
    [短文]Can you imagine a world without the InternetIt's surprising to think about it[部资料]
    NowChina has more than 162 million Internet usersaccording to the China Internet Network Information CentreThis is the second highest number of user in the world after the United StatesToday66 of Chinese netizens (网民) are teenagersThey spend about thirteen hours every week onlinesaid Qian Hulinan Internet expert(专家)Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14 of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games
    The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for informationto communicate with others and to have funOn the Internetteenagers can find out almost anythingAnd surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge
    Li Donga teacher at No41 Middle School in Shijiazhuanglikes her students to use the InternetWhen we talk in classstudents who surf the Net usually know more background information than the othersshe said
    In additionpeople can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emailsMany teens keep in touch with their friends onlineIt is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker
    1________has the most Internet users in the world according to the article
    2There are about________Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week
    [答案]107 million young
    3Song said some teenagers continued________more than ten hours
    [答案]playing online games
    4Li Dong in No41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she________
    [答案]thinks her students can get more background information than the others
    5According to the passagewhich of the following is the cheapest and quickest way to learn something about friends far away
    [答案] Sending emails to them
    ADon't be discouraged
    BIt's expensiveisn't it
    CWhat's wronghoney
    DLet me have a try
    EBut I don't have much time to attend the classes
    David Ohmy GodI can't take it anymore
    Barbara {21}Take it easy[答案]C
    David I am tired of doing that boring workI just repeat doing the same thing every day
    Barbara I Cheer up You always do an excellent jobYour diligence and intelligence are always highly praised
    David Yesthat's in the pastI was full of ambitions beforebut now I have no passion for my careerIt's so terrible
    Barbara {22}Maybe you can register for some coursesIt can broaden yourknowledge and
    provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills[答案]A
    David It sounds great{23}[答案]E
    Barbara There are lots of professional training courses onlineCheck it on the InternetYou'11 find one suitable for you
    David {24}[答案]B
    Barbara Yesit is more expensive than attending traditional classesBut it's worth itI believe it can get you into a good mood and also help you learn something useful for the future
    David OK{25}[答案]D
    ADon't be discouraged
    BIt's expensiveisn't it
    CWhat's wronghoney
    DLet me have a try
    EBut I don't have much time to attend the classes
    David Ohmy GodI can't take it anymore
    Barbara {21}Take it easy[答案]C
    David I am tired of doing that boring workI just repeat doing the same thing every day
    Barbara I Cheer up You always do an excellent jobYour diligence and intelligence are always highly praised
    David Yesthat's in the pastI was full of ambitions beforebut now I have no passion for my careerIt's so terrible
    Barbara {22}Maybe you can register for some coursesIt can broaden yourknowledge and provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills[答案]A
    David It sounds great{23}[答案]E
    Barbara There are lots of professional training courses onlineCheck it on the InternetYou'11 find one suitable for you
    Barbara Yesit is more expensive than attending traditional classesBut it's worth itI believe it can get you into a good mood and also help you learn something useful for the future
    David OK{25}[答案]D
    [试题]David:Ohmy GodI can't take it anymore[部资料]
    Barbara:[[答案]What's wronghoney] Take it easy
    David:I am tired of doing that boring workI just repeat doing the same thing every day
    Barbara:Cheer up You always do an excellent jobYour diligence and intelligence are always highly praised
    David:Yesthat's in the pastI was full of ambitions beforebut now I have no passion for my careerIt's so terrible
    Barbara:[[答案]Don't be discouraged] Maybe you can register for some coursesIt can broaden your knowledge and provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills
    David:It sounds great[[答案]But I don't have much time to attend the classes]
    Barbara:There are lots of professional training courses onlineCheck it on the InternetYou'll find one suitable for you
    David:[[答案]It's expensiveisn't it]
    Barbara:Yesit is more expensive than attending traditional classesBut it's worth itI believe it can get you into a good mood and also help you learn something useful for the future
    David:OK[[答案]Let me have a try]
    Do you have the computer skills you should have to excel in school To get a good job in the first place The following six computer skills will help you get better grades and make yourself more valuable to employers
    Today the Internet makes the world go aroundYou can find information on just about everything on the Internetwhich will make studying so much quicker and easierJust be careful about your sources because not everything you read on the Internet is true
    Almost every company uses Email nowGet a personal email address freely at GoogleYahooHot mailand other places on the InternetPractice Emailing
    One Note
    One Noteby Microsoftis a wonderful tool for studentsFor about 100you can take and store notesorganize themshare themand do just about anything you want with themYour options appear on one page so you can access files immediatelyYou can add presentationspicturesaudio filesweb shotsetc
    Microsoft Office Word is used most often by the business world for word processingIt's today's typewriterYou'll create cleanermore professional papers and reports for school
    It will give you a leg up when you look for a job
    PowerPoint is the software used to create slide presentationsWhen you need to make a presentation in classthis is the tool that will help you present your information in a cleanprofessional wayRemember to keep it simple
    If you work with numbersExcel is your best friendIt will save you a ton of time because it calculates for youSet up a spread sheettell Excel how you want it to calculatefill in your figuresand voila You can't beat it
    1Why students must have the six Computer Skills
    [答案]Both A and B
    2Which of the following statement is not true
    [答案]You can trust on the information from the Internet
    3Where can't you get a personal Email address freely
    [答案]at Tmall
    4Which can be used to create slide presentations
    5What does calculates mean in It will save you a ton of time because it calculates for you
    [试题]DO YOU LIKE YOUR JOB[部资料]
    Mary and Linda are employees of a logistics companyThey are talking about the salary levels in the company
    MARY:Do you like your job
    LINDA:[[答案]I don't really like it]
    MARY:Why not
    LINDA:Because the salary is low[[答案]The cost of living is increasing dramatically these days]I always spend more money than I earn
    MARY:Don't complain too muchI thought you got a good salaryYour salary is much higher than the whitecollar average income of this city
    LINDA:Just 4000 yuan a month[[答案]It is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6000 yuan a month]
    MARY:But that's a really hard jobThey work long hours every day[[答案]and they have to
    deliver the goods in all weather conditions]You just sit in the comfortable office and don't have to work outside
    LINDA:Yeahthat's for sure
    MARY:[[答案]Your job is not difficult]You have no reason to complain
    LINDA:Maybe you're right
    Jane:Hiwelcome to Hal's Computer World[[答案]Can I help you]
    Smith:I would like to buy a computer for my sonI was told it is cheaper to buy computers hereDo you have any recommendations
    Jane:YesWe have plenty of choices for youSohome computer or a laptopwhich one does he like[[答案]Does he have any brand preference ]
    Smith:He prefers ASUS(华硕)laptopwhich is much more convenient
    Jane:I see[[答案]How about this one ] ASUS F83E335CrSLIt is really suitable for students
    Smith:Let me seeWellit's good but I don't think 320 GB is enough
    Jane:If you wish to upgrade the hard drivewe can definitely do soIt costs 150 to upgrade it from 320GB to 500GB
    Smith:GreatMy son likes keeping a lot of movies and pictures on the hard drive
    Jane:No problemI'll give you a more detailed brochure later
    Smith:Thank you[[答案]How much is it ] May I have a discount
    Jane:In total it costs 3900 yuanIf you pay for it on Saturday or Sunday this weekyou can actually get 5 percent off the usual sale price
    Smith:WowThat's really good[[答案]I'll come back to buy it this weekend]
    AYou don't need to go to the boss's office to give him the U disk
    BI've already done a bout4000 words
    CYeahI also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copy
    DNoI'm not sure how he wants ita hard copyon U disk or by email
    EHave you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet
    Sam HiHow's your report coming along
    Katie Not too bad{21}[答案]B
    Sam It's nearly finishedisn't it
    Katie YeahI've got to check the spellingthen scan and insert a few picturesdo a bit more copy and paste from other filesand it will be done
    Sam {22}[答案]E
    Katie HayeahEventually I had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it
    Sam Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet
    Katie {23}[答案]D
    Sam Maybe an email would be the easiest if the file size is not too large{24}He can read it on his computer when he has the timeIt saves papertoo[答案]A
    Katie {25}[答案]C
    SAM:HiHow's your report coming along
    KATIE:Not too bad[[答案]I've already done about4000 words]
    SAM:It's nearly finishedisn't it
    KATIE:YeahI've got to check the spellingthen scan and insert a few picturesdo a bit more copy and paste from other filesand it will be done
    SAM:[[答案]Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet]
    KATIE:HayeahEventually I had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it
    SAM:Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet
    KATIE:[[答案]NoI'm not sure how he wants ita hard copyon U disk or by email]
    SAM:Maybe an email would be the easiest if the file size is not too large[[答案]You don't need to go to the boss's office to give him the U disk] He can read it on his computer when he has the timeIt saves papertoo
    KATIE:[[答案]YeahI also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copy]
    ALEX:[[答案]Welcome to the company] We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what made you to choose our company
    SIMON:That's easy to answer It was your office ergonomics that convinced me
    ALEX:[[答案]Are you kidding] Something as simple as that
    SIMON:Yes It is very important to me My mother worked in offices for twenty yearsand she finally suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome I have been reading about repetitive stress injuries (RSI's)and I know that the office setup is very important
    ALEX:[[答案]Yesthere has been a lot of research into RSI's] Something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries
    SIMON:Your company pays attention to the staff's health In my opinion[[答案]that's a benefit in the long run]
    ALEX:Thank you We do value our staff and have an awareness of health care [[答案]Tell medid anything else influence your decision]
    SIMON:YesI noticed that you have professional training and teambuilding days I like the idea of working for a company that invests in its staff
    ALEX:Wellwelcome to the team
    Many of us spend plenty of our time at workbut rarely give much thought to how our environment might be affecting us
    Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappyA 2011 review of studies examined the effects of various types of office environmentsIt found that open offices can have a negative impact on workers when it comes to focusefficiencycreativity and job satisfaction12Howevera 2013 study found that employees with private offices were more satisfied at work
    A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration because of phones ringing and colleagues chattingtyping and moving aroundThese noises are the enemy of focus and meaningful time is lost
    Your working environment could be upping your stress levelsA recent Monster poll found that 42 percent of USworkers have left a job due to stressful environmentIt also found that 61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of illness
    A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of diseaseWe've all heard that sitting is the new smokingYour desk job could almost be killing youSitting at a desk all day can also contribute to aches and painswhile staring at a computer screen for hours can cause vision problems and headaches
    It's no exaggeration that your working environment is killing you alert
    1Many of us __________ pay much attention to our working environment
    2Open offices could make you __________
    [答案]inefficient and upset
    3It was found that employees with _________ were more satisfied at work
    [答案]private offices
    4According to the passage_________ are the enemy of focus
    5Staring at a computer screen for hours increases your chances of _________
    [答案]Both A and B
    MARRY:HiTim How do you like your new job
    TIM:I like it [[答案]But how did you know about my new job]
    MARRY:I just heard through the grapevine that you landed a job in a big car company [[答案]Can you fill me in on what has been happening]
    TIM:Oktwo weeks ago I got a tip that this company wanted to take on some experienced workers who have experience with wirelesselectrical carcharging technology
    MARRY:Oh[[答案]you happen to have that work experience]
    TIM:WellanywayI made a beeline over to their officehad an interview with the department managerand was told to start work the next day
    MARRY:That's really great [[答案]So what do you do there exactly]
    TIM:Right now I'm basically just an office workerbut if I'm given the chanceI want to become the Marketing Director there
    MARRY:Don't tell me you're already looking for a promotion
    TIM:Noof course not I've got a lot to learn yet In the meantime[[答案]I just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone's toes]
    MARRY:WellI wish you luck
    TIM:Thank you
    Miss Gao wants to invite Miss Smith for dinner They are discussing the dinner time
    MISS SMITH:Hello
    MISS GAO:Hellois that Miss Smith
    MISS SMITH:Yes Who is that
    MISS GAO:This is Miss Gao How are you
    MISS SMITH:Not too badthanks And you
    MISS GAO:[[答案]Fine I am making this call to see if you are free on Friday night] I'd like to invite you to dinner
    MISS SMITH:I'm terribly sorrybut I've already made some arrangements for Friday
    MISS GAO:What a pity How about Saturday [[答案]Are you available on Saturday]
    MISS SMITH:Saturday is OK I'm free on weekends
    MISS GAO:Great What time would you like to meet
    MISS SMITH:Whenever is OK for me I have no plans for that day What time do you suggest
    MISS GAO:[[答案]OKlet's say 630 pm]
    MISS SMITH:And where would you like to meet
    MISS GAO:I can pick you up at the gate of your company So what kind of food do you prefer Why not try Chinese food
    MISS SMITH:WellI'm not very familiar with Chinese cuisines[[答案]What can you recommend]
    MISS GAO:Wellhave you heard of Peking Duck It's a local specialty And a new Peking Duck restaurant opened last week in our industrial parkvery near to the recreation center Some of my colleagues say the roast duck there is really tasty
    MISS SMITH:Of course Peking Duck is worldfamous I would love to try it My mouth is watering now
    MISS GAO:All right[[答案]Let's try Peking duck] I think it won't disappoint us
    AYou need to check the suspensions regularly
    BLet me check
    CThat's really worth noting
    DCan a hard hat save my life
    EThank you for your detailed introduction
    Why Should You Adjust Your Hard Hat So It Fits Properly
    Two colleagues are heading for a construction site
    Robert Let's go to the worksite and see the progress
    Ben OKyou must remember to wear a hard hat
    Ben Of courseHard hats are important for protecting your head m open environments
    Robert Is my hat on properly
    Ben{22}First of alladjust the suspensions[答案]B
    Robert I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesn't fall offbut I don't want to make
    it so tight that it causes discomfortWhat should I do
    Ben You can adjust the chinstraps properly to fit around your chin
    Robert I seeDo you have any more information about safety
    Ben {23}because after years of wear and tearthe entire suspension system may need replacing[答案]A
    Ben And do not stuff the gaps of a hard hat or make changes to the hat's suspension harnessOtherwiseits effectiveness will be impacted
    Robert {25}Now I know how important a hard hat is in the highhazard construction industry[答案]E
    AThank you for your detailed introduction
    BYou need to check the suspensions regularly
    CLet me check
    DThat’s really worth noting
    ECan a hardhat save my life
    Why Should You Adjust Your Hard Hat So It Fits Properly
    Two colleagues are heading for a construction site
    Robert:Let's go to the work site and see the progress
    Ben:OKyou must remember to wear a hardhat
    Ben:Of courseHardhats are important for protecting your head in open environments
    Robert:Is my hat on properly
    Ben:{22}First of alladjust the suspensions
    Robert:I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesn't falloffbut I don't want to make it so tight that it causes discomfortWhat should I do
    Ben:You can adjust the chinstrap s properly to fit around your chin
    Robert:I seeDo you have anymore information about safety
    Ben:{23}because after years of wear and tearthe entire suspension system may need replacing
    Ben:And do not stuff the gaps of a hard hat or make changes to the hat's suspension harnessOtherwiseits effectiveness will be impacted
    Robert:{25}Now I know how important a hardhat is in the highhazard construction industry
    Two colleagues are heading for a construction site
    Robert:Let's go to the worksite and see the progress
    Ben:OKyou must remember to wear a hard hat
    Robert:[[答案]Can a hard hat save my life]
    Ben:Of courseHard hats are important for protecting your head in open environments
    Robert:Is my hat on properly
    Ben:[[答案]Let me check] First of alladjust the suspensions
    Robert:I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesn't fall offbut I don't want to make it so tight that it causes discomfortWhat should I do
    Ben:You can adjust the chinstraps properly to fit around your chin
    Robert:I seeDo you have any more information about safety
    Ben:[[答案]You need to check the suspensions regularly] because after years of wear and tearthe entire suspension system may need replacing
    Robert:[[答案]That's really worth noting]
    Ben:And do not stuff the gaps of a hard hat or make changes to the hat's suspension harnessOtherwiseits effectiveness will be impacted
    Robert:[[答案]Thank you for your detailed introduction]Now I know how important a hard hat is in the highhazard construction industry
    [试题]With the explosion of digital media in recent yearsa growing number of students are spending their time in front of the small screenwhether it's a Smartphone or tabletIn just two yearsthe number of US children using digital media has doubled to 72 percentaccording to a survey by Common Sense Media[部资料]
    On averagestudents spend about two hours a day in front of the screenWatching TV makes up half of this timeBut graduallythe time children spend watching TV is decreasingwith more and more time being given to digital mediaSome of the common things kids do with digital media are playing gameswatching videos and sending messages to friends
    The digital world can be used very effectivelyIn the survey74 percent of teachers said that digital media would improve students' learningAs students can quickly get hold of information they need
    Howeverwithout guidance from teachers or parentsdigital media may have bad influence on students' attention span and communication skillsSo it's always best to use your smartphone and tablet carefully
    When using digital mediayou need to find a balanceJust like studytoo much can lead to information overloadand give you a headacheAlsomake sure your smartphone or tablet doesn't take priority over more important tasksGive your eyes a restand remember:offline is just as fun as online
    1Two years agothe number of US children who use digital media made up _____
    2Which is not TRUE according to the passage
    [答案]Using digital media can improve students' communication skills
    3The underlined word overload in the last paragraph means _____ in Chinese
    4The article mentions that kids usually use digital media to _____
    ①play games
    ②send message to friends
    ③watch videos
    ④shop online
    5Why is the time children spend watching TV decreasing
    [答案]Because they turn to spend more time on digital media





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