
    Reading course
    Pride and prejudice
    This book is opening with It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife MrBennet has five beautiful daughters Their mother MrsBennet is devoted herself to choose a suitable husband for every daughter One day the Netherfield is welcoming a rich single man Immediately he becomes MrsBennet’s target As except in a dancing party Bingley fall in love with the oldest daughter Jane quickly Another man Darcy is polite rich and handsome on the other hand he is so pride that it seems he looks down to everyone apart from Elizabeth Darcy thinks though Elizabeth looks nice he is not great interested in her Elizabeth is annoyed by his pride and determined to pay no attention to him After day and day Elizabeth’s lovely active and energetic makes Darcy’s change his view in Elizabeth What’s more Darcy falls in love with her gradually Although Darcy admires Elizabeth he can’t stand her mother and sisters’ impoliteness and coarseness behaviors Besides he worried about Jane only pay attention to the rich fortune of Bingely rather than love him With sister and Darcy’s persuade Bingely leave without saying goodbye to them He has gone to London Even though Jane loves Bingely as Charlotte said if Jane is in love with MrBingely nobody will know because she always behaves so cheerfully and normally That’s sometimes a mistake If she doesn’t show her feeling at all even to the man she loves she may lose the opportunity of catching him Jane should make use of very moment of she gets with Bingely to attract and encourage him Jane is not good at herself
    Therefore she falls in sadness after Bingely left
    On the other hand according to the present laws only male can take over family fortune so due to MrBennet no son his fortune will be taken over by his distance relation named Collins is a ordinary and like flattery others He relies on the power to become a priest He is not a sensible man and neither education nor society had improved him The respect he felt for patron and his position made him proud and service at the same time He proposes to Elizabeth twice both are refused However he should marry with Elizabeth’s good friend Charlotte at once Another very goodlooking with a very pleasant sociable manner gentleman named Wickham everyone shows great interest in him in addition to Elizabeth But he is a selfish and insidious man He damages Darcy’s fame in front of Elizabeth However Darcy knows nothing of the matter He can’t control of his admiration to Elizabeth propose her again But his pride attitude makes Elizabeth refuse him without hesitate Because of this he is aware of the terrible result from his pride So he chooses to leave and write a letter exploring what Wickham said is misunderstanding and tell her what Wickham’s real purpose Having read it Elizabeth feels guilty that she misunderstands Darcy
    One year later she meets Darcy again She finds he changed a lot more polite and modest At the same time she is informed of her sister Lydia run away with Wickham
    To her surprise Darcy reaches out a helping hand to deal with this problem not only replace Wickham to return his debt but also give him large money to let Lydia and him hold a perfect wedding What all of Darcy’s behaviors moved Elizabeth deeply
    Finally Jane and Bingely become friends again as before And Darcy shows his love to Elizabeth he says you are too generous to trifle with me At last he proposes to Elizabeth sincerely In the end a pair because of pride and prejudice has their postponement jack shall have Jill
    People are used to balance a man with wealth even in the age such as in Darcy and Elizabeth it will have the hinder between noble and civilians Even though from my point of my view love is beautiful On matter how long lover separated the distance of their hearts would not change There is trust and sincere between of them As this book say Happiness in marriage is simply a question of chance
    Between Jane and Bingely they need passion and initiative And between Darcy and Elizabeth what they need is tolerant and calm It was this the worst kind of pride which had destroyed for a while every hope of happiness for the most affectionate generous heart in the world Pride and prejudice belong to human weakness in common Not only Collin proposes to Elizabeth I’m far from accusing you of cruelty in refusing me as I know it is the custom with elegant ladies in society to refuse a gentleman the first time I hope to receive a more favorable answer next time I speak to you of marriage’ But also Darcy when he was refused by Elizabeth he said this is all the reply I am to have the honor of expecting I might perhaps wish to
    inform why with so little attempt at politeness I am rejected And Elizabeth refused Darcy faced his first proposes she said you are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuade to marry
    In a word no matter what they in possession of disadvantages we can accept And we still look forward to having a person love we for a whole life Who could say this is not happiness





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