
    第Ⅰ卷 (选择题70分)
    第部分 听力(两节满分20分)
    听面5段话段话题题中A BC三选项中选出佳选项标试卷相应位置听完段话10秒钟时间回答关题阅读题
    例: How much is the shirt
    A £19 15 B £9 18 C £9 15
    ( )1 What does the man want
    A Noodles B Vegetables C Meat
    ( )2 What was Jack doing last night
    A Playing games B Chatting on the Internet C Doing his homework
    ( )3 What is the man doing
    A Seeing off a friend
    B Picking up a friend at the airport
    C Making friends with a stranger
    ( ) 4 How long has the boy been on the bus
    A Three years B Nine years C Twelve years
    5 What does the boy advise the girl to do
    C Make a pen pal
    B Listen to some tapes
    A Jon a language club
    听面5段材料段材料题题中A B C三选项中选出佳选项标试卷相应位置听段材料前时间阅读题题5秒钟:听完题出5秒钟作答时间段材料读两遍
    ( ) 6 What day is it today
    A Tuesday B Thursday C Friday
    ( ) 7 Why is the woman going to Calgary
    A To work there B To be on business C To visit her grandfather
    ( ) 8 When is Jack going to watch the new movie
    A This afternoon B This evening C Next weekend
    ( ) 9 What did Jack use to do on weekends
    A To watch TV B To watch movies C To play football
    ( ) 10 What time is it now
    A 130 pm B 120 pm C 120 pm
    ( )11 Who went to Sanya for winter holiday
    A Tina's friends B Tina's family C Tina's study group
    ( ) 12 How is the weather there
    A Cold B Cool C Warm
    ( ) 13 What did Tina think of the trip
    A It was too long B It was amazing Clt was tiring
    ( ) 14 Where is Kate going for the training program
    A The Sunshine Farm B The Youth Center C The Volunteering Camp
    ( ) 15 When is Kate going
    A This Sunday B Next week C Next month
    ( ) 16 What will Kate use to take pictures
    A Her camera B Her mobile phone C Her pad
    ( ) 17 Where does the conversation take place
    A On the phone B In an office C In the bank
    ( ) 18 How can people get more information
    A By interviewing B From the Internet C From the newspaper
    ( ) 19 What will the woman want to work as
    A A waitress B An editor C A manager
    ( ) 20 What time is the interview arranged
    A At 1000 am B At 200 pm C At 230 pm
    第二部分 阅读理解(两节满分30分)
    阅读列短文题四选项(AB CD)中选出佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    It was the first time my wife and T had flown first class Alter we boarded the plane we felt as if we were part of a wealthy group Sitting with those important people filled us with a sense of pride and dignity
    We noticed that the stewardess (女务员) was working nonstop to make sure the first class passengers could enjoy the convenience and comfort She could not walk by a seat without being given an order I thought she must love her job very much since she gave each person such a big smile
    As the stewardess passed our seats near the end of the flight I looked up at her and said Thank you and I hope you have a great night She stopped with a look of disbelief on her face and said Excuse me I repeated my words and she smiled in a rather funny way It seemed as if I had asked a question that she did not know how to answer
    A little later as we were hurrying off the plane the stewardess said to me Thank you very much sir Then she said quietly You are the only passenger who has thanked me or said anything nice to me all night I really appreciate your kindness
    That's exactly what you deserve I responded with an extreme surprise The sense of belonging to a privileged (特权) group in first class disappeared as soon as I heard those words I suddenly realized that without kindness there would be no firstclass flying
    ( ) 21 How did the writer feel after sitting on the plane
    A Nervous B Proud C Frightened D Uncomfortable
    ( ) 22 What can we learn from Paragraph 2
    A The stewardess loved her job very much
    B The first class passengers were easy to please
    C The writer didn't like the first class passengers
    D It was no easy job for stewardesses to work in first class
    ( ) 23 What does the underlined word disbelief in Paragraph 3 probably mean
    A Sadness B Anger C Doubt D Excitement
    ( ) 24 Which is TRUE about the stewardess
    A Just one person showed kindness to her the whole night
    B Many passengers didn't appreciate her job
    C She got off the plane along with the writer
    D She received no thank you the whole night
    ( ) 25 What does the story want to tell us
    A It's not a great experience to fly first class
    B Don't choose the job as a first class stewardess
    C Treat people with politeness no matter who you are
    D Most of first class passengers are successful people
    Studies show that human beings and cats have been living together for about 9500 years
    As cat owners know well cats do not follow humans in the same way as dogs do Dogs are usually trained to do what people want them to do In fact some scientists say that cats have trained us to take care of them As a consequence many people have come to think that maybe cats do not understand human language
    A report in the scientific journal Nature shows that cats understand human beings well enough to recognize their own names
    The report describes experiments with house cats in Japan During the tests people say four words that were similar to a cat's name The cats seemed to lose interest after the speaker said a few of the words Then the person said the cat s name The cats moved their ears or turned their head when they heard their names They also moved their feet or bodies very little not a surprising result
    Another finding was that a cat will give an answer when a person who is not its owner says its name The study was carried out by four more researchers
    I think many cat owners feel that cats know their names or the word food' but until now there was no scientific evidence to support the result says Saito who is a cat owner
    The researchers hope that the findings from their study will help both cats and people They added that perhaps cats can learn words to warn them of dangerous things or places
    ) 26 From Paragraph 2 we know that
    A dogs are cleverer than cats
    B cats do more for human
    C people like dogs more
    D it's not easy to train a cat
    27 When a stranger says its name a cat will
    A move parts of its body
    B answer the questionsi
    C understand the words
    D turn to its owner
    28 The report in Nature describes experiments to show that
    A cats may understand human language
    B dogs have trained humans to take care of them
    C dogs follow humans better than catsi
    D cats seem to have no interest in their names
    ( ) 29 The text is mainly developed by
    A showing numbers B listing facts C following time order D offering suggestions
    ( ) 30 What would be the best title for the text
    A Living with Cats B Human and Dogs C A Scientific Journal D Studies on Cats
    La Paz Bolivia is the highest capital in the world Life is hard at such a height and the mountains make communications difficult 31 One road is considered the most dangerous On one side the mountains rise steeply (陡峭) on the other is a sharp drop hundreds of metres deep In theory (理) the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning and by traffic coming downhill from 3 in the afternoon 32
    But thanks to one man the deaths have fallen Timoteo Apaza lives near the most dangerous part of the road known as the Devil's Bend (弯道) Timoteo has an unusual jobhe is a human traffic signal 33 The board is red on one side and green on the other When two vehicles approach from opposite directions they can’t see each other but they can see Timoteo Sometimes drivers give him a tip but often they just pass by taking no notice of the human traffic signal
    34 One day while driving a lorry load of bananas he came off the road and fell 300 metres down the mountain Somehow he survived Another time he was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus crashing at the Devil's Bend This last experience had great effect on Timoteo 35 And so every morning Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic
    A So why does he do it
    B Then how does he manage it
    C Luckily there is not a lot of traffic
    D He felt it his duty in life to help others
    E But in practice few drivers respect the rules
    F Every morning he stands on the bend with a large board
    G Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent
    第三部分 英语知识运(两节满分30分)
    第节 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    阅读面短文短文题四选项(A B C D)中选出填入空白处佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    Many animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth The most 36 of these animals are dinosaurs They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago 37 humans came into being and their 38 seemed secure at that time
    There were many 39 kinds of dinosaur and a number of them 40 to live in China The eggs of twentyfive species have been 41 in Xixia County Nanyang Henan Province Not long ago a rare 42 species of birdlike dinosaur was 43 in Chaoyang County Liaoning Province When scientists 44 the bones they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only 45 like the others but also climb trees They 46 this from the way the bones were 47 together
    Dinosaurs died out 48 about 65 million years ago Some scientists think it came after an unexpected 49 when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much 50 into the air Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to 51 any more Nobody knows for sure 52 and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time
    We know many 53 wild plants animals insects and birds have died out more 54 According to a UN report some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 55 The dodo is one of them It lived on the Island of Mauritius and was a very friendly animal But it is nowhere to be found now
    ( ) 36 A secure B famous C familiar D terrible
    ( ) 37 A as usual B before long C once again D long before
    ( ) 38 A future B forest C power D earth
    ( ) 39 A basic B favorite C different D important
    ( ) 40 A used B seemed C appeared D happened
    ( ) 41 A laid B found C placed D removed
    ( ) 42 A brave B clever C new D common
    ( ) 43 A hunted B destroyed C fetched D discovered
    ( ) 44 A recycled B rolled C cut D inspected
    ( ) 45 A run B flew C fought D disappeared
    ( ) 46 A brought B borrowed C learned D spread
    ( ) 47 A buried B joined C carried D hung
    ( ) 48 A simply B partly C suddenly D immediately
    ( ) 49 A war B period C punishment D incident
    ( ) 50 A dust B power C water D blood
    ( ) 51 A run out B live on C go up D come about
    ( ) 52 A why B where C whether D when
    ( ) 53 A such B dangerous C other D fierce
    ( ) 54 A slightly B naturally C slowly D recently
    ( ) 55 A days B years C decades D centuries
    第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题30分)
    第二节 语法填空(10题题1分满分10分)
    When I was still young I was really tired after working a whole day in the factory 56(actual) it was not heavy work but the repeating of the work And 57 (stand) for an entire day was not at all easy At the end of the day My 58 (leg) shook from having stood in one place for so long We were supposed to rest outdoors every four hours but unfortunately we were hardly allowed 59 (do) so The heat inside was rather burning and many people often 60(break) down Although I didn't become ill my muscles (肌肉) often hurt painfully near day's end But finding jobs was not easy61I stayed on and tried to make as little complaint as possible
    After many years I was offered a job 62 was to manage a small group of workers and assist another manager I knew 63 sure the job would be much more stressful than ever but l agreed to try it anyway At last I was appointed as general manager of the factory and had a chance to enjoy a much 64 (good) pay Looking back I'm glad that I didn't give up and gave a try every time I was 65 (give) an opportunity
    第四部分 书面表达(满分20分)
    假定李华知外教Amy寒假期间中国年请结合容点英语写封电子件邀请家元宵节(the Lantern Festival)感受中国传统文化
    1词数100左右 2适增加细节行文连贯3开头结尾已出计入总词数
    Dear Amy
    It is nice to hear that you would stay in China during the winter break

    Looking forward to your early reply
    Li Hua





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