
    第五题 写作题
    (1)认应该购买新源汽车(new energy vehicle)
    (2)认应该继续购买然油汽车(oilfueled vehicle)

    Although there are differences between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles they are still popular with many car owners Of course these two kinds of vehicles also have their own advantages For example the power battery of new energy vehicles can enjoy the policy of lifelong warranty As for the license plate of this kind of vehicle it is issued by the government free of charge and the owner only needs to wait in line for the indicator Fuel cars don't need the owner to worry about the range because the technology of this range is very mature In general whether it is a new energy vehicle or a fuel vehicle it can bring benefits to the owner Choosing one of them will never be disappointed


    Now our country attach great importance to environment protection And since automobile exhaust is one of the main pollution in air our country encourages people to buy newenergy vehicles I’m highly approve of the activity With the wealth increasing in China more and more families want to buy cars and many families have more than one car Cars and other vehicles increase rapidly on roads and consume lots of fuel which not only make our petrol resource exhausted but also give off harmful fumes to pollute air Though it may be inconvenient to drive a newenergy car nowsuch as few places to charge the batteries endurance mileage and higher prices our government provides purchase subsidies and is arranging to build enough charging stations in the future
    请提纲社区服务中心(Community Service Center)写封关建设新公园题建议信:

    (3)企业愿意提供资金支持(financial support)时希政府支持

    Dear Community Service Center

    How do you do

    As a member of the operation community in order to build a community environment dominated by new parks I have the following suggestions:

    (1)The region has a large population and needs to improve the living environment
    (2)The construction of new parks is not only conducive to the growth of children butalso conducive to the activities of the elderly
    (3) Local enterprises are willing to provide financial support and you also hope to get government support

    This is my personal idea Thank you for your reference


    Write a letter on a suggestion regarding opening a new theme park in the city to the board of directorsbased on the following reasons:
    (1)Doing market research since August(online questionnaires and more than 200 respondents)
    (2)The city has a good location with a large population
    (3)Our competitors plan to expand their business
    (4)Needing to find out enough funds available
    Dear Board of Directors

    Yours Faithfully
    James Wang


    Dear Board of Directors

    I would like to make a suggestion regarding opening a new theme park in our city next year

    Since August2018I have been conducting marketing research based on online questionnaires with more than 200 respondents participatingThere is a large demand for a new theme park as our city has a good location with a large population

    BesidesI have heard that our competitors plan to expand their business hereIf we don’t grasp this opportunity they will

    The most important thing for us to do now is to find out whether we have enough funds availableThere fore we need a budget report from the Financial Department

    I am looking forward to your further consideration

    Yours Faithfully
    James Wang

    1秘书王丽名义George williams写份电话留言(80100词)
    电时间 7月5日午1000
    出访时间 7月10日星期
    航班号 CZ1732
    起飞达时间 10401150
    容MrJohnson周George williams办公室洽谈新产品开发项目请询问方时间否合适果时间合适请George Wiliams回电话


    FROM WANG LI (Secretary)
    TO George Williams


    Mr Johnson called at 1000 on Jul5 Expecting to come on Flight No CZ1732 departing at 1040 and reaching at 1150 on Jul10 Monday Hoping to discuss about developing new products at your office

    If that proposed time is not fine please call him

    2秘书李芳名义John Smith写份电话留言

    访问意图:Mr Patrick周John Smith办公室洽谈项新技术开发项目询问方时间否合适 果时间合适 请John Smith回电话
    A Telephone Message
    To:John Smith
    Time:10:00 am July 3
    Message:Mr Patrick of AAA Company is scheduled to visit your office on July 8 WednesdayHis Flight CZ3890 takes off from Shanghai at 8 55 amand arrives in Shenzhen at 11 25He is expecting to discuss with you about the technical cooperation on a new projectRing back to check whether the time is suitable
    From Li fang

    3秘书张强名义 Sam Smith 写份电话留言
    电时间:4月6日午3 00
    出访时间:4月11 日星期二
    航班号: CZ3590
    起飞/达时间: 7551025
    访问意图: Mr James 千周 Sam Smith 办公室洽谈项新技术开发项目询问方时间否合适果时间合适请 Sam Smith 回电话
    A Telephone Message
    To Sam Smith
    Time 3 00 pm April 6
    Message Mr James of AAA Company is scheduled to visit your office on April 11 TuesdayHis Flight CZ3590 takes off from Shanghai at 7 55 amand arrives in Shenzhen at 10 25He is expecting to discuss with you about the technical cooperation on a new projectRing back to check whether the time is suitable
    From Li Qiang

    4秘书张强名义 Sam Ford 写份电话留言
    电时间:1月6日午3 00
    出访时间:1月11 日星期二
    访问意图:Mr James 周 Sam Ford 办公室洽谈项新技术开发项目询问方时间否合适果时间合适请 Sam Ford 回电话
    A Telephone Message
    To:Sam Ford

    Time:3 00 pm January 6
    Message:Mr James of AAA Company is scheduled to visit your office on January 11 TuesdayHis Flight CZ7390 takes off from Shanghai at 9 55 amand arrives in Shenzhen at 11 25He is expecting to discuss with you about the technical cooperation on a new projectRing back to check whether the time is suitable
    From Zhang Qiang
    01月:January 02月:February 03月:March 04月:April
    05月:May 06月:June 07月:July 08月:August
    09月:September 10月:October 11月:November 12月:December

    星期:Monday 星期二:Tuesday 星期三:Wednesday
    星期四:Thursday 星期五:Friday 星期六:Saturday


    Ma Dong’s Timetable from Monday to Friday

    6 30
    get up
    7 00
    have breakfast
    7 30
    take Subway line 2
    9 00~12 00
    check the production line
    12 00
    have lunch
    14 00~17 30
    repair and maintenance machines
    18 00
    go home
    19 30
    have supper
    20 00~22 00
    watch TV do some reading
    22 00
    go to bed


    I’m Ma Dong I often get up at 630 and have my breakfast at 700 At 730 I take Subway line 2 to go to work At factory I focus on checking the production line from 900 to 1200 At 1200 it is lunch time In the afternoon from 1400 to 1730 I set about repairing and maintenance machines At 1800 I am ready to go home and have supper at 1930 From 2000 to 2200 in the evening I watch TV and do some reading then I go to bed That is what my routine day is like

    Write a short passage according to the information of the following timetable
    Li Ming’s Timetable from Monday to Friday
    (No3 Middle School)
    6 30
    get up
    7 00
    have breakfast
    7 30
    go to school
    8 30~12 05
    have 4 classes
    12 05
    have lunch at school
    14 00~15 40
    have 2 classes
    15 40~16 40
    play basketball football
    16 40
    go home
    18 00
    have supper
    18 30~22 00
    do homework watch TV do some reading
    22 00
    go to bed

    This is my timetableI study at No3 Middle School from Monday to FridayI get up at 6 30 amI have breakfast at 7 00 and then I go to schoolI don’t like to be lateOur classes begin at 8 30 amWe have four classes in the morningI often have lunch at school with my classmates

    In the afternoon we have two classesClasses are over at 3 40 and I get home at 4 00But sometimes I don’t leave school so early because I play basketball in the playgroundThen I go home at 5 00I have supper at about 6 00After supper I do my homeworkI often watch TV but sometimes I like to do some reading and the story books are very interestingI usually go to bed at about 10 00 pm


    Vacancy Human Resources Department Manager

    Due to expanding business We KM are willing to employ one manager in charge of human resources department with the following terms

    Responsibility responsible for recruitment and development of the staff Above 40 years of age and in good health Bachelor degree and good spoken English More than 5 years of working experience in human resources at highprofile companies Teamworkoriented

    Should any potential candidate be interested please send your CV to KM123456@gmail prior to Mar 1st


    In order to further develop our business GM company is to recruit 2 assistant managers
    1Single not more than 25 years old and in good health
    2Good organization capability and spirit of teamwork
    3Bachelor’s degree or above
    4At least two years’ working experience
    5Excellence in English
    If you are interested in the position please send your resume to the email address GM company@hot mail before August 24th

    1请根信息投诉信进行回复( 90100词)
    投诉者 Peter Smith
    回复者 Xiao FengManager
    投诉原2022年2月10日线商城( online shop)购买线耳机(Bluetooth headset)
    解决方案更换全额退款(full refund)提供张折卡

    Dear Peter Smith

    Thank you for your letter of Feb10 2022 concerning the Bluetooth headset you purchased from us from online shop

    First of all we are extremely sorry for that unfortunate incident Upon receiving your complaint we immediately did careful investigation After checking with technical staff and our supplier we got to know sadly that the supplier is a new one We were informed that the Bluetooth headset is not what you asked for in terms of such functions as taking pictures and messages As we found out it is mainly due to a small part which was incorrectly installed However it is not a major defect but an impropriate assembling

    So we hereby promise to offer two options of solutions You can either have a brandnew one with perfect function or have a full refund What is more on either case we will provide you with a discounting card

    Again we are really sorry for what had happened and the inconvenience you may have experienced and will upon confirmation of your final choice do what we can to solve the problem as soon as possible

    Yours Sincerely

    Xiao Feng

    投诉者:James Williams
    回复者:Liu Yan Manager
    投诉原:2022年6月10日网购买Note12手机(Note12 mobile phone)质量问题拍(take pictures)收发信息(receive or send messages)

    Dear James Williams
    Thank you for your letter of June 10 2022 concerning about the problem that occurred with the mobile phone
    We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident I appreciate your sincerity and agree that Note 12 mobile phone is imperfect in terms of taking pictures or sending messages Please accept my sincere apologies
    After checking with our assembly staff in the workshop it is clear that a small part of the mobile phone was not installed correctly I can assure you that this oversight will never happen again We have shipped the replacement of the new Note 12 mobile phone and we believe this will be up to the standards you have come to expect from our company
    Yours Sincerely

    Liu Yan

    3Write a reply to a complaint letter according to the information given below

    投诉者George Smith
    回复者Peter Bruce Manager
    投诉原2018年5月10 日网购买 Note 10 手机(Note 10 mobile phone)质量问题拍(take pictures) 收发信息(receive or send messages)

    Dear George Smith

    Thank you for your letter of May 10 2018 concerning about the problem that occurred with the mobile phone

    We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incidentI appreciate your sincerity and agree that Note10 mobile phone is imperfect in terms of taking pictures or sending messagesPlease accept my sincere apologies

    After checking with our assembly staff in the workshop it is clear that a small part of the mobile phone was not installed correctlyI can assure you that this oversight will never happen againWe have shipped the replacement of the new Note 10 mobile phone and we believe this will be up to the standards you have come to expect from our company

    Yours Sincerely

    Peter Bruce




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