
    试卷分数:100分 答题时间:60分钟
    1I'm afraid notBut Ill be free this afternoon
    参考答案:Can you spare me a few minutes now
    2I'm not sure what I'll dol hope to watch TV and enjoy myself
    参考答案:What are your plans for summervacation
    3Could you please give me a hand
    参考答案:Surewhat is the matter
    4Dadthis is my roommateAndrea
    参考答案:HelloAndreal've heard so much about you
    5Hellothis is John speakingCould I speak to Mike
    参考答案:Hold the lineplease
    6HelloYang Lin speaking
    参考答案:This is Carol here
    7HelloI'd like to speak to PhilHe's out to lunch now
    参考答案:Would you mind calling back later
    8HelloI'm David ChenNice to meet you
    参考答案:Nice to meet youtoo
    9HiT'm Melinda Smiththe new secretary Nice to meet you hereHiT'm Mike Brown from the Training Center
    参考答案:l hope you'll be happy working here
    10HiT'm Melinda Smithnice to meet you all here
    参考答案:Nice to meet youtoo
    11HiMelindaCan I make a brief introduction of the office work to you
    参考答案:Thank youIt's very kind of you
    12May l use your bike for a moment
    参考答案:By all means
    13Mommust I finish my homework nowNoyouYou may have supper first
    14Please give me a hand to print out the reportwon't you
    参考答案:Of course I will
    15SallyMary BrownNice to meet youI'm Sally Johnsonthe Sales Manager
    参考答案:this is our new secretary
    16Thank you for inviting me
    参考答案:Thank you for coming
    17This is John
    参考答案:HelloJohnNice to meet you
    18his is Melinda speaking from Qiaoxiang Community Service CenterLet me seeThere will be some visits to our community library and learning center
    参考答案:I'm calling for thearrangement of the visit next Monday
    19Unbelievable I have failed the driving test againThis is not the end of the world
    参考答案:Cheer up
    20Why don't you come and join us for a dance
    参考答案:I cantbut thank you
    21It's lovelyl have never been to such beautiful place like that
    参考答案:How about your trip
    22I've called the maintenance worker
    参考答案:This copier needs repairing
    23My mother is retiredMy father is a manager
    参考答案:What do your parents do
    24Nothing much
    参考答案:What's up
    25Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you
    参考答案:I'm just wondering if you couldcome to join us
    26Please call me MaryThat's my first name
    参考答案:How shall I address you
    27The roundtrip air fare for a person is only 188
    参考答案:What is the exact air fare
    28Anything else I can do for youThank you
    参考答案:That's all
    29Are you readyfolks
    参考答案:Yesl'm readyI'll have the vegetable salad
    30Can you copy these papers for me
    参考答案:OkJust wait a moment please
    31Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning
    参考答案:Nol have nothing planned tomorrow
    32Excuse me where is the post officeSorry I'm new here
    参考答案:Thank you all the same
    33Excuse meYesit's 86332788If you have any other questionsdon't hesitate to askI
    参考答案:could you please tell mewhat's the telephone number on my desk
    34Good morningcan l help you
    参考答案:T'd like to borrow a book named Gone With the Wind from your library
    35HelloId like to speak to PhilHe's out to lunch now
    参考答案:Would you mind calling back later
    36HclloI'm David ChenNice to meet you
    参考答案:Nice to meet you too
    37Hello Sky Travel AgencyMay I help you
    参考答案:YesI'd like to make reservations to Beijing on the flight ZH8147 at 6 00 pm on December 19th
    38HeyDerekwhich do you think is harder to learnmarketing or designing
    参考答案:PersonallyI think designing is more difficult
    HeyTomYou look so pale What's wrong
    参考答案:I didn't sleep well last night
    39l would like to make an appointment for the meetingWhich day would you preferTuesday or Thursday
    参考答案:Welleither time will do
    40I'd like to apply for a library card
    参考答案:Fill out the application form firstplease
    41I'd like to invite you for dinner on Saturday
    参考答案:Thank you for your kind invitationI'll be there on time
    42t's rather cold in hereDo you mind if I close the window
    参考答案:Nogo ahead
    43I've got the system runningbut I can't open my file
    参考答案:Let me see if I can get it to work
    44May I see your ticketsplease
    45May I speak to TomI'm sorryHe isn't in the office nowYesof course
    参考答案:Can leave a message
    46We'll have a charity book sale together with Menglin Publishing House next monthYesI think the Music Square is large enough
    参考答案:Could you give any suggestion on the location
    47What color would you like
    参考答案:I want the green one
    48What is your jobI'maccountant
    49What time does the office open
    参考答案:I think it opens at 8
    50Will you show me how to use this software
    参考答案:SureYou'll master it in no time
    51Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening
    参考答案:I'd love tobut l'm busy tonight
    52Would you mind helping me for a minuteBarbaraWhat do you want me to do
    参考答案:Id be glad to
    53Wowthis place is amazing
    参考答案:Thank you
    54It takes about 3 hours
    参考答案:How long will the journey take
    55lt's my pleasure
    参考答案:Would you please fax the document for me
    56HelloThis is Yang Lin speaking
    参考答案:This is Carol here
    57HelloYang Lin speaking
    参考答案:This is Carol here
    58HelloCould Is peak to MikePll get him to phone
    参考答案:Hold the lineplease
    59HeyYou look so paleWhat's wrong
    参考答案:l didn't sleep well last night

    1wine do you need for the party
    参考答案:How much
    2you deal with the data filesthe more familiar you get with them
    参考答案:The more
    3you get along with your neighboursthe more familiar you get with them
    参考答案:The more
    4your plan and don't stop until it is finished
    5A good tour guide tells visitors
    参考答案:what they couldn't miss during the trip
    6A secretary mustbig pile of files and correspondence in office
    参考答案:deal with
    7Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of moviesbad for their mental development
    参考答案:as is
    8Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of moviesbad for their mental development
    参考答案:which is
    9Copying files under Linux is similarcopying files under DOS
    10Do not do anything should go against his will
    11Do you require a deposit(定金)toa reservation
    12Do you understandthe teacher said
    13Do you want to fly first orclass
    14Does David
    参考答案:like flying
    15Don't be afraidask a lot of questions
    16Everyone in these schoolsEnglish well
    17Everyone is veryto this boy
    18Had you come five minutes earlieryouthe train to BeijingBut now you missed it
    参考答案:would have caught
    19Have youto say to me
    参考答案:anything else
    20He cangood English
    21l have an English classa week
    参考答案:three times
    22l have been looking forward to from my parents
    23l heard Lilythe song once
    24like the working atmosphere hereIt's very
    25like the workinghere
    26will give you to finishit
    参考答案:two weeks' time
    27I'd like to book a table for ten under the name of JordanpmDecember 24
    28I'd love to have a breakbut I can'tthe time now
    29If there are changes don 't forgetthe related persons know
    参考答案:to let
    30lf you have any questions here please tell usWe'll all beto help you
    31I'll make a list of all the documents on this filemake it more clearly
    参考答案:in order to
    32l'm a deputy managerlan IT company
    参考答案:work for
    33I'm afraid I won't be available thenIa friend off at five this afternoon
    参考答案:will be secing
    33I'm looking forward to together with you
    34l'm looking forward toyou
    35l'm to do anything at your word
    36Isn't it impolite to call people by their first namesThe underlined word is of the same word class(词性)as
    37lt is very important for us to find abetween work life and home life
    38lt maybe helpful to set your watch just two minutes
    39lt was on the beachMiss White found the kid lying dead
    40lt will take ushour to get there
    41lt's high time that he settled down in the country and a new life
    42On ourwe were told that our rooms had not been reserved
    43On their arrival you shouldthe following points
    参考答案:pay attention to
    44People here usuallyeach other by their first names instead of family names
    45Please give me two
    参考答案Jpieces of paper
    46Please handyour homework in time
    47Please payto what was discussed yesterday
    48Please see the suggestions below tothat your files are not lost
    参考答案:make sure
    49Professor Smith promised to look my paper that is to read it carefully before the defense
    50Professor Smith promised to look my paperthat isto read it carefully
    51Scientists have made great contributionsdevelopment of our human beings
    52See the bottom of this page for details of how to applythis job
    53She doesn't have the funds toher design
    54She feel very tired and was glad to Him
    参考答案:lean on
    55She hasn't the funds toher design
    参考答案:carry out
    56She kept onalthough she was tired
    57She wants a job where
    参考答案:her management skills can be put to good use
    58Smile a lot and befriendly as possible to everyone you meet
    59Such office software is popularthe executive secretaries
    60The bus came after itfor about half an hour
    参考答案:had been waited
    61The company hosted a(n)for their new staff
    62The environmentalists and wild goats'on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the betterenvironment
    63The Foreign Language Department is on second floor
    64The manager will notus to use his car
    65The next trainthe station at11o'clock
    66The question neverin discussion
    参考答案:came up
    67The secretary has a lot of things to take up in the office since sheaway for quite a few daysI
    参考答案:has been
    68The teacher showed the studentsthe laboratory
    69Through the work planthe team leader is able tothe tasks at hand the deadlines for completion andthe responsible parties for effective management
    70Tothe iceafter introductionyou can ask about their journey
    71We have to at the hotel before 6 pm
    参考答案:check in
    72What is your job'm Accountant
    73When will the General Manager be
    74With his work completedthe manager stepped back t0 his scat feeling pleasedhe was a man of action
    75Within the team a work plan can tell each member what and why
    参考答案:is being done
    76Within the teama work plan can tell each member what is being and why
    77You can pick a specific time and place and ask them they want to go
    78You have more apples than doBut are better than yours
    参考答案:we ours
    79Your goal is to publish a book and have manuscript sent out to publishers by November 2016
    80after introduction you can ask about their journcy
    参考答案:To break the ice
    82eye contact is very important in western culture
    83has not yet been decided
    参考答案:When to hold the meeting
    84means to do what you should do on time
    参考答案:To be punctual
    85means to do what you should do
    参考答案:To be punctualon time
    86the paperless management is widely used now some important files are still kept as hard copies
    87these honors he received a sum of money
    88Awelljob description can answer a lot of questions from job seekers
    89After you arewith all these jobswe will discuss it
    90Are you still lookinga job
    91Can weanother worker to help Jimmy or find another solution
    92Can you explain your arrangements
    参考答案:in detail
    93Charles regrettedthe TV set last yearThe price has now come down
    94He has been looking forward toto England for a long time
    95Hc has learned English and GermanNow he is going to learnlanguage
    96He published the journalfrom 1990 to 2020
    97He said this wouldcompanies from creating new jobs
    98lunch in the canteen right now
    参考答案:is having
    99Hello everyoneld like toto you our new secretary Melinda Smith
    100How do lthe gym
    参考答案:get to
    101Jackto see youHe'll be here soon
    参考答案:is coming
    102Keeping eye contact makes the other personwelcome and comfortable
    103Mary has been a secretary in this companyshe graduated from Beijing University
    104his colleagues when the phone rang
    参考答案:was talking with
    105Most tour companiesadvance payment when a booking is made
    参考答案:insist onMrWhite
    106short stories but hea TV play these days
    参考答案:writes is writing
    107Neither Johnhis father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train
    108Nowadays office work can be done by handvery fast speed
    109The Two parties made it clear that they would notthe invitation unless the Centre reduced its taxcomponent
    110The work was doneher instructions
    参考答案:according to
    111They were successfula communication satellite
    参考答案:in launching
    112This book gives some usefulon how to save money
    113This is true of managementof workers
    参考答案:as well as
    114l thinkis impolite to call people by their first names
    115l usually go to the officetrain

    A letter of ivitation is witen to invite people for a business event or personal ocaionThe
    letter should be short and clearA soft and polite tone should be usedAn invitation letter should have the datetime and the eventAlways send the letter of invitation in advance You need to let people know about at least a week before the event so that they can plan to come to the event
    1What's the purpose of writing a ltter of invitation
    参考答案:CEitherA or B
    2Which is not necessary when writing a ltter of invitation
    3The letter of invitation should not be
    4Why should we send the letter of invitation in advance
    参考答案:BBecause the receiver will need to plan to come to the event
    5Which might be the title of the whole passage
    参考答案:AHow to write a letter of invitation

    A work plan is an important tool to tell what tasks to dowhen to finishwho to takewhere to go and how to get thereThe work plan organizes your task with a timetable of whatwhen and how a job needs to be done Within the teama work plan can tell each member what is being done and why
    1Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage
    参考答案:BA work plan helps cut down expenses
    2What can the clear objectives help
    参考答案:CIt can help the process of planningdeveloping and managing a project
    3What does the underlined word deadlines mean
    参考答案:Cthe point in time at which something must be completed
    4Which of the following statements is true according to the passage
    参考答案:AWhen meeting any problems you can change your plan for more realistic timelines
    5The best title for the passage would be
    参考答案IBThe importance of a work plan

    HiJoeHow are youT'm stting on the balcony of my hotelI am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am thinking about my life hereI am having a wonderful timeI like my jobit is very interestingand my colleagues
    1What does Xiaoyan stay in London for
    参考答案:BShe is working
    2What are Xiaoyan's London colleagucs like
    参考答案:CThey are very nice
    3What does Xiaoyan think of London
    参考答案:CShe thinks it is exciting
    4What does Xiaoyan think of people in London
    参考答案:BShe thinks they are friendly
    5What's the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this ltter
    参考答案:AIt is warm

    HiXiaoyanYou want to know about my gym
    1 When can you go to aerobics class inNew You
    参考答案:On Saturday evening
    2When does the Tai Chi class start
    参考答案:At2 00pmon Wednesday and Saturday
    3 What is free in the gym
    4Why is it best to come in the evenings
    参考答案:Because there area lot of trainers to help you
    5How can you pay for the class
    参考答案:By credit card or cash

    If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of getingthen think againA handshake is not
    only away of greetingit can also show your personalitySince we all want to set a good first impressionit is important to know the right manners for shaking hands
    1 Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true
    参考答案:Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting
    2If you are seated when someone comes for a handshakeyou should
    参考答案:stand up and shake his or her hand
    3Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes the other person feel
    参考答案:com for table
    4How long does a handshake usually last
    参考答案:23 seconds
    5 Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake
    参考答案:brief and firm

    If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greingthen think againA handshake is not
    only away of greetingit can also show your personalitySince we all want to set a good first impressionit is important to know the right shaking hands manners
    1Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage
    参考答案:Shaking Hands Manners
    2According to the passagewhich of following statements is True
    参考答案:It is important to know the right manners for shaking hands
    3Which is the proper way to shake hand
    参考答案:When someone comes for a handshakeyou should stand up
    4One's handshake should show a feeling of
    参考答案:strength and warmth
    5How brief should a handshake be
    参考答案:Let go of each other's hand after 23 seconds

    Shaking Hands Manners
    If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greetingthen think again A handshake is not only a way of greeting it can also show your personalitySince we all want to set a good first impressionit is important to know the right shaking hands manners
    1Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true
    参考答案:AHandshakes are just a gesture of greeting
    2If you are seated when someone comes for a handshakeyou should
    参考答案:Astand u and shake his or her hand
    3Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes the other person fel
    4How long does a handshake usually last
    参考答案:C2~ 3 seconds
    5Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake
    参考答案:Bbrief and firm

    Meetings are very common nowadaysThey can be weklymonthly or anullySone people think most meetings feel like a waste of timeThey see tn pointless and boring at times
    1 Most meetings are sometimes thought to be
    参考答案:illing time and uninteresting
    2In order to have a successful meetingthe organizer should irst
    参考答案:assign different roles to different people
    3When you are in charge of a meetingyou should do the following things EXCEPT
    参考答案:only discussing things listed on the agenda
    4 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
    参考答案:The organizers should he open to the participants' opinions
    5The best tile for the passage is
    参考答案:How to Run an Effective Meeting

    There are dfferent pieces of sofware to deal with electronic filesThe most popular software
    so far is Microsoft Office 2010(with WordExcel and other tools) or its higher versionPeople use Word 2010 to process text and use Excel 2010 to process dataand have improved work effectiveness and efficiency
    1 What do people do by using Word 2010
    参考答案:process text
    2 Which is the best software to deal with data according to the passage
    参考答案:Excel 2010
    3 What is the aim of using different software
    参考答案:To improve the effectiveness of work
    4 Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage
    参考答案:All of the documents are kept in the electronic form
    5 What does the phrase' hard copies mean
    参考答案:It means the documents in the form of paper

    A business tinerary is witen for business ripswhich should include everyhing from travel
    arrangements to hotel information and business meetings
    1What is a business itinerary writen for
    参考答案:CBusiness trips
    2What does the underlined word stop mean
    参考答案:BA brief stay in the course of a journey
    3What can help prevent you from forgetting something important
    参考答案:ATo write down any special information
    4What does meeting information include
    参考答案:CThe name of organizationtimeaddressand a contact name and number
    5Which statement is TRUE according to the passage
    参考答案:BComplete hotel information should bo provided

    A letter of invitation is witen to invite people for a business event or personal occasionThe
    letter should be short and clearA soft and polite tone should be usedAn invitation letter should have the datetime and the eventAlways send the letter of invitation in advance Y ou need to let people know about at least a week before the event so that they can plan to come to the event
    1What does the passage tell us
    参考答案:How to write an invitation letter
    2 What kind of tone should be used to write an invitation ltter
    参考答案:Soft and polite
    3What should be included in an invitation ltter
    参考答案:Datetime and the event
    4How long is an invitation letter sent appropriatley according to the passage
    参考答案:At least a week in advance
    5 The reason why we should send an invitation letter in advance is
    参考答案:the receiver will need to plan to come to the event

    How often should fing be donet depends on how busy the ofice isIn very busy organizationsfiling is done at least every dayIn a small or less busy fficefiling can be done once or twice a week
    1Filing should be done every day in each office
    2It is necessary to do filing no less than once every week in a small office
    3Only big instruments are useful in sorting out files
    4If you need always read the documentsyou can put them into lever arch files
    5The company's annual reports usually need to be filed

    ]In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their townThis is the local doctor You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointment You usually have to fill in a form and the doctor examines youFamilies often all register with the same doctor
    1In the UKpeople usually have a doctor faraway from their home
    2British families often register with the different doctors
    3Doctors often work together in groups in their own Doctor's Surgery
    4Doctors makeup the medicine for the patients
    5 British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist'

    In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their townThis is the local
    doctor You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointmentYou usually have to fill in a form and the doctor examines youFamilies often all register with the same doctor
    1British people usually go along way to see a doctor
    2 British families often register with the same doctor
    3Doctors always work alone in their own Doctor's Surgery
    4British people don't have to pay when they see their doctor
    5 British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist'

    How to introduce yourself on the first day of workIf you are loking for some ideashere are some tips for you
    1Nobody expects you to know everything on the first day at work
    2 You're newso you shouldn't ask any questions
    3You should be friendly to both your coworkers and the leaders
    4It's not polite to learn about the interests of your coworkers
    5You can leave your office as quickly as you can at the end of the day

    Last week Polly decided to give up her job She is fed up with itshe finds it boring and she wants to change her careerHer employers'Lucky Shops' are not too badThey give her quite good benefitssuch as free
    1Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary
    2She doesn't like her boss
    3Her friends agreed that she should resign
    4She has no experience of selling
    5She's worried about her lack of experience in some areas

    Meetings are very common nowadaysThey can be weklymonthly or anullyone
    people think most meetings feel like a waste of timeThey seem pointless and boring at times
    1A sccessful meeting should have different people to play different roles
    2Generally people only discuss the items listed on the agenda in a successful meeting
    3An unsuccssful meeting might be full of singleway communication
    4When the meeting is closedit means there is nothing to do in the following weeks
    5Minutes should be sent out to the participants within a month after the end of the meeting

    Do you seem to be late for work or school a lotBeing on time is very important for personal successIL earn to improve your chances for success with these tips for being right on time all the time
    1 Being punctual has nothing to do with personal success
    2It is unnecessary to set your watch two minutes ahead
    3 You'd better place your alarm clock beside your bed so that you can turn it off at once
    4Being a punctual personone should sleep earlier to allow himself more than 7 hours' sleep
    5This passage is mainly about the importance of being punctual

    Do you seem to be late for work or school a lotBeing on time is very important for personal successIL earn to improve your chances for success with these tips for being right on timeall the time
    1Being punctual is very important for one's sccess
    2It is perhaps useful to set your watch just two minutes ahead
    3Try sleeping earlier to allow yourself no more than 7 hours' sleep
    4 Being a punctual personone should insist on being 15 minutes late for everything
    5To be punctual means that one should do everything on time

    Do yousometimesneed to go to meet some visitors at the arportWhat should you do
    when you meet themWhat should you talk aboutOn their arrivalyou should pay attention to the following
    1 When making introductionsyou should introduce the visitor in your organization first according to the passage
    2The introduction is usually followed by a brief and firm handshake
    3It is not friendly to ask about the visitor's journey
    4If you want to be more friendly and helpfulyou'd better help carry the luggage
    5 You should discuss the schedule with the visitors before they've scttled down

    HiXiao yanYou want to know about my gym
    1A yoga class is arranged on Tuesday morning
    2There are lots of bicycles in the gym
    3The best time to go to the gym is in the morning
    4There are many trainers in the evening
    5You can only pay by cash if you want to attend the classes

    Do yousometimesneed to go to meet some visitors at the airportWhat should you do when you meet themWhat should you talk aboutOn their arrivalyou should pay attention to the following points

    W]Whatever projects you doyou need to have a clear and accurate action planHere are a few ideas to make a good action plan
    1Whether you need to have a clear action plan depends on what kind of project you do
    2 SMART stands for suitablemeasurable achievablerelevanttimed
    3When making an action planyou'd better take possible difcultieses into consideration
    4Don't change your plan even if some unexpected events happen
    5This passage is mainly about how to make a good action plan

    1We don't need to clock in and out here
    2We shall be flying to South America this time next month
    3We'll telephone Helenbut she's out of reach
    4Follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished
    5George is traveling on businessand nobody else is in for the moment
    6He was too tired to say a word and went to bed at once
    7How long have you been working here
    8I am not particularly busy at the momentWhat's up
    9I have no idea of how to use my OA account
    10I like the working atmosphere here
    11I want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow
    12List information for any meetings you are going to atend
    13Many people don't listen to music and they can get along quite wel
    14New York University has fortyeight thousand students
    15Since we all want to set a good first impressionit is important to know the right shaking hands manners
    16Smile a lot and be as friendly as possible to everyone your meet
    17Sometimesthe most difficult part of forming a plan to solve a problem is that you're not exactly sure what the problem is
    18Thanks to our hard workwe can fulfill the task on time
    19Years agozoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages
    20You need to put the things which are similar together in a folder
    21Of courseit has special meaning for people like me
    22On their arivalyou should pay atention to the fllowing points
    23Once you've set a specific timelinethe next step is to take daily action and do your own part
    24Oncehoweverit failed to give the correcet time
    25People need to file documents that are sent to or received from by other people or organizations
    26Those who'd like to visit the exhibition sign your name here
    27Whether long or shortdocuments can be sent in seconds
    28Your life has changed and will get used to it
    29Your life has changed and you will get used to i
    30At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it
    31Do you want to fly first or economy class
    32was just wondering if 1 could come to your ofie and discuss the plan
    33If unexpected events stop you from finishing your tasksyou should change your plan
    34If you would rather not carry a planner with youconsider a desk planner that will sit comfortably on a tabl
    35I'll show you around and introduce you to other colleagues
    36I'm clling for the arrangement of the visit next month
    37It is better to do something right the first time than have to do it again
    38was just wondering if 1 could come to your ofie and discuss the plan
    39If unexpected events stop you from finishing your tasksyou should change your plan
    40If you would rather not carry a planner with youconsider a desk planner that will sit comfortably on a tabl
    41I'll show you around and introduce you to other colleagues
    42I'm clling for the arrangement of the visit next month
    43It is better to do something right the first time than have to do it again
    44The less clear you are about what you want to dothe less efective your plan will be
    45Think about it and answer mewhy are you so happy now
    46Will this be a oneway trip
    47W orkers in this factory are required to clock in and out
    49Years agozoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages





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