高中英语人教版 选择性必修第一册Unit2 Looking into the Future Listening and speaking学案

    Unit 2 Listening and speaking handout
    Time travel a secret mission
    Before travel You are chosen to undertake an unprecedented mission where you should find out the promising technologies and future solutions to the challenging problems There is a time machine waiting for you to use after you go through the following trainings
    Training 1 Be an insightful observer
    1 What other technologies do you think will bring about huge changes to the future
    2 Apart from global warming what other challenges are threatening us
    Training 2 Be an attentive listener
    1 Listen to a radio interview with Dr Han and Vincent Black giving their predictions about the future And then fill in the blanks
    Dr Han’s working field

    Vincent Black’s working field

    Development in this field
    1 Computer will be _________ than human
    2 People will be programing computers to ___________like human
    3 Nanobots will make each one of us _____________
    Change in this field
    Cities ____________on the water are parts of the world’s future
    The challenges it deals with
    2 watch a video of the future predictions Write down the changes in each field accordingly
    Nano technology Transportation
    1 It will cure________ and genetic mutations

    2 We will never get _______ or__________
    With the development of _____________________
    1 Reduce traffic related _________and __________
    2 People will have more___________________
    3 People will live in _____________________
    The changes it will bring to us The changes it will bring to us
    Global warming AI technology
    1 Everything will be connected and driven by _________
    2 The landscape of many______________ as well as
    _________________will radically change
    1 ________________will provide us with a solution (thermal energy)
    2Many ambitious __________________will break out the traditional means of energy production
    How will we solve it The changes it will bring to us
    Training 3 Be a critical thinker
    Use the following sentence patterns to voice your opinions
    I thinkbelievepredict that in the future My prediction is that
    In the (distant) near future there will By 2050 we will
    I can imagine forecast I doubt don't think that
    One challenge will be… We will have the opportunity to
    We will be doing … We are going to
    On travel
    Congratulation You have gone through all the trainings and become a qualified time traveler You are going to find the future in different settings What will happen Perform it to us You can add more details
    Setting 1 what will be the future of AI
    Character the time traveler a humanlike robot and others
    Think about the plot by answering the following questions
    1 Will the time traveler recognize the robot immediately
    2 How will the time traveler find out the truth
    3 What’s role will the robots play in the future society What can they do
    Setting 2 meet with a superhuman
    Character the time traveler a 100yearold young and beautiful woman and others
    Think about the plot by answering the following questions
    1 What’s the potential relationship between the woman and the time traveler
    2 How will the time traveler feel about this woman
    2 What will keep the woman young and beautiful
    Setting 3 the happy polar bear
    Character the time traveler a happy polar bear and others
    Think about the plot by answering the following questions
    1 Where will the time traveler meet the polar bear
    2 What will be his first impression about this place
    3 Why is the polar bear happy
    4 How will the future human beings help polar bears
    Setting 4 a city tour with your future self
    Character the time traveler his 50yearold future self his family and so on
    Think about the plot by answering the following questions
    1 Who will recognize the other first The time traveler or his 50yearold self
    2 Where will they meet each other
    3 How will the time traveler believe the middleaged man is his future self
    4 What means of transportation will they use Why
    5 How will the city change in the future
    After travel
    If you are going to bring a word from the future to the present what would you like to say





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