
    Electronic Banking Electronic banking orebanking has radically changed the way customers can do bankingBefore ebanking if you wanted to check an account balance you physically had to go to the bank branch
    Now there are many banking methods availableATMs have become very useful because they allow you to check balances make deposits withdraw funds and transfer moneyTelephone banking enables you to conduct electronic funds transfer check balances and pay billsMobile banking functions nearly the same as telephone banking except that information is carried by Short Message ServiceOnline banking provides you with many more servicesThey include changing account details like address and password arranging bill payments viewing transactions and transferring money between accounts
    It is important to protect your personal information when banking onlineYou should clear your cookies after each banking session and make sure that your password is long enough to prevent it from being easily hacked
    26How did people check how much money they had in their bank account before ebanking
    AThey telephoned the bank
    BThey wrote to the bank
    CWhey went to a bank to check it
    27There are banking methods mentioned in the passage
    28According to the passage you can through telephone banking
    Achange account details
    Bmake deposits
    Cconduct electronic funds transfer
    29Mobile banking provides online banking
    Afewer services than
    Bas many services as
    Cthe same services as
    30How can we protect our personal information when we conduct online banking
    AWe can clean the computer whenever we use it
    BWe only check our own account balances
    CWe can set longer password to make it difficult for hackers
    Bob:We've undertaken so many changes over the past few monthsI'd like to
    know how things are shaping up
    john:There have certainly been some challenges but I'd say we're on track to hit our
    targets for the year's end
    Bob:Where do you think our greatest advantage lies in our competition
    john:We're taking advantage of the economies of scaleWe've been able to reduce our
    price point which gives us the advantage over the competition in pricing
    Bob:OurnewsupplychainhasreallybeenpushedbythemanagementWe’re also thinking about expanding this strategy to other segments of the market
    john:It's been tough on our competition they just can't keep upNot only that but our uniqueness(独二性) is finally being perceived by a wider audience
    Bob:Our breadth really can't be beatMarketing's also been doing excellent job on getting that message out
    john:Our sportswear line combines durability(耐久性)uniqueness and comfortat an incredibly affordable priceCan't beat that
    Bob:We're also taking advantage of social media such as the Facebook Twitter and other social networking tools to get the message outIt's a new territory(领域) but we need to continue to hone that message
    john:Social media is an entirely new gameMarketing's brought in some consulting specialists to help us take advantage of these new technologies
    26How is the company doing currently
    ARather badly
    BRather well
    CModerately well
    27Where does the greatest advantage lie in their competition
    ANew marketing schemes
    BWide range of activities
    CEconomies of scale
    28What quality of the company is being perceived by a wider audience
    AThe company's quality
    BThe company's growth
    CThe company's uniqueness
    29What tool is the marketing department using to get their message out
    ASocial media
    CMarketing chain
    30What steps has the marketing department taken to improve their understanding of social media
    AIt has created a new job for social media
    BIt has consulted some consultants
    CIt has ignored social media
    We are disappointed to learn from your letter of March 15that50out of the 3000 cartons of Herbs supplied to your Order NoDF3 were found deteriorated on arrival at the port of destination
    We have been exporting Herbs for many yearsAll our goods were carefully inspected before shipment by China Commodity Inspection Bureau and were found to be of standard quality and enjoy a good reputation on international marketsBut for any possible deterioration for which we are found liable we shall always be ready to compensate
    For this particular transaction however we have to point that the goods were in good condition when shipped which was clearly stated in the clean Bill of LadingWe thereforeare certain they were damaged or stained through careless handling while in transit or they were put in the open and damaged by rain
    Should you wish to place an order for a new batch of 50 cartons to makeup for your deteriorated goods please let us know and we will be willing to do so
    Yours faithfully
    Tom White
    26Why does Tom White feel disappointed
    A50out of the 3000 cartons of Herbs supplied were found deteriorated
    BHe received a complaint letter from the client
    CThe goods were delivered late
    27How were all the Herbs before shipment
    AThey were found deteriorated
    BThey were found to be of standard quality
    CThey were found in poor quality
    28Is Tom White willing to compensate the loss of the client
    ANo he doesn't think it is his fault
    BNo he thinks the transportation company should compensate
    CYeshe is willing to compensate for their loss
    29Which might not be the reason of the damage
    ATom's company didn't inspect it clearly
    BThey were damaged or stained through careless handling while in transit
    CThey were put in the open and damaged by rain
    30How will Tom's company makeup for the Herbs damaged
    AThey will send all the goods again
    BThey will ask the insurance company to compensate
    CThey will ask the client to order another 50 cartons
    Product Advertising Product advertising is an important part of marketingIt aims at in er easing sales by making a product or service known to a wider audience and by emphasizing its positive qualitiesA company can advertise in various ways depending on how much it wishes to spendThere are different media for advertising including television radio newspapersmagazinesthe Internet and direct mailThe design and organization of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agencyA good advertising program tells potential customers why they need the product how it is used and the benefits derived from its useA successful program also tells the consumer how the product is better than similar offerings by competitors Corporate advertising is not directly concerned with increasing the sales of a particular product or servicebut more with the brand image and reputation a company wants to present to the general public or within an industryCorporate advertising comes in three different types:image advertising opinion advertising and investment advertisingImage advertising attempts to promote the importance of a companyOpinion advertising presents the impression of doing a public service by addressing the importance of a companyInvestment advertising is designed to attract potential investors
    26Generally speaking what's an advertising agency responsible for
    ATelling customers what they need to buy
    BEmphasizing positive qualities of products
    CDesigning and organizing advertisements for customers
    27Companies can choose how to advertise their products according to________
    Atheir product quality
    Btheir advertising budget
    Ccustomers’ likes and dislikes
    28A good advertising program can tell people________
    Ahow they can benefit from using the product
    Bwhere the product is produced
    Chow the product is different
    29________is more interested in increasing the sales of products
    AProduct advertising
    BSuccessful advertising
    CCorporate advertising
    30Corporate advertising aims to buildup the company's general________
    Asales volume
    Bpositive qualities
    Cimage and reputation
    Electronic Banking
    Electronic banking orebanking has radically changed the way customers can do bankingBefore ebanking if you wanted to check an account balance you physically had to go to the bank branch
    Now there are many banking methods available ATM s have become very useful because they allow you to check balancesmake depositswithdraw funds and transfer moneyTelephone banking enables you to conduct electronic funds transfer check balances and pay billsMobile banking functions nearly the same as telephone banking except that information is carried by Short Message ServiceOnline banking provides you with many more servicesThey include changing account details like address and password arranging bill payments viewing transactions and transferring money between accounts
    It is important to protect your personal information when banking onlineYou should clear your cookies after each banking session and make sure that your password is long enough to prevent it from being easily hacked
    26How did people check how much money they had in their bank account before ebanking
    AThey telephoned the bank
    BThey wrote to the bank
    CWhey went to a bank to check it
    27There are banking methods mentioned in the passage
    28According to the passage you can through telephone banking
    Achange account details
    Bmake deposits
    Cconduct electronic funds transfer
    29Mobile banking provides online banking
    Amore services than
    Bas many services as
    Cthe same services as
    30How can we protect our personal information when we conduct online banking
    AWe can clean the computer whenever we use it
    BWe only check our own account balances
    CWe can set longer password to make it difficult for hackers
    Business Ethics
    Nowadays more and more attention is being paid toBusiness EthicsBut what does it meanWhat is the importance of ethics in business
    Business ethics is not about personality though a good personality is
    valuableEthics is the primary element and prerequisite for a successful businessNo matter what you do you should think of business as a matter of integrityNowadays the slip in ethics and the absence of social responsibility especially integrity have led to a crisis in businessseriously influencing social development
    Events resulting from a loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect society in many unfortunate waysMost people know the importance of business ethics but still some people don't honor themWe often hear media reports on problems in business such as adding harmful materials to productsThese behaviors cause much damage to consumerswho spend money but do not get quality goods especially when these commodities do great harm to their healthIt is difficult for people to forget the case in which some children consumed unsafe milk powder produced by a few immoral businesses and their health suffered serious damage as a resultPeople can’t bear this kind of behavior and the businesses responsible must be closed down and the related personnel be punished
    26What's the primary component for a prosperous business
    AGood management
    BReliable credit status
    CBusiness ethics
    27What is the influence of losing integrity
    AIt hinders social development
    BIt worsens the company's reputation
    CIt reduces people's trust between each other
    28What is people's attitude towards business ethics
    AAll people pay attention to business ethics
    BLots of people know its importance but some still don't honor it
    CMost people attach importance to it and follow it
    29Which of the following items is NOT mentioned in this passage
    ANowadays the absence of ethics especially integrity has led to a crisis in business world
    BManufacture's immoral behaviors do little harm to consumers
    CMedia is very important for people to know more about commodities
    30What is the author's attitude toward immoral behaviors in business
    CIn different
    Bob:We've undertaken so many changes over the past few monthsI'd like to know how things are shaping up
    John:There have certainly been some challenges but I'd say we're on track
    to hit our targets for the year's end
    Bob:Where do you think our greatest advantage lies in our competition
    John:We're taking advantage of the economies of scaleWe've been able to reduce our price point which gives us the advantage over the competition in pricing
    Bob:OurnewsupplychainhasreallybeenpushedbythemanagementWe're also thinking about expanding this strategy to other segments of the market
    John:It's been tough on our competition they just can't keep upNot only that but our uniqueness(独二性) is finally being perceived by a wider audience
    Bob:Our breadth really can't be beatMarketing’s also been doing excellent job on getting that message out
    John:Our sportswear line combines durability(耐久性) uniqueness and comfortat an incredibly affordable priceCan't beat that
    Bob:We're also taking advantage of social media such as the Facebook Twitter and other social networking tools to get the message outIt's a new territory(领域) but we need to continue to hone that message
    John:Social media is an entirely new gameMarketing’s brought in some consulting specialists to help us take advantage of these new technologies
    21How is the company doing currently
    ARather badly
    BRather well
    CModerately well
    22Where does the greatest advantage lie in their competition
    ANew marketing schemes
    BWide range of activities
    CEconomies of scale
    23What quality of the company is being perceived by a wider audience
    AThe company's quality
    BThe company's growth
    CThe company’s uniqueness
    24What tool is the marketing department using to get their message out
    ASocial media
    CMarketing chain
    25What steps has the marketing department taken to improve their understanding of social media
    AIt has created a new job for social media
    BIt has consulted some consultants
    CIt has ignored social media
    Far East:Logistical Solution
    June 1 2016
    Dear MrAnderson
    We appreciate very much the cooperation you have always extended to usI provide more information below about our company and the services we offer for your reference
    Far East is a specialist logistics service providerWe operate in sectors of commerce and industry where flexible solutions are required We're flexible adaptable and innovativeEverything we do is about your businessWe will tailor our services to your exact needs or provide a unique solution
    An example of a recent action was the delivery of sandbags to Rowlands Castle this weekOur customer urgently required the delivery due to the local flooding
    Alsothe customer worked nights so we had to make the delivery fit with her work scheduleTo make it more manageable we divided the sandbags on to two pallets
    On arrival our staff parked in one foot deep water and assisted the customer with placing the sandbags so that they stopped her property from being floodedNeedless to sayour customer was very happy with the quality of service
    The fact is that we care about our customers and we are passionate about cur servicesThank you for your attention
    Yours sincerely
    Lin Hanxue(Ms)
    Logistics Officer
    26Lin Hanxue thanks MrAnderson_________
    Afor his kindness
    Bto get more help
    Cfor their joint work
    27Far East is a specialist logistics service provider which_________
    Aworks at night
    Bis flexible adaptable and innovative
    Cprovides information
    28The customer urgently asked them to deliver the sandbags_________
    Abecause they care about the customer's business
    Bbecause they can split down the sandbags into two pallets
    Cto stop her property from being flooded
    29They divided the sandbags on to two pallets_________
    Ato make the delivery fit with the requirements
    Bbecause they are too heavy
    Cto make it easy to handle
    30The main purpose of the letter is to show that_________
    AFar East cares about their customers and they are passionate about their service
    Btheir customers are very happy with the quality of service
    Can example of their latest actions
    Personal Income Tax Rate
    Personal Income Tax Rate(monthly)
    (Valid from Sept1 2011)
    tax rate() (TR)
    simple coefficient(SC)
    less than 1 500
    Over 80 000
    The above table shows individual income tax in ChinaThe tax free threshold is 3 500 RMB per monthThe tax rates are divided into 7 bracketsThe lowest rate is 3for income between 3 501 and 5 000 while the highest rate is 45for income over 83 500Thereforethe higher our income is the more tax we should pay
    Tax which can be used in public services such as education road construction public health and soon is very important to our countryAs we all know tax makes up a great part of our country's revenue and the development of our country depends on it
    From what has been discussed above we can see that it is everyone's legal duty to pay tax because taxes contribute to the country and create benefits for everyoneThose who try to evade taxation are sure to be punishedIn short paying taxis our responsibility to society
    26If your income is3450RMBa month the tax rate for you is_________
    27Tax rate for income over 85000 is_________
    Bthe same
    28Countries depend_________on tax for their revenue
    29Taxes contribute to_________and the country
    Apersonal income
    Bpublic services
    Cpeople's responsibilities
    30It can be inferred from the text that the author_________
    Asupports the idea of paying necessary tax
    Bdoesn't want to pay his tax next year
    Csometimes evades taxation
    Roles and Functions of Banks
    The roles and functions of banks have changed over the yearsToday the services that a bank offers depend on the type of bank and the countryMany of the larger banks may deal in financial instruments such as share certificates certificates of deposit and bills of exchangeA financial instrument is a legal documentIt shows that money has been lent or borrowed invested or passed from one account to another
    Some banks also offer online banking and insurance to their customersHowever one of the basic functions of a bank is to provide services related to the storing and management of moneyThese services include accepting deposits making loans paying or charging interesttransferring and investing money providing ATM networks and soonNowadays online banking allows us to have more choices and services including opening accountstransferring money between accounts paying bills and even getting loans
    26Different types of bank may offer_________
    Adifferent functions
    Bdifferent services
    Cdifferent roles
    27_________banks may provide services about financial instruments
    28A financial instrument proves that_________is transferred from one account to another in a certain way
    Ba service
    Ca legal document
    29_________is one of the basic functions of a bank
    BOffering bills of exchange
    CStoring and management of money
    30_________provides more choices and services
    AATM network
    BOnline banking
    CAn financial instrument





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