
    单元测1 试题答案
    ―I’m very glad to hear that
    BI’m sure to come on time
    CI’m not feeling very well
    [题目]―Do you like your present job
    ―_________I just do it for a living
    AOf course
    BNot likely
    CNot really
    [题目]―How was your job interview last Monday
    ―_________She seemed interested in my working experiencebut she didn’t ask for references
    BI’m not sure
    CThat’s right
    [题目]―I believe we’ve met somewhere before
    Ait isn’t same
    Bit can’t be true
    CI don’t think so
    [题目]―Welcome to our companyI hope you will enjoy your work here
    AI am sure I will
    BI can learn a lot
    CYou are very kind
    [题目]―How’s your report _________
    ―Not too badI have already done about 4000 words
    Acoming along
    Bget along with
    Cmove along
    [题目]Both her parents look sadMaybe they_________what’s happened to her
    Bhave known
    Cwill know
    [题目]He has studied very hard_________he came to our school
    [题目]I know a little bit about France as my wife and I_________there several years ago
    Aare going to
    [题目]Lawyers often make higher_________for their work than they should
    [题目]Nobody could_________this problem
    Athink of
    Bfill in
    Cfigure out
    [题目]The homebased business model has been born out_________necessity
    [题目]There’s a lot to doWe can’t_________to waste any time
    [题目]They had an accident on the road and didn’t _________at their hotel until after midnight
    Acheck in
    Bcheck over
    Ccheck on
    [题目]Wang Shuo_________already_________in this school for two years
    [题目]When we do the washit is important to_________white and colored clothing
    1Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet
    2Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet
    3I am considering giving you an opportunity for a different job
    4He is determined not to give in until they give him a pay rise
    5With all that’s available todaythe only question is whether a business can afford not to use userfriendly video conferencing
    U1 Task4mp3
    1Adah wants to have a chance to work in the general office[答案]F
    2Bella thinks Adah is competent for the new job[答案]T
    3Bella's been in the company for your years and got much working experience[答案]F
    4Adah knows nothing of the new job[答案]F
    5According to Bellaif Adah gets the new jobshe will get a pay raise[答案]T

    Almost everyone is familiar with video conferencing todayand for good reasonsVideo conferencing is convenientVideo conferencing saves moneyVideo conferencing makes moneyAnd it is so much easier than it used to be

    Todayof coursevideo conferencing has become an important means for doing businessThere is no longer a need to waste time and money travelingand the advanced technology can offer what every conferencing needsAudioweb and video together can provide good solutions for large conferences with Q&A sessions and private chats

    Why is video conferencing so successful when other technologies have come and goneIt is because it’s convenient and costeffectiveIn addition to saving time and moneyvideo conferencing is a lot less stressful than a meeting after a day of airport securitydelayed flights and hotel checkinetc

    Best of allvideo conferencing is not expensive nowadaysWebvideo and audio conferencing service providers can quickly get you up and runningoften without setup fees or high chargesWith all that’s available todaythe only question is whether a business can afford not to use userfriendly video conferencing
    1It’s easy to use video conferencing in the past[答案]F
    2Video conferencing is a convenient way for doing business[答案]T
    3Only video can provide good solutions for large conferences with Q&A sessions[答案]F
    4Compared to some other forms of meetingsvideo conferencing is much more stressful[答案]F
    5Nowadays if you don’t use video conferencing in some casesmaybe your business will suffer losses to some degree[答案]T
    SAMHiHow’s your report coming along

    KATIENot too bad{AYou don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U diskBI’ve already done about4000 wordsCYeahI also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copyDNoI’m not sure how he wants ita hard copyon U disk or by emailEHave you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet}[答案]B

    SAMIt’s nearly finishedisn’t it

    KATIEYeahI’ve got to check the spellingthen scan and insert a few picturesdo a bit more copy and paste from other filesand it will be done

    SAM{AYou don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U diskBI’ve already done about4000 wordsCYeahI also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copyDNoI’m not sure how he wants ita hard copyon U disk or by emailEHave you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet}[答案]E

    KATIEHayeahEventually I had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it

    SAMHave you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet

    KATIE{AYou don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U diskBI’ve already done about4000 wordsCYeahI also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copyDNoI’m not sure how he wants ita hard copyon U disk or by emailEHave you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet}[答案]D

    SAMMaybe an email would be the easiest if the file size is not too large{AYou don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U diskBI’ve already done about4000 wordsCYeahI also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copyDNoI’m not sure how he wants ita hard copyon U disk or by emailEHave you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet}He can read it on his computer when he has the timeIt saves papertoo[答案]A

    KATIE{AYou don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U diskBI’ve already done about4000 wordsCYeahI also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copyDNoI’m not sure how he wants ita hard copyon U disk or by emailEHave you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet}[答案]C

    单元测2 试题答案
    [题目]―What do you think of your new teacher
    AHe came to teach us last week
    BHe teaches us English
    CHe is very nice
    [题目]―Do you like my new jacket
    ―_________It goes beautifully with your hat
    AYesbut it doesn’t suit you
    BYesand I like your hat
    CYesI like it very much
    [题目]―How did you like yesterday’s play
    AGenerally speakingit was quite good
    BThat’s all right
    CIt doesn’t matter
    [题目]―How do you like my new dressdear
    ―_________You’ve never been more beautiful
    AWhen did you buy it
    BYou call it new
    CIt looks terrific on you
    [题目]―What do you think of this novel
    AI’ve read it
    BIt’s very good
    CI bought it yesterday
    [题目]A good boss is the one who can_________his employees to work harder and harder
    [题目]After the classstudents went out of the classroom one by onebut only Mary_________
    Bwas left
    Chas left
    [题目]Bean is_________in the northeastern part of China
    Ato grow vastly
    Bvast grown
    Cvastly grown
    [题目]Couriers can usually deliver an item faster than it would have taken if sent_________
    Aby other ways
    Bby other mean
    Cby other means
    [题目]He is hard to get along_________if you don’t agree with him
    [题目]How many shoes_________this year
    Ahave been produced
    Bwere produced
    [题目]I had to go to the cinema on my_________because all the other boys were busy
    [题目]If the dolphin is_________it will be as clever as human beings
    Aproperly to train
    Bproperly trained
    Cto train properly
    [题目]In many caseswithout delivery confirmationthe sender knows that something was sentbut there is no confirmation_________whether was received or when it was received
    Ain terms of
    Bas to
    Cin this regard
    [题目]We can_________the goods on time after you buy them on the internet
    1After some initial problemsthe kind of delicious biscuits was successfully produced in quantity
    2Postal services generally are not as efficient in this regard
    3Beforewhen I was assigned a taskI was totally on my own but here we work in teams
    4The cost of living is increasing dramatically these daysI always spend more money than I earn
    5Although the pilot was badly hurthe was able to explain what had happened
    Peter’s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling(走私) anything into the countryEvery evening he would see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontierpushing a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on itWhen the bike reached the frontierPeter would stop the man and{AaskBorderCmakeDcall}[答案]C him take the straw off and untie itThen he would examine the straw very carefully to see{AthatBwhetherChowDwhere}[答案]B he could find anythingafter which he would look in all the man’s pockets before he let him tie the straw againThe man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with itAlthough Peter was always hoping to find gold or other valuable things hidden in the strawhe never found{AnothingBsomethingCeverythingDanything}[答案]D He was sure the man was smuggling somethingbut he was not able to think out what it could be

    Then one eveningafter he had looked through the straw and emptied the worker’s pockets{AasBmoreCthenDlike}[答案]A usualhe said to himListenI know you are smuggling things across this frontierWon’t you tell me what it isI’m an old manand today’s my last day on the jobTomorrow I’m going to retireI promise I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you’ve been smuggling The worker did not say anything for{AmomentBsome timeCsometimeDlong time}[答案]B Then he smiledturned to Peter and said quietlyBikes

    I am a courierMany people today are glad to see usbecause they expect to receive what they have bought on the InternetWhen I see their eager facesI feel that my job is valuableI am proud of my jobWhy did I choose to be a courier

    The first benefit isI thinkcouriers can usually deliver an item faster than it would have taken if sent by other meansFor examplea person may need to send a document to someone elseHe could do this by sending it through the mailIf the two parties are in the same citythis transaction is likely to take at least one dayCouriershoweverusually can make it happen within hours

    Secondlycouriers generally offer a receipt for the delivery and that can make their clients feel more securePostal services generally are not as efficient in this regardEven text messages and emails may not be comparableIn many caseswithout delivery confirmationthe sender knows that something was sentbut there is no confirmation as to whether it was received or when it was received

    Most importantlythe Internet has changed people’s shopping habitsMore and more people tend to shop on the InternetThe goods bought on the Internet have to be delivered by couriersSo a courier can make more money if he wants to work longer hours

    That’s why I have chosen to work as a courierWellthat’s about my jobTime is moneyI have to send packages to the next place nowTalk to you later
    1People are glad to see couriers because they can bring people good luck[答案]F
    2Couriers can deliver items faster than other means only in the same city[答案]F
    3Postal services generally are not as efficient because there isn’t delivery confirmation[答案]T
    4If working longer hourscouriers can earn more money[答案]T
    5The courier who is talking likes his job[答案]T

    Mary and Linda are employees of a logistics companyThey are talking about the salary levels in the company

    MARYDo you like your job

    LINDA{Aand they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditionsBI don’t really like itCYour job is not difficultDThe cost of living is increasing dramatically these daysEIt is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6000 yuan a month}[答案]B

    MARYWhy not

    LINDABecause the salary is low{Aand they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditionsBI don’t really like itCYour job is not difficultDThe cost of living is increasing dramatically these daysEIt is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6000 yuan a month}I always spend more money than I earn[答案]D

    MARYDon’t complain too muchI thought you got a good salaryYour salary is much higher than the whitecollar average income of this city

    LINDAJust 4000 yuan a month{Aand they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditionsBI don’t really like itCYour job is not difficultDThe cost of living is increasing dramatically these daysEIt is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6000 yuan a month}[答案]E

    MARYBut that’s a really hard jobThey work long hours every day{Aand they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditionsBI don’t really like itCYour job is not difficultDThe cost of living is increasing dramatically these daysEIt is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6000 yuan a month}You just sit in the comfortable office and don’t have to work outside[答案]A

    LINDAYeahthat’s for sure

    MARY{Aand they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditionsBI don’t really like itCYour job is not difficultDThe cost of living is increasing dramatically these daysEIt is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6000 yuan a month}You have no reason to complain[答案]C

    LINDAMaybe you’re right

    单元测3 试题答案
    [题目]―I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner
    AThank youYou shouldn’t do that
    BThanksI’d like to go with you
    CNoyou can’t say so
    [题目]―How many students are there in your class_________
    Aat all
    Bin total
    Cin the end
    [题目]―It has been a wonderful eveningThank you very much
    ADon’t say so
    BMy pleasure
    [题目]―Thank you for your delicious dinner
    ADon’t say that
    BI don’t think so
    CI’m glad you enjoyed it
    [题目]―Thanks for your help
    AMy pleasure
    BNever mind
    CDon’t thank me
    [题目]―What can I do for you
    AI want a kilo of apples
    BYou can go your own way
    [题目]China has many islands_________the largest is Taiwan
    Ain which
    Bat which
    Cof which
    [题目]He asked us to watch carefully everything_________he did in class
    [题目]In considering people for jobswe give_________to those with some experience
    [题目]Mike_________his computer and checked his Email
    Aturned on
    Bturned off
    Cturned up
    [题目]She heard a terrible noise_________brought her heart into her mouth
    [题目]They promise that the work would all be finished_________next week
    [题目]We now_________him by writing letters
    Akeep away from
    Bkeep on
    Ckeep in touch with
    [题目]What do you have_________lunch
    [题目]You can go to a travel agency and ask for a holiday_________
    1If you wish to upgrade the hard drivewe can definitely do so
    2My son likes keeping a lot of movies and pictures on the hard drive
    3If you pay for it on Saturday or Sunday this weekyou can actually get 5 percent off the usual sale price
    4It will give yourself a leg up when you look for a job
    5Do you have the computer skills you should have to excel in school
    Can you imagine a world without the InternetIt’s surprising to think about it

    NowChina has more than 162 million Internet usersaccording to the China Internet Network Information CentreThis is the second highest number of user in the world after the United StatesToday66 of Chinese netizens (网民) are teenagersThey spend about thirteen hours every week onlinesaid Qian Hulinan Internet expert(专家)Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14 of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games

    The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for informationto communicate with others and to have funOn the Internetteenagers can find out almost anythingAnd surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge

    Li Donga teacher at No41 Middle School in Shijiazhuanglikes her students to use the InternetWhen we talk in classstudents who surf the Net usually know more background information than the othersshe said

    In additionpeople can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emailsMany teens keep in touch with their friends onlineIt is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker
    1_________has the most Internet users in the world according to the article
    2There are about_________Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week
    A107 million old
    B227 million old
    C107 million young
    3Song said some teenagers continued_________more than ten hours
    Aplaying online games
    Bsearching for information
    Cchatting with their friends
    4Li Dong in No41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she_________
    Athinks surfing the net can help students spend less time on homework
    Bthinks her students can get more background information than the others
    Cwants her students to talk to her about their hobbies and interests
    5According to the passagewhich of the following is the cheapest and quickest way to learn something about friends far away
    AWriting a letter to them
    BGoing to see them
    CSending emails to them

    Do you have the computer skills you should have to excel in schoolTo get a good job in the first placeThe following six computer skills will help you get better grades and make yourself more valuable to employers

    Today the Internet makes the world go aroundYou can find information on just about everything on the Internetwhich will make studying so much quicker and easierJust be careful about your sources because not everything you read on the Internet is true

    Almost every company uses Email nowGet a personal email address freely at GoogleYahooHotmailand other places on the InternetPractice Emailing

    One Note
    One Noteby Microsoftis a wonderful tool for studentsFor about 100you can take and store notesorganize themshare themand do just about anything you want with themYour options appear on one page so you can access files immediatelyYou can add presentationspicturesaudio filesweb shotsetc

    Microsoft Office Word is used most often by the business world for word processingIt’s today’s typewriterYou’ll create cleanermore professional papers and reports for school
    It will give you a leg up when you look for a job

    PowerPoint is the software used to create slide presentationsWhen you need to make a presentation in classthis is the tool that will help you present your information in a cleanprofessional wayRemember to keep it simple

    If you work with numbersExcel is your best friendIt will save you a ton of time because it calculates for youSet up a spread sheettell Excel how you want it to calculatefill in your figuresand voila You can’t beat it
    1Why students must have the six Computer Skills
    AIt will help you get better grades
    BIt will make yourself more valuable to employers
    CBoth A and B
    2Which of the following statement is not true
    AYou can almost find information just about everything on the Internet
    BYou can trust on the information from the Internet
    CYou will make studying so much quicker and easier with the internet
    3Where can’t you get a personal Email address freely
    Aat Google
    Bat Yahoo
    Cat Tmall
    4Which can be used to create slide presentations
    5What does calculates mean in It will save you a ton of time because it calculates for you
    Adepend on
    Jane Hiwelcome to Hal’s Computer World{ADoes he have any brand preferenceBHow much is itCI’ll come back to buy it this weekendDCan I help youEHow about this one}[答案]D

    Smith I would like to buy a computer for my sonI was told it is cheaper to buy computers hereDo you have any recommendations

    Jane YesWe have plenty of choices for youSohome computer or a laptopwhich one does he like{ADoes he have any brand preferenceBHow much is itCI’ll come back to buy it this weekendDCan I help youEHow about this one}[答案]A

    Smith He prefers ASUS(华硕)laptopwhich is much more convenient

    Jane I see{ADoes he have any brand preferenceBHow much is itCI’ll come back to buy it this weekendDCan I help youEHow about this one}ASUS F83E335CrSLIt is really suitable for students[答案]E

    Smith Let me seeWellit’s good but I don’t think 320 GB is enough

    Jane If you wish to upgrade the hard drivewe can definitely do soIt costs 150 to upgrade it from 320GB to 500GB

    Smith GreatMy son likes keeping a lot of movies and pictures on the hard drive

    Jane No problemI’ll give you a more detailed brochure later

    Smith Thank you{ADoes he have any brand preferenceBHow much is itCI’ll come back to buy it this weekendDCan I help youEHow about this one}May I have a discount[答案]B

    Jane In total it costs 3900 yuanIf you pay for it on Saturday or Sunday this weekyou can actually get 5 percent off the usual sale price

    Smith WowThat’s really good{ADoes he have any brand preferenceBHow much is itCI’ll come back to buy it this weekendDCan I help youEHow about this one}[答案]C

    单元测4 试题答案
    [题目]―How could you say that
    ―_________I didn’t mean to hurt you
    AThat’s right
    BI won’t regret
    CI’m really sorry
    [题目]―How did you find the trip to the West Lake
    AThe guide took us there
    BFirst by train and then by bus
    CVery fantastic indeed
    [题目]―I believe this is the best movie of the year
    ―Well_________Anywaythe ending is OK
    Athat’s a good idea
    Bthat may not be a good idea
    CI’m not sure if you’re right
    [题目]―I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents
    ―_________They often use them to play games instead
    AI hope so
    BI don’t agree
    CNo problem
    [题目]―I was really anxious about youYou shouldn’t have left without a word
    AWhy not
    BI’m terribly sorry
    [题目]―Let’s go for a walk_________
    ―OKI’m comingDon’t forget to bring your camera_________
    Ashall wewill you
    Bwill youshall we
    Cwill youwill you
    [题目]―She didn’t come to school yesterdaydid she
    ―_________though she was not feeling well
    ANoshe didn’t
    BYesshe didn’t
    CYesshe did
    [题目]―He’s never late for school_________
    ―Nohe isn’t He is always very early
    Ais he
    Bisn’t he
    Chasn't he
    [题目]John doesn’t believe in_________medicinehe has some remedies of his own
    [题目]Problems will_________if you do not follow my advice
    [题目]The bridge was named_________the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people
    [题目]The digital camera is_________nine hundred yuan
    [题目]There is little water in the cup_________
    Aisn’t there
    Bis there
    Cisn’t it
    [题目]This story is not realit is only_________
    [题目]Zhou Ming has few English magazines_________
    Adoes he
    Bdoesn’t he
    Chasn’t he
    1Your diligence and intelligence are always highly praised
    2I haven’t been out of the office before 9 pma single day this week
    3They can never use fake book covers as in the past to keep their peers in the dark
    4Some legislation requires employers to give their employees a fair wage
    5Get to know your rights They should give you some kind of compensation
    With the explosion of digital media in recent yearsa growing number of students are spending their time in front of the small screenwhether it’s a Smartphone or tabletIn just two yearsthe number of US children using digital media has doubled to 72 percentaccording to a survey by Common Sense Media

    On averagestudents spend about two hours a day in front of the screenWatching TV makes up half of this timeBut graduallythe time children spend watching TV is decreasingwith more and more time being given to digital mediaSome of the common things kids do with digital media are playing gameswatching videos and sending messages to friends

    The digital world can be used very effectivelyIn the survey74 percent of teachers said that digital media would improve students’ learningAs students can quickly get hold of information they need

    Howeverwithout guidance from teachers or parentsdigital media may have bad influence on students’ attention span and communication skillsSo it’s always best to use your smartphone and tablet carefully

    When using digital mediayou need to find a balanceJust like studytoo much can lead to information overloadand give you a headacheAlsomake sure your smartphone or tablet doesn’t take priority over more important tasksGive your eyes a restand remember offline is just as fun as online
    1Two years agothe number of US children who use digital media made up_________
    2Which is not TRUE according to the passage
    AUsing digital media is good for students’ learning
    BUsing digital media can improve students’ communication skills
    CStudents should use their digital media under adults’ guidance
    3The underlined word overload in the last paragraph means_________in Chinese
    4The article mentions that kids usually use digital media to_________
    ①play games
    ②send message to friends
    ③watch videos
    ④shop online
    5Why is the time children spend watching TV decreasing
    ABecause they need a balance of study and entertainment
    BBecause the TV shows aren’t interesting at all
    CBecause they turn to spend more time on digital media

    KindlesNooks and other ereaders are threatening the future of printed booksBut reading itself may get a boost from the devicesFor examplea study found that the kids felt better about reading after a course in which they used Amazon KindlesThe research is in the International Journal of Applied Science and Technology

    For two months199 middleschool students in a reading improvement class in Texas had 15 to 25 minutes every day when they were free to read on the KindleIn generalthe students felt the device improved their reading abilityAnd they tended to enjoy using an ereader

    They noted the ease of carrying multiple books in one deviceand the feeling that reading was suddenly a hightech 21stcentury activity rather than a boring waste of timeAnd some lowlevel readers who might otherwise be embarrassed to be seen with a simple book liked keeping their peers in the dark about what title they were readingIn the old daysone had to use a fake bookcover to achieve that level of secrecy
    1Amazon Kindles is a kind of ebooks[答案]T
    2The research done in the International Journal of Applied Science and Technology has lasted for two years[答案]F
    3The students felt ebooks could not improve their reading ability[答案]F
    4Many students tended to enjoy using an ereader[答案]T
    5Some lowlevel readers used to use fake bookcovers to keep their peers in the dark[答案]T
    David Ohmy GodI can’t take it anymore

    Barbara{ADon’t be discouragedBIt’s expensiveisn’t itCWhat’s wronghoneyDLet me have a tryEBut I don’t have much time to attend the classes}Take it easy[答案]C

    David I am tired of doing that boring workI just repeat doing the same thing every day

    Barbara Cheer up You always do an excellent jobYour diligence and intelligence are always highly praised

    David Yesthat’s in the pastI was full of ambitions beforebut now I have no passion for my careerIt’s so terrible

    Barbara{ADon’t be discouragedBIt’s expensiveisn’t itCWhat’s wronghoneyDLet me have a tryEBut I don’t have much time to attend the classes}Maybe you can register for some coursesIt can broaden your knowledge and provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills}[答案]A

    David It sounds great{ADon’t be discouragedBIt’s expensiveisn’t itCWhat’s wronghoneyDLet me have a tryEBut I don’t have much time to attend the classes}[答案]E

    Barbara There are lots of professional training courses onlineCheck it on the InternetYou’ll find one suitable for you

    David{ADon’t be discouragedBIt’s expensiveisn’t itCWhat’s wronghoneyDLet me have a tryEBut I don’t have much time to attend the classes}[答案]B

    Barbara Yesit is more expensive than attending traditional classesBut it’s worth itI believe it can get you into a good mood and also help you learn something useful for the future

    David OK{ADon’t be discouragedBIt’s expensiveisn’t itCWhat’s wronghoneyDLet me have a tryEBut I don’t have much time to attend the classes}[答案]D

    单元测5 试题答案
    [题目]_________delicious cakes they are
    CWhat a
    [题目]_________give your mom my best regards
    [题目]_________horrible the plan is
    AWhat a
    BHow a
    [题目] I feel it is your husband who_________for the spoiled child
    Ais to blame
    Bis to excuse
    Cis to accuse
    [题目]―Could I use your bike for a moment
    AIt’s well
    BIt doesn’t matter
    CBy all means
    [题目]―Excuse mecould you tell me the time
    AYou’d better buy a watch
    BIt’s three thirty by my watch
    CCan you see the clock
    [题目]―I haven’t seen Bob lately_________
    ―As a matter of facthe is ill
    AWhere is he
    CHow is he
    [题目]―What would you like to havemeat or fish
    AEither will do
    BYesI like meat
    CYesI like fish
    [题目]―Would you like to see a film
    AYesI’d love to
    BDo itplease
    CNoyou like it
    [题目]He avoided_________my question
    [题目]He lost himself and flew into a_________
    [题目]He soon_________himself to the army life
    [题目]It was in Xiamen_________I saw the sea for the first time
    [题目]It was not_________she took off her glasses that I realized she was a famous star
    [题目]This book has a great impact_________the readers
    1Two colleagues are heading for a construction site
    2I’m all ears
    3Employers are required to provide a safe workplace
    4Be active when it comes to workplace safetyDon’t wait for others to pick up the ball
    5The graph shows that film is giving way to TV

    More and more people (1){AmustBhaveChadDhas}[答案]B to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insuranceInsurance companies have been asking people in certain areas to install the alarms before they give them insurance for the past yearThis is (2){AdueBcausedCbecauseDbecause of}[答案]A to the increasing crime in some parts of the countryThis can be a problem for people (3){AwhichBwhatCwhoD}[答案]C are struggling to make both ends (4){AgoBcomeCmeetDloose} [答案]C The alarmswhich can be very expensiveneed to be installed by an electricianIt is estimated that 20 of homes have alarms installedand that another 20 of people plan (5){Ato have them installedBto have them installingCto have been installing themDto install them}[答案]A but have not installed them yet

    Improving work safety is a must and a goalIt should be on everyone’s mindAccording to the US Department of Laborevery year almost 6000 people are fatally injured at workMore than four million people suffer nonfatal injuriesWhat’s worsemany of these deaths and injuries were due to carelessnessand could have easily been avoided by paying more attention to safety rules

    Employers are required to provide a safe workplacebut your safety at work is your businessIf you feel like the environment is unsafe and your complaints fall on deaf earsyou should look for other employment or report the problem to the proper authoritiesOf coursesome jobs are more dangerous than othersIf you have one of these jobsyou’ll need to be extra alertDeaths and injuries occur in all kinds of employment

    Thankfullythere are a great many things you can do to improve your safety at workYou can improve safety awareness among your coworkers and supervisorsas well as lobby your employer to improve safety policiespracticesand training active when it comes to workplace safetyDon’t wait for others to pick up the ballWhile you’re waitingyou may wind up getting injuredSo take it upon yourself to do what you can to reduce your chances of being injured at work
    1Improving work safety is necessary[答案]T
    2Many of these deaths and injuries at work could have been avoided[答案]T
    3You could do nothing if you feel like the environment is unsafe and your complaints fall on deaf ears[答案]F
    4Deaths and injuries only occur in dangerous jobs[答案]F
    5When it comes to workplace safetythe employees should be concerned about their own safety[答案]T

    Two colleagues are heading for a construction site_

    Robert Let’s go to the worksite and see the progress

    Ben OKyou must remember to wear a hard hat

    Robert{AYou need to check the suspensions regularlyBLet me checkCThat’s really worth notingDCan a hard hat save my lifeEThank you for your detailed introduction}[答案]D

    Ben Of courseHard hats are important for protecting your head in open environments

    Robert Is my hat on properly

    Ben{AYou need to check the suspensions regularlyBLet me checkCThat’s really worth notingDCan a hard hat save my lifeEThank you for your detailed introduction}First of alladjust the suspensions[答案]B

    Robert I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesn’t fall offbut I don’t want to make it so tight that it causes discomfortWhat should I do

    Ben You can adjust the chinstraps properly to fit around your chin

    Robert I seeDo you have any more information about safety

    Ben{AYou need to check the suspensions regularlyBLet me checkCThat’s really worth notingDCan a hard hat save my lifeEThank you for your detailed introduction}because after years of wear and tearthe entire suspension system may need replacing[答案]A

    Robert{AYou need to check the suspensions regularlyBLet me checkCThat’s really worth notingDCan a hard hat save my lifeEThank you for your detailed introduction}[答案]C

    Ben And do not stuff the gaps of a hard hat or make changes to the hat’s suspension harnessOtherwiseits effectiveness will be impacted

    Robert{AYou need to check the suspensions regularlyBLet me checkCThat’s really worth notingDCan a hard hat save my lifeEThank you for your detailed introduction}Now I know how important a hard hat is in the highhazard construction industry[答案]E

    单元测6 试题答案
    [题目]_________may act as a cause of these illnesses
    [题目]―_________taking a walk after supper
    ―Good idea
    AHow about
    BWhy not
    CCould we
    [题目]―Excuse meCan you spare me a few minutes
    AWhat’s on
    BWhat’s up
    CWhat is it
    [题目]―Lookit_________be MrGreen
    ―It_________be himHe has gone to France
    Ccanmay not
    [题目]―What are you going to do this weekend
    ―_________If time permitsI may go to Shanghai with my parents
    AI don’t know
    BIt depends
    CDon’t mention it
    [题目]―Would you like to go to the cinema with me
    ANoI don’t want to
    CYesI’d love to
    [题目]―Would you mind me smoking here
    ―_________It’s nonsmoking area here
    BI’m afraid I’ve to say yes
    CNoyou can’t
    [题目]Every child is uniqueDon’t_________him or her to others
    [题目]He was unable to_________his stubborn partner of his viewpoint
    [题目]How can I reduce my risk_________the virus in an affected area
    Ato catch
    Bof catching
    Cas to
    [题目]Our teacher may_________our exam papers now
    Abe correcting
    Bhave corrected
    Cbe corrected
    [题目]The number you dialed does not existYou must_________the wrong number
    Abe remembering
    Chave remembered
    [题目]Time is_________Ten years have passed in a wink
    [题目]We should try our best to_________the children from danger
    [题目]Your company pays attention to the staff’s healthIn my opinionthat’s a benefit_________
    Awith a long time
    Bin the long run
    Cfor a long run
    1Do you feel any discomfort after long time of sedentary work
    2Your company pays attention to the staff’s health
    3You know it does you good if you persist
    4A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration
    5I am involved in two projects at present

    Many of us spend plenty of our time at workbut rarely give much thought to how our environment might be affecting us

    Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappyA 2011 review of studies examined the effects of various types of office environmentsIt found that open offices can have a negative impact on workers when it comes to focusefficiencycreativity and job satisfaction12Howevera 2013 study found that employees with private offices were more satisfied at work

    A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration because of phones ringing and colleagues chattingtyping and moving aroundThese noises are the enemy of focus and meaningful time is lost

    Your working environment could be upping your stress levelsA recent Monster poll found that 42 percent of USworkers have left a job due to stressful environmentIt also found that 61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of illness

    A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of diseaseWe’ve all heard that sitting is the new smokingYour desk job could almost be killing youSitting at a desk all day can also contribute to aches and painswhile staring at a computer screen for hours can cause vision problems and headaches

    It’s no exaggeration that your working environment is killing you alert
    1Many of us_________pay much attention to our working environment
    2Open offices could make you_________
    Aefficient and unhappy
    Binefficient and upset
    Crelaxed and happy
    3It was found that employees with_________were more satisfied at work
    Aprivate offices
    Bopen offices
    Cnew offices
    4According to the passage_________are the enemy of focus
    Acolleagues chatting
    Bphone ringing
    5Staring at a computer screen for hours increases your chances of_________
    Avision problems
    CBoth A and B

    Many of us spend the bulk of the day looking at computer screensReading this article means there’s a good chance you’re looking at one right now

    But does looking at computer screens damage your eyesProfessor Nathan Efron does not consider computer screens harmful to our eyes

    But he admits if you use one a lotyou increase your risk of becoming slightly more shortsighted –where your eyes focus well only on close objects while more distant objects appear blurredThis is especially the case for children and young adultswhose eyes are still developing

    In the shorter termprolonged viewing of a computer screen can make any slight existing vision defects more noticeableIt can also give you what is sometimes known as computer vision syndrome – eye strainheadachesgritty eyes and blurry visionBut this is only temporary and can be minimized by

    Adjusting the screen display so the contrast is high and the brightness feels comfortable

    Having lighting that does not produce glare on the screen

    Giving your eyes regular rests from looking at the screen (The Optometrists Association of Australia recommends you do this for five to ten minutes every one to two hours of computer useIt's a good time to make phone calls or do other tasks)
    1Many of us spend much time looking at computer screens[答案]T
    2Looking at computer screens for long time doesn’t damage children and young adults’ eyesight[答案]F
    3Computer vision syndrome cannot be weakened[答案]F
    4It’s good taking breaks during screen watching[答案]T
    5Proper lighting is important to protect our eyes[答案]T

    ALEX{AAre you kiddingBTell medid anything else influence your decisionCYesthere has been a lot of research into RSI’sDthat’s a benefit in the long runEWelcome to the company}We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what made you to choose our company[答案]E

    SIMON That’s easy to answerIt was your office ergonomics that convinced me

    ALEX{AAre you kiddingBTell medid anything else influence your decisionCYesthere has been a lot of research into RSI’sDthat’s a benefit in the long runEWelcome to the company}Something as simple as that[答案]A

    SIMON YesIt is very important to meMy mother worked in offices for twenty yearsand she finally suffered from carpal tunnel syndromeI have been reading about repetitive stress injuries (RSI’s)and I know that the office setup is very important

    ALEX{AAre you kiddingBTell medid anything else influence your decisionCYesthere has been a lot of research into RSI’sDthat’s a benefit in the long runEWelcome to the company}Something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries[答案]C

    SIMON Your company pays attention to the staff’s healthIn my opinion{AAre you kiddingBTell medid anything else influence your decisionCYesthere has been a lot of research into RSI’sDthat’s a benefit in the long runEWelcome to the company}[答案]D

    ALEX Thank youWe do value our staff and have an awareness of health care{AAre you kiddingBTell medid anything else influence your decisionCYesthere has been a lot of research into RSI’sDthat’s a benefit in the long runEWelcome to the company}[答案]B

    SIMON YesI noticed that you have professional training and teambuilding daysI like the idea of working for a company that invests in its staff

    ALEX Wellwelcome to the team
    单元测7 试题答案
    [题目] I have no doubt_________she will come
    [题目]_________she comes or not makes no difference
    [题目]―CongratulationYou won the prize for best photography
    AYesit’s true
    BThank you
    CNoI didn’t do it very well
    [题目]―I came out first in the English Speaking Contest
    BYou can say it again
    CIt’s very nice of you
    [题目]―I drove to Shenzhen for the air show last week
    ―Is that_________you had a few days off
    [题目]―Jack and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary next month
    Acheer up
    Bwell done
    [题目]―Lindahave a nice holiday
    AYeswhat you said is right
    BDon’t mention it
    CThank youThe same to you
    [题目]―Maryour team will play against the Rocket next weekendI’m sure we will win
    BGood luck
    [题目]All her suggestions have been_________
    [题目]Children often dream of_________they want to become when they grow up
    [题目]If you don’t want to goI will go_________you
    Binstead of
    Cof instead
    [题目]My friend knows where he can_________a good used car for you at a reasonable price
    Apick up
    Bpick off
    Cpick out
    [题目]Our factory will_________twenty more workers next month
    Atake off
    Btake out
    Ctake on
    [题目]The new coat_________me well
    [题目]The result is_________we won the game
    1I just heard through the grapevine that you landed a job in a big car company
    2Can you fill me in on what has been happening
    3Many electric car owners consider the debate over charging points all a bit of a fuss
    4The team’s demo doesn’t work on the sort of charge that would be required to topup an electric car
    5EV fans are used to these sorts of bluesky ideas by now
    The computer plays an important part in our everyday lifeIt is one of the great inventions in the world in the{AtwentyBtwentiesCtwentieth}[答案]C centuryIt works for us not only at homein the officesin big shops

    {AAlsoBBut alsoCToo}[答案]B at schoolsToday it is used in many waysIt really brings the world large wealth (财富) and happiness

    The first computer in the world was called EnidIt was built in America in 1946It was large and heavy{AForBUntilCSince}[答案]C it was bornit has been developing very fastUntil now it has gone through four periods and changed a lotThere’re many kinds of computersComputers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and fasterIt becomes more and more helpful

    The computer can do most of the things{AforBtoCat}[答案]A the peopleIt can help us to know about the real world more quicklyto learn{AwhatBthatCwhich}[答案]Awe want to learn and to think for ourselvesAs a student in the twentyfirst centuryyou must work hard at it


    Researchers at Stanford University have developed a new material that can move heat out of buildings and into spaceThe material can cool buildings even on hot days

    The cooling material is a very thin sheet with many layers that could be placed on a roof like solar panelsHoweverinstead of turning sunlight into energy as solar panels dothe material turns heat into infrared radiation

    Shanhui Fan is an electrical engineering professor at Stanford UniversityHe says that the panels have a layer of material that is like sandThe panels also act like a mirrorThey take heat out of buildings and reflect the light from the sunBoth the heat and sunlight are sent 100 kilometers into outer space

    The panels are cool to the toucheven in the sunResearchers say they can reduce the indoor temperature to nearly 5 degrees Celsius below the temperature outside

    MrFan says it is like having a window into spaceHe says the heat is sent directly into space without warming the airBuildings in developing countries that do not have electricity or air conditioning could use the panelsIn areas where one is offgridthere is a significant potential benefit for storing medicine or even foodIn many of these situationsbeing able to reduce the temperature is importantAnd this would provide a way to do it

    The Stanford researchers described their technology in the science publication NatureThey say the main problem is creating actual cooling systems using the hightech panelsIt may be possible to develop a cooling spray technology in the next three to five years that could be used on existing solid structures
    1The material can cool buildings only on cold days[答案]F
    2The material turns heat into infrared radiation because it is a very thick sheet with many layers that could be placed on a roof like solar panels[答案]F
    3The heat of the buildings and sunlight are sent 100 kilometers into outer space by the panels[答案]T
    4The offgrid areas may use the panels to reduce the temperature of buildings to store medicine or even food[答案]T
    5A cooling spray technology may be developed in the near future that could be used on existing solid structures[答案]T
    MARRY HiTimHow do you like your new job

    TIM I like it{ASo what do you do there exactlyBI just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toesCBut how did you know about my new jobDyou happen to have that work experienceECan you fill me in on what has been happening}[答案]C

    MARRY I just heard through the grapevine that you landed a job in a big car company{ASo what do you do there exactlyBI just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toesCBut how did you know about my new jobDyou happen to have that work experienceECan you fill me in on what has been happening}[答案]E

    TIM OKtwo weeks ago I got a tip that this company wanted to take on some experienced workers who have experience with wirelesselectrical carcharging technology

    MARRY Oh{ASo what do you do there exactlyBI just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toesCBut how did you know about my new jobDyou happen to have that work experienceECan you fill me in on what has been happening}[答案]D

    TIM WellanywayI made a beeline over to their officehad an interview with the department managerand was told to start work the next day

    MARRY That’s really great{ASo what do you do there exactlyBI just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toesCBut how did you know about my new jobDyou happen to have that work experienceECan you fill me in on what has been happening}[答案]A

    TIM Right now I’m basically just an office workerbut if I’m given the chanceI want to become the Marketing Director there

    MARRY Don’t tell me you’re already looking for a promotion

    TIM Noof course notI’ve got a lot to learn yetIn the meantime{ASo what do you do there exactlyBI just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toesCBut how did you know about my new jobDyou happen to have that work experienceECan you fill me in on what has been happening}[答案]B

    MARRY WellI wish you luck

    TIM Thank you

    单元测8 试题答案
    [题目] Ford Motor Company was_________in 1903It is one of the greatest car companies in the world today
    [题目]―_________do you go to have piano lessons
    ―At five in the afternoon
    BWhat time
    CWhich time
    [题目]―Any suggestions for my meeting today
    AI’m afraid I don’t know
    BI think you should ask othersI’m busy
    CWhy don't you wear your black suit and that yellow tie
    [题目]―Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist
    ―YesI have_________there many timesIt is quite beautiful
    [题目]―I usually go there by train
    AYou could do more training
    BThe boat is very comfortable
    CWhy not try going by boat for a change
    [题目]―I’d like some information about the management of your hotel
    Ayou could have a word with the managerhe might be helpful
    Bgo to ask someone elseI don’t know
    Cyou’d better find some information yourself
    [题目]―Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning
    AYesyou can go there by yourself
    BYesit’s better to leave earlier to avoid the morning traffic
    CYesI think you should stay here longer
    [题目]―Let’s go and see our teacher on Teachers’ Day
    AThat’s will do
    BThat’s all
    CAll right
    [题目]He_________very busy this weekHe_________free next week
    Awill beis
    Bwill bewill be
    Ciswill be
    [题目]I drove to the railway station to_________my mother yesterday
    Atake away
    Bpick up
    Clook for
    [题目]I will_________you to dinner because you helped me with my work
    [题目]My father has worked in this school_________he graduated from college
    [题目]When she entered the classshe_________by what the students did for her
    Awas moved
    Bis moved
    Cwas moving
    [题目]Would you like to help me_________some RMB for dollars
    [题目]You have to work harder than others to_________success
    1How do you like your new teacher
    2Would you rather work in the countryside than in the city
    3It is going to be difficult to meet the deadline
    4MrGreen has worked here since he came to China
    5The play has been on for two hours so the audiences are very tired
    MrGreen was ill and went to the hospitalA doctor looked him over and saidWellMrGreenyou are going to{AgetBgiveCmakeDhold}[答案]A some injectionsand you’ll feel much betterA nurse will come and give you the first one this eveningand then you’ll{AmayBhave toChad better}[答案]B get another one tomorrow evening In the evening a young nurse came to MrGreen’s bed and said to himI am going to give you your{AfirstBoneCtwoDsecond}[答案]A injection nowMrGreenWhere do you want it

    The old man was surprisedHe looked at the nurse for a{AhourBminutesCmoment}then he saidNobody has ever let me choose that beforeAre you really going to let me choose now[答案]C

    YesMrGreen the nurse answeredShe was in a hurryWhere do you want it

    Wellthen the old man answered{Awith a smileBin timeCin surpriseDwith tears in his eyes}[答案]A I want it in your left armplease

    It will be the 50th anniversary of the founding of Lehigh Valley Industrial Park IncLVIP’s successes have defined this regionincluding its economyits residents’ working liveseven the look of broad areas across Lehigh and Northampton counties

    People are duly observing the date with banquetsawards and other festivitiesBut they ought to know about a few facts in order to appreciate the importance of what was begun 50 years ago

    LVIP now comprises seven planned parksThey are home to 460 companiesThose companies provide 22000 jobsLVIP has borrowed more than 436 million in private investment over the yearsIt has paid tens of millions of property and payroll taxes

    We can imagine what will happen to this area if there aren’t those jobsObviouslywe ought to appreciate the genius of LVIP’s foundersFifty years agoBethlehem Steel Corpand other integrated steelmakers were hit by the fifth nationwide strike in 15 yearsThose cycles of strikes affected every part of the local economy

    Contractor Frank LMarcon told fellow board members at the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce that a more diverse economy could be fostered if public and private leaders acted togetherIn those daysthere were no state or federal economic development programsSo18 individuals pooled 250000 of their own money and LVIP sold bonds to raise 400000 more to buy four farms along Airport RoadThe City of Bethlehem contributed planning workamended its zoning code and worked out an affordable way to add streetscurbs and sewersCompanies like Bethlehem Steel made major contributionscreating a new model for cooperation

    Another important decision was made that yearIt made Lehigh Valley part of the name of the new endeavorThe late Walter Dealtreya former LVIP board presidentused to tell people that back thendecades before regionalization became part of the public vocabularyThose leaders knew their vision had to carry the stamp of big ideasThat first 226 acre tract could have been called Bethlehem Industrial Park because that’s where it was
    1Lehigh Valley Industrial Park is fifty years old now[答案]T
    2Lehigh Valley Industrial Park plays a very important role in the local people’s lives[答案]T
    3People don’t really know the history of Lehigh Valley Industrial Park[答案]T
    4Steelmakers created Lehigh Valley Industrial Park[答案]T
    5Only private leaders acted together to foster a more diverse economy[答案]F

    Miss Gao wants to invite Miss Smith for dinnerThey are discussing the dinner time_

    MISS SMITH Hello

    MISS GAO Hellois that Miss Smith

    MISS SMITH YesWho is that?

    MISS GAO This is Miss GaoHow are you

    MISS SMITH Not too badthanksAnd you

    MISS GAO{AOKlet’s say 630 pmBLet’s try Peking duckCFineI am making this call to see if you are free on Friday nightDAre you available on SaturdayEWhat can you recommend}I’d like to invite you to dinner[答案]C

    MISS SMITH I’m terribly sorrybut I’ve already made some arrangements for Friday

    MISS GAO What a pity How about Saturday{AOKlet’s say 630 pmBLet’s try Peking duckCFineI am making this call to see if you are free on Friday nightDAre you available on SaturdayEWhat can you recommend}[答案]D

    MISS SMITH Saturday is OKI’m free on weekends

    MISS GAO GreatWhat time would you like to meet

    MISS SMITH Whenever is OK for meI have no plans for that dayWhat time do you suggest

    MISS GAO{AOKlet’s say 630 pmBLet’s try Peking duckCFineI am making this call to see if you are free on Friday nightDAre you available on SaturdayEWhat can you recommend}[答案]A

    MISS SMITH And where would you like to meet

    MISS GAO I can pick you up at the gate of your companySo what kind of food do you preferWhy not try Chinese food

    MISS SMITH WellI’m not very familiar with Chinese cuisines{AOKlet’s say 630 pmBLet’s try Peking duckCFineI am making this call to see if you are free on Friday nightDAre you available on SaturdayEWhat can you recommend}[答案]E

    MISS GAO Wellhave you heard of Peking DuckIt’s a local specialtyAnd a new Peking Duck restaurant opened last week in our industrial parkvery near to the recreation centerSome of my colleagues say the roast duck there is really tasty

    MISS SMITH Of course Peking Duck is worldfamousI would love to try itMy mouth is watering now

    MISS GAO All right{AOKlet’s say 630 pmBLet’s try Peking duckCFineI am making this call to see if you are free on Friday nightDAre you available on SaturdayEWhat can you recommend}I think it won’t disappoint us[答案]B




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    题目为随机, 用查找功能(Ctrl+F) 搜索题目[题目]_____dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road![答案] How[题目]_____pi...

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    [完整版]3936国开电大专科《商务英语2》网上形考任务单元自测1至8试题及答案说明:题目顺序是随机的。单元自测1 试题及答案[题目]-As you know,I’m not quite...

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    题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(Ctrl+F)进行搜索[题目]—As you know, I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online.—It’s...

    4422    0


    [题目]— Hi! How are you doing.?— ________________[答案]C. I'm doing well. [题目]—Albert, this is Jim. —...

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    题:—___________— Please call me Mary. That's my first name.题:— Excuse me,___________— Yes, it's 86...

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    说明:课程编号:04017。 适用专业及层次:城市轨道交通运营管理、工商管理(工商企业管理方向)、工商管理(市场营销方向)、旅游(酒店管理方向)、旅游(旅游管理方向)和行政管理专科。 ...

    13354    0


    单元自测1 Unit 1题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目一、选择填空[题目]— Hi! How are you doing.?— ________________[答案]C....

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    题:—___________— Please call me Mary. That's my first name.题:— Excuse me,___________— Yes, it's 86...

    581    0




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