
    Unit 1 标准检测
    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What did the boy get
    A B C
    (  )2What does Bob want to be
    A B C
    (  )3What will the weather be like
    A B C
    (  )4Where will Julie go if she gets enough money
    A B C
    (  )5How does Tom learn English
    A B C
    (  )6What is Peter doing
    AHe’s writing
    BHe’s drawing
    CHe’s singing
    (  )7What sport are they talking about
    ABaseball BVolleyball CBasketball
    (  )8What does the man want now
    AA blue shirt
    BA blue jacket
    CA black shirt
    (  )9Where does the man want to go
    ATo the book store
    BTo the post office
    CTo the bus stop
    (  )10How does Susan study for a Chinese test
    ABy making flashcards
    BBy making vocabulary lists
    CBy working with friends
    (  )11What’s Ann going to do this weekend
    AShe’s going to ski
    BShe’s going to skate
    CShe’s going to cycle
    (  )12Who is Jack going to do sports with
    AHis friends
    BHis classmates
    CHis parents
    (  )13Where is Jane going to do exercise
    AOn the playground
    BIn the classroom
    CIn the gym
    (  )14When does Jane do exercise
    AEvery morning
    BEvery afternoon
    CAfter school
    (  )15What sport is Mike going to take part in
    AHiking BRunning CSwimming
    (  )16Carol is ________ this year
    A12 B13 C14
    (  )17Carol is good at English because ________
    Ashe has studied with a group
    Bshe has joined an English language club
    Cshe has written vocabulary lists
    (  )18Carol ________ at weekends
    Awatches English movies
    Bgoes out with her brother
    Cgoes shopping with her mother
    (  )19Carol goes to the club ________
    Aon Monday evenings
    Bon Friday evenings
    Cat weekends
    (  )20Carol ________ at night
    Awatches TV
    Bwrites to her pen pal on the computer
    Cwatches English movies
    Leaving Time
    How long
    How to go there
    In (21)________
    To (22)________ and row
    In the first (23) _______ in January
    A (24)_______
    By (25)_______

    (  )26—________ do you tell him about the event (事件)
    —By ________ e­mail
    AHow sending BHow send
    CWhat sending DWhat send
    (  )27Have you come up with any idea to ________ the air pollution
    Adeal to Bdeal with
    Cdo about Ddo to
    (  )28________ too much is bad for your health
    AEating BEat
    CTo eating DEatting
    (  )29He often practices ________ with his teacher
    Arunning Bruns Crun Dto run
    (  )30I don’t know this wordI must ________ in the dictionary
    Alook up it Blook them up
    Clook up them Dlook it up
    (  )31I find ________ very difficult to understand people who speak fast
    Athat Bthis Cit Dthey
    (  )32What ________ reading aloud to practice pronunciation
    Aof Babout Caround Dat
    (  )33I can’t believe what you said ________ I see what you do
    Awithout Bunless
    Cif not Dwith
    (  )34Why ________ an English­language club
    Adon’t join
    Bnot joins
    Cdon’t you joining
    Dnot join
    (  )35We regard him ________ the best teacher in our school
    Afor Bas Clike Dto
    (  )36It’s impolite to ________ other’s talking
    Abreak out Bbreak off
    Cbreak up Dbreak in
    (  )37It was very important for me ________ English
    Astudy Bto study
    Cstudies Dstudying
    (  )38I couldn’t always make sentences ________
    Atoo Beither Cnever Dalso
    (  )39Lillian tried her best ________ a good student
    Abecome Bbecoming
    Cbecomes Dto become
    (  )40The teacher was very angry ________ me
    Awith Bto Cof Din
    (  )41I got an A this term so my teacher was ________
    Aimpressed Bimpressing Cimpress Dimpresses
    (  )42—I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes
    ANot at all BYou’re welcome
    COf course DIt’s a pleasure
    (  )43In the morning classes all the students are reading Chinese texts ________
    Aloud Baloudly Caloud Dnoisily
    (  )44Don’t laugh ________ anybodyYou should help them when they are in trouble
    Aat Bto Cof Dwith
    (  )45I had a little trouble ________ English grammar
    Ato learn Blearning
    Clearned Dlearn
    My parents took me to Japan when I was little I lived there for five years __46__ I came back my Japanese was very good Can I do something useful with my Japanese I asked myself Then one day last spring I got a good opportunity (机会) I stayed at home with __47__ to do so my father brought me a Japanese book Why don’t you translate it into Chinese It will be better than __48__ computer games all day I promised (许诺) to do 2000 words each day But __49__ I found it was hard to keep the promise One day in May the weather was beautiful But I couldn’t go out Those 2000 words were still __50__ me After translating only three pages I already lost interest in the book I looked at it for a long time But I couldn’t make myself turn the pages How I wished I could just go outside and __51__ football with my friends I counted the words again and again I just wanted to give up I felt as if two people were fighting __52__ my mind One said Don’t give up Keep working hard and you’ll do well But then the other one said Go and play It will be more __53__ than translating Do your work tomorrow I stood up and would __54__ the computer But then I remember __55__ my parents had told me Whatever you do don’t stop halfway So I sat down and went on with it
    (  )46ABecause BUntil
    CSince DWhen
    (  )47Anothing Bsomething
    Ceverything Danything
    (  )48Adoing Bplaying
    Cpracticing Dseeing
    (  )49Ajust then Bright now
    Csoon Dsuddenly
    (  )50Atalking to Blooking at
    Csmiling at Dwaiting for
    (  )51Aplay Bgive Cbuy Dwatch
    (  )52Ain Bwith Cabout Dfor
    (  )53Afun Bimportant
    Cuseful Ddangerous
    (  )54Aturn on Bturn off
    Copen Dclose
    (  )55Ahow Bwhere
    Cwhich Dwhat
    Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America The bears are waiting to meet you and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you
    Children:Over 12 100
    Under 12 Free
    Opening time
    900 am-400 pm
    Except Friday 1000 am-300 pm
    Keep the zoo clean
    Do not touch give food or go near the animals
    (  )56How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage
    AFour BFive
    CSix DSeven
    (  )57Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons one aged 14 and the other 10How
    much are the tickets together
    A400 B200
    C300 D100
    (  )58Which of the following is the visiting time
    A830 am on Monday
    B930 am on Friday
    C300 pm on Sunday
    D500 pm on Tuesday
    (  )59From the passage we can guess the animal giraffe must be very ________
    Afat Blong Cstrong Dtall
    (  )60Which of the following can we do in the zoo
    ATo give some food to the dogs
    BTo touch the monkey on the head
    CTo throw things everywhere
    DTo take a few nice photos
    I often hear some students say English is difficult and it gives them a headache But English is very easy for me I’m good at it I’m very glad to tell you something about how I study English
    First I think an interest in English is very important When I learned English first it was fresh for me I was interested in it so I worked hard at it Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark How happy I was After that I learned English harder and harder Our English teacher often teaches us English songs and the songs sound nice I often think how interesting English is
    Second I think English is a foreign language I should learn it well in the following ways Listen to the teacher carefully speak bravely read aloud and have a good vocabulary Then practice again and again never be tired And I also have a good habit Asking whenever (时) I have a question I must make it clear by asking our English teacher How happy I am when I understand
    Besides this I often read English stories jokes and easy novels They help me understand a lot of things So to do more reading is an important way to learn English well And I also write English diaries English has become a close friend of mine
    (  )61Why do some students often have a headache?
    ABecause they are easy to catch a cold
    BBecause it’s often very cold
    CBecause they think English is easy
    DBecause they don’t think English is easy
    (  )62The writer tells us that we should be ________ in English if we want to learn it well
    Akind Binterested
    Cangry Dstrict
    (  )63The sentence I got a very good mark means ________
    AI got a good way
    BI had a good idea
    CI did badly in the exam
    DI did well in the exam
    (  )64The writer thinks English is interesting because ________
    AEnglish is full of stories
    BEnglish is full of jokes
    Chis teacher often teaches them nice English songs
    Dof nothing
    (  )65Which of the following is not the way the writer studies by
    ASpeaking bravely
    BWriting to foreign friends
    CReading aloud
    DWriting English diaries

    配阅读 左栏五需求信息右栏七条信息请五相应信息配
    (  )66It’s Tina’s first time to come to New YorkShe wants to visit some popular attractions and she likes to go somewhere interesting
    (  )67Nick has got much lucky money at the Spring FestivalHe is looking for a meaningful way to help poor kids in China with his money
    (  )68Celina knows that the news online usually spreads more quickly than that in the newspaperShe wants to read news online for kids
    (  )69Mr Smith came across an old friend todayThey went to a pub and had a good drinkAfter the drink Mr Smith needed someone to drive him home
    (  )70Linda is going on a trip nowShe knows the Hudson River Greenway is a path for pedestrian &cyclists onlyIt is a wonderful way to see the river and the cityscapeSo she is looking for a rental bike now

    ANet Family News is a non­profit public service for parents and educators of kidsPlease visit us at wwwFamily_Newscom
    BDo you have any difficulty in learning English grammar This book tells you how to be successful in learning it and it also gives some valuable advice to you
    CProject Hope is a Chinese public service projectIt aims to help children whose families are too poor to afford to complete elementary school educationPeople can donate money to it to help children in need and show their love
    DDo you like a bike ride around the city We have hundreds of bikes for rentingWe offer hourly half­day and full­day ratesPlease call us to discuss availability at 212­260­0400 or email us at nyc@bikeanddrollcom
    EThe American Museum of Natural History is one of New York City’s most popular attractions featuring four floors filled with exhibitions on every natural history topic from dinosaurs and mammals (哺乳动物) to biodiversity (生物样性) and outer space
    FYou can talk to our PEteacher who might introduce a club to you or might know a local yoga class
    GAre you looking for a good driver to drive your car Please call John at 332­768 and he’d like to help you

    Henry Brown is a new teacher in No2 Primary SchoolHe (71)________ mathHe likes his children and is kind to themHe (72)________ his best to teach them wellBut as (73)________ new teacher he has little experience so his students are not good at math
    One day the headmaster of the school came to listen to Henry’s class(74)________ class he came to the front of the classroomHe wanted to check (75)________ the children understood the lesson just nowSo he said Excuse me MrBrownMay I ask your students some (76)________
    Of course MrTed Henry answeredThen MrTed asked (77)____ is four and three Seven the children answered togetherBoth Henry and MrTed were (78)________MrTed went on asking And what is four from four then But this time (79)________ could answerHenry was standing behind MrTedHe drew a circle (80)________ the air with his fingersA boy seemed to understand himHe put up his hand quickly and said An egg sir the boy said loudly
    Do you often meet difficulties when you start learning English The following may be helpful for beginners to learn English
    ◆Find out the reason
    Before you begin to learn English ask yourself Why do I want to learn English Do you learn English in order to communicate with foreigners or pass some exams
    ◆Develop (发展) interest
    Interest is the best teacher Often the things we do best in our life are those we enjoy doingLearning English must be something that you like to do
    ◆Set goals (目标)
    When you know your reason for leaning English setting a goal is easyFor example if you want to travel to an English­speaking country you should improve your listening skills and pronunciationWhatever your goal is write it down
    ◆Make a plan
    After setting the goal the important thing you should do is to make it come trueMake a plan for yourself to realize your goalPlan to do the things that are challenging but not too difficult
    ◆Have fun
    If you are studying in the right way it’s possible for you to have fun learning English Find out a way that is suitable (合适) for youAfter you have studied for a few weeks it’s necessary to develop your own study habits
    Information Card
    Five steps to learn English
    Find out the reason
    To (81)________________ foreigners or to pass some exams
    Develop (82)__________
    If you want to study English well you should like it
    Set goals
    Whatever your goal is write it down
    Make a plan
    Plan to do the things that are challenging but not too (83)__________
    Have fun
    Find out a suitable (84)________________ of learning English and develop your own (85)________________
    鼓励家学英语班准备办期英语学验交流专刊请根面容提示结合实际情况My English Learning题写篇短文
    1When did you start learning English
    2What is difficult to learn
    3How do you deal with it
    4What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well

    Unit 2 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What is the speaker doing now
    A B C
    (  )2Why was Tom tired
    A B C
    (  )3What does the speaker think is good for health
    A B C
    (  )4What did the girl’s father use to do
    A B C
    (  )5What should we do twice every day
    A B C
    (  )6What did Mike use to do
    AArrive at school on time
    BGo to the class late
    CForget his homework
    (  )7What is Li Lei going to be in the future
    AA player BA teacher CA singer
    (  )8What time will the school sports meeting begin
    AOn the playground BAt 730 am CAt 830 am
    (  )9Who will come to cheer them on
    BMiss Green
    (  )10What do we know about the woman’s old house
    ABig and quiet BSmall and quiet CBig and noisy
    (  )11What does MrWhite often do after supper
    AHe goes for a walk
    BHe watches TV
    CHe listens to music
    (  )12What doesn’t Mr White eat for supper
    AVegetables  BMeat CFish
    (  )13What are they talking about
    AThe plans for the coming holiday
    BWater sports
    CTheir studies
    (  )14Where does the woman want to go
    ATo the rivers
    BTo the mountains
    CTo another city
    (  )15What does the man like
    AAll kinds of sports
    BWater sports
    CClimbing mountains
    (  )16The husband was ________
    Ashort and thin
    Blarge and fat
    Ctall and strong
    (  )17The husband worked in ________
    Aa big factory
    Ba small office
    Ca big office
    (  )18The man got his pay ________
    Aevery month
    Bevery day
    Cevery Friday
    (  )19His wife was ________ when the man hurried into the living room
    Alistening to the radio and eating apples
    Bwatching TV and waiting for her husband
    Clistening to music and cleaning the room
    (  )20The husband got the ten thousand dollars by ________
    Asaving money little by little
    Bbuying the lottery tickets (彩票)
    Cfinding the money in his office

    Used to like
    Now like
    Collecting (21)________
    Doing (22)________
    Going to the movies
    Reading story books
    Listening to music
    (  )26The young man used to ________ to work but he is used to ________ to work now
    Adrive walking Bdrove walked
    Cdrive walks Ddriving walk
    (  )27Though the boy is only six years old he is able to look after ________
    Ahe Bhim
    Chis Dhimself
    (  )28—You always do some reading in your free time
    —YeahIt is my favorite hobbyI always do it ________ I’m very busy
    Asuch as Bbecause of
    Cever since Deven though
    (  )29—What does your grandpa like to do when he is free
    —He always ________ me and tells me some funny stories
    Achats with Bdeals with
    Cargues with Dgets angry with
    (  )30I really can’t stay ________
    Astill Bnever
    Cany longer Dever
    (  )31Mr Zhang doesn’t want to go swimming because he is ________ getting into water
    Ainterested in Bterrified of
    Cgood at Dused to
    (  )32He is afraid of ________ strangers
    Asee Bseeing
    Csaw Dto see
    (  )33Students should pay attention to ________ the teacher in class
    Alistening to Blisten to
    Chearing of Dhear of
    (  )34I always go to sleep ________ the light on
    Ain Bwith Cto Dfor
    (  )35To ________ surprise I got an A in my English test
    AI Bme Cmy Dmine
    (  )36The doctor asked my father to ________ smoking to keep healthy
    Aopen up Bput up
    Cgive up Dpick up
    (  )37________ work in Microsoft
    ADid you use to BDid you used to
    CDo you used to DDo you use to
    (  )38—When did you get home last night
    —At ________ 8 o’clock neither too earlier nor later
    Anearly Bexactly
    Chardly Despecially
    (  )39We all take ________ what you did
    Aproud in Bproud of
    Cpride of Dpride in
    (  )40—Tina didn’t go to school yesterday did she
    —________Because she was badly ill
    AYes she did BYes she didn’t
    CNo she didn’t DNo she did
    (  )41—Do you think Yao Jiaxin should be sentenced (判决) to ________
    —SureI think it is necessary for him to shoulder the responsibility (承担责)
    Adeath Bdead Clife Dliving
    (  )42We spent one day ________ the Great Wall
    Avisit Bvisiting Cto visit Dvisited
    (  )43My life ________ a lot in the last few years
    Achanged Bhas changed
    Cis changing Dwas changed
    (  )44________ you remember me I’m Diana your childhood friend
    AAren’t BDon’t
    CDo not DAre not
    (  )45Your computer doesn’t workIs there ________ with it
    Awrong something Bsomething wrong
    Cwrong anything Danything wrong
    Mr and Mrs Brown lived in a small house near London with their childSometimes Mr Brown came __46__ from his work very late when his wife and the child were asleepThen he usually __47__ the front door of his house with his key and came in very __48__He didn’t want to disturb them
    But one night when he was coming home late he lost his __49__So when he reached his home he __50__ the bell but nothing happenedHe ranged it again Again nothing happened __51__ moved inside the houseMr Brown knocked at the bedroom windowsHe spoke to his wife he shouted __52__ she did not wake upAt last he stopped and __53__ for a few secondsHe had a good __54__Then he began to speak like a small child Mother he said I want to go to the toilet (洗手间) He spoke quietly but at once __55__ woke upThen he spoke to her and she opened the door for him
    (  )46Aup Bback Cto Don
    (  )47Aopened Bclosed
    Cmade Ddrove
    (  )48Aquickly Bquietly
    Cfast Dhappily
    (  )49Abike Bcar
    Ckey Dknife
    (  )50Arang Bknocked
    Copened Dmade
    (  )51ASomebody BAnybody
    CNobody DEverybody
    (  )52Aand Bbut Cor Dthen
    (  )53Asang Bcried Cthought Dlaughed
    (  )54Aidea Bplan Ckey Dway
    (  )55AMr Brown BMrs Brown Cthe child Dneighbor
    Jackson’s Yearly Sale
    This week only (Open from 9 am to 9 pm)
    Men’s and women’s clothing:Shoes coats and sweaters swimwear and jeans
    Jewelry:Watches rings earrings and necklaces
    Luggage:Bags and briefcases
    Furniture:Leather (皮) sofas dining tables and chairs bookcases
    Address:The corner of Main and East Street
    Smile’s is having a big weekend electronics sale
    TVs radios computers and cameras
    Open from 10 am to 6 pm in Fort Street Mall
    Open Time:8:00 am to 6:00 pm
    Come and see what we have on sale for your office
    On First Street
    30 off office furniture:Desks and bookcases
    20 off office equipment:Typewriters and telephones
    10 off office supplies:Pens paper and calculators
    (  )56If you want to buy a camera you can go to ________
    Athe corner of Main Street
    BEast Street
    CFort Street Mall
    DFirst Street
    (  )57If a typewriter is 200 originally at Apple but you can only pay ________ for it now
    A140 B160
    C180 D400
    (  )58You can go to Jackson’s to buy________
    Aradios Bcalculators
    Ctelephones Dswimwear
    (  )59Mr Green is going back home after work at 710 pm so he may choose some _____ from these shops
    Abriefcases and rings
    Bpens and paper
    Ctelephones and earrings
    Dwatches and computers
    (  )60Our school needs sofas and something for teachers to make notes we should go to________
    AJackson’s and Smile’s
    BSmile’s and Apple
    CApple and Jackson’s
    DSmile’s or Jackson’s
    I’m Liu LiI am a middle school student nowIt seems that my life has changed a lot in the last few yearsFor example I used to have short hair but now it grows longI used to be afraid of the sea because I didn’t know how to swim but now I am a good swimmer in our schoolI used to be short but now I’m tallAs for eating I used to eat meat but now I eat more vegetables than meatWhen I was younger I didn’t use to read any books but now I like reading storybooksWhen I was in primary school I used to play football after school but now I have to go right home and do homework I didn’t use to like math and I used to be terrified of tests but now I like all the subjects and never mind tests any more In the past I used to have time chatting with my parents but now I hardly ever chatI have to studyI miss the old days
    (  )61What does Liu Li’s hair look like now
    AIt’s short BIt’s long
    CIt’s straight DIt’s curly
    (  )62Why did Liu Li use to be afraid of the sea
    ABecause there were many sharks in it
    BBecause there were always strong waves in the sea
    CBecause she couldn’t swim
    DBecause she had met an accident in the sea
    (  )63What does Liu Li eat now
    AShe eats more vegetables than meat
    BShe eats only meat
    CShe eats only vegetables
    DShe eats more fruit than vegetables
    (  )64What kind of books does Liu Li like to read now
    AEnglish books
    BFamous books
    CPicture books
    (  )65What did NOT Liu Li use to do
    ASwim BChat
    CEat meat DPlay football

    配阅读 左栏五假期计划右栏旅行社广告请五感兴趣广告配
    (  )66Tom wants to visit the Great Wall
    (  )67Sally is going somewhere excitingShe wants to have fun with her boyfriend
    (  )68Tony wants to go to a quiet place to relax himself
    (  )69Linda likes the famous writer Shen CongwenAnd she wants to know more about him
    (  )70After watching the movie Shaolin Temple Jim really wants to see what a real Shaolin Temple looks like
    AA 2­day trip around the Qinghai LakeEnjoy the beautiful scenery of this salt lake in West China
    BClimb the Songshan Mountain in Henan and visit the Shaolin Temple
    CClimb the Wuyi Mountain in Fujian
    DHave fun in the Happy Valley of ShenzhenMany exciting games are waiting for you
    EA 2­day trip to the Ancient Town of LijiangRelax yourself and enjoy the peaceful life
    FA 2­day trip to the Ancient Town of PhoenixYou can visit the hometown of Shen Congwenere
    GA 4­day trip to BeijingVisit different places of interest like the Palace Museum the Great Wall and so on

    Here are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit JapanFirst of (71)________ you should know how to use chopsticks very well
    In China it’s not polite to make noise (72)________ you are eatingYou should close your mouth when there is something in it(73)________ it’s different in JapanIn Japan it’s polite to make noise when you are eating especially when you are eating noodles(74)________ shows that you enjoy the noodles(75)________ are also some chopsticks rules It’s rude to stick your chopsticks into your foodAnd you shouldn’t point at anyone with (76)________And you are not supposed to talk when you are eating
    In Japan (77)________ lot of restaurants and private houses are equipped with low Japanese style tables and cushions (78)________ the floor rather than with Western style chairs and tables
    In Japan you say itadakimasu (I gratefully receive) before starting to (79)________ and gochisosama (deshita) (Thank you for the meal) (80)________ finishing the meal
    In the past four weeks the situation in Haramachi­ku (南相马市) has changed a lotPrivate shops have started to open graduallyPeople come and go from time to time some have come back home because they are tired of living as evacuees (逃难者) some have returned to workEvery reason is different but people are returningLarge supermarkets and restaurants are not open in Haramachi­kuPrivate shops and convenient stores have started opening (though not 24­hour) and we can buy some drinks and daily goodsUntil my mother restarted her job we shared tasksI was in charging of shopping and filling the car while my mother was in charge of cooling and washingI haven’t decided what I will do long­term yetWhat I know for sure is that I have to give up my dream of being a children’s football coach (教练)Sadly my life has changed completely as a result of this disaster (灾难)

    Information Card
    The change in Haramachi­ku Japan
    What has changed
    Private shops have started to (81)____________ gradually
    Many people have come back
    I have to give up my (82)________________ of being a children’s football coach
    The reasons for people’s coming back
    Some are (83)________________ living as evacuees
    Some have returned to (84)________________
    Things we were in charge of
    For me
    Shopping and filling the car
    For (85)___________
    Cooking and washing
    世间万物总着周围环境身原断发生着改变改变相良性恶性请根面容提示Has Changed a Lot题写篇短文介绍某者某物发生变化
    1What did hesheit used to be like
    2What happened to himherit

    Unit 3 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What was wrong with the speaker’s brother
    A B C
    (  )2What should we do every day
    A B C
    (  )3What is MrBlack doing
    A B C
    (  )4How did Tom go to the park
    A B C
    (  )5How should we fight the flu
    A B C
    (  )6Which club will Jim join
    AThe English club
    BThe basketball club
    CThe tennis club
    (  )7How did the girl improve her PEgrades
    ABy eating healthy food
    BBy watching sports programs
    CBy practicing running and jumping
    (  )8What isn’t allowed to use at school
    AMobile phones
    (  )9When is the man allowed to leave
    AAt once
    BIn two days
    CAfter his work is finished
    (  )10What would the woman do if she saw a car accident
    AHelp them
    BGo away
    CCall the police
    (  )11Which city is Lucy moving to
    AShanghai BBeijing CNanjing
    (  )12Why is Lucy moving
    ABecause her father has got a job there
    BBecause she is going to university there
    CBecause she is going to meet her friends there
    (  )13What’s wrong with Tom
    AHe has a headache
    BHe has a fever
    CHe has the flu
    (  )14When did Tom feel sick
    ATwo days ago
    BThis morning
    CFour days ago
    (  )15What should Tom do
    ADrink plenty of water
    BSee a doctor and have a good rest
    CStay at home and have a good sleep
    (  )16Online shops are open________ a day
    A6 hours
    B12 hours
    C24 hours
    (  )17The advantage of shopping online is that ________
    Ait’s convenient
    Bthings are better online
    Cyou can walk around shops
    (  )18People who ________ shouldn’t go shopping online
    Awant to buy a lot of things
    Blike talking with others when shopping
    Cdon’t have much time to shop
    (  )19The disadvantage of shopping online is that ________
    Awe can’t buy things whenever we are free
    Bwe can’t see real things
    Cwe can’t buy good things
    (  )20From the passage we know that ________
    Ashopping online has more disadvantages than advantages
    Bshopping online needs lots of time
    Cthe speaker would like to shop online
    Hope Middle School
    Teachers and students
    Teachers are all very (21)________ and friendly
    There are (22)________ students in our class and we all get on well with each other
    School rules
    We are not allowed to get to class (23)________
    We have to wear school (24)________ every day
    We can’t go out with friends on school (25)________

    We are not allowed to get our ears pierced
    (  )26His mother didn’t allow him ________ an MP3
    Abuying Bto buy
    Cbuy Dbought
    (  )27—Li Yuchun is so coolI’m her fan
    ASo do I BSo I do
    CSo am I DSo I am
    (  )28My sister wants to get her ears ________
    Apierce Bpierced
    Cpiercing Dto pierce
    (  )29His son is ________ boyHe is very lovely
    Aa 8­year­old Ban 8­year­old
    Ca 8­years­old Dan 8­years­old
    (  )30Living in Africa was quite an unforgettable ________ for us
    Arace Bimportance
    Cpoint Dexperience
    (  )31Lily didn’t have ________ for breakfast so she feels ________
    Awater enough thirsty
    Bwater enough hungry
    Cenough food hungry
    Dfood enough thirsty
    (  )32David is only ten years oldI don’t think he ________ to ride his bicycle in the street
    Ashould allow
    Bwould allow
    Cshould be allowed
    Dwouldn’t be allowed
    (  )33First of all teachers must be strict ________ their students
    Aat Bin Cfor Dwith
    (  )34Liu Qiang ________ fixing the machine yesterdayLook it is running well again
    Afelt like Bsucceeded in
    Cfailed in Dforgot
    (  )35In winter we must pay attention to ________
    Akeep warm Bkeep warmly
    Ckeeping warm Dkeeping warmly
    (  )36I ________ until midnight to finish a report
    Amade up Bstayed up
    Cgave up Dturned up
    (  )37Many students will be ________ if the class is boring
    Asleep Bsleepy
    Csleeping Dslept
    (  )38—Do you like English
    —YesIt ________ by many people in the world
    Aspoke Bspeak
    Cis spoken Dspeaks
    (  )39I ________ think you ________ serious enough
    A aren’t Bdon’t are
    C should Dwon’t are
    (  )40—Would you like to go hiking with us ________ watching TV at home
    —Of course I’d love to
    Ainstead Bas well as
    Ceven though Dinstead of
    (  )41You mustn’t go out ________ school nights
    Ato Bwith Cof Don
    (  )42A strange sound ________ yesterday evening
    Awas heard Bhears
    Cheard Dis heard
    (  )43As students we should ________ our study
    Apay for Bspend on
    Cconcentrate on Dmake up
    (  )44Playing computer games can _______ our studiesWe shouldn’t play them too much
    Aget out of Bget in the way of
    Cget rid of Dget away
    (  )45—I think running is an easy way to keep healthy
    —________ but Bill doesn’t think so
    ANo problem BI agree
    CI’m afraid not DI don’t think so
    I kept a dog when I was youngHe died several years ago but I can still __46__ the days we spent together and what he taught me about __47__
    I have two apple trees in the gardenMy dog __48__ applesWhen he went outside he took an apple into the house to __49__It was an autumn day in America but it was very __50__A big snow fell and we didn’t do __51__ for its comingOn that special day my dog went out and I __52__ him through the windowI noticed that he was digging holes and bringing the apples to the ground so everyone could see themI did not know __53__ he was doing this
    When I called him back he had his one apple in his mouthAbout five minutes later I looked outsideThe garden was __54__ of birdsMy dog wanted his bird friends to eat applesHe knew that they didn’t have enough food for the coming __55__
    (  )46Aknow Bremember
    Cthink Dforget
    (  )47Afriendship Bfamily
    Ctrust Dstudy
    (  )48Adisliked Bplanted
    Cloved Dstole
    (  )49Alike Bmake
    Ceat Ddo
    (  )50Awarm Bcool
    Chot Dcold
    (  )51Aanything Bnothing Csomething Deverything
    (  )52Aheard Blooked
    Clistened Dwatched
    (  )53Awhy Bhow Cwhen Dwhere
    (  )54Ashort Bfull Cempty Dtall
    (  )55Aspring Bsummer Cfall Dwinter
    Name:Edward Scott
    School:Kevin Grove State High School Grade 7
    Term ending:6 May

    He has a little weak in it but he tries his best to catch up with others
    He can work out many difficultiesWell done
    He is the best in the classKeep it up
    His reading is very good and he can remember many words
    He is not so good at this but has done better than before
    He is familiar with the name of many places in the world
    He doesn’t like pop songs though sings very well
    Conduct:fair  Noin class:9  Absence:8
    Remarks (评语):Edward has the ability to do a lot betterMore work is needed next term
    Class teacher:Ivy
    An Australian Boy
    School reopens:11 September
    (  )56After reading this we know this is ________
    Aa studying plan of Edward Scott Ba teaching plan for Ivy
    Ca school report of Edward Scott Da working plan of MLMartin
    (  )57Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the form
    APE BMusic CMathematics DHistory
    (  )58Edward’s best subject is ________
    Ascience BEnglish Cgeography DFrench
    (  )59Edward is not so good at ________
    Ascience and geography Bmathematics and history
    Chistory and French Dmusic and English
    (  )60According to the form which of the following sentences is TRUE
    AEdward can’t sing songs very well
    BEdward doesn’t do well in science
    CEdward can do better if he works harder next term
    DEdward learns two foreign languages at school
    Now QQ coins are popular among Chinese teenagersPeople use real money to buy Web moneyThen they buy clothes for their online characters (物形象) or services for their online pets with itAnd these fancy things will cost QQ fans more in the future
    The government will put a tax (税) of 3 on online salesFor example if QQ users pay 100 yuan for 110 QQ coins they will have to spend 103 yuan in the futureThe extra (额外) three yuan is tax
    Beijing was the first city to carry out the policyOnline games have to pay the tax tooA number of players make money by spending a lot of time on the games to gain powers (获量) and then selling them
    Experts said that online trade grow fastThere is more than 10 billion yuan of real money in online trade a year in China
    However the government’s new move has become a hot topic (话题) among Internet users around the countryIn a survey by sinacom more than 70 of about 3000 surveyed were against itThey said that the tax is too much
    But supporters (支持者) said the government’s better management (理) of the Internet would help it become healthierThey believe the new move would help stop online identity theft (账号偷窃)
    (  )61We can learn from the story that QQ coins are ________
    Aa kind of game software Ba special Web money
    Csome fancy clothes Dsome online pets
    (  )62The Chinese government will put a tax of ________ on online sales
    A3 B10 C11 D15
    (  )63Which city was the first city to carry out the policy
    ABeijing BShanghai CGuangzhou DShenyang
    (  )64We can learn from the passage that________
    Aonline gamers don’t have to pay the tax
    Bmany people think the tax is too much
    Call the people support (支持) this policy
    Dthe new move will cause online identity theft
    (  )65The new move can help Internet become healthier and ________
    Astop online shopping Bstop online trade
    Cstop online identity theft Dstop online spending money
    配阅读 左栏五需求信息右栏七书介绍请五相应书配
    (  )66Tom is seventeen years old nowHe has dreamed of becoming a successful businessman for quite a long timeHe hopes his dream will come true in the future
    (  )67John is interested in computer technologyHe spends much of his free time on computersBill Gates is his heroHe would like to learn from Bill Gates
    (  )68Mary often asks herself what she will be in the futureShe wants to understand herself and the world around her betterShe needs something to help her make a right plan to be successful
    (  )69Betty is working on the history of America these daysShe tries to find the answer to how the US became what it is today
    (  )70Mrs Green has a teenage daughter They can’t get on well with each other MrsGreen is worried but doesn’t know what to do
    AUncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers
    This book is full of advice for parentsThis question­and­answer book helps parents understand their childrenThis book tells you how to communicate with your children
    BThe Road Ahead
    This book is about technology and technological change but most of the book is about Bill Gates’ teen yearsYou will learn that he was a normal teenager in high school and not different from you
    CTaste of Home
    This is a book about cooking which offers many home­style recipesPlus color photos of every recipe cost­saving menus and healthy­choice dishes
    DDave’s Way
    This is a fantastic book for teenagersIt contains (包含) countless simple tips on how to be successful in today’s business environmentIt shows you how to make your dream come true
    EThe Teenager’s Guide to the Real World
    This book tells teenagers how to design their own livesThis book helps teenagers understand what the real world isIt helps them make good decisions about the future
    FDrawing on the Right Side of the Brain
    This book offers a great introduction about how your brain works based on the most recent scientific research into left­brainright­brain differencesIt is a fascinating lesson on how to use different parts of your mind
    GThe Americans:The Democratic (民) Experience
    This book tells many stories about the people who helped build the countryIn this book the writer describes the American history during the past years

    Talking about meals people in the UK are different from people of many other countries(71)________breakfast is usually a very big meal of fried eggs bread cakes tomatoes tea coffee and fruit(72)________ they often eat a quick lunch with a sandwich and a cup of coffeeChildren (73)________ school can have a hot meal of meat or fishThe British usually have their dinners of beef or fish with vegetables (74)________ 7
    00 pm and 900 pm and if they have a dinner party with friends (75)________ can last till midnight
    On weekends they like to (76)________ meals with all the family membersThose who don’t live with their parents will come back for (77)________ family mealThey will (78)________ with soup or snacks followed by chicken beef pork with tomatoes vegetables and many other things such (79)________ salad and fruitPeople in Britain also like food from other (80)________ especially food from France China Italy and India
    I have a daughter who is 14 and is on her cell phone so oftenWe got her one because of her activities after schoolWe really need to be able to communicate with each otherBut she will not put it downWe have banned it from the dinner table because we feel that it is family time and we need to be able to talk and share without interruption (扰) of the cell phoneLately we have caught her on the phone talking or texting very late on school nightsWe made a rule last week that we thought was very reasonableWe told her she should leave her phone downstairs and no more talk or text after 10 pm on school nightsWe tried to tell her that she needs to get a good night sleepJust yesterday she called or texted her friends after 11 pm on a school nightWe were very upsetI am thinking of taking it away for goodBut she argued that she is a good student and never gives us troubles with getting up or her lessonsThat is trueShe is an excellent student and dedicated (致力) her lessons after school activitiesHow can I deal with this problem Can you give me some advice
    Information Card
    The teenagers with a cell phone
    The problem

    The daughter is on her phone (81)________________
    The family rules
    The cell phone shouldn’t be used at (82)______________
    The daughter should leave her phone (83)______________ and no more talk or text after 10 pm on school nights
    What happened yesterday
    The daughter (84)________________ her friends after 11 pm
    How the daughter is
    She is (85)________________ student
    读面短文认中学生应该合理手机呢?请结合身感受法How Tee­nagers Should Use Cell Phones题写篇短文位烦恼母亲提建议

    Unit 4 标准检测
    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What’s for Jim
    A B C
    (  )2What does the speaker think is interesting
    A B C
    (  )3What did Jack use to do in his free time
    A B C
    (  )4What does Uncle Lee like to make
    A B C
    (  )5What’s the speaker’s friend interested in
    A B C
    (  )6What’s Mike like
    ARude and lazy
    BShy and handsome
    CHelpful and friendly
    (  )7Why can’t the woman watch the basketball match
    ABecause she has to look after her grandma
    BBecause she doesn’t like it
    CBecause she has watched it
    (  )8What does the woman advise the man to do
    ATo have a talk with others
    BTo take a long walk and listen to some music
    CTo go to bed early
    (  )9What would Jenny do if she had a million dollars
    AImprove the poor environment
    BBuild a bridge
    CHelp the poor people
    (  )10What kind of music does the girl like
    ALoud music
    BQuiet and gentle music
    CRock music
    (  )11Who is Peter’s favorite player
    AYao Ming BLiu Xiang CMa Lin
    (  )12What is Ann famous as in her school
    AA singer BA runner CA dancer
    (  )13What does Betty think of being a doctor
    AEasy BDifficult CInteresting
    (  )14What does Bob’s father do
    AA teacher BA doctor CA nurse
    (  )15What does Betty want to be
    AA nurse BA player CA movie star
    (  )16Mrs Smith is a ________
    Bschool teacher
    (  )17Mrs Smith feels unhappy because ________
    Ashe gets sick easily
    Bshe can’t drink or smoke
    Cshe doesn’t make a lot of money
    (  )18Mrs Smith saw the man ________
    Blying in a chair
    Ceating things
    (  )19The man ________ every day
    Adrinks little
    Bdoes exercises
    Csmokes a lot
    (  )20The man is ________ years old
    A22 B52 C62
    How to keep healthy
    Eating habit
    Eat more (21)________ and vegetables
    Play basketball or (24)________
    Drink a lot of (22)________ every day
    Take a walk
    Don’t eat too much (23)________ or hot food
    Go (25)________
    (  )26The man won ________ dollars in the lottery
    Aa million Bmillions
    Cmillion of Dtwo millions
    (  )27I’m deeply moved and I don’t know ________
    Awhere to say Bwhen to say
    Cwhat to say Dhow to say
    (  )28What if ________ back
    Ahe come Bhe comes
    Cdoes he come Dhe does come
    (  )29I would rather ________ the chance than ________ her
    Anot to take to hurt
    Bnot take hurt
    Cnot taking hurting
    Ddon’t take to hurt
    (  )30—I fought with my sister because she broke my model plane
    —If I ________ you I ________ sorry to her
    Aam would say Bwere said
    Cwas say Dwere would say
    (  )31I will invite her ________ dinner at my house tomorrow
    Ahave Bto have
    Chaving Dhad
    (  )32I want to ________ this book from the library
    Aborrow Bread Clend Dkeep
    (  )33What would you do if somebody knocked you down ________ accident
    Ain Bon Cby Dfor
    (  )34—Mom do you know if Mary ________ to my birthday party next week
    —I think she will come if she ________ free
    Acomes is Bcomes will be
    Cwill come is Dwill come will be
    (  )35When ________ this book ________
    Ais come out Bdid come out
    Cwas come out Dwas came out
    (  )36The rest of the food ________ not enough for two days
    Aam Bis Care Dbe
    (  )37Do you have ________ friends in your school
    Aa lot Ba plenty
    Clot of Dplenty of
    (  )38—What is your father like
    AHe likes sports BHe is very kind
    CHe is fine DHe is 35
    (  )39Some problems are ________ difficult for the students ________ work out
    Aso that Bnot but
    Cenough to Dtoo to
    (  )40Mrs Green gave us ________ on how to learn English well
    Asome advices Bmany advices
    Csome advice Dan advice
    (  )41He thinks only of himself he never ________ other people
    Aworries about Btalks about
    Cwrites about Dhears about
    (  )42—Are you confident that you can do it well
    —Yes I won’t ________ you ________
    Acome down Bknock down
    Cput down Dlet down
    (  )43—How do you ________ your new friends Jack
    —Quite well because they are very friendly
    Aget along Bcome up
    Cget along with Dcome up with
    (  )44—The old man works very hard and hardly ever feels tired
    —I think he is really ________
    Afunny Bcreative
    Coutgoing Denergetic
    (  )45—I’m sorry for having brought you too much trouble recently
    —________You have done so well
    ANot in the slightest
    BThat’s right
    CYou’re all right
    DYou’d better not
    June 22nd 1993 is a day I will never forgetIt was on that day that my life __46__ forever
    I was a nurse working in a hospitalBeing a single mother for 12 years I was finally able to enjoy life with my four childrenI had __47__ a house with my savings(存款) in PA
    __48__ on June 22nd 1993 I had an accident on my way to workI was __49__ hurtMy career (事业) ended and I believed my life was over too
    I __50__ having a lot of surgery (外科手术)After the first surgery I was completely __51__ and could do nothing by myselfSeveral months later the doctor said there was __52__ else that could be done and let me go homeAt home my children took turns to look after me
    Again and again I was told to __53__ being in a wheelchair (轮椅) for the rest of my lifeAfter a period of time I started to fight backIt was a long way but I made it
    I realized what the __54__ things in life wereI started to appreciate (欣赏) the little things that I didn’t __55__ beforeI felt like I was given a second chance in my life
    (  )46Akept Bchanged Cbroke Dended
    (  )47Adesigned Bwanted Cbought Dchecked
    (  )48ASo BBut CSince DOnce
    (  )49Aslightly Bnecessarily Cstrangely Dseriously
    (  )50Aended Bthought
    Cshowed Dbegan
    (  )51Ahappy Bhelpful
    Cready Dhelpless
    (  )52Aeverything Banything
    Cnothing Dsomething
    (  )53Ahope for Bget used to
    Cfall in love with Dget away from
    (  )54Asmall Bhurting
    Cfunny Dimportant
    (  )55Acare about Bthink about
    Cwalk about Dtalk about
    Address:222 Edward Road Telephone:414­6433
    The number of rooms:120
    Single room:25 Double room:35
    Special attractions:Air­conditioned roomsFrench estaurantSwimming poolShopsCoffee shop and barTelephone radio and television in each roomClose to the city center

    Address:129 North Road Telephone:591­5620
    The number of rooms:50
    Single room:12 Double room:18
    Special attractions:Close to the airportTelephone in each roomBarRestaurantGarageSwimming pool
    Address:233 Edward Road Telephone:641­6446
    The number of rooms:120
    Single room:15 Double room:20
    Special attractions:Facing First HotelEuropean restaurantCoffee shopTelevisionNightclub
    Address:1264 Venning Road Telephone:643­8200
    The number of rooms:180
    Single room:30 Double room:50
    Special attractions Air­conditioned roomsJa­panese and Chinese restaurantsSwimming poolLarge gardenShops
    (  )56If you want to eat Chinese food you will go to the restaurant in ________
    AFairview Hotel BFirst Hotel
    COrchard Hotel DOsaka Hotel
    (  )57The cheapest price for a single room is ________ in ________ in Boswell
    A12 First Hotel B15 Osaka Hotel
    C12 Fairview Hotel D25 Orchard Hotel
    (  )58The total number of the rooms in the best hotels is ________
    A120 B170 C290 D470
    (  )59If a Japanese traveler likes to eat in a French restaurant ________ is the right place for him to go to
    A233 Edward Road
    B1264 Venning Road
    C222 Edward Road
    D129 North Road
    (  )60Which hotel faces Orchard Hotel
    AFirst Hotel BOsaka Hotel
    CFairview Hotel DNo hotel
    Taxes are a big part in the United StatesMost Americans pay city taxes state taxes social security (安全) taxes sales taxesand the list seems endlessThe biggest tax for most Americans is the incomes taxThe personal income tax is called a progressive tax because it takes more from those who earn (挣钱) mostFor example a person who earns about 3500 a year will pay a tax of only about 35 of earning but if the same person earned 85000 a year he would pay an income tax of 35Over years the incomes tax has become more and more difficult for people to understandAlmost one half of all Americans now have to pay experts to prepare their tax reportsIn fact preparing and giving tax advice have become a big industry (工业) in America
    (  )61Most Americans pay ________
    Ataxes which are too many to list
    Btaxes either to the cities or the states they live in
    Cseveral kinds of taxes
    Dso many kinds of taxes that they even don’t know the names
    (  )62Social security tax is collected from ________
    Athose who have broken the law
    Bthose who often make trouble
    Cevery people living in the area in question
    Dmost people in America
    (  )63Which of the following is NOT true
    AAmericans have all kinds of taxes
    BPersonal income tax is the biggest tax in American
    CThe more a person earns the more income tax he should pay
    DPersonal income tax can prevent the rich from getting richer
    (  )64The so­called progressive tax is the tax ________
    Acollected for social progress
    Bthat increases with each passing year
    Cthat is collected from those who earn most
    Dthat varies (变化) according to how much money a person earns
    (  )65Why have preparing and giving tax advice become a big industry in America
    Athe list of taxes seems endless
    Bthey would rather spend their time and energy elsewhere
    Cthey find it is difficult to understand the income tax and write a tax report by themselves
    Dpaying experts to prepare their tax reports and asking for tax advice have been very popular
    配阅读 左栏五信息右栏七广告请五感兴趣广告配
    (  )66Bruce plans to take some after­class activitiesHe finds playing chess is kind of fun
    (  )67Lucy moved to Los Angles last weekShe doesn’t have any friends there and she feels very lonelyShe wonders how to make some friends in a new city
    (  )68Tom will travel around Europe during OctoberHe gets a 2­week holidayHe wants to find a partner to travel togetherIs anyone interested in?
    (  )69MrWhite lives in SydneyHe’d like to know where he could buy a suitcaseHow can he find a cheaper one
    (  )70Linda is going to France next weekShe knows that airline ticket online are much cheaper but she doesn’t know how to find the information
    ASave your trip to FranceYou can find cheap airline tickets at wwwairfrancecomcn Book online now
    BIf you are a book store owner book collector online book dealer or somebody that either is considering opening a bookshop online or just has a passion (热情) for books or enjoys writing about your experience then this may be a good fit for you
    CIf you are planning a big vacation and want to camp how can you find a perfect place Please visit wwwbefore_campingcom
    DSearching for a travel partner to share your European adventures Post your notice at wwwrickstevescomYou can find a partner for a part or all of your journeyPlease tell the start and the end dates of your trip what countries you will visit and whether you will seek a male or female (or either) of a certain age range
    EWant to learn how to play chess Want to learn how to play a bit better Here are some fairly easy lessonsCome and join Fun Chess
    FEven if you are naturally shy these three tricks will help you to quickly build a new social circle in any new cityRead them at How To Make A Bunch Of New Friends In Any New City
    GYou can find where to buy a suitcase and what kind of suitcase to buy at MyShoppingcomau Buy suitcases online in Australia and compare prices of 548 products from 20 storesThe lowest price is 695
    As people’s life is getting better and better the tourism has become a very big businessMore and more people are taking (71)________ interest in travelingMillions of people now (72)________ their holidays in other countries so the (73)________ collected from tourism is becoming significantThe travel companies say that holidays in famous places help people to understand (74)________other(75)________ must help towards peace and love among the world
    This idea may bring good business but it is not true to lifeVery few of today’s tourists want to know the people of the countries they are (76)________They maybe just want a week (77)________ two of sunshine to lie (78)________ the beach by the seaMost tourists don’t want to discover things for themselvesThey just want to travel and stay (79)________ their own families or friends for the whole holidayThe tourist business (80)________ really easy for the travel companies
    What would you do with only a short life to live I’m sure you are familiar with this questionThis question is important because we often get caught up in our daily lives and forget to see the bigger picture of what matters mostThis question can guide you to what you really consider most important
    Belinda says I’d be as happy as I can beI’d laugh smile think of the good things and try to see what’s good in everyoneI’d take many pictures eat what I want to eat visit the places that I have no time to visit before tell people that I love them and say sorry to the people I’ve hurt
    Alan says If there were enough time I’d fly to Alaska then Africa and then Australia and then spend one week with all my family
    Mrs Brown says that she would spend time with her family show them how important they areShe would take time to play with her child to read with her to have good conversations with her and to take walks with herShe would take time to be in nature to appreciate the beauty of the world around
    Information Card
    What would you do with only a short life to live
    The importance of the question
    (81)_____________ people to what they really consider important
    Different people do different things
    Laugh smile think of the good things take (82)________________ eat what she wants to eat and so on
    Travel to Alaska Africa and Australia and spend (83)___________ with all his family
    Mrs Brown
    Spend time with (84)________________ play with her child and appreciate the beauty of (85)____________ around
    果生命短短月安排短暂时间?事情必须做?请What would you do with only a short life to live题写篇英语短文
    Unit 5 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What were the students doing yesterday mor­ning
    A B C
    (  )2What was the girl doing
    A B C
    (  )3What was uncle Wang doing
    A B C
    (  )4What animal does the speaker like
    A B C
    (  )5What is the speaker talking about
    A B C
    (  )6Whose book is this
    AThe girl’s
    BThe boy’s
    CWe don’t know
    (  )7What do you think of the girl
    AShe is tired
    BShe is shy
    CShe is outgoing
    (  )8What should Miss Yang do
    ASleep less and eat more vegetables
    BEat less food and do more exercise
    CEat more fruit and do more exercise
    (  )9Why does Tom have a stomachache
    ABecause he has a cold
    BBecause he has the flu
    CBecause he does sports without breakfast
    (  )10Why are people afraid of germs
    ABecause the germs are bad for our health
    BBecause the germs can get into the human body
    CBecause the germs are too dirty
    (  )11What did the boy use to do in the summer vacation
    AHe used to play football
    BHe used to go swimming
    CHe used to play basketball
    (  )12Who taught him to swim
    AHis parents
    BHis PE teacher
    CHis friends
    (  )13Who found the book
    ALucy   BJohn    CJack
    (  )14What class did they have just now
    AThe art class
    BThe English class
    CThe gym class
    (  )15Who does the book belong to
    AJohn BLucy CA student of Class Two
    (  )16In Bruce’s opinion ________ is the best time to swim
    AJune BJuly CAugust
    (  )17The average (均) temperature of this month is ________
    Aabout 23℃ Babout 32℃ Cabout 35℃
    (  )18________ is good at swimming
    AJim BTom CBruce
    (  )19They mainly ________ yesterday afternoon
    Awatched TV
    Bplayed computer games
    Cplayed football along the river
    (  )20They went back home ________
    Aat about six o’clock
    Bat about seven o’clock
    Cat about eight o’clock
    Robots are (21)________ to us in many ways
    If we put the teaching (22)________ into the computers
    robots can (23)________ as teachers
    If we don’t have friends
    robots can (24)________ with us
    If we don’t want to do the housework
    robots can do it
    If we aren’t happy
    robots will sing and (25)________ for us

    (  )26We didn’t win that game ________ Wang Lei’s illness
    Abecause Bbecause of
    Csince Das
    (  )27This question is ________ easy so all the students can answer it
    Atoo much Btoo many
    Cmuch too Dmany too
    (  )28This book ________ Tom’s father’s because his name is on the book
    Amaybe Bmay be
    Cmust be Dmust
    (  )29Who does this T­shirt belong ________
    Ain Bon Cto Dof
    (  )30We had a lot of delicious food ________ the picnic
    Aon Bin Cat Dof
    (  )31—Peter how many girl students are there in your class
    —Well DadI think girls ________ 60 of the students in my class
    Atake up Bmake up
    Cput up Duse up
    (  )32Please try ________ English if you want to learn English well
    Apractice Bto practice
    Cpracticing Dpractices
    (  )33—Listen John is laughing in the classroom
    —It ________ be JohnHe is in the teachers’ office now
    Acan’t Bmustn’t
    Cmay Dmight
    (  )34Mr Green a BBC reporter is busy ________ the CEO from a big company
    Ainterviewing Boffering
    Creplying Dregarding
    (  )35Stay away Be careful ________ the fire
    Awith Bof Cfor Dat
    (  )36Don’t pretend ________ when you don’t
    Aunderstand Bbe understanding
    Cunderstanding Dto understand
    (  )37The monkeys escaped ________ the zoo yesterday evening
    Aon Bof Cfrom Dout
    (  )38—We have ________ all the paperWe can’t go on working now
    —So we have to buy some as soon as possible
    Amixed up Bcut up
    Cgiven up Dused up
    (  )39There must be something wrong with the engine it is making strange ________
    Avoice Bnoise
    Csound Dwords
    (  )40The book is on Lily’s desk________ it is hers
    AMay be BCan
    CMaybe DMight
    (  )41He is attempting ________ the problem all by himself
    Asolve Bto solve
    Csolving Dsolved
    (  )42The apples are beginning to ________ from the trees these daysCan you go to the farm and pick some
    Adrop Bthrow Cland Dhit
    (  )43—MrGreen there is a man ________ you at the school gate
    —Really Please ask him to come to my office
    Awaiting Bwaiting for
    Cto wait Dto wait for
    (  )44—You look ________What happened
    —I couldn’t find my mobile phone anywhere
    Aexcited Bpleased
    Cworried Dinterested
    (  )45—Hmm what a pleasant smell and taste (味道) You are a good cake­baker Linda
    —________I’m glad you enjoy it
    AThank you BDon’t say so
    CYou talk too much DNo I’m not
    There are many words in the English languageYou will never __46__ the meaning of every word in EnglishWhen you read you will often find many __47__ you do not knowYou will not have enough time to __48__ reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary
    Sometimes you can __49__ a new word because you know some of the parts of the new wordFor example if a word ends __
    50__ the letters er that word __51__ be the name of a __52__ or a thing that does a certain action (某动作)A writer is a person who writes__53__ it is not __54__ to know the parts of a new word to understand it __55__ it will help you many times
    (  )46Aknow Blearn
    Cfind Dlook
    (  )47Abooks Bletters Cstories Dwords
    (  )48Astop Benjoy Ckeep Dstart
    (  )49Afind Bget Cstudy Dguess
    (  )50Ain Boff
    Con Dup with
    (  )51Acan Bmight
    Cshould Dmust
    (  )52Afriend Bboy
    Cperson Dgirl
    (  )53AThen BNow
    CYet DSometimes
    (  )54Ahelpful Buseful
    Cenough Dgood
    (  )55Abut Band Cso Dfor
    Classical Mother’s Day Movies
    My Big Fat Greek Wedding
    A young Greek woman named Toula (Nia Vardalos) falls in love with a non­Greek guy (John Corbett) and then she struggles (努力) to accept a culture which says Nice Greek girls are supposed to do three things in life marry Greek boys make Greek babies and feed everyoneuntil the day we die
    This film was directed by Joel Zwick and written by Nia VardalosNia Vardalos Michael Constantine John Corbett and Lainie Kazan starred in itIt was on for the first time in theaters on August 2 2002 on DVDs on February 11 2003
    Time 1 hr 35 mins
    Please Don’t Eat the Daisies
    Drama critic (评家) Larry Mckay (David Niven) and his wife Kate (Doris Day) move from their small Manhattan flat to an old house in the country with their four sons
    It was directed by Charles Walters and written by Jean Kerr and Isobel LennartDoris Day David Niven Janis Paige and Spring Byington starred in itIt was on for the first time in theatres on March 31 1960 on DVDs on April 26 2005
    Time:1 hr 51 mins

    (  )56Who is an actor in My Big Fat Greek Wedding
    ADavid Niven BCharles Walters
    CJohn Corbett DJean Kerr
    (  )57How many children does Kate in Please Don’t Eat the Daisies
    AFour BTwo CThree DFive
    (  )58When was My Big Fat Greek Wedding on for the first time in theatres
    Aon August 2 2002
    BOn February 11 2003
    COn March 31 1960
    DOn April 26 2005
    (  )59Which of the following is TRUE
    AA young non­Greek woman falls in love with a Greek guy in My Big Fat Greek Wedding
    BMy Big Fat Greek Wedding’s time is shorter than that of Please Don’t Eat the Daisies
    CLarry Mckay and his wife move to a small Manhattan flat with their children in Please Don’t Eat the Daisies
    DPlease Don’t Eat the Daisies was directed by Lainie Kazan
    (  )60We can read the passage above on a magazine about ________
    Aeducation Bfamous people
    Cculture Dfilms
    Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister (宰相)He said that the Minister would die the next dayThe next day the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really diedWhen the king heard this he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once
    When Effendi was brought to him the king shouted angrily Effendi since (然) you knew when my Minister would die you must know the date of your own death (死)Say it out or you’ll die today
    Effendi looked at the king for a whileThen he answered But how can I know I’ll die two days earlier than you The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi he himself would die after thatHe thought he must keep Effendi alive (活着) as long as possible so he let Effendi go
    (  )61This story tells us ________
    Ahow Effendi fooled (愚弄) the king
    Bwhen the king would die
    Cwhy the Minister died
    DEffendi knew the dates of everyone’s death
    (  )62The Prime Minister died because ________
    AEffendi killed him
    BEffendi said he would die
    Che was badly ill
    Dhe fell off the horse
    (  )63Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendi’s own death
    ABecause the king wanted to know when he himself would die
    BBecause the wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi
    CBecause he himself had known the date of Effendi’s death
    DBecause he wanted to know when Effendi would die
    (  )64The king let Effendi go because ________
    Ahe hoped to live a long life
    Bhe was afraid of Effendi
    Che didn’t believe (相信) Effendi’s words
    Dhe knew he would die two days later
    (  )65Which of the following is NOT true
    AEffendi played a joke on the Minister
    BThe king was afraid of death
    CEffendi didn’t know when the king would die
    DIf the king killed Effendi he himself would die two days later
    配阅读 左栏五相关信息右栏七条信息请五感兴趣信息配
    (  )66Kate likes to buy a house to live with her family in Guangming RoadWhich message is she interested in
    (  )67Michael wants to go to the hospitalWhich information is he interested in
    (  )68Ivy wants to have a pen pal in ChinaWhich message will draw her attention
    (  )69Molly wants to learn FrenchWhich message will interest her
    (  )70John loves animalsWhich information will draw his attention
    ADo you like children Can you help children with their homework We need teachers herePlease call Allan at 020­88115278
    BGo down Renming RoadThe hospital is on your rightIt’s between the bank and the park
    CIf you want to see our cars here come at 1000 on Monday morningWe are waiting for you
    DDo you like animals We have all kinds of animals hereCome and see for yourself
    EDo you want to learn English Do you want to learn French Do you want to learn Japanese We have very good language teachers hereCome and have a look
    FHello my name is Chen LinaI am ChineseI want to have a pen pal
    GI need to go to the United States for my further studyAnyone who is interested in my house in Guangming Road can call me at 13938705671
    Tom once worked in a city office in London but later he was out of (71)________He had (72)________ large family to support so he often found himself in difficultyHe often visited MrWhite on Sundays told (73)________ about his troubles and asked for two or three pounds
    MrWhite a man with a kind heart found it (74)________ to refuse to help him though he himself was poorTom had already received more (75)________ thirty pounds from MrWhite but he always seemed to be in need of some more
    One day after telling MrWhite a long story of his trouble Tom asked (76)________ five poundsMrWhite has heard this sort of thing before (77)________ he listened patiently to the endThen he said I understand your difficulties TomI’d like to help youBut I won’t give you five pounds this timeI’ll (78)________ you the money and you can (79)________ me off next time you see me Tom took the money away but he (80)________ appeared again
    Dear Bob
    Every time I get a phone call or a mail my parents want to know whom the callmail is from and how I got to know the person—no matter who calls me or writes to meLast week they found out that I drank and hung out with my friends by looking through my diaryNow they tell me I can’t hang out with my friends ever againI’m so depressed and I think something must be done to stop themI think my privacy (隐私) was violated (侵犯)As a teenager I know what I did isn’t right but this is making me so sadI don’t know what to doWhat should I do
    Please write to me soon and tell me what I can do

    Information Card
    The letter is from (81)________________
    The parents want to know (82)________________ about the writer
    What happened
    The parents found out something by (83)________________ the writer’s diary
    The parents don’t allow the writer to (84)________________ with friends
    Depressed and (85)________________
    Dear Tony
    I’m very happy to hear from you________________________________ __________
    I hope you can solve it successfully

    Unit 6 标准检测
    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What wasn’t Jim doing
    A B C
    (  )2Why was the teacher angry
    A B C
    (  )3What is the most beautiful
    A B C
    (  )4What type of TV programme is Tom interested in
    A B C
    (  )5Which is the largest animal in the ocean according to the speaker
    A B C
    (  )6Where does the man like to go swimming
    AIn the river
    BIn the lake
    CIn the swimming pool
    (  )7What did the man use to like
    ASports BMusic CShopping
    (  )8What hobby does Maria have now
    APlaying basketball
    BCollecting the photos of famous stars
    CTaking photos of famous stars
    (  )9What hobby does Tom have
    ACollecting stamps
    BCollecting telephone cards
    CCollecting stones
    (  )10Who taught Bruce to sing
    BHis teacher
    CA singer
    (  )11Why does Sally leave a message
    ABecause she can’t speak to the man now
    BBecause she has no time now
    CBecause Mike isn’t at home
    (  )12What does Sally want to borrow
    AA camera BAn umbrella CA bike
    (  )13How long does Miss Yang have a sore throat
    AOne day BTwo days CThree days
    (  )14Which of them doesn’t Miss Yang have
    AA headache
    BA cough
    CA sore throat
    (  )15In fact what’s the matter with Miss Yang
    AShe has the flu
    BShe has a fever
    CShe has a backache
    (  )16Beethoven was ________
    Aa singer Ba musician Ca doctor
    (  )17Beethoven was born ________
    Ain Germany Bin America Cin England
    (  )18Beethoven began to learn music________
    Aat the age of 11 Bat the age of 4 Cat the age of 30
    (  )19Beethoven could give concerts ________
    Aat the age of 4 Bat the age of 17 Cat the age of 11
    (  )20Some of his best pieces came out ________
    Awhen he was a child
    Bwhen he was old
    Cafter he couldn’t hear anything
    What kind of books do you like reading most
    Likes to read a bit of thrillers before he goes to (21)________
    Loves reading psychology books especially books on (22)________ behavior
    (23)________ storybooks are his favorite
    Read (24)________ books mostly
    Different types of books and (25)________
    (  )26—What ________ honest boy Jack is
    —YesWe all like him
    Aa B Can Dthe
    (  )27She likes music that she can dance ________
    Awith Bto Calong Don
    (  )28She didn’t forget anything ________ her mother had told her to buy
    Awhom Bwhich Cthat Dwho
    (  )29Do you know that lady ________ is in green
    Awho Bwhom Cwhich Dwhose
    (  )30Some of her best loved photos are________ display in this exhibition
    Aon Bin Cat Dabout
    (  )31________ you do don’t miss the fashion show
    AWhat BHowever
    CWhatever DHow
    (  )32I want to keep healthy so I ________ away from junk food
    Aput Bpull Cget Dstay
    (  )33I prefer ________ at home to ________ to the cinema
    Ato stay to go Bstaying going
    Cto stay go Dstaying go
    (  )34The boys who ________ on the playground are my classmates
    Ais playing football
    Bare playing football
    Cwas playing football
    Dwere playing football
    (  )35He arrived too late and ________ the train
    Amiss Bmissing
    Cmisses Dmissed
    (  )36The situations of Sichuan earthquake reminded me ________ Tangshan earthquake
    Ato Binto Cof Dat
    (  )37He expects ________ in a better school next year
    Astudy Bstudying
    Cto study Dstudies
    (  )38What do you dislike ________ the movie
    Aof Bon Cabout Dover
    (  )39—Take it easy The work ________ is very easyYou can do it well
    —Oh I hope everything goes well
    Aitself Bmyself
    Cyourself Doneself
    (  )40Don’t read in bedIt’s ________ our eyes
    Agood for Bbadly for
    Cwell for Dbad for
    (  )41Have you seen the ________ movie of Zhang Ziyi
    Alate Blater Clatter Dlatest
    (  )42He became ________ in science after he went to university
    Ainterested Binterest
    Cinterests Dinteresting
    (  )43Don’t you think the soup really tastes ________
    Asweetly Bwell
    Cdelicious Ddeliciously
    (  )44My uncle suggests ________ cycling around the lake after meals
    Agoes Bgoing Cto go Dgone
    (  )45—What do you think of Linda’s latest CD
    —________I’ve listened to it many times
    ANot at all BOf course
    COh I enjoy it a lot DI really don’t like it
    Do you know the word disaster You may have __46__ of it many times these yearsBut do you know what it __47__ means Your mom may have called your room a disaster—she means you have to clean it up but a real disaster is __48__
    There are __49__ disasters like the 2011 earthquake in JapanNature including the weather can cause big __50__ such as the hurricane the earthquakethe tornado or the tsunami which is a very very large wave __51__ the seaPeople have done a lot of study on natural disasters but so far they still can’t __52__ them even predict themNatural disasters are very terrible and they do a lot of __53__ to human beings
    __54__ can also cause disasters like when someone on purpose or accidentally starts a fire in the woods that becomes a forest fireSometimes man­made disasters are even __55__ than natural disasters
    (  )46Aheard Bseen
    Csmelt Dtasted
    (  )47Ahardly Bviolently
    Cexactly Dsplendidly
    (  )48Aexciting Bboring
    Cterrible Dlovely
    (  )49Anatural Bman­made
    Chelpful Duseful
    (  )50Asuccess Bhappiness
    Ccustoms Dproblems
    (  )51Awithout Bfrom
    Cfor Dto
    (  )52Abelieve Bcheat
    Cwant Dcontrol
    (  )53Asupport Bbenefit
    Charm Dhope
    (  )54AAnimals BPeople
    CPlants DWoman
    (  )55Aworse Bbetter
    Cshorter Dtaller
    Yesterday Mark read a letter from World Travel ServiceThen he finished the information (信息) paper below on the right

    (  )56How long will Mark’s trip last
    AFour weeks BTwo months
    CAbout a year DWe don’t know
    (  )57From the letter we know John Foley ________
    Ais a traveler
    Bis the head of World Travel Service
    Clikes writing letters
    Dlikes going to foreign countries
    (  )58Mark ________
    Ais going to study Japanese during the trip
    Bmust write a report after the trip
    Cshould have some sports before the trip
    Dwill pay for the trip
    (  )59Mark will go to ________
    AFrance BBritain
    CAustralia DCanada
    (  )60Mark will probably () write something about________ in his report
    Aa day at a beach
    Ba science museum
    Cbusiness in that country
    Dbasketball in that country
    When the lead singer (唱者) Shin (Su Jianxin) left to go solo (单独) about a year ago the rock band got a huge shockBut the other members guitarist Chris drummer Michael keyboard player Tomi and bass player Liu Xiaohua still believe in themselvesThey stay together and don’t change the band’s name
    Recently the band is in Beijing to promote their new song The Heart Never DiesThe power of their singing shows how strongly they want to keep the band aliveThey’re also looking for a new singerWe want someone with a special voice and personality said Michael Anyone with talent is welcome to have a try
    Fans come to welcome the band and show their supportThe loss of Shin doesn’t seem to have influenced their passionThe band’s song writing and great live performances mean more to us than Shin’s high voice
    (  )61There are ________ members in the rock band now
    Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix
    (  )62What does the underlined word passion mean in Chinese
    A热情 B恋情 C愤怒 D酷爱
    (  )63What is the band looking for
    AA guitarist who has a special personality
    BA drummer who is interested in singing and dancing
    CA keyboard player who can play well
    DA singer who has a special voice and personality
    (  )64Which of the following is TRUE
    AThe lead singer left so the band members decided to change their band’s name
    BThe band has no passion for music because the lead singer left
    CThe Heart Never Dies shows how strongly the band members want to keep the band alive
    DAnyone with talent can join the band
    (  )65Which is the best title for the passage
    AA Popular Band
    BThe Band Plays On
    CA Popular Song The Heart Never Dies
    DA Talented Singer Wanted

    (  )66Now I want a music teacher for Grade 8 in Hong Kong and he must be able to teach how to play the piano
    (  )67Mary finds there are some homeless pets around her neighbourhoodShe wonders how she can help those poor animals
    (  )68Tom is looking for a part­time job as a cashier or a waiter in restaurants during summer vacation (June 20th-July 31st)A place near London Bridge would be better
    (  )69Mary is a music lover and wants to have a relaxing weekendShe is searching for a place where she can enjoy wonderful coffee
    (  )70David is a rock fan but most of his classmates love pop musicHe feels lonely sometimesHe needs some friends with the same interest
    AKitchen is a restaurant and bar near London BridgeWe need a waiterwaitress to join our teamFull time or part time is OK
    BDo you want to make new friends Well the good news is that you are not alone You can meet friends that share the same interests at wwwyourfriendcom
    CI’m from PPEA (Professional Piano Education Academy) and I can teach piano lessons for all levelsCould you offer me a job in HK My telephone number is 342­3724
    DSupporting homeless pets is one of the best acts of kindnessThere are many ways to help themMake a donation today at wwwpetsfindercom
    EAre you looking for an experienced baby­sitter You can call me at 633­84651
    FCopper Star Coffee The best place to listen to music while drinking coffee4220N7th Ave602­266­2136
    GOur new book is your one­stop resource for choosing training and caring for your pet dog
    配阅读 左栏五需求信息右栏七条信息请五需信息配

    People are often killed while crossing the roadMost of them are (71)________ people and childrenOld people are often killed because they usually can’t see or hear very (72)________Children are often killed because they (73)________ carefulPeople should look and listen before they cross the road
    (74)________car truck or bus can’t stop very quickly if a car is going very fastIt will travel many meters (75)________ it stopsWalkers don’t always know thisThey think a car can stop right awayThe faster a car is travelling the longer (76)________ takes to stopIt’s very difficult for a walker to know(77)________ fast a car is travelling
    The only safe way to cross the road is to look at (78)________ sides right or leftThe correct way to (79)________ the road is to walk quickly when the traffic (80)________ turn greenIt’s not safe to runIf people run across the road they may fall down
    For many young people listening to music while walking down the street has become a common practiceThousands of college students as well as high school and middle school studentscan be seen listening to their iPods or MP3 playersA report has warned that more and more people are dying in traffic accidents because they are wearing headphones and can’t hear warnings from trains or carsYoung people are involved in accidents because they are not paying attention to their surroundings
    In a recent case study 116 people were studied in order to see how listening to headphones affected their interaction (感应) with their surroundingsTwo thirds of the people who were hit by cars were under the age of 30 but over the age of 18Many of those who were hit by cars or other moving vehicles reported that they did not hear the cars moving towards themOthers said that they didn’t pay attention to traffic rules and walked into oncoming traffic (迎面车辆) without realizing what they were doingPeople were not paying attention to traffic because of their headphones
    Information Card
    Common practice
    Many young people enjoy (81)________________ while walking down the street
    Headphone users
    College studentshigh school and (82)________________ students
    A recent case study shows:
    (83)________________ of the people who were hit by cars were under the age of 30 but over the age of 18
    Many of those who were hit by cars didn’t hear the cars (84)________________
    Others didn’t pay attention to traffic rules
    The reason for the accidents
    People didn’t pay attention to traffic because of (85)____________
    假Jack笔友Mary 非常喜欢边走路边听音乐读完面短文请写封电子邮件提醒注意交通安全
    Dear Mary
    How is everything going _______________________________________________

    Unit 7 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)
    (  )1What does the girl want to be now
    A B C
    (  )2What’s the weather like tomorrow
    A B C
    (  )3Where does the woman want to go
    A B C
    (  )4What kind of bag do they want to use
    A B C
    (  )5How does the man travel when he goes on a short journey
    A B C
    (  )6What did Alan do last weekend
    AHe went camping
    BHe stayed at home
    CHe went for a picnic
    (  )7What’s the girl going to do tomorrow
    AHave lunch with the boy
    BHave a meeting
    CStay at home
    (  )8Why is Steven so happy
    ABecause he will have a trip with Doris
    BBecause Doris will hold a party for him
    CBecause he will be free
    (  )9Whom did the girl give the gift to
    AMr Smith
    BMr Smith’s brother
    CHer brother
    (  )10When will the woman get to Tokyo
    AOn the morning of 15th
    BOn the morning of 14th
    COn the evening of 14th
    (  )11Who will Larry go to Sydney to see
    AHis friends
    BHis parents
    CHis grandparents
    (  )12How long will the boy be away
    AFor a week
    BFor about two weeks
    CFor three weeks
    (  )13How long was Mark’s flight
    A10 hours B5 hours C8 hours
    (  )14Did Mark’s plane stop during the flight
    CWe don’t know
    (  )15What did Mark buy in the duty­free store
    ANothing BCoffee CChocolate
    (  )16The population of Sydney is ________
    Amore than three million
    Bless than three million
    Cmore than four million
    (  )17In Sydney if people say they are going skiing they often mean ________
    (  )18The weather in winter in Sydney is ________
    Acool Bcold Cwarm
    (  )19The interesting old houses were built ________
    Ain the 18th century
    Bin the 17th century
    Cin the 19th century
    (  )20People’s opinion about Sydney is ________
    Aa modern city
    Ban outdoor city
    Can old city
    Telephone Message
    From:Garrett        To:(21)________
    Which school year
    During his (22)________ middle school year
    The reason
    He’d been going to bed (23)________ in summer vacation
    The fact
    He found himself lying awake in bed until (24)_______ in the morning
    Email address and telephone number
    Garret007@hotmailcom and (25)________
    (  )26The scientists went ________ the forest and arrived in the city finally
    Ato Bthrough
    Ccross Dacross
    (  )27This is the library ________ my brother goes once a week
    Athat Bwhich Cthere Dwhere
    (  )28—What’s your plan
    —I’m considering ________ the Disneyland while in Hong Kong
    Ato visit Bvisiting
    Cvisited Dvisit
    (  )29—Why not ________ the club
    —I’m sorryI have no time
    Ato join Bjoining
    Cjoin Dto join in
    (  )30—What do you think of the concert given by the young pianist
    —Excellent ________ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well
    Aand Bthough
    Cbecause Dso that
    (  )31—Where are you going for this winter holiday
    —I don’t knowMaybe I’ll go ________
    Ato somewhere warm
    Bto warm somewhere
    Cwarm somewhere
    Dsomewhere warm
    (  )32—Would you mind ________ for a few minutes
    —No not at all
    Await Bto wait Cwaited Dwaiting
    (  )33—Oh the cat is so cute
    —Then take itI ________ pay for it
    Aam willing to
    Bwilling to
    Cam looking forward to
    Dlook forward to
    (  )34I have several dictionaries ________ an English­Chinese dictionary
    Ainclude Bincluding
    Cbut Dor
    (  )35—What ________ at the party
    —I’d like to sing and dance
    Ayou would do
    Blike you do
    Cwould you like to do
    Dlike you would do
    (  )36—I dream ________ to Switzerland some day
    —It sounds great
    Ato go Bof going
    Cto going Dabout to go
    (  )37—Would you like something to drink
    —________I’ve had enough
    AYes please BNo you can’t
    CNo thanks DNo I don’t like
    (  )38They continued ________ tennis after a short rest
    Ato play Bto playing
    Con playing Dfor playing
    (  )39She hopes ________ to play with them
    Ashe to go Bto go
    Cthat go Dto going
    (  )40The organization will provide ________ in the neighborhood
    Apeople with books
    Bpeople books
    Cbooks to people
    Dpeople for books
    (  )41France is ________ place
    Aquite expensive a
    B quite a expensive
    Cquite an expensive
    Dan quite expensive
    (  )42________ trees have been planted near here so the air is very fresh
    ATwo hundreds BHundred of
    CHundreds of DHundreds
    (  )43—May I go to the concert with you
    —I’m afraid not ________ you have a ticket because I have only one
    Asince Bif
    Cunless Dthough
    (  )44Beijing the capital of China is one of ________ in the world
    Athe biggest cities Bbigger city
    Cmuch bigger cities Dbig city
    (  )45What ________ would you like to visit
    Aother Belse
    Cthe other Danother
    If you have a chance to travel in Europe you’d better choose Italy as a good place to visitBecause Italy is a very famous country __46__ a long history and there are many interesting cities in this countryThere are three __
    47__ people each year who visit the city of PisaIt’s known __48__ the Leaning Tower of PisaThe tower looks as if it might fall at any time__49__ some visitors stop at the tower just __50__ to take a photo then they __51__ awayThe tower has 294 stepsVisitors __52__ can climb to the top and come down will feel like heroesEngineers say that the visitors are safe __53__ the tower does leanThis tower has been leaning for about eight hundred yearsAnd it leans a tiny bit __54__ every yearIf this keeps on the tower will fall at lastBut many engineers are trying their best to keep the tower standing as long as __55__
    (  )46Awith Bin Cof Dfor
    (  )47Amillions of Bmillions
    Cmillion of Dmillion
    (  )48Aas Bfor Cof Dwith
    (  )49AIn time BIn all
    CIn fact DIn the end
    (  )50Along enough Benough long
    Cshort enough Denough short
    (  )51Agive Bsend
    Churry Dput
    (  )52Awhat Bwhich
    Cwho Dwhere
    (  )53Athough Bbut
    Cand Dso
    (  )54Alittle Bmore
    Cless Dfew
    (  )55Aprobable Bquickly
    Cpossible Dquiet
    Mr Smith
    Here’s the answer to your London Hotel search:
    You searched for
    Location:Central London
    Arrival date:June 4th 2012
    Leaving date:June 5th 2012
    Number of rooms:1
    Adults per room:2
    Children per room:1
    Your search found 2 hotels (Top secret hotels at lower prices)
    Thistle Westminster
    Consumer rating 77
    The Thistle Westminster is a modern hotel located in central VictoriaGuests are just a few minutes from the Royal and Political district
    Room type Triple Room
    Full Rate£267
    Our Discount(折扣) 30
    You pay per room____

    Radisson Edwardian Berkshire
    Consumer rating 84
    Right in the middle of Oxford Street London’s famous shopping district and just near Hyde Park
    Room type Double Room
    Full Rate £315
    Our Discount 37
    You pay per room £199
    (  )56Which kind of hotel or room does MrSmith want to search for
    ATwo hotels in Central London
    BA hotel near Hyde Park
    C1 room for 2 adults and 1 child
    D2 rooms for 2 adults and 2 children
    (  )57What can we infer from the information
    AThe Smiths will visit London again
    BThe Smiths will stay at the hotel on the night of June 5
    CMr Smith doesn’t care about money and wants to live in a comfortable hotel
    DMr Smith wants to live comfortably but spend less money at the same time
    (  )58How much will MrSmith pay if he chooses to stay in Thistle Westminster Hotel
    A£267 B£187
    C£206 D£199
    (  )59Which is NOT true about Radisson Edwardian Berkshire Hotel
    AThe hotel is not far from Hyde Park
    BThe hotel is in London’s famous shopping district
    CThe hotel has lower consumer rating than Thistle Westminster
    DMrSmith only needs to pay 63 of the full rate at the hotel
    (  )60Where would you probably find the forms
    AOn BBC TV news
    BIn a local history magazine
    CIn a textbook
    DOn an Internet tour Website
    Driving a car at a high speed (速度) along a highway seems to be funYou need only to follow the bright traffic signs (交通标志) beside the highways and they will take you to where you wish
    But to a London taxi driver driving is not an easy jobA taxi driver has to have not only skills but also a good knowledge of the city of London from the smaller road to the most popular bar (酒吧)He has to be at the service of all kinds of people at all timesHe usually goes home between 2 and 3 o’clock in the morningThere are times he has to stay longer and try to make_more_runs
    London taxi drivers not only take but also giveEvery summer hundreds of children from London will go for a day at the sea by taxi Their rides are paid by the taxi driversAt the sea they are met by the mayor (市长) and the lunch party is also held for the drivers and childrenAfter a happy day running around the beaches and visiting the markets the children go home again by taxi and free of charge (费) of course
    (  )61The underlined phrase make more runs in the second paragraph means ________
    Ado more running exercise Bhave more business
    Cdrive very quickly Dbe more skilled
    (  )62It’s not easy to be a taxi driver in London because ________
    Athere is much traffic in London
    Bhe has to follow the bright traffic signs
    Che makes little money
    Dhe has to know all the places in the city and serve all kinds of people at all times
    (  )63Children who go for a day at the sea ________
    Aare wanted by the mayor
    Bare given free rides
    Cmust take some food for lunch
    Dare top students
    (  )64Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
    ATaxi drivers in London often drive at a high speed
    BTaxi drivers in London often go to the most popular bar to drink wine
    CThe mayor can pay the money for the children’s taxi rides
    DTaxi drivers in London work hard and are helpful
    (  )65The passage is mainly about ________
    Atraffic in London Btaxi drivers’ job in London
    Cchildren in London Da driver in London
    配阅读 左栏五中学生电影情况右栏七位专家建议请五中学生相应建议配
    (  )66I am a movie fanI love seeing movies very much especially kungfu movies
    AYou should plan your time wellTo develop your interest is important but to learn the basic knowledge is also important
    BTo study or not depends on your interest even when others are against your choice

    (  )67I have bought all the movies of Li Xiaolong and seen each over three times
    (  )68I go to the cinema every week although it is very far from my home
    (  )69I spend much more time on movies than on my studyMy parents get angry with my special interest
    (  )70I hate studyI am dreaming of being a movie star all the time
    CYou should follow your parents’ idea give up seeing movies and work hard in your study
    DDeveloping one’s own interest is a good thingBut don’t spend too much time in watching movies you also need to do some other activities such as reading and doing exercises
    EYou should control yourself in buying so many movies for it will cost you lots of moneyYou can rent them instead of buying them It can save you a lot of money
    FGoing to the cinema every week may be a waste of timeYou can choose some good movies which are worth seeing
    GEveryone may have a dream in his childhoodInsist in it and try to make it come true but don’t give up studying other things too early

    Washington DCis the capital of the United StatesIt’s (71)________ center of national governmentIt’s a busy working city with a large populationBut what is (72)________ Washington is also a city of history and cultureIt is home to many famous and interesting public buildings and monuments many of which are connected (73)________ the federal government
    (74)________ are many tourist sights in WashingtonPerhaps the most important tourist sight is the Capital Building(75)________ is the house of the CongressAnother world­famous building (76)________ Washington is the White HouseThis is the home and office of the (77)________ of the United StatesMost visitors are however surprised by (78)________ small the White House actually is
    Washington is also a great cultural cityThe Library of Congress contains one of the (79)________ library collections in the worldThe Smithsonian Museum holds the nation’s largest collection of cultural materialsAnd the John FKennedy Center is a famous center of art and cultureIt (80)________ many great musical and theatre performances throughout the year
    Different people might choose to visit different places for different reasonsI want to visit Berlin next time if I get the chance to go on a tripI have been to Germany before but so far I have only had the chance to visit the northern and the western part of the countryI look forward to seeing Berlin for the first timeI want to visit the DDR Museum and some of the other famous placesMy friend Nancy loves to visit DubaiShe thinks it’s a good place for shoppingShe says that there are various exciting places for sightseeing and nice hotels to stay overJack tells me that he wants to visit Australia if he can afford both time and moneyHe has never been to Australia but he has heard a lot about the beautiful country with long beautiful clean beachesWhat about you Which country of place do you want to visit next time
    Information Card
    Different People
    Different Places
    Different Reasons

    The writer
    Wants to visit the DDR Museum and some of the other famous place
    It’s a good place for (82)____________There are exciting places for (83)____________ and nice hotels to stay over
    It’s a beautiful country with long beautiful (85)________________
    1What famous place do you want to visit
    2Why do you want to visit it

    Unit 8 标准检测
    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What is the speaker talking about
    A B C
    (  )2What is Maria doing
    A B C
    (  )3What did the man do
    A B C
    (  )4What will John buy
    A B C
    (  )5What does Kate usually do after supper
    A B C
    (  )6What does the girl think makes the boy’s ears hurt
    AThe loud music
    BA traffic accident
    CThe machine
    (  )7Where is the girl going this afternoon
    ATo the beach
    BTo the zoo
    CTo the park
    (  )8What does the woman mean
    AShe’s glad to hear that
    BShe’s sad to hear that
    CShe’s sorry to hear that
    (  )9Why does the man want to be a volunteer
    ABecause he wants to watch the game
    BBecause he wants to help other people
    CBecause he wants to be a guide
    (  )10Why does Lin Tao want to leave there
    ABecause of noise pollution
    BBecause of water pollution
    CBecause of air pollution
    (  )11What’s Jack’s favorite animal
    ADogs BCows CRabbits
    (  )12Why does the girl like rabbits best
    ABecause they’re dangerous
    BBecause they’re the cutest
    CBecause they’re the cleverest
    (  )13What does the girl see
    AA fish BA tiger CA whale
    (  )14Why can’t we call whales fish
    ABecause they can’t swim
    BBecause they give birth to their babies like tigers and pandas
    CBecause they are much bigger than fish
    (  )15How many kinds of animals are they talking about
    AThree BFour CFive
    (  )16This story tells us about a ________
    Aspecial class
    Byoung teacher
    Cbeautiful woman
    (  )17Tina was ________years old when she started teaching
    A22 B15 C10
    (  )18Tina wanted to help children who can’t ________
    Ahear Bsee Cplay
    (  )19Tina learned to talk with the children by using ________
    Ahands Bmouth Ceyes
    (  )20Tina teaches the children ________
    Aon weekdays
    Bon weekends
    Cevery day
    Where Jack worked
    In a small (21)________
    Where to go
    How to go there
    By (23)________
    How long he found the office
    More than one (24)________
    Who helped him the second time
    An old (25)________
    (  )26—Attention pleaseThe plane has to be ________ because of the heavy rain
    —Oh bad luck We have to wait now
    Aput on Bput off
    Cput up Dput away
    (  )27Not only ________ she like English but she likes Chinese
    Adoes Bdid C Dis
    (  )28Now the important thing is to ________ the way to solve the problem of pollution
    Acome along with Bcome up to
    Ccome over with Dcome up with
    (  )29I work hard to work ________ the math pro­blem
    Ato Bout Cof Don
    (  )30The baby is cryingLet’s ________
    Acheer him up Blook him up
    Cwork him out Dlaugh at him
    (  )31Could I borrow some money from you I’ve ________ mine
    Aput up Bfixed up
    Crun out of Dset up
    (  )32Not only Mary but also I ________ from Canada
    Ais Bare Cam Dwas
    (  )33He ________ his parentsHe is especially like his mother
    Atakes after Blooks after
    Clooks out of Dtakes off
    (  )34My watch is brokenCan you help me ________ it up
    Amend Bmended
    Cfix Drepair
    (  )35They decided ________ out for the camp because of the rain
    Ato not go Bto go not
    Cnot to go Dgo to not
    (  )36Don’t put off________ to see the doctor when you are ill
    Ago Bto go
    Cgoing Dgone
    (  )37—Clean­up Day is only two weeks from nowHow can we let more people know it
    —We could ________advertisements after school
    Acall up Bhand out
    Cput off Dthink up
    (  )38This kind of animal is very similar________ a pig in appearance
    Awith Bto Cat Don
    (  )39The computer________ you bought for me works very well
    Awhere Bthat Cwho Dwhat
    (  )40The room was soon filled________ people
    Awith Bof Cout Dinto
    (  )41________Tom ________Mary speaks good Chinese so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well
    ANeither nor
    BNot only but also
    CBoth and
    DEither or
    (  )42MrsBlack is a friend of ________
    AMary’s mother’s BMary’s mother
    Cmother’s of Mary DMary mother’s
    (  )43He always imagines ________ the game one day
    Ahim to win Bto win
    Cwinning Dwon
    (  )44The sudden rain made________ for the singers to put on performances
    Athat possible Bthat impossible
    Cit possible Dit impossible
    (  )45________ such a big room ________ a hard job
    ACleaning is BClean is
    CCleaning are DCleans are
    About a hundred people lived in a very small mountain villageIt was very __46__ from the other villages and townsThey had few friends and they got bad harvest__47__ of them left the villageOf course there was neither electricity (电) nor gas (煤气) thereOnce a writer __48__ the villageThe backwardness (落) of the village surprised himHe decided to __49__ about it to the worldSo he took the oldest villager to LondonThe old man told all about his home village to the peopleSeveral months __50__ he returnedAll the villagers went to see him and asked him how he had enjoyed __51__ in the city
    Everything is wonderful in __52__ the old man said
    I’ve __53__ to many good places and eaten all kinds of nice food and other thingsBut the trouble was I could not __54__ at night
    What happened to you his wife asked
    The __55__ was on in my bedroom all the time
    Why not blow it out then
    I tried—but it was inside a little glass bottle
    (  )46Aclose Bfar
    Cnear Dhigh
    (  )47AAll BSome
    CNone DHundreds
    (  )48Avisited Blived
    Cstayed Dgot
    (  )49Awrite Bspeak
    Csay Dtell
    (  )50Aafter Blater
    Csoon Dago
    (  )51Afood Bmusic
    Chimself Dtraffic
    (  )52Atown Bmountain
    Cvillage DLondon
    (  )53Agone Bcame
    Cbeen Dgot
    (  )54Asleep Bhelp
    Cwalk Dsee
    (  )55Awindow Bradio
    Clight DTV set
    Help Stray (走失) Animals
    We need to raise money to take care of stray dogs and catsYou can also adopt (收养) one if you like from Mar25 to Apr15
    Please help
    Animal Center
    Donate Your Old Clothes
    Do you have clothes you don’t wear anymore
    We’ll collect them and give them to the poor
    Love Foundation (基金会)
    Seventh Grade Food Stand (货摊)
    Do you want to enjoy fresh fruit juice and delicious fast food at a low price
    Visit us at the school market on Mar15
    Ping­Lin Junior High School
    Cool Pet Show
    Bring your pet to the talent show at 1 pm on Mar22
    Have fun and win big prizes
    Expect to see you
    Redwood City Zoo
    (  )56Peter who wants to get a pet should go to ________
    AAnimal Center
    BRedwood City Zoo
    CLove Foundation
    DPing­Lin Junior High School
    (  )57Ping­Lin Junior High School’s market is on ________
    AApril 15 BMarch 25
    CMarch 22 DMarch 15
    (  )58Carla who has a lot of old clothes can ________
    Agive them to the stray animals
    Btake them to Love Foundation
    Ctake them to Redwood City Zoo
    Dgive them to the students from Ping­Lin Junior High School
    (  )59Sally can ________ in order to win big prizes
    Amake her pet cat new clothes
    Btake her pet dog to the talent show
    Cvisit the animals at Animal Center
    Dhelp a student from Ping­Lin Junior High School
    (  )60Which of the following is NOT true
    AWe can help the poor by donating our old clothes to Love Foundation
    BPets can be taken to take part in the talent show at Redwood City Zoo
    CWhenever we go to Animal Center we can take one stray dog home
    DThere is cheap fresh fruit juice at Ping­Lin Junior High School’s market
    You’re listening to Radio FiveRegular listeners know that every Thursday I give a list of places in the city that are looking for volunteersPerhaps you’d like to get a pencil and write down the ones that interest you
    Tiny Tot Pre­school is looking for someone who will sing songs to the children on Tuesday morningsThe best person for the job would be someone who plays the piano or guitar
    Primary School 39 needs volunteers to tutor students with English homework after school on Mondays Wednesdays and FridaysIf you are good at English this is a great chance
    The Parks Department needs volunteers to help clean up the parks before National DayIf you like to work outdoors and help the environment this job is for you
    Lastly the Community Center is looking for volunteers to work with older people on weekendsYou can help read and write letters for seniors with bad eyesightThe Center also needs a few students to do fix­up work on housesIf you often help your grandfather repair his house perhaps this is the perfect job for you
    If you are interested in any of the jobs you can call us on 478­2377
    That’s all for nowPeople need your helpVolunteer today
    (  )61We can get some information about volunteers on Radio Five __________
    Aon Sunday Bon Tuesday
    Con Wednesday Don Thursday
    (  )62Jane wants to volunteer in Tiny Tot Pre­school so she should ________
    Ahave work experience as a teacher
    Bbe good at play football
    Clike singing songs to kids
    Dspeak English well
    (  )63If you have ever repaired the old house you can volunteer to work in ________
    ATiny Tot Pre­school
    Bthe Parks Department
    CPrimary School 39
    Dthe Community Center
    (  )64The underlined word in the 5th paragraph probably means ________ in Chinese
    A高中生 B毕业生
    C老年 D残疾童
    (  )65Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
    ATiny Tot Pre­school’s telephone number is 487­2377
    BVolunteers can help the students with English homework in Primary School 39
    CThe Parks Department needs volunteers to help hand out advertisements
    DThe Community Center is looking for volunteers that can work on workdays
    配阅读 左栏五购物中遇问题右栏七位专家建议请五相应建议配
    (  )66I like shopping very muchI go shopping every two or three days and I find I have little time for my study
    (  )67I usually buy something I like very much but as a matter of fact I don’t need them at all
    (  )68I carry a heavy purse with me for I can put a lot of things in itBut I feel tired when shopping
    (  )69Sometimes I take a portable (手提式) bag with me I put it on one of my shoulders and find my shoulder and my back hurt
    (  )70Like other girls I like to wear high­heeled shoes (高鞋) even when I am going shopping that makes me feel very uncomfortable
    ABuy something you really needIt would be a waste of money if you buy something you don’t even need
    BUsing a backpack with both strapsAlso keep your back straight to keep the strain off your shoulders
    CMake good use of your spare timeIt’s important to make sure that you have enough time for your study
    DBuy anything as you like if you like it very muchSend those things that you don’t like to your friends
    ELug (拖) your bags if you feel too tired to carry it over a long period
    FDistribute (分配) the weight of your shopping bags equally on both sides of your body to keep balance
    GWear comfortable shoesIt’s not wise to wear high­heeled for shopping
    Amanda is a very kind girlShe is always (71)________ to help people who are in troubleNow Amanda is (72)________ in the University of TexasAt the same time she is volunteering to teach at Heart House in her (73)________ timeHeart House is a local after­school program for childrenIt provides some extra education (74)________ those children who are not doing (75)________ in their studies
    Amanda goes to Heart House to teach the children twice (76)________ weekShe has also made a website for Heart HouseIn this way more people will have more chances to learn about Heart House and help the children there
    Because of Amanda’s website every week 125 volunteers (77)________ about four hours helping the children at Heart House nowWithout Amanda’s website Heart House would be unable to have enough volunteersHer support is much appreciated the program leader says
    I feel happy to teach those kids how to studyThe happier thing is (78)________ I can also learn a lot from (79)________ tooI won’t give (80)________ volunteering after graduationI hope to continue teaching kids who need help Amanda says
    Being a volunteer is great Do you know how to get started Here are a few tips:
    If you love animals you can go to a local animal shelterMost shelters depend on volunteers to keep the cats and dogs happy and well exercisedDo you want to help with the environment?Join a conservation (保护) group and help out with river preservation (保护)Take part in a local park Clean­up DayYou don’t have to be an outdoorsy typeIf you can’t picture (想象) yourself planting trees up a hill you could help out in a park office or education centreLots of us are close to people who have a medical problem like cancer HIV or diabetes (糖尿病) for exampleIt can feel good to donate your time to an organization that raises money for research delivers meals or offers help to people with an illness
    If you have more than one thing you love find a way to combine (合) the twoFor example if you love kids and are great at arts and crafts visit your local Children’s Hospital and offer to lead art activities for young patients
    Information Card
    Things to do
    Go to a local (81)________________ shelter
    Do something to keep the animals happy and well exercised
    Help with the (82)________________
    Take part in a Clean­up Day

    Help public service
    Help out in a park office or (83)____________
    Support a health­related organization
    Help people with (84)________________
    Visit a (85)______________ lead art activities for the children
    做志愿者?提供什样服务?请My Volunteer Days题写篇短文
    1What have you done as a volunteer
    2How do you like it

    Unit 9 标准检测
    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What’s the girl looking for
    A B C
    (  )2What are the children doing
    A B C
    (  )3What can the boy see in the box
    A B C
    (  )4Which invention is the speaker talking about
    A B C
    (  )5How many cars are there in the picture
    A B C
    (  )6What would the man like for breakfast
    ARice      BBread     CCakes
    (  )7Whose coat is this
    AKate’s BLi Lei’s CJim’s
    (  )8How will they go there
    ABy bike BBy bus COn foot
    (  )9Where are they
    AIn a bookshop
    BIn a museum
    CAt a library
    (  )10How often does Tom write to his pen friend
    AOnce a year
    BOnce a month
    COnce a week
    (  )11What are they going to do
    ATo play volleyball
    BTo have a swim
    CTo have a walk
    (  )12When are they going to meet
    AAt 1030 BAt 1000 CAt 930
    (  )13How long has the man been ill
    AOne day BTwo days CThree days
    (  )14What’s the man’s trouble
    AHe can’t fall asleep at night
    BHe doesn’t get enough exercise
    CHe coughs much at night
    (  )15What did the doctor tell the man to do
    ATo visit the doctor often
    BTo go to bed at the same time
    CTo drink more tea at night
    (  )16The woman’s name was ________
    AAnn    BMary    CKate
    (  )17The woman had ________ children
    Aone Btwo Cthree
    (  )18________ was glad after they saw themselves in the mirror
    AThe boy BThe girl CAnn
    (  )19Mary was ________
    Augly Bbad Cbeautiful
    (  )20The story tells us ________
    Atheir mother loved the girl
    Bit’s better to be good than to be just good­looking
    Ctheir mother wasn’t kind to them
    Do children have to wear school uniforms
    Advantages of wearing school uniforms
    When children go on a school trip they all look the same and they can’t get (21)________
    It (22)___________ kids from worrying what to wear each day
    It makes students feel (23)__________ is equal (等)
    It makes students pay attention to their (24)__________
    Disadvantages of wearing school uniforms
    Many people think school uniforms make students not have their (25)____________ styles
    (  )26—________ was the telephone invented
    —I think it’s in 1876
    AWhen BWhere CHow DWho
    (  )27I like bananas better because I like its ________ taste
    Acrispy Bsweet Csalty Dsour
    (  )28What is a microwave often used ________
    Ato Bfor Cat Dof
    (  )29—Who ________ the electric light lamp
    —Thomas Edison did
    Adiscover Bfound
    Cinvented Ddiscovered
    (  )30The soup is not ________Add some more salt please
    Aenough salt Bsalt enough
    Csalty enough Denough salty
    (  )31Don’t be angryHe took your book ________
    Aby mistake Bby accident
    Cspecially Don purpose
    (  )32Although they may be useful at times ________ most users do not usually use them
    Abut B
    Chowever Dstill
    (  )33According ________ the news report many Britons suffer from heart disease
    Afrom Bto Cwith Don
    (  )34She promises that the child will ________
    Abe taken care Bbe taken care of
    Ctake care Dtake care of
    (  )35My sister prefers ________ rather than sing
    Adancing Bdance
    Cdances Dto dance
    (  )36The light is used for ________ in the dark
    Asee Bsaw
    Cseeing Dseen
    (  )37Tom ________ to a medical school in 1989 and he ________ a doctor later
    Asent become
    Bwas sent became
    Csent was becoming
    Dwas sent has become
    (  )38When do you think ________
    Ahe will come Bwill he come
    Che come Dcan he come
    (  )39The beautiful moon ________ in the east
    Arises Bwas risen
    Craises Dwas raised
    (  )40Our class ________ 5 teams to clean the schoolyard
    Ais divided into Bdivided into
    Cdivide into Dis divide into
    (  )41I want to ________ here waiting for them
    Aremain Bforget
    Crely Dforward
    (  )42Many students didn’t realize the importance of study ________ they left school
    Awhen Buntil
    Cas Dafter
    (  )43At least 300 million people are using QQ ________ by Ma Huateng to chat online
    Acreate Bcreates
    Ccreating Dcreated
    (  )44________ is believed that Bell invented the first telephone in 1876
    AThis BThat CIt DOne
    (  )45They have been good friends ________
    Afrom then Bfor then
    Csince then Dsince
    Tony loved basketballOne afternoon on his way to a basketball game suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown three meters into the air
    Tony woke up in a __46__ roomWhen the doctor told him that both his legs were broken he knew his basketball dreams were __47__Then he was sent to a rehab (康复) center
    A week after he arrived there he met Sunny ChenSunny used to be a coachHis legs were hurt __48__ in a skating accidentAnd now he became a coach of a basketball __49__ called the SunsIt was an on­wheelchair basketball team because __50__ in the team played in a wheelchair
    Sunny invited Tony to __51__ the gameTony played badly but for the __52__ time since the accident he stopped feeling sorry for himselfBasketball was like __53__ for himWhen Tony became sad or angry Sunny was there to help himBefore Tony left the center he asked Sunny __54__ he could be so happy even with his broken legsSunny __55__ and said It’s really quite easyWhen you keep your face to the sun the shadow (阴影) falls behind
    (  )46Acollege Bliving
    Cgame Dhospital
    (  )47Aover Blate
    Cgood Dtrue
    (  )48Abadly Bwell
    Cslowly Dquickly
    (  )49Aclass Bschool
    Cteam Dclassroom
    (  )50Asomebody Banybody
    Cnobody Deverybody
    (  )51Astudy Bshow
    Cjoin Dwatch
    (  )52Afirst Blast
    Clate Dearly
    (  )53Afruit Bmedicine
    Cfood Dwater
    (  )54Awhen Bwhat
    Cwhere Dhow
    (  )55Acried Bshouted
    Csmiled Dturned
    Kids Shows For This Weekend:
    Sleeping Beauty
    Color House Theatre
    Enjoy the classic story with original songs and interesting dialoguesAge 3+
    Price:£7 Children:£4
    Theatre Royal Drury Lane
    With a cast and orchestra (弦乐队) of over 100 Lionel Bart’s musical comes back to usAge 7+
    Price:£14 Children:£9
    The Book of Beasts
    Unicorn Theatre
    It is about the adventure of a little boy king by Catherine Wheels Theatre CompanyAge 5+
    Price:£10 Children:£75
    The Red Balloon
    Linbury Studio Theatre
    This show is based on a famous film of the same name in 1956The dance is charmingAge 7+
    Price:£12 Children:£6
    (  )56Where can you see a dance
    AAt Color House Theatre BAt Unicorn Theatre
    CAt Linbury Studio Theatre DAt Theatre Royal Drury Lane
    (  )57Mary’s daughter is four years oldWhat can she take her to see
    AShe can take her to see Oliver
    BShe can take her to watch Sleeping Beauty
    CShe can take her to enjoy The Book of Beasts
    DShe can take her to enjoy The Red Balloon
    (  )58David and his two 9­year­old sons are going to a musicalHow much should they pay
    A£15 B£23 C£32 D£35
    (  )59What is Catherine Wheels
    AThe director of Oliver
    BThe writer of Sleeping Beauty
    CThe director of The Book of Beasts
    DThe name of a company
    (  )60What can we know from the passage
    AThe Red Balloon was once a famous film
    BMany actors and actresses take part in Sleeping Beauty
    CThe Book of Beasts is performed at Linbury Studio Theatre
    DOliver is not for 10­year­old kids
    A few years ago Masaru Ibuka the head of Sony was at a company planning meetingSuddenly he had an ideaHe stopped the meeting and asked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function (功) and speakers and sold headphones (耳机) with a tape player insteadAlmost everyone thought he was sillyStill Ibuka kept his idea and worked at itThe result of course turned out to be the successful Sony Walkman
    Good ideas often start with a really silly questionBill Bowerman was making breakfast one dayAs he stood there making cakes for his son he asked himself what would happen if he poured rubber (橡胶) into his moldLater he tried it and the result was something like the bottom (底部) of most sports shoes we see todayStill when he took this idea to several shoe companies he was laughed atIn fact every company turned him down (拒绝)Though he was disappointed Bowerman went on to set up his own company making NIKE sports shoes
    We know today of course that each of these ideas caused a successful thing that has changed the way many of us liveThe best questions are usually open­ended (开放式) and are often silly
    Children aren’t afraid to ask such questions but adults usually areThink how different the world might be if people never asked silly questions
    (  )61At first ________ thought Masaru’s idea was good
    Ano one Bmost people Cfew people Deveryone
    (  )62Masaru wanted to make a tape player ________
    Awith recording function speakers and headphones
    Bwith headphones but no recording function or speakers
    Cwith speakers and headphones but no recording function
    Dwith recording function and speakers but no headphones
    (  )63The underlined word mold in the passage means ________
    A桶 B缸 C模具 D箱子
    (  )64The companies refused Bill Bowerman’s idea because ________
    Athey thought his idea was silly
    Bthey didn’t know how to make sports shoes
    Chis idea was hard to come ture
    Dit was difficult to pour rubber into the mold
    (  )65From the passage we know ________
    Ait’s quite easy to make one’s idea come true
    Badults are afraid to ask open­ended questions
    Csometimes silly questions may bring a great invention
    Dthe more personal questions we ask the more inventions there will be
    配阅读 左栏五夫妇日常生活中遇问题右栏七位专家建议请问题应建议配
    (  )66My husband and I both have a bad temperWe often show disagreement with each other
    (  )67We often argue but we never say sorry to each other no matter who makes the mistake
    (  )68We are all busy with our own work so we have little time to sit down and have a chat
    (  )69Since we are so busy I send my child to a lodging school and pick him up for the weekends
    (  )70Sometimes I have to work overtime I go back home at mid­night and feel very tired
    ALearn to say sorry it will help you to repair and retain the important relationships in your lifeAs a matter of fact to be the one to say sorry is nothing to be ashamed of
    BDon’t argue any argue will kill your marriageJust keep quiet even you are angry
    CBe sure that you have time to talk to each other to discuss maybe to argue and then to negotiate (谈判)
    DIt shows that your partner doesn’t suit youMaybe you need a new partner
    EYou can bring work home to do if you really have a lot of work to do at least you can be together at the dinner table
    FFamilies are all about love and care although you are busy try to stay with your child to share the fun
    GRespect for each other is very important try to listen to your partner when you don’t agree with him

    The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is serving Americans a new plateTo help people better balance their meals the USDA and the First Lady Michelle Obama announced (71)________ June 2nd that the government will suggest its food menuIn order to make it (72)________ easier to understand it is also called a food plate
    Many healthy food menus have been shown recently(73)________ some of them are difficult to understandSo the USDA and the First Lady showed (74)________ to build a healthy mealIt will put children on the way to a healthy future
    This is a quick easy menu (75)________ all of us to remember the First Lady saidKids can learn to use this now and for the rest of (76)________ lives
    The healthy menu includes four (77)_______ fruits vegetables protein and corn(78)________ is also some milk
    On the My Plate website the USDA provides a tool to find more specific serving sizes (79)________ on your age and healthIt also suggests you choose low fat milk and meals (80)________ lower salt levels
    A Smart Bell to fool burglars (窃贼) has been invented by a 13­year­old teenager in LondonThis invention by a schoolboy in Britain tricks (欺骗) burglars into believing that the house isn’t empty
    Burglars usually ring the doorbell first to see if anyone is at home but the Smart Bell has a perfect way to counteract (抗) thisIf you are out and a burglar comes up to your door and rings the doorbell after ten seconds the Smart Bell will ring through to your mobile and you’ll be able to answerThere is a small amount of white noise so it will sound like an intercom (讲机) and the burglar will never know that you’re not actually inside the house
    According to the boy the Smart Bell dials the homeowner’s mobile phone when pressed allowing people to talk to whoever is outside their front doorIt produces a small amount of white noise to give any unexpected guest the impression (印象) that they are talking to someone inside the house
    Information Card
    The invention
    Smart Bell
    The inventor
    A (81)________________ schoolboy from London
    Function (功)
    It tricks burglar into believing that the (82)________________ is at home
    How it works
    It allows homeowners to (83)______________ whoever is outside their front door
    It produces a little of (84)________________ to give any unexpected guest the impression that they are talking to someone inside the house
    Whom it works for
    It’s for the people who (85)________________ from their houses

    Unit 10 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1Where will they visit
    A B C
    (  )2What lesson will they have tomorrow
    A B C
    (  )3What is the speaker talking about
    A B C
    (  )4How will they go to Beijing
    A B C
    (  )5What time does the speaker go
    A B C
    (  )6What language do the people in Cuba speak
    AEnglish BSpanish CFrench
    (  )7When did Wang Lan go to Disneyland
    ALast month BLast week CLast year
    (  )8How long has the boy learned singing
    AFor two years BFor three years
    CFor four years
    (  )9When will they go to see the new movie
    AThis evening
    BTomorrow afternoon
    DTomorrow evening
    (  )10Where does the speaker’s father come from
    AFrench BEngland CFrance
    (  )11What does Jane’s father do
    AHe is a driver
    BHe is a businessman
    CHe is a traveller
    (  )12What can help you if you have difficulty in tal­king to people from other countries
    AA native speaker
    BA language teacher
    CBody language
    (  )13Why was yesterday a bad day for Kate
    AShe lost the way to the school
    BShe lost her favorite hat
    CShe lost her favorite bag
    (  )14Where did she lose it
    AAt the school
    BOn her way home
    CNo one knows
    (  )15Where did she go to find it
    ALost and Found
    BThe school
    CHer house
    (  )16The boy is lost ________
    Ain a train station
    Bin a supermarket
    Cin a cinema
    (  )17The boy is ________
    A12 meters tall with short brown hair
    B1 meter tall with a yellow shirt
    C12 meters tall with a yellow coat
    (  )18The boy’s trousers are ________
    Ablue Byellow Cblack
    (  )19The telephone number of the service center is________
    A8968476 B8868476 C8868956
    (  )20The service center is on the ________ floor
    Afirst Bsecond Cthird

    Jim White
    Date of birth
    (22)________ Lincoln Road
    Family members
    Parents and two (23)________
    Watson Bay’s Best Player of (24)________ in 2010
    Last (25)________ exam
    July 16th 2010

    (  )26Students should return the books to the library ________ time
    Aabout Bon Cby Dfor
    (  )27He told me he ________
    Ahas finished it Bhad finished it
    Cwill finish it Dfinishes it
    (  )28When I got to the factory the workers ________ their work
    Abegin Bbegan
    Cbegun Dhad begun
    (  )29The story was so ________ that we all believed it
    Aconvinced Bconvince
    Cconvincing Dconvinces
    (  )30—Ted you look sadWhat has happened
    —My pocket is ________ I have no money to eat lunch
    Afull Bempty
    Cbeautiful Dnew
    (  )31He was ________ excited ________ he couldn’t say anything
    Atoo to Bsuch that
    Cenough to Dso that
    (  )32Jack overslept this morningHe took a quick shower and then ________ to the bus stop
    Aran leave Bran after
    Cran across Dran off
    (  )33Mary hurry up Or ________ we get there the performance will be over
    Aat the time Bon time
    Cby the time Din time
    (  )34I ________ my dictionary at home and went back for it
    Aforgot Bforget
    Cleft Dleave
    (  )35I can’t start my car I think it must ________
    Abreak away Bbreak out
    Cbreak down Dbreak off
    (  )36Please give me ________ to my schoolI am going to be late
    Aride Ba ride Crides Drode
    (  )37What ________ her
    Awas happened to Bhappen to
    Chappened to Dhas happened
    (  )38Every night I set my alarm clock so that it can ________ next day
    Ago out Bgo of
    Cgo down Dgo off
    (  )39Her parents hope she will ________ a lawyer
    Amarry with Bmarry to
    Cmarry Dmarried
    (  )40All the things in the shop have been ________So I returned with nothing
    Asold Bsold off
    Csold aside Dsold out
    (  )41Could you ________ for a while I have something to say
    Astop to work Bto stop work
    Cstop works Dstop working
    (  )42Fans had waited for the famous singer for several hours but he hadn’t ________
    Acome up Bshowed up
    Cstayed up Dgone up
    (  )43—What have the scientists found out
    —They have found out how fat ________ and stored
    Aproduced Bis produced
    Chas produced Dis producing
    (  )44____ girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded
    AMillion of BMany million of
    COne million of DMillions of
    (  )45A letter from home ________ his homesickness (思乡情)
    Aset Bset out
    Cset off Dset in
    We know that trees are useful in our everyday lifeThey __46__ us many things such as wood oxygen rubber medicines and many other thingsThey can __47__ tell us a lot about our climateThe following are the reasonsIf you __48__ a tree you can see that it has many rings (年轮)Most trees grow one new ring __49__ yearBecause of this reason we know __50__ a tree isA tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred __51__When the climate is dry or very cold the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually __52__When it is wet and warm the rings are much thickerIf the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick this means that the __53__ changed suddenlyIf we look at the rings on this tree we can __54__ about the climate for a hundred yearsWe can see __55__ our climate is changing today
    (  )46Atell Bask Cgive Dget
    (  )47Anot Btoo Ceither Dalso
    (  )48Acut down Bclimb up
    Cwalk past Dlook at
    (  )49Amany Bevery
    Cfirst Dall
    (  )50Ahow big Bhow long
    Chow old Dhow much
    (  )51Atrees Bleaves
    Cpeople Drings
    (  )52Abig Bthin
    Csmall Dthick
    (  )53Aclimate Btrees
    Cthings Danimal
    (  )54Asee Bread Clearn Dwait
    (  )55Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhile
    The University of Paris
    The University of Paris is in the capital of France one of the liveliest cities in EuropeIt was set up in 1090 with the second longest history in the worldIt is one of the best universities in Europe and in the world
    The University of Oxford
    The University of Oxford one of the world’s best universities is in Oxford UKIt is the third oldest university in the world and the oldest university in the English­speaking countries from 1096About 20000 students are studying there
    Harvard University
    Harvard University one of the best universities in USA and in the world is in Cambridge Massachusetts USAIt was set up in 1636It has the second largest library in the countryThere are about 21000 students studying there
    Beijing University
    Beijing University is in Beijing the capital of ChinaIt was set up in 1898It is one of the oldest and biggest universities in China with about 30000 studentsIt is also one of the best universities in China and in the world

    (  )56When was Beijing University set up
    AIn 1090 BIn 1096
    CIn 1636 DIn 1898
    (  )57The University of Oxford is in ________
    AFrance BUK
    CUSA DChina
    (  )58Which university has the second largest library in its country
    AThe University of Paris
    BThe University of Oxford
    CHarvard University
    DBeijing University
    (  )59The university who has the longest history of the four is ________
    Athe University of Paris
    Bthe University of Oxford
    CHarvard University
    DBeijing University
    (  )60How many universities of them are in Europe
    AOne BTwo
    CThree DFour
    Carl lost his job and had little moneyHe found his neighbor’s rooms were full of antiques (古董)Why haven’t I got an antique vase I could sell it for a lot of money he thought
    Carl had an old gunIt had been his great­grandfather’s (祖父) favorite thingHe wanted to hide the gun under his coat but it was too long so he cut the end off
    The next morning the professor left homeCarl broke the window and entered the houseHe reached his hands to a big vase when he heard a noiseIt was the professorHe had forgotten to take an important documentCarl became afraid and pulled out the gunI haven’t stolen anythingI just want to go away or I will shoot cried CarlWith that gun asked the professor
    He said You can’t shoot with that antique gun
    Is this really an antique gun asked CarlHow much is it worth?
    It was worth about 17000 dollars said the professorBut now you can get only 10 dollars for it because its end is missing
    (  )61Carl wanted to steal because ________
    Ahe was interested in antique vases
    Bhe wanted to have fun
    Che lost his job and had little money
    Dhe hated his neighbor very much
    (  )62He cut the end of the gun off because ________
    Athe gun was useless
    Bthe gun was too long for him to hide
    Cthe end cost a lot of money
    Dthe end was broken
    (  )63Why wasn’t the professor afraid of the gun
    AHe thought that Carl dared (敢) not shoot
    BHe had a gun too
    CHe knew it was an antique gun
    DHe had called the police
    (  )64This antique gun cost only ten dollars now because ________
    ACarl had cut its end off
    Bthe gun was too old
    Cthe gun was not a real antique gun
    Dthe gun was not old enough
    (  )65Carl would ________
    Abe very happy
    Bbe proud of his great­grandfather
    Cfeel excited
    Dfeel sorry about his behavior
    配阅读 左栏五种中学生电视情况右栏七位专家建议请五种情况相应建议配
    (  )66In a national education study students say they spend 4 times as many hours each week watching television as doing homework
    (  )67Children who are heavy TV viewers (over 3 hours per day) show the greatest decline (降) in reading ability
    (  )68A study finds that a television on during homework time interferes (干扰) the students with the skills and information in doing their homework
    (  )69Children who watched informative educational television when they are pre­school students watch more informative television as they get older and use television as a complement (补充) to school
    (  )70Researchers find that many students don’t know what kinds of programs they should watchThey often watch some programs that are not suitable (合适) for them
    AWe suggest that total television time should be limited to no more than 1 to 2 hours per dayStudents should spend more time doing homework
    BParents should choose programs according to the age of the childNot all the programs are suitable for all the children
    CChildren shouldn’t watch television for a long time after they have finished homeworkThey should go to bed before 10 every night
    DTo improve reading skills support your child with reading practice and limit television watching
    EHomework should be finished away from a background of televisionStudents can hardly do their homework well with the interference of television
    FParents should help children watch more educational television programs in their pre­school period
    GWe suggest that pre­school students should not be allowed to watch televisionParents can rad more to them and play games with them

    The sky is full of fish and animalsBut they are not real fish and animalsThey are (71)______
    It is Kite DayMany people are flying kites in parksSome are children and some are adultsThey are all having a (72)________ timeKite festivals now have become a popular form of entertainment throughout the world
    Kites were used about 2800 years (73)________ in ChinaOnce people believed kites could carry their thoughts (74)________ the godsMany people flew kites over their houses at nightThey thought this kept them safe (75)________ all bad things
    Kites are funBut they also have been of great help to (76)________
    Men have (77)________ kites for learning more about weatherPeople have used kites in building bridgesHeavy wire cables for bridges have (78)________ pulled across water with the use of kites
    Years ago (79)________ great American put a key on a kiteHe wanted to know more about lightningDo you know (80)________ he was
    One morning I was going to be late for work so I had to send kids to the sitterI was so worried that I just drove like a crazy personThe kids were arguing with each other which made me crazierWhen I got to the railway tracks (轨道) I found some workers were repairing them AGAIN So I waited for a few minutesFinally after staying there for about 10 minutes like a moron (傻子) I found I could get turned around in someone’s grass before me Then I got back down the road in the other directionMy son kept saying You are going to be late He had said that ten times Then what happened Yeah a bird flew right and hit my windshield (挡风玻璃)
    It bounced off (弹回) and normally I would feel sad about this but I was so busy todayMy kids were all sitting there quietly and were afraid to speakFinally my son said in a low voice Geez I hope that bird is okay I couldn’t help but laugh
    Information Card
    A bad day
    How to deal with the kids
    She had to (81)________________ them to the sitter
    What happened to the road
    The railway tracks (82)________________ and some workers were repairing themThey stayed there for about (83)_____________Her son was always saying she was going to (84)__________________
    (85)________________ hit the windshield and bounced off
    请根容写篇题My Bad Day短文
    参考词汇:热水器water heater X kb 1 C om

    Unit 11 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What present can Sarah receive on her birthday
    A B C
    (  )2Where was the speaker reading when the movie star came to the school
    A B C
    (  )3What is the speaker talking about
    A B C
    (  )4Who wears uniforms
    A B C
    (  )5What’s Jim’s father
    A B C
    (  )6How will the woman go to the office station
    AOn foot BBy bus CBy train
    (  )7What will the woman probably do next
    AGo with the man
    BGo to the hospital
    CAsk the policeman for help
    (  )8How long has the man been here
    A3 years B2 years C5 years
    (  )9When will the next flight take off
    AAt 920 BAt 950 CAt 940
    (  )10How much will the man pay if he takes all the apples
    A42 yuan B35 yuan C30 yuan
    (  )11What are they going to do this weekend
    APlant grass
    BHave a picnic
    CBuy a camera
    (  )12What will Linda take that day
    ASome food
    BSome photos
    CHer camera
    (  )13Who has lost the way
    CLinda and Mike
    (  )14Where is Mike now
    AHe is near a hospital
    BHe is in City Hall
    CHe is at Hall Street
    (  )15How will Mike drive his car to the City Hall at last
    AHe will turn left at the second corner
    BHe will turn left at the third corner
    CHe will turn right at the third corner
    (  )16There are ________ kinds of paper today
    A7000 Bmore than 7000 C700
    (  )17The paper is made from ________
    Arice cotton trees and plants
    Bonly trees
    Conly trees and cotton
    (  )18The paper was invented ________
    Abefore the 2nd century
    Bin the 2nd century
    Cin the 9th century
    (  )19People put the outside covering of a tree and old piece of cloth ________ before they made paper
    Ain the cloth Bin the tree Cin the water
    (  )20The foreign countries knew how to make paper ________
    Aafter the war Bin the 19th century
    Cduring the war
    听篇关School Trip短文请根听容填写面信息卡短文听两遍
    School Trip
    Place to visit
    Time to leave
    At (22)________
    Place to meet
    In the car (23)________
    (24)________ dollars
    Things to take
    A pencil and a (25)________
    (  )26I hear that Susan has finished her ________ most successful book
    A Bthe Ca Dits
    (  )27—Could you tell me ________
    —SureGo straight along the street and turn right at the first crossing
    Awhere is the post office
    Bhow can I get to the post office
    Chow I can get to the post office
    Dwhen the bus leaves
    (  )28Could you show me ________ shoes
    Ahow to mend Bwhat to buy
    Cto mend how Dto buy what
    (  )29There’s a bookstore ________ the fifth floor
    Aon Bat Cin Dabout
    (  )30He said that light ________ much faster than sound
    Atraveled Bwill travel
    Ctravels Dhas traveled
    (  )31Go ________ the bus station and turn left onto Renmin Road
    Apass Bpassed
    Cpassing Dpast
    (  )32The street is ________ quiet at this time in the evening
    Amuch Bkind of
    Ckind Dkinds of
    (  )33—LookA blind man is in the middle of the streetIt’s too dangerous
    —Let’s go and help him go ________ the road
    Athrough Balong
    Cacross Dover
    (  )34—Can I ________ two books together
    —Of course you canBut you can only ________ them for one week
    Alend keep Blend borrow
    Cborrow keep Dborrow borrow
    (  )35Could you please ________ the story
    Atell me Bto tell me
    Ctold me Dtelling me
    (  )36Some kids ________ watching TV ________ playing outside
    Aprefer to Bwould rather than
    Clike better Dlike less
    (  )37They talked in a very low voice ________ not to be heard
    Aso that Bin order that
    Cso order Din order
    (  )38His car is ________ mine but it drives ________ mine
    Anot so new as as fast as
    Bas new as as fast as
    Cnot so new as not so fast as
    Das new as as faster as
    (  )39I live next to Huapu SupermarketIt’s very ________
    Abeautiful Bclean
    Cdelicious Dconvenient
    (  )40________ important ________ us to learn from each other and help each other
    AThis’s for BThat’s of
    CIt’s for DIt’s of
    (  )41Is your son old enough to ________ himself
    Awear Bdress Cput on Dhave on
    (  )42It’s a good game ________
    Ato playing Bto be played
    Cto play Dto plays
    (  )43When I got to the cinema they ________ already
    Ahad arrived Barrive Care arriving Darrived
    (  )44He likes to ________ his classmates after school
    Ahang off Bhang out
    Chang off with Dhang out with
    (  )45The staff ________ there and wait
    Agoes Bgo Cwent Dgoing
    From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studyingBut in the evenings and weekends they are __46__ and enjoy themselvesSome watch television or go to the cinema others __47__ sportsThis is decided by their own interests
    There are many different ways to spend our free timeAlmost everyone has some kinds of hobbies it may be something from __48__ stamps to making model planesSome hobbies are very expensive but others don’t cost anything __49__Some collections are worth a lot of money but others are valuable only to their owners
    I know a man who has a __50__ collection worth several thousand dollarsA short time ago he bought an unusual fifty­cent piece which __51__ him 250 He was very happy about it and thought the price was all rightOn the other hand my youngest brother collects __52__He has almost 600 of them but I wonder if they are worth any money__53__ to my brother they are quite valuable__54__ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection
    That’s what a hobby means I thinkIt is something we __55__ to do in our free timeThe value in dollars is not important but the pleasure it gives us is
    (  )46Alucky Bclever Cfunny Dfree
    (  )47Athink about Bjoin Ctake part in Dtake care of
    (  )48Acollecting Bgetting Cprinting Dmaking
    (  )49Afirst of all Bat all Cafter all Din all
    (  )50Abook Bcloth Cstamp Dcoin
    (  )51Aspend Btook Ccost Dwaste
    (  )52Astamps Bmatch boxes
    Cpens Dmodel planes
    (  )53ASo BHowever CBecause DBut
    (  )54ANothing BEverything CAnything DSomething
    (  )55Ahave Bneed Cenjoy Dlike

    (  )56The above reading is ________
    Aa picture of buildings Ba map of place
    Ca list of buildings’ names Da report about a place
    (  )57Which of the following is the farthest from the school
    AThe zoo BThe park
    CThe theater DThe restaurant
    (  )58Which of the following is the nearest from Bus Station
    AThe school BThe post office
    CThe gym DThe theater
    (  )59The place on Haimen and opposite to Clothing Shop is ________
    Athe library Bthe park
    Cthe theater Dthe restaurant
    (  )60We can see clearly the bookstore is ________
    Aopposite to the supermarket Bnext to the bus station
    Cbeside the school Dbehind the hospital
    Dick lived in EnglandOne day in January he said to his wife I’m going to fly to New York next week because I’ve got some work there Where are you going to stay there his wife askedI don’t know yet Dick answeredPlease send me your address from there in a telegram (电报) his wife saidAll right Dick answered
    He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the cityHe put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegramHe put the address of his hotel in it
    In the evening he didn’t have any work so he went to a cinemaHe came out at nine o’clock and said Now I’m going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner
    He found a taxi and the driver said Where do you want to go But Dick didn’t remember the name and address of his hotel
    Which hotel are my things in he said And what am I going to do tonight But the driver of the taxi did not knowSo Dick got out and went into a post officeThere he sent his wife another telegram and in it he wrote Please send me my address to this post office
    (  )61Dick flew to New York because ________
    Ahe went there for a holiday Bhe had work there
    Che went there for sightseeing Dhis home was there
    (  )62Where did Dick stay in New York
    AIn the center of the village BIn a hotel
    CIn a restaurant DAt his friend’s house
    (  )63Who would send him the name and address of his hotel
    AThe manager of his hotel BThe police office
    CThe taxi driver DHis wife
    (  )64Which of the following is NOT true
    ADick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city
    BDick didn’t work on the first night of his arrival
    CDick forgot to send his wife a telegram
    DDick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi
    (  )65Why did Dick forget the address
    AThe film was so interesting that Dick forgot the address
    BThe address was too difficult to remember
    CNo one knows where the hotel was
    DMaybe Dick is a careless man
    配阅读 左栏五节目容说明右栏七节目名称请五节目说明相应名称配
    (  )66When you need help with your homework go to the libraryYou may find magazines newspapers and big dictionaries thereThey can always help you
    (  )67For families with children an important problem is to get the children away from TV and let them do their homework
    (  )68Even if you could buy the world you couldn’t buy a happy family good friends or knowledge
    (  )69The Lost World is an exciting American filmPeople especially school students may like it
    (  )70People will grow plants and vegetables in the sea in about 50 years
    A Money isn’t Everything
    BAmerican Films
    CAncient History
    DFarms in the Future
    EStudy Tools
    FWild Island
    GParents’ Trouble
    MrSmith lived in the country but he worked in an office in a big citySo he went to work (71)________ train every morning and came home in the same way
    One morning he was (72)________ his newspaper on the train when (73)________ man sitting behind him who MrSmith had never met before leaned (倾斜) forward tapped (拍) him on the shoulder and spoke to (74)________The man said You’re not leading a very interesting life are you You get on the same (75)________ at the station at the same time every morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaperLife is always the (76)________
    MrSmith put his paper (77)________ turned around and said to the man angrily Who are you How do you know all these things (78)________ me
    (79)________ I’m always sitting in this seat behind you the man answered This morning I thought it would be good to (80)________ hello
    For many of us the real stress begins when a test actually startsHere are some important ways to manage stress and help you do your best in an exam
    Show up on timeGet to the examination room on timeArriving late might make you feel rushed and nervous and arriving too early could give you time to sit there and worry about things
    Accept (接受) a little bit of stressDon’t worry if you still have some stress when you begin the testThe key is to accept itTell yourself I’m a little worried but that’s okayI’m going to do well in this test because I’m prepared
    Concentrate (集中) your mind on your paperDon’t look at the students around youBecause if they’re nervous it could make you nervous and if they’re confident­looking it could make you wonder why it’s so easy for them
    Use all your timeIf you finish the test before the time is up don’t sit there doing nothingGo back to the questions especially the ones that seem hard and check your work
    Once the test is over try not to think about itHang out with your friends or spend an afternoon doing something that makes your happyYou can’t do anything to change your grade and more tests will come along soonSo just enjoy the fact that you have finished one
    Information Card
    How to Manage Stress in an Exam
    Show up on time
    Don’t get to the examination room too late or (81)____________.
    Accept a little bit of stress
    Accept the stressTell yourself I’m going to (82)______________ in this test because I’m prepared
    Concentrate your mind on your paper
    Don’t (83)________________ the students around you
    Use all your time
    When you finish the test go back to the questions especially the ones that seem hard and (84)________________.
    Don’t think about it after the exam
    Hang out with your friends or spend an afternoon doing something that make you feel (85)________________

    Unit 12 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1Which film does the man’s cousin like
    A B C
    (  )2What is Lucy used to eating with in China
    A B C
    (  )3Who should young people help
    A B C
    (  )4What’s the speaker talking about
    A B C
    (  )5What exam did the speaker do well in
    A B C
    (  )6What are the Japanese supposed to do when they meet for the first time
    ATo bow
    BTo kiss
    CTo shake hands
    (  )7When do people in Colombia usually arrive if they are invited to a party at 630
    AJust 6:30
    BBefore 6:30
    CA little later than 6:30
    (  )8What’s Ann doing while eating noodles
    AMaking a noise BKeeping quiet
    CEating too slowly
    (  )9What will the woman do next
    ACarry the books herself
    BHelp the man carry the books
    CAsk the man to help her carry the books
    (  )10What’s true about the woman
    AShe had no work to do in Switzerland
    BShe didn’t visit her uncle in Switzerland
    CShe wrote an e­mail to thank her uncle
    (  )11What happened to John
    AHe had an easy exam
    BHe may fail an exam
    CHe lost interest in study
    (  )12What’s the girl’s advice for him
    ATry to change the result
    BTry to pay more attention to the exam
    CTry to pay more attention to the future study
    (  )13Why does Lingling not eat too many peaches in summer
    ABecause she doesn’t like peaches
    BBecause eating too many of them may make you uncomfortable
    CBecause they are too expensive
    (  )14What may you feel if you eat too many peaches
    AFeel very hot
    BFeel very angry
    CFeel very thirsty
    (  )15What fruit is good for people in summer
    APeach BPear CApple
    (  )16John has long hair because________
    Ahe likes long hair
    Bhis hair always grows too fast
    Chis friends don’t ask him to cut it
    (  )17John looks like________
    Astrong but short
    Bbig and strong
    Cshort and thin
    (  )18John’s friends don’t ask John to cut his hair because ________
    Athey think it’s a pity to cut such long hair
    Bthey’re afraid to tell him to do that
    Cthey thinks he looks nice with the long hair
    (  )19The barber wants to ________
    Aclean John’s hair
    Bcut John’s hair
    Cmake John famous
    (  )20John’s answer means ________
    AJohn would be happy if the barber cut his hair
    Bthe barber wouldn’t give John a good haircut
    Cif the barber do that John would beat him
    Manners in a dinner party
    What to take
    You can take some drinks like (21)________ juice beer or something like these
    When to arrive
    You should arrive on time or no more than (22)________ minutes late
    If you’ll be fifteen minutes late you should give the host a (23)________
    What to do at table
    Try to be relaxed and (24)________ at tableIf you can’t use knife and (25)________ you can watch others
    (  )26The man’s behavior gave a good impression to the girl when she saw him ________
    Afor the first time Bthe first time
    Cthe first Dthe time
    (  )27He was pleasedHe made ________ in the English test
    Afew mistakes Ba few mistakes
    Clittle mistakes Da little mistake
    (  )28She was supposed________ in hospital but people found her in the office
    Ato lie Blying Clie Dlies
    (  )29We ________ but the car broke down
    Ashould arrive earlier
    Bshould have arrived earlier
    Cneed arrive earlier
    Dneed have arrived earlier
    (  )30I dropped ________my aunt on the way to Guangzhou
    Aon Bfor
    Cby Dbehind
    (  )31It’s hard to let children behave well________
    Aat the table Bat table
    Cover the table Don the table
    (  )32The host family went out of ________ way to make us feel at home
    Athey Bthem
    Ctheir Dthose
    (  )33All the cups are made of glass ________ the black oneIt’s made of metal
    Abesides Bexcept
    Cbeside Dwith
    (  )34It’s ________ to laugh at the poor classmates
    Abad manners Ba bad manner
    Cgood manners Da good manner
    (  )35If you want to read English quickly you must learn ________ English words by heart as you can
    Aas much Bso much
    Cas many Dso many
    (  )36Could you please ________ the dirt for me
    Aleave off Bshake away
    Cwipe off Dgive away
    (  )37He ________ get home very lateBut now he________ getting home early
    Aused to is used to Bused to used to
    Cis used to used to Dis used to is used to
    (  )38He found________ very difficult to speak in public
    Aone Bthat Cthis Dit
    (  )39—Who taught ________ French
    —NobodyShe learned all by________
    Aherself her Bshe herself
    Cher herself Dher she
    (  )40I think he draws very well ________ he is only 4 years old
    AAt first BAt all
    CAbove all DAfter all
    (  )41I feel sick ________ I see such food
    Aevery time Bat every time
    Cat the time Devery
    (  )42Four people entered the room ________ around carefully
    Alook Blooked
    Clooking Dto look
    (  )43—Could you tell me ________
    —You mean yesterday
    Ahow the passengers are saved
    Bhow are the passengers saved
    Chow the passengers were saved
    Dhow were the passengers saved
    (  )44They ________ when they met in the hall
    Ashake a hand Bshake hands
    Cshook a hand Dshook hands
    (  )45The man is ________ us because we don’t know him at all
    Aunfamiliar to Bunfamiliar
    Cfamiliar to Dfamiliar
    The customs in different countries are rather differentIf I have dinner with a Chinese host he always puts more food onto my plates as soon as I have __46__ itThat often discomforts me greatlyI have to eat the food __47__ I don’t want to because it is considered __48__ manners in the West to leave one’s food on the plateI have already __
    49__ that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party he often __50__ the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still __51__ or thirstyThis might be __52__ manners in China but it is not in the West at allIn the United States it is __53__ to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his __54__ somethingAmericans have a direct way of speakingIf they want something they will ask for itIf not they will say No thanks So you had better __55__ the famous saying When in Rome do as the Romans do
    (  )46Awiped Bemptied
    Cfilled Dmade
    (  )47Abecause Bso
    Ceven if Dsince
    (  )48Agood Bbetter
    Cfamiliar Dparticular
    (  )49Anoted Bnoticed
    Cpredicted Dthought
    (  )50Arefuses Baccepts
    Cquarrels Dagrees
    (  )51Aangry Bfull
    Chungry Drelaxed
    (  )52Agood Brude
    Cpleased Dbad
    (  )53Apolite Bfriendly
    Cbored Dimpolite
    (  )54Areading Bwriting
    Caccepting Dforming
    (  )55Aremember Bremind
    Crecover Dregret

    Venice is in the northeast of ItalyIt was built on small islands in saltwater lakes more than 1500 years agoVenice is a city with no cars and people travel by boatThere are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go

    Auckland is the largest city in New ZealandIn the seaside city you can enjoy an amazing view from the city’s tallest tower—the Sky TowerYou can also see Maori traditional dances at the Auckland MuseumAuckland is called the city of sails because it has more boats than anywhere else in the world

    Los Angeles was founded in 1781It is now the second largest city in the United StatesIt is famous for its modern highways and its movie stars of HollywoodThere are many beautiful beaches near the city

    The population of Budapest is about three million and the city is a very popular place for touristsVisitors like to take boat rides along the Danube (瑙河)Budapest is also known for its exciting nightlifeThe best time to visit Budapest is summer since it is very cold in winter

    (  )56People mostly travel ________ in Venice
    Aby ship Bby car
    Cby bus Dby boat
    (  )57Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Auckland
    AModern highways BThe Sky Tower
    CMaori traditional dances DA lot of boats
    (  )58Los Angeles has a history of ________
    Amore than 100 years
    Bmore than 200 years
    Cmore than 300 years
    Dmore than 400 years
    (  )59If Mary wants to visit Budapest the best season for her to go is ________
    Aspring Bsummer
    Cautumn Dwinter
    (  )60The four cities are all ________ according to the passage
    Amodern cities with a short history
    Bin New Zealand
    Cnear lakes rivers or seas
    Dlarge cities
    Do you know something about the holiday camps in Hong Kong The students in Hong Kong used to take part in an English holiday camp in their holidaysAnd their parents weren’t with themThough they were very young
    Now they still enjoy taking part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parentsMany parents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps in order to learn some practical knowledge in their lifeAnd also learn some knowledge about living skills science reading and writingThe most important for the children is to learn to look after themselves
    Holiday camps in Hong Kong are not so expensiveMost of families can afford to send their children there for further study for making their bodies strongAnd the government never charges for them
    It is said that students in Hong Kong have much knowledge about many thingsPerhaps it has something with the kinds of holiday camps
    (  )61Students in Hong Kong like to take part in the ________
    Aholiday camps BEnglish holiday camps
    Cscience holiday camps DChinese holiday camps
    (  )62When students in Hong Kong are in the holiday camps their parents ________
    Amust be with them Bhave to look after them nearby
    Cmust stay at home Daren’t with them
    (  )63The most important thing for the students to take part in the holiday camps in Hong Kong is ________
    Ato learn some English words
    Bto learn much knowledge about many things
    Cto learn to look after themselves
    Dto have a further study about many subjects
    (  )64The cost to take part in a holiday camp is ________
    Avery dear Bnot so cheap
    Cvery high Dvery low
    (  )65The students who often take part in the holiday camps ________
    Amust have much knowledge about many things
    Bmust be very thin
    Cmust be very tall
    Dmust be very beautiful
    配阅读 左栏五介绍右栏七份工作请五感兴趣工作配
    (  )66Amy majors in English in collegeShe wants to be an English teacher in a middle school after graduationShe hopes to find a school which can provide accommodation (住处)
    (  )67Dan will graduate from college this JulyHe wants to work in a supermarket after graduation because he wants to have his own supermarket one day
    (  )68Linda is a student who majors in international relations (关系)She likes to read books on politics (政治) and would like to choose a job about politicsHer English is very good
    (  )69Jack likes animals a lotThough his major in college is math he wants to work in a zooHe is happy as long as he stays with animals
    (  )70Julie is an outgoing girlShe likes to be with childrenShe wants to be a teacher in a kindergarten (幼园) after graduationShe once worked in a garden during her summer holiday
    AOur zoo is looking for a person to take care of some animalsIt doesn’t matter what your major is and how old you areIf you like animals and you are patient enough you can get the job
    BOur school is an international high schoolNow we are looking for some English teachersYou needn’t have working experience but you must love teachingWe can provide a room for each teacher
    CAre you looking for an exciting job Are you an energetic boy Are you creative about selling If you answers are yes you can be a member of our supermarket
    DYaolan Kindergarten is the biggest kindergarten in the cityNow we need about 10 teachersYou’d better have some working experienceIf you want to join us call 5643378
    ENikun Middle School needs an English teacherAnyone who majors in English can apply for the jobThe school lies in the center of the cityIt is easy for you to rent an apartment near the school
    FNow we provide an opportunity for the people who are interested in politicsYour task is writing reports and organizing matters for the major (市长)You must be good at English
    GHaojiao Bar has just opened in the centre of the cityIt’s a big bar and needs several part­time singers nowYou need to work at night and you must be under 35 years oldOf course you must do well in singing


    She is Liu Hui a middle school student in Anhui one of the stay­at­home children in her townLiu Hui is 12 years old and lives (71)________ her sisterHer parents left home to make (72)________ in big cities when she was only fourLiu Hui has to (73)________ care of her younger sisterThey have to stay at home alone (74)________ they have to go to school
    I used to feel sad without my parents at home she said but now I know (75)________ they do soThey have to go away to make money for (76)________ so that we can live a better life
    Every day Liu Hui gets (77)________ at 630 am and cooks breakfastThen (78)________ two girls go to schoolThey have supper at 600 pmThen Liu Hui does housework and (79)________ her sister with her homeworkShe usually goes to bed at 930 pm after a (80)________ day
    School Lunches from around the World
    Do you wonder what children are eating for lunch across the world Take a look at different school lunches and learn something about kids’ school lives across the world
    In Japan 99 of elementary school (学) students and 82 of junior high school students eat kyushoku (school lunch)It includes a bottle of milk a bowl of rice usually some types of fish a salad some kinds of soup usually with tofu and vegetables and a piece of fruit
    In the United States kids have hamburgers and chips for lunchThose school lunches are making the kids so fat that many are unable to meet the physical fitness standards (标准)The good news is that Improving Nutrition (营养) for American’s Children Act was recently passedThat will help to make school lunches more nutritional (营养)
    In Beijing school lunches are usually provided from homeA food service worker picks up the fresh meals from home and sends them to schools
    Information Card
    School Lunches
    The Japanese school lunches include milk rice some fish a salad soup and (81)________________
    The United States
    The school lunches are very (82)________________ because they make the kids (83)________________
    The lunches are cooked at (84)______________ and a (85)________________ pick them up to send to schools

    针学生爱吃学校午餐常校外买健康卫生食物现象学校提出吃健康午餐倡议请结合文A Healthy Lunch题写篇短文谈谈法学校提出建议

    Unit 13 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1How did the speaker go to sleep
    A B C
    (  )2What hasn’t Judy packed
    A B C
    (  )3What are they going to do
    A B C
    (  )4How is the woman going to Shanghai
    A B C
    (  )5What was the weather like then
    A B C
    (  )6Who likes the red color
    ABill BKate CNo one
    (  )7What does the girl mean
    AShe hates the party
    BShe is interested in the party
    CShe thinks the music and the light are too bad
    (  )8Why does Henry prefer true friends
    ABecause they are good at telling jokes
    BBecause they are honest and helpful
    CBecause they are serious enough
    (  )9What does the woman mean
    AJack should try to trust his brother
    BJack needn’t trust his brother again
    CJack should try to tell the truth
    (  )10What would the man like the woman to do now
    ATo stop reading
    BTo do something interesting
    CTo read the book
    (  )11Where did Susan lose her purse
    AOn the train
    BIn the waiting hall
    CIn the bookstore
    (  )12How much money did Susan have in the suitcase
    AAbout 25 dollars BAbout 30 dollars CAbout 50 dollars
    (  )13Who made Ann upset in the talk
    AHer teacher BHer father CThe old man
    (  )14Why did Ann think the teacher unfair
    ABecause it wasn’t all her fault (错)
    BBecause she didn’t arrive late at all
    CBecause she was late for only 5 minutes
    (  )15What will Ann probably do next
    ACall that old man up
    BNo longer talk to her teacher
    CCall the teacher up
    (  )16Mrs Brown has a lovely ________ as a pet
    Adog Bcat Crabbit
    (  )17After disappearing the cat came back ________
    Abefore lunch Bat lunch Cafter lunch
    (  )18The cat rushed the room with ________ mice
    Atwo Bthree Cfour
    (  )19Before anyone stopped the cat it put the mice ________
    Ainto the boxes Bon the chairs Cinto the plates
    (  )20From the story we know there’s a close friendship between ________
    AMr Brown and the cat
    BMrs Brown and the cat
    CMr and Mrs Brown
    All machines
    Make things (21)________ and faster
    A washing machine
    Helps us wash clothes (22)________
    A printing machine
    Prints lots of (23)________newspapers and other things fast
    Buses bikes cars trains planes and ships
    Help us travel faster than (24)________
    The (25)________
    Stores information and works out math problems faster
    (  )26My father is a professor in art but he has ________ knowledge on computer
    Aa few Ba bit
    Clittle Dlot
    (  )27Lei Feng’s story serves ________ a good example for all of us to help others
    Awith Bat Cas Don
    (  )28We can do many things on the Internet ________ listening to the music
    Aand so on Bby example
    Cfor instance Dwith instance
    (  )29What led you________ the truth
    Abelieve Bto believe
    Cbelieving Dbelieved
    (  )30Your answer ________ the question made me ________
    Aof angry Bto angry
    Cof angrily Dto angrily
    (  )31________ that surfing the Internet is helpful
    AIt’s true BIt’s wrong
    CThat’s true DThat’s wrong
    (  )32I need a new coatThis one doesn’t ________ the cold________
    Akeep in Bkeep out
    Chold in Dhold out
    (  )33The storybook is ________ interesting ________ all of us like it
    Asuch that Bso as
    Cas as Dso that
    (  )34As we can see many ads ________ women
    Ais aimed at Bis good at
    Care aimed at Dare good at
    (  )35My brother ________ to do his homework when we went into his bedroom
    Aprotected Bpretended
    Cpresented Dprevented
    (  )36I would rather________ books than________ shopping on weekends
    Ato read to go Bread go
    Creading going Dread going
    (  )37In order to learn math well I decide to ________ a math club
    Ajoin in Bjoin
    Ctake part in Dattend
    (  )38Though he is busy with work he goes back home to see his parents________
    Aall the time Bin time
    Con time Dat times
    (  )39________ rain has fallen the air is cooler
    ABecause of BAs
    CAs for DThough
    (  )40—________
    —It makes me scared
    AWhy do you like the book
    BWhere do you read the book
    CHow do you feel about the book
    DWhat’s the main idea of the book
    (  )41—Would you like to have ________ cake
    —No thanksI’ve had twoThat’s enough
    Aother Bothers
    Canother Dthe other
    (  )42Just before the Chinese class I suddenly rea­lized that I forgot ________ my Chinese text book
    Abring Bbringing
    Cto bringing Dto bring
    (  )43The little boy ________ by his brother this morning
    Awas made to cry Bwas made cry
    Cmade to cry Dmade cry
    (  )44It was because of the heavy traffic ________ I was late for the meeting
    Awhere Bthat
    Cwho Dwhen
    (  )45________ we must made a good plan
    AAfter all BTo start with
    CIn the end DAt last
    Once a man lost his umbrellaHe put an advertisement in the newspaper but without __46__So one day he came to one of his friends a merchant (商) for __47__His friend asked him __48__ he had written the advertisementThe man gave it to him Lost at the London Church a black umbrellaWhoever finds it and returns it will __49__ ten pounds His friend had put a great number of advertisements in newspapers because of his business (生意)
    He thought the style of writing was of great __50__So he helped him to write in another __51__The next day this advertisement appeared in the newspaper If the man who was seen to __52__ an umbrella from the London Church doesn’t want to get into trouble he __53__ return it to No20 Broad Street
    The next morning the man was very surprised to see in front of the door __54__ twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colorsHis umbrella was also among themMany of them had notes which said they had been taken by __55__ and asked the man not to say anything about the umbrella
    (  )46Ause Bnews
    Cresult Dumbrella
    (  )47Anewspaper Badvertisement
    Cinformation Dhelp
    (  )48Ahow Bwhy
    Cwhen Dwhat
    (  )49Aaccept Breceive
    Cfind Dcost
    (  )50Ainterest Bvalue
    Cuse Dimportance
    (  )51Asaying Bnewspaper
    Clanguage Dway
    (  )52Afind Brob
    Cbring Dtake
    (  )53Ashall Bmay
    Cwill Dought
    (  )54Aat least Bat most
    Cno more than Dnot more than
    (  )55Achoice Bmistake
    Caccident Dchance


    Football Final
    Brazil VS Argentina
    National Sports Center
    800 pm Saturday

    Dolphin Show
    900 am-1100 am
    Everyday expect Monday and Friday

    House for Rent
    In Biguiyan Village By Longwo Lake 200 yuan per month Ten minutes drive from Jiuzi Square in the center of the city

    Assistant wanted
    For a busy restaurant

    Work on weekends
    All meals are free
    Call at 383359 for more information
    (  )56The match is between Brazil and ________
    AArgentina BChina
    CGermany DJapan
    (  )57If Marry wants to be the assistant she can phone the number ________
    A833059 B383539
    C383359 D330859
    (  )58Where is Jiuzi Square
    AIt’s by Longwo Lake
    BIt’s in Biguiyuan village
    CIt’s far from the city
    DIt’s in the center of the city
    (  )59You can watch the dolphin show ________
    Aat 930 am Wednesday
    Bat 1000 am Monday
    Cat 100 pm Thursday
    Dat 1130 am Tuesday
    (  )60With 2400 yuan Mr Green can rent the house for ________
    A2 years Bone year
    C10 months D13 months
    The Princess and the Frog is a warm and enjoyable cartoon by DisneyIt tells the story about a girl who makes her dreams come true through hard work
    Tiana is a waitressShe has a dream of owning a restaurantIn order to realize the dream she works hardShe knows that it is useless to wish on a starShe never sits in a castle waiting for a prince to come and save herTiana’s plans for success go wrong when she meets a talking frogThe frog happens to be a prince named NaveenHoping to become human again Naveen regards Tiana as a princess by mistakeHe tells her to kiss himThen something worse happensTiana turns into a frog tooTogether they look for a way to become human again
    The story is easy enough for kids to understand and it provides us with beautiful hand­drawn pictures songs and musicBesides there’s a great lesson here you should look for a way to make your dream come trueIf there is any problem with the movie it’s only that it doesn’t feel as splendid as some of Disney’s other films
    (  )61The writer introduces ________ to us in this passage
    Ba Hollywood action movie
    Ca cartoon by Disney
    Da historical story
    (  )62Tiana’s dream is to ________
    Akiss a frog Bown a restaurant
    Csit in a castle Dfind a prince
    (  )63The lesson we can learn from The Princess and the Frog is that ________
    Awe should not kiss a frog
    Bwe should believe ourselves
    Cwishing on a star will be helpful
    Dwe should look for a way to make our dream come true
    (  )64The Princess and the Frog is ________
    Ashort of beautiful pictures songs and music
    Bas splendid as some of Disney’s other films
    Ctoo difficult to understand
    (  )65You can probably find this article ________
    Ain a science book
    Bin a dictionary
    Cin a newspaper
    Din a traveler’s guide
    配阅读 左栏五情况简介右栏七广告请五感兴趣广告配
    (  )66MrsLi wants her daughter to take some piano lessons during the coming summer holiday
    (  )67Betty and her boyfriend want to spend the weekend watching something newThey both like dancing
    (  )68Daming wants to buy some newspapers to read so that he can improve his English
    (  )69MrBlack wants to come to Beijing for the first time in AugustHe wants to enjoy the real Beijing Opera very much
    (  )70Tony and his colleagues will have a trip in Guangzhou next weekThey need to rent a car and a driver who understands English

    AWatch Your Neck This modern ballet is telling the story of Dracula which is the classic novel by Irish playwright Bram Stoker
    Time 830 pm February 2-9 Tel 98558588
    BChildren’s Activity Center:Tel:66589982Add:No22 Zhongshan Road(Singing lessons piano lessons and dancing lessons)
    CPeking Opera:Mei Lanfang’s brave fighting against the Japanese during the War of Resistance against Japanese will open your mind
    DForeign Book Center:English books and newspapers CDs etc
    EThe Changcheng Hotel:Five star hotelLooking for much experienced receptionistsTel (010)55883326
    FCar Hire Service:12 seats Forit transit vans (运输车) for hire in Zhujiang Business and Private HireWe have English speaking drivers
    GTianhe Car Selling Center:Different kinds of cars on saleDifferent prices with high qualityTel (020)89885986


    Here’s a story about Ming’s life on the waterMing has lived all his life (71)________ a wide river in ChinaHis home is a large house­boat with a roof one of hundreds that move up and downIn about six years he has not once been on land but he is never lonelyHe is a strong swimmerIn fact he could swim before he could walkWhen he wants to play with his (72)________ he just swims across to their boats or asks them to (73)________ him
    Ming’s father is a fisherman (74)________ he never uses a line or a net (网)Great black birds (75)________ cormorants (鸬鹚) do the fishing for himRings (圈) have been put around the birds’(76)________ so that they cannot eat the fish they catchThey have been taught to bring the fish to peopleAnd then people reward (奖励) (77)________ with a fine big fish as soon as their work is (78)________Ming loves watching the cormorants but better still he likes going (79)________ with his motherThe shops of course are boats very like his (80)________
    Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their lifeHere is a survey showing the main problems of teenagers
    They feel stressed because they have too much homework to do both at school and at homeThey have lots of exams to takeAnd parents usually send them to different classes at weekendsThey don’t have their own time to do what they are interested inNow more and more teenagers are getting short­sighted (视)They often read in bed or keep reading for a long time without having a restSome of them are crazy about playing computer gamesSome spend too much time watching TVAnother serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fatThey eat too much junk food but they take little exercise
    I think teenagers should think of ways to deal with the problemsThey should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible
    Information Card
    How many problems are mentioned in the survey
    Why do teenagers feel stressed
    Because they have too much (82)________________ both at school and at home
    What makes teenagers become fat
    Too much (83)________________ and too little exercise
    What problem is caused by computer games
    Playing computer games too much will make teenagers (84)________________
    How can teenagers relax themselves
    By (85)______________________ a plan for study and hobbies
    Unit 14 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1What’s the man talking about
    A B C
    (  )2What do many people complain about
    A B C
    (  )3What can’t MrSmith afford
    A B C
    (  )4What was left in the shop
    A B C
    (  )5Who is waiting on the fifth floor
    A B C
    (  )6What will the boy probably do first
    AHe’ll play soccer
    BHe’ll finish his homework
    CHe’ll watch a soccer match
    (  )7What are the two speakers doing now
    ACooking at home
    BCollecting water
    CPreparing for the meal
    (  )8How many friends has the woman made so far
    AFour BFive CSix
    (  )9What will Anna do next
    AGo to Anna’s house
    BBuy another guide book
    CGo to New York
    (  )10What’s true about the talk
    AJane is on the way to the farm now
    BJane is having supper with a villager
    CA villager has helped Jane reach the farm safely
    (  )11Whom are they going to help
    AA blind woman BAn old woman CA poor man
    (  )12How many children does the old woman have
    AOne BTwo CNone
    (  )13Who did Betty’s father go to London with
    ANo one BBetty CHis wife
    (  )14What is Betty hoping to do
    ATo take vacation with her father
    BTo stay with her mother
    CTo visit London
    (  )15How does Betty like her father’s behavior
    AIt’s boring BIt’s impolite CIt’s all right
    (  )16The earthquake happened ________
    Aon Monday Bon Wednesday Con Friday
    (  )17The earthquake lasted for________
    Aseveral minutes Bover one minute Ca whole afternoon
    (  )18From the news we know ________
    Ano villagers were killed in the storm
    Bthe earthquake made over 200 people homeless
    Ctwo houses were badly destroyed by the earthquake
    (  )19About the farmer we know that________
    Asome parts of his house fell down
    Bhis wife was killed
    Cone of his children was missing
    (  )20When the earthquake happened the woman ________
    Atried to take some things out
    Brushed out with her children
    Casked her husband not to leave
    What the speaker asked students about was (21)________
    What Judy Smith liked is the key (22)________
    What Jeff couldn’t stand is the (23)________
    What Jerry Green liked is the (24)________
    The (25)________ thing was the belt
    (  )26I’ve seen Dr LinHe ________ told me an interesting story
    Ayet Bonly Cjust Dnever
    (  )27He kissed his wife and then ________ goodbye________ her when he left home
    Atalked to Bsaid to
    Cspoke to Dsaid with
    (  )28—Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry
    —SureIt’s one of ________ cartoonsI’ve ever seen it many times
    Bthe most wonderful
    Cmore wonderful
    Dthe more wonderful
    (  )29I need to ________ my cupboardIt’s too dirty
    Aclean out Btake out
    Cfind out Dgo out
    (  )30My grandpa used to________ water from the village well every morning
    Apull Bcollect
    Cpulling Dcollecting
    (  )31It’s ________ turn to clean the windows
    Ayou Bme
    Chim Dyour
    (  )32We haven’t received his letter ________
    Aalready Bnever
    Cever Dyet
    (  )33There are ________ overseas Chinese students returning to China for work
    Athousand of Bthousands of
    Ca thousand of Dtwo thousands
    (  )34It’s her job ________ clothes
    Awashing Bto wash
    Cwashed Dwashes
    (  )35________ the rich farmland we can grow more crops
    AThanks to BThanks for
    CThank to DThank you
    (  )36I want to go to France ________ the Eiffel Tower
    Asee Bto see
    Csaw Dseeing
    (  )37________ get to No2 hospital before nine
    ABe sure to BBe sure that
    CBe sure of DBe sure about
    (  )38—Good newsWe will have a ________ holiday
    —I’ve heard of itBut it’s coming in ________
    Athree days three days’ time
    Bthree­days three days’
    Cthree­day three days
    Dthree days three­day time
    (  )39—Hello Can I speak to MrWhite
    —Sorry he isn’t here right nowHe ________ to the theme park
    Awill go Bwas going
    Chas gone Dhas been
    (  )40—Jack is busy packing luggage
    —YesHe ________ for America on vacation
    Aleaves Bleft
    Cis leaving Dhas been away
    (  )41My friend Li Xiao knows my hometown very well because he ________ there many times with me
    Ahas been Bhas gone Chad gone Dwent
    (  )42We’re so much looking forward ________ you
    Ato see Bseeing Cto seeing Dsee
    (  )43Anyone who is the last one to leave should ________ the lights
    Aturn up Bturn on Cturn down Dturn off
    (  )44________ is not a good habit ________ too late
    AIt stay up BIt to stay up
    CThat stay up DThat to stay up
    (  )45I was so tired that I could ________ walk any farther
    Anearly Bhardly Creally Dsuddenly
    Most adults once studied at school had classes and did their homework every dayThe same thing is going on at school now__46__ it seems that doing weekend homework is a __47__ for the modern students
    All the students __48__ that weekend homework should be abolished (取消)It is __49__ for them to study at school five days a weekThey have a lot of interestsWith homework to do on Saturday and Sunday when can they have time to __50__ their parents do the housework go and see a football or basketball game or a good __51__ join in family recreation (娱乐) or just have a rest at home Because of these other activities the homework can’t be finished __52__ Sunday eveningSo their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are __53__ because many of the students know little about the __54__If there were no weekend homework to do they would be __55__ to go to school on Monday after two days’ good rest and to learn what the teachers teach
    (  )46AAlso BBut CStill DBecause
    (  )47Aquestion Breason Cproblem Ddecision
    (  )48Aagree Bdecide Cunderstand Ddisagree
    (  )49Aenjoyable Benough Cgood Duseful
    (  )50Alook Bhelp Cnotice Dsupport
    (  )51Afilm Bstory Cmeeting Dconcert
    (  )52Athough Bsince Cafter Duntil
    (  )53Apleased Bsorry Cunhappy Dsatisfied
    (  )54Alessons Bgames Cinterests Dactivities
    (  )55Atired Bcreative Cworried Dhappy
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    This year Sichuan schools decide to start morning classes an hour laterThis helps students feel less tiredAnd most junior high schools begin the first class at about 830 am
    The students are happy about the change
    Liu Ming told us that his class were excited by the news on the first day of schoolGreat From now on we students at Chengdu No4 Middle School don’t have to get up so early Liu said that he used to get up at 640 amNow he can get up at 745 am because class doesn’t start until 840 am
    Wu Hongli feels the sameShe said the new timetable (时间表) was good for her healthI used to get up at 630 amI had to drink coffee every night or I would feel too sleepy to finish my homework said WuNow I can finish it without coffeeBecause I can sleep a little longer
    Many teachers say the change help students learn betterStudents used to doze (瞌睡) for the first two classes in the morning said Huang Shan an English teacher at Chengdu No12 Middle SchoolBut now they are active in class and learn much better than before
    But some parents are worried that more sleep mean less learningThere used to be five classes in the morningNow there are only four
    In fact every coin has two sidesSo does the change in the school timetable
    (  )61This year most Sichuan junior high schools start the first class ________
    Aat about 830 am
    Bat about 740 am
    Cat about 730 am
    Dat about 640 am
    (  )62Hearing the news the students at Chengdu No4 Middle School felt ________
    Aworried Bsad
    Cexcited Dangry
    (  )63How many classes are there in the morning in Chengdu schools now
    AFive BFour
    CThree DTwo
    (  )64________ used to drink coffee at night in order to finish homework
    ASome parents BLiu Ming
    CWu Hongli DHuang Shan
    (  )65Which is RIGHT according to the text
    AThe students in Chengdu No12 Middle School used to doze for the first two classes in the morning
    BAll the parents say the change will help students learn better
    CThe students will have to get up one hour earlier than before
    DMany teachers are worried that more sleep will mean less learning
    配阅读 左栏五种阅读中良惯右栏七种纠正措施请五种良惯相应纠正措施配
    (  )66Move your lips when reading silently
    (  )67Point to words with your fingers when you read
    (  )68Move your head from one side to the other when you read
    (  )69Read one word at a time
    (  )70Look up the meaning as soon as you meet a new word
    ACircle the important part of the article
    BHold the two sides of your head with your two handsThen you will not have a free finger to use in pointing while reading
    CHold one piece of paper between your lips when readingThen if your lips move you will know it and can stop
    DClose your eyes when reading
    EPlace your chin in your hand and hold your head still
    FLearn to take in more words at each glance as your eyes travel across the lines of words
    GPut the dictionary out of your reach

    Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Guangdong China(71)________ she was a baby she loved to drawShe drew lines everywhere and (72)________ on the walls Her father was an artistYani wanted to be like (73)________ some daySo she tried to stand like her (74)________ when he paintedThis made him laughOne day she drew lines (75)________ the wallShe was only two and a half years (76)________ but her father got angryShe cried and said I want to paint like you What she said (77)________ her father think about his own childhoodHe also wanted to draw and paintBut his parents (78)________ understand himThey just got angryHe decided to help his daughter (79)________ an artist
    Wang Yani was famous at a young age (80)________ she still has a normal (常) lifeSo the Wang family lives like everyone else
    Helping others to have a better future is easier than you thinkYou don’t need to wait to become a billionaire (亿万富翁) like Bill Gates and Oprah WinfreyYou can help them even through you don’t have much moneyTo make a difference you can become a volunteer you can spend your time with them you can give away your old clothes and so onAnd by doing so you can become a better and happier person
    Choose who you want to supportPeople such as homeless people hurricane (飓风) victims(受害者) and poor kids in Brazil and Africa are all suitableHave you ever seen them on TV They live in a poor condition and don’t even get enough food to eat
    Choose what you are going to giveYes Sometimes it isn’t only moneyYou can be a volunteer you can use your knowledge to teach poor kids you can donate your old clothes you can give them food you can share a meal with a hungry child and you can define (定义) where your heart wants to start
    Spread (传播) the words around the world tell your friends your family put it in your blog in your websites because the good actions you did will be multiplied(增加) in this city
    When you feel you are ready to help consider creating your own waysWe can help them to have a better life
    Information Card
    How to help others when you don’t have much money
    To spend (81)________________ with them and (82)_______________ your old clothes
    Who needs help
    such as homeless people hurricane victims (83)________________ in Brazil and Africa
    What you can choose to do
    You can be a volunteer use (84)________________ to teach poor kidsand donate your old clothes and food
    What other things to do
    Let other people know it and do the good actions too
    Create (85)________________ to help them

    谐社会少间互相帮助定帮助帮助吧件事印象深刻? 请结合文写篇短文谈谈帮助次较难忘历
    1How do you think of helping others
    2How did you help him or her


    Unit 15 标准检测

    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 分:________)

    (  )1Why is the air in the city becoming worse and worse
    A B C
    (  ) 2How is the woman going to Moscow
    A B C
    (  )3How does Tom go to work
    A B C
    (  )4What does Maria usually do
    A B C
    (  )5What did they want to see
    A B C
    (  )6Where are the two speakers
    AIn the zoo
    BIn a store
    CAt an aquarium
    (  )7What does the woman mean
    AThey will help keep the place clean
    BThey will help build a park
    CThey will be allowed to drop rubbish
    (  )8What does the man mean
    APeople save everything for others
    BPeople save everything for themselves
    CPeople needn’t save anything for others
    (  )9What does the girl think of the tigers in cages
    AThey are hungry
    BThey should be sent back to nature
    CThey must be kept in cages
    (  )10What’s the man’s idea in the dialogue
    AThe earth was not as warm as it is
    BIt’s hard for people to stop the earth getting warmer
    CWhat people have done may make the earth get warmer
    (  )11When are they going to have a picnic
    ANext Sunday
    BThis Sunday
    (  )12What are they going to bring for a picnic
    AA guitar BA violin CA camera
    (  )13When is Danny going to take his driving test
    AThis Thursday
    BNext Thursday
    CNext Tuesday
    (  )14Is Danny confident of his passing the driving test
    CIt’s not mentioned
    (  )15Does the woman have her driver’s license
    AYesShe passed the test the fourth time
    BNoShe has failed the test three times
    CNoShe was too busy to take the test
    (  )16The speaker was looking for Chinese people all the time because ________
    Ahe couldn’t speak English
    Bhe felt lonely
    Che hated Americans
    (  )17The speaker’s favorite activity is ________
    Areading Brunning Csmoking
    (  )18The reading group got together ________
    Aonce a month
    Bevery two weeks
    Cevery two months
    (  )19The reading group often met ________
    Ain a restaurant
    Bin a house
    Cin a restaurant or in a house
    (  )20The speaker thought reading together was a good activity because ________
    Athey could learn a lot of new words
    Bthey could learn new skills
    Cthey could forget all their problems at that time
    What heshe does
    A teacher
    He takes short journeys (21)________ or by bike

    She only buys writing paper and cards made of (22)________ paper

    He’s careful not to (23)________ electricity (电)
    Liu Mei
    An (24)________
    She often uses old clothes for (25)________
    (  )26—What do you think of the book
    —It is suitable ________ children to read because it is full of pictures and educational
    Ato Bat
    Cfor Dwith
    (  )27Selling the wine to the youth below 18 ________ the law
    Aagainst Bis against
    Cfor Dis for
    (  )28—Mum can I go to play in the park
    —If your work ________ you can go out
    Ais done Bhas done
    Cdid Dwill do
    (  )29He spent years caring ________ his sick mother
    Afor Bon Cof Dto
    (  )30They will ________ the old houses to build a park
    Aput off Bpull down
    Cput down Dpush out
    (  )31The light must________ before you leave the classroom
    Aturn on Bturn off
    Cbe turned on Dbe turned off
    (  )32—What does he ________
    —He is tall and has curly hair
    Alook Blike
    Clook like Dbe like
    (  )33________ more exercise will help you keep healthy
    ATake BI take
    CTaking DTakes
    (  )34At last Lucy made the baby________
    Astop crying Bto stop crying
    Cstop to cry Dto stop to cry
    (  )35I think that the zoo ________ a clean place ________ animals
    Aprovides for Bgives for
    Cprovides with Dprovides in
    (  )36It is very important and necessary ________paper in order to save the trees
    Arecycle Bto recycle
    Crecycled Drecycling
    (  )37Nylon (尼龙) is ________ air coal and water
    Amade in Bmade by
    Cmade from Dmade of
    (  )38I have no ________ money to lend you
    Aspare Bspared
    Cfree Dfreed
    (  )39—It’s raining heavily but my father hasn’t come back ________
    —Don’t worry He’ll be back soon
    Astill Byet
    Ceither Dalready
    (  )40It ________ that some drink is not healthy because it can cause cancer
    Ainvented Bdiscovered
    Cis invented Dis discovered
    (  )41I will ________ better so that he won’t be disappointed in me
    Atry to doing Btry doing
    Ctry to do Dtry do
    (  )42Though they were in danger he urged his people ________ calm
    Aremaining Bto remain
    Cremain Dremained
    (  )43I’m very surprised to hear ________ his failure
    Afrom B
    Cof Don
    (  )44There will not be enough space to ________ the earth in the future
    Alive Blive in
    Clive on in Dlive in on
    (  )45More and more fish die because the river ____
    Apolluted Bis polluted
    Chave been polluted Dis polluting
    Daniel was always making excuses for forgetting to do thingsHis usual excuse was I was too busy or I didn’t have time
    Daniel’s parents were worried __46__ himHe mustn’t go through life making excuses all the time his father saidNobody will believe himHe won’t be able to keep a jobNo bright girl will marry __47__
    I don’t know __48__ we can do said his mother
    I have a good __49__ his father saidIf this doesn’t work nothing will
    The next day was Daniel’s birthdayHe was really looking forward to getting exciting presentsHe woke up expecting his parents to wish him Happy birthday But all they said was Good morning DanielHurry up __50__ you’ll be late for school There were no presents not even a cardHe was really __51__
    Never mind he thoughtThey’ll give me a surprise after school But they didn’tFinally at dinner he said to his parents Today is __52__
    Oh his father saidSo it isI __53__
    So did I his mother said
    How could you forget Daniel askedThere must __54__ a reason
    Well yes his father saidWe have a really good excuse for forgetting your birthday DanielWe didn’t remember your birthday __55__ we were too busy
    Poor DanielHe never had a silly excuse for not doing something again
    (  )46Awith Babout
    Cat Din
    (  )47Ahe Bhis
    Chim Dhimself
    (  )48Ahow Bwhy
    Cwhere Dwhat
    (  )49Aexcuse Bmessage
    Cidea Dnews
    (  )50Aor Band
    Cso Dbut
    (  )51Ahappy Bsad
    Cexcited Dgrateful
    (  )52ASunday Bmy birthday
    CFather’s Day DJuly 2nd
    (  )53Abelieved Bagreed
    Cforgot Dremembered
    (  )54Abe Bis
    Care Dhave
    (  )55Aso that Bbefore
    Calthough Dbecause

    Welcome to the 2012 London Olympic Games

    Archery has a 10000­year history when bows and arrows were first used for hunting and war
    Archery first appeared at the Paris Olympics of 1900It was removed after 1908 and only returned to the Olympics at Munich in 1972
    Did you know
    In the 14th century archery was so important that an English law required every man aged 7 to 60 to practise it

    This sport was invented by British soldiers in India who called it Poono the same name as the town in which they lived
    It was first played at the Olympics in 1992 at BarcelonaAlthough the rules of the modern sport were developed in England Asian countries are now the best
    Did you know
    The best balls are said to be made from the feathers of the left wing of goose

    There are two medal competitions for Olympic football one for men’s teams and one for women’s
    Football was first played at the 1908 Olympic Games and it has been played at every Olympic Games ever since except for Los Angeles 1932
    Did you know
    Hungary has won three football gold medals—more than any other country


    This Korean sport’s name means the way of the hand and footThe players get points by hitting each other with these two parts of the body onlyThe players mustn’t lie on the floor and no equipment can be usedTaekwondo first appeared at the 2000 Sydney Games
    Did you know
    Over 60 million people from 190 countries around the world regularly take part in this sport
    (  )56Who invented the sport of badminton
    AIndians BBritish
    CChinese DKoreans
    (  )57Which of these sports appeared earliest at the Olympics
    AArchery BBadminton
    CTaekwondo DFootball
    (  )58Which sport was first named after a town
    ABadminton BFootball
    CTaekwondo DArchery

    (  )59Which of the following picture shows the sport of Taekwondo?
    A B
    C D
    (  )60Where can you most probably find the webpage
    ASydney 2000com
    BBeijing 2008com
    CGuangzhou 2010com
    DLondon 2012com
    Thirty years ago Lake Ponkapog in Hartwell New Jersey was full of lifeMany birds and animals lived beside the water which was full of fishNow there are few birds animals and fishThe lake water is pollutedIt is in a color of dirty brown and it is filled with strange plants
    How does this happen First we must think about how water gets into Lake PonkapogWhen it rains water comes into the lake from all aroundIn the past there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog so the rainwater was clean
    Now there are many homes around the lakePeople often use chemicals (化学品) in their gardens and inside their houses for cleaning or killing insects (昆虫)There are also many businessesBusinesses use chemicals in their machines or shopsWhen it rains the rainwater picks up all the chemicals from homes and businesses and then carries them into the lakeThey pollute the water and kill the animals
    Boats on the lake are also a problemLake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboatsBut oil and gas from boats often get into the lakeSo more bad chemicals go into the water this way
    People in Hartwell are worriedThey love their lake and want to save itWill it possible A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into itClean rainwater is possible only if people are more careful about chemicals at home and at workThey must also be more careful about gas and oil and other chemicals on the groundAnd they mustn’t use motorboats any more on the lakeAll these may change people’s livesOnly then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful clean lake again
    (  )61In the past the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by ________
    Aforests Brain
    Cbirds Dfish
    (  )62Chemicals from homes and businesses ________
    Aare always clean
    Bcan help the animals
    Care good for the lake
    Dget into the rainwater
    (  )63Cleaner rainwater will mean ________
    Amore boats on the lake
    Bmore dirty things in the lake
    Ca cleaner lake
    Da dirtier lake
    (  )64To save Lake Ponkapog people need to ________
    Abe more careful about chemicals
    Buse less water
    Cgrow fewer plants in the gardens
    Duse more motorboats on the lake
    (  )65The passage is about ________
    Aboats on Lake Ponkapog
    Bwhy the water is dirty in Lake Ponkapog
    Cclean rainwater
    Ddirty lakes
    配阅读 左栏五遇麻烦右栏予七条建议请五相应建议配
    (  )66I enjoy eating all kinds of foodBut I’m getting fatter and fatterWhat should I do?
    (  )67I began to smoke when my friends asked me five years agoI won’t be happy if I don’t smoke now
    (  )68My parents have both lost their workAnd we have spent much money on our grandma’s healthIt’s quite hard for me to continue my study at school
    (  )69My math is very good while Kate is poor at itSo she often asks me for help and we are often togetherBut some of my classmates think we’ve fallen in loveIt makes me worried
    (  )70I can only go home once a week since I came to this school last yearI miss my family and old friendsI can’t concentrate on my study and sometimes I can’t get to sleep on time
    AHealth is more important than anything elseYou must do your best to drop cigarettes
    BYou should stop eating rich food and take more exerciseEating more vegetables should be helpful
    CTry writing a letter to your teacher and tell him about your difficultyHe may find a kind­hearted and rich person to help you
    DIt can be useful to do more math exercises and think more about why the answers are wrong
    EIt’s best not to think this wayYou will live alone sooner or laterYou should try your best to get used to being alone
    FHelping each other is a good habitDon’t care so much about what others think of you
    GYou can do more exercise to keep fitSleeping eight hours is also good for your health

    Many people like pandas (71)________ they are shy gentle and interestingThey live (72)________ wet and warm places such as Sichuan and Gansu (73)________ used to be many pandas in the past and (74)________ lived in the east of ChinaBut now pandas are one of the (75)________ animals in ChinaThey are (76)________ fewer and fewerWe are (77)________ to save pandasWe should establish more reserves (78)________ pandasWe must let more people know about their (79)________
    I believe there will be more pandas in (80)________ future
    More than 1500 students from 10 high schools in six major Chinese provinces and big cities including Beijing and Shanghai joined in the survey which showed the average (均) monthly pocket money for young people was 250 yuanStudents in bigger cities such as Shanghai and Beijing are given up to 500 yuan
    The average monthly income of Chinese urban (城市) families was 1400 yuan last yearBut in the USA South Korea and Japan pocket money only accounts for (占) 2 to 4 of household incomeAnd most Chinese teenagers want more according to the survey
    When my son passes his exams I usually give him what he wants said Zhang Yaohong a 38­year­old nurse in Shanghai
    Zhang said she spent more than 1000 yuan a month almost one third of her salary buying miniature cars as gifts for her 16­year­old sonI believe this can encourage him to put more efforts into his study and I find it really works she said
    Zhang said that apart from the gifts she also gave him about 500 yuan pocket money a month
    Sometimes when he uses up all the money I will give him a bit more Zhang saidAfter all I could not let him feel he’s behind the other kids
    Information Card
    Where the students come from
    They come from (81)______________ major Chinese provinces and big cities
    Average monthly pocket money for children in China
    About (82)________________yuan
    In some developed countries
    The pocket money accounts for (83)_______________ of household income
    Why Chinese pa­rents give their children much pocket money
    The presents want to give their children what (84) _____________
    The parents (85)________________ their children to study harder by giving money
    The parents don’t want to let their children feel they are behind the others

    Unit 1 标准检测
    1-5 ACBCC 6-10 BCACB
    11-15 BACAB 16-20 BBABB
    21winter 22swim 23week 24week 25plane
    二26-30 ABAAD 31-35 CBBDB
    36-40 BBBDA 41-45 AACAB
    三46-50 DABCD 51-55 AAABD
    四56-60 CCCDD 61-65 DBDCB
    66-70 ECAGD
    五71teaches 72triesdoes 73a 74After 75whetherif 76questions 77What
    78happyglad 79nobody 80in
    六A81communicate with 82interest 83difficult 84way 85study habits
    My English Learning
    English is one of the subjects I do best in I started learning English when I was eight years old But at the beginning listening seemed a little difficult for me So I did a lot of listening practice such as listening to tapes and watching English TV programs In fact there are some other helpful ways to learn English well For example I enjoy singing English songs and I like to join an English club I believe everyone can learn English well if he tries his best
    Unit 2 标准检测
    1-5 CCAAB 6-10 BACBB
    11-15 ABAAC 16-20 ACCAB
    21VCDs 22sports 23Painting 24Cooking 25Chatting
    二26-30 ADDAC 31-35 BBABC
    36-40 CABDC 41-45 ABBBD
    三46-50 BABCA 51-55 CBCAB
    四56-60 CBDAC 61-65 BCADA
    66-70 GDEFB
    五71all 72whenwhile 73But 74It 75There 76chopsticks 77a 78on 79eat 80after
    六A81open 82dream 83tired of 84work 85my mother
    My Friend Has Changed a Lot
    My friend Celia has changed a lot She was never interested in sports before so she didn’t do many sports She was keen on things like watching TV listening to music and sleeping In the PE class other girls all did better than her and she always felt quite embarrassed But two years and a half ago she started to change The Basketball Union paid a visit to her school and told them much about basketball Celia was taught how to play basketball and she really enjoyed it Now she does sports with the basketball group like running and gym work She thinks she’ll do better than others
    Unit 3 标准检测
    1-5 ABBBA 6-10 CCACC
    11-15 BACAB 16-20 CABBC
    21kind 22forty­five 23late 24uniforms 25nights
    二26-30 BCBBB 31-35 CCDBC
    36-40 BBCBD 41-45 DACBB
    三46-50 BACCD 51-55 ADABD
    四56-60 CABBC 61-65 BAABC
    66-70 DBEGA
    五71BritishEnglish 72But 73at 74between 75it 76have 77a 78beginstart 79as 80countries
    六A81so often 82the dinner table 83downstairs 84called or texted 85an excellent
    How Teenagers Should Use Cell Phones
    Why not talk about it with your daughter You should let her know you love her and you just want to keep her healthy and safe In my family my parents and I talk about what is allowed with my cell phone and what should be limited This includes the cost of using it and the time when I use it My cell phone must be turned off at 930 pm each night I will have to limit the number of the people who have my cell phone number If I can’t obey these rules my cell phone will be taken away from me Maybe you can try some of the ways and I hope you can find a good way to deal with it
    Unit 4 标准检测
    1-5 BABCB 6-10 CABBB
    11-15 ABBBA 16-20 CABCA
    21fruits 22water 23candy 24tennis 25swimming
    二26-30 ACBBD 31-35 BACCB
    36-40 BDBDC 41-45 ADCDA
    三46-50 BCBDD 51-55 DCBDA
    四56-60 DCDCA 61-65 ADDDC
    66-70 EFDGA
    五71an 72spend 73money 74each 75ThisThatIt 76visiting 77or 78on
    79with 80is
    六A81Guide 82many pictures 83one week 84her family 85the world
    What would you do with only a short life to live
    If I just had a short life to live I would do the following things First I would visit all my family members and friends and tell them I love them I would spend some time with them Second I would travel to Hawaii and watch the beautiful sunset Third I would take out all my photos and write down the storied about them I’d remember why the photos were taken forever Fourth I would sell my house and donate the money to a charity to help other people Last I would buy a car and drive to somewhere I’d love to
    Unit 5 标准检测
    1-5 ABCBC 6-10 ACBCA
    11-15 ABBCC 16-20 BBCCA
    21helpful 22information 23work 24play 25perform
    二26-30 BCCCA 31-35 BBAAB
    36-40 DCDBC 41-45 BABCA
    三46-50 ADCDD 51-55 BCDCA
    四56-60 CAABD 61-65 ADBAD
    66-70 GBFED
    五71work 72a 74him 74harddifficultimpossible 75than 76for 77but 78lend 79pay 80never
    六A81Tony 82everything 83looking through 84hang out 85sad
    Dear Tony
    I’m very happy to hear from you I feel sorry about what your parents did I think you should understand them They do those just because they want to protect you They worry about you and don’t want you to get into trouble I do agree that your parents should respect your right of privacy You’d better do something to make them believe you again Maybe they need your help to ease their fears Explain that you have nothing to hide and want to share your experience with them
    I hope you can solve it successfully
    Unit 6 标准检测
    1-5 ABACB 6-10 CBCCA
    11-15 CACBA 16-20 BABCC
    21sleep 22children’s 23Picture 24history 25magazines
    二26-30 CBCAA 31-35 CDBBD
    36-40 CCCAD 41-45 DACBC
    三46-50 ACCAD 51-55 BDCBA
    四56-60 ABBDB 61-65 BADCB
    66-70 CDAFB
    五71old 72wellclearly 73aren’t 74A 75beforeuntil 76it 77how 78both
    79cross 80lights
    六A81listening to music 82middle school 83Two thirds 84moving towards them
    85their headphones
    Dear Mary
    How is everything going Do you still enjoy listening to music while walking I’d like to tell you something bad about that A report says that more and more people are dying in traffic accidents because they are wearing headphones and can’t hear warnings from trains or cars And they were not paying attention to traffic rules when they were wearing headphones How dangerous it is You’d better not wear the headphone while you are walking on the road Pay attention to your surroundings Although the music is wonderful life is precious
    Unit 7 标准检测
    1-5 ACACA 6-10 ABBAC
    11-15 CBABC 16-20 ABACB
    21MrBrown 22second 23late 242 or 3 25638­4935
    二26-30 BDBCB 31-35 DDABC
    36-40 BCABA 41-45 CCCAB
    三46-50 ADBCA 51-55 CCABC
    四56-60 CDBCD 61-65 BDBDB
    66-70 DEFAG
    五71the 72more 73with 74There 75ThisIt 76in 77President 78how
    79largest 80has
    六A81Berlin 82shopping 83sightseeing 84Australia 85clean beaches
    The famous place I would like to visit during my vacation is the Amazon Jungle in the Amazon Rainforest The first reason I would like to visit it is that I want to have a look at one of the most beautiful rainforests in the world The Amazon is home to the greatest variety of plants and animals on Earth It is said that one fifth of the entire world’s plants and birds and about one tenth of all mammal species are found there Secondly this is the perfect place to enjoy nature I think I would love to walk in the rainforest to learn all about this wonderful natural wonder
    Unit 8 标准检测
    1-5 BCCAA 6-10 ACABB
    11-15 ACCBB 16-20 BCAAB
    21town 22London 23train 24hour 25woman
    二26-30 BADBA 31-35 CCACC
    36-40 CBBBA 41-45 BACDA
    三46-50 BCADB 51-55 CDCAC
    四56-60 ADBBC 61-65 DCDCB
    66-70 CABFG
    五71willing 72studying 73freespare 74for 75well 76a 77spend 78that 79them 80up
    六A81animal 82environment 83education centre 84an illness 
    85Children’s Hospital
    My Volunteer Days
    I became interested in volunteering when I knew some children had study difficulties My friend and I went to help those children We usually work with the children helping them with their school work We spend some time teaching them English math history and so on Sometimes we play games together It’s very rewarding helping them learn new knowledge and study skills We find some of them have made great progress I’ve built up many friendships and my students are always calling me for a chat
    I really enjoy the days when I volunteer to help the children I hope to be a real teacher in the future
    Unit 9 标准检测
    1-5 AABAA 6-10 CCACB
    11-15 CCBAB 16-20 ABBCB
    21lost 22stops 23everyone 24behavior 25own
    二26-30 ABBCC 31-35 ABBBD
    36-40 CBAAA 41-45 ABDCC
    三46-50 DAACD 51-55 CABDC
    四56-60 CBCDA 61-65 CBCAC
    66-70 GACFE
    五71on 72mucheven 73But 74how 75for 76their 77parts 78There 79based 80with
    六A8113­year­old 82homeowner 83talk to 84white noise 85are away
    I want to invent a special translator I have the idea because I have trouble learning English There are so many different languages in the world Learning a foreign language takes me too much time If the special translator is invented you can clip it to your collar or use it as a necklace and you can make it work when you talk to a foreigner It can translate your local language into any language that you want And when others talk to you you can hear your own language It makes the communication much easier So I hope it will be invented as soon as possible
    Unit 10 标准检测
    1-5 AACCB 6-10 BCACC
    11-15 BCBCA 16-20 BCABB
    21April 26th 1997 2229 23sisters 24Football 25medical
    二26-30 BBDCB 31-35 DDCCC
    36-40 BCDCD 41-45 DBBDC
    三46-50 CDABC 51-55 DBACA
    四56-60 DBCAB 61-65 CBCAD
    66-70 ADEFB
    五71kites 72greatgood 73ago 74to 75from 76peoplemenus 77used 78been 79a 80who
    六A81send 82were broken 8310 minutes 84be late 85A bird
    My Bad Day
    Yesterday afternoon I went to meet my friend at the airport but the car broken down halfway When I got to the airport he had waited there for two hours I felt embarrassed Then I invited him to dinner but when we ate up I found I had left my wallet at home So my friend paid for the meal When I returned home I found the water heater also had broken so I just took a cold shower It was really not my day
    Unit 11 标准检测
    1-5 CBBAB 6-10 BCBCB
    11-15 BCBAA 16-20 BABCA
    21Film Museum 228:45 23park 246six 25notebook
    二26-30 ACAAC 31-35 DBCCA
    36-40 ADADC 41-45 BCADB
    三46-50 DCABD 51-55 CBBAD
    四56-60 BCBAC 61-65 BBDCD
    66-70 EGABD
    五71by 72reading 73a 74him 75train 76same 77down 78about
    79Because 80say
    六A81too early 82do well 83look at 84check your work 85happy
    I get very stressed before and during tests but I have some great ways My best way to deal with it before the test is to eat It gives energy to my body and it also takes my mind off the test
    When I am sitting at my desk and the test is about to begin I breathe in and out calmly to relax myself During the test I try to focus on the test and I will forget how nervous and stressed I am By focusing all my attention on my test the time goes by quickly while I’m working out the questions
    Unit 12 标准检测
    1-5 CCCAB 6-10 ACAAB
    11-15 BCBCB 16-20 ABBBC
    21pear 225five 23call 24polite 25fork
    二26-30 AAABC 31-35 BCBAC
    36-40 CADCD 41-45 ACCDA
    三46-50 BCDBA 51-55 CADCA
    四56-60 DABBC 61-65 ADCDA
    66-70 BCFAD
    五71with 72money 73take 74because 75why 76us 77up 78the 79helps
    六A81a piece of fruit 82unhealthy 83fat 84home 85food service worker
    A Healthy Lunch
    As we all know lunch is very important to us School offers us many kinds of healthy food but some students don’t think the school lunch is delicious enough So they often go out of school to eat But I’m afraid that it’s bad for their health to have lunch outside the school because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy or clean enough
    In my opinion if the schools want more students to get back and enjoy the school lunch they should make the food more delicious and they should offer a larger choice of food as well To keep healthy we’d better choose school lunch
    Unit 13 标准检测
    1-5 BCBBB 6-10 CBBAC
    11-15 BCAAC 16-20 BBACB
    21better 22quickly 23books 24walking 25computer
    二26-30 CCCBB 31-35 ABDCB
    36-40 BBDBC 41-45 CDABB
    三46-50 CDABD 51-55 DDCAB
    四56-60 ACDAB 61-65 CBDDCw
    66-70 BADCF
    五71on 72friends 73visit 74called 75but 76necks 77them 78finished
    79shopping 80own
    六A813Three 82homework to do 83junk food 84short­sighted 85making
    I feel quite upset these days I failed most of my exams I think I have tried my best I study very late every day Maybe I should have enough sleep so that I have enough energy to study Another thing that makes me sad is my relationship with my parents I find it hard to communicate with my parents They are always asking me to study hard They don’t mind whether I am happy or not I’d better talk to them and make them understand how I feel I hope everything will be better soon
    Unit 14 标准检测
    1-5 BCAAC 6-10 BCCBC
    11-15 BCACC 16-20 CBBAB
    21fashion 22ring 23scarf 24sunglasses 25coolest
    二26-30 CBBAB 31-35 DDBBA
    36-40 BACCC 41-45 ACDBB
    三46-50 BCABB 51-55 ADCAD
    四56-60 BCCBA 61-65 ACBCA
    66-70 CBEFG
    五71As 72even 73him 74father 75on 76old 77made 78couldn’t 79become 80but
    六A81your time 82give away 83poor kids 84your knowledge 85your own ways
    Everyone needs help In our life we often help others and also get help from others Giving or getting help can really bring us pleasure So we should help others who are in trouble
    Last week I met an old woman on my way home She came to our city to see her husband in hospital But she was lost and forgot which bus to take I took her to the bus stop and showed her the right bus She was very thankful I was happy because of giving her help I think helping each other makes the world wonderful
    Unit 15 标准检测
    1-5 CABBB 6-10 AABBC
    11-15 BABAB 15-20 BACCC
    21on foot 22recycled 23waste 24artist 25cleaning
    二26-30 CBAAB 31-35 DCCAA
    36-40 BCABD 41-45 CBCDB
    三46-50 BCDCA 51-55 BBCAD
    四56-60 BAACD 61-65 ADCAB
    66-70 BACFE
    五71because 72in 73There 74they 75endangered  76becoming 77trying 78for 79situation 80the
    六A81six6 82250 832 to 4 84they want 85encourage
    Hi everyone I think too much pocket money makes us become less independent and get used to asking for money without doing anything It is harmful for us We shouldn’t ask for too much money from our parents I think earning pocket money by doing chores is a good way We can learn to make money by working hard We should also spend money wisely For example we can write down all daily expenses and then we can learn how many necessary expenses we have We should save money by taking a bus instead of taking a taxi which not only helps the environment but also helps save money




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    Unit 1检测卷Ⅰ、单项选择题。(每小题1分,共30分)1. When did your uncle _______ in Shanghai?A. arrive B. get C. reac...

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     精品资料Unit 6 Do you like bananas?教材解读本单元主要讨论各种食物以及喜欢或不喜欢某种食物;询问某人是否喜欢...

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    教科版科学四年级上册全册单元测试题全套(含答案)第一单元 声音 单元测试卷一.选择题1.下列对音高描述错误的是(   )。A.振动越快,声音越高         B.振动幅度越小声音越弱   ...

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    新人教版小学一年级语文上册单元测试题【全套】小学语文第一册汉语拼音第一单元基础练习与检测(1) 姓名 得分 xiǎo pénɡ you xià miɑn de...

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    语文二年级上册第一单元测试卷班级 姓名 分数 一、用“\”画去加点字不恰当的读音。(5分)仙人(xān xiān) 每当(...

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