食品专业英语 LESSON 4 Amino Acids And Proteins

    食品专业英语 LESSON 4 Amino Acids And Proteins
    Proteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity They are the source of dietary amino acids both essential and nonessential that are used for growth maintenance and the general wellbeing of man These macromolecules characterized by their nitrogen contents are involved in many vital processes intricately associated with all living matter In mammals and many internal organs are largely composed of proteins Mineral matter of bone is held together by collagenous protein Skin the protective covering of the body often accounts for about 10 of the total body protein

    Some protein function as biocatalysts (enzymes and hormones) to regulate chemical reactions within the body Fundamental life process such as growth digestion and metabolism excretion conversion of chemical energy into mechanical work etc are controlled by enzymes and hormones Blood plasma proteins and hemoglobin regulate the osmotic pressure and PH of certain body fluids Proteins are necessary for immunology reactions Antibodies modified plasma globulin proteins defend against the invasion of foreign substances of microorganisms that can cause various diseases food allergies result when certain ingested proteins cause an apparent modification in the defense mechanism This leads to a variety of painful and occasionally drastic conditions in certain individuals

    Food shortages exist in many areas of the world and they are likely to

    become more acute and widespread as the world’s population increases providing

    adequate supplies of protein poses a much greater problem than providing

    adequate supplies of either carbohydrate or fat Proteins not only are more

    costly to produce than fats or carbohydrates but the daily protein requirement

    per kilogram of bodyweight remains constant throughout adult life whereas the

    requirements for fats and carbohydrates generally decrease with age

    As briefly described above proteins have diverse biological functions structures and properties Many proteins are susceptible to alteration by a number of rather subtle changes in the immediate environment Maximum knowledge of the composition structure and chemical properties of the raw materials especially proteins is required if contemporary and future processing of foods is to best meet the needs of mankind A considerable amount of information is already available although much of it has been collected by biochemists using a specific food component as a model system

    Amino Acids

    Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins Therefore to understand the properties of proteins a discussion of the structures and properties o f amino acids is required Amino acids are chemical compounds which contain both basic amino groups and acidic carboxyl groups Amino acids found in proteins have both the amino and carboxyl groups on the acarbon atom aamino acids have the following general structure

    At neutral pH values in aqueous solutions both the amino and the carboxyl groups are ionized The carboxyl group loses a proton and obtains a negative charge while the amino group gains a proton and hence acquires a positive charge As a consequence amino acids possess dipolar characteristics The dipolar or zwitterions form of amino acids has the following general structure

    Several properties of amino acids provide evidence for this structure they are more soluble in water than in less polar solvents when present in crystalline form they melt or decompose at relatively high temperatures (generally above 200) and they exhibit large dipole moments and large dielectric constants in neural aqueous solutions

    The R groups or side chains of amino acids and proteins these side chains may be classified in to four groups

    Amino acids with polaruncharged (hydrophilic) r groups can hydrogenbond with water and are generally soluble in aqueous solutions The hydroxyls of serine heroine and tyrosine the sulfhydryl of thinly of cysteine and the amides of asparagines and glutamine are the functional moieties present in r groups of the class of amino acids Two of these the toil of cysteine and the hydroxyl of tyrosine are slightly ionized at PG 7 and can lose a proton much more readily than others in this class The amides of asparagines and glutamine are readily hydrolyzed by acid or base to aspartic and glutamic acids respectively

    Amino acids with nonpolar (hydrophobic) r groups are less soluble in aqueous solvents than amino acids with polar uncharged r groups Five amino acids with hydrocarbon side chains decrease in polarity as the length of the side chain is increased The unique structure of praline (and its hydoxylated derivative hydroxyproline) causes this amino acid to play a unique role in protein structure

    The amino acids with positively charged (basic) r groups at ph 67 are lysine argiine has a positively charged quanidino group At ph 70 10 of the imidazole groups of histidine molecules are prorogated but more than 50 carry positive at ph 60

    The dicarboxylic amino acids asparic glutamic possess net negative charges n the neutral ph range An important artificial mealflavoring food additive is the monosodium salt of glutamic acid


    When the amino group of one amino acid reacts with the carboxyl group of another amino acid a peptide bond is formed and a molecule of water is released This can bond joins amino acids together to form proteins

    The peptide bond is slightly shorter than otter single cn bonds This indicates that the peptide bond has some characteristics of a double bond because of resonance stabilization with the carbony1 oxygen Thus group adjacent to the peptide bond cannot rotate freely this rigidity of the peptide bond holds

    the six atoms in a single plane the amino (_NH_) group does not ionize between ph o and 14 due to the doublebond properties of the peptide bond In addition r groups on amino acid residues because of starch hindrance force oxygen and hydrogen of the peptide bond to exist on a trans configuration Therefore the backbone of peptides and proteins has free rotation in two of the three bonds between amino acids

    If a few amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds the compound is called a most natural peptides are formed by the partial hydrolytic of proteins however a few peptides are important metabolites Ansetime and carnosine are two derivatives of histamine that are found in muscles pf animals The biochemical function of these peptides is not understood

    Glutathione occurs in mammalian blood yeast and especially in tissues of rapidly dividing cells It is thought to function in oxidative metabolism and detoxification

    Duirng oxidation two moletcules of glutathiune join vin a disulfide bridge (SS) between two cysteine is not found in proteins

    Other peptides functino as antibodies and hormones Oxytocin and hormones Oxytocin and vasopressin are examples of peptide hormones

    Protein structure

    Proteins perform a wide variety of biological functions and since they are composed of hundreds of amino acids their structures are much mere complex than those of peptides

    Enzymes are globular proteins produced in living matter for the special purpose of catalyzing vital chemical reactions that otherwise do not occur under physiological conditions Hemoglobin and myoglobin are hemocontaining proteins that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and muscles The major muscle proteins actin and myosin convert chemical energy to mechanical work while proteins in tendons (collagen and elastim) bind muscles to bones skin hairy fingernails and toenails are pertinacious protective substance The food scientist is concerned about proteins in foods since knowledge of protein structure and behavior allows him to more ably manipulate foods for the benefit mankind

    Nearly an infinite number of proteins could be synthesized from the 21natural occurring amino acids However it has been estimated that only about 2000 different proteins exist in nature The number is greater than this if one considers the slight variations found in proteins from different species

    The linear sequence of amino acids in protein is referred toast primary structure In a few proteins the primary structure has been determined and one protein (ribonuclease) has been synthesized in the laboratory It is the unique sequence of amino acids that imparts many of the fundamental properties to different protein and tertiary structures If the protein contains a considerable number of amino acids with hydrophobic groups its solubility in aqueous solvents is probable less than that of proteins containing amino acids with many hydrophilic groups

    If the primary structure of the protein were not folded protein molecules would be excessively long and thin A protein having a molecular weight of 13000 would be 448 a thick This structure allows excessive interaction with other substances and it is not found in nature The threedimensional manner in which relatively close members of the protein chain are arranged is referred to as secondary structure

    examples or secondary structure are the ahelix of wool the pleatedsheet configuration of silk and the collagen helix

    The native structure of a protein is that structure which possesses the lowest feasible free energy Therefore the structure of a protein is not random but somewhat ordered when the restrictions of the peptide bond are superimposed on a polyamino acid chain of a globular protein a right handed coil the ∝helix appears to be one of the most ordered and stable structures feasible

    the ∝helix contains 36 amino acid residues per turn lof the protein backbone with the r groups of the amino acids extending outward from the axis of the helical structure hydrogen bonding can occur between the nitrogen of one peptide bond and the oxygen of another peptide bond four residues along the protein chain the hydrogen bonds are nearly parallel to the axis of the helix lending strength to the helical structure since this arrangement allows each peptide bond to form a hydrogen bond the stability of the structure greatly enhanced The coil of the helix is sufficiently compact and stables that even substances with strong tendencies to participate in hydrogen bonding such as water cannot enter the core

    A secondary saturation found in many fibrous proteins is the βpleated sheet configuration In this configuration the peptide backbone forms a zigzag pattern with the r groups of the amino acids extending alive and below the peptide chain Since all peptide bonds are available for hydrogen bonding this configuration allows maximum crosslinking between adjacent polypeptide chains and thus good stability Both parallelpleated sheet where the polypeptide chains run in opposite directions are possible Where groups are bulky or have little charges the interactions of the r groups do not allow the pleatedsheet configuration to exist silk and insect fibers are the best examples of theβsheet although feathers of birds contain a complicated form of these configuration

    Another type of secondary structure of fibrous proteins is the collagen helix collagen is the most abundant protein in higher vertebrates accounting for onethird of the total body protein collagen resists stretching is the major component of tendons and contains onethird glycine and onefourth proline or hydroxyprolinethe rigid r groups and the lack of hydrogen bonding by peptide linkages involving proline and hydroxyproline prevents formation of an ∝helical structure and forces the collagen polypeptide chain into an odd kinkedtype helix Peptide bonds composed of glycine form interchain hydrogen bonds with two other collagen polypeptide chains and this results in a stable triple helix This triplehelical structure is called tropocollagen and it has a molecular weight of 3000000 Daltons

    The manner in which large portions of it protein chain are arranged is referred to as tertiary structure This involves folding of regular unts of the secondary structure as well as the structuring of areas of the peptide chain that are devoid of secondary structure for example some proteins contain areas where ∝helical structure exists and other areas where this structure cannot form depending on the amino acid sequence the length of the ∝helical portions are held together by hydrogen bonds formed between r groups by salt linkages by hydrophobic interactions and by covalent disulfide(ss0 linkages

    The structures discussed so far have involved only a single peptide chain The structure formed when individual (subunit) polypeptide chains interact to form a native protein molecule is referred to as quaternary structure The bonding mechanisms that hold protein chains together are generally the same as those involved in tertiary structure with the possible exception that disulfide bonds do not assist in maitaining the quaternary structures of proteins

    第四课 氨基酸蛋白质















    种肽键简单CN键略短说明肽键羰基氧振稳定作肽键具定双键特性样紧邻肽键基团转动肽键种刚性六原子保持面 H


















    intricate a复杂错综缠结难懂

    collagenous a胶原

    globulin 球蛋白

    plasma 血浆原生质

    immunological 免疫

    hemoglobin 血红蛋白

    basic amino 碱性氨基

    acidic carboxyl 酸性羧基

    aqueous ①水 ②含水 ③水成

    proton 质子氕核

    dipolar 偶极两极

    zwitterion 两性离子

    crystalline ①结晶晶状 ②清澈

    hydrophilic 亲水

    serine 丝氨酸羟基丙氨酸

    threonine 羟基丁氨酸苏氨酸

    tyrosine 酪氨酸 3羟苯基丙氨酸

    sulfhydryl 氢硫 ~enzyme 硫化氢解酶 ~ group 巯基

    cysteine 半胱氨酸巯基丙氨酸

    cystine 胱氨酸双巯丙氨酸

    amide ①酰胺 ②氨化物

    asparagine 天门冬酰胺

    glutamine 谷氨酰胺

    aspartic acid 天门冬氨酸丁氨二酸

    glutamic acid 谷氨酸

    proline 脯氨酸氮戊环[2]基羧酸

    lysine 赖氨酸

    arginine 精氨酸

    histidine 组氨酸咪唑丙氨酸

    quanidino 胍

    imidazol n 咪唑13二氮杂茂

    resonance n ①回声反响 ②[物]振鸣谐振 ③[医]叩响

    imino 亚氨

    steric a空间位

    anserine 鹅肌肽

    carnosine 肌肽

    glutathione 谷胱甘肽


    oxytocin n(垂体)叶催产素

    vasopressin n叶加(血)压素加压素

    carbonyl 羰基碳酰

    hemoglobin 血红蛋白 hemo表示血

    myoglobin 肌红蛋白

    actin 肌动蛋白

    myosin 肌球蛋白

    tendon 腱筋根

    collagen 胶原胶原蛋白

    elastin 弹性蛋白

    ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶

    hydrophobic 疏水

    restriction n 限制限定约束

    vertebrate n脊椎动物 a①椎骨脊椎脊椎动物 ②(作品等)结构严密

    kink n①(绳索头发)细结绞缠 ②奇想怪念头乖僻 ③(奇特)妙法 ④(颈背等处)

    肌肉痉挛抽筋 ⑤[美](结构设计等)缺陷 vt纽结绞缠 vi纽结结

    glycine 甘氨酸氨基醋酸

    tropocollagen 原胶原

    dalton 道尔顿

    devoid a 缺乏没(of)

    covalent 价 ~ bond价键

    quaternary a①四组四部组成第四 ②四元四价季 ③[]第四纪

    n①四四组第四组中组成部分 ②[数]四进制 ③[]第四纪

    zigzag ①字形Z字形锯齿形②字形线条(道路壕沟装饰等)③蜿蜒曲折盘旋弯曲


    English Knowledge point

    1 be of +名词相形容词

    F: Proteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity proteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity roteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity proteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity

    2 at PH 7 at neutral PH (介词at)


    1 Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins

    Skin the protective covering of the body often accounts for about 10 of the total body protein

    2 Skin the protective covering of the body often accounts for about 10 of the total body protein

    3 Many proteins are susceptible to alteration by a number of rather subtle changes in the immediate environment

    4 A considerable amount of information is already available although much of it has been collected by biochemists using a specific food component as a model system

    5 Several properties of amino acids provide evidence for this structure

    6 The amino is responsible for the positive charge of lysine while arginine has a positively charged quanidino group

    English Knowledge point
    1 be of +名词相形容词
    F: Proteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity proteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity roteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity proteins are molecules of great size complexity and diversity
    2 at PH 7 at neutral PH (介词at)
    1 Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins
    Skin the protective covering of the body often accounts for about 10 of the total body protein
    2 Skin the protective covering of the body often accounts for about 10 of the total body protein
    3 Many proteins are susceptible to alteration by a number of rather subtle changes in the immediate environment
    4 A considerable amount of information is already available although much of it has been collected by biochemists using a specific food component as a model system
    5 Several properties of amino acids provide evidence for this structure
    6 The amino is responsible for the positive charge of lysine while arginine has a positively charged quanidino group




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