9AModule 3 Unit 6 Healthy diet Reading A Healthy Diet 教案

    Healthy Diet
    Teaching objectives
    1 To help students learn about different food types and what food is healthy or unhealthy
    2 To help students learn about what a balanced diet refers to through reading the conversation
    3 To push students to compare the differences between different diet patterns with the purpose of helping them better understand a healthy diet

    Teaching procedures
    Leadin (prereading)
    Steps and activities
    Step 1 Introduction to a picture
    Define what a diet is and introduce the topic with a picture

    Step 2 Categorizing food items
    Ask students to classify different food items into the specific type then ask students to consider what food is healthy or unhealthy

    To quickly lead students to the topic of diet and activate their relevant schema

    To raise students’ awareness of healthy food and unhealthy food in their diet
    Step 3 First reading and sharing ideas
    Ask students to read the conversation on p 83 and answer related questions about Samuel’s diet

    Ask students to comment on Samuel’s diet

    To help students get a glimpse of what unhealthy diet is like

    To enable students to express their opinions based on what they have acquired in prereading This is done as a consolidation
    Step 4 Second reading and making comparisons
    Ask students to read the conversation on p 83 again and answer related questions about Doris’ diet

    Ask students to compare the differences between Samuel’s and Doris’ diet

    To help students get a glimpse of what healthy diet is like

    To train students’ ability of making comparisons while reading
    Step 5 Consolidated reading
    Students are expected to answer a few basic comprehension questions from the text and then make a summary of what a balanced diet is

    This is done to further improve students’ understanding of what the conversation is about and the concept of a balanced diet
    Step 6 Further discussion
    More tips about how to keep a healthy eating habit are offered to students

    This is to extend the concept of a balanced diet to healthy eating habits in the hope that students are able to combine how to eat healthily and what to eat in their daily diet
    Step 7 Moral education
    To introduce the Father of Hybrid Rice to students
    (This part to a certain extent is not so closely related to the topic of a balanced diet but it should be mentioned when it comes to food)

    This is done to remind students to save food and remember this great man





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