
    姓名: 成绩:
    1 Don't eat ____food in the evening It's bad ____ you
    A too much with        B much too for          C too much for           D much with 
    2The more exercise you take ____you will be
    A healthier             B happier               C the healthier            D the weaker 
    3—Are you going to Tibet for vacation
    —Yes I want you to ____me with some information about it 
    A drop                     B show                  C give                  D provide 
    4—What a heavy rain Will it last long 
    —_______We're getting into the rainy season now
    A.Of course not       B.I’m afraid so         C.That's impossible          D.I'm afraid not 
    5 You can ____a conversation with you partner to practice English
    A.pick up          B.make up           C.look up            D.catch up 
    6 It's too hot I can't wait ____in the lake
    A.to swim           B.swim           C.swims           D.swimming 
    7 David found a little girl______on his way to school and he called police for help
    A cry            B cried            C crying                D cries 
    8 We have activities these days Everyone in our class is as________as a bee
    A busy    B busier            C busiest           D the busiest 
    9 He knocked on the door but______answered
    A somebody              B anybody              C nobody            D everybody 
    10 Before she went abroad she spent plenty of time ____ English 
    A to practice to speak       B practicing speaking 
    C to practice speaking      D practicing to speak 
    11 I will send you an email when I___________ in Canada
    A arrive             B arrived             C am arriving         D will arrive 
    12 My brother is    _____a hardworking student that he always gets high marks
    A so        B very       C such        D too 
    13 Many students have interests Some interests are relaxing and________ are creative
    Athe others      B others       C another      D the other 
    14 Please _____ the book back tomorrow when you come
    A take  B carry C return  D bring
    15 Don’t worry We have ________ time to leave
    A little   B a little  C few   D a few
    16 It’s time for class now please stop __________
     A talking  B to talk  C to speak  D spoke
    17 Hi Jack Why do you look so sad
      Well I don’t know how to speak English well Can you give me ____
    A some advice 
    B an advice  C some advices  D some suggestion
    18 __ you take an umbrella with you The radio says it’s going to rain this afternoon
    A Why not    B What about  C Why don’t  D How about
    19 My host family tried to cook _____ for me when I studied in New Zealand
    A different something             B different anything 
    C something different             D Anything different 
    20 I’m very proud that Beijing is one of ________ cities in the world
    Abig   Bbigger Cbiggest Dthe biggest
    二. 完形填空(10题计10分)
    When I was about 12 years old I really wanted a new bike I told my parents my birthday wish but I knew there was little hope because my family could 21 have that money
    On my birthday my parents told me they had my gift outside in the backyard At once I 22 out to the yard There was my bike 23 it wasn't the bike that I thought it would be This one was pink old and worn with age It was so 24 I thought I 25 my parents' feelings because I could see the disappointment on their faces and I was sure they could see it on mine I 26 the old bike and rode it feeling 27 that I had made my parents feel this way So I put on a smile rode as fast as I could and didn't come down
    As time went by I began to understand my parents gave me something much more than just an old bikeThey gave me a life lesson about 28 When you give something out of love it doesn't matter what it is in fact What matters is love that is in it I like to remember this 29 because giving a gift is not about money It's about how much love you can feel from it Do remember a gift that costs two dollars isn't 30 valuable (价值) than the one that is worth (值) one hundred dollars
    21 A hardly​​​ B quickly​​​ C slowly​​ D easily
    22 A rushed​​​ B rode​​​ C climbed​​ D came
    23 A and​​​​ B or​​​​ C because​​ D but
    24 A exciting​​​B interesting​​C relaxing​​ D disappointing
    25 A liked​​​​ B hated​​​ C hurt ​​​ D thanked
    26 A got in​​​ B got on​​​ C got off ​ D got up
    27 A surprised​​ B excited ​​ C happy ​​ D bad
    28 A friendship​​B money​​​ C love​​​ D knowledge
    29 A idea​​​​ B news​​​ C advice​​ D experience
    30 A little​​​​B less ​ C least​​​ D more
    I’m Mike I am a student In my teachers’ eyes I am not a very good student because I don’t study hard at my lessons and I am sometimes late for school
    Last WednesdayI was late for school My teacher was a little angry Come to school on time tomorrowor I will telephone your father said my math teacher I was afraid So I got up early the next morning After a quick breakfast I rode my bike to school Soon I was riding across a bridge Just at that time I heard somebody shouting for help I stopped and found a little girl struggling in the river I got off my bike jumped into the river and swam to the girl as quickly as I couldi tried my best to push the girl to the bank At last the girl was saved When I got to the classroom the class had been on for 15 minutes My teacher criticized me
    Till now I haven’t told my math teacher why I was late that morning But I didn’t regret(悔) it at all
    ( )1 Why don’t Mike’s teachers like him
    A Mike is often late for school
    B Mike doesn’t study hard at his lessons
    C Mike often saves the children falling into the river
    ( ) 2 How did Mike go to school last Thursday
    A On foot Bby bike Cby bus
    ( ) 3 What’s the Chinese meaning of the wordstruggling in the text
    A 挣扎 B嬉戏 C潜水
    ( )4 Why did Mike come to school late again on Thursday morning
    A He got up late in the morning
    B He saved a girl on his way to school
    C His bike was broken on the way to school
    (  )5what’ s the best title of the text
    A A brave student B A cruel(残忍) teacher
    C A misunderstanding(误会)
    Dreams may be more important than sleep We all need to dream some scientists say Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time People have several dreams each night
    Dreams are like short films They are usually in color Some dreams are like old films They come up over and over again That may be the dreamer worrying about something Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer
    Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams They may have been thinking about their work all day These thoughts can carry over into dreams
    Too much dreaming can be harmful The more we sleepthe longer we dream The mind is still at work when we dream That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired
    ( )1 It may be less important to sleep than to _____
    A think Bdream Cwork Dstudy
    ( )2 Dreams and films are usually _____
    A very long Bin color Cabout work Dvery sad
    ( )3 Why do some people often dream about their work
    A Because they are tired in the daytime
    B Because they not interested in their work
    C Because they may be thinking about their work all day
    D Because they have too much work to do
    ( )4 The main idea of the story is that_____
    A what dream is Bpeople like to sleep
    Cdreams are like films Dwe always remember dreams
    ( )5 Which sentence is RIGHT
    A It is good to sleep longer
    B We will feel tired after a long dream
    C The mind isn’t work when we dream
    D All people can find an answer of the work in the dream
    Bruno was a boy of eight His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop He lived not far from his school He always walked there and walked home On his way to school he had to pass a playground It was very wet after it rained One daywhen he got homehis clothes were all wet His mother became angry and said don’t play in the water on your way home from school
    On the next day Bruno came back wet and dirty(脏)clothes His mother became even angrier I’ll tell your father you come back wet again said his mother He’ll punish youyou know
    The third day the little boy was dry when he came home
    you’re a good boy today his mother said happilyyou didn’t play in the water
    No the boy said unhappily There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon There wasn’t any room(空方) for me at all
    ( ) 1 Bruno went to school _____every day
    Aby bike Bby bus Cby car Don foot
    ( ) 2 The playground was between _____
    Atwo classrooms Bthe cinema and shop
    C Bruno’s house and school Dthe shop and Bruno’s school
    ( ) 3 The little boy liked to play on the playground______
    Awhen it snowed
    Bwhen there was some water there
    Cwhen the children played football there
    Dwhen his father was busy with his work
    ( )4 Bruno was afraid of _____ most
    Ahis father Bhis mother Chis teacher Dthe other boys
    ( )5 That afternoon the boy’s clothes were dry because ____
    Anobody made room(方)for him in the water
    Bthere was no water on the playground
    Che took off his clothes before he played there
    Dhe played in the water carefully
    Helloboys and girls My name is Li Jing I am a girl student I am thirteen years old I think as students we should work hard at school on weekdays But we also need to have a good rest to relax myself So I always study hard when I am at school but on my day off I often do something else to relax myself
    I had a very relaxing day off In the morning I got up at seven o’clock Then I went to run with my father I think we need to exercise every day After all it’s important to keep healthy After running I took a shower and had breakfast At nine o’clock I went to the aquarium with my friends We saw some sharks and seals there Sharks are very scary but the seals are cute We also saw a dolphin show I think dolphins are very clever animals In the gift shop we bought many gifts We had great fun there
    In the afternoon my parents took me to see my grandparents They live in the beautiful countryside They were very happy to see me I talked with my grandparents for long and he told me many interesting things about him My grandmother cooked lots of delicious food for us
    In the evening I watched TV with my cousins We watched a basketball match The match was very exciting We were glad when we saw our favorite team in the match
    What a happy day off I had I hope all of you can have an interesting day off
    1 What does Li Jing do when she is at school
    2 What did she do after running
    3 What does she think of sharks

    4 Who cooked dinner for Li Jing

    5 When did Li Jing watch TV

    四. 根句意首字母中文提示填空(10题计10分)
    1 How beautiful the __________(楼) is
    2 I need to bring an u_________in order() not to get wet
    3 We have ________(足够)chairs for everyone
    4 You can _______(选择) which you like best
    5 Is it _______(必) for me to do so
    6 I never eat fruit and i think I’m kind of u_________
    7 He p_______to travel around the world
    8 The man has lots of money He is a s_________businessman
    9 She has two sonsB________of them are doctors
    10 Study hard and you will get good g_____
    五. 句型转换(5题计分)
    1 The earth is bigbut the sun is much bigger(改义句)
    2 We are both good students(改义句)
    3 We often go hiking in spring(画线部分提问)
    4 I think Lesson 10 is more interesting(改否定句)
    5 I sleep nine hours every night(画线部分提问)
    六 补全话(20题计30分) 

    A HiMolly What are you going to be when you grow up
    B    1                                    
    A Are you going to move to Shanghai
    B Er you know I like Xi’an best so            2                       
    A I see            3                           
    B Well I’m going to study English harder and learn how to teach
    A              4                 
    B I’m going to finish my study in the college first Then I’m going to do that
    A           5                        I hope you can make your dream come true  one day
    BThank you
     I want to be a teacher
     How are you going to become an English teacher
     That sounds good
     What are you going to plan to do
     I’m going to stay in Xi’an
     I’m going to be an English teacher
     When are you going to start

    John Hello Is that Mike speaking
    Mike _____6______
    John Mikedo you enjoy your new school
    Mike Yesvery much But things are quite different here
    John Really______7_______
    Mike Yes I go to school every day But on Friday afternoon we do a lot of activities in the school clubs
    John Sounds great _____8_____
    Mike I like math best My math teacher says I am doing well in it
    John Well done Will you come back this summer
    Mike 9 See you then
    John ____10______

    七. 翻译句子(10题计10分)
    1 天午起购物样?
    ________ _______ ______ shopping with this afternoon
    2 学英语真趣
    It is______ ______ to learn English
    3 生病没学
    He didn’t go to school _____ _____ his illness
    4 开窗户新鲜空气进
    Open the window and let in _____ ______ ______
    5 邀请电视剧中扮演角色
    He was invited to _______ _______ _______ in this TV play
    __________________we drive____________smoggy days we will have
    7 说理解英语电视节目难
    __________________________________________to understand TV programs in English
    8 花两时达机场
    It___________ me two hours ____________________________ to the airport
    9 Tom帮助语文起色
    ________________________________________ Tom I have improved a lot in my Chinese
    10 停休息会吧
    a rest
    八. 选词填空(10题计10分)
    as tire favorite seriousenough about habitelseeathealth

    Hua Lin a Chinese boy of 13 years oldlikes eating snacks(零食) very much His __1__snack is cream biscuits (奶油饼干) Sometimes he can eat three packs a day I like eating them and I do not want to have anything __2___ he said
    Now in China there are many children like Hualin They also enjoy snacks It’s a ___3__problem Because they can’t get __4___nutrition(营养) from these things and if they don’t try to eat more _5_food they may become overweight(肥胖)
    So parentsteachers and schools are worried __6___them Health experts (营养专家)tell students that they should have healthy eating __7____ First they must eat regular(规律) meals instead of too many snacks and have a good breakfast Then they should have many different kinds of foodsuch _8___vegetableseggs and milk They can give you what your bodies need Some students also like fast food like McDonalds or KFC They think they are delicious but __9__too much is also unhealthy Third they can’t drink too many sugar(糖)drinks or eat too much fried food
    If they can do as the experts say they will be healthier They won’t be __10___at school They will have enough energy
    九 书面表达(计15分)
    根提示my winter vacation 题写篇5060词作文

    . 15 CCDBB 610 ACACB 1115 ACBDB 1620 ABCCD
    二.2125 AADDC 2630 BDCDB
    D篇 1 She always studies hard
    2 She took a shower and had breakfast
    3 Scary
    4 Her grandmother
    5 In the evening
    四 building umbrella enough choose necessary
    unusual plans successful both grades
    五1 The sun is much bigger than the earth
    2 Both of us are good students
    3 How often do you go hiking in spring
    4 I don’t think Lesson 10 is more interesting
    5 How many hours do you sleep every night
    六. A 1 I’m going to be an English teacher
    2 I’m going to stay in Xi’an
    3 How are you going to become an English teacher
    4 When are you going to start
    5 That sounds good
    B 6 Yes this is Mike speaking
    7 How often do you go to school
    8Which subject do you like best
    9 Sure
    10 See you
    七1 WhatHow about going 2 so interesting 3 because of 4 some fresh air
    5 play a role 6 The less the fewer 7 It’s not difficult for us 8 took to get
    9 With the help of 10 Let’s stop to have
    八favorite else serious enough healthy about habits as eating tired




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