mary got up earlyyet she failed to be there on time玛丽早起床没时里
    7 The problem was difficult howeverhe worked it out问题难做出
    8 Some people are poor here while some are rich里穷然富
    9 (1)I was going to leave when it began to rain正离开时起雨
    (2)You'd better not go outside when it is cold然冷出
    10 I must go nowfor my sister is waiting for me.走妹妹等
    ll This is our first lesson sothustherefore I don't know your names

    I 填入适列连词句子完整
    1 Some students are interested in music______others are fond of playing football
    2 They drove to the supermarketparked their car______rushed into the hall
    3 She is one of the best students in her classShe______stusies well______
    sings well
    4 He can stay here______he can leave
    5 Hurry up______you will be late
    6 They were happy______at least they looked happy
    7 I repeated______ she still didn't hear me
    8 He was about to go out______it began to rain
    9 It must have rained last night______the playground is wet
    lO Some people are starving______others are wasting food

    II 列句子译成英语
    2 知道问题答案没举手
    3 处找手表没找
    4 错错
    5 努力工作便会成功

    疑难点 andor作列连词引导列句表示条件时转换if引导条件状语句 :Hurry up and you will catch up with themIf you hurry upyou will catch up with them果快点会赶
    疑难点二 yet引导列句时相but般yet前加andbut前加and
    疑难点三 列句中两简单句语相时第二简单句语省略
    :He likes Chinese culture and (he) can sing Beijing Opera喜欢中国文化会唱京剧
    疑难点四 列句列连词连接外标点符号分隔分号分隔
    :I like singinghe 1ikes dancing喜欢唱歌喜欢跳舞

    I 单项选择
    ( )l Ricky caught a bad cold yesterday______he had to stay at home
    A because B but
    C or D so
    ( )2 Hello Miss Wu
    I'm sorry______I don't think I know you
    A and B or C but D hecause
    ( )3 Miss Gao is a good Chinese teacher______she will teach us Chinese
    this term
    A or B and C but D so
    ( )4 Would you like to come to dinner tonight
    I'd like to______I'm too busy
    A and B if C so D but
    ( )5 I have two daughters but______lives with me
    A all B both
    C neither D either
    ( )6 Dad math is too difficult for me
    Ohdearwork hard______you'll find it easy
    A but B or C and D so
    ( )7 Forests help to keep water from running away______drought does not
    often happen
    A and B but C so D though
    ( )8 I have to stay up late______I have a lot of work to do
    A so B and C for D but
    ( )9 She got up earlyand______she failed to attend the meeting on time
    A yet B still C but D so
    ( )1OI hear a new film is on these daysShall we go to the cinema together
    Lucy and Lily
    ______Lily______I will go with you because one of us must be at home to help our father in the garden
    A Either nor B Either or
    C Neither nor D Both and
    ( )ll How do you like this dress
    It's beautiful______it fits me well______I like it very much
    A and and B and but
    C so so D and so
    ( )l2 The day breaks______the birds are singing
    A because B for C so D since
    ( )13 He likes playing football______his sister likes reading
    A but B while
    C when D however
    ( )14 The problem was difficultI worked it out______
    A but B while
    C however D yet
    ( )15 Sue is ill______she can't go to school today
    A because B when
    C so D and
    ( )16 Though he studies hard______he doesn’t pass the exam
    A but B
    C however D and

    II 求进行句型转换
    1 If you use your head you'll find a way out(改义句)
    ______ ______ ______ ______ you'll find a way out
    2 Lucy hasn't travelled by air Lily hasn't either(改义句)
    ______ Lucy______ Lily______ ______ by air
    3 Tom is pleased with the resultKate is pleased with the resulttoo(改义句) ______ Tom______ Kate______ ______ ______ the result
    4 Call a taxior you will miss the train(改义句)
    Call a taxi______ ______you will miss the train
    ______ ______ ______ ______a taxi you will miss the train
    5 One of the twins Eddie and Tom is sure to come to the party(改义句)
    ______Eddie______Tom will come to the party

    ( )1The little boy ate a big meal______he said he wasn't hungry
    A if Bthough C because Das
    ( )2Jenny put on your coat______you will catch a cold
    A but B and C or D so
    ( )3Stopping smoking______you will get better soon
    A and Bof Cbut D after
    ( )4 I would like you to talk about the Great Wall
    I'm sorry but______Jack______I have been there
    A either or B neither nor C both and D not only but also
    ( )5Money is very important______it’s not the most important thing
    A and B but C or D so
    ( )6 Mommy classmates are waiting outside______I must go now
    A or B But C so D though
    ( )7 Help others whenever you can______you’ll make the world a nicer place to live
    A and B or C unless D but
    ( )8 ______ they may not succeed they will try their best
    A Though B When C Because D Unless
    ( )9 ____Switzerland is very small ________ it is the land of watch and it is very rich
    A Though but B Because so C Because D Though
    ( )10Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight
    I'd love to _______ I can't I have a lot of homework to do
    A and B but C so D or
    ( )11 Did you give Dick a call
    I didn't need to _______ I'll see him soon
    A when Bthough C until D because
    ( )12 Linda tried to become an excellent teacher ______at last she succeeded
    A so B or C but D and
    ( )13 What is our headteacher like do you know
    Oh he is very kind _______ he looks very serious
    A because B Though C if D When
    ( )14 How do you like songs sung by Liu Huan?
    They are wonderful _________I can't hear his words clearly sometimes
    A but B so C because Dif
    ( )15His hobby is watching TV_______ playing the piano It's reading books
    A either or B both and C neither nor
    ( )16I could ______ speak Japanese _______Chinese so I had to talk with him in English
    A not only but also B both and C neither nor D either or
    ( ) 17 It's a nice house________ it hasn't got a garden
    A and B or C hut D so
    ( )18_______ he comes backI 'll tell him
    A Where B How C When D What
    ( )19Do you think most of the people in Beijing can ____talk with foreigners in English
    Yes I think so ______ the young _____ the old are learning to speak English
    A Either or B Neither Nor C Between and D Not only but also
    ( ) 20 These story books for children arc awfully written They are ______ interesting ______ exciting
    A either or B neither nor C both and D not only bat also

    专题十六 There be句型

    1掌握There be句型基构成口语书面语中正确
    2.掌握There he句型中be动词单复数原中考常考点
    3.掌握There be句型赶击时时法
    4掌握There be句型反意疑问句法
    5.注意There hehave区意义时避免出现There havehas错误结构
    6掌握There used to be结构句型表示……
    There be+语十点/时间状语表示某点/时间某物be称数时态
    化谈句型中bestandlive exist等动词换be前加seem to happen

    1 There are some trees in our school学校树
    There is an interesting film at 6 0'clock 6点场趣电影
    2 (1)There isn't any birds in the forest森林里没鸟
    (2)There is no water in the glass杯子里没水
    3 Is there any bird in the forest森林里鸟
    4 (l)When is there going to be a football match onthe playground 操场足球赛什时候举行
    (2)How many guests are there in the room 房间里少客
    三There he句型法
    1 There be结构中动词数面紧名词保持致原:
    There is a picture on the wall墙幅片
    There are some books on the desk桌子书
    2 There be结构现时时时分现时通be动词现式isare
    体现时通be动词式waswere体现There be句型时形式There isre going to beThere will be两种:
    There is a book in my bag书包里书
    There were some beautiful flowers here two weeks ago两周前里漂亮花
    There is going to be a beautiful garden in our school.学校漂亮花园
    3There be型构成反意疑问句时附加问句There be倒装句肯定附加句否定形式句否定附加句肯定形式:
    There are some pears on the table aren't there桌子梨

    I be 正确形式填空
    1 There _____a piano in the corner of the room
    2 There ________some tea in the cup
    3 There ________three buildings and a beautiful garden in our school
    4There ______ some meat some bread and some apples on the table
    5 There _______ a picture and a clock on the wall
    6 There __________ a volleyball match in our school the day after tomorrow
    7 There ______ no factories hospitals and schools here fifty years ago
    8 There may__________ something wrong with your watch
    9 There__________any mail for you today
    10There _______any letters in the mailbox today
    11 How many kinds of animals ______ there in this area
    12 ______there anything I can do for you
    some any 填空
    1 There's _______water in the glass
    2 There isn’t _______ tea in the cup
    3 Is there______bread here
    4 There wasn’t_______chocolate on the table just now
    5Are there ______ cars in front of the building
    There be have 适形式填空空词
    1 My sister _______three beautiful dresses
    2 ________ some books on the desk
    3 Everyone_____ a dictionary in my class
    4I____a new sweater
    5_________some flowers and a desk in the room
    6 _________nothing in the bag
    7They_______ something to eat
    8 We________ many good friends in the university
    9 _______three potatoes in the basket
    10 Do you________ some pencils
    ______ ______ ______ ______ in a year
    ______ ______ ______ ______ in the fridge
    ____________ ______ a little
    ______ ______ ______ any ram tonight
    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ an interesting film tomorrow
    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______in a year
    6 世没神仙?
    ______ ______no fairies in the world_______ ________
    7 桌苹果两梨
    ______ ______ ______ ______ and two pears on the table

    疑难点 There be结构表示某处某某事含义存期中there引导词实义have含义属语物体者汉语中译成英语时定加注意果语have
    I have some interesting toys at home
    果表示某处某物//事There be结构:
    There are many new words in Lesson One.第课新单词
    疑难点二 There be结构面列名词作语时.be形式离保持致:
    There is a knife and some on the table.桌刀苹果
    There are some apples and a knife on the table桌苹果刀
    疑难点三 There be结构面接定冠词加数名词单数数名词复数数名词般接定冠词表示特指词:
    There is a pencil in my pencilbox(时a换成the)铅笔盒里支铅笔
    疑难点四 There be结构中seem appear happen exist stand lierun remain等词代be:
    There stands a temple on the hill山座庙

    疑难点五 表示现已复存)常There used to be 结构反意疑问句形式两种:usedn't theredidn’t there:
    There used to be some houses here five years ago五年前里房子(现没)

    疑难点六 There be句型中.果点状语位句首时.there时省略:
    On the table is a cup of tea 桌子杯茶

    I 单项选择
    ( )1 There_______no bread in the fridge Could you get some for me
    A is B are C was D were
    ( )2 There________some children playing games in the park
    A is B are C has D Have
    ( )3There is some soup on the table isn't _____
    No I think that's water
    A There Bit C that D One
    ( ) 4Lookthat’s our new school buildingThere ______ be old and low houses
    A is going to B had C used to D used
    ( )5There is going to _______a basketball match this afternoon
    A have B watch C be D Play
    ( )6 There_______ a lot of milk and cakes on the table Would you like some
    Yes please
    A is B are C am D be
    ( )7 There _______ a talk about how to________learn English by Li Yang tomorrow
    Awas B will be C had D will have
    ( )8______ everyone here_____ an apple
    A Are there B Is there CDoeshave DDo have
    ( )9There ______ many new words in Lesson OneIt is very easy
    A is B aren’t Cisn’t Dare
    ( )10There used to be some wild animals on this island________
    Adidn’t it Busedn’t there Cisn’t there Dwasn’t there

    1 There is someone waiting for you at the school gate(改义母)
    ______ _______ _______ _______ you at the school gate
    2 There will be an interesting movie tonight(改义句)
    ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ an interesting movie tonight
    3 There is no water in the bottle_______ _______(补全反意疑问句)
    4 There is the key to the third door(改错)
    5 There are some exercise books in my desk
    6There is some money in my wallet(改否定句)
    ______ _______ _______money in my wallet
    7 There was a talk show last night(tonight 改般时)
    There______ _______ a talk show tonight
    There ____ and two pens on the desk
    _______ _______ some cards in Jim’s bag
    ______ ______ anything else in it
    There _____many____ in our school
    There____ ____ birds in the tree
    6 操场学生

    _____ there_____ _____on the ______ now
    N o_____ _____
    ______ ______someone at the door looking for you
    _____ ______ only a tablefour chairs and a small bed in the room
    9 钱包没钱
    ______ ______ any money in my wallet ______you_____ any
    ______ ______ many children _______ _______ in the park

    IV横线填there was there wasn’t was there there were there weren’t were there there will be等
    1 I was hungry but ___________ anything to eat
    2 ___________ any letters for me yesterday
    3 ___________ a football match on TV last night Did you see it
    4We stayed at a very nice hotel
    ___________ a swimming pool
    5 The wallet was empty___________ money in it
    6 ___________ many people at the meeting
    No very few
    7 We didn't visit the museum___________ enough time
    8 I'm sorry I'm late ___________ a lot of traffic on the road just now
    9 Twenty years ago _________ many tourists here Now there are a lot
    10 I think everything will be OKI don’t think ___________ any problems


    During the Second World WarJohn's family didn't have washing machineTherefore 1 _______(keep) clothes clean became a problem for themBefore longa family friend decided
    2 (join)the army and his wife was going with himJohn's family told them that they could take care of their furniture while they were away To the 3 (family) surprise the friend suggested they use his Bendix washing machine It would be better for it to 4 (use) rather than sitting 5 (quiet)he saidYoung John helped with the washing developed a deep love of the oldgreen Bendix 6__________(Late)the war ended and the family's friend returned When he came to take the machine awayJohn became very sad His mother saw this and said to 7 (he)Son you must remember that machine didn't belong to us in the 8______
    (one) place It was a gift for us to he able to use it for such a long time Soinstead of 9 ( he) sad about the lossLet's be grateful that we10 (be)able to use it at that time
    We have all experienced lossloss of people and things Howeverif we see the thing we
    11 (lose) as a gift that we were given for a timemaybe the sad 12 ( memory) will change into 13 (thank) ones
    II 单项选择
    ( )1There no tea in the cup
    A is B are C has D be
    ( )2There in the next room
    Ais Tom B are some boys
    C are they D is the boy
    ( )3There is some __________on the plate
    A apple B bread
    C banana D sandwich
    ( )4There _________ some paper and a pen on the desk
    Ais B are C have D has
    ( )5There ________ a school at the foot of the hill
    A have B stand C are D stands
    ( ) 6 There's going to _________ in tomorrow newspapers
    A have something new
    B have new something
    C be something new
    Dbe new something
    ( )7 ________is there on the table
    AHow many apples
    B How much bread
    C How much bread
    DHow many food
    ( )8There_______ not any water in the glass
    Ahas Bis Care
    ( )9 _________any flowers on both sides of the street
    AIs there B Are there
    C Has D Have
    ( )10There __________ great changes in our country since 1979
    A have been B were
    C has been Dare
    ( )11 There is little water in the glass__________
    A isn 't there B isn't it
    Cis it Dis there
    ( )12There is no air or water on the moonis there
    A Yesthere are B Nothere isn't
    CYesthere isn't D Nothere is
    ( )13 How many _______are there in your classroom
    Adesks Bdesk
    Cchair Ddoor
    ( ) 14 There ________something wrong with my car
    A are B has Cis Dhave
    ( ) 15 There _______ a pencil and two pens in the pencilbox
    Aare Bbe Chave Dis





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