
    1Is it possible for you to workout the plan tonight
    AI'11 do that BI think so cI'd love to
    2—How did your meeting go yesterday_actuallyit was really frustrating
    ANot so good BVery good CNothing special
    3I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of in on ths_we've been working hardbut still getting behind
    AYou're right BI'm afraid CI don't think so
    4—Will you help me arrange a meeting with MrBrownplease
    ANono way BNoI can't CSorry I can'tI have to finish my project right now
    5You'd better not push yourself too hardYou can ask the team and listen
    AYou are right BNo we can't do that Cl think it will kill our time
    6The team creates an environment_people are comfortable in communicatingadvocating
    positionsand taking action
    B Which
    Cin which
    7If I take the time to talk with my manager at the beginning of a projectwe___offto a great start on the same page
    Acan get
    B have got
    8They have come to the conclusion__ this winter will be even colder than before
    C which
    9On hearing the news of___the major exam again the girl burst into tears
    A her having failed
    Bshe failed
    Cher being failed
    10The reason
    he was absent from class yesterday was that he was ill and hospitalized
    C that
    11In high schoolI am equally comfortable__as a member of a team and independently
    Ato work
    C work
    12—Who should be responsible for the accident
    The bossnot the workersThey just carried out the order_
    Aas are told
    Bas told
    Cas they told
    13My leather shoes cost me_the last pairs 1 bought
    Athree times as
    Bthree time as
    Cthree times as much as
    14Without human resourcesno organization can the groundlet alone do business and
    make profits
    Aget off
    Bget up
    Cget on
    15We with achievement
    Bare obsessed
    Ccatch up
    16Current opinion among politicians is that she is_ stands for her principles
    A encourage
    17Good work good pay
    B Requests
    18At a rough_ we will take another four weeks to finish this plan
    19To build the reservoir(水库)thousands of people have to be_
    B Repeated
    20We need_comm uni cation skills listen carefullythink before you speak and manage
    conflicts diplomatically
    Passage 1
    The meaning ofcommunication goes a lot deeper than people often think Communicat ion s about conceiving sending receiving and interpreting messages as well as confi rming reception of these messagesA failure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communicat ion
    Ineffective communication can be di sastrous There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the messageSend reinforcements we' re going to advance back to his Command Center through along chain of subordinates Then the message final ly reached the Command Centerit hadmutated to becomeSend three and four pence we' re going to a dance The reinforcements never arrived
    You can demonstrate this same principle albeit on a less dramatic scale by trying to play Chinese Whispers wi th more than 20 people It is highly unl ikely the same message you started with will be the one you end with
    In a business there are three main types of conmunication failure Each has its own indicative signs
    ●The first type is known as allocative failure This occurs when a firm is not gathering
    enough intelligence about its market or (most often)the information is not reaching the right points The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failurethen stocks will fall and there will be understaffing If the inverse happensthere will be a surplus of stocks and over staffing
    ●The second type is executive failurewhere communication to trigger specific eventsactions is either late lacking or in error The symptoms of this area general loss of direction in the company or departments a loss of coordination and an increase in complaints from customers as things happen late or not at all
    ●The final type is human failure This occurs when the general culture of a business or he relat ionships between particular individuals or departments do not foster effective communication This leads to alienated staff an increase in staff turnover an increase in absenteeism and general frustration among staff Creativity especially that which takes place across departmental boundaries is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips
    21 Confirming reception of the sent messages means
    A the messages are sent to right receivers
    B the messages are correctly understood
    C the messages are correctly understood by right receivers
    22 In the famous British Army Commander story which step probably did NOT go wrong in the communication chain
    A Conceiving
    B Sending
    C Receiving
    23 What is Chinese whispers
    A Who whispers in Chinese
    BA game to pass message around in a whi sper
    C Chinese people who don' t normally talk very loudly
    24 Allocative failure does NOT happen when
    A the right information goes to the right place
    Ba company gathers false informat ion
    C the correct information is not received by the right department or person
    25 According to the passage which of the folloring cases does NOT belong to human fai lure
    A Decreasing creativity across departments
    B Inadequate communicat ion between depar tments
    C Increasing cus tomer complaints
    2630题请根短文容判断出语句否正确正确写T 错误写P答案写答题纸
    Passage 2
    Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smart phone pyramid with three factors 1) that Nokia was technically inferior to Apple 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn' t see the disruptive iPhone coming
    It has also been argued that it was none of the above Nokia lost the smart phone battle because of divergent shared fears among the company' s middle and top managers which led to company wide inertia that left it powerless to respond to Apple' s game
    Based on the findings of an indepth investigation and 76 interviews with top and middle managersengineers and external experts the researchers discovered a culture of fear due to temperamental leaders and that fri ghtened middle managers were scared of telling the truth
    The fear that froze the company came from two places First the company' s top managers had a terrifying reputation Some members of Nokia' s board and top management were descr ibed asextremely temperamentaland they regularly shouted at peopleat the top of their lungs
    It was very difficult to tell them things they didn' t want to hear Secondly top managers were afraid of the external environment and not meeting their quarterly targetswhich also impacted how they treated middle managers
    Top managers thus made middle managers afraid of disappointing them Middle managers were told that they were not ambitious enough to meet top managers' goals
    Fearing the reactions of top managersmiddle managers remained silent or provided optimisticfiltered information Thus middle managers directly lied to top management
    Worsea culture of status inside Nokia made everyone want to hold onto vested power for fear of resources being allocated elsewhere if they delivered bad news or showed that they were not bold or ambitious enough to undertake chal lenging assi gnments
    Beyond verbal pressure top managers also applied pressure for faster performance in personnel se lection This led middle managers to over promise and under deliver One middle manager told us that you can get resources by promising something earlier or promising a lot It' s sales work
    Whi le modest fear might be healthy for motivation abusing it can be like overusing a drugwhich risks generating harmful side effects To reduce this risk leaders should coordinate with the varied emotions of the staff Nokia' s top managers should have encouraged safe dialogueinternal coordination and feedback to understand the true emotion in the organi zation
    26 Nokia lost the smart phone battle because its technology is not as good as that of AppleF
    27 Nokia' s middle managers were frank to tell the truth but the top ones didn't listen to them F
    28 Nokia' s top managers were too moody to hear anything good but harsh T
    29 Middle managers in Nokia delivered results more than they promised earlier F
    30 Nokia' s top managers should have had better conversation techniques to encourage internal coordination and truthT
    Write at least 100 words about an event caused by di fferent unders tandings of the workplace culture You may need to include the 5Ws and 1H elements (whowhenwhere whywhat and how)
    您需包括5W1H元素(谁时什 什)
    答In company workplace culture there is a big difference between Chinese and Westerners in terms of communicative language Chinese people mostly useHave you eaten Where are you going and so on when meeting each other every day which reflects a kind of int imacy between people But for Westerners this way of greeting will make the other party feel suddenembarrassed and even unpl easantbecause Westerners will understand this kind of questioning as a kind of interrogation and feel that the other party is asking about their private life If you don' t understand this difference between Eastern and Western cul tures unnecessary contradictions will arise





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